]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/binaryen/src/ir/effects.h
New upstream version 1.23.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / binaryen / src / ir / effects.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2017 WebAssembly Community Group participants
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #ifndef wasm_ir_effects_h
18 #define wasm_ir_effects_h
20 namespace wasm {
22 // Look for side effects, including control flow
23 // TODO: optimize
25 struct EffectAnalyzer : public PostWalker<EffectAnalyzer> {
26 EffectAnalyzer(PassOptions& passOptions, Expression *ast = nullptr) {
27 ignoreImplicitTraps = passOptions.ignoreImplicitTraps;
28 debugInfo = passOptions.debugInfo;
29 if (ast) analyze(ast);
30 }
32 bool ignoreImplicitTraps;
33 bool debugInfo;
35 void analyze(Expression *ast) {
36 breakNames.clear();
37 walk(ast);
38 // if we are left with breaks, they are external
39 if (breakNames.size() > 0) branches = true;
40 }
42 bool branches = false; // branches out of this expression, returns, infinite loops, etc
43 bool calls = false;
44 std::set<Index> localsRead;
45 std::set<Index> localsWritten;
46 std::set<Name> globalsRead;
47 std::set<Name> globalsWritten;
48 bool readsMemory = false;
49 bool writesMemory = false;
50 bool implicitTrap = false; // a load or div/rem, which may trap. we ignore trap
51 // differences, so it is ok to reorder these, but we can't
52 // remove them, as they count as side effects, and we
53 // can't move them in a way that would cause other noticeable
54 // (global) side effects
55 bool isAtomic = false; // An atomic load/store/RMW/Cmpxchg or an operator that
56 // has a defined ordering wrt atomics (e.g. grow_memory)
58 bool accessesLocal() { return localsRead.size() + localsWritten.size() > 0; }
59 bool accessesGlobal() { return globalsRead.size() + globalsWritten.size() > 0; }
60 bool accessesMemory() { return calls || readsMemory || writesMemory; }
61 bool hasGlobalSideEffects() { return calls || globalsWritten.size() > 0 || writesMemory || isAtomic; }
62 bool hasSideEffects() { return hasGlobalSideEffects() || localsWritten.size() > 0 || branches || implicitTrap; }
63 bool hasAnything() { return branches || calls || accessesLocal() || readsMemory || writesMemory || accessesGlobal() || implicitTrap || isAtomic; }
65 // check if we break to anything external from ourselves
66 bool hasExternalBreakTargets() { return !breakNames.empty(); }
68 // checks if these effects would invalidate another set (e.g., if we write, we invalidate someone that reads, they can't be moved past us)
69 bool invalidates(EffectAnalyzer& other) {
70 if (branches || other.branches
71 || ((writesMemory || calls) && other.accessesMemory())
72 || (accessesMemory() && (other.writesMemory || other.calls))) {
73 return true;
74 }
75 // All atomics are sequentially consistent for now, and ordered wrt other
76 // memory references.
77 if ((isAtomic && other.accessesMemory()) ||
78 (other.isAtomic && accessesMemory())) {
79 return true;
80 }
81 for (auto local : localsWritten) {
82 if (other.localsWritten.count(local) || other.localsRead.count(local)) {
83 return true;
84 }
85 }
86 for (auto local : localsRead) {
87 if (other.localsWritten.count(local)) return true;
88 }
89 if ((accessesGlobal() && other.calls) || (other.accessesGlobal() && calls)) {
90 return true;
91 }
92 for (auto global : globalsWritten) {
93 if (other.globalsWritten.count(global) || other.globalsRead.count(global)) {
94 return true;
95 }
96 }
97 for (auto global : globalsRead) {
98 if (other.globalsWritten.count(global)) return true;
99 }
100 // we are ok to reorder implicit traps, but not conditionalize them
101 if ((implicitTrap && other.branches) || (other.implicitTrap && branches)) {
102 return true;
103 }
104 // we can't reorder an implicit trap in a way that alters global state
105 if ((implicitTrap && other.hasGlobalSideEffects()) || (other.implicitTrap && hasGlobalSideEffects())) {
106 return true;
107 }
108 return false;
109 }
111 void mergeIn(EffectAnalyzer& other) {
112 branches = branches || other.branches;
113 calls = calls || other.calls;
114 readsMemory = readsMemory || other.readsMemory;
115 writesMemory = writesMemory || other.writesMemory;
116 for (auto i : other.localsRead) localsRead.insert(i);
117 for (auto i : other.localsWritten) localsWritten.insert(i);
118 for (auto i : other.globalsRead) globalsRead.insert(i);
119 for (auto i : other.globalsWritten) globalsWritten.insert(i);
120 }
122 // the checks above happen after the node's children were processed, in the order of execution
123 // we must also check for control flow that happens before the children, i.e., loops
124 bool checkPre(Expression* curr) {
125 if (curr->is<Loop>()) {
126 branches = true;
127 return true;
128 }
129 return false;
130 }
132 bool checkPost(Expression* curr) {
133 visit(curr);
134 if (curr->is<Loop>()) {
135 branches = true;
136 }
137 return hasAnything();
138 }
140 std::set<Name> breakNames;
142 void visitBreak(Break *curr) {
143 breakNames.insert(curr->name);
144 }
145 void visitSwitch(Switch *curr) {
146 for (auto name : curr->targets) {
147 breakNames.insert(name);
148 }
149 breakNames.insert(curr->default_);
150 }
151 void visitBlock(Block* curr) {
152 if (curr->name.is()) breakNames.erase(curr->name); // these were internal breaks
153 }
154 void visitLoop(Loop* curr) {
155 if (curr->name.is()) breakNames.erase(curr->name); // these were internal breaks
156 // if the loop is unreachable, then there is branching control flow:
157 // (1) if the body is unreachable because of a (return), uncaught (br) etc., then we
158 // already noted branching, so it is ok to mark it again (if we have *caught*
159 // (br)s, then they did not lead to the loop body being unreachable).
