]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - src/backup/catalog.rs
clippy: shorten assignments
[proxmox-backup.git] / src / backup / catalog.rs
1 use std::convert::TryFrom;
2 use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, OsStr};
3 use std::fmt;
4 use std::io::{Read, Write, Seek, SeekFrom};
5 use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
7 use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
9 use pathpatterns::{MatchList, MatchType};
10 use proxmox::tools::io::ReadExt;
12 use crate::backup::file_formats::PROXMOX_CATALOG_FILE_MAGIC_1_0;
13 use crate::pxar::catalog::BackupCatalogWriter;
15 #[repr(u8)]
16 #[derive(Copy,Clone,PartialEq)]
17 pub(crate) enum CatalogEntryType {
18 Directory = b'd',
19 File = b'f',
20 Symlink = b'l',
21 Hardlink = b'h',
22 BlockDevice = b'b',
23 CharDevice = b'c',
24 Fifo = b'p', // Fifo,Pipe
25 Socket = b's',
26 }
28 impl TryFrom<u8> for CatalogEntryType {
29 type Error=Error;
31 fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Error> {
32 Ok(match value {
33 b'd' => CatalogEntryType::Directory,
34 b'f' => CatalogEntryType::File,
35 b'l' => CatalogEntryType::Symlink,
36 b'h' => CatalogEntryType::Hardlink,
37 b'b' => CatalogEntryType::BlockDevice,
38 b'c' => CatalogEntryType::CharDevice,
39 b'p' => CatalogEntryType::Fifo,
40 b's' => CatalogEntryType::Socket,
41 _ => bail!("invalid CatalogEntryType value '{}'", char::from(value)),
42 })
43 }
44 }
46 impl From<&DirEntryAttribute> for CatalogEntryType {
47 fn from(value: &DirEntryAttribute) -> Self {
48 match value {
49 DirEntryAttribute::Directory { .. } => CatalogEntryType::Directory,
50 DirEntryAttribute::File { .. } => CatalogEntryType::File,
51 DirEntryAttribute::Symlink => CatalogEntryType::Symlink,
52 DirEntryAttribute::Hardlink => CatalogEntryType::Hardlink,
53 DirEntryAttribute::BlockDevice => CatalogEntryType::BlockDevice,
54 DirEntryAttribute::CharDevice => CatalogEntryType::CharDevice,
55 DirEntryAttribute::Fifo => CatalogEntryType::Fifo,
56 DirEntryAttribute::Socket => CatalogEntryType::Socket,
57 }
58 }
59 }
61 impl fmt::Display for CatalogEntryType {
62 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
63 write!(f, "{}", char::from(*self as u8))
64 }
65 }
67 /// Represents a named directory entry
68 ///
69 /// The ``attr`` property contain the exact type with type specific
70 /// attributes.
71 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
72 pub struct DirEntry {
73 pub name: Vec<u8>,
74 pub attr: DirEntryAttribute,
75 }
77 /// Used to specific additional attributes inside DirEntry
78 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
79 pub enum DirEntryAttribute {
80 Directory { start: u64 },
81 File { size: u64, mtime: i64 },
82 Symlink,
83 Hardlink,
84 BlockDevice,
85 CharDevice,
86 Fifo,
87 Socket,
88 }
90 impl DirEntry {
92 fn new(etype: CatalogEntryType, name: Vec<u8>, start: u64, size: u64, mtime: i64) -> Self {
93 match etype {
94 CatalogEntryType::Directory => {
95 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start } }
96 }
97 CatalogEntryType::File => {
98 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::File { size, mtime } }
99 }
100 CatalogEntryType::Symlink => {
101 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Symlink }
102 }
103 CatalogEntryType::Hardlink => {
104 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Hardlink }
105 }
106 CatalogEntryType::BlockDevice => {
107 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::BlockDevice }
108 }
109 CatalogEntryType::CharDevice => {
110 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::CharDevice }
111 }
112 CatalogEntryType::Fifo => {
113 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Fifo }
114 }
115 CatalogEntryType::Socket => {
116 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Socket }
117 }
118 }
119 }
121 /// Get file mode bits for this entry to be used with the `MatchList` api.
