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1 % Foreign Function Interface
3 # Introduction
5 This guide will use the [snappy](https://github.com/google/snappy)
6 compression/decompression library as an introduction to writing bindings for
7 foreign code. Rust is currently unable to call directly into a C++ library, but
8 snappy includes a C interface (documented in
9 [`snappy-c.h`](https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/snappy-c.h)).
11 ## A note about libc
13 Many of these examples use [the `libc` crate][libc], which provides various
14 type definitions for C types, among other things. If you’re trying these
15 examples yourself, you’ll need to add `libc` to your `Cargo.toml`:
17 ```toml
18 [dependencies]
19 libc = "0.2.0"
20 ```
22 [libc]: https://crates.io/crates/libc
24 and add `extern crate libc;` to your crate root.
26 ## Calling foreign functions
28 The following is a minimal example of calling a foreign function which will
29 compile if snappy is installed:
31 ```rust,no_run
32 # #![feature(libc)]
33 extern crate libc;
34 use libc::size_t;
36 #[link(name = "snappy")]
37 extern {
38 fn snappy_max_compressed_length(source_length: size_t) -> size_t;
39 }
41 fn main() {
42 let x = unsafe { snappy_max_compressed_length(100) };
43 println!("max compressed length of a 100 byte buffer: {}", x);
44 }
45 ```
47 The `extern` block is a list of function signatures in a foreign library, in
48 this case with the platform's C ABI. The `#[link(...)]` attribute is used to
49 instruct the linker to link against the snappy library so the symbols are
50 resolved.
52 Foreign functions are assumed to be unsafe so calls to them need to be wrapped
53 with `unsafe {}` as a promise to the compiler that everything contained within
54 truly is safe. C libraries often expose interfaces that aren't thread-safe, and
55 almost any function that takes a pointer argument isn't valid for all possible
56 inputs since the pointer could be dangling, and raw pointers fall outside of
57 Rust's safe memory model.
59 When declaring the argument types to a foreign function, the Rust compiler can
60 not check if the declaration is correct, so specifying it correctly is part of
61 keeping the binding correct at runtime.
63 The `extern` block can be extended to cover the entire snappy API:
65 ```rust,no_run
66 # #![feature(libc)]
67 extern crate libc;
68 use libc::{c_int, size_t};
70 #[link(name = "snappy")]
71 extern {
72 fn snappy_compress(input: *const u8,
73 input_length: size_t,
74 compressed: *mut u8,
75 compressed_length: *mut size_t) -> c_int;
76 fn snappy_uncompress(compressed: *const u8,
77 compressed_length: size_t,
78 uncompressed: *mut u8,
79 uncompressed_length: *mut size_t) -> c_int;
80 fn snappy_max_compressed_length(source_length: size_t) -> size_t;
81 fn snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed: *const u8,
82 compressed_length: size_t,
83 result: *mut size_t) -> c_int;
84 fn snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(compressed: *const u8,
85 compressed_length: size_t) -> c_int;
86 }
87 # fn main() {}
88 ```
90 # Creating a safe interface
92 The raw C API needs to be wrapped to provide memory safety and make use of higher-level concepts
93 like vectors. A library can choose to expose only the safe, high-level interface and hide the unsafe
94 internal details.
96 Wrapping the functions which expect buffers involves using the `slice::raw` module to manipulate Rust
97 vectors as pointers to memory. Rust's vectors are guaranteed to be a contiguous block of memory. The
98 length is number of elements currently contained, and the capacity is the total size in elements of
99 the allocated memory. The length is less than or equal to the capacity.
101 ```rust
102 # #![feature(libc)]
103 # extern crate libc;
104 # use libc::{c_int, size_t};
105 # unsafe fn snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(_: *const u8, _: size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
106 # fn main() {}
107 pub fn validate_compressed_buffer(src: &[u8]) -> bool {
108 unsafe {
109 snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(src.as_ptr(), src.len() as size_t) == 0
110 }
111 }
112 ```
114 The `validate_compressed_buffer` wrapper above makes use of an `unsafe` block, but it makes the
115 guarantee that calling it is safe for all inputs by leaving off `unsafe` from the function
116 signature.
