]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/binaryen/scripts/fuzz_relooper.py
New upstream version 1.23.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / binaryen / scripts / fuzz_relooper.py
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright 2016 WebAssembly Community Group participants
4 #
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
9 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
17 '''
18 This fuzzes the relooper using the C API.
19 '''
21 import difflib
22 import os
23 import random
24 import subprocess
26 if os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH'):
27 os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] += os.pathsep + 'lib'
28 else:
29 os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = 'lib'
31 counter = 0
33 while True:
34 # Random decisions
35 num = random.randint(2, 250)
36 density = random.random() * random.random()
37 max_decision = num * 20
38 decisions = [random.randint(1, max_decision) for x in range(num * 3)]
39 branches = [0] * num
40 defaults = [0] * num
41 for i in range(num):
42 b = set([])
43 bs = random.randint(1, max(1,
44 round(density * random.random() * (num - 1))))
45 for j in range(bs):
46 b.add(random.randint(1, num - 1))
47 b = list(b)
48 defaults[i] = random.choice(b)
49 b.remove(defaults[i])
50 branches[i] = b
51 optimize = random.random() < 0.5
52 print counter, ':', num, density, optimize
53 counter += 1
55 for temp in ['fuzz.wasm', 'fuzz.wast', 'fast.txt', 'fuzz.slow.js',
56 'fuzz.c']:
57 try:
58 os.unlink(temp)
59 except OSError:
60 pass
62 # parts
63 entry = '''
64 var label = 0;
65 var state;
66 var decisions = %s;
67 var index = 0;
68 function check() {
69 if (index == decisions.length) throw 'HALT';
70 console.log('(i32.const ' + (-decisions[index]) + ')');
71 return decisions[index++];
72 }
73 ''' % str(decisions)
75 slow = entry + '\n'
76 slow += 'label = 0;\n'
78 slow += '''
79 while(1) switch(label) {
80 '''
82 fast = '''
84 #include <assert.h>
85 #include <stdio.h>
87 #include "binaryen-c.h"
89 // globals: address 4 is index
90 // decisions are at address 8+
92 int main() {
93 BinaryenModuleRef module = BinaryenModuleCreate();
95 // check()
97 // if the end, halt
98 BinaryenExpressionRef halter = BinaryenIf(module,
99 BinaryenBinary(module,
100 BinaryenEqInt32(),
101 BinaryenLoad(module, 4, 0, 0, 0, BinaryenInt32(),
102 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(4))),
103 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(4 * %d)) // jumps of 4 bytes
104 ),
105 BinaryenUnreachable(module),
106 NULL
107 );
108 // increment index
109 BinaryenExpressionRef incer = BinaryenStore(module,
110 4, 0, 0,
111 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(4)),
112 BinaryenBinary(module,
113 BinaryenAddInt32(),
114 BinaryenLoad(module, 4, 0, 0, 0, BinaryenInt32(),
115 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(4))),
116 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(4))
117 ),
118 BinaryenInt32()
119 );
121 // optionally, print the return value
122 BinaryenExpressionRef args[] = {
123 BinaryenBinary(module,
124 BinaryenSubInt32(),
125 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(0)),
126 BinaryenLoad(module,
127 4, 0, 4, 0, BinaryenInt32(),
128 BinaryenLoad(module, 4, 0, 0, 0, BinaryenInt32(),
129 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(4)))
130 )
131 )
132 };
133 BinaryenExpressionRef debugger;
134 if (1) debugger = BinaryenCallImport(module, "print", args, 1,
135 BinaryenNone());
136 else debugger = BinaryenNop(module);
138 // return the decision. need to subtract 4 that we just added,
139 // and add 8 since that's where we start, so overall offset 4
140 BinaryenExpressionRef returner = BinaryenLoad(module,
141 4, 0, 4, 0, BinaryenInt32(),
142 BinaryenLoad(module, 4, 0, 0, 0, BinaryenInt32(),
143 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(4)))
144 );
145 BinaryenExpressionRef checkBodyList[] = { halter, incer, debugger,
146 returner };
147 BinaryenExpressionRef checkBody = BinaryenBlock(module,
148 NULL, checkBodyList, sizeof(checkBodyList) / sizeof(BinaryenExpressionRef)
149 );
150 BinaryenFunctionTypeRef i = BinaryenAddFunctionType(module, "i",
151 BinaryenInt32(),
152 NULL, 0);
153 BinaryenAddFunction(module, "check", i, NULL, 0, checkBody);
155 // contents of main() begin here
157 RelooperRef relooper = RelooperCreate();
159 ''' % len(decisions)
161 for i in range(0, num):
162 slow += ' case %d: console.log("(i32.const %d)"); state = check(); \n' % (
163 i, i)
164 b = branches[i]
165 for j in range(len(b)):
166 slow += ' if (state %% %d == %d) { label = %d; break }\n' % (
167 len(b) + 1, j, b[j]) # TODO: split range 1-n into these options
