]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-docs.git/blob - pveum.adoc
[pve-docs.git] / pveum.adoc
1 [[chapter_user_management]]
3 [[user_mgmt]]
5 ifdef::manvolnum[]
6 pveum(1)
7 ========
8 :pve-toplevel:
11 ----
13 pveum - Proxmox VE User Manager
17 --------
19 include::pveum.1-synopsis.adoc[]
23 -----------
24 endif::manvolnum[]
25 ifndef::manvolnum[]
26 User Management
27 ===============
28 :pve-toplevel:
29 endif::manvolnum[]
31 // Copied from pve wiki: Revision as of 16:10, 27 October 2015
33 {pve} supports multiple authentication sources, for example Linux PAM,
34 an integrated Proxmox VE authentication server, LDAP, Microsoft Active
35 Directory and OpenID Connect.
37 By using role-based user and permission management for all objects (VMs,
38 Storage, nodes, etc.), granular access can be defined.
41 [[pveum_users]]
42 Users
43 -----
45 {pve} stores user attributes in `/etc/pve/user.cfg`.
46 Passwords are not stored here; users are instead associated with the
47 <<pveum_authentication_realms,authentication realms>> described below.
48 Therefore, a user is often internally identified by their username and
49 realm in the form `<userid>@<realm>`.
51 Each user entry in this file contains the following information:
53 * First name
54 * Last name
55 * E-mail address
56 * Group memberships
57 * An optional expiration date
58 * A comment or note about this user
59 * Whether this user is enabled or disabled
60 * Optional two-factor authentication keys
62 CAUTION: When you disable or delete a user, or if the expiry date set is
63 in the past, this user will not be able to log in to new sessions or start new
64 tasks. All tasks which have already been started by this user (for example,
65 terminal sessions) will **not** be terminated automatically by any such event.
68 System administrator
69 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
71 The system's root user can always log in via the Linux PAM realm and is an
72 unconfined administrator. This user cannot be deleted, but attributes can
73 still be changed. System mails will be sent to the email address
74 assigned to this user.
77 [[pveum_groups]]
78 Groups
79 ------
81 Each user can be a member of several groups. Groups are the preferred
82 way to organize access permissions. You should always grant permissions
83 to groups instead of individual users. That way you will get a
84 much more maintainable access control list.
86 [[pveum_tokens]]
87 API Tokens
88 ----------
90 API tokens allow stateless access to most parts of the REST API from another
91 system, software or API client. Tokens can be generated for individual users
92 and can be given separate permissions and expiration dates to limit the scope
93 and duration of the access. Should the API token get compromised, it can be
94 revoked without disabling the user itself.
96 API tokens come in two basic types:
98 * Separated privileges: The token needs to be given explicit access with ACLs.
99 Its effective permissions are calculated by intersecting user and token
100 permissions.
101 * Full privileges: The token's permissions are identical to that of the
102 associated user.
104 CAUTION: The token value is only displayed/returned once when the token is
105 generated. It cannot be retrieved again over the API at a later time!
107 To use an API token, set the HTTP header 'Authorization' to the displayed value
108 of the form `PVEAPIToken=USER@REALM!TOKENID=UUID` when making API requests, or
109 refer to your API client's documentation.
111 [[pveum_resource_pools]]
112 Resource Pools
113 --------------
115 [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-pool-window.png"]
117 A resource pool is a set of virtual machines, containers, and storage
118 devices. It is useful for permission handling in cases where certain users
119 should have controlled access to a specific set of resources, as it allows for a
120 single permission to be applied to a set of elements, rather than having to
121 manage this on a per-resource basis. Resource pools are often used in tandem
122 with groups, so that the members of a group have permissions on a set of
123 machines and storage.
125 [[pveum_authentication_realms]]
126 Authentication Realms
127 ---------------------
129 As {pve} users are just counterparts for users existing on some external
130 realm, the realms have to be configured in `/etc/pve/domains.cfg`.
131 The following realms (authentication methods) are available:
133 Linux PAM Standard Authentication::
135 Linux PAM is a framework for system-wide user authentication. These users are
136 created on the host system with commands such as `adduser`. If PAM users exist
137 on the {pve} host system, corresponding entries can be added to {pve}, to allow
138 these users to log in via their system username and password.
140 {pve} Authentication Server::
142 This is a Unix-like password store, which stores hashed passwords in
143 `/etc/pve/priv/shadow.cfg`. Passwords are hashed using the SHA-256 hashing
144 algorithm. This is the most convenient realm for small-scale (or even
145 mid-scale) installations, where users do not need access to anything outside of
146 {pve}. In this case, users are fully managed by {pve} and are able to change
147 their own passwords via the GUI.
149 LDAP::
151 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open, cross-platform protocol
152 for authentication using directory services. OpenLDAP is a popular open-source
153 implementations of the LDAP protocol.
155 Microsoft Active Directory (AD)::
157 Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is a directory service for Windows domain
158 networks and is supported as an authentication realm for {pve}. It supports LDAP
159 as an authentication protocol.
161 OpenID Connect::
163 OpenID Connect is implemented as an identity layer on top of the OATH 2.0
164 protocol. It allows clients to verify the identity of the user, based on
165 authentication performed by an external authorization server.
