]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/binaryen/auto_update_tests.py
New upstream version 1.23.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / binaryen / auto_update_tests.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 import os, sys, subprocess, difflib
5 from scripts.test.support import run_command, split_wast
6 from scripts.test.shared import (
9 BINARYEN_INSTALL_DIR, has_shell_timeout)
10 from scripts.test.wasm2asm import tests, spec_tests, extra_tests, assert_tests
13 print '[ processing and updating testcases... ]\n'
15 for asm in sorted(os.listdir('test')):
16 if asm.endswith('.asm.js'):
17 for precise in [0, 1, 2]:
18 for opts in [1, 0]:
19 cmd = ASM2WASM + [os.path.join('test', asm), '--enable-threads']
20 wasm = asm.replace('.asm.js', '.fromasm')
21 if not precise:
22 cmd += ['--trap-mode=allow', '--ignore-implicit-traps']
23 wasm += '.imprecise'
24 elif precise == 2:
25 cmd += ['--trap-mode=clamp']
26 wasm += '.clamp'
27 if not opts:
28 wasm += '.no-opts'
29 if precise:
30 cmd += ['-O0'] # test that -O0 does nothing
31 else:
32 cmd += ['-O']
33 if 'debugInfo' in asm:
34 cmd += ['-g']
35 if 'noffi' in asm:
36 cmd += ['--no-legalize-javascript-ffi']
37 if precise and opts:
38 # test mem init importing
39 open('a.mem', 'wb').write(asm)
40 cmd += ['--mem-init=a.mem']
41 if asm[0] == 'e':
42 cmd += ['--mem-base=1024']
43 if 'i64' in asm or 'wasm-only' in asm or 'noffi' in asm:
44 cmd += ['--wasm-only']
45 print ' '.join(cmd)
46 actual = run_command(cmd)
47 with open(os.path.join('test', wasm), 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
48 if 'debugInfo' in asm:
49 cmd += ['--source-map', os.path.join('test', wasm + '.map'), '-o', 'a.wasm']
50 run_command(cmd)
52 extension_arg_map = {
53 '.wast': [],
54 '.clamp.wast': ['--trap-mode=clamp'],
55 '.js.wast': ['--trap-mode=js'],
56 }
57 for dot_s_dir in ['dot_s', 'llvm_autogenerated']:
58 for s in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', dot_s_dir))):
59 if not s.endswith('.s'): continue
60 print '..', s
61 for ext, ext_args in extension_arg_map.iteritems():
62 wasm = s.replace('.s', ext)
63 expected_file = os.path.join('test', dot_s_dir, wasm)
64 if ext != '.wast' and not os.path.exists(expected_file):
65 continue
67 full = os.path.join('test', dot_s_dir, s)
68 stack_alloc = ['--allocate-stack=1024'] if dot_s_dir == 'llvm_autogenerated' else []
69 cmd = S2WASM + [full, '--emscripten-glue'] + stack_alloc + ext_args
70 if s.startswith('start_'):
71 cmd.append('--start')
72 actual = run_command(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, expected_err='')
74 with open(expected_file, 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
76 for t in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'print'))):
77 if t.endswith('.wast'):
78 print '..', t
79 wasm = os.path.basename(t).replace('.wast', '')
80 cmd = WASM_OPT + [os.path.join('test', 'print', t), '--print']
81 print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
82 actual = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
83 print cmd, actual
84 with open(os.path.join('test', 'print', wasm + '.txt'), 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
85 cmd = WASM_OPT + [os.path.join('test', 'print', t), '--print-minified']
86 print ' ', ' '.join(cmd)
87 actual = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
88 with open(os.path.join('test', 'print', wasm + '.minified.txt'), 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
90 for t in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'passes'))):
91 if t.endswith(('.wast', '.wasm')):
92 print '..', t
93 binary = '.wasm' in t
94 passname = os.path.basename(t).replace('.wast', '').replace('.wasm', '')
95 opts = [('--' + p if not p.startswith('O') else '-' + p) for p in passname.split('_')]
96 t = os.path.join('test', 'passes', t)
97 actual = ''
98 for module, asserts in split_wast(t):
99 assert len(asserts) == 0
100 with open('split.wast', 'w') as o: o.write(module)