118 The `snappy_compress` and `snappy_uncompress` functions are more complex, since a buffer has to be
119 allocated to hold the output too.
121 The `snappy_max_compressed_length` function can be used to allocate a vector with the maximum
122 required capacity to hold the compressed output. The vector can then be passed to the
123 `snappy_compress` function as an output parameter. An output parameter is also passed to retrieve
124 the true length after compression for setting the length.
126 ```rust
127 # #![feature(libc)]
128 # extern crate libc;
129 # use libc::{size_t, c_int};
130 # unsafe fn snappy_compress(a: *const u8, b: size_t, c: *mut u8,
131 # d: *mut size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
132 # unsafe fn snappy_max_compressed_length(a: size_t) -> size_t { a }
133 # fn main() {}
134 pub fn compress(src: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
135 unsafe {
136 let srclen = src.len() as size_t;
137 let psrc = src.as_ptr();
139 let mut dstlen = snappy_max_compressed_length(srclen);
140 let mut dst = Vec::with_capacity(dstlen as usize);
141 let pdst = dst.as_mut_ptr();
143 snappy_compress(psrc, srclen, pdst, &mut dstlen);
144 dst.set_len(dstlen as usize);
145 dst
146 }
147 }
148 ```
150 Decompression is similar, because snappy stores the uncompressed size as part of the compression
151 format and `snappy_uncompressed_length` will retrieve the exact buffer size required.
153 ```rust
154 # #![feature(libc)]
155 # extern crate libc;
156 # use libc::{size_t, c_int};
157 # unsafe fn snappy_uncompress(compressed: *const u8,
158 # compressed_length: size_t,
159 # uncompressed: *mut u8,
160 # uncompressed_length: *mut size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
161 # unsafe fn snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed: *const u8,
162 # compressed_length: size_t,
163 # result: *mut size_t) -> c_int { 0 }
164 # fn main() {}
165 pub fn uncompress(src: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
166 unsafe {
167 let srclen = src.len() as size_t;
168 let psrc = src.as_ptr();
170 let mut dstlen: size_t = 0;
171 snappy_uncompressed_length(psrc, srclen, &mut dstlen);
173 let mut dst = Vec::with_capacity(dstlen as usize);
174 let pdst = dst.as_mut_ptr();
176 if snappy_uncompress(psrc, srclen, pdst, &mut dstlen) == 0 {
177 dst.set_len(dstlen as usize);
178 Some(dst)
179 } else {
181 }
182 }
183 }
184 ```
186 Then, we can add some tests to show how to use them.
188 ```rust
189 # #![feature(libc)]
190 # extern crate libc;
191 # use libc::{c_int, size_t};
192 # unsafe fn snappy_compress(input: *const u8,
193 # input_length: size_t,
194 # compressed: *mut u8,
195 # compressed_length: *mut size_t)
196 # -> c_int { 0 }
197 # unsafe fn snappy_uncompress(compressed: *const u8,
198 # compressed_length: size_t,
199 # uncompressed: *mut u8,
200 # uncompressed_length: *mut size_t)
201 # -> c_int { 0 }
202 # unsafe fn snappy_max_compressed_length(source_length: size_t) -> size_t { 0 }
203 # unsafe fn snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed: *const u8,
204 # compressed_length: size_t,
205 # result: *mut size_t)
206 # -> c_int { 0 }
207 # unsafe fn snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(compressed: *const u8,
208 # compressed_length: size_t)
209 # -> c_int { 0 }
210 # fn main() { }
212 #[cfg(test)]
213 mod tests {
214 use super::*;
216 #[test]
217 fn valid() {
218 let d = vec![0xde, 0xad, 0xd0, 0x0d];
219 let c: &[u8] = &compress(&d);
220 assert!(validate_compressed_buffer(c));
221 assert!(uncompress(c) == Some(d));
222 }
224 #[test]
225 fn invalid() {
226 let d = vec![0, 0, 0, 0];
227 assert!(!validate_compressed_buffer(&d));
228 assert!(uncompress(&d).is_none());
229 }
231 #[test]
232 fn empty() {
233 let d = vec![];
234 assert!(!validate_compressed_buffer(&d));
235 assert!(uncompress(&d).is_none());
236 let c = compress(&d);
237 assert!(validate_compressed_buffer(&c));
238 assert!(uncompress(&c) == Some(d));
239 }
240 }
241 ```
243 # Destructors
245 Foreign libraries often hand off ownership of resources to the calling code.
246 When this occurs, we must use Rust's destructors to provide safety and guarantee
247 the release of these resources (especially in the case of panic).
