]> git.proxmox.com Git - pxar.git/blob - src/accessor/mod.rs
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[pxar.git] / src / accessor / mod.rs
1 //! Random access for PXAR files.
3 use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
4 use std::io;
5 use std::mem::{self, size_of, size_of_val, MaybeUninit};
6 use std::ops::Range;
7 use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
8 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
9 use std::pin::Pin;
10 use std::sync::Arc;
11 use std::task::{Context, Poll};
13 use endian_trait::Endian;
15 use crate::binary_tree_array;
16 use crate::decoder::{self, DecoderImpl};
17 use crate::format::{self, GoodbyeItem};
18 use crate::poll_fn::poll_fn;
19 use crate::util;
20 use crate::{Entry, EntryKind};
22 pub mod aio;
23 pub mod cache;
24 pub mod sync;
26 #[doc(inline)]
27 pub use sync::{Accessor, DirEntry, Directory, FileEntry, ReadDir};
29 use cache::Cache;
31 /// Range information used for unsafe raw random access:
32 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
33 pub struct EntryRangeInfo {
34 pub filename_header_offset: Option<u64>,
35 pub entry_range: Range<u64>,
36 }
38 impl EntryRangeInfo {
39 pub fn toplevel(entry_range: Range<u64>) -> Self {
40 Self {
41 filename_header_offset: None,
42 entry_range,
43 }
44 }
45 }
47 /// Random access read implementation.
48 pub trait ReadAt {
49 fn poll_read_at(
50 self: Pin<&Self>,
51 cx: &mut Context,
52 buf: &mut [u8],
53 offset: u64,
54 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>>;
55 }
57 /// awaitable version of `poll_read_at`.
58 async fn read_at<T>(input: &T, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> io::Result<usize>
59 where
60 T: ReadAt + ?Sized,
61 {
62 poll_fn(|cx| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(input).poll_read_at(cx, buf, offset) }).await
63 }
65 /// `read_exact_at` - since that's what we _actually_ want most of the time.
66 async fn read_exact_at<T>(input: &T, mut buf: &mut [u8], mut offset: u64) -> io::Result<()>
67 where
68 T: ReadAt + ?Sized,
69 {
70 while !buf.is_empty() {
71 match read_at(input, buf, offset).await? {
72 0 => io_bail!("unexpected EOF"),
73 got => {
74 buf = &mut buf[got..];
75 offset += got as u64;
76 }
77 }
78 }
79 Ok(())
80 }
82 /// Helper to read into an `Endian`-implementing `struct`.
83 async fn read_entry_at<T, E: Endian>(input: &T, offset: u64) -> io::Result<E>
84 where
85 T: ReadAt + ?Sized,
86 {
87 let mut data = MaybeUninit::<E>::uninit();
88 let buf =
89 unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, size_of::<E>()) };
90 read_exact_at(input, buf, offset).await?;
91 Ok(unsafe { data.assume_init().from_le() })
92 }
94 /// Helper to read into an allocated byte vector.
95 async fn read_exact_data_at<T>(input: &T, size: usize, offset: u64) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>>
96 where
97 T: ReadAt + ?Sized,
98 {
99 let mut data = util::vec_new(size);
100 read_exact_at(input, &mut data[..], offset).await?;
101 Ok(data)
102 }
104 /// Allow using trait objects for `T: ReadAt`
105 impl<'a> ReadAt for &(dyn ReadAt + 'a) {
106 fn poll_read_at(
107 self: Pin<&Self>,
108 cx: &mut Context,
109 buf: &mut [u8],
110 offset: u64,
111 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
112 unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&**self).poll_read_at(cx, buf, offset) }
113 }
114 }
116 /// Convenience impl for `Arc<dyn ReadAt + Send + Sync + 'static>`. Since `ReadAt` only requires
117 /// immutable `&self`, this adds some convenience by allowing to just `Arc` any `'static` type that
118 /// implemments `ReadAt` for type monomorphization.
