]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/book/nostarch/chapter14.md
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3 This file is periodically generated from the content in the `/src/`
4 directory, so all fixes need to be made in `/src/`.
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7 [TOC]
9 # More About Cargo and Crates.io
11 So far we’ve used only the most basic features of Cargo to build, run, and test
12 our code, but it can do a lot more. In this chapter, we’ll discuss some of its
13 other, more advanced features to show you how to do the following:
15 * Customize your build through release profiles
16 * Publish libraries on *https://crates.io/*
17 * Organize large projects with workspaces
18 * Install binaries from *https://crates.io/*
19 * Extend Cargo using custom commands
21 Cargo can do even more than the functionality we cover in this chapter, so for
22 a full explanation of all its features, see its documentation at
23 *https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/*.
25 ## Customizing Builds with Release Profiles
27 In Rust, *release profiles* are predefined and customizable profiles with
28 different configurations that allow a programmer to have more control over
29 various options for compiling code. Each profile is configured independently of
30 the others.
32 Cargo has two main profiles: the `dev` profile Cargo uses when you run `cargo
33 build` and the `release` profile Cargo uses when you run `cargo build
34 --release`. The `dev` profile is defined with good defaults for development,
35 and the `release` profile has good defaults for release builds.
37 These profile names might be familiar from the output of your builds:
39 ```
40 $ cargo build
41 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
42 $ cargo build --release
43 Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.0s
44 ```
46 The `dev` and `release` are these different profiles used by the compiler.
48 Cargo has default settings for each of the profiles that apply when you haven't
49 explicitly added any `[profile.*]` sections in the project’s *Cargo.toml* file.
50 By adding `[profile.*]` sections for any profile you want to customize, you
51 override any subset of the default settings. For example, here are the default
52 values for the `opt-level` setting for the `dev` and `release` profiles:
54 Filename: Cargo.toml
56 ```
57 [profile.dev]
58 opt-level = 0
60 [profile.release]
61 opt-level = 3
62 ```
64 The `opt-level` setting controls the number of optimizations Rust will apply to
65 your code, with a range of 0 to 3. Applying more optimizations extends
66 compiling time, so if you’re in development and compiling your code often,
67 you’ll want fewer optimizations to compile faster even if the resulting code
68 runs slower. The default `opt-level` for `dev` is therefore `0`. When you’re
69 ready to release your code, it’s best to spend more time compiling. You’ll only
70 compile in release mode once, but you’ll run the compiled program many times,
71 so release mode trades longer compile time for code that runs faster. That is
72 why the default `opt-level` for the `release` profile is `3`.
74 You can override a default setting by adding a different value for it in
75 *Cargo.toml*. For example, if we want to use optimization level 1 in the
76 development profile, we can add these two lines to our project’s *Cargo.toml*
77 file:
79 Filename: Cargo.toml
81 ```
82 [profile.dev]
83 opt-level = 1
84 ```
86 This code overrides the default setting of `0`. Now when we run `cargo build`,
87 Cargo will use the defaults for the `dev` profile plus our customization to
88 `opt-level`. Because we set `opt-level` to `1`, Cargo will apply more
89 optimizations than the default, but not as many as in a release build.
91 For the full list of configuration options and defaults for each profile, see
92 Cargo’s documentation at *https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/profiles.html*.
94 ## Publishing a Crate to Crates.io
96 We’ve used packages from *https://crates.io/* as dependencies of our project,
97 but you can also share your code with other people by publishing your own
98 packages. The crate registry at *https://crates.io* distributes the source code
99 of your packages, so it primarily hosts code that is open source.
101 Rust and Cargo have features that make your published package easier for people
102 to find and use. We’ll talk about some of these features next and then explain
103 how to publish a package.
