]> git.proxmox.com Git - cargo.git/blob - src/cargo/core/compiler/context/compilation_files.rs
Refactor `Kind` to carry target name in `Target`
[cargo.git] / src / cargo / core / compiler / context / compilation_files.rs
1 use std::collections::HashMap;
2 use std::env;
3 use std::fmt;
4 use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher, SipHasher};
5 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
6 use std::sync::Arc;
8 use lazycell::LazyCell;
9 use log::info;
11 use super::{BuildContext, Context, FileFlavor, Kind, Layout};
12 use crate::core::compiler::{CompileMode, Unit};
13 use crate::core::{InternedString, TargetKind, Workspace};
14 use crate::util::{self, CargoResult};
16 /// The `Metadata` is a hash used to make unique file names for each unit in a build.
17 /// For example:
18 /// - A project may depend on crate `A` and crate `B`, so the package name must be in the file name.
19 /// - Similarly a project may depend on two versions of `A`, so the version must be in the file name.
20 /// In general this must include all things that need to be distinguished in different parts of
21 /// the same build. This is absolutely required or we override things before
22 /// we get chance to use them.
23 ///
24 /// We use a hash because it is an easy way to guarantee
25 /// that all the inputs can be converted to a valid path.
26 ///
27 /// This also acts as the main layer of caching provided by Cargo.
28 /// For example, we want to cache `cargo build` and `cargo doc` separately, so that running one
29 /// does not invalidate the artifacts for the other. We do this by including `CompileMode` in the
30 /// hash, thus the artifacts go in different folders and do not override each other.
31 /// If we don't add something that we should have, for this reason, we get the
32 /// correct output but rebuild more than is needed.
33 ///
34 /// Some things that need to be tracked to ensure the correct output should definitely *not*
35 /// go in the `Metadata`. For example, the modification time of a file, should be tracked to make a
36 /// rebuild when the file changes. However, it would be wasteful to include in the `Metadata`. The
37 /// old artifacts are never going to be needed again. We can save space by just overwriting them.
38 /// If we add something that we should not have, for this reason, we get the correct output but take
39 /// more space than needed. This makes not including something in `Metadata`
40 /// a form of cache invalidation.
41 ///
42 /// Note that the `Fingerprint` is in charge of tracking everything needed to determine if a
43 /// rebuild is needed.
44 #[derive(Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
45 pub struct Metadata(u64);
47 impl fmt::Display for Metadata {
48 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
49 write!(f, "{:016x}", self.0)
50 }
51 }
53 pub struct CompilationFiles<'a, 'cfg> {
54 /// The target directory layout for the host (and target if it is the same as host).
55 pub(super) host: Layout,
56 /// The target directory layout for the target (if different from then host).
57 pub(super) target: HashMap<InternedString, Layout>,
58 /// Additional directory to include a copy of the outputs.
59 export_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
60 /// The root targets requested by the user on the command line (does not
61 /// include dependencies).
62 roots: Vec<Unit<'a>>,
63 ws: &'a Workspace<'cfg>,
64 metas: HashMap<Unit<'a>, Option<Metadata>>,
65 /// For each Unit, a list all files produced.
66 outputs: HashMap<Unit<'a>, LazyCell<Arc<Vec<OutputFile>>>>,
67 }
69 #[derive(Debug)]
70 pub struct OutputFile {
71 /// Absolute path to the file that will be produced by the build process.
72 pub path: PathBuf,
73 /// If it should be linked into `target`, and what it should be called
74 /// (e.g., without metadata).
75 pub hardlink: Option<PathBuf>,
76 /// If `--out-dir` is specified, the absolute path to the exported file.
77 pub export_path: Option<PathBuf>,
78 /// Type of the file (library / debug symbol / else).
79 pub flavor: FileFlavor,
80 }
82 impl OutputFile {
83 /// Gets the hard link if present; otherwise, returns the path.
84 pub fn bin_dst(&self) -> &PathBuf {
85 match self.hardlink {
86 Some(ref link_dst) => link_dst,
87 None => &self.path,
88 }
89 }
90 }
92 impl<'a, 'cfg: 'a> CompilationFiles<'a, 'cfg> {
93 pub(super) fn new(
94 roots: &[Unit<'a>],
95 host: Layout,
96 target: HashMap<InternedString, Layout>,
97 export_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
98 ws: &'a Workspace<'cfg>,
99 cx: &Context<'a, 'cfg>,
100 ) -> CompilationFiles<'a, 'cfg> {
101 let mut metas = HashMap::new();
102 for unit in roots {
103 metadata_of(unit, cx, &mut metas);
104 }
105 let outputs = metas
106 .keys()
107 .cloned()
108 .map(|unit| (unit, LazyCell::new()))
109 .collect();
110 CompilationFiles {
111 ws,
112 host,
113 target,
114 export_dir,
115 roots: roots.to_vec(),
116 metas,
117 outputs,
118 }
119 }
121 /// Returns the appropriate directory layout for either a plugin or not.
