]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/bootstrap/format.rs
New upstream version 1.64.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / bootstrap / format.rs
1 //! Runs rustfmt on the repository.
3 use crate::builder::Builder;
4 use crate::util::{output, t};
5 use ignore::WalkBuilder;
6 use std::collections::VecDeque;
7 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
8 use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
9 use std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender;
11 fn rustfmt(src: &Path, rustfmt: &Path, paths: &[PathBuf], check: bool) -> impl FnMut() {
12 let mut cmd = Command::new(&rustfmt);
13 // avoid the submodule config paths from coming into play,
14 // we only allow a single global config for the workspace for now
15 cmd.arg("--config-path").arg(&src.canonicalize().unwrap());
16 cmd.arg("--edition").arg("2021");
17 cmd.arg("--unstable-features");
18 cmd.arg("--skip-children");
19 if check {
20 cmd.arg("--check");
21 }
22 cmd.args(paths);
23 let cmd_debug = format!("{:?}", cmd);
24 let mut cmd = cmd.spawn().expect("running rustfmt");
25 // poor man's async: return a closure that'll wait for rustfmt's completion
26 move || {
27 let status = cmd.wait().unwrap();
28 if !status.success() {
29 eprintln!(
30 "Running `{}` failed.\nIf you're running `tidy`, \
31 try again with `--bless`. Or, if you just want to format \
32 code, run `./x.py fmt` instead.",
33 cmd_debug,
34 );
35 crate::detail_exit(1);
36 }
37 }
38 }
40 #[derive(serde::Deserialize)]
41 struct RustfmtConfig {
42 ignore: Vec<String>,
43 }
45 pub fn format(build: &Builder<'_>, check: bool, paths: &[PathBuf]) {
46 if build.config.dry_run {
47 return;
48 }
49 let mut builder = ignore::types::TypesBuilder::new();
50 builder.add_defaults();
51 builder.select("rust");
52 let matcher = builder.build().unwrap();
53 let rustfmt_config = build.src.join("rustfmt.toml");
54 if !rustfmt_config.exists() {
55 eprintln!("Not running formatting checks; rustfmt.toml does not exist.");
56 eprintln!("This may happen in distributed tarballs.");
57 return;
58 }
59 let rustfmt_config = t!(std::fs::read_to_string(&rustfmt_config));
60 let rustfmt_config: RustfmtConfig = t!(toml::from_str(&rustfmt_config));
61 let mut ignore_fmt = ignore::overrides::OverrideBuilder::new(&build.src);
62 for ignore in rustfmt_config.ignore {
63 ignore_fmt.add(&format!("!{}", ignore)).expect(&ignore);
64 }
65 let git_available = match Command::new("git")
66 .arg("--version")
67 .stdout(Stdio::null())
68 .stderr(Stdio::null())
69 .status()
70 {
71 Ok(status) => status.success(),
72 Err(_) => false,
73 };
74 if git_available {
75 let in_working_tree = match build
76 .config
77 .git()
78 .arg("rev-parse")
79 .arg("--is-inside-work-tree")
80 .stdout(Stdio::null())
81 .stderr(Stdio::null())
82 .status()
83 {
84 Ok(status) => status.success(),
85 Err(_) => false,
86 };
87 if in_working_tree {
88 let untracked_paths_output = output(
89 build.config.git().arg("status").arg("--porcelain").arg("--untracked-files=normal"),
90 );
91 let untracked_paths = untracked_paths_output
92 .lines()
93 .filter(|entry| entry.starts_with("??"))
94 .map(|entry| {
95 entry.split(' ').nth(1).expect("every git status entry should list a path")
96 });
97 for untracked_path in untracked_paths {
98 println!("skip untracked path {} during rustfmt invocations", untracked_path);
99 // The leading `/` makes it an exact match against the
100 // repository root, rather than a glob. Without that, if you
101 // have `foo.rs` in the repository root it will also match
102 // against anything like `compiler/rustc_foo/src/foo.rs`,
103 // preventing the latter from being formatted.
104 ignore_fmt.add(&format!("!/{}", untracked_path)).expect(&untracked_path);
105 }
106 } else {
107 println!("Not in git tree. Skipping git-aware format checks");
108 }
109 } else {
110 println!("Could not find usable git. Skipping git-aware format checks");
111 }
112 let ignore_fmt = ignore_fmt.build().unwrap();
114 let rustfmt_path = build.initial_rustfmt().unwrap_or_else(|| {
115 eprintln!("./x.py fmt is not supported on this channel");
116 crate::detail_exit(1);
117 });
118 assert!(rustfmt_path.exists(), "{}", rustfmt_path.display());
119 let src = build.src.clone();
120 let (tx, rx): (SyncSender<PathBuf>, _) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(128);
121 let walker = match paths.get(0) {
122 Some(first) => {
123 let mut walker = WalkBuilder::new(first);
124 for path in &paths[1..] {
125 walker.add(path);
126 }
127 walker
128 }
129 None => WalkBuilder::new(src.clone()),
130 }
131 .types(matcher)
132 .overrides(ignore_fmt)
133 .build_parallel();
135 // there is a lot of blocking involved in spawning a child process and reading files to format.
136 // spawn more processes than available concurrency to keep the CPU busy
137 let max_processes = build.jobs() as usize * 2;
139 // spawn child processes on a separate thread so we can batch entries we have received from ignore
140 let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
141 let mut children = VecDeque::new();
142 while let Ok(path) = rx.recv() {
143 // try getting a few more paths from the channel to amortize the overhead of spawning processes
144 let paths: Vec<_> = rx.try_iter().take(7).chain(std::iter::once(path)).collect();
146 let child = rustfmt(&src, &rustfmt_path, paths.as_slice(), check);
147 children.push_back(child);
149 if children.len() >= max_processes {
150 // await oldest child
151 children.pop_front().unwrap()();
152 }
153 }
155 // await remaining children
156 for mut child in children {
157 child();
158 }
159 });
161 walker.run(|| {
162 let tx = tx.clone();
163 Box::new(move |entry| {
164 let entry = t!(entry);
165 if entry.file_type().map_or(false, |t| t.is_file()) {
166 t!(tx.send(entry.into_path()));
167 }
168 ignore::WalkState::Continue
169 })
170 });
172 drop(tx);
174 thread.join().unwrap();
175 }