167 [[user-realms-pam]]
168 Linux PAM Standard Authentication
169 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
171 As Linux PAM corresponds to host system users, a system user must exist on each
172 node which the user is allowed to log in on. The user authenticates with their
173 usual system password. This realm is added by default and can't be removed. In
174 terms of configurability, an administrator can choose to require two-factor
175 authentication with logins from the realm and to set the realm as the default
176 authentication realm.
179 [[user-realms-pve]]
180 {pve} Authentication Server
181 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
183 The {pve} authentication server realm is a simple Unix-like password store.
184 The realm is created by default, and as with Linux PAM, the only configuration
185 items available are the ability to require two-factor authentication for users
186 of the realm, and to set it as the default realm for login.
188 Unlike the other {pve} realm types, users are created and authenticated entirely
189 through {pve}, rather than authenticating against another system. Hence, you are
190 required to set a password for this type of user upon creation.
193 [[user-realms-ldap]]
194 LDAP
195 ~~~~
197 You can also use an external LDAP server for user authentication (for examle,
198 OpenLDAP). In this realm type, users are searched under a 'Base Domain Name'
199 (`base_dn`), using the username attribute specified in the 'User Attribute Name'
200 (`user_attr`) field.
202 A server and optional fallback server can be configured, and the connection can
203 be encrypted via SSL. Furthermore, filters can be configured for directories and
204 groups. Filters allow you to further limit the scope of the realm.
206 For instance, if a user is represented via the following LDIF dataset:
208 ----
209 # user1 of People at ldap-test.com
210 dn: uid=user1,ou=People,dc=ldap-test,dc=com
211 objectClass: top
212 objectClass: person
213 objectClass: organizationalPerson
214 objectClass: inetOrgPerson
215 uid: user1
216 cn: Test User 1
217 sn: Testers
218 description: This is the first test user.
219 ----
221 The 'Base Domain Name' would be `ou=People,dc=ldap-test,dc=com` and the user
222 attribute would be `uid`.
224 If {pve} needs to authenticate (bind) to the LDAP server before being
225 able to query and authenticate users, a bind domain name can be
226 configured via the `bind_dn` property in `/etc/pve/domains.cfg`. Its
227 password then has to be stored in `/etc/pve/priv/ldap/<realmname>.pw`
228 (for example, `/etc/pve/priv/ldap/my-ldap.pw`). This file should contain a
229 single line with the raw password.
231 To verify certificates, you need to set `capath`. You can set it either
232 directly to the CA certificate of your LDAP server, or to the system path
233 containing all trusted CA certificates (`/etc/ssl/certs`).
234 Additionally, you need to set the `verify` option, which can also be done over
235 the web interface.
237 The main configuration options for an LDAP server realm are as follows:
239 * `Realm` (`realm`): The realm identifier for {pve} users
241 * `Base Domain Name` (`base_dn`): The directory which users are searched under
243 * `User Attribute Name` (`user_attr`): The LDAP attribute containing the
244 username that users will log in with
246 * `Server` (`server1`): The server hosting the LDAP directory
248 * `Fallback Server` (`server2`): An optional fallback server address, in case
249 the primary server is unreachable
251 * `Port` (`port`): The port that the LDAP server listens on
253 NOTE: In order to allow a particular user to authenticate using the LDAP server,
254 you must also add them as a user of that realm from the {pve} server. This can
255 be carried out automatically with <<pveum_ldap_sync, syncing>>.
258 [[user-realms-ad]]
259 Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
260 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
262 To set up Microsoft AD as a realm, a server address and authentication domain
263 need to be specified. Active Directory supports most of the same properties as
264 LDAP, such as an optional fallback server, port, and SSL encryption.
265 Furthermore, users can be added to {pve} automatically via
266 <<pveum_ldap_sync, sync>> operations, after configuration.
268 As with LDAP, if {pve} needs to authenticate before it binds to the AD server,
269 you must configure the 'Bind User' (`bind_dn`) property. This property is
270 typically required by default for Microsoft AD.
272 The main configuration settings for Microsoft Active Directory are:
274 * `Realm` (`realm`): The realm identifier for {pve} users
276 * `Domain` (`domain`): The AD domain of the server
278 * `Server` (`server1`): The FQDN or IP address of the server
280 * `Fallback Server` (`server2`): An optional fallback server address, in case
281 the primary server is unreachable
283 * `Port` (`port`): The port that the Microsoft AD server listens on
285 [[pveum_ldap_sync]]
286 Syncing LDAP-Based Realms
287 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
289 [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-realm-add-ldap.png"]
291 It's possible to automatically sync users and groups for LDAP-based realms (LDAP
292 & Microsoft Active Directory), rather than having to add them to {pve} manually.
293 You can access the sync options from the Add/Edit window of the web interface's
294 `Authentication` panel or via the `pveum realm add/modify` commands. You can
295 then carry out the sync operation from the `Authentication` panel of the GUI or
296 using the following command:
298 ----
299 pveum realm sync <realm>
300 ----
302 Users and groups are synced to the cluster-wide configuration file,
303 `/etc/pve/user.cfg`.