119 impl ReadAt for Arc<dyn ReadAt + Send + Sync + 'static> {
120 fn poll_read_at(
121 self: Pin<&Self>,
122 cx: &mut Context,
123 buf: &mut [u8],
124 offset: u64,
125 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
126 unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&**self).poll_read_at(cx, buf, offset) }
127 }
128 }
130 #[derive(Clone)]
131 struct Caches {
132 /// The goodbye table cache maps goodbye table offsets to cache entries.
133 gbt_cache: Option<Arc<dyn Cache<u64, [GoodbyeItem]> + Send + Sync>>,
134 }
136 impl Default for Caches {
137 fn default() -> Self {
138 Self { gbt_cache: None }
139 }
140 }
142 /// The random access state machine implementation.
143 pub(crate) struct AccessorImpl<T> {
144 input: T,
145 size: u64,
146 caches: Arc<Caches>,
147 }
149 impl<T: ReadAt> AccessorImpl<T> {
150 pub async fn new(input: T, size: u64) -> io::Result<Self> {
151 if size < (size_of::<GoodbyeItem>() as u64) {
152 io_bail!("too small to contain a pxar archive");
153 }
155 Ok(Self {
156 input,
157 size,
158 caches: Arc::new(Caches::default()),
159 })
160 }
162 pub fn size(&self) -> u64 {
163 self.size
164 }
166 pub async fn open_root_ref<'a>(&'a self) -> io::Result<DirectoryImpl<&'a dyn ReadAt>> {
167 DirectoryImpl::open_at_end(
168 &self.input as &dyn ReadAt,
169 self.size,
170 "/".into(),
171 Arc::clone(&self.caches),
172 )
173 .await
174 }
176 pub fn set_goodbye_table_cache(
177 &mut self,
178 cache: Option<Arc<dyn Cache<u64, [GoodbyeItem]> + Send + Sync>>,
179 ) {
180 let new_caches = Arc::new(Caches {
181 gbt_cache: cache,
182 ..*self.caches
183 });
184 self.caches = new_caches;
185 }
186 }
188 async fn get_decoder<T: ReadAt>(
189 input: T,
190 entry_range: Range<u64>,
191 path: PathBuf,
192 ) -> io::Result<DecoderImpl<SeqReadAtAdapter<T>>> {
193 Ok(DecoderImpl::new_full(SeqReadAtAdapter::new(input, entry_range), path).await?)
194 }
196 // NOTE: This performs the Decoder::read_next_item() behavior! Keep in mind when changing!
197 async fn get_decoder_at_filename<T: ReadAt>(
198 input: T,
199 entry_range: Range<u64>,
200 path: PathBuf,
201 ) -> io::Result<(DecoderImpl<SeqReadAtAdapter<T>>, u64)> {
202 let mut decoder = get_decoder(input, entry_range, path).await?;
203 decoder.path_lengths.push(0);
204 decoder.read_next_header().await?;
205 if decoder.current_header.htype != format::PXAR_FILENAME {
206 io_bail!(
207 "expected filename entry, got {}",
208 decoder.current_header,
209 );
210 }
211 if decoder.read_current_item().await? != decoder::ItemResult::Entry {
212 // impossible, since we checked the header type above for a "proper" error message
213 io_bail!("unexpected decoder state");
214 }
215 let entry_offset = decoder::seq_read_position(&mut decoder.input)
216 .await
217 .transpose()?
218 .ok_or_else(|| io_format_err!("reader provided no offset"))?;
219 Ok((decoder, entry_offset))
220 }
222 impl<T: Clone + ReadAt> AccessorImpl<T> {
223 pub async fn open_root(&self) -> io::Result<DirectoryImpl<T>> {
224 DirectoryImpl::open_at_end(
225 self.input.clone(),
226 self.size,
227 "/".into(),
228 Arc::clone(&self.caches),
229 )
230 .await
231 }
233 /// Allow opening a directory at a specified offset.
234 pub async unsafe fn open_dir_at_end(&self, offset: u64) -> io::Result<DirectoryImpl<T>> {
235 DirectoryImpl::open_at_end(
236 self.input.clone(),
237 offset,
238 "/".into(),
239 Arc::clone(&self.caches),
240 )
241 .await
242 }
244 /// Allow opening a regular file from a specified range.
