]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/bootstrap/tool.rs
New upstream version 1.45.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / bootstrap / tool.rs
1 use std::collections::HashSet;
2 use std::env;
3 use std::fs;
4 use std::path::PathBuf;
5 use std::process::{exit, Command};
7 use build_helper::t;
9 use crate::builder::{Builder, Cargo as CargoCommand, RunConfig, ShouldRun, Step};
10 use crate::cache::Interned;
11 use crate::channel;
12 use crate::channel::GitInfo;
13 use crate::compile;
14 use crate::toolstate::ToolState;
15 use crate::util::{add_dylib_path, exe, CiEnv};
16 use crate::Compiler;
17 use crate::Mode;
19 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
20 pub enum SourceType {
21 InTree,
22 Submodule,
23 }
25 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
26 struct ToolBuild {
27 compiler: Compiler,
28 target: Interned<String>,
29 tool: &'static str,
30 path: &'static str,
31 mode: Mode,
32 is_optional_tool: bool,
33 source_type: SourceType,
34 extra_features: Vec<String>,
35 }
37 impl Step for ToolBuild {
38 type Output = Option<PathBuf>;
40 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
41 run.never()
42 }
44 /// Builds a tool in `src/tools`
45 ///
46 /// This will build the specified tool with the specified `host` compiler in
47 /// `stage` into the normal cargo output directory.
48 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option<PathBuf> {
49 let compiler = self.compiler;
50 let target = self.target;
51 let tool = self.tool;
52 let path = self.path;
53 let is_optional_tool = self.is_optional_tool;
55 match self.mode {
56 Mode::ToolRustc => builder.ensure(compile::Rustc { compiler, target }),
57 Mode::ToolStd => builder.ensure(compile::Std { compiler, target }),
58 Mode::ToolBootstrap => {} // uses downloaded stage0 compiler libs
59 _ => panic!("unexpected Mode for tool build"),
60 }
62 let cargo = prepare_tool_cargo(
63 builder,
64 compiler,
65 self.mode,
66 target,
67 "build",
68 path,
69 self.source_type,
70 &self.extra_features,
71 );
73 builder.info(&format!("Building stage{} tool {} ({})", compiler.stage, tool, target));
74 let mut duplicates = Vec::new();
75 let is_expected = compile::stream_cargo(builder, cargo, vec![], &mut |msg| {
76 // Only care about big things like the RLS/Cargo for now
77 match tool {
78 "rls" | "cargo" | "clippy-driver" | "miri" | "rustfmt" => {}
80 _ => return,
81 }
82 let (id, features, filenames) = match msg {
83 compile::CargoMessage::CompilerArtifact {
84 package_id,
85 features,
86 filenames,
87 target: _,
88 } => (package_id, features, filenames),
89 _ => return,
90 };
91 let features = features.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
93 for path in filenames {
94 let val = (tool, PathBuf::from(&*path), features.clone());
95 // we're only interested in deduplicating rlibs for now
96 if val.1.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) != Some("rlib") {
97 continue;
98 }
100 // Don't worry about compiles that turn out to be host
101 // dependencies or build scripts. To skip these we look for
102 // anything that goes in `.../release/deps` but *doesn't* go in
103 // `$target/release/deps`. This ensure that outputs in
104 // `$target/release` are still considered candidates for
105 // deduplication.
106 if let Some(parent) = val.1.parent() {
107 if parent.ends_with("release/deps") {
108 let maybe_target = parent
109 .parent()
110 .and_then(|p| p.parent())
111 .and_then(|p| p.file_name())
112 .and_then(|p| p.to_str())
113 .unwrap();
114 if maybe_target != &*target {
115 continue;
116 }
117 }
118 }
120 // Record that we've built an artifact for `id`, and if one was
121 // already listed then we need to see if we reused the same
122 // artifact or produced a duplicate.