122 pub fn layout(&self, kind: Kind) -> &Layout {
123 match kind {
124 Kind::Host => &self.host,
125 Kind::Target(name) => self.target.get(&name).unwrap_or(&self.host),
126 }
127 }
129 /// Gets the metadata for a target in a specific profile.
130 /// We build to the path `"{filename}-{target_metadata}"`.
131 /// We use a linking step to link/copy to a predictable filename
132 /// like `target/debug/libfoo.{a,so,rlib}` and such.
133 pub fn metadata(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> Option<Metadata> {
134 self.metas[unit].clone()
135 }
137 /// Gets the short hash based only on the `PackageId`.
138 /// Used for the metadata when `target_metadata` returns `None`.
139 pub fn target_short_hash(&self, unit: &Unit<'_>) -> String {
140 let hashable = unit.pkg.package_id().stable_hash(self.ws.root());
141 util::short_hash(&hashable)
142 }
144 /// Returns the appropriate output directory for the specified package and
145 /// target.
146 pub fn out_dir(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> PathBuf {
147 if unit.mode.is_doc() {
148 self.layout(unit.kind).doc().to_path_buf()
149 } else if unit.mode.is_doc_test() {
150 panic!("doc tests do not have an out dir");
151 } else if unit.target.is_custom_build() {
152 self.build_script_dir(unit)
153 } else if unit.target.is_example() {
154 self.layout(unit.kind).examples().to_path_buf()
155 } else {
156 self.deps_dir(unit).to_path_buf()
157 }
158 }
160 pub fn export_dir(&self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
161 self.export_dir.clone()
162 }
164 pub fn pkg_dir(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> String {
165 let name = unit.pkg.package_id().name();
166 match self.metas[unit] {
167 Some(ref meta) => format!("{}-{}", name, meta),
168 None => format!("{}-{}", name, self.target_short_hash(unit)),
169 }
170 }
172 /// Returns the root of the build output tree for the host
173 pub fn host_root(&self) -> &Path {
174 self.host.dest()
175 }
177 pub fn host_deps(&self) -> &Path {
178 self.host.deps()
179 }
181 /// Returns the directories where Rust crate dependencies are found for the
182 /// specified unit.
183 pub fn deps_dir(&self, unit: &Unit<'_>) -> &Path {
184 self.layout(unit.kind).deps()
185 }
187 pub fn fingerprint_dir(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> PathBuf {
188 let dir = self.pkg_dir(unit);
189 self.layout(unit.kind).fingerprint().join(dir)
190 }
192 /// Path where compiler output is cached.
193 pub fn message_cache_path(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> PathBuf {
194 self.fingerprint_dir(unit).join("output")
195 }
197 /// Returns the directory where a compiled build script is stored.
198 /// `/path/to/target/{debug,release}/build/PKG-HASH`
199 pub fn build_script_dir(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> PathBuf {
200 assert!(unit.target.is_custom_build());
201 assert!(!unit.mode.is_run_custom_build());
202 let dir = self.pkg_dir(unit);
203 self.layout(Kind::Host).build().join(dir)
204 }
206 /// Returns the directory where information about running a build script
207 /// is stored.
208 /// `/path/to/target/{debug,release}/build/PKG-HASH`
209 pub fn build_script_run_dir(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> PathBuf {
210 assert!(unit.target.is_custom_build());
211 assert!(unit.mode.is_run_custom_build());
212 let dir = self.pkg_dir(unit);
213 self.layout(unit.kind).build().join(dir)
214 }
216 /// Returns the "OUT_DIR" directory for running a build script.
217 /// `/path/to/target/{debug,release}/build/PKG-HASH/out`
218 pub fn build_script_out_dir(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> PathBuf {
219 self.build_script_run_dir(unit).join("out")
220 }
222 /// Returns the file stem for a given target/profile combo (with metadata).
