]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/bootstrap/bootstrap.py
New upstream version 1.58.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / bootstrap / bootstrap.py
1 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
2 import argparse
3 import contextlib
4 import datetime
5 import distutils.version
6 import hashlib
7 import json
8 import os
9 import re
10 import shutil
11 import subprocess
12 import sys
13 import tarfile
14 import tempfile
16 from time import time
18 def support_xz():
19 try:
20 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
21 temp_path = temp_file.name
22 with tarfile.open(temp_path, "w:xz"):
23 pass
24 return True
25 except tarfile.CompressionError:
26 return False
28 def get(base, url, path, checksums, verbose=False, do_verify=True):
29 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
30 temp_path = temp_file.name
32 try:
33 if do_verify:
34 if url not in checksums:
35 raise RuntimeError("src/stage0.json doesn't contain a checksum for {}".format(url))
36 sha256 = checksums[url]
37 if os.path.exists(path):
38 if verify(path, sha256, False):
39 if verbose:
40 print("using already-download file", path)
41 return
42 else:
43 if verbose:
44 print("ignoring already-download file",
45 path, "due to failed verification")
46 os.unlink(path)
47 download(temp_path, "{}/{}".format(base, url), True, verbose)
48 if do_verify and not verify(temp_path, sha256, verbose):
49 raise RuntimeError("failed verification")
50 if verbose:
51 print("moving {} to {}".format(temp_path, path))
52 shutil.move(temp_path, path)
53 finally:
54 if os.path.isfile(temp_path):
55 if verbose:
56 print("removing", temp_path)
57 os.unlink(temp_path)
60 def download(path, url, probably_big, verbose):
61 for _ in range(0, 4):
62 try:
63 _download(path, url, probably_big, verbose, True)
64 return
65 except RuntimeError:
66 print("\nspurious failure, trying again")
67 _download(path, url, probably_big, verbose, False)
70 def _download(path, url, probably_big, verbose, exception):
71 if probably_big or verbose:
72 print("downloading {}".format(url))
73 # see https://serverfault.com/questions/301128/how-to-download
74 if sys.platform == 'win32':
75 run(["PowerShell.exe", "/nologo", "-Command",
76 "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;",
77 "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('{}', '{}')".format(url, path)],
78 verbose=verbose,
79 exception=exception)
80 else:
81 if probably_big or verbose:
82 option = "-#"
83 else:
84 option = "-s"
85 require(["curl", "--version"])
86 run(["curl", option,
87 "-y", "30", "-Y", "10", # timeout if speed is < 10 bytes/sec for > 30 seconds
88 "--connect-timeout", "30", # timeout if cannot connect within 30 seconds
89 "--retry", "3", "-Sf", "-o", path, url],
90 verbose=verbose,
91 exception=exception)
94 def verify(path, expected, verbose):
95 """Check if the sha256 sum of the given path is valid"""
96 if verbose:
97 print("verifying", path)
98 with open(path, "rb") as source:
99 found = hashlib.sha256(source.read()).hexdigest()
100 verified = found == expected
101 if not verified:
102 print("invalid checksum:\n"
103 " found: {}\n"
104 " expected: {}".format(found, expected))
105 return verified
108 def unpack(tarball, tarball_suffix, dst, verbose=False, match=None):
109 """Unpack the given tarball file"""
110 print("extracting", tarball)
111 fname = os.path.basename(tarball).replace(tarball_suffix, "")
112 with contextlib.closing(tarfile.open(tarball)) as tar:
113 for member in tar.getnames():
114 if "/" not in member:
115 continue
116 name = member.replace(fname + "/", "", 1)
117 if match is not None and not name.startswith(match):
118 continue
119 name = name[len(match) + 1:]
121 dst_path = os.path.join(dst, name)
122 if verbose:
123 print(" extracting", member)
124 tar.extract(member, dst)
125 src_path = os.path.join(dst, member)
126 if os.path.isdir(src_path) and os.path.exists(dst_path):
127 continue
128 shutil.move(src_path, dst_path)
129 shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dst, fname))
132 def run(args, verbose=False, exception=False, is_bootstrap=False, **kwargs):
133 """Run a child program in a new process"""
134 if verbose:
135 print("running: " + ' '.join(args))
136 sys.stdout.flush()
137 # Use Popen here instead of call() as it apparently allows powershell on
138 # Windows to not lock up waiting for input presumably.
139 ret = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
140 code = ret.wait()
141 if code != 0:
142 err = "failed to run: " + ' '.join(args)
143 if verbose or exception:
144 raise RuntimeError(err)
145 # For most failures, we definitely do want to print this error, or the user will have no
146 # idea what went wrong. But when we've successfully built bootstrap and it failed, it will
147 # have already printed an error above, so there's no need to print the exact command we're
148 # running.
149 if is_bootstrap:
150 sys.exit(1)
151 else:
152 sys.exit(err)
155 def require(cmd, exit=True):
156 '''Run a command, returning its output.
157 On error,
158 If `exit` is `True`, exit the process.
159 Otherwise, return None.'''
160 try:
161 return subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip()
162 except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as exc:
163 if not exit:
164 return None
165 print("error: unable to run `{}`: {}".format(' '.join(cmd), exc))
166 print("Please make sure it's installed and in the path.")
167 sys.exit(1)
170 def format_build_time(duration):
171 """Return a nicer format for build time
173 >>> format_build_time('300')
174 '0:05:00'
175 """
176 return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(duration)))
179 def default_build_triple(verbose):
180 """Build triple as in LLVM"""
181 # If the user already has a host build triple with an existing `rustc`
182 # install, use their preference. This fixes most issues with Windows builds
183 # being detected as GNU instead of MSVC.
184 default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
185 try:
186 version = subprocess.check_output(["rustc", "--version", "--verbose"],
187 stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
188 version = version.decode(default_encoding)
189 host = next(x for x in version.split('\n') if x.startswith("host: "))
190 triple = host.split("host: ")[1]
191 if verbose:
192 print("detected default triple {}".format(triple))
193 return triple
194 except Exception as e:
195 if verbose:
196 print("rustup not detected: {}".format(e))
197 print("falling back to auto-detect")
199 required = sys.platform != 'win32'
200 ostype = require(["uname", "-s"], exit=required)
201 cputype = require(['uname', '-m'], exit=required)
203 # If we do not have `uname`, assume Windows.