101 cmd = WASM_OPT + opts + ['split.wast', '--print']
102 actual += run_command(cmd)
103 with open(os.path.join('test', 'passes', passname + ('.bin' if binary else '') + '.txt'), 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
104 if 'emit-js-wrapper' in t:
105 with open('a.js') as i:
106 with open(t + '.js', 'w') as o:
107 o.write(i.read())
108 if 'emit-spec-wrapper' in t:
109 with open('a.wat') as i:
110 with open(t + '.wat', 'w') as o:
111 o.write(i.read())
113 print '\n[ checking wasm-opt -o notation... ]\n'
115 wast = os.path.join('test', 'hello_world.wast')
116 cmd = WASM_OPT + [wast, '-o', 'a.wast', '-S']
117 run_command(cmd)
118 open(wast, 'w').write(open('a.wast').read())
120 print '\n[ checking binary format testcases... ]\n'
122 for wast in sorted(os.listdir('test')):
123 if wast.endswith('.wast') and not wast in []: # blacklist some known failures
124 for debug_info in [0, 1]:
125 cmd = WASM_AS + [os.path.join('test', wast), '-o', 'a.wasm']
126 if debug_info: cmd += ['-g']
127 print ' '.join(cmd)
128 if os.path.exists('a.wasm'): os.unlink('a.wasm')
129 subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
130 assert os.path.exists('a.wasm')
132 cmd = WASM_DIS + ['a.wasm', '-o', 'a.wast']
133 print ' '.join(cmd)
134 if os.path.exists('a.wast'): os.unlink('a.wast')
135 subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
136 assert os.path.exists('a.wast')
137 actual = open('a.wast').read()
138 binary_name = wast + '.fromBinary'
139 if not debug_info: binary_name += '.noDebugInfo'
140 with open(os.path.join('test', binary_name), 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
142 print '\n[ checking example testcases... ]\n'
144 for t in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'example'))):
145 output_file = os.path.join('bin', 'example')
146 libdir = os.path.join(BINARYEN_INSTALL_DIR, 'lib')
147 cmd = ['-Isrc', '-g', '-lasmjs', '-lsupport', '-L' + libdir, '-pthread', '-o', output_file]
148 if t.endswith('.txt'):
149 # check if there is a trace in the file, if so, we should build it
150 out = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join('scripts', 'clean_c_api_trace.py'), os.path.join('test', 'example', t)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
151 if len(out) == 0:
152 print ' (no trace in ', t, ')'
153 continue
154 print ' (will check trace in ', t, ')'
155 src = 'trace.cpp'
156 with open(src, 'w') as o: o.write(out)
157 expected = os.path.join('test', 'example', t + '.txt')
158 else:
159 src = os.path.join('test', 'example', t)
160 expected = os.path.join('test', 'example', '.'.join(t.split('.')[:-1]) + '.txt')
161 if not src.endswith(('.c', '.cpp')):
162 continue
163 # build the C file separately
164 extra = [os.environ.get('CC') or 'gcc',
165 src, '-c', '-o', 'example.o',
166 '-Isrc', '-g', '-L' + libdir, '-pthread']
167 print 'build: ', ' '.join(extra)
168 print os.getcwd()
169 subprocess.check_call(extra)
170 # Link against the binaryen C library DSO, using rpath
171 cmd = ['example.o', '-lbinaryen', '-Wl,-rpath=' + os.path.abspath(libdir)] + cmd
172 print ' ', t, src, expected
173 if os.environ.get('COMPILER_FLAGS'):
174 for f in os.environ.get('COMPILER_FLAGS').split(' '):
175 cmd.append(f)
176 cmd = [os.environ.get('CXX') or 'g++', '-std=c++11'] + cmd
177 try:
178 print 'link: ', ' '.join(cmd)
179 subprocess.check_call(cmd)
180 print 'run...', output_file
181 proc = subprocess.Popen([output_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
182 actual, err = proc.communicate()
183 assert proc.returncode == 0, [proc.returncode, actual, err]
184 with open(expected, 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
185 finally:
186 os.remove(output_file)
187 if sys.platform == 'darwin':
188 # Also removes debug directory produced on Mac OS
189 shutil.rmtree(output_file + '.dSYM')
191 print '\n[ checking wasm-opt testcases... ]\n'
193 for t in os.listdir('test'):
194 if t.endswith('.wast') and not t.startswith('spec'):