306 Attributes to Properties
307 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
309 If the sync response includes user attributes, they will be synced into the
310 matching user property in the `user.cfg`. For example: `firstname` or
311 `lastname`.
313 If the names of the attributes are not matching the {pve} properties, you can
314 set a custom field-to-field map in the config by using the `sync_attributes`
315 option.
317 How such properties are handled if anything vanishes can be controlled via the
318 sync options, see below.
320 Sync Configuration
321 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
323 The configuration options for syncing LDAP-based realms can be found in the
324 `Sync Options` tab of the Add/Edit window.
326 The configuration options are as follows:
328 * `Bind User` (`bind_dn`): Refers to the LDAP account used to query users
329 and groups. This account needs access to all desired entries. If it's set, the
330 search will be carried out via binding; otherwise, the search will be carried
331 out anonymously. The user must be a complete LDAP formatted distinguished name
332 (DN), for example, `cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com`.
334 * Groupname attr. (group_name_attr): Represents the
335 users' groups. Only entries which adhere to the usual character limitations of
336 the `user.cfg` are synced. Groups are synced with `-$realm` attached to the
337 name, in order to avoid naming conflicts. Please ensure that a sync does not
338 overwrite manually created groups.
340 * `User classes` (`user_classes`): Objects classes associated with users.
342 * `Group classes` (`group_classes`): Objects classes associated with groups.
344 * `E-Mail attribute`: If the LDAP-based server specifies user email addresses,
345 these can also be included in the sync by setting the associated attribute
346 here. From the command line, this is achievable through the
347 `--sync_attributes` parameter.
349 * `User Filter` (`filter`): For further filter options to target specific users.
351 * `Group Filter` (`group_filter`): For further filter options to target specific
352 groups.
354 NOTE: Filters allow you to create a set of additional match criteria, to narrow
355 down the scope of a sync. Information on available LDAP filter types and their
356 usage can be found at https://ldap.com/ldap-filters/[ldap.com].
358 [[pveum_ldap_sync_options]]
359 Sync Options
360 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
362 [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-realm-add-ldap-sync-options.png"]
364 In addition to the options specified in the previous section, you can also
365 configure further options that describe the behavior of the sync operation.
367 These options are either set as parameters before the sync, or as defaults via
368 the realm option `sync-defaults-options`.
370 The main options for syncing are:
372 * `Scope` (`scope`): The scope of what to sync. It can be either `users`,
373 `groups` or `both`.
375 * `Enable new` (`enable-new`): If set, the newly synced users are enabled and
376 can log in. The default is `true`.
378 * `Remove Vanished` (`remove-vanished`): This is a list of options which, when
379 activated, determine if they are removed when they are not returned from
380 the sync response. The options are:
382 - `ACL` (`acl)`: Remove ACLs of users and groups which were not returned
383 returned in the sync response. This most often makes sense together with
384 `Entry`.
386 - `Entry` (`entry`): Removes entries (i.e. users and groups) when they are
387 not returned in the sync response.
389 - `Properties` (`properties`): Removes properties of entries where the user
390 in the sync response did not contain those attributes. This includes
391 all properties, even those never set by a sync. Exceptions are tokens
392 and the enable flag, these will be retained even with this option enabled.
394 * `Preview` (`dry-run`): No data is written to the config. This is useful if you
395 want to see which users and groups would get synced to the `user.cfg`.
397 [[pveum_ldap_reserved_characters]]
398 Reserved characters
399 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
401 Certain characters are reserved (see https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2253.txt[RFC2253]) and cannot be
402 easily used in attribute values in DNs without being escaped properly.
404 Following characters need escaping:
406 * Space ( ) at the beginning or end
407 * Number sign (`#`) at the beginning
408 * Comma (`,`)
409 * Plus sign (`+`)
410 * Double quote (`"`)
411 * Forward slashes (`/`)
412 * Angle brackets (`<>`)
413 * Semicolon (`;`)
414 * Equals sign (`=`)
416 To use such characters in DNs, surround the attribute value in double quotes.
417 For example, to bind with a user with the CN (Common Name) `Example, User`, use
418 `CN="Example, User",OU=people,DC=example,DC=com` as value for `bind_dn`.
420 This applies to the `base_dn`, `bind_dn`, and `group_dn` attributes.
422 NOTE: Users with colons and forward slashes cannot be synced since these are
423 reserved characters in usernames.
425 [[pveum_openid]]
426 OpenID Connect
427 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
429 The main OpenID Connect configuration options are:
431 * `Issuer URL` (`issuer-url`): This is the URL of the authorization server.
432 Proxmox uses the OpenID Connect Discovery protocol to automatically configure
433 further details.
434 +
435 While it is possible to use unencrypted `http://` URLs, we strongly recommend to
436 use encrypted `https://` connections.
438 * `Realm` (`realm`): The realm identifier for {pve} users
440 * `Client ID` (`client-id`): OpenID Client ID.
442 * `Client Key` (`client-key`): Optional OpenID Client Key.
444 * `Autocreate Users` (`autocreate`): Automatically create users if they do not
445 exist. While authentication is done at the OpenID server, all users still need
446 an entry in the {pve} user configuration. You can either add them manually, or
447 use the `autocreate` option to automatically add new users.