204 if ostype is None or cputype is None:
205 return 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
207 ostype = ostype.decode(default_encoding)
208 cputype = cputype.decode(default_encoding)
210 # The goal here is to come up with the same triple as LLVM would,
211 # at least for the subset of platforms we're willing to target.
212 ostype_mapper = {
213 'Darwin': 'apple-darwin',
214 'DragonFly': 'unknown-dragonfly',
215 'FreeBSD': 'unknown-freebsd',
216 'Haiku': 'unknown-haiku',
217 'NetBSD': 'unknown-netbsd',
218 'OpenBSD': 'unknown-openbsd'
219 }
221 # Consider the direct transformation first and then the special cases
222 if ostype in ostype_mapper:
223 ostype = ostype_mapper[ostype]
224 elif ostype == 'Linux':
225 os_from_sp = subprocess.check_output(
226 ['uname', '-o']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
227 if os_from_sp == 'Android':
228 ostype = 'linux-android'
229 else:
230 ostype = 'unknown-linux-gnu'
231 elif ostype == 'SunOS':
232 ostype = 'pc-solaris'
233 # On Solaris, uname -m will return a machine classification instead
234 # of a cpu type, so uname -p is recommended instead. However, the
235 # output from that option is too generic for our purposes (it will
236 # always emit 'i386' on x86/amd64 systems). As such, isainfo -k
237 # must be used instead.
238 cputype = require(['isainfo', '-k']).decode(default_encoding)
239 # sparc cpus have sun as a target vendor
240 if 'sparc' in cputype:
241 ostype = 'sun-solaris'
242 elif ostype.startswith('MINGW'):
243 # msys' `uname` does not print gcc configuration, but prints msys
244 # configuration. so we cannot believe `uname -m`:
245 # msys1 is always i686 and msys2 is always x86_64.
246 # instead, msys defines $MSYSTEM which is MINGW32 on i686 and
247 # MINGW64 on x86_64.
248 ostype = 'pc-windows-gnu'
249 cputype = 'i686'
250 if os.environ.get('MSYSTEM') == 'MINGW64':
251 cputype = 'x86_64'
252 elif ostype.startswith('MSYS'):
253 ostype = 'pc-windows-gnu'
254 elif ostype.startswith('CYGWIN_NT'):
255 cputype = 'i686'
256 if ostype.endswith('WOW64'):
257 cputype = 'x86_64'
258 ostype = 'pc-windows-gnu'
259 elif sys.platform == 'win32':
260 # Some Windows platforms might have a `uname` command that returns a
261 # non-standard string (e.g. gnuwin32 tools returns `windows32`). In
262 # these cases, fall back to using sys.platform.
263 return 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
264 else:
265 err = "unknown OS type: {}".format(ostype)
266 sys.exit(err)
268 if cputype == 'powerpc' and ostype == 'unknown-freebsd':
269 cputype = subprocess.check_output(
270 ['uname', '-p']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
271 cputype_mapper = {
272 'BePC': 'i686',
273 'aarch64': 'aarch64',
274 'amd64': 'x86_64',
275 'arm64': 'aarch64',
276 'i386': 'i686',
277 'i486': 'i686',
278 'i686': 'i686',
279 'i786': 'i686',
280 'm68k': 'm68k',
281 'powerpc': 'powerpc',
282 'powerpc64': 'powerpc64',
283 'powerpc64le': 'powerpc64le',
284 'ppc': 'powerpc',
285 'ppc64': 'powerpc64',
286 'ppc64le': 'powerpc64le',
287 'riscv64': 'riscv64gc',
288 's390x': 's390x',
289 'x64': 'x86_64',
290 'x86': 'i686',
291 'x86-64': 'x86_64',
292 'x86_64': 'x86_64'
293 }
295 # Consider the direct transformation first and then the special cases
296 if cputype in cputype_mapper:
297 cputype = cputype_mapper[cputype]
298 elif cputype in {'xscale', 'arm'}:
299 cputype = 'arm'
300 if ostype == 'linux-android':
301 ostype = 'linux-androideabi'
302 elif ostype == 'unknown-freebsd':
303 cputype = subprocess.check_output(
304 ['uname', '-p']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
305 ostype = 'unknown-freebsd'
306 elif cputype == 'armv6l':
307 cputype = 'arm'
308 if ostype == 'linux-android':
309 ostype = 'linux-androideabi'
310 else:
311 ostype += 'eabihf'
312 elif cputype in {'armv7l', 'armv8l'}:
313 cputype = 'armv7'
314 if ostype == 'linux-android':
315 ostype = 'linux-androideabi'
316 else:
317 ostype += 'eabihf'
318 elif cputype == 'mips':
319 if sys.byteorder == 'big':
320 cputype = 'mips'
321 elif sys.byteorder == 'little':
322 cputype = 'mipsel'
323 else:
324 raise ValueError("unknown byteorder: {}".format(sys.byteorder))
325 elif cputype == 'mips64':
326 if sys.byteorder == 'big':
327 cputype = 'mips64'
328 elif sys.byteorder == 'little':
329 cputype = 'mips64el'
330 else:
331 raise ValueError('unknown byteorder: {}'.format(sys.byteorder))
332 # only the n64 ABI is supported, indicate it
333 ostype += 'abi64'
334 elif cputype == 'sparc' or cputype == 'sparcv9' or cputype == 'sparc64':
335 pass
336 else:
337 err = "unknown cpu type: {}".format(cputype)
338 sys.exit(err)
340 return "{}-{}".format(cputype, ostype)
343 @contextlib.contextmanager
344 def output(filepath):
345 tmp = filepath + '.tmp'
346 with open(tmp, 'w') as f:
347 yield f
348 try:
349 if os.path.exists(filepath):
350 os.remove(filepath) # PermissionError/OSError on Win32 if in use
351 except OSError:
352 shutil.copy2(tmp, filepath)
353 os.remove(tmp)
354 return
355 os.rename(tmp, filepath)
358 class Stage0Toolchain:
359 def __init__(self, stage0_payload):
360 self.date = stage0_payload["date"]
361 self.version = stage0_payload["version"]
363 def channel(self):
364 return self.version + "-" + self.date
367 class RustBuild(object):
368 """Provide all the methods required to build Rust"""
369 def __init__(self):
370 self.checksums_sha256 = {}
371 self.stage0_compiler = None
372 self.stage0_rustfmt = None
373 self._download_url = ''
374 self.build = ''
375 self.build_dir = ''
376 self.clean = False
377 self.config_toml = ''
378 self.rust_root = ''
379 self.use_locked_deps = ''
380 self.use_vendored_sources = ''
381 self.verbose = False
382 self.git_version = None
383 self.nix_deps_dir = None
384 self.rustc_commit = None
386 def download_toolchain(self, stage0=True, rustc_channel=None):
387 """Fetch the build system for Rust, written in Rust
389 This method will build a cache directory, then it will fetch the
390 tarball which has the stage0 compiler used to then bootstrap the Rust
391 compiler itself.