123 let mut artifacts = builder.tool_artifacts.borrow_mut();
124 let prev_artifacts = artifacts.entry(target).or_default();
125 let prev = match prev_artifacts.get(&*id) {
126 Some(prev) => prev,
127 None => {
128 prev_artifacts.insert(id.to_string(), val);
129 continue;
130 }
131 };
132 if prev.1 == val.1 {
133 return; // same path, same artifact
134 }
136 // If the paths are different and one of them *isn't* inside of
137 // `release/deps`, then it means it's probably in
138 // `$target/release`, or it's some final artifact like
139 // `libcargo.rlib`. In these situations Cargo probably just
140 // copied it up from `$target/release/deps/libcargo-xxxx.rlib`,
141 // so if the features are equal we can just skip it.
142 let prev_no_hash = prev.1.parent().unwrap().ends_with("release/deps");
143 let val_no_hash = val.1.parent().unwrap().ends_with("release/deps");
144 if prev.2 == val.2 || !prev_no_hash || !val_no_hash {
145 return;
146 }
148 // ... and otherwise this looks like we duplicated some sort of
149 // compilation, so record it to generate an error later.
150 duplicates.push((id.to_string(), val, prev.clone()));
151 }
152 });
154 if is_expected && !duplicates.is_empty() {
155 println!(
156 "duplicate artifacts found when compiling a tool, this \
157 typically means that something was recompiled because \
158 a transitive dependency has different features activated \
159 than in a previous build:\n"
160 );
161 println!(
162 "the following dependencies are duplicated although they \
163 have the same features enabled:"
164 );
165 for (id, cur, prev) in duplicates.drain_filter(|(_, cur, prev)| cur.2 == prev.2) {
166 println!(" {}", id);
167 // same features
168 println!(" `{}` ({:?})\n `{}` ({:?})", cur.0, cur.1, prev.0, prev.1);
169 }
170 println!("the following dependencies have different features:");
171 for (id, cur, prev) in duplicates {
172 println!(" {}", id);
173 let cur_features: HashSet<_> = cur.2.into_iter().collect();
174 let prev_features: HashSet<_> = prev.2.into_iter().collect();
175 println!(
176 " `{}` additionally enabled features {:?} at {:?}",
177 cur.0,
178 &cur_features - &prev_features,
179 cur.1
180 );
181 println!(
182 " `{}` additionally enabled features {:?} at {:?}",
183 prev.0,
184 &prev_features - &cur_features,
185 prev.1
186 );
187 }
188 println!();
189 println!(
190 "to fix this you will probably want to edit the local \
191 src/tools/rustc-workspace-hack/Cargo.toml crate, as \
192 that will update the dependency graph to ensure that \
193 these crates all share the same feature set"
194 );
195 panic!("tools should not compile multiple copies of the same crate");
196 }
198 builder.save_toolstate(
199 tool,
200 if is_expected { ToolState::TestFail } else { ToolState::BuildFail },
201 );
203 if !is_expected {
204 if !is_optional_tool {
205 exit(1);
206 } else {
207 None
208 }
209 } else {
210 let cargo_out =
211 builder.cargo_out(compiler, self.mode, target).join(exe(tool, &compiler.host));
212 let bin = builder.tools_dir(compiler).join(exe(tool, &compiler.host));
213 builder.copy(&cargo_out, &bin);
214 Some(bin)
215 }
216 }
217 }
219 pub fn prepare_tool_cargo(
220 builder: &Builder<'_>,
221 compiler: Compiler,
222 mode: Mode,
223 target: Interned<String>,
224 command: &'static str,
225 path: &'static str,
226 source_type: SourceType,
227 extra_features: &[String],
228 ) -> CargoCommand {
229 let mut cargo = builder.cargo(compiler, mode, target, command);
230 let dir = builder.src.join(path);
231 cargo.arg("--manifest-path").arg(dir.join("Cargo.toml"));
233 if source_type == SourceType::Submodule {
234 cargo.env("RUSTC_EXTERNAL_TOOL", "1");
235 }
237 let mut features = extra_features.to_vec();
238 if builder.build.config.cargo_native_static {
239 if path.ends_with("cargo")
240 || path.ends_with("rls")
241 || path.ends_with("clippy")
242 || path.ends_with("miri")
243 || path.ends_with("rustbook")
244 || path.ends_with("rustfmt")
245 {
246 cargo.env("LIBZ_SYS_STATIC", "1");
247 features.push("rustc-workspace-hack/all-static".to_string());
248 }
249 }
251 // if tools are using lzma we want to force the build script to build its
252 // own copy
253 cargo.env("LZMA_API_STATIC", "1");
255 // CFG_RELEASE is needed by rustfmt (and possibly other tools) which
256 // import rustc-ap-rustc_attr which requires this to be set for the
257 // `#[cfg(version(...))]` attribute.