105 ### Making Useful Documentation Comments
107 Accurately documenting your packages will help other users know how and when to
108 use them, so it’s worth investing the time to write documentation. In Chapter
109 3, we discussed how to comment Rust code using two slashes, `//`. Rust also has
110 a particular kind of comment for documentation, known conveniently as a
111 *documentation comment*, that will generate HTML documentation. The HTML
112 displays the contents of documentation comments for public API items intended
113 for programmers interested in knowing how to *use* your crate as opposed to how
114 your crate is *implemented*.
116 Documentation comments use three slashes, `///`, instead of two and support
117 Markdown notation for formatting the text. Place documentation comments just
118 before the item they’re documenting. Listing 14-1 shows documentation comments
119 for an `add_one` function in a crate named `my_crate`.
121 Filename: src/lib.rs
123 ```
124 /// Adds one to the number given.
125 ///
126 /// # Examples
127 ///
128 /// ```
129 /// let arg = 5;
130 /// let answer = my_crate::add_one(arg);
131 ///
132 /// assert_eq!(6, answer);
133 /// ```
134 pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
135 x + 1
136 }
137 ```
139 Listing 14-1: A documentation comment for a function
141 Here, we give a description of what the `add_one` function does, start a
142 section with the heading `Examples`, and then provide code that demonstrates
143 how to use the `add_one` function. We can generate the HTML documentation from
144 this documentation comment by running `cargo doc`. This command runs the
145 `rustdoc` tool distributed with Rust and puts the generated HTML documentation
146 in the *target/doc* directory.
148 For convenience, running `cargo doc --open` will build the HTML for your
149 current crate’s documentation (as well as the documentation for all of your
150 crate’s dependencies) and open the result in a web browser. Navigate to the
151 `add_one` function and you’ll see how the text in the documentation comments is
152 rendered, as shown in Figure 14-1:
154 <img alt="Rendered HTML documentation for the `add_one` function of `my_crate`" src="img/trpl14-01.png" class="center" />
156 Figure 14-1: HTML documentation for the `add_one` function
158 #### Commonly Used Sections
160 We used the `# Examples` Markdown heading in Listing 14-1 to create a section
161 in the HTML with the title “Examples.” Here are some other sections that crate
162 authors commonly use in their documentation:
164 * **Panics**: The scenarios in which the function being documented could
165 panic. Callers of the function who don’t want their programs to panic should
166 make sure they don’t call the function in these situations.
167 * **Errors**: If the function returns a `Result`, describing the kinds of
168 errors that might occur and what conditions might cause those errors to be
169 returned can be helpful to callers so they can write code to handle the
170 different kinds of errors in different ways.
171 * **Safety**: If the function is `unsafe` to call (we discuss unsafety in
172 Chapter 19), there should be a section explaining why the function is unsafe
173 and covering the invariants that the function expects callers to uphold.
175 Most documentation comments don’t need all of these sections, but this is a
176 good checklist to remind you of the aspects of your code users will be
177 interested in knowing about.
179 #### Documentation Comments as Tests
181 Adding example code blocks in your documentation comments can help demonstrate
182 how to use your library, and doing so has an additional bonus: running `cargo
183 test` will run the code examples in your documentation as tests! Nothing is
184 better than documentation with examples. But nothing is worse than examples
185 that don’t work because the code has changed since the documentation was
186 written. If we run `cargo test` with the documentation for the `add_one`
187 function from Listing 14-1, we will see a section in the test results like this:
189 ```
190 Doc-tests my_crate
192 running 1 test
193 test src/lib.rs - add_one (line 5) ... ok
195 test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.27s
196 ```
198 Now if we change either the function or the example so the `assert_eq!` in the
199 example panics and run `cargo test` again, we’ll see that the doc tests catch
200 that the example and the code are out of sync with each other!
202 #### Commenting Contained Items
204 The style of doc comment `//!` adds documentation to the item that contains the
205 comments rather than to the items following the comments. We typically use
206 these doc comments inside the crate root file (*src/lib.rs* by convention) or
207 inside a module to document the crate or the module as a whole.