393 Each downloaded tarball is extracted, after that, the script
394 will move all the content to the right place.
395 """
396 if rustc_channel is None:
397 rustc_channel = self.stage0_compiler.version
398 bin_root = self.bin_root(stage0)
400 key = self.stage0_compiler.date
401 if not stage0:
402 key += str(self.rustc_commit)
403 if self.rustc(stage0).startswith(bin_root) and \
404 (not os.path.exists(self.rustc(stage0)) or
405 self.program_out_of_date(self.rustc_stamp(stage0), key)):
406 if os.path.exists(bin_root):
407 shutil.rmtree(bin_root)
408 tarball_suffix = '.tar.xz' if support_xz() else '.tar.gz'
409 filename = "rust-std-{}-{}{}".format(
410 rustc_channel, self.build, tarball_suffix)
411 pattern = "rust-std-{}".format(self.build)
412 self._download_component_helper(filename, pattern, tarball_suffix, stage0)
413 filename = "rustc-{}-{}{}".format(rustc_channel, self.build,
414 tarball_suffix)
415 self._download_component_helper(filename, "rustc", tarball_suffix, stage0)
416 # download-rustc doesn't need its own cargo, it can just use beta's.
417 if stage0:
418 filename = "cargo-{}-{}{}".format(rustc_channel, self.build,
419 tarball_suffix)
420 self._download_component_helper(filename, "cargo", tarball_suffix)
421 self.fix_bin_or_dylib("{}/bin/cargo".format(bin_root))
422 else:
423 filename = "rustc-dev-{}-{}{}".format(rustc_channel, self.build, tarball_suffix)
424 self._download_component_helper(
425 filename, "rustc-dev", tarball_suffix, stage0
426 )
428 self.fix_bin_or_dylib("{}/bin/rustc".format(bin_root))
429 self.fix_bin_or_dylib("{}/bin/rustdoc".format(bin_root))
430 lib_dir = "{}/lib".format(bin_root)
431 for lib in os.listdir(lib_dir):
432 if lib.endswith(".so"):
433 self.fix_bin_or_dylib(os.path.join(lib_dir, lib))
434 with output(self.rustc_stamp(stage0)) as rust_stamp:
435 rust_stamp.write(key)
437 if self.rustfmt() and self.rustfmt().startswith(bin_root) and (
438 not os.path.exists(self.rustfmt())
439 or self.program_out_of_date(
440 self.rustfmt_stamp(),
441 "" if self.stage0_rustfmt is None else self.stage0_rustfmt.channel()
442 )
443 ):
444 if self.stage0_rustfmt is not None:
445 tarball_suffix = '.tar.xz' if support_xz() else '.tar.gz'
446 filename = "rustfmt-{}-{}{}".format(
447 self.stage0_rustfmt.version, self.build, tarball_suffix,
448 )
449 self._download_component_helper(
450 filename, "rustfmt-preview", tarball_suffix, key=self.stage0_rustfmt.date
451 )
452 self.fix_bin_or_dylib("{}/bin/rustfmt".format(bin_root))
453 self.fix_bin_or_dylib("{}/bin/cargo-fmt".format(bin_root))
454 with output(self.rustfmt_stamp()) as rustfmt_stamp:
455 rustfmt_stamp.write(self.stage0_rustfmt.channel())
457 # Avoid downloading LLVM twice (once for stage0 and once for the master rustc)
458 if self.downloading_llvm() and stage0:
459 # We want the most recent LLVM submodule update to avoid downloading
460 # LLVM more often than necessary.
461 #
462 # This git command finds that commit SHA, looking for bors-authored
463 # commits that modified src/llvm-project or other relevant version
464 # stamp files.
465 #
466 # This works even in a repository that has not yet initialized
467 # submodules.