160 // (same logic applies to blocks)
161 // (2) if the loop is unreachable because it only has branches up to the loop
162 // top, but no way to get out, then it is an infinite loop, and we consider
163 // that a branching side effect (note how the same logic does not apply to
164 // blocks).
165 if (curr->type == unreachable) {
166 branches = true;
167 }
168 }
170 void visitCall(Call *curr) { calls = true; }
171 void visitCallImport(CallImport *curr) {
172 calls = true;
173 if (debugInfo) {
174 // debugInfo call imports must be preserved very strongly, do not
175 // move code around them
176 branches = true; // !
177 }
178 }
179 void visitCallIndirect(CallIndirect *curr) { calls = true; }
180 void visitGetLocal(GetLocal *curr) {
181 localsRead.insert(curr->index);
182 }
183 void visitSetLocal(SetLocal *curr) {
184 localsWritten.insert(curr->index);
185 }
186 void visitGetGlobal(GetGlobal *curr) {
187 globalsRead.insert(curr->name);
188 }
189 void visitSetGlobal(SetGlobal *curr) {
190 globalsWritten.insert(curr->name);
191 }
192 void visitLoad(Load *curr) {
193 readsMemory = true;
194 isAtomic |= curr->isAtomic;
195 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
196 }
197 void visitStore(Store *curr) {
198 writesMemory = true;
199 isAtomic |= curr->isAtomic;
200 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
201 }
202 void visitAtomicRMW(AtomicRMW* curr) {
203 readsMemory = true;
204 writesMemory = true;
205 isAtomic = true;
206 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
207 }
208 void visitAtomicCmpxchg(AtomicCmpxchg* curr) {
209 readsMemory = true;
210 writesMemory = true;
211 isAtomic = true;
212 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
213 }
214 void visitAtomicWait(AtomicWait* curr) {
215 readsMemory = true;
216 // AtomicWait doesn't strictly write memory, but it does modify the waiters
217 // list associated with the specified address, which we can think of as a
218 // write.
219 writesMemory = true;
220 isAtomic = true;
221 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
222 }
223 void visitAtomicWake(AtomicWake* curr) {
224 // AtomicWake doesn't strictly write memory, but it does modify the waiters
225 // list associated with the specified address, which we can think of as a
226 // write.
227 readsMemory = true;
228 writesMemory = true;
229 isAtomic = true;
230 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) implicitTrap = true;
231 };
232 void visitUnary(Unary *curr) {
233 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) {
234 switch (curr->op) {
235 case TruncSFloat32ToInt32:
236 case TruncSFloat32ToInt64:
237 case TruncUFloat32ToInt32:
238 case TruncUFloat32ToInt64:
239 case TruncSFloat64ToInt32:
240 case TruncSFloat64ToInt64:
241 case TruncUFloat64ToInt32:
242 case TruncUFloat64ToInt64: {
243 implicitTrap = true;
244 break;
245 }
246 default: {}
247 }
248 }
249 }
250 void visitBinary(Binary *curr) {
251 if (!ignoreImplicitTraps) {
252 switch (curr->op) {
253 case DivSInt32:
254 case DivUInt32:
255 case RemSInt32:
256 case RemUInt32:
257 case DivSInt64:
258 case DivUInt64:
259 case RemSInt64:
260 case RemUInt64: {
261 implicitTrap = true;
262 break;
263 }
264 default: {}
265 }
266 }
267 }
268 void visitReturn(Return *curr) { branches = true; }
269 void visitHost(Host *curr) {
270 calls = true;
271 // grow_memory modifies the set of valid addresses, and thus can be modeled as modifying memory
272 writesMemory = true;
273 // Atomics are also sequentially consistent with grow_memory.
274 isAtomic = true;
275 }
276 void visitUnreachable(Unreachable *curr) { branches = true; }
277 };
279 } // namespace wasm
281 #endif // wasm_ir_effects_h