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[rustc.git] / src / doc / book / associated-types.md
1 % Associated Types
3 Associated types are a powerful part of Rust’s type system. They’re related to
4 the idea of a ‘type family’, in other words, grouping multiple types together. That
5 description is a bit abstract, so let’s dive right into an example. If you want
6 to write a `Graph` trait, you have two types to be generic over: the node type
7 and the edge type. So you might write a trait, `Graph<N, E>`, that looks like
8 this:
10 ```rust
11 trait Graph<N, E> {
12 fn has_edge(&self, &N, &N) -> bool;
13 fn edges(&self, &N) -> Vec<E>;
14 // etc
15 }
16 ```
18 While this sort of works, it ends up being awkward. For example, any function
19 that wants to take a `Graph` as a parameter now _also_ needs to be generic over
20 the `N`ode and `E`dge types too:
22 ```rust,ignore
23 fn distance<N, E, G: Graph<N, E>>(graph: &G, start: &N, end: &N) -> u32 { ... }
24 ```
26 Our distance calculation works regardless of our `Edge` type, so the `E` stuff in
27 this signature is a distraction.
29 What we really want to say is that a certain `E`dge and `N`ode type come together
30 to form each kind of `Graph`. We can do that with associated types:
32 ```rust
33 trait Graph {
34 type N;
35 type E;
37 fn has_edge(&self, &Self::N, &Self::N) -> bool;
38 fn edges(&self, &Self::N) -> Vec<Self::E>;
39 // etc
40 }
41 ```
43 Now, our clients can be abstract over a given `Graph`:
45 ```rust,ignore
46 fn distance<G: Graph>(graph: &G, start: &G::N, end: &G::N) -> u32 { ... }
47 ```
49 No need to deal with the `E`dge type here!
51 Let’s go over all this in more detail.
53 ## Defining associated types
55 Let’s build that `Graph` trait. Here’s the definition:
57 ```rust
58 trait Graph {
59 type N;
60 type E;
62 fn has_edge(&self, &Self::N, &Self::N) -> bool;
63 fn edges(&self, &Self::N) -> Vec<Self::E>;
64 }
65 ```
67 Simple enough. Associated types use the `type` keyword, and go inside the body
68 of the trait, with the functions.
70 These `type` declarations can have all the same thing as functions do. For example,
71 if we wanted our `N` type to implement `Display`, so we can print the nodes out,
72 we could do this:
74 ```rust
75 use std::fmt;
77 trait Graph {
78 type N: fmt::Display;
79 type E;
81 fn has_edge(&self, &Self::N, &Self::N) -> bool;
82 fn edges(&self, &Self::N) -> Vec<Self::E>;
83 }
84 ```
86 ## Implementing associated types
88 Just like any trait, traits that use associated types use the `impl` keyword to
89 provide implementations. Here’s a simple implementation of Graph:
91 ```rust
92 # trait Graph {
93 # type N;
94 # type E;
95 # fn has_edge(&self, &Self::N, &Self::N) -> bool;
96 # fn edges(&self, &Self::N) -> Vec<Self::E>;
97 # }
98 struct Node;
100 struct Edge;
102 struct MyGraph;
104 impl Graph for MyGraph {
105 type N = Node;
106 type E = Edge;
108 fn has_edge(&self, n1: &Node, n2: &Node) -> bool {
109 true
110 }
112 fn edges(&self, n: &Node) -> Vec<Edge> {
113 Vec::new()
114 }
115 }
116 ```
118 This silly implementation always returns `true` and an empty `Vec<Edge>`, but it
119 gives you an idea of how to implement this kind of thing. We first need three
120 `struct`s, one for the graph, one for the node, and one for the edge. If it made
121 more sense to use a different type, that would work as well, we’re going to
122 use `struct`s for all three here.
124 Next is the `impl` line, which is an implementation like any other trait.
126 From here, we use `=` to define our associated types. The name the trait uses
127 goes on the left of the `=`, and the concrete type we’re `impl`ementing this
128 for goes on the right. Finally, we use the concrete types in our function
129 declarations.
131 ## Trait objects with associated types
133 There’s one more bit of syntax we should talk about: trait objects. If you
134 try to create a trait object from a trait with an associated type, like this:
136 ```rust,ignore
137 # trait Graph {
138 # type N;
139 # type E;
140 # fn has_edge(&self, &Self::N, &Self::N) -> bool;
141 # fn edges(&self, &Self::N) -> Vec<Self::E>;
142 # }
143 # struct Node;
144 # struct Edge;
145 # struct MyGraph;
146 # impl Graph for MyGraph {
147 # type N = Node;
148 # type E = Edge;
149 # fn has_edge(&self, n1: &Node, n2: &Node) -> bool {
150 # true
151 # }
152 # fn edges(&self, n: &Node) -> Vec<Edge> {
153 # Vec::new()
154 # }
155 # }
156 let graph = MyGraph;
157 let obj = Box::new(graph) as Box<Graph>;
158 ```
160 You’ll get two errors:
162 ```text
163 error: the value of the associated type `E` (from the trait `main::Graph`) must
164 be specified [E0191]
165 let obj = Box::new(graph) as Box<Graph>;
166 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
167 24:44 error: the value of the associated type `N` (from the trait
168 `main::Graph`) must be specified [E0191]
169 let obj = Box::new(graph) as Box<Graph>;
170 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
171 ```
173 We can’t create a trait object like this, because we don’t know the associated
174 types. Instead, we can write this:
176 ```rust
177 # trait Graph {
178 # type N;
179 # type E;
180 # fn has_edge(&self, &Self::N, &Self::N) -> bool;
181 # fn edges(&self, &Self::N) -> Vec<Self::E>;
182 # }
183 # struct Node;
184 # struct Edge;
185 # struct MyGraph;
186 # impl Graph for MyGraph {
187 # type N = Node;
188 # type E = Edge;
189 # fn has_edge(&self, n1: &Node, n2: &Node) -> bool {
190 # true
191 # }
192 # fn edges(&self, n: &Node) -> Vec<Edge> {
193 # Vec::new()
194 # }
195 # }
196 let graph = MyGraph;
197 let obj = Box::new(graph) as Box<Graph<N=Node, E=Edge>>;
198 ```
200 The `N=Node` syntax allows us to provide a concrete type, `Node`, for the `N`
201 type parameter. Same with `E=Edge`. If we didn’t provide this constraint, we
202 couldn’t be sure which `impl` to match this trait object to.