195 print '..', t
196 t = os.path.join('test', t)
197 f = t + '.from-wast'
198 cmd = WASM_OPT + [t, '--print']
199 actual = run_command(cmd)
200 actual = actual.replace('printing before:\n', '')
201 open(f, 'w').write(actual)
203 print '\n[ checking wasm-dis on provided binaries... ]\n'
205 for t in os.listdir('test'):
206 if t.endswith('.wasm') and not t.startswith('spec'):
207 print '..', t
208 t = os.path.join('test', t)
209 cmd = WASM_DIS + [t]
210 if os.path.isfile(t + '.map'): cmd += ['--source-map', t + '.map']
211 actual = run_command(cmd)
213 open(t + '.fromBinary', 'w').write(actual)
215 print '\n[ checking wasm-merge... ]\n'
217 for t in os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'merge')):
218 if t.endswith(('.wast', '.wasm')):
219 print '..', t
220 t = os.path.join('test', 'merge', t)
221 u = t + '.toMerge'
222 for finalize in [0, 1]:
223 for opt in [0, 1]:
224 cmd = WASM_MERGE + [t, u, '-o', 'a.wast', '-S', '--verbose']
225 if finalize: cmd += ['--finalize-memory-base=1024', '--finalize-table-base=8']
226 if opt: cmd += ['-O']
227 stdout = run_command(cmd)
228 actual = open('a.wast').read()
229 out = t + '.combined'
230 if finalize: out += '.finalized'
231 if opt: out += '.opt'
232 with open(out, 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
233 with open(out + '.stdout', 'w') as o: o.write(stdout)
235 if MOZJS:
236 print '\n[ checking binaryen.js testcases... ]\n'
238 for s in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'binaryen.js'))):
239 if not s.endswith('.js'): continue
240 print s
241 f = open('a.js', 'w')
242 f.write(open(os.path.join('bin', 'binaryen.js')).read())
243 f.write(open(os.path.join('test', 'binaryen.js', s)).read())
244 f.close()
245 cmd = [MOZJS, 'a.js']
246 out = run_command(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
247 with open(os.path.join('test', 'binaryen.js', s + '.txt'), 'w') as o: o.write(out)
249 print '\n[ checking wasm-ctor-eval... ]\n'
251 for t in os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'ctor-eval')):
252 if t.endswith(('.wast', '.wasm')):
253 print '..', t
254 t = os.path.join('test', 'ctor-eval', t)
255 ctors = open(t + '.ctors').read().strip()
256 cmd = WASM_CTOR_EVAL + [t, '-o', 'a.wast', '-S', '--ctors', ctors]
257 stdout = run_command(cmd)
258 actual = open('a.wast').read()
259 out = t + '.out'
260 with open(out, 'w') as o: o.write(actual)
262 print '\n[ checking wasm2asm ]\n'
264 for wasm in tests + spec_tests + extra_tests:
265 if not wasm.endswith('.wast'):
266 continue
268 asm = os.path.basename(wasm).replace('.wast', '.2asm.js')
269 expected_file = os.path.join('test', asm)
271 if not os.path.exists(expected_file):
272 continue
274 print '..', wasm
276 cmd = WASM2ASM + [os.path.join('test', wasm)]
277 out = run_command(cmd)
278 with open(expected_file, 'w') as o: o.write(out)
280 for wasm in assert_tests:
281 print '..', wasm
283 asserts = os.path.basename(wasm).replace('.wast.asserts', '.asserts.js')
284 traps = os.path.basename(wasm).replace('.wast.asserts', '.traps.js')
285 asserts_expected_file = os.path.join('test', asserts)
286 traps_expected_file = os.path.join('test', traps)
288 cmd = WASM2ASM + [os.path.join('test', wasm), '--allow-asserts']
289 out = run_command(cmd)
290 with open(asserts_expected_file, 'w') as o: o.write(out)
292 cmd += ['--pedantic']
293 out = run_command(cmd)
294 with open(traps_expected_file, 'w') as o: o.write(out)
296 if has_shell_timeout():
297 print '\n[ checking wasm-reduce ]\n'
299 for t in os.listdir(os.path.join('test', 'reduce')):
300 if t.endswith('.wast'):
301 print '..', t
302 t = os.path.join('test', 'reduce', t)
303 # convert to wasm
304 run_command(WASM_AS + [t, '-o', 'a.wasm'])
305 print run_command(WASM_REDUCE + ['a.wasm', '--command=bin/wasm-opt b.wasm --fuzz-exec', '-t', 'b.wasm', '-w', 'c.wasm'])
306 expected = t + '.txt'
307 run_command(WASM_DIS + ['c.wasm', '-o', expected])
309 print '\n[ success! ]'