168 slow += ' label = %d; break\n' % defaults[i]
170 use_switch = [random.random() < 0.5 for i in range(num)]
172 for i in range(num):
173 fast += '''
174 RelooperBlockRef b%d;
175 {
176 BinaryenExpressionRef args[] = {
177 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(%d))
178 };
179 BinaryenExpressionRef list[] = {
180 BinaryenCallImport(module, "print", args, 1, BinaryenNone()),
181 BinaryenSetLocal(module, 0, BinaryenCall(module, "check", NULL, 0,
182 BinaryenInt32()))
183 };
184 ''' % (i, i)
185 if use_switch[i]:
186 fast += '''
187 b%d = RelooperAddBlockWithSwitch(relooper,
188 BinaryenBlock(module, NULL, list, 2),
189 BinaryenBinary(module,
190 BinaryenRemUInt32(),
191 BinaryenGetLocal(module, 0, BinaryenInt32()),
192 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(%d))
193 )
194 );
195 ''' % (i, len(branches[i]) + 1)
196 else: # non-switch
197 fast += '''
198 b%d = RelooperAddBlock(relooper, BinaryenBlock(module, NULL, list, 2));
199 ''' % i
200 fast += '''
201 }
202 '''
204 for i in range(num):
205 b = branches[i]
206 for j in range(len(b)):
207 if use_switch[i]:
208 total = len(b) + 1
209 values = ','.join([str(x) for x in range(random.randint(len(b) + 1,
210 max_decision + 2)) if x % total == j])
211 fast += '''
212 {
213 BinaryenIndex values[] = { %s };
214 RelooperAddBranchForSwitch(b%d, b%d, values,
215 sizeof(values) / sizeof(BinaryenIndex), NULL);
216 }
217 ''' % (values, i, b[j])
218 else: # non-switch
219 fast += '''
220 RelooperAddBranch(b%d, b%d, BinaryenBinary(module,
221 BinaryenEqInt32(),
222 BinaryenBinary(module,
223 BinaryenRemUInt32(),
224 BinaryenGetLocal(module, 0, BinaryenInt32()),
225 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(%d))
226 ),
227 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(%d))
228 ), NULL);
229 ''' % (i, b[j], len(b) + 1, j)
230 # default branch
231 if use_switch[i]:
232 fast += '''
233 RelooperAddBranchForSwitch(b%d, b%d, NULL, 0, NULL);
234 ''' % (i, defaults[i])
235 else:
236 fast += '''
237 RelooperAddBranch(b%d, b%d, NULL, NULL);
238 ''' % (i, defaults[i])
240 fast += '''
241 BinaryenExpressionRef body = RelooperRenderAndDispose(relooper, b0, 1,
242 module);
244 int decisions[] = { %s };
245 int numDecisions = sizeof(decisions)/sizeof(int);
247 // write out all the decisions, then the body of the function
248 BinaryenExpressionRef full[numDecisions + 1];
250 {
251 int i;
252 for (i = 0; i < numDecisions; i++) {
253 full[i] = BinaryenStore(module,
254 4, 0, 0,
255 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(8 + 4 * i)),
256 BinaryenConst(module, BinaryenLiteralInt32(decisions[i])),
257 BinaryenInt32()
258 );
259 }
260 }
261 full[numDecisions] = body;
262 BinaryenExpressionRef all = BinaryenBlock(module, NULL, full,
263 numDecisions + 1);
265 BinaryenFunctionTypeRef v = BinaryenAddFunctionType(module, "v",
266 BinaryenNone(),
267 NULL, 0);
268 // locals: state, free-for-label
269 BinaryenType localTypes[] = { BinaryenInt32(), BinaryenInt32() };
270 BinaryenFunctionRef theMain = BinaryenAddFunction(module, "main", v,
271 localTypes, 2, all);
272 BinaryenSetStart(module, theMain);
274 // import
276 BinaryenType iparams[] = { BinaryenInt32() };
277 BinaryenFunctionTypeRef vi = BinaryenAddFunctionType(module, "vi",
278 BinaryenNone(),
279 iparams, 1);
280 BinaryenAddImport(module, "print", "spectest", "print", vi);
282 // memory
283 BinaryenSetMemory(module, 1, 1, "mem", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
285 // optionally, optimize
286 if (%d) BinaryenModuleOptimize(module);
288 assert(BinaryenModuleValidate(module));
290 // write it out
292 BinaryenModulePrint(module);
294 BinaryenModuleDispose(module);
296 return 0;
297 }
298 ''' % (', '.join(map(str, decisions)), optimize)
300 slow += '}'
302 open('fuzz.slow.js', 'w').write(slow)
303 open('fuzz.c', 'w').write(fast)
305 print '.'
306 cmd = [os.environ.get('CC') or 'gcc', 'fuzz.c', '-Isrc',
307 '-lbinaryen', '-lasmjs',
308 '-lsupport', '-Llib/.', '-pthread', '-o', 'fuzz']
309 subprocess.check_call(cmd)
310 print '^'
311 subprocess.check_call(['./fuzz'], stdout=open('fuzz.wast', 'w'))
312 print '*'
313 fast_out = subprocess.Popen(['bin/wasm-shell', 'fuzz.wast'],
314 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
315 stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
316 print '-'
317 slow_out = subprocess.Popen(['nodejs', 'fuzz.slow.js'],
318 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
319 stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
320 print '_'
322 if slow_out != fast_out:
323 print ''.join([a.rstrip() + '\n' for a in difflib.unified_diff(
324 slow_out.split('\n'),
325 fast_out.split('\n'),
326 fromfile='slow',
327 tofile='fast')])
328 assert False