209 For example, to add documentation that describes the purpose of the `my_crate`
210 crate that contains the `add_one` function, we add documentation comments that
211 start with `//!` to the beginning of the *src/lib.rs* file, as shown in Listing
212 14-2:
214 Filename: src/lib.rs
216 ```
217 //! # My Crate
218 //!
219 //! `my_crate` is a collection of utilities to make performing certain
220 //! calculations more convenient.
222 /// Adds one to the number given.
223 // --snip--
224 ```
226 Listing 14-2: Documentation for the `my_crate` crate as a whole
228 Notice there isn’t any code after the last line that begins with `//!`. Because
229 we started the comments with `//!` instead of `///`, we’re documenting the item
230 that contains this comment rather than an item that follows this comment. In
231 this case, that item is the *src/lib.rs* file, which is the crate root. These
232 comments describe the entire crate.
234 When we run `cargo doc --open`, these comments will display on the front
235 page of the documentation for `my_crate` above the list of public items in the
236 crate, as shown in Figure 14-2:
238 <img alt="Rendered HTML documentation with a comment for the crate as a whole" src="img/trpl14-02.png" class="center" />
240 Figure 14-2: Rendered documentation for `my_crate`, including the comment
241 describing the crate as a whole
243 Documentation comments within items are useful for describing crates and
244 modules especially. Use them to explain the overall purpose of the container to
245 help your users understand the crate’s organization.
247 ### Exporting a Convenient Public API with `pub use`
249 The structure of your public API is a major consideration when publishing a
250 crate. People who use your crate are less familiar with the structure than you
251 are and might have difficulty finding the pieces they want to use if your crate
252 has a large module hierarchy.
254 In Chapter 7, we covered how to make items public using the `pub` keyword, and
255 bring items into a scope with the `use` keyword. However, the structure that
256 makes sense to you while you’re developing a crate might not be very convenient
257 for your users. You might want to organize your structs in a hierarchy
258 containing multiple levels, but then people who want to use a type you’ve
259 defined deep in the hierarchy might have trouble finding out that type exists.
260 They might also be annoyed at having to enter `use`
261 `my_crate::some_module::another_module::UsefulType;` rather than `use`
262 `my_crate::UsefulType;`.
264 The good news is that if the structure *isn’t* convenient for others to use
265 from another library, you don’t have to rearrange your internal organization:
266 instead, you can re-export items to make a public structure that’s different
267 from your private structure by using `pub use`. Re-exporting takes a public
268 item in one location and makes it public in another location, as if it were
269 defined in the other location instead.
271 For example, say we made a library named `art` for modeling artistic concepts.
272 Within this library are two modules: a `kinds` module containing two enums
273 named `PrimaryColor` and `SecondaryColor` and a `utils` module containing a
274 function named `mix`, as shown in Listing 14-3:
276 Filename: src/lib.rs
278 ```
279 //! # Art
280 //!
281 //! A library for modeling artistic concepts.
283 pub mod kinds {
284 /// The primary colors according to the RYB color model.
285 pub enum PrimaryColor {
286 Red,
287 Yellow,
288 Blue,
289 }
291 /// The secondary colors according to the RYB color model.
292 pub enum SecondaryColor {
293 Orange,
294 Green,
295 Purple,
296 }
297 }
299 pub mod utils {
300 use crate::kinds::*;
302 /// Combines two primary colors in equal amounts to create
303 /// a secondary color.
304 pub fn mix(c1: PrimaryColor, c2: PrimaryColor) -> SecondaryColor {
305 // --snip--
306 }
307 }
308 ```
310 Listing 14-3: An `art` library with items organized into `kinds` and `utils`
311 modules
313 Figure 14-3 shows what the front page of the documentation for this crate
314 generated by `cargo doc` would look like:
316 <img alt="Rendered documentation for the `art` crate that lists the `kinds` and `utils` modules" src="img/trpl14-03.png" class="center" />
318 Figure 14-3: Front page of the documentation for `art` that lists the `kinds`
319 and `utils` modules
321 Note that the `PrimaryColor` and `SecondaryColor` types aren’t listed on the
322 front page, nor is the `mix` function. We have to click `kinds` and `utils` to
323 see them.