468 top_level = subprocess.check_output([
469 "git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel",
470 ]).decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).strip()
471 llvm_sha = subprocess.check_output([
472 "git", "rev-list", "--author=bors@rust-lang.org", "-n1",
473 "--first-parent", "HEAD",
474 "--",
475 "{}/src/llvm-project".format(top_level),
476 "{}/src/bootstrap/download-ci-llvm-stamp".format(top_level),
477 # the LLVM shared object file is named `LLVM-12-rust-{version}-nightly`
478 "{}/src/version".format(top_level)
479 ]).decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()).strip()
480 llvm_assertions = self.get_toml('assertions', 'llvm') == 'true'
481 llvm_root = self.llvm_root()
482 llvm_lib = os.path.join(llvm_root, "lib")
483 if self.program_out_of_date(self.llvm_stamp(), llvm_sha + str(llvm_assertions)):
484 self._download_ci_llvm(llvm_sha, llvm_assertions)
485 for binary in ["llvm-config", "FileCheck"]:
486 self.fix_bin_or_dylib(os.path.join(llvm_root, "bin", binary))
487 for lib in os.listdir(llvm_lib):
488 if lib.endswith(".so"):
489 self.fix_bin_or_dylib(os.path.join(llvm_lib, lib))
490 with output(self.llvm_stamp()) as llvm_stamp:
491 llvm_stamp.write(llvm_sha + str(llvm_assertions))
493 def downloading_llvm(self):
494 opt = self.get_toml('download-ci-llvm', 'llvm')
495 # This is currently all tier 1 targets and tier 2 targets with host tools
496 # (since others may not have CI artifacts)
497 # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/platform-support.html#tier-1
498 supported_platforms = [
499 # tier 1
500 "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
501 "i686-pc-windows-gnu",
502 "i686-pc-windows-msvc",
503 "i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
504 "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
505 "x86_64-apple-darwin",
506 "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu",
507 "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
508 # tier 2 with host tools
509 "aarch64-apple-darwin",
510 "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc",
511 "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl",
512 "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
513 "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf",
514 "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf",
515 "mips-unknown-linux-gnu",
516 "mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64",
517 "mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64",
518 "mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu",
519 "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
520 "powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu",
521 "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu",
522 "riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu",
523 "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
524 "x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
525 "x86_64-unknown-illumos",
526 "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl",
527 "x86_64-unknown-netbsd",
528 ]
529 return opt == "true" \
530 or (opt == "if-available" and self.build in supported_platforms)
532 def _download_component_helper(
533 self, filename, pattern, tarball_suffix, stage0=True, key=None
534 ):
535 if key is None:
536 if stage0:
537 key = self.stage0_compiler.date
538 else:
539 key = self.rustc_commit
540 cache_dst = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "cache")
541 rustc_cache = os.path.join(cache_dst, key)
542 if not os.path.exists(rustc_cache):
543 os.makedirs(rustc_cache)
545 if stage0:
546 base = self._download_url
547 url = "dist/{}".format(key)
548 else:
549 base = "https://ci-artifacts.rust-lang.org"
550 url = "rustc-builds/{}".format(self.rustc_commit)
551 tarball = os.path.join(rustc_cache, filename)
552 if not os.path.exists(tarball):
553 get(
554 base,
555 "{}/{}".format(url, filename),
556 tarball,
557 self.checksums_sha256,
558 verbose=self.verbose,
559 do_verify=stage0,
560 )
561 unpack(tarball, tarball_suffix, self.bin_root(stage0), match=pattern, verbose=self.verbose)
563 def _download_ci_llvm(self, llvm_sha, llvm_assertions):
564 if not llvm_sha:
565 print("error: could not find commit hash for downloading LLVM")
566 print("help: maybe your repository history is too shallow?")
567 print("help: consider disabling `download-ci-llvm`")
568 print("help: or fetch enough history to include one upstream commit")
569 exit(1)
570 cache_prefix = "llvm-{}-{}".format(llvm_sha, llvm_assertions)
571 cache_dst = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "cache")
572 rustc_cache = os.path.join(cache_dst, cache_prefix)
573 if not os.path.exists(rustc_cache):
574 os.makedirs(rustc_cache)
576 base = "https://ci-artifacts.rust-lang.org"
577 url = "rustc-builds/{}".format(llvm_sha)
578 if llvm_assertions:
579 url = url.replace('rustc-builds', 'rustc-builds-alt')
580 # ci-artifacts are only stored as .xz, not .gz
581 if not support_xz():
582 print("error: XZ support is required to download LLVM")
583 print("help: consider disabling `download-ci-llvm` or using python3")
584 exit(1)
585 tarball_suffix = '.tar.xz'
586 filename = "rust-dev-nightly-" + self.build + tarball_suffix
587 tarball = os.path.join(rustc_cache, filename)
588 if not os.path.exists(tarball):
589 get(
590 base,
591 "{}/{}".format(url, filename),
592 tarball,
593 self.checksums_sha256,
594 verbose=self.verbose,
595 do_verify=False,
596 )
597 unpack(tarball, tarball_suffix, self.llvm_root(),
598 match="rust-dev",
599 verbose=self.verbose)
601 def fix_bin_or_dylib(self, fname):
602 """Modifies the interpreter section of 'fname' to fix the dynamic linker,
603 or the RPATH section, to fix the dynamic library search path
605 This method is only required on NixOS and uses the PatchELF utility to
606 change the interpreter/RPATH of ELF executables.
608 Please see https://nixos.org/patchelf.html for more information
609 """
610 default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
611 try:
612 ostype = subprocess.check_output(
613 ['uname', '-s']).strip().decode(default_encoding)
614 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
615 return
616 except OSError as reason:
617 if getattr(reason, 'winerror', None) is not None:
618 return
619 raise reason
621 if ostype != "Linux":
622 return
624 # If the user has asked binaries to be patched for Nix, then
625 # don't check for NixOS or `/lib`, just continue to the patching.
626 if self.get_toml('patch-binaries-for-nix', 'build') != 'true':
627 # Use `/etc/os-release` instead of `/etc/NIXOS`.
628 # The latter one does not exist on NixOS when using tmpfs as root.
629 try:
630 with open("/etc/os-release", "r") as f:
631 if not any(line.strip() == "ID=nixos" for line in f):
632 return
633 except FileNotFoundError:
634 return
635 if os.path.exists("/lib"):
636 return
638 # At this point we're pretty sure the user is running NixOS or
639 # using Nix
640 nix_os_msg = "info: you seem to be using Nix. Attempting to patch"
641 print(nix_os_msg, fname)
643 # Only build `.nix-deps` once.
644 nix_deps_dir = self.nix_deps_dir
645 if not nix_deps_dir:
646 # Run `nix-build` to "build" each dependency (which will likely reuse
647 # the existing `/nix/store` copy, or at most download a pre-built copy).
648 #
649 # Importantly, we create a gc-root called `.nix-deps` in the `build/`
650 # directory, but still reference the actual `/nix/store` path in the rpath
651 # as it makes it significantly more robust against changes to the location of
652 # the `.nix-deps` location.