449 * `Username Claim` (`username-claim`): OpenID claim used to generate the unique
450 username (`subject`, `username` or `email`).
452 Username mapping
453 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
455 The OpenID Connect specification defines a single unique attribute
456 ('claim' in OpenID terms) named `subject`. By default, we use the
457 value of this attribute to generate {pve} usernames, by simple adding
458 `@` and the realm name: `${subject}@${realm}`.
460 Unfortunately, most OpenID servers use random strings for `subject`, like
461 `DGH76OKH34BNG3245SB`, so a typical username would look like
462 `DGH76OKH34BNG3245SB@yourrealm`. While unique, it is difficult for
463 humans to remember such random strings, making it quite impossible to
464 associate real users with this.
466 The `username-claim` setting allows you to use other attributes for
467 the username mapping. Setting it to `username` is preferred if the
468 OpenID Connect server provides that attribute and guarantees its
469 uniqueness.
471 Another option is to use `email`, which also yields human readable
472 usernames. Again, only use this setting if the server guarantees the
473 uniqueness of this attribute.
475 Examples
476 ^^^^^^^^
478 Here is an example of creating an OpenID realm using Google. You need to
479 replace `--client-id` and `--client-key` with the values
480 from your Google OpenID settings.
482 ----
483 pveum realm add myrealm1 --type openid --issuer-url https://accounts.google.com --client-id XXXX --client-key YYYY --username-claim email
484 ----
486 The above command uses `--username-claim email`, so that the usernames on the
487 {pve} side look like `example.user@google.com@myrealm1`.
489 Keycloak (https://www.keycloak.org/) is a popular open source Identity
490 and Access Management tool, which supports OpenID Connect. In the following
491 example, you need to replace the `--issuer-url` and `--client-id` with
492 your information:
494 ----
495 pveum realm add myrealm2 --type openid --issuer-url https://your.server:8080/realms/your-realm --client-id XXX --username-claim username
496 ----
498 Using `--username-claim username` enables simple usernames on the
499 {pve} side, like `example.user@myrealm2`.
501 WARNING: You need to ensure that the user is not allowed to edit
502 the username setting themselves (on the Keycloak server).
505 [[pveum_tfa_auth]]
506 Two-Factor Authentication
507 -------------------------
509 There are two ways to use two-factor authentication:
511 It can be required by the authentication realm, either via 'TOTP'
512 (Time-based One-Time Password) or 'YubiKey OTP'. In this case, a newly
513 created user needs to have their keys added immediately, as there is no way to
514 log in without the second factor. In the case of 'TOTP', users can
515 also change the 'TOTP' later on, provided they can log in first.
517 Alternatively, users can choose to opt-in to two-factor authentication
518 later on, even if the realm does not enforce it.
520 Available Second Factors
521 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
523 You can set up multiple second factors, in order to avoid a situation in
524 which losing your smartphone or security key locks you out of your
525 account permanently.
527 The following two-factor authentication methods are available in
528 addition to realm-enforced TOTP and YubiKey OTP:
530 * User configured TOTP
531 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-Time_Password[Time-based One-Time Password]).
532 A short code derived from a shared secret and the current time, it changes
533 every 30 seconds.
534 * WebAuthn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebAuthn[Web Authentication]).
535 A general standard for authentication. It is implemented by various
536 security devices, like hardware keys or trusted platform modules (TPM)
537 from a computer or smart phone.
538 * Single use Recovery Keys. A list of keys which should either be
539 printed out and locked in a secure place or saved digitally in an
540 electronic vault. Each key can be used only once. These are perfect for
541 ensuring that you are not locked out, even if all of your other second
542 factors are lost or corrupt.
544 Before WebAuthn was supported, U2F could be setup by the user. Existing
545 U2F factors can still be used, but it is recommended to switch to
546 WebAuthn, once it is configured on the server.
548 Realm Enforced Two-Factor Authentication
549 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
551 This can be done by selecting one of the available methods via the
552 'TFA' dropdown box when adding or editing an Authentication Realm.
553 When a realm has TFA enabled, it becomes a requirement, and only users
554 with configured TFA will be able to log in.
556 Currently there are two methods available:
558 Time-based OATH (TOTP):: This uses the standard HMAC-SHA1 algorithm,
559 where the current time is hashed with the user's configured key. The
560 time step and password length parameters are configurable.
561 +
562 A user can have multiple keys configured (separated by spaces), and the keys
563 can be specified in Base32 (RFC3548) or hexadecimal notation.
564 +
565 {pve} provides a key generation tool (`oathkeygen`) which prints out a random
566 key in Base32 notation, that can be used directly with various OTP tools, such
567 as the `oathtool` command line tool, or on Android Google Authenticator,
568 FreeOTP, andOTP or similar applications.
570 YubiKey OTP::
571 For authenticating via a YubiKey a Yubico API ID, API KEY and validation
572 server URL must be configured, and users must have a YubiKey available. In
573 order to get the key ID from a YubiKey, you can trigger the YubiKey once
574 after connecting it via USB, and copy the first 12 characters of the typed
575 password into the user's 'Key IDs' field.