122 pub fn get_file_mode(&self) -> Option<u32> {
123 Some(
124 match self.attr {
125 DirEntryAttribute::Directory { .. } => pxar::mode::IFDIR,
126 DirEntryAttribute::File { .. } => pxar::mode::IFREG,
127 DirEntryAttribute::Symlink => pxar::mode::IFLNK,
128 DirEntryAttribute::Hardlink => return None,
129 DirEntryAttribute::BlockDevice => pxar::mode::IFBLK,
130 DirEntryAttribute::CharDevice => pxar::mode::IFCHR,
131 DirEntryAttribute::Fifo => pxar::mode::IFIFO,
132 DirEntryAttribute::Socket => pxar::mode::IFSOCK,
133 }
134 as u32
135 )
136 }
138 /// Check if DirEntry is a directory
139 pub fn is_directory(&self) -> bool {
140 matches!(self.attr, DirEntryAttribute::Directory { .. })
141 }
143 /// Check if DirEntry is a symlink
144 pub fn is_symlink(&self) -> bool {
145 matches!(self.attr, DirEntryAttribute::Symlink { .. })
146 }
147 }
149 struct DirInfo {
150 name: CString,
151 entries: Vec<DirEntry>,
152 }
154 impl DirInfo {
156 fn new(name: CString) -> Self {
157 DirInfo { name, entries: Vec::new() }
158 }
160 fn new_rootdir() -> Self {
161 DirInfo::new(CString::new(b"/".to_vec()).unwrap())
162 }
164 fn encode_entry<W: Write>(
165 writer: &mut W,
166 entry: &DirEntry,
167 pos: u64,
168 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
169 match entry {
170 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start } } => {
171 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::Directory as u8])?;
172 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
173 writer.write_all(name)?;
174 catalog_encode_u64(writer, pos - start)?;
175 }
176 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::File { size, mtime } } => {
177 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::File as u8])?;
178 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
179 writer.write_all(name)?;
180 catalog_encode_u64(writer, *size)?;
181 catalog_encode_i64(writer, *mtime)?;
182 }
183 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Symlink } => {
184 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::Symlink as u8])?;
185 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
186 writer.write_all(name)?;
187 }
188 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Hardlink } => {
189 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::Hardlink as u8])?;
190 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
191 writer.write_all(name)?;
192 }
193 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::BlockDevice } => {
194 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::BlockDevice as u8])?;
195 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
196 writer.write_all(name)?;
197 }
198 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::CharDevice } => {
199 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::CharDevice as u8])?;
200 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
201 writer.write_all(name)?;
202 }
203 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Fifo } => {
204 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::Fifo as u8])?;
205 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
206 writer.write_all(name)?;
207 }
208 DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Socket } => {
209 writer.write_all(&[CatalogEntryType::Socket as u8])?;
210 catalog_encode_u64(writer, name.len() as u64)?;
211 writer.write_all(name)?;
212 }
213 }
214 Ok(())
215 }
217 fn encode(self, start: u64) -> Result<(CString, Vec<u8>), Error> {
218 let mut table = Vec::new();
219 catalog_encode_u64(&mut table, self.entries.len() as u64)?;
220 for entry in self.entries {
221 Self::encode_entry(&mut table, &entry, start)?;
222 }
224 let mut data = Vec::new();
225 catalog_encode_u64(&mut data, table.len() as u64)?;
226 data.extend_from_slice(&table);
228 Ok((self.name, data))
229 }
231 fn parse<C: FnMut(CatalogEntryType, &[u8], u64, u64, i64) -> Result<bool, Error>>(
232 data: &[u8],
233 mut callback: C,
234 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
236 let mut cursor = data;
238 let entries = catalog_decode_u64(&mut cursor)?;
240 let mut name_buf = vec![0u8; 4096];
242 for _ in 0..entries {
244 let mut buf = [ 0u8 ];
245 cursor.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
246 let etype = CatalogEntryType::try_from(buf[0])?;
248 let name_len = catalog_decode_u64(&mut cursor)? as usize;
249 if name_len >= name_buf.len() {
250 bail!("directory entry name too long ({} >= {})", name_len, name_buf.len());
251 }
252 let name = &mut name_buf[0..name_len];
253 cursor.read_exact(name)?;
255 let cont = match etype {
256 CatalogEntryType::Directory => {
257 let offset = catalog_decode_u64(&mut cursor)?;
258 callback(etype, name, offset, 0, 0)?