653 #
654 # bintools: Needed for the path of `ld-linux.so` (via `nix-support/dynamic-linker`).
655 # zlib: Needed as a system dependency of `libLLVM-*.so`.
656 # patchelf: Needed for patching ELF binaries (see doc comment above).
657 nix_deps_dir = "{}/{}".format(self.build_dir, ".nix-deps")
658 nix_expr = '''
659 with (import <nixpkgs> {});
660 symlinkJoin {
661 name = "rust-stage0-dependencies";
662 paths = [
663 zlib
664 patchelf
665 stdenv.cc.bintools
666 ];
667 }
668 '''
669 try:
670 subprocess.check_output([
671 "nix-build", "-E", nix_expr, "-o", nix_deps_dir,
672 ])
673 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as reason:
674 print("warning: failed to call nix-build:", reason)
675 return
676 self.nix_deps_dir = nix_deps_dir
678 patchelf = "{}/bin/patchelf".format(nix_deps_dir)
679 rpath_entries = [
680 # Relative default, all binary and dynamic libraries we ship
681 # appear to have this (even when `../lib` is redundant).
682 "$ORIGIN/../lib",
683 os.path.join(os.path.realpath(nix_deps_dir), "lib")
684 ]
685 patchelf_args = ["--set-rpath", ":".join(rpath_entries)]
686 if not fname.endswith(".so"):
687 # Finally, set the corret .interp for binaries
688 with open("{}/nix-support/dynamic-linker".format(nix_deps_dir)) as dynamic_linker:
689 patchelf_args += ["--set-interpreter", dynamic_linker.read().rstrip()]
691 try:
692 subprocess.check_output([patchelf] + patchelf_args + [fname])
693 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as reason:
694 print("warning: failed to call patchelf:", reason)
695 return
697 # If `download-rustc` is set, download the most recent commit with CI artifacts
698 def maybe_download_ci_toolchain(self):
699 # If `download-rustc` is not set, default to rebuilding.
700 download_rustc = self.get_toml("download-rustc", section="rust")
701 if download_rustc is None or download_rustc == "false":
702 return None
703 assert download_rustc == "true" or download_rustc == "if-unchanged", download_rustc
705 # Handle running from a directory other than the top level
706 rev_parse = ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]
707 top_level = subprocess.check_output(rev_parse, universal_newlines=True).strip()
708 compiler = "{}/compiler/".format(top_level)
709 library = "{}/library/".format(top_level)
711 # Look for a version to compare to based on the current commit.
712 # Only commits merged by bors will have CI artifacts.
713 merge_base = [
714 "git", "rev-list", "--author=bors@rust-lang.org", "-n1",
715 "--first-parent", "HEAD"
716 ]
717 commit = subprocess.check_output(merge_base, universal_newlines=True).strip()
718 if not commit:
719 print("error: could not find commit hash for downloading rustc")
720 print("help: maybe your repository history is too shallow?")
721 print("help: consider disabling `download-rustc`")
722 print("help: or fetch enough history to include one upstream commit")
723 exit(1)
725 # Warn if there were changes to the compiler or standard library since the ancestor commit.
726 status = subprocess.call(["git", "diff-index", "--quiet", commit, "--", compiler, library])
727 if status != 0:
728 if download_rustc == "if-unchanged":
729 return None
730 print("warning: `download-rustc` is enabled, but there are changes to \
731 compiler/ or library/")
733 if self.verbose:
734 print("using downloaded stage1 artifacts from CI (commit {})".format(commit))
735 self.rustc_commit = commit
736 # FIXME: support downloading artifacts from the beta channel
737 self.download_toolchain(False, "nightly")
739 def rustc_stamp(self, stage0):
740 """Return the path for .rustc-stamp at the given stage
742 >>> rb = RustBuild()
743 >>> rb.build_dir = "build"
744 >>> rb.rustc_stamp(True) == os.path.join("build", "stage0", ".rustc-stamp")
745 True
746 >>> rb.rustc_stamp(False) == os.path.join("build", "ci-rustc", ".rustc-stamp")
747 True
748 """
749 return os.path.join(self.bin_root(stage0), '.rustc-stamp')
751 def rustfmt_stamp(self):
752 """Return the path for .rustfmt-stamp
754 >>> rb = RustBuild()
755 >>> rb.build_dir = "build"
756 >>> rb.rustfmt_stamp() == os.path.join("build", "stage0", ".rustfmt-stamp")
757 True
758 """
759 return os.path.join(self.bin_root(True), '.rustfmt-stamp')
761 def llvm_stamp(self):
762 """Return the path for .rustfmt-stamp
764 >>> rb = RustBuild()
765 >>> rb.build_dir = "build"
766 >>> rb.llvm_stamp() == os.path.join("build", "ci-llvm", ".llvm-stamp")
767 True
768 """
769 return os.path.join(self.llvm_root(), '.llvm-stamp')
772 def program_out_of_date(self, stamp_path, key):
773 """Check if the given program stamp is out of date"""
774 if not os.path.exists(stamp_path) or self.clean:
775 return True
776 with open(stamp_path, 'r') as stamp:
777 return key != stamp.read()
779 def bin_root(self, stage0):
780 """Return the binary root directory for the given stage
782 >>> rb = RustBuild()
783 >>> rb.build_dir = "build"
784 >>> rb.bin_root(True) == os.path.join("build", "stage0")
785 True
786 >>> rb.bin_root(False) == os.path.join("build", "ci-rustc")
787 True
789 When the 'build' property is given should be a nested directory:
791 >>> rb.build = "devel"
792 >>> rb.bin_root(True) == os.path.join("build", "devel", "stage0")
793 True
794 """
795 if stage0:
796 subdir = "stage0"
797 else:
798 subdir = "ci-rustc"
799 return os.path.join(self.build_dir, self.build, subdir)
801 def llvm_root(self):
802 """Return the CI LLVM root directory
804 >>> rb = RustBuild()
805 >>> rb.build_dir = "build"
806 >>> rb.llvm_root() == os.path.join("build", "ci-llvm")
807 True
809 When the 'build' property is given should be a nested directory:
811 >>> rb.build = "devel"
812 >>> rb.llvm_root() == os.path.join("build", "devel", "ci-llvm")
813 True
814 """
815 return os.path.join(self.build_dir, self.build, "ci-llvm")
817 def get_toml(self, key, section=None):
818 """Returns the value of the given key in config.toml, otherwise returns None
820 >>> rb = RustBuild()
821 >>> rb.config_toml = 'key1 = "value1"\\nkey2 = "value2"'
822 >>> rb.get_toml("key2")
