]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/bootstrap/build/compile.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.8.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / bootstrap / build / compile.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use std::collections::HashMap;
12 use std::fs;
13 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
14 use std::process::Command;
16 use build_helper::output;
18 use build::util::{exe, staticlib, libdir, mtime, is_dylib};
19 use build::{Build, Compiler};
21 /// Build the standard library.
22 ///
23 /// This will build the standard library for a particular stage of the build
24 /// using the `compiler` targeting the `target` architecture. The artifacts
25 /// created will also be linked into the sysroot directory.
26 pub fn std<'a>(build: &'a Build, stage: u32, target: &str,
27 compiler: &Compiler<'a>) {
28 let host = compiler.host;
29 println!("Building stage{} std artifacts ({} -> {})", stage,
30 host, target);
32 // Move compiler-rt into place as it'll be required by the compiler when
33 // building the standard library to link the dylib of libstd
34 let libdir = build.sysroot_libdir(stage, &host, target);
35 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&libdir);
36 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&libdir));
37 t!(fs::hard_link(&build.compiler_rt_built.borrow()[target],
38 libdir.join(staticlib("compiler-rt", target))));
40 build_startup_objects(build, target, &libdir);
42 let out_dir = build.cargo_out(stage, &host, true, target);
43 build.clear_if_dirty(&out_dir, &build.compiler_path(compiler));
44 let mut cargo = build.cargo(stage, compiler, true, target, "build");
45 cargo.arg("--features").arg(build.std_features())
46 .arg("--manifest-path")
47 .arg(build.src.join("src/rustc/std_shim/Cargo.toml"));
49 if let Some(target) = build.config.target_config.get(target) {
50 if let Some(ref jemalloc) = target.jemalloc {
51 cargo.env("JEMALLOC_OVERRIDE", jemalloc);
52 }
53 }
54 if let Some(ref p) = build.config.musl_root {
55 if target.contains("musl") {
56 cargo.env("MUSL_ROOT", p);
57 }
58 }
60 build.run(&mut cargo);
61 std_link(build, stage, target, compiler, host);
62 }
64 /// Link all libstd rlibs/dylibs into the sysroot location.
65 ///
66 /// Links those artifacts generated in the given `stage` for `target` produced
67 /// by `compiler` into `host`'s sysroot.
68 pub fn std_link(build: &Build,
69 stage: u32,
70 target: &str,
71 compiler: &Compiler,
72 host: &str) {
73 let libdir = build.sysroot_libdir(stage, host, target);
74 let out_dir = build.cargo_out(stage, compiler.host, true, target);
76 // If we're linking one compiler host's output into another, then we weren't
77 // called from the `std` method above. In that case we clean out what's
78 // already there and then also link compiler-rt into place.
79 if host != compiler.host {
80 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&libdir);
81 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&libdir));
82 t!(fs::hard_link(&build.compiler_rt_built.borrow()[target],
83 libdir.join(staticlib("compiler-rt", target))));
84 }
85 add_to_sysroot(&out_dir, &libdir);
86 }
88 /// Build and prepare startup objects like rsbegin.o and rsend.o
89 ///
90 /// These are primarily used on Windows right now for linking executables/dlls.
91 /// They don't require any library support as they're just plain old object
92 /// files, so we just use the nightly snapshot compiler to always build them (as
93 /// no other compilers are guaranteed to be available).
94 fn build_startup_objects(build: &Build, target: &str, into: &Path) {
95 if !target.contains("pc-windows-gnu") {
96 return
97 }
98 let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
99 let compiler = build.compiler_path(&compiler);
101 for file in t!(fs::read_dir(build.src.join("src/rtstartup"))) {
102 let file = t!(file);
103 build.run(Command::new(&compiler)
104 .arg("--emit=obj")
105 .arg("--out-dir").arg(into)
106 .arg(file.path()));
107 }
109 for obj in ["crt2.o", "dllcrt2.o"].iter() {
110 t!(fs::copy(compiler_file(build.cc(target), obj), into.join(obj)));
111 }
112 }
114 /// Build the compiler.
115 ///
116 /// This will build the compiler for a particular stage of the build using
117 /// the `compiler` targeting the `target` architecture. The artifacts
118 /// created will also be linked into the sysroot directory.
119 pub fn rustc<'a>(build: &'a Build, stage: u32, target: &str,
120 compiler: &Compiler<'a>) {
121 let host = compiler.host;
122 println!("Building stage{} compiler artifacts ({} -> {})", stage,
123 host, target);
125 let out_dir = build.cargo_out(stage, &host, false, target);
126 build.clear_if_dirty(&out_dir, &libstd_shim(build, stage, &host, target));
128 let mut cargo = build.cargo(stage, compiler, false, target, "build");
129 cargo.arg("--features").arg(build.rustc_features(stage))
130 .arg("--manifest-path")
131 .arg(build.src.join("src/rustc/Cargo.toml"));
133 // In stage0 we may not need to build as many executables
134 if stage == 0 {
135 cargo.arg("--bin").arg("rustc");
136 }
138 // Set some configuration variables picked up by build scripts and
139 // the compiler alike
140 cargo.env("CFG_RELEASE", &build.release)
141 .env("CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL", &build.config.channel)
142 .env("CFG_VERSION", &build.version)
143 .env("CFG_BOOTSTRAP_KEY", &build.bootstrap_key)
144 .env("CFG_PREFIX", build.config.prefix.clone().unwrap_or(String::new()))
145 .env("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP_KEY", &build.bootstrap_key)
146 .env("CFG_LIBDIR_RELATIVE", "lib");
148 if let Some(ref ver_date) = build.ver_date {
149 cargo.env("CFG_VER_DATE", ver_date);
150 }
151 if let Some(ref ver_hash) = build.ver_hash {
152 cargo.env("CFG_VER_HASH", ver_hash);
153 }
154 if !build.unstable_features {
155 cargo.env("CFG_DISABLE_UNSTABLE_FEATURES", "1");
156 }
157 let target_config = build.config.target_config.get(target);
158 if let Some(ref s) = target_config.and_then(|c| c.llvm_config.as_ref()) {
159 cargo.env("LLVM_CONFIG", s);
160 } else {
161 let llvm_config = build.llvm_out(&build.config.build).join("bin")
162 .join(exe("llvm-config", target));
163 cargo.env("LLVM_CONFIG", llvm_config);
164 }
165 if build.config.llvm_static_stdcpp {
166 cargo.env("LLVM_STATIC_STDCPP",
167 compiler_file(build.cxx(target), "libstdc++.a"));
168 }
169 if let Some(ref s) = build.config.rustc_default_linker {
170 cargo.env("CFG_DEFAULT_LINKER", s);
171 }
172 if let Some(ref s) = build.config.rustc_default_ar {
173 cargo.env("CFG_DEFAULT_AR", s);
174 }
175 build.run(&mut cargo);
177 rustc_link(build, stage, target, compiler, compiler.host);
178 }
180 /// Link all librustc rlibs/dylibs into the sysroot location.
181 ///
182 /// Links those artifacts generated in the given `stage` for `target` produced
183 /// by `compiler` into `host`'s sysroot.
184 pub fn rustc_link(build: &Build,
185 stage: u32,
186 target: &str,
187 compiler: &Compiler,
188 host: &str) {
189 let libdir = build.sysroot_libdir(stage, host, target);
190 let out_dir = build.cargo_out(stage, compiler.host, false, target);
191 add_to_sysroot(&out_dir, &libdir);
192 }
194 /// Cargo's output path for the standard library in a given stage, compiled
195 /// by a particular compiler for the specified target.
196 fn libstd_shim(build: &Build, stage: u32, host: &str, target: &str) -> PathBuf {
197 build.cargo_out(stage, host, true, target).join("libstd_shim.rlib")
198 }
200 fn compiler_file(compiler: &Path, file: &str) -> String {
201 output(Command::new(compiler)
202 .arg(format!("-print-file-name={}", file))).trim().to_string()
203 }
205 /// Prepare a new compiler from the artifacts in `stage`
206 ///
207 /// This will assemble a compiler in `build/$host/stage$stage`. The compiler
208 /// must have been previously produced by the `stage - 1` build.config.build
209 /// compiler.
210 pub fn assemble_rustc(build: &Build, stage: u32, host: &str) {
211 assert!(stage > 0, "the stage0 compiler isn't assembled, it's downloaded");
213 // Clear out old files
214 let sysroot = build.sysroot(stage, host);
215 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&sysroot);
216 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot));
218 // Link in all dylibs to the libdir
219 let sysroot_libdir = sysroot.join(libdir(host));
220 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot_libdir));
221 let src_libdir = build.sysroot_libdir(stage - 1, &build.config.build, host);
222 for f in t!(fs::read_dir(&src_libdir)).map(|f| t!(f)) {
223 let filename = f.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
224 if is_dylib(&filename) {
225 t!(fs::hard_link(&f.path(), sysroot_libdir.join(&filename)));
226 }
227 }
229 let out_dir = build.cargo_out(stage - 1, &build.config.build, false, host);
231 // Link the compiler binary itself into place
232 let rustc = out_dir.join(exe("rustc", host));
233 let bindir = sysroot.join("bin");
234 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&bindir));
235 let compiler = build.compiler_path(&Compiler::new(stage, host));
236 let _ = fs::remove_file(&compiler);
237 t!(fs::hard_link(rustc, compiler));
239 // See if rustdoc exists to link it into place
240 let rustdoc = exe("rustdoc", host);
241 let rustdoc_src = out_dir.join(&rustdoc);
242 let rustdoc_dst = bindir.join(&rustdoc);
243 if fs::metadata(&rustdoc_src).is_ok() {
244 let _ = fs::remove_file(&rustdoc_dst);
245 t!(fs::hard_link(&rustdoc_src, &rustdoc_dst));
246 }
247 }
249 /// Link some files into a rustc sysroot.
250 ///
251 /// For a particular stage this will link all of the contents of `out_dir`
252 /// into the sysroot of the `host` compiler, assuming the artifacts are
253 /// compiled for the specified `target`.
254 fn add_to_sysroot(out_dir: &Path, sysroot_dst: &Path) {
255 // Collect the set of all files in the dependencies directory, keyed
256 // off the name of the library. We assume everything is of the form
257 // `foo-<hash>.{rlib,so,...}`, and there could be multiple different
258 // `<hash>` values for the same name (of old builds).
259 let mut map = HashMap::new();
260 for file in t!(fs::read_dir(out_dir.join("deps"))).map(|f| t!(f)) {
261 let filename = file.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
263 // We're only interested in linking rlibs + dylibs, other things like
264 // unit tests don't get linked in
265 if !filename.ends_with(".rlib") &&
266 !filename.ends_with(".lib") &&
267 !is_dylib(&filename) {
268 continue
269 }
270 let file = file.path();
271 let dash = filename.find("-").unwrap();
272 let key = (filename[..dash].to_string(),
273 file.extension().unwrap().to_owned());
274 map.entry(key).or_insert(Vec::new())
275 .push(file.clone());
276 }
278 // For all hash values found, pick the most recent one to move into the
279 // sysroot, that should be the one we just built.
280 for (_, paths) in map {
281 let (_, path) = paths.iter().map(|path| {
282 (mtime(&path).seconds(), path)
283 }).max().unwrap();
284 t!(fs::hard_link(&path,
285 sysroot_dst.join(path.file_name().unwrap())));
286 }
287 }