249 For more about destructors, see the [Drop trait](../std/ops/trait.Drop.html).
251 # Callbacks from C code to Rust functions
253 Some external libraries require the usage of callbacks to report back their
254 current state or intermediate data to the caller.
255 It is possible to pass functions defined in Rust to an external library.
256 The requirement for this is that the callback function is marked as `extern`
257 with the correct calling convention to make it callable from C code.
259 The callback function can then be sent through a registration call
260 to the C library and afterwards be invoked from there.
262 A basic example is:
264 Rust code:
266 ```rust,no_run
267 extern fn callback(a: i32) {
268 println!("I'm called from C with value {0}", a);
269 }
271 #[link(name = "extlib")]
272 extern {
273 fn register_callback(cb: extern fn(i32)) -> i32;
274 fn trigger_callback();
275 }
277 fn main() {
278 unsafe {
279 register_callback(callback);
280 trigger_callback(); // Triggers the callback
281 }
282 }
283 ```
285 C code:
287 ```c
288 typedef void (*rust_callback)(int32_t);
289 rust_callback cb;
291 int32_t register_callback(rust_callback callback) {
292 cb = callback;
293 return 1;
294 }
296 void trigger_callback() {
297 cb(7); // Will call callback(7) in Rust
298 }
299 ```
301 In this example Rust's `main()` will call `trigger_callback()` in C,
302 which would, in turn, call back to `callback()` in Rust.
305 ## Targeting callbacks to Rust objects
307 The former example showed how a global function can be called from C code.
308 However it is often desired that the callback is targeted to a special
309 Rust object. This could be the object that represents the wrapper for the
310 respective C object.
312 This can be achieved by passing an raw pointer to the object down to the
313 C library. The C library can then include the pointer to the Rust object in
314 the notification. This will allow the callback to unsafely access the
315 referenced Rust object.
317 Rust code:
319 ```rust,no_run
320 #[repr(C)]
321 struct RustObject {
322 a: i32,
323 // other members
324 }
326 extern "C" fn callback(target: *mut RustObject, a: i32) {
327 println!("I'm called from C with value {0}", a);
328 unsafe {
329 // Update the value in RustObject with the value received from the callback
330 (*target).a = a;
331 }
332 }
334 #[link(name = "extlib")]
335 extern {
336 fn register_callback(target: *mut RustObject,
337 cb: extern fn(*mut RustObject, i32)) -> i32;
338 fn trigger_callback();
339 }
341 fn main() {
342 // Create the object that will be referenced in the callback
343 let mut rust_object = Box::new(RustObject { a: 5 });
345 unsafe {
346 register_callback(&mut *rust_object, callback);
347 trigger_callback();
348 }
349 }
350 ```
352 C code:
354 ```c
355 typedef void (*rust_callback)(void*, int32_t);
356 void* cb_target;
357 rust_callback cb;
359 int32_t register_callback(void* callback_target, rust_callback callback) {
360 cb_target = callback_target;
361 cb = callback;
362 return 1;
363 }
365 void trigger_callback() {
366 cb(cb_target, 7); // Will call callback(&rustObject, 7) in Rust
367 }
368 ```
370 ## Asynchronous callbacks
372 In the previously given examples the callbacks are invoked as a direct reaction
373 to a function call to the external C library.
374 The control over the current thread is switched from Rust to C to Rust for the
375 execution of the callback, but in the end the callback is executed on the
376 same thread that called the function which triggered the callback.
378 Things get more complicated when the external library spawns its own threads
379 and invokes callbacks from there.
380 In these cases access to Rust data structures inside the callbacks is
381 especially unsafe and proper synchronization mechanisms must be used.
