]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/bootstrap/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.32.0~beta.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / bootstrap / lib.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! Implementation of rustbuild, the Rust build system.
12 //!
13 //! This module, and its descendants, are the implementation of the Rust build
14 //! system. Most of this build system is backed by Cargo but the outer layer
15 //! here serves as the ability to orchestrate calling Cargo, sequencing Cargo
16 //! builds, building artifacts like LLVM, etc. The goals of rustbuild are:
17 //!
18 //! * To be an easily understandable, easily extensible, and maintainable build
19 //! system.
20 //! * Leverage standard tools in the Rust ecosystem to build the compiler, aka
21 //! crates.io and Cargo.
22 //! * A standard interface to build across all platforms, including MSVC
23 //!
24 //! ## Architecture
25 //!
26 //! The build system defers most of the complicated logic managing invocations
27 //! of rustc and rustdoc to Cargo itself. However, moving through various stages
28 //! and copying artifacts is still necessary for it to do. Each time rustbuild
29 //! is invoked, it will iterate through the list of predefined steps and execute
30 //! each serially in turn if it matches the paths passed or is a default rule.
31 //! For each step rustbuild relies on the step internally being incremental and
32 //! parallel. Note, though, that the `-j` parameter to rustbuild gets forwarded
33 //! to appropriate test harnesses and such.
34 //!
35 //! Most of the "meaty" steps that matter are backed by Cargo, which does indeed
36 //! have its own parallelism and incremental management. Later steps, like
37 //! tests, aren't incremental and simply run the entire suite currently.
38 //! However, compiletest itself tries to avoid running tests when the artifacts
39 //! that are involved (mainly the compiler) haven't changed.
40 //!
41 //! When you execute `x.py build`, the steps which are executed are:
42 //!
43 //! * First, the python script is run. This will automatically download the
44 //! stage0 rustc and cargo according to `src/stage0.txt`, or use the cached
45 //! versions if they're available. These are then used to compile rustbuild
46 //! itself (using Cargo). Finally, control is then transferred to rustbuild.
47 //!
48 //! * Rustbuild takes over, performs sanity checks, probes the environment,
49 //! reads configuration, and starts executing steps as it reads the command
50 //! line arguments (paths) or going through the default rules.
51 //!
52 //! The build output will be something like the following:
53 //!
54 //! Building stage0 std artifacts
55 //! Copying stage0 std
56 //! Building stage0 test artifacts
57 //! Copying stage0 test
58 //! Building stage0 compiler artifacts
59 //! Copying stage0 rustc
60 //! Assembling stage1 compiler
61 //! Building stage1 std artifacts
62 //! Copying stage1 std
63 //! Building stage1 test artifacts
64 //! Copying stage1 test
65 //! Building stage1 compiler artifacts
66 //! Copying stage1 rustc
67 //! Assembling stage2 compiler
68 //! Uplifting stage1 std
69 //! Uplifting stage1 test
70 //! Uplifting stage1 rustc
71 //!
72 //! Let's disect that a little:
73 //!
74 //! ## Building stage0 {std,test,compiler} artifacts
75 //!
76 //! These steps use the provided (downloaded, usually) compiler to compile the
77 //! local Rust source into libraries we can use.
78 //!
79 //! ## Copying stage0 {std,test,rustc}
80 //!
81 //! This copies the build output from Cargo into
82 //! `build/$HOST/stage0-sysroot/lib/rustlib/$ARCH/lib`. FIXME: This step's
83 //! documentation should be expanded -- the information already here may be
84 //! incorrect.
85 //!
86 //! ## Assembling stage1 compiler
87 //!
88 //! This copies the libraries we built in "building stage0 ... artifacts" into
89 //! the stage1 compiler's lib directory. These are the host libraries that the
90 //! compiler itself uses to run. These aren't actually used by artifacts the new
91 //! compiler generates. This step also copies the rustc and rustdoc binaries we
92 //! generated into build/$HOST/stage/bin.
93 //!
94 //! The stage1/bin/rustc is a fully functional compiler, but it doesn't yet have
95 //! any libraries to link built binaries or libraries to. The next 3 steps will
96 //! provide those libraries for it; they are mostly equivalent to constructing
97 //! the stage1/bin compiler so we don't go through them individually.
98 //!
99 //! ## Uplifting stage1 {std,test,rustc}
100 //!
101 //! This step copies the libraries from the stage1 compiler sysroot into the
102 //! stage2 compiler. This is done to avoid rebuilding the compiler; libraries
103 //! we'd build in this step should be identical (in function, if not necessarily
104 //! identical on disk) so there's no need to recompile the compiler again. Note
105 //! that if you want to, you can enable the full-bootstrap option to change this
106 //! behavior.
107 //!
108 //! Each step is driven by a separate Cargo project and rustbuild orchestrates
109 //! copying files between steps and otherwise preparing for Cargo to run.
110 //!
111 //! ## Further information
112 //!
113 //! More documentation can be found in each respective module below, and you can
114 //! also check out the `src/bootstrap/README.md` file for more information.