577 Please refer to the https://developers.yubico.com/OTP/[YubiKey OTP]
578 documentation for how to use the
579 https://www.yubico.com/products/services-software/yubicloud/[YubiCloud] or
580 https://developers.yubico.com/Software_Projects/Yubico_OTP/YubiCloud_Validation_Servers/[host your own verification server].
582 [[pveum_tfa_lockout]]
583 Limits and lockout of Two-Factor Authentication
584 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
586 A second factor is meant to protect users if their password is somehow leaked
587 or guessed. However, some factors could still be broken by brute force. For
588 this reason, users will be locked out after too many failed 2nd factor login
589 attempts.
591 For TOTP 8 failed attempts will disable the user's TOTP factors. They are
592 unlocked when logging in with a recovery key. If TOTP was the only available
593 factor, admin intervention is required, and it is highly recommended to require
594 the user to change their password immediately.
596 Since FIDO2/Webauthn and recovery keys are less susceptible to brute force
597 attacks, the limit there is higher, but block all second factors for an hour
598 when exceeded.
600 An admin can unlock a user's Two-Factor Authentication at any time via the user
601 list in the UI or the command line:
603 [source,bash]
604 pveum user tfa unlock joe@pve
606 [[pveum_user_configured_totp]]
607 User Configured TOTP Authentication
608 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
610 Users can choose to enable 'TOTP' or 'WebAuthn' as a second factor on login, via
611 the 'TFA' button in the user list (unless the realm enforces 'YubiKey OTP').
613 Users can always add and use one time 'Recovery Keys'.
615 [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-two-factor.png"]
617 After opening the 'TFA' window, the user is presented with a dialog to set up
618 'TOTP' authentication. The 'Secret' field contains the key, which can be
619 randomly generated via the 'Randomize' button. An optional 'Issuer Name' can be
620 added to provide information to the 'TOTP' app about what the key belongs to.
621 Most 'TOTP' apps will show the issuer name together with the corresponding
622 'OTP' values. The username is also included in the QR code for the 'TOTP' app.
624 After generating a key, a QR code will be displayed, which can be used with most
625 OTP apps such as FreeOTP. The user then needs to verify the current user
626 password (unless logged in as 'root'), as well as the ability to correctly use
627 the 'TOTP' key, by typing the current 'OTP' value into the 'Verification Code'
628 field and pressing the 'Apply' button.
630 [[user_tfa_setup_totp]]
631 === TOTP
633 [thumbnail="screenshot/pve-gui-tfa-add-totp.png"]
635 There is no server setup required. Simply install a TOTP app on your
636 smartphone (for example, https://freeotp.github.io/[FreeOTP]) and use
637 the Proxmox Backup Server web-interface to add a TOTP factor.
639 [[user_tfa_setup_webauthn]]
640 === WebAuthn
642 For WebAuthn to work, you need to have two things:
644 * A trusted HTTPS certificate (for example, by using
645 https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Certificate_Management[Let's Encrypt]).
646 While it probably works with an untrusted certificate, some browsers may
647 warn or refuse WebAuthn operations if it is not trusted.
648 * Setup the WebAuthn configuration (see *Datacenter -> Options ->
649 WebAuthn Settings* in the Proxmox VE web interface). This can be
650 auto-filled in most setups.
652 Once you have fulfilled both of these requirements, you can add a WebAuthn
653 configuration in the *Two Factor* panel under *Datacenter -> Permissions -> Two
654 Factor*.
656 [[user_tfa_setup_recovery_keys]]
657 === Recovery Keys
659 [thumbnail="screenshot/pve-gui-tfa-add-recovery-keys.png"]
661 Recovery key codes do not need any preparation; you can simply create a
662 set of recovery keys in the *Two Factor* panel under *Datacenter -> Permissions
663 -> Two Factor*.
665 NOTE: There can only be one set of single-use recovery keys per user at any
666 time.
669 [[pveum_configure_webauthn]]
670 Server Side Webauthn Configuration
671 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-webauthn-edit.png"]
675 To allow users to use 'WebAuthn' authentication, it is necessaary to use a valid
676 domain with a valid SSL certificate, otherwise some browsers may warn or refuse
677 to authenticate altogether.
679 NOTE: Changing the 'WebAuthn' configuration may render all existing 'WebAuthn'
680 registrations unusable!
682 This is done via `/etc/pve/datacenter.cfg`. For instance:
684 ----
685 webauthn: rp=mypve.example.com,origin=https://mypve.example.com:8006,id=mypve.example.com
686 ----
688 [[pveum_configure_u2f]]
689 Server Side U2F Configuration
690 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
692 NOTE: It is recommended to use WebAuthn instead.
694 To allow users to use 'U2F' authentication, it may be necessary to use a valid
695 domain with a valid SSL certificate, otherwise, some browsers may print
696 a warning or reject U2F usage altogether. Initially, an 'AppId'
697 footnote:[AppId https://developers.yubico.com/U2F/App_ID.html]
698 needs to be configured.
700 NOTE: Changing the 'AppId' will render all existing 'U2F' registrations
701 unusable!
703 This is done via `/etc/pve/datacenter.cfg`. For instance:
705 ----
706 u2f: appid=https://mypve.example.com:8006
707 ----
709 For a single node, the 'AppId' can simply be the address of the web-interface,
710 exactly as it is used in the browser, including the 'https://' and the port, as
711 shown above. Please note that some browsers may be more strict than others when
712 matching 'AppIds'.