823 'value2'
825 If the key does not exists, the result is None:
827 >>> rb.get_toml("key3") is None
828 True
830 Optionally also matches the section the key appears in
832 >>> rb.config_toml = '[a]\\nkey = "value1"\\n[b]\\nkey = "value2"'
833 >>> rb.get_toml('key', 'a')
834 'value1'
835 >>> rb.get_toml('key', 'b')
836 'value2'
837 >>> rb.get_toml('key', 'c') is None
838 True
840 >>> rb.config_toml = 'key1 = true'
841 >>> rb.get_toml("key1")
842 'true'
843 """
845 cur_section = None
846 for line in self.config_toml.splitlines():
847 section_match = re.match(r'^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$', line)
848 if section_match is not None:
849 cur_section = section_match.group(1)
851 match = re.match(r'^{}\s*=(.*)$'.format(key), line)
852 if match is not None:
853 value = match.group(1)
854 if section is None or section == cur_section:
855 return self.get_string(value) or value.strip()
856 return None
858 def cargo(self):
859 """Return config path for cargo"""
860 return self.program_config('cargo')
862 def rustc(self, stage0):
863 """Return config path for rustc"""
864 return self.program_config('rustc', stage0)
866 def rustfmt(self):
867 """Return config path for rustfmt"""
868 if self.stage0_rustfmt is None:
869 return None
870 return self.program_config('rustfmt')
872 def program_config(self, program, stage0=True):
873 """Return config path for the given program at the given stage
875 >>> rb = RustBuild()
876 >>> rb.config_toml = 'rustc = "rustc"\\n'
877 >>> rb.program_config('rustc')
878 'rustc'
879 >>> rb.config_toml = ''
880 >>> cargo_path = rb.program_config('cargo', True)
881 >>> cargo_path.rstrip(".exe") == os.path.join(rb.bin_root(True),
882 ... "bin", "cargo")
883 True
884 >>> cargo_path = rb.program_config('cargo', False)
885 >>> cargo_path.rstrip(".exe") == os.path.join(rb.bin_root(False),
886 ... "bin", "cargo")
887 True
888 """
889 config = self.get_toml(program)
890 if config:
891 return os.path.expanduser(config)
892 return os.path.join(self.bin_root(stage0), "bin", "{}{}".format(
893 program, self.exe_suffix()))
895 @staticmethod
896 def get_string(line):
897 """Return the value between double quotes
899 >>> RustBuild.get_string(' "devel" ')
900 'devel'
901 >>> RustBuild.get_string(" 'devel' ")
902 'devel'
903 >>> RustBuild.get_string('devel') is None
904 True
905 >>> RustBuild.get_string(' "devel ')
906 ''
907 """
908 start = line.find('"')
909 if start != -1:
910 end = start + 1 + line[start + 1:].find('"')
911 return line[start + 1:end]
912 start = line.find('\'')
913 if start != -1:
914 end = start + 1 + line[start + 1:].find('\'')
915 return line[start + 1:end]
916 return None
918 @staticmethod
919 def exe_suffix():
920 """Return a suffix for executables"""
921 if sys.platform == 'win32':
922 return '.exe'
923 return ''
925 def bootstrap_binary(self):
926 """Return the path of the bootstrap binary
928 >>> rb = RustBuild()
929 >>> rb.build_dir = "build"
930 >>> rb.bootstrap_binary() == os.path.join("build", "bootstrap",
931 ... "debug", "bootstrap")
932 True
933 """
934 return os.path.join(self.build_dir, "bootstrap", "debug", "bootstrap")
936 def build_bootstrap(self):
937 """Build bootstrap"""
938 build_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "bootstrap")
939 if self.clean and os.path.exists(build_dir):
940 shutil.rmtree(build_dir)
941 env = os.environ.copy()
942 # `CARGO_BUILD_TARGET` breaks bootstrap build.
943 # See also: <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/70208>.
944 if "CARGO_BUILD_TARGET" in env:
945 del env["CARGO_BUILD_TARGET"]
946 env["CARGO_TARGET_DIR"] = build_dir
947 env["RUSTC"] = self.rustc(True)
948 env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(True), "lib") + \
949 (os.pathsep + env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]) \
950 if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in env else ""
951 env["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(True), "lib") + \
952 (os.pathsep + env["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"]) \
953 if "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" in env else ""
954 env["LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(True), "lib") + \
955 (os.pathsep + env["LIBRARY_PATH"]) \
956 if "LIBRARY_PATH" in env else ""
958 # preserve existing RUSTFLAGS
959 env.setdefault("RUSTFLAGS", "")
960 build_section = "target.{}".format(self.build)
961 target_features = []
962 if self.get_toml("crt-static", build_section) == "true":
963 target_features += ["+crt-static"]
964 elif self.get_toml("crt-static", build_section) == "false":
965 target_features += ["-crt-static"]
966 if target_features:
967 env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -C target-feature=" + (",".join(target_features))
968 target_linker = self.get_toml("linker", build_section)
969 if target_linker is not None:
970 env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -C linker=" + target_linker
971 env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -Wrust_2018_idioms -Wunused_lifetimes"
972 env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -Wsemicolon_in_expressions_from_macros"
973 if self.get_toml("deny-warnings", "rust") != "false":
974 env["RUSTFLAGS"] += " -Dwarnings"
976 env["PATH"] = os.path.join(self.bin_root(True), "bin") + \
977 os.pathsep + env["PATH"]
978 if not os.path.isfile(self.cargo()):
979 raise Exception("no cargo executable found at `{}`".format(
980 self.cargo()))
981 args = [self.cargo(), "build", "--manifest-path",
982 os.path.join(self.rust_root, "src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml")]
983 for _ in range(0, self.verbose):
984 args.append("--verbose")
985 if self.use_locked_deps:
986 args.append("--locked")
987 if self.use_vendored_sources:
988 args.append("--frozen")
989 run(args, env=env, verbose=self.verbose)
991 def build_triple(self):
992 """Build triple as in LLVM
994 Note that `default_build_triple` is moderately expensive,
995 so use `self.build` where possible.