245 pub async unsafe fn open_file_at_range(
246 &self,
247 entry_range_info: &EntryRangeInfo,
248 ) -> io::Result<FileEntryImpl<T>> {
249 let mut decoder = get_decoder(
250 self.input.clone(),
251 entry_range_info.entry_range.clone(),
252 PathBuf::new(),
253 )
254 .await?;
255 let entry = decoder
256 .next()
257 .await
258 .ok_or_else(|| io_format_err!("unexpected EOF while decoding file entry"))??;
259 Ok(FileEntryImpl {
260 input: self.input.clone(),
261 entry,
262 entry_range_info: entry_range_info.clone(),
263 caches: Arc::clone(&self.caches),
264 })
265 }
267 /// Allow opening arbitrary contents from a specific range.
268 pub unsafe fn open_contents_at_range(&self, range: Range<u64>) -> FileContentsImpl<T> {
269 FileContentsImpl::new(self.input.clone(), range)
270 }
272 /// Following a hardlink breaks a couple of conventions we otherwise have, particularly we will
273 /// never know the actual length of the target entry until we're done decoding it, so this
274 /// needs to happen at the accessor level, rather than a "sub-entry-reader".
275 pub async fn follow_hardlink(&self, entry: &FileEntryImpl<T>) -> io::Result<FileEntryImpl<T>> {
276 let link_offset = match entry.entry.kind() {
277 EntryKind::Hardlink(link) => link.offset,
278 _ => io_bail!("cannot resolve a non-hardlink"),
279 };
281 let entry_file_offset = entry
282 .entry_range_info
283 .filename_header_offset
284 .ok_or_else(|| io_format_err!("cannot follow hardlink without a file entry header"))?;
286 if link_offset > entry_file_offset {
287 io_bail!("invalid offset in hardlink");
288 }
290 let link_offset = entry_file_offset - link_offset;
292 let (mut decoder, entry_offset) =
293 get_decoder_at_filename(self.input.clone(), link_offset..self.size, PathBuf::new())
294 .await?;
296 let entry = decoder
297 .next()
298 .await
299 .ok_or_else(|| io_format_err!("unexpected EOF while following a hardlink"))??;
300 match entry.kind() {
301 EntryKind::File { offset: None, .. } => {
302 io_bail!("failed to follow hardlink, reader provided no offsets");
303 }
304 EntryKind::File {
305 offset: Some(offset),
306 size,
307 } => {
308 let meta_size = offset - link_offset;
309 let entry_end = link_offset + meta_size + size;
310 Ok(FileEntryImpl {
311 input: self.input.clone(),
312 entry,
313 entry_range_info: EntryRangeInfo {
314 filename_header_offset: Some(link_offset),
315 entry_range: entry_offset..entry_end,
316 },
317 caches: Arc::clone(&self.caches),
318 })
319 }
320 _ => io_bail!("hardlink does not point to a regular file"),
321 }
322 }
323 }
325 /// The directory random-access state machine implementation.
326 pub(crate) struct DirectoryImpl<T> {
327 input: T,
328 entry_ofs: u64,
329 goodbye_ofs: u64,
330 size: u64,
331 table: Arc<[GoodbyeItem]>,
332 path: PathBuf,
333 caches: Arc<Caches>,
334 }
336 impl<T: Clone + ReadAt> DirectoryImpl<T> {
337 /// Open a directory ending at the specified position.