259 }
260 CatalogEntryType::File => {
261 let size = catalog_decode_u64(&mut cursor)?;
262 let mtime = catalog_decode_i64(&mut cursor)?;
263 callback(etype, name, 0, size, mtime)?
264 }
265 _ => {
266 callback(etype, name, 0, 0, 0)?
267 }
268 };
269 if !cont {
270 return Ok(());
271 }
272 }
274 if !cursor.is_empty() {
275 bail!("unable to parse whole catalog data block");
276 }
278 Ok(())
279 }
280 }
282 /// Write small catalog files
283 ///
284 /// A Catalogs simply contains list of files and directories
285 /// (directory tree). They are use to find content without having to
286 /// search the real archive (which may be large). For files, they
287 /// include the last modification time and file size.
288 pub struct CatalogWriter<W> {
289 writer: W,
290 dirstack: Vec<DirInfo>,
291 pos: u64,
292 }
294 impl <W: Write> CatalogWriter<W> {
296 /// Create a new CatalogWriter instance
297 pub fn new(writer: W) -> Result<Self, Error> {
298 let mut me = Self { writer, dirstack: vec![ DirInfo::new_rootdir() ], pos: 0 };
299 me.write_all(&PROXMOX_CATALOG_FILE_MAGIC_1_0)?;
300 Ok(me)
301 }
303 fn write_all(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
304 self.writer.write_all(data)?;
305 self.pos += u64::try_from(data.len())?;
306 Ok(())
307 }
309 /// Finish writing, flush all data
310 ///
311 /// This need to be called before drop.
312 pub fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
313 if self.dirstack.len() != 1 {
314 bail!("unable to finish catalog at level {}", self.dirstack.len());
315 }
317 let dir = self.dirstack.pop().unwrap();
319 let start = self.pos;
320 let (_, data) = dir.encode(start)?;
321 self.write_all(&data)?;
323 self.write_all(&start.to_le_bytes())?;
325 self.writer.flush()?;
327 Ok(())
328 }
329 }
331 impl <W: Write> BackupCatalogWriter for CatalogWriter<W> {
333 fn start_directory(&mut self, name: &CStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
334 let new = DirInfo::new(name.to_owned());
335 self.dirstack.push(new);
336 Ok(())
337 }
339 fn end_directory(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
340 let (start, name) = match self.dirstack.pop() {
341 Some(dir) => {
342 let start = self.pos;
343 let (name, data) = dir.encode(start)?;
344 self.write_all(&data)?;
345 (start, name)
346 }
347 None => {
348 bail!("got unexpected end_directory level 0");
349 }
350 };
352 let current = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
353 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
354 current.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start } });
356 Ok(())
357 }
359 fn add_file(&mut self, name: &CStr, size: u64, mtime: i64) -> Result<(), Error> {
360 let dir = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
361 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
362 dir.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::File { size, mtime } });
363 Ok(())
364 }
366 fn add_symlink(&mut self, name: &CStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
367 let dir = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
368 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
369 dir.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Symlink });
370 Ok(())
371 }
373 fn add_hardlink(&mut self, name: &CStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
374 let dir = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
375 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
376 dir.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Hardlink });
377 Ok(())
378 }
380 fn add_block_device(&mut self, name: &CStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
381 let dir = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