996 """
997 config = self.get_toml('build')
998 if config:
999 return config
1000 return default_build_triple(self.verbose)
1002 def check_submodule(self, module, slow_submodules):
1003 if not slow_submodules:
1004 checked_out = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"],
1005 cwd=os.path.join(self.rust_root, module),
1006 stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
1007 return checked_out
1008 else:
1009 return None
1011 def update_submodule(self, module, checked_out, recorded_submodules):
1012 module_path = os.path.join(self.rust_root, module)
1014 if checked_out is not None:
1015 default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
1016 checked_out = checked_out.communicate()[0].decode(default_encoding).strip()
1017 if recorded_submodules[module] == checked_out:
1018 return
1020 print("Updating submodule", module)
1022 run(["git", "submodule", "-q", "sync", module],
1023 cwd=self.rust_root, verbose=self.verbose)
1025 update_args = ["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--depth=1"]
1026 if self.git_version >= distutils.version.LooseVersion("2.11.0"):
1027 update_args.append("--progress")
1028 update_args.append(module)
1029 try:
1030 run(update_args, cwd=self.rust_root, verbose=self.verbose, exception=True)
1031 except RuntimeError:
1032 print("Failed updating submodule. This is probably due to uncommitted local changes.")
1033 print('Either stash the changes by running "git stash" within the submodule\'s')
1034 print('directory, reset them by running "git reset --hard", or commit them.')
1035 print("To reset all submodules' changes run", end=" ")
1036 print('"git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard".')
1037 raise SystemExit(1)
1039 run(["git", "reset", "-q", "--hard"],
1040 cwd=module_path, verbose=self.verbose)
1041 run(["git", "clean", "-qdfx"],
1042 cwd=module_path, verbose=self.verbose)
1044 def update_submodules(self):
1045 """Update submodules"""
1046 if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.rust_root, ".git"))) or \
1047 self.get_toml('submodules') == "false":
1048 return
1050 default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
1052 # check the existence and version of 'git' command
1053 git_version_str = require(['git', '--version']).split()[2].decode(default_encoding)
1054 self.git_version = distutils.version.LooseVersion(git_version_str)
1056 slow_submodules = self.get_toml('fast-submodules') == "false"
1057 start_time = time()
1058 if slow_submodules:
1059 print('Unconditionally updating submodules')
1060 else:
1061 print('Updating only changed submodules')
1062 default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
1063 # Only update submodules that are needed to build bootstrap. These are needed because Cargo
1064 # currently requires everything in a workspace to be "locally present" when starting a
1065 # build, and will give a hard error if any Cargo.toml files are missing.
1066 # FIXME: Is there a way to avoid cloning these eagerly? Bootstrap itself doesn't need to
1067 # share a workspace with any tools - maybe it could be excluded from the workspace?
1068 # That will still require cloning the submodules the second you check the standard
1069 # library, though...
1070 # FIXME: Is there a way to avoid hard-coding the submodules required?
1071 # WARNING: keep this in sync with the submodules hard-coded in bootstrap/lib.rs
1072 submodules = [
1073 "src/tools/rust-installer",
1074 "src/tools/cargo",
1075 "src/tools/rls",
1076 "src/tools/miri",
1077 "library/backtrace",
1078 "library/stdarch"
1079 ]
1080 filtered_submodules = []
1081 submodules_names = []
1082 for module in submodules:
1083 check = self.check_submodule(module, slow_submodules)
1084 filtered_submodules.append((module, check))
1085 submodules_names.append(module)
1086 recorded = subprocess.Popen(["git", "ls-tree", "HEAD"] + submodules_names,
1087 cwd=self.rust_root, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
1088 recorded = recorded.communicate()[0].decode(default_encoding).strip().splitlines()
1089 # { filename: hash }
1090 recorded_submodules = {}
1091 for data in recorded:
1092 # [mode, kind, hash, filename]
1093 data = data.split()
1094 recorded_submodules[data[3]] = data[2]
1095 for module in filtered_submodules:
1096 self.update_submodule(module[0], module[1], recorded_submodules)
1097 print("Submodules updated in %.2f seconds" % (time() - start_time))
1099 def set_dist_environment(self, url):
1100 """Set download URL for normal environment"""
1101 if 'RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER' in os.environ:
1102 self._download_url = os.environ['RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER']
1103 else:
1104 self._download_url = url
1106 def check_vendored_status(self):
1107 """Check that vendoring is configured properly"""
1108 vendor_dir = os.path.join(self.rust_root, 'vendor')
1109 if 'SUDO_USER' in os.environ and not self.use_vendored_sources:
1110 if os.environ.get('USER') != os.environ['SUDO_USER']:
1111 self.use_vendored_sources = True
1112 print('info: looks like you are running this command under `sudo`')
1113 print(' and so in order to preserve your $HOME this will now')
1114 print(' use vendored sources by default.')
1115 if not os.path.exists(vendor_dir):
1116 print('error: vendoring required, but vendor directory does not exist.')
1117 print(' Run `cargo vendor` without sudo to initialize the '
1118 'vendor directory.')