223 pub fn file_stem(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> String {
224 match self.metas[unit] {
225 Some(ref metadata) => format!("{}-{}", unit.target.crate_name(), metadata),
226 None => self.bin_stem(unit),
227 }
228 }
230 pub(super) fn outputs(
231 &self,
232 unit: &Unit<'a>,
233 bcx: &BuildContext<'a, 'cfg>,
234 ) -> CargoResult<Arc<Vec<OutputFile>>> {
235 self.outputs[unit]
236 .try_borrow_with(|| self.calc_outputs(unit, bcx))
237 .map(Arc::clone)
238 }
240 /// Returns the bin stem for a given target (without metadata).
241 fn bin_stem(&self, unit: &Unit<'_>) -> String {
242 if unit.target.allows_underscores() {
243 unit.target.name().to_string()
244 } else {
245 unit.target.crate_name()
246 }
247 }
249 /// Returns a tuple with the directory and name of the hard link we expect
250 /// our target to be copied to. Eg, file_stem may be out_dir/deps/foo-abcdef
251 /// and link_stem would be out_dir/foo
252 /// This function returns it in two parts so the caller can add prefix/suffix
253 /// to filename separately.
254 ///
255 /// Returns an `Option` because in some cases we don't want to link
256 /// (eg a dependent lib).
257 fn link_stem(&self, unit: &Unit<'a>) -> Option<(PathBuf, String)> {
258 let out_dir = self.out_dir(unit);
259 let bin_stem = self.bin_stem(unit); // Stem without metadata.
260 let file_stem = self.file_stem(unit); // Stem with metadata.
262 // We currently only lift files up from the `deps` directory. If
263 // it was compiled into something like `example/` or `doc/` then
264 // we don't want to link it up.
265 if out_dir.ends_with("deps") {
266 // Don't lift up library dependencies.
267 if unit.target.is_bin() || self.roots.contains(unit) {
268 Some((
269 out_dir.parent().unwrap().to_owned(),
270 if unit.mode.is_any_test() {
271 file_stem
272 } else {
273 bin_stem
274 },
275 ))
276 } else {
277 None
278 }
279 } else if bin_stem == file_stem {
280 None
281 } else if out_dir.ends_with("examples") || out_dir.parent().unwrap().ends_with("build") {
282 Some((out_dir, bin_stem))
283 } else {
284 None
285 }
286 }
288 fn calc_outputs(
289 &self,
290 unit: &Unit<'a>,
291 bcx: &BuildContext<'a, 'cfg>,
292 ) -> CargoResult<Arc<Vec<OutputFile>>> {
293 let ret = match unit.mode {
294 CompileMode::Check { .. } => {
295 // This may be confusing. rustc outputs a file named `lib*.rmeta`
296 // for both libraries and binaries.
297 let file_stem = self.file_stem(unit);
298 let path = self.out_dir(unit).join(format!("lib{}.rmeta", file_stem));
299 vec![OutputFile {
300 path,
301 hardlink: None,
302 export_path: None,
303 flavor: FileFlavor::Linkable { rmeta: false },
304 }]
305 }
306 CompileMode::Doc { .. } => {
307 let path = self
308 .out_dir(unit)
309 .join(unit.target.crate_name())
310 .join("index.html");
311 vec![OutputFile {
312 path,
313 hardlink: None,
314 export_path: None,
315 flavor: FileFlavor::Normal,
316 }]
317 }
318 CompileMode::RunCustomBuild => {
319 // At this time, this code path does not handle build script
320 // outputs.
321 vec![]
322 }
323 CompileMode::Doctest => {
324 // Doctests are built in a temporary directory and then
325 // deleted. There is the `--persist-doctests` unstable flag,
326 // but Cargo does not know about that.
327 vec![]
328 }
329 CompileMode::Test | CompileMode::Build | CompileMode::Bench => {
330 self.calc_outputs_rustc(unit, bcx)?