382 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
383 dir.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::BlockDevice });
384 Ok(())
385 }
387 fn add_char_device(&mut self, name: &CStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
388 let dir = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
389 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
390 dir.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::CharDevice });
391 Ok(())
392 }
394 fn add_fifo(&mut self, name: &CStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
395 let dir = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
396 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
397 dir.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Fifo });
398 Ok(())
399 }
401 fn add_socket(&mut self, name: &CStr) -> Result<(), Error> {
402 let dir = self.dirstack.last_mut().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("outside root"))?;
403 let name = name.to_bytes().to_vec();
404 dir.entries.push(DirEntry { name, attr: DirEntryAttribute::Socket });
405 Ok(())
406 }
407 }
409 /// Read Catalog files
410 pub struct CatalogReader<R> {
411 reader: R,
412 }
414 impl <R: Read + Seek> CatalogReader<R> {
416 /// Create a new CatalogReader instance
417 pub fn new(reader: R) -> Self {
418 Self { reader }
419 }
421 /// Print whole catalog to stdout
422 pub fn dump(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
424 let root = self.root()?;
425 match root {
426 DirEntry { attr: DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start }, .. }=> {
427 self.dump_dir(std::path::Path::new("./"), start)
428 }
429 _ => unreachable!(),
430 }
431 }
433 /// Get the root DirEntry
434 pub fn root(&mut self) -> Result<DirEntry, Error> {
435 // Root dir is special
436 self.reader.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0))?;
437 let mut magic = [ 0u8; 8];
438 self.reader.read_exact(&mut magic)?;
439 if magic != PROXMOX_CATALOG_FILE_MAGIC_1_0 {
440 bail!("got unexpected magic number for catalog");
441 }
442 self.reader.seek(SeekFrom::End(-8))?;
443 let start = unsafe { self.reader.read_le_value::<u64>()? };
444 Ok(DirEntry { name: b"".to_vec(), attr: DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start } })
445 }
447 /// Read all directory entries
448 pub fn read_dir(
449 &mut self,
450 parent: &DirEntry,
451 ) -> Result<Vec<DirEntry>, Error> {
453 let start = match parent.attr {
454 DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start } => start,
455 _ => bail!("parent is not a directory - internal error"),
456 };
458 let data = self.read_raw_dirinfo_block(start)?;
460 let mut entry_list = Vec::new();
462 DirInfo::parse(&data, |etype, name, offset, size, mtime| {
463 let entry = DirEntry::new(etype, name.to_vec(), start - offset, size, mtime);
464 entry_list.push(entry);
465 Ok(true)
466 })?;
468 Ok(entry_list)
469 }
471 /// Lockup a DirEntry inside a parent directory
472 pub fn lookup(
473 &mut self,
474 parent: &DirEntry,
475 filename: &[u8],
476 ) -> Result<Option<DirEntry>, Error> {
478 let start = match parent.attr {
479 DirEntryAttribute::Directory { start } => start,
480 _ => bail!("parent is not a directory - internal error"),
481 };
483 let data = self.read_raw_dirinfo_block(start)?;
485 let mut item = None;
486 DirInfo::parse(&data, |etype, name, offset, size, mtime| {
487 if name != filename {
488 return Ok(true);
489 }
491 let entry = DirEntry::new(etype, name.to_vec(), start - offset, size, mtime);
492 item = Some(entry);
493 Ok(false) // stop parsing
494 })?;
496 Ok(item)
497 }
499 /// Read the raw directory info block from current reader position.