382 Besides classical synchronization mechanisms like mutexes, one possibility in
383 Rust is to use channels (in `std::sync::mpsc`) to forward data from the C
384 thread that invoked the callback into a Rust thread.
386 If an asynchronous callback targets a special object in the Rust address space
387 it is also absolutely necessary that no more callbacks are performed by the
388 C library after the respective Rust object gets destroyed.
389 This can be achieved by unregistering the callback in the object's
390 destructor and designing the library in a way that guarantees that no
391 callback will be performed after deregistration.
393 # Linking
395 The `link` attribute on `extern` blocks provides the basic building block for
396 instructing rustc how it will link to native libraries. There are two accepted
397 forms of the link attribute today:
399 * `#[link(name = "foo")]`
400 * `#[link(name = "foo", kind = "bar")]`
402 In both of these cases, `foo` is the name of the native library that we're
403 linking to, and in the second case `bar` is the type of native library that the
404 compiler is linking to. There are currently three known types of native
405 libraries:
407 * Dynamic - `#[link(name = "readline")]`
408 * Static - `#[link(name = "my_build_dependency", kind = "static")]`
409 * Frameworks - `#[link(name = "CoreFoundation", kind = "framework")]`
411 Note that frameworks are only available on OSX targets.
413 The different `kind` values are meant to differentiate how the native library
414 participates in linkage. From a linkage perspective, the Rust compiler creates
415 two flavors of artifacts: partial (rlib/staticlib) and final (dylib/binary).
416 Native dynamic library and framework dependencies are propagated to the final
417 artifact boundary, while static library dependencies are not propagated at
418 all, because the static libraries are integrated directly into the subsequent
419 artifact.
421 A few examples of how this model can be used are:
423 * A native build dependency. Sometimes some C/C++ glue is needed when writing
424 some Rust code, but distribution of the C/C++ code in a library format is
425 a burden. In this case, the code will be archived into `libfoo.a` and then the
426 Rust crate would declare a dependency via `#[link(name = "foo", kind =
427 "static")]`.
429 Regardless of the flavor of output for the crate, the native static library
430 will be included in the output, meaning that distribution of the native static
431 library is not necessary.
433 * A normal dynamic dependency. Common system libraries (like `readline`) are
434 available on a large number of systems, and often a static copy of these
435 libraries cannot be found. When this dependency is included in a Rust crate,
436 partial targets (like rlibs) will not link to the library, but when the rlib
437 is included in a final target (like a binary), the native library will be
438 linked in.
440 On OSX, frameworks behave with the same semantics as a dynamic library.
442 # Unsafe blocks
444 Some operations, like dereferencing raw pointers or calling functions that have been marked
445 unsafe are only allowed inside unsafe blocks. Unsafe blocks isolate unsafety and are a promise to
446 the compiler that the unsafety does not leak out of the block.
448 Unsafe functions, on the other hand, advertise it to the world. An unsafe function is written like
449 this:
451 ```rust
452 unsafe fn kaboom(ptr: *const i32) -> i32 { *ptr }
453 ```
455 This function can only be called from an `unsafe` block or another `unsafe` function.
457 # Accessing foreign globals
459 Foreign APIs often export a global variable which could do something like track
460 global state. In order to access these variables, you declare them in `extern`
461 blocks with the `static` keyword:
463 ```rust,no_run
464 # #![feature(libc)]
465 extern crate libc;
467 #[link(name = "readline")]
468 extern {
469 static rl_readline_version: libc::c_int;
470 }
472 fn main() {
473 println!("You have readline version {} installed.",
474 unsafe { rl_readline_version as i32 });
475 }
476 ```
478 Alternatively, you may need to alter global state provided by a foreign
479 interface. To do this, statics can be declared with `mut` so we can mutate
480 them.
482 ```rust,no_run
483 # #![feature(libc)]
484 extern crate libc;
486 use std::ffi::CString;
487 use std::ptr;
489 #[link(name = "readline")]
490 extern {
491 static mut rl_prompt: *const libc::c_char;
492 }
494 fn main() {
495 let prompt = CString::new("[my-awesome-shell] $").unwrap();
496 unsafe {
497 rl_prompt = prompt.as_ptr();
499 println!("{:?}", rl_prompt);
501 rl_prompt = ptr::null();
502 }
503 }
504 ```
506 Note that all interaction with a `static mut` is unsafe, both reading and
507 writing. Dealing with global mutable state requires a great deal of care.