331 }
332 };
333 info!("Target filenames: {:?}", ret);
335 Ok(Arc::new(ret))
336 }
338 fn calc_outputs_rustc(
339 &self,
340 unit: &Unit<'a>,
341 bcx: &BuildContext<'a, 'cfg>,
342 ) -> CargoResult<Vec<OutputFile>> {
343 let mut ret = Vec::new();
344 let mut unsupported = Vec::new();
346 let out_dir = self.out_dir(unit);
347 let link_stem = self.link_stem(unit);
348 let info = bcx.info(unit.kind);
349 let file_stem = self.file_stem(unit);
351 let mut add = |crate_type: &str, flavor: FileFlavor| -> CargoResult<()> {
352 let crate_type = if crate_type == "lib" {
353 "rlib"
354 } else {
355 crate_type
356 };
357 let file_types = info.file_types(
358 crate_type,
359 flavor,
360 unit.target.kind(),
361 &bcx.target_triple(unit.kind),
362 )?;
364 match file_types {
365 Some(types) => {
366 for file_type in types {
367 let path = out_dir.join(file_type.filename(&file_stem));
368 let hardlink = link_stem
369 .as_ref()
370 .map(|&(ref ld, ref ls)| ld.join(file_type.filename(ls)));
371 let export_path = if unit.target.is_custom_build() {
372 None
373 } else {
374 self.export_dir.as_ref().and_then(|export_dir| {
375 hardlink.as_ref().and_then(|hardlink| {
376 Some(export_dir.join(hardlink.file_name().unwrap()))
377 })
378 })
379 };
380 ret.push(OutputFile {
381 path,
382 hardlink,
383 export_path,
384 flavor: file_type.flavor,
385 });
386 }
387 }
388 // Not supported; don't worry about it.
389 None => {
390 unsupported.push(crate_type.to_string());
391 }
392 }
393 Ok(())
394 };
395 match *unit.target.kind() {
396 TargetKind::Bin
397 | TargetKind::CustomBuild
398 | TargetKind::ExampleBin
399 | TargetKind::Bench
400 | TargetKind::Test => {
401 add("bin", FileFlavor::Normal)?;
402 }
403 TargetKind::Lib(..) | TargetKind::ExampleLib(..) if unit.mode.is_any_test() => {
404 add("bin", FileFlavor::Normal)?;
405 }
406 TargetKind::ExampleLib(ref kinds) | TargetKind::Lib(ref kinds) => {
407 for kind in kinds {
408 add(
409 kind.crate_type(),
410 if kind.linkable() {
411 FileFlavor::Linkable { rmeta: false }
412 } else {
413 FileFlavor::Normal
414 },
415 )?;
416 }
417 let path = out_dir.join(format!("lib{}.rmeta", file_stem));
418 if !unit.requires_upstream_objects() {
419 ret.push(OutputFile {
420 path,
421 hardlink: None,
422 export_path: None,
423 flavor: FileFlavor::Linkable { rmeta: true },
424 });
425 }
426 }
427 }
428 if ret.is_empty() {
429 if !unsupported.is_empty() {
430 failure::bail!(
431 "cannot produce {} for `{}` as the target `{}` \
432 does not support these crate types",
433 unsupported.join(", "),
434 unit.pkg,
435 bcx.target_triple(unit.kind),
436 )
437 }
438 failure::bail!(
439 "cannot compile `{}` as the target `{}` does not \
440 support any of the output crate types",
441 unit.pkg,
442 bcx.target_triple(unit.kind),
443 );
444 }
445 Ok(ret)
446 }
447 }
449 fn metadata_of<'a, 'cfg>(
450 unit: &Unit<'a>,
451 cx: &Context<'a, 'cfg>,
452 metas: &mut HashMap<Unit<'a>, Option<Metadata>>,
453 ) -> Option<Metadata> {
454 if !metas.contains_key(unit) {
455 let meta = compute_metadata(unit, cx, metas);
456 metas.insert(*unit, meta);
457 for unit in cx.dep_targets(unit) {
458 metadata_of(&unit, cx, metas);
459 }
460 }
461 metas[unit].clone()
462 }
464 fn compute_metadata<'a, 'cfg>(
465 unit: &Unit<'a>,
466 cx: &Context<'a, 'cfg>,
467 metas: &mut HashMap<Unit<'a>, Option<Metadata>>,
468 ) -> Option<Metadata> {
469 if unit.mode.is_doc_test() {
470 // Doc tests do not have metadata.
471 return None;
472 }
473 // No metadata for dylibs because of a couple issues:
474 // - macOS encodes the dylib name in the executable,
475 // - Windows rustc multiple files of which we can't easily link all of them.
476 //
477 // No metadata for bin because of an issue:
478 // - wasm32 rustc/emcc encodes the `.wasm` name in the `.js` (rust-lang/cargo#4535).
479 //
480 // Two exceptions:
481 // 1) Upstream dependencies (we aren't exporting + need to resolve name conflict),
482 // 2) `__CARGO_DEFAULT_LIB_METADATA` env var.