338 async fn open_at_end(
339 input: T,
340 end_offset: u64,
341 path: PathBuf,
342 caches: Arc<Caches>,
343 ) -> io::Result<DirectoryImpl<T>> {
344 let tail = Self::read_tail_entry(&input, end_offset).await?;
346 if end_offset < tail.size {
347 io_bail!("goodbye tail size out of range");
348 }
350 let goodbye_ofs = end_offset - tail.size;
352 if goodbye_ofs < tail.offset {
353 io_bail!("goodbye offset out of range");
354 }
356 let entry_ofs = goodbye_ofs - tail.offset;
357 let size = end_offset - entry_ofs;
359 let table: Option<Arc<[GoodbyeItem]>> = caches
360 .gbt_cache
361 .as_ref()
362 .and_then(|cache| cache.fetch(goodbye_ofs));
364 let mut this = Self {
365 input,
366 entry_ofs,
367 goodbye_ofs,
368 size,
369 table: table.as_ref().map_or_else(|| Arc::new([]), Arc::clone),
370 path,
371 caches,
372 };
374 // sanity check:
375 if this.table_size() % (size_of::<GoodbyeItem>() as u64) != 0 {
376 io_bail!("invalid goodbye table size: {}", this.table_size());
377 }
379 if table.is_none() {
380 this.table = this.load_table().await?;
381 if let Some(ref cache) = this.caches.gbt_cache {
382 cache.insert(goodbye_ofs, Arc::clone(&this.table));
383 }
384 }
386 Ok(this)
387 }
389 /// Load the entire goodbye table:
390 async fn load_table(&self) -> io::Result<Arc<[GoodbyeItem]>> {
391 let len = self.len();
392 let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(self.len());
393 unsafe {
394 data.set_len(len);
395 let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
396 data.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
397 len * size_of::<GoodbyeItem>(),
398 );
399 read_exact_at(&self.input, slice, self.table_offset()).await?;
400 drop(slice);
401 }
402 Ok(Arc::from(data))
403 }
405 #[inline]
406 fn end_offset(&self) -> u64 {
407 self.entry_ofs + self.size
408 }
410 #[inline]
411 fn entry_range(&self) -> Range<u64> {
412 self.entry_ofs..self.end_offset()
413 }
415 #[inline]
416 fn table_size(&self) -> u64 {
417 (self.end_offset() - self.goodbye_ofs) - (size_of::<format::Header>() as u64)
418 }
420 #[inline]
421 fn table_offset(&self) -> u64 {
422 self.goodbye_ofs + (size_of::<format::Header>() as u64)
423 }
425 /// Length *excluding* the tail marker!
426 #[inline]
427 fn len(&self) -> usize {
428 (self.table_size() / (size_of::<GoodbyeItem>() as u64)) as usize - 1
429 }
431 /// Read the goodbye tail and perform some sanity checks.
432 async fn read_tail_entry(input: &T, end_offset: u64) -> io::Result<GoodbyeItem> {
433 if end_offset < (size_of::<GoodbyeItem>() as u64) {
434 io_bail!("goodbye tail does not fit");
435 }
437 let tail_offset = end_offset - (size_of::<GoodbyeItem>() as u64);
438 let tail: GoodbyeItem = read_entry_at(input, tail_offset).await?;
440 if tail.hash != format::PXAR_GOODBYE_TAIL_MARKER {
441 io_bail!("no goodbye tail marker found");
442 }
444 Ok(tail)
445 }
447 /// Get a decoder for the directory contents.
448 pub(crate) async fn decode_full(&self) -> io::Result<DecoderImpl<SeqReadAtAdapter<T>>> {
449 let (dir, decoder) = self.decode_one_entry(self.entry_range(), None).await?;
450 if !dir.is_dir() {
451 io_bail!("directory does not seem to be a directory");
452 }
453 Ok(decoder)
454 }
456 async fn get_decoder(
457 &self,
458 entry_range: Range<u64>,
459 file_name: Option<&Path>,
460 ) -> io::Result<DecoderImpl<SeqReadAtAdapter<T>>> {
461 get_decoder(
462 self.input.clone(),
463 entry_range,
464 match file_name {
465 None => self.path.clone(),
466 Some(file) => self.path.join(file),
467 },
468 )
469 .await
470 }
472 async fn decode_one_entry(
473 &self,
474 entry_range: Range<u64>,
475 file_name: Option<&Path>,
476 ) -> io::Result<(Entry, DecoderImpl<SeqReadAtAdapter<T>>)> {
477 let mut decoder = self.get_decoder(entry_range, file_name).await?;
478 let entry = decoder
479 .next()
480 .await
481 .ok_or_else(|| io_format_err!("unexpected EOF while decoding directory entry"))??;
482 Ok((entry, decoder))
483 }
485 fn lookup_hash_position(&self, hash: u64, start: usize, skip: usize) -> Option<usize> {
486 binary_tree_array::search_by(&self.table, start, skip, |i| hash.cmp(&i.hash))
487 }
489 pub async fn lookup_self(&self) -> io::Result<FileEntryImpl<T>> {
490 let (entry, _decoder) = self.decode_one_entry(self.entry_range(), None).await?;
491 Ok(FileEntryImpl {
492 input: self.input.clone(),
493 entry,
494 entry_range_info: EntryRangeInfo {
495 filename_header_offset: None,
496 entry_range: self.entry_range(),
497 },
498 caches: Arc::clone(&self.caches),
499 })
500 }
502 /// Lookup a directory entry.