509 # Foreign calling conventions
511 Most foreign code exposes a C ABI, and Rust uses the platform's C calling convention by default when
512 calling foreign functions. Some foreign functions, most notably the Windows API, use other calling
513 conventions. Rust provides a way to tell the compiler which convention to use:
515 ```rust
516 # #![feature(libc)]
517 extern crate libc;
519 #[cfg(all(target_os = "win32", target_arch = "x86"))]
520 #[link(name = "kernel32")]
521 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
522 extern "stdcall" {
523 fn SetEnvironmentVariableA(n: *const u8, v: *const u8) -> libc::c_int;
524 }
525 # fn main() { }
526 ```
528 This applies to the entire `extern` block. The list of supported ABI constraints
529 are:
531 * `stdcall`
532 * `aapcs`
533 * `cdecl`
534 * `fastcall`
535 * `vectorcall`
536 This is currently hidden behind the `abi_vectorcall` gate and is subject to change.
537 * `Rust`
538 * `rust-intrinsic`
539 * `system`
540 * `C`
541 * `win64`
542 * `sysv64`
544 Most of the abis in this list are self-explanatory, but the `system` abi may
545 seem a little odd. This constraint selects whatever the appropriate ABI is for
546 interoperating with the target's libraries. For example, on win32 with a x86
547 architecture, this means that the abi used would be `stdcall`. On x86_64,
548 however, windows uses the `C` calling convention, so `C` would be used. This
549 means that in our previous example, we could have used `extern "system" { ... }`
550 to define a block for all windows systems, not only x86 ones.
552 # Interoperability with foreign code
554 Rust guarantees that the layout of a `struct` is compatible with the platform's
555 representation in C only if the `#[repr(C)]` attribute is applied to it.
556 `#[repr(C, packed)]` can be used to lay out struct members without padding.
557 `#[repr(C)]` can also be applied to an enum.
559 Rust's owned boxes (`Box<T>`) use non-nullable pointers as handles which point
560 to the contained object. However, they should not be manually created because
561 they are managed by internal allocators. References can safely be assumed to be
562 non-nullable pointers directly to the type. However, breaking the borrow
563 checking or mutability rules is not guaranteed to be safe, so prefer using raw
564 pointers (`*`) if that's needed because the compiler can't make as many
565 assumptions about them.
567 Vectors and strings share the same basic memory layout, and utilities are
568 available in the `vec` and `str` modules for working with C APIs. However,
569 strings are not terminated with `\0`. If you need a NUL-terminated string for
570 interoperability with C, you should use the `CString` type in the `std::ffi`
571 module.
573 The [`libc` crate on crates.io][libc] includes type aliases and function
574 definitions for the C standard library in the `libc` module, and Rust links
575 against `libc` and `libm` by default.
577 # The "nullable pointer optimization"
579 Certain Rust types are defined to never be `null`. This includes references (`&T`,
580 `&mut T`), boxes (`Box<T>`), and function pointers (`extern "abi" fn()`). When
581 interfacing with C, pointers that might be `null` are often used, which would seem to
582 require some messy `transmute`s and/or unsafe code to handle conversions to/from Rust types.
583 However, the language provides a workaround.
585 As a special case, an `enum` is eligible for the "nullable pointer optimization" if it contains
586 exactly two variants, one of which contains no data and the other contains a field of one of the
587 non-nullable types listed above. This means no extra space is required for a discriminant; rather,
588 the empty variant is represented by putting a `null` value into the non-nullable field. This is
589 called an "optimization", but unlike other optimizations it is guaranteed to apply to eligible
590 types.
592 The most common type that takes advantage of the nullable pointer optimization is `Option<T>`,
593 where `None` corresponds to `null`. So `Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int>` is a correct way
594 to represent a nullable function pointer using the C ABI (corresponding to the C type
595 `int (*)(int)`).