325 Another crate that depends on this library would need `use` statements that
326 bring the items from `art` into scope, specifying the module structure that’s
327 currently defined. Listing 14-4 shows an example of a crate that uses the
328 `PrimaryColor` and `mix` items from the `art` crate:
330 Filename: src/main.rs
332 ```
333 use art::kinds::PrimaryColor;
334 use art::utils::mix;
336 fn main() {
337 let red = PrimaryColor::Red;
338 let yellow = PrimaryColor::Yellow;
339 mix(red, yellow);
340 }
341 ```
343 Listing 14-4: A crate using the `art` crate’s items with its internal structure
344 exported
346 The author of the code in Listing 14-4, which uses the `art` crate, had to
347 figure out that `PrimaryColor` is in the `kinds` module and `mix` is in the
348 `utils` module. The module structure of the `art` crate is more relevant to
349 developers working on the `art` crate than to those using it. The internal
350 structure doesn’t contain any useful information for someone trying to
351 understand how to use the `art` crate, but rather causes confusion because
352 developers who use it have to figure out where to look, and must specify the
353 module names in the `use` statements.
355 To remove the internal organization from the public API, we can modify the
356 `art` crate code in Listing 14-3 to add `pub use` statements to re-export the
357 items at the top level, as shown in Listing 14-5:
359 Filename: src/lib.rs
361 ```
362 //! # Art
363 //!
364 //! A library for modeling artistic concepts.
366 pub use self::kinds::PrimaryColor;
367 pub use self::kinds::SecondaryColor;
368 pub use self::utils::mix;
370 pub mod kinds {
371 // --snip--
372 }
374 pub mod utils {
375 // --snip--
376 }
377 ```
379 Listing 14-5: Adding `pub use` statements to re-export items
381 The API documentation that `cargo doc` generates for this crate will now list
382 and link re-exports on the front page, as shown in Figure 14-4, making the
383 `PrimaryColor` and `SecondaryColor` types and the `mix` function easier to find.
385 <img alt="Rendered documentation for the `art` crate with the re-exports on the front page" src="img/trpl14-04.png" class="center" />
387 Figure 14-4: The front page of the documentation for `art`
388 that lists the re-exports
390 The `art` crate users can still see and use the internal structure from Listing
391 14-3 as demonstrated in Listing 14-4, or they can use the more convenient
392 structure in Listing 14-5, as shown in Listing 14-6:
394 Filename: src/main.rs
396 ```
397 use art::mix;
398 use art::PrimaryColor;
400 fn main() {
401 // --snip--
402 }
403 ```
405 Listing 14-6: A program using the re-exported items from the `art` crate
407 In cases where there are many nested modules, re-exporting the types at the top
408 level with `pub use` can make a significant difference in the experience of
409 people who use the crate.
411 Creating a useful public API structure is more of an art than a science, and
412 you can iterate to find the API that works best for your users. Choosing `pub
413 use` gives you flexibility in how you structure your crate internally and
414 decouples that internal structure from what you present to your users. Look at
415 some of the code of crates you’ve installed to see if their internal structure
416 differs from their public API.
418 ### Setting Up a Crates.io Account
420 Before you can publish any crates, you need to create an account on
421 *https://crates.io/* and get an API token. To do so, visit the home page at
422 *https://crates.io/* and log in via a GitHub account. (The GitHub account is
423 currently a requirement, but the site might support other ways of creating an
424 account in the future.) Once you’re logged in, visit your account settings at
425 *https://crates.io/me/* and retrieve your API key. