]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/bootstrap/config.rs
New upstream version 1.12.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / bootstrap / config.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! Serialized configuration of a build.
12 //!
13 //! This module implements parsing `config.mk` and `config.toml` configuration
14 //! files to tweak how the build runs.
16 use std::collections::HashMap;
17 use std::env;
18 use std::fs::File;
19 use std::io::prelude::*;
20 use std::path::PathBuf;
21 use std::process;
23 use num_cpus;
24 use rustc_serialize::Decodable;
25 use toml::{Parser, Decoder, Value};
27 /// Global configuration for the entire build and/or bootstrap.
28 ///
29 /// This structure is derived from a combination of both `config.toml` and
30 /// `config.mk`. As of the time of this writing it's unlikely that `config.toml`
31 /// is used all that much, so this is primarily filled out by `config.mk` which
32 /// is generated from `./configure`.
33 ///
34 /// Note that this structure is not decoded directly into, but rather it is
35 /// filled out from the decoded forms of the structs below. For documentation
36 /// each field, see the corresponding fields in
37 /// `src/bootstrap/config.toml.example`.
38 #[derive(Default)]
39 pub struct Config {
40 pub ccache: bool,
41 pub ninja: bool,
42 pub verbose: bool,
43 pub submodules: bool,
44 pub compiler_docs: bool,
45 pub docs: bool,
46 pub target_config: HashMap<String, Target>,
48 // llvm codegen options
49 pub llvm_assertions: bool,
50 pub llvm_optimize: bool,
51 pub llvm_version_check: bool,
52 pub llvm_static_stdcpp: bool,
54 // rust codegen options
55 pub rust_optimize: bool,
56 pub rust_codegen_units: u32,
57 pub rust_debug_assertions: bool,
58 pub rust_debuginfo: bool,
59 pub rust_rpath: bool,
60 pub rustc_default_linker: Option<String>,
61 pub rustc_default_ar: Option<String>,
62 pub rust_optimize_tests: bool,
63 pub rust_debuginfo_tests: bool,
65 pub build: String,
66 pub host: Vec<String>,
67 pub target: Vec<String>,
68 pub rustc: Option<PathBuf>,
69 pub cargo: Option<PathBuf>,
70 pub local_rebuild: bool,
72 // libstd features
73 pub debug_jemalloc: bool,
74 pub use_jemalloc: bool,
75 pub backtrace: bool, // support for RUST_BACKTRACE
77 // misc
78 pub channel: String,
79 pub musl_root: Option<PathBuf>,
80 pub prefix: Option<String>,
81 }
83 /// Per-target configuration stored in the global configuration structure.
84 #[derive(Default)]
85 pub struct Target {
86 pub llvm_config: Option<PathBuf>,
87 pub jemalloc: Option<PathBuf>,
88 pub cc: Option<PathBuf>,
89 pub cxx: Option<PathBuf>,
90 pub ndk: Option<PathBuf>,
91 }
93 /// Structure of the `config.toml` file that configuration is read from.
94 ///
95 /// This structure uses `Decodable` to automatically decode a TOML configuration
96 /// file into this format, and then this is traversed and written into the above
97 /// `Config` structure.
98 #[derive(RustcDecodable, Default)]
99 struct TomlConfig {
100 build: Option<Build>,
101 llvm: Option<Llvm>,
102 rust: Option<Rust>,
103 target: Option<HashMap<String, TomlTarget>>,
104 }
106 /// TOML representation of various global build decisions.
107 #[derive(RustcDecodable, Default, Clone)]
108 struct Build {
109 build: Option<String>,
110 host: Vec<String>,
111 target: Vec<String>,
112 cargo: Option<String>,
113 rustc: Option<String>,
114 compiler_docs: Option<bool>,
115 docs: Option<bool>,
116 }
118 /// TOML representation of how the LLVM build is configured.
119 #[derive(RustcDecodable, Default)]
120 struct Llvm {
121 ccache: Option<bool>,
122 ninja: Option<bool>,
123 assertions: Option<bool>,
124 optimize: Option<bool>,
125 version_check: Option<bool>,
126 static_libstdcpp: Option<bool>,
127 }
129 /// TOML representation of how the Rust build is configured.
130 #[derive(RustcDecodable, Default)]
131 struct Rust {
132 optimize: Option<bool>,
133 codegen_units: Option<u32>,
134 debug_assertions: Option<bool>,
135 debuginfo: Option<bool>,
136 debug_jemalloc: Option<bool>,
137 use_jemalloc: Option<bool>,
138 backtrace: Option<bool>,
139 default_linker: Option<String>,
140 default_ar: Option<String>,
141 channel: Option<String>,
142 musl_root: Option<String>,
143 rpath: Option<bool>,
144 optimize_tests: Option<bool>,
145 debuginfo_tests: Option<bool>,
146 }
148 /// TOML representation of how each build target is configured.