116 #![deny(bare_trait_objects)]
117 #![deny(warnings)]
118 #![feature(core_intrinsics)]
119 #![feature(drain_filter)]
121 #[macro_use]
122 extern crate build_helper;
123 #[macro_use]
124 extern crate serde_derive;
125 #[macro_use]
126 extern crate lazy_static;
127 extern crate serde_json;
128 extern crate cmake;
129 extern crate filetime;
130 extern crate cc;
131 extern crate getopts;
132 extern crate num_cpus;
133 extern crate toml;
134 extern crate time;
135 extern crate petgraph;
137 #[cfg(test)]
138 #[macro_use]
139 extern crate pretty_assertions;
141 #[cfg(unix)]
142 extern crate libc;
144 use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
145 use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
146 use std::env;
147 use std::fs::{self, OpenOptions, File};
148 use std::io::{self, Seek, SeekFrom, Write, Read};
149 use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
150 use std::process::{self, Command};
151 use std::slice;
152 use std::str;
154 #[cfg(unix)]
155 use std::os::unix::fs::symlink as symlink_file;
156 #[cfg(windows)]
157 use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file;
159 use build_helper::{run_silent, run_suppressed, try_run_silent, try_run_suppressed, output, mtime};
160 use filetime::FileTime;
162 use util::{exe, libdir, OutputFolder, CiEnv};
164 mod cc_detect;
165 mod channel;
166 mod check;
167 mod test;
168 mod clean;
169 mod compile;
170 mod metadata;
171 mod config;
172 mod dist;
173 mod doc;
174 mod flags;
175 mod install;
176 mod native;
177 mod sanity;
178 pub mod util;
179 mod builder;
180 mod cache;
181 mod tool;
182 mod toolstate;
184 #[cfg(windows)]
185 mod job;
187 #[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "haiku")))]
188 mod job {
189 use libc;
191 pub unsafe fn setup(build: &mut ::Build) {
192 if build.config.low_priority {
193 libc::setpriority(libc::PRIO_PGRP as _, 0, 10);
194 }
195 }
196 }
198 #[cfg(any(target_os = "haiku", not(any(unix, windows))))]
199 mod job {
200 pub unsafe fn setup(_build: &mut ::Build) {
201 }
202 }
204 pub use config::Config;
205 use flags::Subcommand;
206 use cache::{Interned, INTERNER};
207 use toolstate::ToolState;
209 const LLVM_TOOLS: &[&str] = &[
210 "llvm-nm", // used to inspect binaries; it shows symbol names, their sizes and visibility
211 "llvm-objcopy", // used to transform ELFs into binary format which flashing tools consume
212 "llvm-objdump", // used to disassemble programs
213 "llvm-profdata", // used to inspect and merge files generated by profiles
214 "llvm-readobj", // used to get information from ELFs/objects that the other tools don't provide
215 "llvm-size", // used to prints the size of the linker sections of a program
216 "llvm-strip", // used to discard symbols from binary files to reduce their size
217 ];
219 /// A structure representing a Rust compiler.
220 ///
221 /// Each compiler has a `stage` that it is associated with and a `host` that
222 /// corresponds to the platform the compiler runs on. This structure is used as
223 /// a parameter to many methods below.
224 #[derive(Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug)]
225 pub struct Compiler {
226 stage: u32,
227 host: Interned<String>,
228 }
230 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
231 pub enum DocTests {
232 // Default, run normal tests and doc tests.
233 Yes,
234 // Do not run any doc tests.
235 No,
236 // Only run doc tests.
237 Only,
238 }
240 pub enum GitRepo {
241 Rustc,
242 Llvm,
243 }
245 /// Global configuration for the build system.
246 ///
247 /// This structure transitively contains all configuration for the build system.
248 /// All filesystem-encoded configuration is in `config`, all flags are in
249 /// `flags`, and then parsed or probed information is listed in the keys below.
250 ///
251 /// This structure is a parameter of almost all methods in the build system,
252 /// although most functions are implemented as free functions rather than
253 /// methods specifically on this structure itself (to make it easier to
254 /// organize).
255 pub struct Build {
256 // User-specified configuration via config.toml
257 config: Config,
259 // Derived properties from the above two configurations
260 src: PathBuf,
261 out: PathBuf,
262 rust_info: channel::GitInfo,
263 cargo_info: channel::GitInfo,
264 rls_info: channel::GitInfo,
265 clippy_info: channel::GitInfo,
266 rustfmt_info: channel::GitInfo,
267 local_rebuild: bool,
268 fail_fast: bool,
269 doc_tests: DocTests,
270 verbosity: usize,
272 // Targets for which to build.
273 build: Interned<String>,
274 hosts: Vec<Interned<String>>,
275 targets: Vec<Interned<String>>,
277 // Stage 0 (downloaded) compiler and cargo or their local rust equivalents.
278 initial_rustc: PathBuf,
279 initial_cargo: PathBuf,
281 // Runtime state filled in later on
282 // C/C++ compilers and archiver for all targets
283 cc: HashMap<Interned<String>, cc::Tool>,
284 cxx: HashMap<Interned<String>, cc::Tool>,
285 ar: HashMap<Interned<String>, PathBuf>,
286 ranlib: HashMap<Interned<String>, PathBuf>,
287 // Misc
288 crates: HashMap<Interned<String>, Crate>,
289 is_sudo: bool,
290 ci_env: CiEnv,
291 delayed_failures: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
292 prerelease_version: Cell<Option<u32>>,
293 tool_artifacts: RefCell<HashMap<
294 Interned<String>,
295 HashMap<String, (&'static str, PathBuf, Vec<String>)>
296 >>,
297 }
299 #[derive(Debug)]
300 struct Crate {
301 name: Interned<String>,
302 version: String,
303 deps: HashSet<Interned<String>>,
304 id: String,
305 path: PathBuf,
306 doc_step: String,
307 build_step: String,
308 test_step: String,
309 bench_step: String,
310 }
312 impl Crate {
313 fn is_local(&self, build: &Build) -> bool {
314 self.path.starts_with(&build.config.src) &&
315 !self.path.to_string_lossy().ends_with("_shim")
316 }
318 fn local_path(&self, build: &Build) -> PathBuf {
319 assert!(self.is_local(build));
320 self.path.strip_prefix(&build.config.src).unwrap().into()
321 }
322 }
324 /// The various "modes" of invoking Cargo.
325 ///
326 /// These entries currently correspond to the various output directories of the
327 /// build system, with each mod generating output in a different directory.
328 #[derive(Debug, Hash, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
329 pub enum Mode {
330 /// Build the standard library, placing output in the "stageN-std" directory.
331 Std,
333 /// Build libtest, placing output in the "stageN-test" directory.