483 //
484 // Note, however, that the compiler's build system at least wants
485 // path dependencies (eg libstd) to have hashes in filenames. To account for
486 // that we have an extra hack here which reads the
487 // `__CARGO_DEFAULT_LIB_METADATA` environment variable and creates a
488 // hash in the filename if that's present.
489 //
490 // This environment variable should not be relied on! It's
491 // just here for rustbuild. We need a more principled method
492 // doing this eventually.
493 let bcx = &cx.bcx;
494 let __cargo_default_lib_metadata = env::var("__CARGO_DEFAULT_LIB_METADATA");
495 if !(unit.mode.is_any_test() || unit.mode.is_check())
496 && (unit.target.is_dylib()
497 || unit.target.is_cdylib()
498 || (unit.target.is_executable() && bcx.target_triple(unit.kind).starts_with("wasm32-")))
499 && unit.pkg.package_id().source_id().is_path()
500 && __cargo_default_lib_metadata.is_err()
501 {
502 return None;
503 }
505 let mut hasher = SipHasher::new_with_keys(0, 0);
507 // This is a generic version number that can be changed to make
508 // backwards-incompatible changes to any file structures in the output
509 // directory. For example, the fingerprint files or the build-script
510 // output files. Normally cargo updates ship with rustc updates which will
511 // cause a new hash due to the rustc version changing, but this allows
512 // cargo to be extra careful to deal with different versions of cargo that
513 // use the same rustc version.
514 1.hash(&mut hasher);
516 // Unique metadata per (name, source, version) triple. This'll allow us
517 // to pull crates from anywhere without worrying about conflicts.
518 unit.pkg
519 .package_id()
520 .stable_hash(bcx.ws.root())
521 .hash(&mut hasher);
523 // Also mix in enabled features to our metadata. This'll ensure that
524 // when changing feature sets each lib is separately cached.
525 unit.features.hash(&mut hasher);
527 // Mix in the target-metadata of all the dependencies of this target.
528 {
529 let mut deps_metadata = cx
530 .dep_targets(unit)
531 .iter()
532 .map(|dep| metadata_of(dep, cx, metas))
533 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
534 deps_metadata.sort();
535 deps_metadata.hash(&mut hasher);
536 }
538 // Throw in the profile we're compiling with. This helps caching
539 // `panic=abort` and `panic=unwind` artifacts, additionally with various
540 // settings like debuginfo and whatnot.
541 unit.profile.hash(&mut hasher);
542 unit.mode.hash(&mut hasher);
544 // Throw in the rustflags we're compiling with.
545 // This helps when the target directory is a shared cache for projects with different cargo configs,
546 // or if the user is experimenting with different rustflags manually.
547 let mut hash_flags = |flags: &[String]| {
548 // Ignore some flags. These may affect reproducible builds if they affect
549 // the path. The fingerprint will handle recompilation if these change.
550 let mut iter = flags.iter();
551 while let Some(flag) = iter.next() {
552 if flag.starts_with("--remap-path-prefix=") {
553 continue;
554 }
555 if flag == "--remap-path-prefix" {
556 iter.next();
557 continue;
558 }
559 flag.hash(&mut hasher);
560 }
561 };
562 if let Some(args) = bcx.extra_args_for(unit) {
563 // Arguments passed to `cargo rustc`.
564 hash_flags(args);
565 }
566 // Arguments passed in via RUSTFLAGS env var.
567 let flags = if unit.mode.is_doc() {
568 bcx.rustdocflags_args(unit)
569 } else {
570 bcx.rustflags_args(unit)
571 };
572 hash_flags(flags);
574 // Artifacts compiled for the host should have a different metadata
575 // piece than those compiled for the target, so make sure we throw in
576 // the unit's `kind` as well
577 unit.kind.hash(&mut hasher);
579 // Finally throw in the target name/kind. This ensures that concurrent
580 // compiles of targets in the same crate don't collide.
581 unit.target.name().hash(&mut hasher);
582 unit.target.kind().hash(&mut hasher);
584 bcx.rustc.verbose_version.hash(&mut hasher);
586 // Seed the contents of `__CARGO_DEFAULT_LIB_METADATA` to the hasher if present.
587 // This should be the release channel, to get a different hash for each channel.
588 if let Ok(ref channel) = __cargo_default_lib_metadata {
589 channel.hash(&mut hasher);
590 }
591 Some(Metadata(hasher.finish()))
592 }