149 #[derive(RustcDecodable, Default)]
150 struct TomlTarget {
151 llvm_config: Option<String>,
152 jemalloc: Option<String>,
153 cc: Option<String>,
154 cxx: Option<String>,
155 android_ndk: Option<String>,
156 }
158 impl Config {
159 pub fn parse(build: &str, file: Option<PathBuf>) -> Config {
160 let mut config = Config::default();
161 config.llvm_optimize = true;
162 config.use_jemalloc = true;
163 config.backtrace = true;
164 config.rust_optimize = true;
165 config.rust_optimize_tests = true;
166 config.submodules = true;
167 config.docs = true;
168 config.rust_rpath = true;
169 config.rust_codegen_units = 1;
170 config.build = build.to_string();
171 config.channel = "dev".to_string();
173 let toml = file.map(|file| {
174 let mut f = t!(File::open(&file));
175 let mut toml = String::new();
176 t!(f.read_to_string(&mut toml));
177 let mut p = Parser::new(&toml);
178 let table = match p.parse() {
179 Some(table) => table,
180 None => {
181 println!("failed to parse TOML configuration:");
182 for err in p.errors.iter() {
183 let (loline, locol) = p.to_linecol(err.lo);
184 let (hiline, hicol) = p.to_linecol(err.hi);
185 println!("{}:{}-{}:{}: {}", loline, locol, hiline,
186 hicol, err.desc);
187 }
188 process::exit(2);
189 }
190 };
191 let mut d = Decoder::new(Value::Table(table));
192 match Decodable::decode(&mut d) {
193 Ok(cfg) => cfg,
194 Err(e) => {
195 println!("failed to decode TOML: {}", e);
196 process::exit(2);
197 }
198 }
199 }).unwrap_or_else(|| TomlConfig::default());
201 let build = toml.build.clone().unwrap_or(Build::default());
202 set(&mut config.build, build.build.clone());
203 config.host.push(config.build.clone());
204 for host in build.host.iter() {
205 if !config.host.contains(host) {
206 config.host.push(host.clone());
207 }
208 }
209 for target in config.host.iter().chain(&build.target) {
210 if !config.target.contains(target) {
211 config.target.push(target.clone());
212 }
213 }
214 config.rustc = build.rustc.map(PathBuf::from);
215 config.cargo = build.cargo.map(PathBuf::from);
216 set(&mut config.compiler_docs, build.compiler_docs);
217 set(&mut config.docs, build.docs);
219 if let Some(ref llvm) = toml.llvm {
220 set(&mut config.ccache, llvm.ccache);
221 set(&mut config.ninja, llvm.ninja);
222 set(&mut config.llvm_assertions, llvm.assertions);
223 set(&mut config.llvm_optimize, llvm.optimize);
224 set(&mut config.llvm_version_check, llvm.version_check);
225 set(&mut config.llvm_static_stdcpp, llvm.static_libstdcpp);
226 }
227 if let Some(ref rust) = toml.rust {
228 set(&mut config.rust_debug_assertions, rust.debug_assertions);
229 set(&mut config.rust_debuginfo, rust.debuginfo);
230 set(&mut config.rust_optimize, rust.optimize);
231 set(&mut config.rust_optimize_tests, rust.optimize_tests);
232 set(&mut config.rust_debuginfo_tests, rust.debuginfo_tests);
233 set(&mut config.rust_rpath, rust.rpath);
234 set(&mut config.debug_jemalloc, rust.debug_jemalloc);
235 set(&mut config.use_jemalloc, rust.use_jemalloc);
236 set(&mut config.backtrace, rust.backtrace);
237 set(&mut config.channel, rust.channel.clone());
238 config.rustc_default_linker = rust.default_linker.clone();
239 config.rustc_default_ar = rust.default_ar.clone();
240 config.musl_root = rust.musl_root.clone().map(PathBuf::from);
242 match rust.codegen_units {
243 Some(0) => config.rust_codegen_units = num_cpus::get() as u32,
244 Some(n) => config.rust_codegen_units = n,
245 None => {}
246 }
247 }
249 if let Some(ref t) = toml.target {
250 for (triple, cfg) in t {
251 let mut target = Target::default();
253 if let Some(ref s) = cfg.llvm_config {
254 target.llvm_config = Some(env::current_dir().unwrap().join(s));
255 }
256 if let Some(ref s) = cfg.jemalloc {
257 target.jemalloc = Some(env::current_dir().unwrap().join(s));
258 }
259 if let Some(ref s) = cfg.android_ndk {
260 target.ndk = Some(env::current_dir().unwrap().join(s));
261 }
262 target.cxx = cfg.cxx.clone().map(PathBuf::from);
263 target.cc = cfg.cc.clone().map(PathBuf::from);
265 config.target_config.insert(triple.clone(), target);
266 }
267 }
269 return config
270 }
272 /// "Temporary" routine to parse `config.mk` into this configuration.
273 ///
274 /// While we still have `./configure` this implements the ability to decode
275 /// that configuration into this. This isn't exactly a full-blown makefile
276 /// parser, but hey it gets the job done!