334 Test,
336 /// Build librustc, and compiler libraries, placing output in the "stageN-rustc" directory.
337 Rustc,
339 /// Build codegen libraries, placing output in the "stageN-codegen" directory
340 Codegen,
342 /// Build some tools, placing output in the "stageN-tools" directory. The
343 /// "other" here is for miscellaneous sets of tools that are built using the
344 /// bootstrap compiler in its entirety (target libraries and all).
345 /// Typically these tools compile with stable Rust.
346 ToolBootstrap,
348 /// Compile a tool which uses all libraries we compile (up to rustc).
349 /// Doesn't use the stage0 compiler libraries like "other", and includes
350 /// tools like rustdoc, cargo, rls, etc.
351 ToolTest,
352 ToolStd,
353 ToolRustc,
354 }
356 impl Mode {
357 pub fn is_tool(&self) -> bool {
358 match self {
359 Mode::ToolBootstrap | Mode::ToolRustc | Mode::ToolStd => true,
360 _ => false
361 }
362 }
363 }
365 impl Build {
366 /// Creates a new set of build configuration from the `flags` on the command
367 /// line and the filesystem `config`.
368 ///
369 /// By default all build output will be placed in the current directory.
370 pub fn new(config: Config) -> Build {
371 let src = config.src.clone();
372 let out = config.out.clone();
374 let is_sudo = match env::var_os("SUDO_USER") {
375 Some(sudo_user) => {
376 match env::var_os("USER") {
377 Some(user) => user != sudo_user,
378 None => false,
379 }
380 }
381 None => false,
382 };
383 let rust_info = channel::GitInfo::new(&config, &src);
384 let cargo_info = channel::GitInfo::new(&config, &src.join("src/tools/cargo"));
385 let rls_info = channel::GitInfo::new(&config, &src.join("src/tools/rls"));
386 let clippy_info = channel::GitInfo::new(&config, &src.join("src/tools/clippy"));
387 let rustfmt_info = channel::GitInfo::new(&config, &src.join("src/tools/rustfmt"));
389 let mut build = Build {
390 initial_rustc: config.initial_rustc.clone(),
391 initial_cargo: config.initial_cargo.clone(),
392 local_rebuild: config.local_rebuild,
393 fail_fast: config.cmd.fail_fast(),
394 doc_tests: config.cmd.doc_tests(),
395 verbosity: config.verbose,
397 build: config.build,
398 hosts: config.hosts.clone(),
399 targets: config.targets.clone(),
401 config,
402 src,
403 out,
405 rust_info,
406 cargo_info,
407 rls_info,
408 clippy_info,
409 rustfmt_info,
410 cc: HashMap::new(),
411 cxx: HashMap::new(),
412 ar: HashMap::new(),
413 ranlib: HashMap::new(),
414 crates: HashMap::new(),
415 is_sudo,
416 ci_env: CiEnv::current(),
417 delayed_failures: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
418 prerelease_version: Cell::new(None),
419 tool_artifacts: Default::default(),
420 };
422 build.verbose("finding compilers");
423 cc_detect::find(&mut build);
424 build.verbose("running sanity check");
425 sanity::check(&mut build);
427 // If local-rust is the same major.minor as the current version, then force a
428 // local-rebuild
429 let local_version_verbose = output(
430 Command::new(&build.initial_rustc).arg("--version").arg("--verbose"));
431 let local_release = local_version_verbose
432 .lines().filter(|x| x.starts_with("release:"))
433 .next().unwrap().trim_left_matches("release:").trim();
434 let my_version = channel::CFG_RELEASE_NUM;
435 if local_release.split('.').take(2).eq(my_version.split('.').take(2)) {
436 build.verbose(&format!("auto-detected local-rebuild {}", local_release));
437 build.local_rebuild = true;
438 }
440 build.verbose("learning about cargo");
441 metadata::build(&mut build);
443 build
444 }
446 pub fn build_triple(&self) -> &[Interned<String>] {
447 unsafe {
448 slice::from_raw_parts(&self.build, 1)
449 }
450 }
452 /// Executes the entire build, as configured by the flags and configuration.
453 pub fn build(&mut self) {
454 unsafe {
455 job::setup(self);
456 }
458 if let Subcommand::Clean { all } = self.config.cmd {
459 return clean::clean(self, all);
460 }
462 {
463 let builder = builder::Builder::new(&self);
464 if let Some(path) = builder.paths.get(0) {
465 if path == Path::new("nonexistent/path/to/trigger/cargo/metadata") {
466 return;
467 }
468 }
469 }
471 if !self.config.dry_run {
472 {
473 self.config.dry_run = true;
474 let builder = builder::Builder::new(&self);
475 builder.execute_cli();
476 }
477 self.config.dry_run = false;
478 let builder = builder::Builder::new(&self);
479 builder.execute_cli();
480 } else {
481 let builder = builder::Builder::new(&self);
482 let _ = builder.execute_cli();
483 }
485 // Check for postponed failures from `test --no-fail-fast`.
486 let failures = self.delayed_failures.borrow();
487 if failures.len() > 0 {
488 println!("\n{} command(s) did not execute successfully:\n", failures.len());
489 for failure in failures.iter() {
490 println!(" - {}\n", failure);
491 }
492 process::exit(1);
493 }
494 }
496 /// Clear out `dir` if `input` is newer.
497 ///
498 /// After this executes, it will also ensure that `dir` exists.
499 fn clear_if_dirty(&self, dir: &Path, input: &Path) -> bool {
500 let stamp = dir.join(".stamp");
501 let mut cleared = false;
502 if mtime(&stamp) < mtime(input) {
503 self.verbose(&format!("Dirty - {}", dir.display()));
504 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(dir);
505 cleared = true;
506 } else if stamp.exists() {
507 return cleared;
508 }
509 t!(fs::create_dir_all(dir));
510 t!(File::create(stamp));
511 cleared
512 }
514 /// Get the space-separated set of activated features for the standard
515 /// library.