1119 raise Exception("{} not found".format(vendor_dir))
1121 if self.use_vendored_sources:
1122 config = ("[source.crates-io]\n"
1123 "replace-with = 'vendored-sources'\n"
1124 "registry = 'https://example.com'\n"
1125 "\n"
1126 "[source.vendored-sources]\n"
1127 "directory = '{}/vendor'\n"
1128 .format(self.rust_root))
1129 if not os.path.exists('.cargo'):
1130 os.makedirs('.cargo')
1131 with output('.cargo/config') as cargo_config:
1132 cargo_config.write(config)
1133 else:
1134 print('info: using vendored source, but .cargo/config is already present.')
1135 print(' Reusing the current configuration file. But you may want to '
1136 'configure vendoring like this:')
1137 print(config)
1138 else:
1139 if os.path.exists('.cargo'):
1140 shutil.rmtree('.cargo')
1142 def ensure_vendored(self):
1143 """Ensure that the vendored sources are available if needed"""
1144 vendor_dir = os.path.join(self.rust_root, 'vendor')
1145 # Note that this does not handle updating the vendored dependencies if
1146 # the rust git repository is updated. Normal development usually does
1147 # not use vendoring, so hopefully this isn't too much of a problem.
1148 if self.use_vendored_sources and not os.path.exists(vendor_dir):
1149 run([
1150 self.cargo(),
1151 "vendor",
1152 "--sync=./src/tools/rust-analyzer/Cargo.toml",
1153 "--sync=./compiler/rustc_codegen_cranelift/Cargo.toml",
1154 ], verbose=self.verbose, cwd=self.rust_root)
1157 def bootstrap(help_triggered):
1158 """Configure, fetch, build and run the initial bootstrap"""
1160 # If the user is asking for help, let them know that the whole download-and-build
1161 # process has to happen before anything is printed out.
1162 if help_triggered:
1163 print("info: Downloading and building bootstrap before processing --help")
1164 print(" command. See src/bootstrap/README.md for help with common")
1165 print(" commands.")
1167 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build rust')
1168 parser.add_argument('--config')
1169 parser.add_argument('--build')
1170 parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true')
1171 parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0)
1173 args = [a for a in sys.argv if a != '-h' and a != '--help']
1174 args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(args)
1176 # Configure initial bootstrap
1177 build = RustBuild()
1178 build.rust_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '../../..'))
1179 build.verbose = args.verbose
1180 build.clean = args.clean
1182 # Read from `RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG`, then `--config`, then fallback to `config.toml` (if it
1183 # exists).
1184 toml_path = os.getenv('RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG') or args.config
1185 if not toml_path and os.path.exists('config.toml'):
1186 toml_path = 'config.toml'
1188 if toml_path:
1189 if not os.path.exists(toml_path):
1190 toml_path = os.path.join(build.rust_root, toml_path)
1192 with open(toml_path) as config:
1193 build.config_toml = config.read()
1195 profile = build.get_toml('profile')
1196 if profile is not None:
1197 include_file = 'config.{}.toml'.format(profile)
1198 include_dir = os.path.join(build.rust_root, 'src', 'bootstrap', 'defaults')
1199 include_path = os.path.join(include_dir, include_file)
1200 # HACK: This works because `build.get_toml()` returns the first match it finds for a
1201 # specific key, so appending our defaults at the end allows the user to override them
1202 with open(include_path) as included_toml:
1203 build.config_toml += os.linesep + included_toml.read()
1205 config_verbose = build.get_toml('verbose', 'build')
1206 if config_verbose is not None:
1207 build.verbose = max(build.verbose, int(config_verbose))
1209 build.use_vendored_sources = build.get_toml('vendor', 'build') == 'true'
1211 build.use_locked_deps = build.get_toml('locked-deps', 'build') == 'true'
1213 build.check_vendored_status()
1215 build_dir = build.get_toml('build-dir', 'build') or 'build'
1216 build.build_dir = os.path.abspath(build_dir.replace("$ROOT", build.rust_root))
1218 with open(os.path.join(build.rust_root, "src", "stage0.json")) as f:
1219 data = json.load(f)
1220 build.checksums_sha256 = data["checksums_sha256"]
1221 build.stage0_compiler = Stage0Toolchain(data["compiler"])
1222 if data.get("rustfmt") is not None:
1223 build.stage0_rustfmt = Stage0Toolchain(data["rustfmt"])
1225 build.set_dist_environment(data["dist_server"])
1227 build.build = args.build or build.build_triple()
1228 build.update_submodules()
1230 # Fetch/build the bootstrap
1231 build.download_toolchain()
1232 # Download the master compiler if `download-rustc` is set
1233 build.maybe_download_ci_toolchain()
1234 sys.stdout.flush()
1235 build.ensure_vendored()
1236 build.build_bootstrap()
1237 sys.stdout.flush()
1239 # Run the bootstrap
1240 args = [build.bootstrap_binary()]
1241 args.extend(sys.argv[1:])
1242 env = os.environ.copy()
1243 env["BOOTSTRAP_PARENT_ID"] = str(os.getpid())
1244 env["BOOTSTRAP_PYTHON"] = sys.executable
1245 env["BUILD_DIR"] = build.build_dir
1246 env["RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP"] = '1'
1247 if toml_path:
1248 env["BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG"] = toml_path
1249 if build.rustc_commit is not None:
1251 run(args, env=env, verbose=build.verbose, is_bootstrap=True)
1254 def main():
1255 """Entry point for the bootstrap process"""
1256 start_time = time()
1258 # x.py help <cmd> ...
1259 if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'help':
1260 sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], '-h'] + sys.argv[2:]
1262 help_triggered = (
1263 '-h' in sys.argv) or ('--help' in sys.argv) or (len(sys.argv) == 1)
1264 try:
1265 bootstrap(help_triggered)
1266 if not help_triggered:
1267 print("Build completed successfully in {}".format(
1268 format_build_time(time() - start_time)))
1269 except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt) as error:
1270 if hasattr(error, 'code') and isinstance(error.code, int):
1271 exit_code = error.code
1272 else:
1273 exit_code = 1
1274 print(error)
1275 if not help_triggered:
1276 print("Build completed unsuccessfully in {}".format(
1277 format_build_time(time() - start_time)))
1278 sys.exit(exit_code)
1281 if __name__ == '__main__':
1282 main()