503 pub async fn lookup(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<Option<FileEntryImpl<T>>> {
504 let mut cur: Option<FileEntryImpl<T>> = None;
506 let mut first = true;
507 for component in path.components() {
508 use std::path::Component;
510 let first = mem::replace(&mut first, false);
512 let component = match component {
513 Component::Normal(path) => path,
514 Component::ParentDir => io_bail!("cannot enter parent directory in archive"),
515 Component::RootDir | Component::CurDir if first => {
516 cur = Some(self.lookup_self().await?);
517 continue;
518 }
519 Component::CurDir => continue,
520 _ => io_bail!("invalid component in path"),
521 };
523 let next = match cur {
524 Some(entry) => {
525 entry
526 .enter_directory()
527 .await?
528 .lookup_component(component)
529 .await?
530 }
531 None => self.lookup_component(component).await?,
532 };
534 if next.is_none() {
535 return Ok(None);
536 }
538 cur = next;
539 }
541 Ok(cur)
542 }
544 /// Lookup a single directory entry component (does not handle multiple components in path)
545 pub async fn lookup_component(&self, path: &OsStr) -> io::Result<Option<FileEntryImpl<T>>> {
546 let hash = format::hash_filename(path.as_bytes());
547 let first_index = match self.lookup_hash_position(hash, 0, 0) {
548 Some(index) => index,
549 None => return Ok(None),
550 };
552 // Lookup FILENAME, if the hash matches but the filename doesn't, check for a duplicate
553 // hash once found, use the GoodbyeItem's offset+size as well as the file's Entry to return
554 // a DirEntry::Dir or Dir::Entry.
555 //
556 let mut dup = 0;
557 loop {
558 let index = match self.lookup_hash_position(hash, first_index, dup) {
559 Some(index) => index,
560 None => return Ok(None),
561 };
563 let cursor = self.get_cursor(index).await?;
564 if cursor.file_name == path {
565 return Ok(Some(cursor.decode_entry().await?));
566 }
568 dup += 1;
569 }
570 }
572 async fn get_cursor<'a>(&'a self, index: usize) -> io::Result<DirEntryImpl<'a, T>> {
573 let entry = &self.table[index];
574 let file_goodbye_ofs = entry.offset;
575 if self.goodbye_ofs < file_goodbye_ofs {
576 io_bail!("invalid file offset");
577 }
579 let file_ofs = self.goodbye_ofs - file_goodbye_ofs;
580 let (file_name, entry_ofs) = self.read_filename_entry(file_ofs).await?;
582 let entry_range = Range {
583 start: entry_ofs,
584 end: file_ofs + entry.size,
585 };
586 if entry_range.end < entry_range.start {
587 io_bail!(
588 "bad file: invalid entry ranges for {:?}: \
589 start=0x{:x}, file_ofs=0x{:x}, size=0x{:x}",
590 file_name,
591 entry_ofs,
592 file_ofs,
593 entry.size,
594 );
595 }
597 Ok(DirEntryImpl {
598 dir: self,
599 file_name,
600 entry_range_info: EntryRangeInfo {
601 filename_header_offset: Some(file_ofs),
602 entry_range,
603 },
604 caches: Arc::clone(&self.caches),
605 })
606 }
608 async fn read_filename_entry(&self, file_ofs: u64) -> io::Result<(PathBuf, u64)> {
609 let head: format::Header = read_entry_at(&self.input, file_ofs).await?;
610 if head.htype != format::PXAR_FILENAME {
611 io_bail!("expected PXAR_FILENAME header, found: {}", head);
612 }
614 let mut path = read_exact_data_at(
615 &self.input,
616 head.content_size() as usize,
617 file_ofs + (size_of_val(&head) as u64),
618 )
619 .await?;
621 if path.pop() != Some(0) {
622 io_bail!("invalid file name (missing terminating zero)");
623 }
625 crate::util::validate_filename(&path)?;
627 let file_name = PathBuf::from(OsString::from_vec(path));
628 format::check_file_name(&file_name)?;
630 Ok((file_name, file_ofs + head.full_size()))
631 }
633 pub fn read_dir(&self) -> ReadDirImpl<T> {
634 ReadDirImpl::new(self, 0)
635 }
637 pub fn entry_count(&self) -> usize {
638 self.table.len()
639 }
640 }
642 /// A file entry retrieved from a Directory.