597 Here is a contrived example. Let's say some C library has a facility for registering a
598 callback, which gets called in certain situations. The callback is passed a function pointer
599 and an integer and it is supposed to run the function with the integer as a parameter. So
600 we have function pointers flying across the FFI boundary in both directions.
602 ```rust
603 # #![feature(libc)]
604 extern crate libc;
605 use libc::c_int;
607 # #[cfg(hidden)]
608 extern "C" {
609 /// Register the callback.
610 fn register(cb: Option<extern "C" fn(Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int>, c_int) -> c_int>);
611 }
612 # unsafe fn register(_: Option<extern "C" fn(Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int>,
613 # c_int) -> c_int>)
614 # {}
616 /// This fairly useless function receives a function pointer and an integer
617 /// from C, and returns the result of calling the function with the integer.
618 /// In case no function is provided, it squares the integer by default.
619 extern "C" fn apply(process: Option<extern "C" fn(c_int) -> c_int>, int: c_int) -> c_int {
620 match process {
621 Some(f) => f(int),
622 None => int * int
623 }
624 }
626 fn main() {
627 unsafe {
628 register(Some(apply));
629 }
630 }
631 ```
633 And the code on the C side looks like this:
635 ```c
636 void register(void (*f)(void (*)(int), int)) {
637 ...
638 }
639 ```
641 No `transmute` required!
643 # Calling Rust code from C
645 You may wish to compile Rust code in a way so that it can be called from C. This is
646 fairly easy, but requires a few things:
648 ```rust
649 #[no_mangle]
650 pub extern fn hello_rust() -> *const u8 {
651 "Hello, world!\0".as_ptr()
652 }
653 # fn main() {}
654 ```
656 The `extern` makes this function adhere to the C calling convention, as
657 discussed above in "[Foreign Calling
658 Conventions](ffi.html#foreign-calling-conventions)". The `no_mangle`
659 attribute turns off Rust's name mangling, so that it is easier to link to.
661 # FFI and panics
663 It’s important to be mindful of `panic!`s when working with FFI. A `panic!`
664 across an FFI boundary is undefined behavior. If you’re writing code that may
665 panic, you should run it in another thread, so that the panic doesn’t bubble up
666 to C:
668 ```rust
669 use std::thread;
671 #[no_mangle]
672 pub extern fn oh_no() -> i32 {
673 let h = thread::spawn(|| {
674 panic!("Oops!");
675 });
677 match h.join() {
678 Ok(_) => 1,
679 Err(_) => 0,
680 }
681 }
682 # fn main() {}
683 ```
685 # Representing opaque structs
687 Sometimes, a C library wants to provide a pointer to something, but not let you
688 know the internal details of the thing it wants. The simplest way is to use a
689 `void *` argument:
691 ```c
692 void foo(void *arg);
693 void bar(void *arg);
694 ```
696 We can represent this in Rust with the `c_void` type:
698 ```rust
699 # #![feature(libc)]
700 extern crate libc;
702 extern "C" {
703 pub fn foo(arg: *mut libc::c_void);
704 pub fn bar(arg: *mut libc::c_void);
705 }
706 # fn main() {}
707 ```
709 This is a perfectly valid way of handling the situation. However, we can do a bit
710 better. To solve this, some C libraries will instead create a `struct`, where
711 the details and memory layout of the struct are private. This gives some amount
712 of type safety. These structures are called ‘opaque’. Here’s an example, in C:
714 ```c
715 struct Foo; /* Foo is a structure, but its contents are not part of the public interface */
716 struct Bar;
717 void foo(struct Foo *arg);
718 void bar(struct Bar *arg);
719 ```
721 To do this in Rust, let’s create our own opaque types with `enum`:
723 ```rust
724 pub enum Foo {}
725 pub enum Bar {}
727 extern "C" {
728 pub fn foo(arg: *mut Foo);
729 pub fn bar(arg: *mut Bar);
730 }
731 # fn main() {}
732 ```
734 By using an `enum` with no variants, we create an opaque type that we can’t
735 instantiate, as it has no variants. But because our `Foo` and `Bar` types are
736 different, we’ll get type safety between the two of them, so we cannot
737 accidentally pass a pointer to `Foo` to `bar()`.