500 fn read_raw_dirinfo_block(&mut self, start: u64) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
501 self.reader.seek(SeekFrom::Start(start))?;
502 let size = catalog_decode_u64(&mut self.reader)?;
503 if size < 1 { bail!("got small directory size {}", size) };
504 let data = self.reader.read_exact_allocated(size as usize)?;
505 Ok(data)
506 }
508 /// Print the content of a directory to stdout
509 pub fn dump_dir(&mut self, prefix: &std::path::Path, start: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
511 let data = self.read_raw_dirinfo_block(start)?;
513 DirInfo::parse(&data, |etype, name, offset, size, mtime| {
515 let mut path = std::path::PathBuf::from(prefix);
516 let name: &OsStr = OsStrExt::from_bytes(name);
517 path.push(name);
519 match etype {
520 CatalogEntryType::Directory => {
521 println!("{} {:?}", etype, path);
522 if offset > start {
523 bail!("got wrong directory offset ({} > {})", offset, start);
524 }
525 let pos = start - offset;
526 self.dump_dir(&path, pos)?;
527 }
528 CatalogEntryType::File => {
529 let mut mtime_string = mtime.to_string();
530 if let Ok(s) = proxmox::tools::time::strftime_local("%FT%TZ", mtime as i64) {
531 mtime_string = s;
532 }
534 println!(
535 "{} {:?} {} {}",
536 etype,
537 path,
538 size,
539 mtime_string,
540 );
541 }
542 _ => {
543 println!("{} {:?}", etype, path);
544 }
545 }
547 Ok(true)
548 })
549 }
551 /// Finds all entries matching the given match patterns and calls the
552 /// provided callback on them.
553 pub fn find(
554 &mut self,
555 parent: &DirEntry,
556 file_path: &mut Vec<u8>,
557 match_list: &impl MatchList, //&[MatchEntry],
558 callback: &mut dyn FnMut(&[u8]) -> Result<(), Error>,
559 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
560 let file_len = file_path.len();
561 for e in self.read_dir(parent)? {
562 let is_dir = e.is_directory();
563 file_path.truncate(file_len);
564 if !e.name.starts_with(b"/") {
565 file_path.reserve(e.name.len() + 1);
566 file_path.push(b'/');
567 }
568 file_path.extend(&e.name);
569 match match_list.matches(&file_path, e.get_file_mode()) {
570 Some(MatchType::Exclude) => continue,
571 Some(MatchType::Include) => callback(&file_path)?,
572 None => (),
573 }
574 if is_dir {
575 self.find(&e, file_path, match_list, callback)?;
576 }
577 }
578 file_path.truncate(file_len);
580 Ok(())
581 }
582 }
584 /// Serialize i64 as short, variable length byte sequence
585 ///
586 /// Stores 7 bits per byte, Bit 8 indicates the end of the sequence (when not set).
587 /// If the value is negative, we end with a zero byte (0x00).
588 pub fn catalog_encode_i64<W: Write>(writer: &mut W, v: i64) -> Result<(), Error> {
589 let mut enc = Vec::new();
591 let mut d = if v < 0 {
592 (-1 * (v + 1)) as u64 + 1 // also handles i64::MIN
593 } else {
594 v as u64
595 };
597 loop {
598 if d < 128 {
599 if v < 0 {
600 enc.push(128 | d as u8);
601 enc.push(0u8);
602 } else {
603 enc.push(d as u8);
604 }
605 break;
606 }
607 enc.push((128 | (d & 127)) as u8);
608 d >>= 7;
609 }
610 writer.write_all(&enc)?;
612 Ok(())
613 }
615 /// Deserialize i64 from variable length byte sequence
616 ///
617 /// We currently read maximal 11 bytes, which give a maximum of 70 bits + sign.
618 /// this method is compatible with catalog_encode_u64 iff the
619 /// value encoded is <= 2^63 (values > 2^63 cannot be represented in an i64)
620 pub fn catalog_decode_i64<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<i64, Error> {
622 let mut v: u64 = 0;
623 let mut buf = [0u8];
625 for i in 0..11 { // only allow 11 bytes (70 bits + sign marker)
626 if buf.is_empty() {
627 bail!("decode_i64 failed - unexpected EOB");
628 }
629 reader.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
631 let t = buf[0];
633 if t == 0 {
634 if v == 0 {
635 return Ok(0);
636 }
637 return Ok(((v - 1) as i64 * -1) - 1); // also handles i64::MIN
638 } else if t < 128 {
639 v |= (t as u64) << (i*7);
640 return Ok(v as i64);
641 } else {
642 v |= ((t & 127) as u64) << (i*7);
643 }
644 }
646 bail!("decode_i64 failed - missing end marker");
647 }
649 /// Serialize u64 as short, variable length byte sequence
650 ///
651 /// Stores 7 bits per byte, Bit 8 indicates the end of the sequence (when not set).