516 fn std_features(&self) -> String {
517 let mut features = "panic-unwind".to_string();
519 if self.config.backtrace {
520 features.push_str(" backtrace");
521 }
522 if self.config.profiler {
523 features.push_str(" profiler");
524 }
525 if self.config.wasm_syscall {
526 features.push_str(" wasm_syscall");
527 }
528 features
529 }
531 /// Get the space-separated set of activated features for the compiler.
532 fn rustc_features(&self) -> String {
533 let mut features = String::new();
534 if self.config.jemalloc {
535 features.push_str("jemalloc");
536 }
537 features
538 }
540 /// Component directory that Cargo will produce output into (e.g.
541 /// release/debug)
542 fn cargo_dir(&self) -> &'static str {
543 if self.config.rust_optimize {"release"} else {"debug"}
544 }
546 fn tools_dir(&self, compiler: Compiler) -> PathBuf {
547 let out = self.out.join(&*compiler.host).join(format!("stage{}-tools-bin", compiler.stage));
548 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&out));
549 out
550 }
552 /// Returns the root directory for all output generated in a particular
553 /// stage when running with a particular host compiler.
554 ///
555 /// The mode indicates what the root directory is for.
556 fn stage_out(&self, compiler: Compiler, mode: Mode) -> PathBuf {
557 let suffix = match mode {
558 Mode::Std => "-std",
559 Mode::Test => "-test",
560 Mode::Rustc => "-rustc",
561 Mode::Codegen => "-codegen",
562 Mode::ToolBootstrap => "-bootstrap-tools",
563 Mode::ToolStd => "-tools",
564 Mode::ToolTest => "-tools",
565 Mode::ToolRustc => "-tools",
566 };
567 self.out.join(&*compiler.host)
568 .join(format!("stage{}{}", compiler.stage, suffix))
569 }
571 /// Returns the root output directory for all Cargo output in a given stage,
572 /// running a particular compiler, whether or not we're building the
573 /// standard library, and targeting the specified architecture.
574 fn cargo_out(&self,
575 compiler: Compiler,
576 mode: Mode,
577 target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
578 self.stage_out(compiler, mode).join(&*target).join(self.cargo_dir())
579 }
581 /// Root output directory for LLVM compiled for `target`
582 ///
583 /// Note that if LLVM is configured externally then the directory returned
584 /// will likely be empty.
585 fn llvm_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
586 self.out.join(&*target).join("llvm")
587 }
589 fn emscripten_llvm_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
590 self.out.join(&*target).join("llvm-emscripten")
591 }
593 fn lld_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
594 self.out.join(&*target).join("lld")
595 }
597 /// Output directory for all documentation for a target
598 fn doc_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
599 self.out.join(&*target).join("doc")
600 }
602 /// Output directory for all documentation for a target
603 fn compiler_doc_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
604 self.out.join(&*target).join("compiler-doc")
605 }
607 /// Output directory for some generated md crate documentation for a target (temporary)
608 fn md_doc_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Interned<PathBuf> {
609 INTERNER.intern_path(self.out.join(&*target).join("md-doc"))
610 }
612 /// Output directory for all crate documentation for a target (temporary)
613 ///
614 /// The artifacts here are then copied into `doc_out` above.
615 fn crate_doc_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
616 self.out.join(&*target).join("crate-docs")
617 }
619 /// Returns true if no custom `llvm-config` is set for the specified target.
620 ///
621 /// If no custom `llvm-config` was specified then Rust's llvm will be used.
622 fn is_rust_llvm(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> bool {
623 match self.config.target_config.get(&target) {
624 Some(ref c) => c.llvm_config.is_none(),
625 None => true
626 }
627 }
629 /// Returns the path to `FileCheck` binary for the specified target
630 fn llvm_filecheck(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
631 let target_config = self.config.target_config.get(&target);
632 if let Some(s) = target_config.and_then(|c| c.llvm_filecheck.as_ref()) {
633 s.to_path_buf()
634 } else if let Some(s) = target_config.and_then(|c| c.llvm_config.as_ref()) {
635 let llvm_bindir = output(Command::new(s).arg("--bindir"));
636 let filecheck = Path::new(llvm_bindir.trim()).join(exe("FileCheck", &*target));
637 if filecheck.exists() {
638 filecheck
639 } else {
640 // On Fedora the system LLVM installs FileCheck in the
641 // llvm subdirectory of the libdir.
642 let llvm_libdir = output(Command::new(s).arg("--libdir"));
643 let lib_filecheck = Path::new(llvm_libdir.trim())
644 .join("llvm").join(exe("FileCheck", &*target));
645 if lib_filecheck.exists() {
646 lib_filecheck
647 } else {
648 // Return the most normal file name, even though
649 // it doesn't exist, so that any error message
650 // refers to that.
651 filecheck
652 }
653 }
654 } else {
655 let base = self.llvm_out(self.config.build).join("build");
656 let base = if !self.config.ninja && self.config.build.contains("msvc") {
657 if self.config.llvm_optimize {
658 if self.config.llvm_release_debuginfo {
659 base.join("RelWithDebInfo")
660 } else {
661 base.join("Release")
662 }
663 } else {
664 base.join("Debug")
665 }
666 } else {
667 base
668 };
669 base.join("bin").join(exe("FileCheck", &*target))
670 }
671 }
673 /// Directory for libraries built from C/C++ code and shared between stages.
674 fn native_dir(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
675 self.out.join(&*target).join("native")
676 }
678 /// Root output directory for rust_test_helpers library compiled for
679 /// `target`
680 fn test_helpers_out(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> PathBuf {
681 self.native_dir(target).join("rust-test-helpers")
682 }
684 /// Adds the `RUST_TEST_THREADS` env var if necessary
685 fn add_rust_test_threads(&self, cmd: &mut Command) {
686 if env::var_os("RUST_TEST_THREADS").is_none() {
687 cmd.env("RUST_TEST_THREADS", self.jobs().to_string());
688 }
689 }
691 /// Returns the libdir of the snapshot compiler.
692 fn rustc_snapshot_libdir(&self) -> PathBuf {
693 self.rustc_snapshot_sysroot().join(libdir(&self.config.build))
694 }
696 /// Returns the sysroot of the snapshot compiler.
697 fn rustc_snapshot_sysroot(&self) -> &Path {
698 self.initial_rustc.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap()
699 }
701 /// Runs a command, printing out nice contextual information if it fails.
702 fn run(&self, cmd: &mut Command) {
703 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
704 self.verbose(&format!("running: {:?}", cmd));
705 run_silent(cmd)
706 }
708 /// Runs a command, printing out nice contextual information if it fails.
709 fn run_quiet(&self, cmd: &mut Command) {
710 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
711 self.verbose(&format!("running: {:?}", cmd));
712 run_suppressed(cmd)
713 }
715 /// Runs a command, printing out nice contextual information if it fails.
716 /// Exits if the command failed to execute at all, otherwise returns its
717 /// `status.success()`.
718 fn try_run(&self, cmd: &mut Command) -> bool {
719 if self.config.dry_run { return true; }
720 self.verbose(&format!("running: {:?}", cmd));
721 try_run_silent(cmd)
722 }
724 /// Runs a command, printing out nice contextual information if it fails.
725 /// Exits if the command failed to execute at all, otherwise returns its
726 /// `status.success()`.
727 fn try_run_quiet(&self, cmd: &mut Command) -> bool {
728 if self.config.dry_run { return true; }
729 self.verbose(&format!("running: {:?}", cmd));
730 try_run_suppressed(cmd)
731 }
733 pub fn is_verbose(&self) -> bool {
734 self.verbosity > 0
735 }
737 /// Prints a message if this build is configured in verbose mode.
738 fn verbose(&self, msg: &str) {
739 if self.is_verbose() {
740 println!("{}", msg);
741 }
742 }
744 fn info(&self, msg: &str) {
745 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
746 println!("{}", msg);
747 }
749 /// Returns the number of parallel jobs that have been configured for this
750 /// build.
751 fn jobs(&self) -> u32 {
752 self.config.jobs.unwrap_or_else(|| num_cpus::get() as u32)
753 }
755 fn debuginfo_map(&self, which: GitRepo) -> Option<String> {
756 if !self.config.rust_remap_debuginfo {
757 return None
758 }
760 let path = match which {
761 GitRepo::Rustc => {
762 let sha = self.rust_sha().unwrap_or(channel::CFG_RELEASE_NUM);
763 format!("/rustc/{}", sha)
764 }
765 GitRepo::Llvm => String::from("/rustc/llvm"),
766 };
767 Some(format!("{}={}", self.src.display(), path))
768 }
770 /// Returns the path to the C compiler for the target specified.
771 fn cc(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> &Path {
772 self.cc[&target].path()
773 }
775 /// Returns a list of flags to pass to the C compiler for the target
776 /// specified.
777 fn cflags(&self, target: Interned<String>, which: GitRepo) -> Vec<String> {
778 // Filter out -O and /O (the optimization flags) that we picked up from
779 // cc-rs because the build scripts will determine that for themselves.
780 let mut base = self.cc[&target].args().iter()
781 .map(|s| s.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
782 .filter(|s| !s.starts_with("-O") && !s.starts_with("/O"))
783 .collect::<Vec<String>>();
785 // If we're compiling on macOS then we add a few unconditional flags
786 // indicating that we want libc++ (more filled out than libstdc++) and
787 // we want to compile for 10.7. This way we can ensure that
788 // LLVM/etc are all properly compiled.
789 if target.contains("apple-darwin") {
790 base.push("-stdlib=libc++".into());
791 }
793 // Work around an apparently bad MinGW / GCC optimization,
794 // See: http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/cfe-dev/2016-December/051980.html
795 // See: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=78936
796 if &*target == "i686-pc-windows-gnu" {
797 base.push("-fno-omit-frame-pointer".into());
798 }
800 if let Some(map) = self.debuginfo_map(which) {
801 let cc = self.cc(target);
802 if cc.ends_with("clang") || cc.ends_with("gcc") {
803 base.push(format!("-fdebug-prefix-map={}", map));
804 } else if cc.ends_with("clang-cl.exe") {
805 base.push("-Xclang".into());
806 base.push(format!("-fdebug-prefix-map={}", map));
807 }
808 }
809 base
810 }
812 /// Returns the path to the `ar` archive utility for the target specified.
813 fn ar(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Option<&Path> {
814 self.ar.get(&target).map(|p| &**p)
815 }
817 /// Returns the path to the `ranlib` utility for the target specified.
818 fn ranlib(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Option<&Path> {
819 self.ranlib.get(&target).map(|p| &**p)
820 }
822 /// Returns the path to the C++ compiler for the target specified.
823 fn cxx(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Result<&Path, String> {
824 match self.cxx.get(&target) {
825 Some(p) => Ok(p.path()),
826 None => Err(format!(
827 "target `{}` is not configured as a host, only as a target",
828 target))
829 }
830 }
832 /// Returns the path to the linker for the given target if it needs to be overridden.
833 fn linker(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Option<&Path> {
834 if let Some(linker) = self.config.target_config.get(&target)
835 .and_then(|c| c.linker.as_ref()) {
836 Some(linker)
837 } else if target != self.config.build &&
838 !target.contains("msvc") &&
839 !target.contains("emscripten") &&
840 !target.contains("wasm32") &&
841 !target.contains("fuchsia") {
842 Some(self.cc(target))
843 } else {
844 None
845 }
846 }
848 /// Returns if this target should statically link the C runtime, if specified
849 fn crt_static(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Option<bool> {
850 if target.contains("pc-windows-msvc") {
851 Some(true)
852 } else {
853 self.config.target_config.get(&target)
854 .and_then(|t| t.crt_static)
855 }
856 }
858 /// Returns the "musl root" for this `target`, if defined
859 fn musl_root(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Option<&Path> {
860 self.config.target_config.get(&target)
861 .and_then(|t| t.musl_root.as_ref())
862 .or(self.config.musl_root.as_ref())
863 .map(|p| &**p)
864 }
866 /// Returns true if this is a no-std `target`, if defined
867 fn no_std(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Option<bool> {
868 self.config.target_config.get(&target)
869 .map(|t| t.no_std)
870 }
872 /// Returns whether the target will be tested using the `remote-test-client`
873 /// and `remote-test-server` binaries.