714 When using multiple nodes, it is best to have a separate `https` server
715 providing an `appid.json`
716 footnote:[Multi-facet apps: https://developers.yubico.com/U2F/App_ID.html]
717 file, as it seems to be compatible with most
718 browsers. If all nodes use subdomains of the same top level domain, it may be
719 enough to use the TLD as 'AppId'. It should however be noted that some browsers
720 may not accept this.
722 NOTE: A bad 'AppId' will usually produce an error, but we have encountered
723 situations when this does not happen, particularly when using a top level domain
724 'AppId' for a node that is accessed via a subdomain in Chromium. For this reason
725 it is recommended to test the configuration with multiple browsers, as changing
726 the 'AppId' later will render existing 'U2F' registrations unusable.
728 [[pveum_user_configured_u2f]]
729 Activating U2F as a User
730 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
732 To enable 'U2F' authentication, open the 'TFA' window's 'U2F' tab, type in the
733 current password (unless logged in as root), and press the 'Register' button.
734 If the server is set up correctly and the browser accepts the server's provided
735 'AppId', a message will appear prompting the user to press the button on the
736 'U2F' device (if it is a 'YubiKey', the button light should be toggling on and
737 off steadily, roughly twice per second).
739 Firefox users may need to enable 'security.webauth.u2f' via 'about:config'
740 before they can use a 'U2F' token.
742 [[pveum_permission_management]]
743 Permission Management
744 ---------------------
746 In order for a user to perform an action (such as listing, modifying or
747 deleting parts of a VM's configuration), the user needs to have the
748 appropriate permissions.
750 {pve} uses a role and path based permission management system. An entry in
751 the permissions table allows a user, group or token to take on a specific role
752 when accessing an 'object' or 'path'. This means that such an access rule can
753 be represented as a triple of '(path, user, role)', '(path, group,
754 role)' or '(path, token, role)', with the role containing a set of allowed
755 actions, and the path representing the target of these actions.
758 [[pveum_roles]]
759 Roles
760 ~~~~~
762 A role is simply a list of privileges. Proxmox VE comes with a number
763 of predefined roles, which satisfy most requirements.
765 * `Administrator`: has full privileges
766 * `NoAccess`: has no privileges (used to forbid access)
767 * `PVEAdmin`: can do most tasks, but has no rights to modify system settings (`Sys.PowerMgmt`, `Sys.Modify`, `Realm.Allocate`)
768 * `PVEAuditor`: has read only access
769 * `PVEDatastoreAdmin`: create and allocate backup space and templates
770 * `PVEDatastoreUser`: allocate backup space and view storage
771 * `PVEPoolAdmin`: allocate pools
772 * `PVESysAdmin`: User ACLs, audit, system console and system logs
773 * `PVETemplateUser`: view and clone templates
774 * `PVEUserAdmin`: manage users
775 * `PVEVMAdmin`: fully administer VMs
776 * `PVEVMUser`: view, backup, configure CD-ROM, VM console, VM power management
778 You can see the whole set of predefined roles in the GUI.
780 You can add new roles via the GUI or the command line.
782 [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-role-add.png"]
783 From the GUI, navigate to the 'Permissions -> Roles' tab from 'Datacenter' and
784 click on the 'Create' button. There you can set a role name and select any
785 desired privileges from the 'Privileges' drop-down menu.
787 To add a role through the command line, you can use the 'pveum' CLI tool, for
788 example:
789 [source,bash]
790 ----
791 pveum role add PVE_Power-only --privs "VM.PowerMgmt VM.Console"
792 pveum role add Sys_Power-only --privs "Sys.PowerMgmt Sys.Console"
793 ----
796 Privileges
797 ~~~~~~~~~~
799 A privilege is the right to perform a specific action. To simplify
800 management, lists of privileges are grouped into roles, which can then
801 be used in the permission table. Note that privileges cannot be directly
802 assigned to users and paths without being part of a role.
804 We currently support the following privileges:
806 Node / System related privileges::
808 * `Permissions.Modify`: modify access permissions
809 * `Sys.PowerMgmt`: node power management (start, stop, reset, shutdown, ...)
810 * `Sys.Console`: console access to node
811 * `Sys.Syslog`: view syslog
812 * `Sys.Audit`: view node status/config, Corosync cluster config, and HA config
813 * `Sys.Modify`: create/modify/remove node network parameters
814 * `Sys.Incoming`: allow incoming data streams from other clusters (experimental)
815 * `Group.Allocate`: create/modify/remove groups
816 * `Pool.Allocate`: create/modify/remove a pool
817 * `Pool.Audit`: view a pool
818 * `Realm.Allocate`: create/modify/remove authentication realms
819 * `Realm.AllocateUser`: assign user to a realm
820 * `User.Modify`: create/modify/remove user access and details.
822 Virtual machine related privileges::
824 * `VM.Allocate`: create/remove VM on a server
825 * `VM.Migrate`: migrate VM to alternate server on cluster
826 * `VM.PowerMgmt`: power management (start, stop, reset, shutdown, ...)