643 #[derive(Clone)]
644 pub(crate) struct FileEntryImpl<T: Clone + ReadAt> {
645 input: T,
646 entry: Entry,
647 entry_range_info: EntryRangeInfo,
648 caches: Arc<Caches>,
649 }
651 impl<T: Clone + ReadAt> FileEntryImpl<T> {
652 pub async fn enter_directory(&self) -> io::Result<DirectoryImpl<T>> {
653 if !self.entry.is_dir() {
654 io_bail!("enter_directory() on a non-directory");
655 }
657 DirectoryImpl::open_at_end(
658 self.input.clone(),
659 self.entry_range_info.entry_range.end,
660 self.entry.path.clone(),
661 Arc::clone(&self.caches),
662 )
663 .await
664 }
666 /// For use with unsafe accessor methods.
667 pub fn content_range(&self) -> io::Result<Option<Range<u64>>> {
668 match self.entry.kind {
669 EntryKind::File { offset: None, .. } => {
670 io_bail!("cannot open file, reader provided no offset")
671 }
672 EntryKind::File {
673 size,
674 offset: Some(offset),
675 } => Ok(Some(offset..(offset + size))),
676 _ => Ok(None),
677 }
678 }
680 pub async fn contents(&self) -> io::Result<FileContentsImpl<T>> {
681 match self.content_range()? {
682 Some(range) => Ok(FileContentsImpl::new(self.input.clone(), range)),
683 None => io_bail!("not a file"),
684 }
685 }
687 #[inline]
688 pub fn into_entry(self) -> Entry {
689 self.entry
690 }
692 #[inline]
693 pub fn entry(&self) -> &Entry {
694 &self.entry
695 }
697 /// Exposed for raw by-offset access methods (use with `open_dir_at_end`).
698 #[inline]
699 pub fn entry_range_info(&self) -> &EntryRangeInfo {
700 &self.entry_range_info
701 }
702 }
704 /// An iterator over the contents of a directory.
705 pub(crate) struct ReadDirImpl<'a, T> {
706 dir: &'a DirectoryImpl<T>,
707 at: usize,
708 }
710 impl<'a, T: Clone + ReadAt> ReadDirImpl<'a, T> {
711 fn new(dir: &'a DirectoryImpl<T>, at: usize) -> Self {
712 Self { dir, at }
713 }
715 /// Get the next entry.
716 pub async fn next(&mut self) -> io::Result<Option<DirEntryImpl<'a, T>>> {
717 if self.at == self.dir.table.len() {
718 Ok(None)
719 } else {
720 let cursor = self.dir.get_cursor(self.at).await?;
721 self.at += 1;
722 Ok(Some(cursor))
723 }
724 }
726 /// Efficient alternative to `Iterator::skip`.
727 #[inline]
728 pub fn skip(self, n: usize) -> Self {
729 Self {
730 at: (self.at + n).min(self.dir.table.len()),
731 dir: self.dir,
732 }
733 }
735 /// Efficient alternative to `Iterator::count`.
736 #[inline]
737 pub fn count(self) -> usize {
738 self.dir.table.len()
739 }
740 }
742 /// A cursor pointing to a file in a directory.