874 fn remote_tested(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> bool {
875 self.qemu_rootfs(target).is_some() || target.contains("android") ||
876 env::var_os("TEST_DEVICE_ADDR").is_some()
877 }
879 /// Returns the root of the "rootfs" image that this target will be using,
880 /// if one was configured.
881 ///
882 /// If `Some` is returned then that means that tests for this target are
883 /// emulated with QEMU and binaries will need to be shipped to the emulator.
884 fn qemu_rootfs(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> Option<&Path> {
885 self.config.target_config.get(&target)
886 .and_then(|t| t.qemu_rootfs.as_ref())
887 .map(|p| &**p)
888 }
890 /// Path to the python interpreter to use
891 fn python(&self) -> &Path {
892 self.config.python.as_ref().unwrap()
893 }
895 /// Temporary directory that extended error information is emitted to.
896 fn extended_error_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {
897 self.out.join("tmp/extended-error-metadata")
898 }
900 /// Tests whether the `compiler` compiling for `target` should be forced to
901 /// use a stage1 compiler instead.
902 ///
903 /// Currently, by default, the build system does not perform a "full
904 /// bootstrap" by default where we compile the compiler three times.
905 /// Instead, we compile the compiler two times. The final stage (stage2)
906 /// just copies the libraries from the previous stage, which is what this
907 /// method detects.
908 ///
909 /// Here we return `true` if:
910 ///
911 /// * The build isn't performing a full bootstrap
912 /// * The `compiler` is in the final stage, 2
913 /// * We're not cross-compiling, so the artifacts are already available in
914 /// stage1
915 ///
916 /// When all of these conditions are met the build will lift artifacts from
917 /// the previous stage forward.
918 fn force_use_stage1(&self, compiler: Compiler, target: Interned<String>) -> bool {
919 !self.config.full_bootstrap &&
920 compiler.stage >= 2 &&
921 (self.hosts.iter().any(|h| *h == target) || target == self.build)
922 }
924 /// Given `num` in the form "a.b.c" return a "release string" which
925 /// describes the release version number.
926 ///
927 /// For example on nightly this returns "a.b.c-nightly", on beta it returns
928 /// "a.b.c-beta.1" and on stable it just returns "a.b.c".
929 fn release(&self, num: &str) -> String {
930 match &self.config.channel[..] {
931 "stable" => num.to_string(),
932 "beta" => if self.rust_info.is_git() {
933 format!("{}-beta.{}", num, self.beta_prerelease_version())
934 } else {
935 format!("{}-beta", num)
936 },
937 "nightly" => format!("{}-nightly", num),
938 _ => format!("{}-dev", num),
939 }
940 }
942 fn beta_prerelease_version(&self) -> u32 {
943 if let Some(s) = self.prerelease_version.get() {
944 return s
945 }
947 let beta = output(
948 Command::new("git")
949 .arg("ls-remote")
950 .arg("origin")
951 .arg("beta")
952 .current_dir(&self.src)
953 );
954 let beta = beta.trim().split_whitespace().next().unwrap();
955 let master = output(
956 Command::new("git")
957 .arg("ls-remote")
958 .arg("origin")
959 .arg("master")
960 .current_dir(&self.src)
961 );
962 let master = master.trim().split_whitespace().next().unwrap();
964 // Figure out where the current beta branch started.
965 let base = output(
966 Command::new("git")
967 .arg("merge-base")
968 .arg(beta)
969 .arg(master)
970 .current_dir(&self.src),
971 );
972 let base = base.trim();
974 // Next figure out how many merge commits happened since we branched off
975 // beta. That's our beta number!
976 let count = output(
977 Command::new("git")
978 .arg("rev-list")
979 .arg("--count")
980 .arg("--merges")
981 .arg(format!("{}...HEAD", base))
982 .current_dir(&self.src),
983 );
984 let n = count.trim().parse().unwrap();
985 self.prerelease_version.set(Some(n));
986 n
987 }
989 /// Returns the value of `release` above for Rust itself.
990 fn rust_release(&self) -> String {
991 self.release(channel::CFG_RELEASE_NUM)
992 }
994 /// Returns the "package version" for a component given the `num` release
995 /// number.
996 ///
997 /// The package version is typically what shows up in the names of tarballs.
998 /// For channels like beta/nightly it's just the channel name, otherwise
999 /// it's the `num` provided.
1000 fn package_vers(&self, num: &str) -> String {
1001 match &self.config.channel[..] {
1002 "stable" => num.to_string(),
1003 "beta" => "beta".to_string(),
1004 "nightly" => "nightly".to_string(),
1005 _ => format!("{}-dev", num),
1006 }
1007 }
1009 /// Returns the value of `package_vers` above for Rust itself.