652 pub fn catalog_encode_u64<W: Write>(writer: &mut W, v: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
653 let mut enc = Vec::new();
655 let mut d = v;
656 loop {
657 if d < 128 {
658 enc.push(d as u8);
659 break;
660 }
661 enc.push((128 | (d & 127)) as u8);
662 d >>= 7;
663 }
664 writer.write_all(&enc)?;
666 Ok(())
667 }
669 /// Deserialize u64 from variable length byte sequence
670 ///
671 /// We currently read maximal 10 bytes, which give a maximum of 70 bits,
672 /// but we currently only encode up to 64 bits
673 pub fn catalog_decode_u64<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<u64, Error> {
675 let mut v: u64 = 0;
676 let mut buf = [0u8];
678 for i in 0..10 { // only allow 10 bytes (70 bits)
679 if buf.is_empty() {
680 bail!("decode_u64 failed - unexpected EOB");
681 }
682 reader.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
683 let t = buf[0];
684 if t < 128 {
685 v |= (t as u64) << (i*7);
686 return Ok(v);
687 } else {
688 v |= ((t & 127) as u64) << (i*7);
689 }
690 }
692 bail!("decode_u64 failed - missing end marker");
693 }
695 #[test]
696 fn test_catalog_u64_encoder() {
698 fn test_encode_decode(value: u64) {
700 let mut data = Vec::new();
701 catalog_encode_u64(&mut data, value).unwrap();
703 //println!("ENCODE {} {:?}", value, data);
705 let slice = &mut &data[..];
706 let decoded = catalog_decode_u64(slice).unwrap();
708 //println!("DECODE {}", decoded);
710 assert!(decoded == value);
711 }
713 test_encode_decode(u64::MIN);
714 test_encode_decode(126);
715 test_encode_decode((1<<12)-1);
716 test_encode_decode((1<<20)-1);
717 test_encode_decode((1<<50)-1);
718 test_encode_decode(u64::MAX);
719 }
721 #[test]
722 fn test_catalog_i64_encoder() {
724 fn test_encode_decode(value: i64) {
726 let mut data = Vec::new();
727 catalog_encode_i64(&mut data, value).unwrap();
729 let slice = &mut &data[..];
730 let decoded = catalog_decode_i64(slice).unwrap();
732 assert!(decoded == value);
733 }
735 test_encode_decode(0);
736 test_encode_decode(-0);
737 test_encode_decode(126);
738 test_encode_decode(-126);
739 test_encode_decode((1<<12)-1);
740 test_encode_decode(-(1<<12)-1);
741 test_encode_decode((1<<20)-1);
742 test_encode_decode(-(1<<20)-1);
743 test_encode_decode(i64::MIN);
744 test_encode_decode(i64::MAX);
745 }
747 #[test]
748 fn test_catalog_i64_compatibility() {
750 fn test_encode_decode(value: u64) {
752 let mut data = Vec::new();
753 catalog_encode_u64(&mut data, value).unwrap();
755 let slice = &mut &data[..];
756 let decoded = catalog_decode_i64(slice).unwrap() as u64;
758 assert!(decoded == value);
759 }
761 test_encode_decode(u64::MIN);
762 test_encode_decode(126);
763 test_encode_decode((1<<12)-1);
764 test_encode_decode((1<<20)-1);
765 test_encode_decode((1<<50)-1);
766 test_encode_decode(u64::MAX);
767 }