258 cargo.env("CFG_RELEASE", builder.rust_release());
259 cargo.env("CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL", &builder.config.channel);
260 cargo.env("CFG_VERSION", builder.rust_version());
261 cargo.env("CFG_RELEASE_NUM", channel::CFG_RELEASE_NUM);
263 let info = GitInfo::new(builder.config.ignore_git, &dir);
264 if let Some(sha) = info.sha() {
265 cargo.env("CFG_COMMIT_HASH", sha);
266 }
267 if let Some(sha_short) = info.sha_short() {
268 cargo.env("CFG_SHORT_COMMIT_HASH", sha_short);
269 }
270 if let Some(date) = info.commit_date() {
271 cargo.env("CFG_COMMIT_DATE", date);
272 }
273 if !features.is_empty() {
274 cargo.arg("--features").arg(&features.join(", "));
275 }
276 cargo
277 }
279 fn rustbook_features() -> Vec<String> {
280 let mut features = Vec::new();
282 // Due to CI budged and risk of spurious failures we want to limit jobs running this check.
283 // At same time local builds should run it regardless of the platform.
284 // `CiEnv::None` means it's local build and `CHECK_LINKS` is defined in x86_64-gnu-tools to
285 // explicitly enable it on single job
286 if CiEnv::current() == CiEnv::None || env::var("CHECK_LINKS").is_ok() {
287 features.push("linkcheck".to_string());
288 }
290 features
291 }
293 macro_rules! bootstrap_tool {
294 ($(
295 $name:ident, $path:expr, $tool_name:expr
296 $(,is_external_tool = $external:expr)*
297 $(,is_unstable_tool = $unstable:expr)*
298 $(,features = $features:expr)*
299 ;
300 )+) => {
301 #[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
302 pub enum Tool {
303 $(
304 $name,
305 )+
306 }
308 impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
309 pub fn tool_exe(&self, tool: Tool) -> PathBuf {
310 match tool {
311 $(Tool::$name =>
312 self.ensure($name {
313 compiler: self.compiler(0, self.config.build),
314 target: self.config.build,
315 }),
316 )+
317 }
318 }
319 }
321 $(
322 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
323 pub struct $name {
324 pub compiler: Compiler,
325 pub target: Interned<String>,
326 }
328 impl Step for $name {
329 type Output = PathBuf;
331 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
332 run.path($path)
333 }
335 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
336 run.builder.ensure($name {
337 // snapshot compiler
338 compiler: run.builder.compiler(0, run.builder.config.build),
339 target: run.target,
340 });
341 }
343 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf {
344 builder.ensure(ToolBuild {
345 compiler: self.compiler,
346 target: self.target,
347 tool: $tool_name,
348 mode: if false $(|| $unstable)* {
349 // use in-tree libraries for unstable features
350 Mode::ToolStd
351 } else {
352 Mode::ToolBootstrap
353 },
354 path: $path,
355 is_optional_tool: false,
356 source_type: if false $(|| $external)* {
357 SourceType::Submodule
358 } else {
359 SourceType::InTree
360 },
361 extra_features: {
362 // FIXME(#60643): avoid this lint by using `_`
363 let mut _tmp = Vec::new();
364 $(_tmp.extend($features);)*
365 _tmp
366 },
367 }).expect("expected to build -- essential tool")
368 }
369 }
370 )+
371 }
372 }
374 bootstrap_tool!(
375 Rustbook, "src/tools/rustbook", "rustbook", features = rustbook_features();
376 UnstableBookGen, "src/tools/unstable-book-gen", "unstable-book-gen";
377 Tidy, "src/tools/tidy", "tidy";
378 Linkchecker, "src/tools/linkchecker", "linkchecker";
379 CargoTest, "src/tools/cargotest", "cargotest";
380 Compiletest, "src/tools/compiletest", "compiletest", is_unstable_tool = true;
381 BuildManifest, "src/tools/build-manifest", "build-manifest";
382 RemoteTestClient, "src/tools/remote-test-client", "remote-test-client";
383 RustInstaller, "src/tools/rust-installer", "fabricate", is_external_tool = true;
384 RustdocTheme, "src/tools/rustdoc-themes", "rustdoc-themes";
385 ExpandYamlAnchors, "src/tools/expand-yaml-anchors", "expand-yaml-anchors";
386 );
388 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
389 pub struct ErrorIndex {
390 pub compiler: Compiler,
391 }
393 impl ErrorIndex {
394 pub fn command(builder: &Builder<'_>, compiler: Compiler) -> Command {
395 let mut cmd = Command::new(builder.ensure(ErrorIndex { compiler }));
396 add_dylib_path(
397 vec![PathBuf::from(&builder.sysroot_libdir(compiler, compiler.host))],
398 &mut cmd,
399 );
400 cmd
401 }
402 }
404 impl Step for ErrorIndex {
405 type Output = PathBuf;
407 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
408 run.path("src/tools/error_index_generator")
409 }
411 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
412 // Compile the error-index in the same stage as rustdoc to avoid
413 // recompiling rustdoc twice if we can.
414 let stage = if run.builder.top_stage >= 2 { run.builder.top_stage } else { 0 };
415 run.builder
416 .ensure(ErrorIndex { compiler: run.builder.compiler(stage, run.builder.config.build) });
417 }
419 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf {
420 builder
421 .ensure(ToolBuild {
422 compiler: self.compiler,
423 target: self.compiler.host,
424 tool: "error_index_generator",
425 mode: Mode::ToolRustc,
426 path: "src/tools/error_index_generator",
427 is_optional_tool: false,
428 source_type: SourceType::InTree,
429 extra_features: Vec::new(),
430 })
431 .expect("expected to build -- essential tool")
432 }
433 }
435 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
436 pub struct RemoteTestServer {
437 pub compiler: Compiler,
438 pub target: Interned<String>,
439 }
441 impl Step for RemoteTestServer {
442 type Output = PathBuf;
444 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
445 run.path("src/tools/remote-test-server")
446 }
448 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
449 run.builder.ensure(RemoteTestServer {
450 compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build),
451 target: run.target,
452 });
453 }
455 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf {
456 builder
457 .ensure(ToolBuild {
458 compiler: self.compiler,
459 target: self.target,
460 tool: "remote-test-server",
461 mode: Mode::ToolStd,
462 path: "src/tools/remote-test-server",
463 is_optional_tool: false,
464 source_type: SourceType::InTree,
465 extra_features: Vec::new(),
466 })
467 .expect("expected to build -- essential tool")
468 }
469 }
471 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
472 pub struct Rustdoc {
473 /// This should only ever be 0 or 2.
474 /// We sometimes want to reference the "bootstrap" rustdoc, which is why this option is here.
475 pub compiler: Compiler,
476 }
478 impl Step for Rustdoc {
479 type Output = PathBuf;
480 const DEFAULT: bool = true;
481 const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true;
483 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
484 run.path("src/tools/rustdoc")
485 }
487 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
488 run.builder
489 .ensure(Rustdoc { compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.host) });
490 }
492 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf {
493 let target_compiler = self.compiler;
494 if target_compiler.stage == 0 {
495 if !target_compiler.is_snapshot(builder) {
496 panic!("rustdoc in stage 0 must be snapshot rustdoc");
497 }
498 return builder.initial_rustc.with_file_name(exe("rustdoc", &target_compiler.host));
499 }
500 let target = target_compiler.host;
501 // Similar to `compile::Assemble`, build with the previous stage's compiler. Otherwise
502 // we'd have stageN/bin/rustc and stageN/bin/rustdoc be effectively different stage
503 // compilers, which isn't what we want. Rustdoc should be linked in the same way as the
504 // rustc compiler it's paired with, so it must be built with the previous stage compiler.
505 let build_compiler = builder.compiler(target_compiler.stage - 1, builder.config.build);
507 // The presence of `target_compiler` ensures that the necessary libraries (codegen backends,
508 // compiler libraries, ...) are built. Rustdoc does not require the presence of any
509 // libraries within sysroot_libdir (i.e., rustlib), though doctests may want it (since
510 // they'll be linked to those libraries). As such, don't explicitly `ensure` any additional
511 // libraries here. The intuition here is that If we've built a compiler, we should be able
512 // to build rustdoc.
514 let cargo = prepare_tool_cargo(
515 builder,
516 build_compiler,
517 Mode::ToolRustc,
518 target,
519 "build",
520 "src/tools/rustdoc",
521 SourceType::InTree,
522 &[],
523 );
525 builder.info(&format!(
526 "Building rustdoc for stage{} ({})",
527 target_compiler.stage, target_compiler.host
528 ));
529 builder.run(&mut cargo.into());
531 // Cargo adds a number of paths to the dylib search path on windows, which results in
532 // the wrong rustdoc being executed. To avoid the conflicting rustdocs, we name the "tool"
533 // rustdoc a different name.
534 let tool_rustdoc = builder
535 .cargo_out(build_compiler, Mode::ToolRustc, target)
536 .join(exe("rustdoc_tool_binary", &target_compiler.host));
538 // don't create a stage0-sysroot/bin directory.
539 if target_compiler.stage > 0 {
540 let sysroot = builder.sysroot(target_compiler);
541 let bindir = sysroot.join("bin");
542 t!(fs::create_dir_all(&bindir));
543 let bin_rustdoc = bindir.join(exe("rustdoc", &*target_compiler.host));
544 let _ = fs::remove_file(&bin_rustdoc);
545 builder.copy(&tool_rustdoc, &bin_rustdoc);
546 bin_rustdoc
547 } else {
548 tool_rustdoc
549 }
550 }
551 }
553 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
554 pub struct Cargo {
555 pub compiler: Compiler,
556 pub target: Interned<String>,
557 }
559 impl Step for Cargo {
560 type Output = PathBuf;
561 const DEFAULT: bool = true;
562 const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true;
564 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
565 let builder = run.builder;
566 run.path("src/tools/cargo").default_condition(builder.config.extended)
567 }
569 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
570 run.builder.ensure(Cargo {
571 compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build),
572 target: run.target,
573 });
574 }
576 fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf {
577 builder
578 .ensure(ToolBuild {
579 compiler: self.compiler,
580 target: self.target,
581 tool: "cargo",
582 mode: Mode::ToolRustc,
583 path: "src/tools/cargo",
584 is_optional_tool: false,
585 source_type: SourceType::Submodule,
586 extra_features: Vec::new(),
587 })
588 .expect("expected to build -- essential tool")
589 }
590 }
592 macro_rules! tool_extended {
593 (($sel:ident, $builder:ident),
594 $($name:ident,
595 $toolstate:ident,
596 $path:expr,
597 $tool_name:expr,
598 $extra_deps:block;)+) => {
599 $(
600 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
601 pub struct $name {
602 pub compiler: Compiler,
603 pub target: Interned<String>,
604 pub extra_features: Vec<String>,
605 }
607 impl Step for $name {
608 type Output = Option<PathBuf>;
609 const DEFAULT: bool = true;
610 const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true;
612 fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
613 let builder = run.builder;
614 run.path($path).default_condition(
615 builder.config.extended
616 && builder.config.tools.as_ref().map_or(true, |tools| {
617 tools.iter().any(|tool| match tool.as_ref() {
618 "clippy" => $tool_name == "clippy-driver",
619 x => $tool_name == x,
620 })
621 }),
622 )
623 }
625 fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
626 run.builder.ensure($name {
627 compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.builder.config.build),
628 target: run.target,
629 extra_features: Vec::new(),
630 });
631 }
633 #[allow(unused_mut)]
634 fn run(mut $sel, $builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Option<PathBuf> {
635 $extra_deps
636 $builder.ensure(ToolBuild {
637 compiler: $sel.compiler,
638 target: $sel.target,
639 tool: $tool_name,
640 mode: Mode::ToolRustc,
641 path: $path,
642 extra_features: $sel.extra_features,
643 is_optional_tool: true,
644 source_type: SourceType::Submodule,
645 })
646 }
647 }
648 )+
649 }
650 }
652 // Note: tools need to be also added to `Builder::get_step_descriptions` in `build.rs`
653 // to make `./x.py build <tool>` work.
654 tool_extended!((self, builder),
655 Cargofmt, rustfmt, "src/tools/rustfmt", "cargo-fmt", {};
656 CargoClippy, clippy, "src/tools/clippy", "cargo-clippy", {};
657 Clippy, clippy, "src/tools/clippy", "clippy-driver", {};
658 Miri, miri, "src/tools/miri", "miri", {};
659 CargoMiri, miri, "src/tools/miri/cargo-miri", "cargo-miri", {};
660 Rls, rls, "src/tools/rls", "rls", {
661 builder.ensure(Clippy {
662 compiler: self.compiler,
663 target: self.target,
664 extra_features: Vec::new(),
665 });
666 self.extra_features.push("clippy".to_owned());
667 };
668 Rustfmt, rustfmt, "src/tools/rustfmt", "rustfmt", {};
669 );
671 impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
672 /// Gets a `Command` which is ready to run `tool` in `stage` built for
673 /// `host`.
674 pub fn tool_cmd(&self, tool: Tool) -> Command {
675 let mut cmd = Command::new(self.tool_exe(tool));
676 let compiler = self.compiler(0, self.config.build);
677 let host = &compiler.host;
678 // Prepares the `cmd` provided to be able to run the `compiler` provided.
679 //
680 // Notably this munges the dynamic library lookup path to point to the
681 // right location to run `compiler`.
682 let mut lib_paths: Vec<PathBuf> = vec![
683 self.build.rustc_snapshot_libdir(),
684 self.cargo_out(compiler, Mode::ToolBootstrap, *host).join("deps"),
685 ];
687 // On MSVC a tool may invoke a C compiler (e.g., compiletest in run-make
688 // mode) and that C compiler may need some extra PATH modification. Do
689 // so here.
690 if compiler.host.contains("msvc") {
691 let curpaths = env::var_os("PATH").unwrap_or_default();
692 let curpaths = env::split_paths(&curpaths).collect::<Vec<_>>();
693 for &(ref k, ref v) in self.cc[&compiler.host].env() {
694 if k != "PATH" {
695 continue;
696 }
697 for path in env::split_paths(v) {
698 if !curpaths.contains(&path) {
699 lib_paths.push(path);
700 }
701 }
702 }
703 }
705 add_dylib_path(lib_paths, &mut cmd);
706 cmd
707 }
708 }