827 * `VM.Console`: console access to VM
828 * `VM.Monitor`: access to VM monitor (kvm)
829 * `VM.Backup`: backup/restore VMs
830 * `VM.Audit`: view VM config
831 * `VM.Clone`: clone/copy a VM
832 * `VM.Config.Disk`: add/modify/remove disks
833 * `VM.Config.CDROM`: eject/change CD-ROM
834 * `VM.Config.CPU`: modify CPU settings
835 * `VM.Config.Memory`: modify memory settings
836 * `VM.Config.Network`: add/modify/remove network devices
837 * `VM.Config.HWType`: modify emulated hardware types
838 * `VM.Config.Options`: modify any other VM configuration
839 * `VM.Config.Cloudinit`: modify Cloud-init parameters
840 * `VM.Snapshot`: create/delete VM snapshots
842 Storage related privileges::
844 * `Datastore.Allocate`: create/modify/remove a datastore and delete volumes
845 * `Datastore.AllocateSpace`: allocate space on a datastore
846 * `Datastore.AllocateTemplate`: allocate/upload templates and ISO images
847 * `Datastore.Audit`: view/browse a datastore
850 Objects and Paths
851 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
853 Access permissions are assigned to objects, such as virtual machines,
854 storages or resource pools.
855 We use file system like paths to address these objects. These paths form a
856 natural tree, and permissions of higher levels (shorter paths) can
857 optionally be propagated down within this hierarchy.
859 [[pveum_templated_paths]]
860 Paths can be templated. When an API call requires permissions on a
861 templated path, the path may contain references to parameters of the API
862 call. These references are specified in curly braces. Some parameters are
863 implicitly taken from the API call's URI. For instance, the permission path
864 `/nodes/{node}` when calling '/nodes/mynode/status' requires permissions on
865 `/nodes/mynode`, while the path `{path}` in a PUT request to `/access/acl`
866 refers to the method's `path` parameter.
868 Some examples are:
870 * `/nodes/{node}`: Access to {pve} server machines
871 * `/vms`: Covers all VMs
872 * `/vms/{vmid}`: Access to specific VMs
873 * `/storage/{storeid}`: Access to a specific storage
874 * `/pool/{poolname}`: Access to resources contained in a specific <<pveum_pools,pool>>
875 * `/access/groups`: Group administration
876 * `/access/realms/{realmid}`: Administrative access to realms
879 Inheritance
880 ^^^^^^^^^^^
882 As mentioned earlier, object paths form a file system like tree, and
883 permissions can be inherited by objects down that tree (the propagate flag is
884 set by default). We use the following inheritance rules:
886 * Permissions for individual users always replace group permissions.
887 * Permissions for groups apply when the user is member of that group.
888 * Permissions on deeper levels replace those inherited from an upper level.
890 Additionally, privilege separated tokens can never have permissions on any
891 given path that their associated user does not have.
893 [[pveum_pools]]
894 Pools
895 ~~~~~
897 Pools can be used to group a set of virtual machines and datastores. You can
898 then simply set permissions on pools (`/pool/{poolid}`), which are inherited by
899 all pool members. This is a great way to simplify access control.
902 Which Permissions Do I Need?
903 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
905 The required API permissions are documented for each individual
906 method, and can be found at https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/api-viewer/.
908 The permissions are specified as a list, which can be interpreted as a
909 tree of logic and access-check functions:
911 `["and", <subtests>...]` and `["or", <subtests>...]`::
912 Each(`and`) or any(`or`) further element in the current list has to be true.
914 `["perm", <path>, [ <privileges>... ], <options>...]`::
915 The `path` is a templated parameter (see
916 <<pveum_templated_paths,Objects and Paths>>). All (or, if the `any`
917 option is used, any) of the listed
918 privileges must be allowed on the specified path. If a `require-param`
919 option is specified, then its specified parameter is required even if the
920 API call's schema otherwise lists it as being optional.
922 `["userid-group", [ <privileges>... ], <options>...]`::
923 The caller must have any of the listed privileges on `/access/groups`. In
924 addition, there are two possible checks, depending on whether the
925 `groups_param` option is set:
926 +
927 * `groups_param` is set: The API call has a non-optional `groups` parameter
928 and the caller must have any of the listed privileges on all of the listed
929 groups.
930 * `groups_param` is not set: The user passed via the `userid` parameter
931 must exist and be part of a group on which the caller has any of the listed
932 privileges (via the `/access/groups/<group>` path).
934 `["userid-param", "self"]`::
935 The value provided for the API call's `userid` parameter must refer to the
936 user performing the action (usually in conjunction with `or`, to allow
937 users to perform an action on themselves, even if they don't have elevated
938 privileges).
940 `["userid-param", "Realm.AllocateUser"]`::
941 The user needs `Realm.AllocateUser` access to `/access/realm/<realm>`, with
942 `<realm>` referring to the realm of the user passed via the `userid`
943 parameter. Note that the user does not need to exist in order to be
944 associated with a realm, since user IDs are passed in the form of
945 `<username>@<realm>`.