1010 fn rust_package_vers(&self) -> String {
1011 self.package_vers(channel::CFG_RELEASE_NUM)
1012 }
1014 /// Returns the value of `package_vers` above for Cargo
1015 fn cargo_package_vers(&self) -> String {
1016 self.package_vers(&self.release_num("cargo"))
1017 }
1019 /// Returns the value of `package_vers` above for rls
1020 fn rls_package_vers(&self) -> String {
1021 self.package_vers(&self.release_num("rls"))
1022 }
1024 /// Returns the value of `package_vers` above for clippy
1025 fn clippy_package_vers(&self) -> String {
1026 self.package_vers(&self.release_num("clippy"))
1027 }
1029 /// Returns the value of `package_vers` above for rustfmt
1030 fn rustfmt_package_vers(&self) -> String {
1031 self.package_vers(&self.release_num("rustfmt"))
1032 }
1034 fn llvm_tools_package_vers(&self) -> String {
1035 self.package_vers(&self.rust_version())
1036 }
1038 fn llvm_tools_vers(&self) -> String {
1039 self.rust_version()
1040 }
1042 fn lldb_package_vers(&self) -> String {
1043 self.package_vers(&self.rust_version())
1044 }
1046 fn lldb_vers(&self) -> String {
1047 self.rust_version()
1048 }
1050 fn llvm_link_tools_dynamically(&self, target: Interned<String>) -> bool {
1051 (target.contains("linux-gnu") || target.contains("apple-darwin"))
1052 }
1054 /// Returns the `version` string associated with this compiler for Rust
1055 /// itself.
1056 ///
1057 /// Note that this is a descriptive string which includes the commit date,
1058 /// sha, version, etc.
1059 fn rust_version(&self) -> String {
1060 self.rust_info.version(self, channel::CFG_RELEASE_NUM)
1061 }
1063 /// Return the full commit hash
1064 fn rust_sha(&self) -> Option<&str> {
1065 self.rust_info.sha()
1066 }
1068 /// Returns the `a.b.c` version that the given package is at.
1069 fn release_num(&self, package: &str) -> String {
1070 let mut toml = String::new();
1071 let toml_file_name = self.src.join(&format!("src/tools/{}/Cargo.toml", package));
1072 t!(t!(File::open(toml_file_name)).read_to_string(&mut toml));
1073 for line in toml.lines() {
1074 let prefix = "version = \"";
1075 let suffix = "\"";
1076 if line.starts_with(prefix) && line.ends_with(suffix) {
1077 return line[prefix.len()..line.len() - suffix.len()].to_string()
1078 }
1079 }
1081 panic!("failed to find version in {}'s Cargo.toml", package)
1082 }
1084 /// Returns whether unstable features should be enabled for the compiler
1085 /// we're building.
1086 fn unstable_features(&self) -> bool {
1087 match &self.config.channel[..] {
1088 "stable" | "beta" => false,
1089 "nightly" | _ => true,
1090 }
1091 }
1093 /// Fold the output of the commands after this method into a group. The fold
1094 /// ends when the returned object is dropped. Folding can only be used in
1095 /// the Travis CI environment.
1096 pub fn fold_output<D, F>(&self, name: F) -> Option<OutputFolder>
1097 where D: Into<String>, F: FnOnce() -> D
1098 {
1099 if !self.config.dry_run && self.ci_env == CiEnv::Travis {
1100 Some(OutputFolder::new(name().into()))
1101 } else {
1102 None
1103 }
1104 }
1106 /// Updates the actual toolstate of a tool.
1107 ///
1108 /// The toolstates are saved to the file specified by the key
1109 /// `rust.save-toolstates` in `config.toml`. If unspecified, nothing will be
1110 /// done. The file is updated immediately after this function completes.
1111 pub fn save_toolstate(&self, tool: &str, state: ToolState) {
1112 use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom};
1114 if let Some(ref path) = self.config.save_toolstates {
1115 let mut file = t!(fs::OpenOptions::new()
1116 .create(true)
1117 .read(true)
1118 .write(true)
1119 .open(path));
1121 let mut current_toolstates: HashMap<Box<str>, ToolState> =
1122 serde_json::from_reader(&mut file).unwrap_or_default();
1123 current_toolstates.insert(tool.into(), state);
1124 t!(file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)));
1125 t!(file.set_len(0));
1126 t!(serde_json::to_writer(file, &current_toolstates));
1127 }
1128 }
1130 fn in_tree_crates(&self, root: &str) -> Vec<&Crate> {
1131 let mut ret = Vec::new();
1132 let mut list = vec![INTERNER.intern_str(root)];
1133 let mut visited = HashSet::new();
1134 while let Some(krate) = list.pop() {
1135 let krate = &self.crates[&krate];
1136 if krate.is_local(self) {
1137 ret.push(krate);
1138 for dep in &krate.deps {
1139 if visited.insert(dep) && dep != "build_helper" {
1140 list.push(*dep);
1141 }
1142 }
1143 }
1144 }
1145 ret
1146 }
1148 fn read_stamp_file(&self, stamp: &Path) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
1149 if self.config.dry_run {
1150 return Vec::new();
1151 }
1153 let mut paths = Vec::new();
1154 let mut contents = Vec::new();
1155 t!(t!(File::open(stamp)).read_to_end(&mut contents));
1156 // This is the method we use for extracting paths from the stamp file passed to us. See
1157 // run_cargo for more information (in compile.rs).
1158 for part in contents.split(|b| *b == 0) {
1159 if part.is_empty() {
1160 continue
1161 }
1162 let path = PathBuf::from(t!(str::from_utf8(part)));
1163 paths.push(path);
1164 }
1165 paths
1166 }
1168 /// Copies a file from `src` to `dst`
1169 pub fn copy(&self, src: &Path, dst: &Path) {
1170 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1171 let _ = fs::remove_file(&dst);
1172 let metadata = t!(src.symlink_metadata());
1173 if metadata.file_type().is_symlink() {
1174 let link = t!(fs::read_link(src));
1175 t!(symlink_file(link, dst));
1176 } else if let Ok(()) = fs::hard_link(src, dst) {
1177 // Attempt to "easy copy" by creating a hard link
1178 // (symlinks don't work on windows), but if that fails
1179 // just fall back to a slow `copy` operation.