743 ///
744 /// At this point only the file name has been read and we remembered the position for finding the
745 /// actual data. This can be upgraded into a FileEntryImpl.
746 pub(crate) struct DirEntryImpl<'a, T: Clone + ReadAt> {
747 dir: &'a DirectoryImpl<T>,
748 file_name: PathBuf,
749 entry_range_info: EntryRangeInfo,
750 caches: Arc<Caches>,
751 }
753 impl<'a, T: Clone + ReadAt> DirEntryImpl<'a, T> {
754 pub fn file_name(&self) -> &Path {
755 &self.file_name
756 }
758 async fn decode_entry(&self) -> io::Result<FileEntryImpl<T>> {
759 let (entry, _decoder) = self
760 .dir
761 .decode_one_entry(
762 self.entry_range_info.entry_range.clone(),
763 Some(&self.file_name),
764 )
765 .await?;
767 Ok(FileEntryImpl {
768 input: self.dir.input.clone(),
769 entry,
770 entry_range_info: self.entry_range_info.clone(),
771 caches: Arc::clone(&self.caches),
772 })
773 }
775 /// Exposed for raw by-offset access methods.
776 #[inline]
777 pub fn entry_range_info(&self) -> &EntryRangeInfo {
778 &self.entry_range_info
779 }
780 }
782 /// A reader for file contents.
783 pub(crate) struct FileContentsImpl<T> {
784 input: T,
786 /// Absolute offset inside the `input`.
787 range: Range<u64>,
788 }
790 impl<T: Clone + ReadAt> FileContentsImpl<T> {
791 pub fn new(input: T, range: Range<u64>) -> Self {
792 Self { input, range }
793 }
795 #[inline]
796 pub fn file_size(&self) -> u64 {
797 self.range.end - self.range.start
798 }
800 async fn read_at(&self, mut buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> io::Result<usize> {
801 let size = self.file_size();
802 if offset >= size {
803 return Ok(0);
804 }
805 let remaining = size - offset;
807 if remaining < buf.len() as u64 {
808 buf = &mut buf[..(remaining as usize)];
809 }
811 read_at(&self.input, buf, self.range.start + offset).await
812 }
813 }
815 impl<T: Clone + ReadAt> ReadAt for FileContentsImpl<T> {
816 fn poll_read_at(
817 self: Pin<&Self>,
818 cx: &mut Context,
819 mut buf: &mut [u8],
820 offset: u64,
821 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
822 let size = self.file_size();
823 if offset >= size {
824 return Poll::Ready(Ok(0));
825 }
826 let remaining = size - offset;
828 if remaining < buf.len() as u64 {
829 buf = &mut buf[..(remaining as usize)];
830 }
832 let offset = self.range.start + offset;
833 unsafe { self.map_unchecked(|this| &this.input) }.poll_read_at(cx, buf, offset)
834 }
835 }
837 #[doc(hidden)]
838 pub struct SeqReadAtAdapter<T> {
839 input: T,
840 range: Range<u64>,
841 }
843 impl<T: ReadAt> SeqReadAtAdapter<T> {
844 pub fn new(input: T, range: Range<u64>) -> Self {
845 if range.end < range.start {
846 panic!("BAD SEQ READ AT ADAPTER");
847 }
848 Self { input, range }
849 }
851 #[inline]
852 fn remaining(&self) -> usize {
853 (self.range.end - self.range.start) as usize
854 }
855 }
857 impl<T: ReadAt> decoder::SeqRead for SeqReadAtAdapter<T> {
858 fn poll_seq_read(
859 self: Pin<&mut Self>,
860 cx: &mut Context,
861 buf: &mut [u8],
862 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
863 let len = buf.len().min(self.remaining());
864 let buf = &mut buf[..len];
866 let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
868 let got = ready!(unsafe {
869 Pin::new_unchecked(&this.input).poll_read_at(cx, buf, this.range.start)
870 })?;
871 this.range.start += got as u64;
872 Poll::Ready(Ok(got))
873 }
875 fn poll_position(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Option<io::Result<u64>>> {
876 Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(self.range.start)))
877 }
878 }