277 pub fn update_with_config_mk(&mut self) {
278 let mut config = String::new();
279 File::open("config.mk").unwrap().read_to_string(&mut config).unwrap();
280 for line in config.lines() {
281 let mut parts = line.splitn(2, ":=").map(|s| s.trim());
282 let key = parts.next().unwrap();
283 let value = match parts.next() {
284 Some(n) if n.starts_with('\"') => &n[1..n.len() - 1],
285 Some(n) => n,
286 None => continue
287 };
289 macro_rules! check {
290 ($(($name:expr, $val:expr),)*) => {
291 if value == "1" {
292 $(
293 if key == concat!("CFG_ENABLE_", $name) {
294 $val = true;
295 continue
296 }
297 if key == concat!("CFG_DISABLE_", $name) {
298 $val = false;
299 continue
300 }
301 )*
302 }
303 }
304 }
306 check! {
307 ("CCACHE", self.ccache),
308 ("MANAGE_SUBMODULES", self.submodules),
309 ("COMPILER_DOCS", self.compiler_docs),
310 ("DOCS", self.docs),
311 ("LLVM_ASSERTIONS", self.llvm_assertions),
312 ("OPTIMIZE_LLVM", self.llvm_optimize),
313 ("LLVM_VERSION_CHECK", self.llvm_version_check),
314 ("LLVM_STATIC_STDCPP", self.llvm_static_stdcpp),
315 ("OPTIMIZE", self.rust_optimize),
316 ("DEBUG_ASSERTIONS", self.rust_debug_assertions),
317 ("DEBUGINFO", self.rust_debuginfo),
318 ("JEMALLOC", self.use_jemalloc),
319 ("DEBUG_JEMALLOC", self.debug_jemalloc),
320 ("RPATH", self.rust_rpath),
321 ("OPTIMIZE_TESTS", self.rust_optimize_tests),
322 ("DEBUGINFO_TESTS", self.rust_debuginfo_tests),
323 ("LOCAL_REBUILD", self.local_rebuild),
324 ("NINJA", self.ninja),
325 }
327 match key {
328 "CFG_BUILD" => self.build = value.to_string(),
329 "CFG_HOST" => {
330 self.host = value.split(" ").map(|s| s.to_string())
331 .collect();
332 }
333 "CFG_TARGET" => {
334 self.target = value.split(" ").map(|s| s.to_string())
335 .collect();
336 }
337 "CFG_MUSL_ROOT" if value.len() > 0 => {
338 self.musl_root = Some(PathBuf::from(value));
339 }
340 "CFG_DEFAULT_AR" if value.len() > 0 => {
341 self.rustc_default_ar = Some(value.to_string());
342 }
343 "CFG_DEFAULT_LINKER" if value.len() > 0 => {
344 self.rustc_default_linker = Some(value.to_string());
345 }
347 self.channel = value.to_string();
348 }
349 "CFG_PREFIX" => {
350 self.prefix = Some(value.to_string());
351 }
352 "CFG_LLVM_ROOT" if value.len() > 0 => {
353 let target = self.target_config.entry(self.build.clone())
354 .or_insert(Target::default());
355 let root = PathBuf::from(value);
356 target.llvm_config = Some(root.join("bin/llvm-config"));
357 }
358 "CFG_JEMALLOC_ROOT" if value.len() > 0 => {
359 let target = self.target_config.entry(self.build.clone())
360 .or_insert(Target::default());
361 target.jemalloc = Some(PathBuf::from(value));
362 }
363 "CFG_ARM_LINUX_ANDROIDEABI_NDK" if value.len() > 0 => {
364 let target = "arm-linux-androideabi".to_string();
365 let target = self.target_config.entry(target)
366 .or_insert(Target::default());
367 target.ndk = Some(PathBuf::from(value));
368 }
369 "CFG_ARMV7_LINUX_ANDROIDEABI_NDK" if value.len() > 0 => {
370 let target = "armv7-linux-androideabi".to_string();
371 let target = self.target_config.entry(target)
372 .or_insert(Target::default());
373 target.ndk = Some(PathBuf::from(value));
374 }
375 "CFG_I686_LINUX_ANDROID_NDK" if value.len() > 0 => {
376 let target = "i686-linux-android".to_string();
377 let target = self.target_config.entry(target)
378 .or_insert(Target::default());
379 target.ndk = Some(PathBuf::from(value));
380 }
381 "CFG_AARCH64_LINUX_ANDROID_NDK" if value.len() > 0 => {
382 let target = "aarch64-linux-android".to_string();
383 let target = self.target_config.entry(target)
384 .or_insert(Target::default());
385 target.ndk = Some(PathBuf::from(value));
386 }
387 "CFG_LOCAL_RUST_ROOT" if value.len() > 0 => {
388 self.rustc = Some(PathBuf::from(value).join("bin/rustc"));
389 self.cargo = Some(PathBuf::from(value).join("bin/cargo"));
390 }
391 _ => {}
392 }
393 }
394 }
395 }
397 fn set<T>(field: &mut T, val: Option<T>) {
398 if let Some(v) = val {
399 *field = v;
400 }
401 }