947 `["perm-modify", <path>]`::
948 The `path` is a templated parameter (see
949 <<pveum_templated_paths,Objects and Paths>>). The user needs either the
950 `Permissions.Modify` privilege or,
951 depending on the path, the following privileges as a possible substitute:
952 +
953 * `/storage/...`: requires 'Datastore.Allocate`
954 * `/vms/...`: requires 'VM.Allocate`
955 * `/pool/...`: requires 'Pool.Allocate`
956 +
957 If the path is empty, `Permission.Modify` on `/access` is required.
959 Command Line Tool
960 -----------------
962 Most users will simply use the GUI to manage users. But there is also
963 a fully featured command line tool called `pveum` (short for ``**P**roxmox
964 **VE** **U**ser **M**anager''). Please note that all Proxmox VE command
965 line tools are wrappers around the API, so you can also access those
966 functions through the REST API.
968 Here are some simple usage examples. To show help, type:
970 [source,bash]
971 pveum
973 or (to show detailed help about a specific command)
975 [source,bash]
976 pveum help user add
978 Create a new user:
980 [source,bash]
981 pveum user add testuser@pve -comment "Just a test"
983 Set or change the password (not all realms support this):
985 [source,bash]
986 pveum passwd testuser@pve
988 Disable a user:
990 [source,bash]
991 pveum user modify testuser@pve -enable 0
993 Create a new group:
995 [source,bash]
996 pveum group add testgroup
998 Create a new role:
1000 [source,bash]
1001 pveum role add PVE_Power-only -privs "VM.PowerMgmt VM.Console"
1004 Real World Examples
1005 -------------------
1008 Administrator Group
1009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1011 It is possible that an administrator would want to create a group of users with
1012 full administrator rights (without using the root account).
1014 To do this, first define the group:
1016 [source,bash]
1017 pveum group add admin -comment "System Administrators"
1019 Then assign the role:
1021 [source,bash]
1022 pveum acl modify / -group admin -role Administrator
1024 Finally, you can add users to the new 'admin' group:
1026 [source,bash]
1027 pveum user modify testuser@pve -group admin
1030 Auditors
1031 ~~~~~~~~
1033 You can give read only access to users by assigning the `PVEAuditor`
1034 role to users or groups.
1036 Example 1: Allow user `joe@pve` to see everything
1038 [source,bash]
1039 pveum acl modify / -user joe@pve -role PVEAuditor
1041 Example 2: Allow user `joe@pve` to see all virtual machines
1043 [source,bash]
1044 pveum acl modify /vms -user joe@pve -role PVEAuditor
1047 Delegate User Management
1048 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1050 If you want to delegate user management to user `joe@pve`, you can do
1051 that with:
1053 [source,bash]
1054 pveum acl modify /access -user joe@pve -role PVEUserAdmin
1056 User `joe@pve` can now add and remove users, and change other user attributes,
1057 such as passwords. This is a very powerful role, and you most
1058 likely want to limit it to selected realms and groups. The following
1059 example allows `joe@pve` to modify users within the realm `pve`, if they
1060 are members of group `customers`:
1062 [source,bash]
1063 pveum acl modify /access/realm/pve -user joe@pve -role PVEUserAdmin
1064 pveum acl modify /access/groups/customers -user joe@pve -role PVEUserAdmin
1066 NOTE: The user is able to add other users, but only if they are
1067 members of the group `customers` and within the realm `pve`.
1069 Limited API Token for Monitoring
1070 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1072 Permissions on API tokens are always a subset of those of their corresponding
1073 user, meaning that an API token can't be used to carry out a task that the
1074 backing user has no permission to do. This section will demonstrate how you can
1075 use an API token with separate privileges, to limit the token owner's
1076 permissions further.
1078 Give the user `joe@pve` the role PVEVMAdmin on all VMs:
1080 [source,bash]
1081 pveum acl modify /vms -user joe@pve -role PVEVMAdmin
1083 Add a new API token with separate privileges, which is only allowed to view VM
1084 information (for example, for monitoring purposes):
1086 [source,bash]
1087 pveum user token add joe@pve monitoring -privsep 1
1088 pveum acl modify /vms -token 'joe@pve!monitoring' -role PVEAuditor
1090 Verify the permissions of the user and token:
1092 [source,bash]
1093 pveum user permissions joe@pve
1094 pveum user token permissions joe@pve monitoring
1096 Resource Pools
1097 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1099 An enterprise is usually structured into several smaller departments, and it is
1100 common that you want to assign resources and delegate management tasks to each
1101 of these. Let's assume that you want to set up a pool for a software development
1102 department. First, create a group:
1104 [source,bash]
1105 pveum group add developers -comment "Our software developers"
1107 Now we create a new user which is a member of that group:
1109 [source,bash]
1110 pveum user add developer1@pve -group developers -password
1112 NOTE: The "-password" parameter will prompt you for a password
1114 Then we create a resource pool for our development department to use:
1116 [source,bash]
1117 pveum pool add dev-pool --comment "IT development pool"
1119 Finally, we can assign permissions to that pool:
1121 [source,bash]
1122 pveum acl modify /pool/dev-pool/ -group developers -role PVEAdmin
1124 Our software developers can now administer the resources assigned to
1125 that pool.
1128 ifdef::manvolnum[]
1129 include::pve-copyright.adoc[]
1130 endif::manvolnum[]