1180 } else {
1181 if let Err(e) = fs::copy(src, dst) {
1182 panic!("failed to copy `{}` to `{}`: {}", src.display(),
1183 dst.display(), e)
1184 }
1185 t!(fs::set_permissions(dst, metadata.permissions()));
1186 let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
1187 let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
1188 t!(filetime::set_file_times(dst, atime, mtime));
1189 }
1190 }
1192 /// Search-and-replaces within a file. (Not maximally efficiently: allocates a
1193 /// new string for each replacement.)
1194 pub fn replace_in_file(&self, path: &Path, replacements: &[(&str, &str)]) {
1195 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1196 let mut contents = String::new();
1197 let mut file = t!(OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(path));
1198 t!(file.read_to_string(&mut contents));
1199 for &(target, replacement) in replacements {
1200 contents = contents.replace(target, replacement);
1201 }
1202 t!(file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)));
1203 t!(file.set_len(0));
1204 t!(file.write_all(contents.as_bytes()));
1205 }
1207 /// Copies the `src` directory recursively to `dst`. Both are assumed to exist
1208 /// when this function is called.
1209 pub fn cp_r(&self, src: &Path, dst: &Path) {
1210 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1211 for f in t!(fs::read_dir(src)) {
1212 let f = t!(f);
1213 let path = f.path();
1214 let name = path.file_name().unwrap();
1215 let dst = dst.join(name);
1216 if t!(f.file_type()).is_dir() {
1217 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dst));
1218 self.cp_r(&path, &dst);
1219 } else {
1220 let _ = fs::remove_file(&dst);
1221 self.copy(&path, &dst);
1222 }
1223 }
1224 }
1226 /// Copies the `src` directory recursively to `dst`. Both are assumed to exist
1227 /// when this function is called. Unwanted files or directories can be skipped
1228 /// by returning `false` from the filter function.
1229 pub fn cp_filtered(&self, src: &Path, dst: &Path, filter: &dyn Fn(&Path) -> bool) {
1230 // Immediately recurse with an empty relative path
1231 self.recurse_(src, dst, Path::new(""), filter)
1232 }
1234 // Inner function does the actual work
1235 fn recurse_(&self, src: &Path, dst: &Path, relative: &Path, filter: &dyn Fn(&Path) -> bool) {
1236 for f in self.read_dir(src) {
1237 let path = f.path();
1238 let name = path.file_name().unwrap();
1239 let dst = dst.join(name);
1240 let relative = relative.join(name);
1241 // Only copy file or directory if the filter function returns true
1242 if filter(&relative) {
1243 if t!(f.file_type()).is_dir() {
1244 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&dst);
1245 self.create_dir(&dst);
1246 self.recurse_(&path, &dst, &relative, filter);
1247 } else {
1248 let _ = fs::remove_file(&dst);
1249 self.copy(&path, &dst);
1250 }
1251 }
1252 }
1253 }
1255 fn copy_to_folder(&self, src: &Path, dest_folder: &Path) {
1256 let file_name = src.file_name().unwrap();
1257 let dest = dest_folder.join(file_name);
1258 self.copy(src, &dest);
1259 }
1261 fn install(&self, src: &Path, dstdir: &Path, perms: u32) {
1262 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1263 let dst = dstdir.join(src.file_name().unwrap());
1264 t!(fs::create_dir_all(dstdir));
1265 drop(fs::remove_file(&dst));
1266 {
1267 if !src.exists() {
1268 panic!("Error: File \"{}\" not found!", src.display());
1269 }
1270 let mut s = t!(fs::File::open(&src));
1271 let mut d = t!(fs::File::create(&dst));
1272 io::copy(&mut s, &mut d).expect("failed to copy");
1273 }
1274 chmod(&dst, perms);
1275 }
1277 fn create(&self, path: &Path, s: &str) {
1278 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1279 t!(fs::write(path, s));
1280 }
1282 fn read(&self, path: &Path) -> String {
1283 if self.config.dry_run { return String::new(); }
1284 t!(fs::read_to_string(path))
1285 }
1287 fn create_dir(&self, dir: &Path) {
1288 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1289 t!(fs::create_dir_all(dir))
1290 }
1292 fn remove_dir(&self, dir: &Path) {
1293 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1294 t!(fs::remove_dir_all(dir))
1295 }
1297 fn read_dir(&self, dir: &Path) -> impl Iterator<Item=fs::DirEntry> {
1298 let iter = match fs::read_dir(dir) {
1299 Ok(v) => v,
1300 Err(_) if self.config.dry_run => return vec![].into_iter(),
1301 Err(err) => panic!("could not read dir {:?}: {:?}", dir, err),
1302 };
1303 iter.map(|e| t!(e)).collect::<Vec<_>>().into_iter()
1304 }
1306 fn remove(&self, f: &Path) {
1307 if self.config.dry_run { return; }
1308 fs::remove_file(f).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to remove {:?}", f));
1309 }
1310 }
1312 #[cfg(unix)]
1313 fn chmod(path: &Path, perms: u32) {
1314 use std::os::unix::fs::*;
1315 t!(fs::set_permissions(path, fs::Permissions::from_mode(perms)));
1316 }
1317 #[cfg(windows)]
1318 fn chmod(_path: &Path, _perms: u32) {}
1321 impl<'a> Compiler {
1322 pub fn with_stage(mut self, stage: u32) -> Compiler {
1323 self.stage = stage;
1324 self
1325 }
1327 /// Returns whether this is a snapshot compiler for `build`'s configuration
1328 pub fn is_snapshot(&self, build: &Build) -> bool {
1329 self.stage == 0 && self.host == build.build
1330 }
1332 /// Returns if this compiler should be treated as a final stage one in the
1333 /// current build session.
1334 /// This takes into account whether we're performing a full bootstrap or
1335 /// not; don't directly compare the stage with `2`!
1336 pub fn is_final_stage(&self, build: &Build) -> bool {
1337 let final_stage = if build.config.full_bootstrap { 2 } else { 1 };
1338 self.stage >= final_stage
1339 }
1340 }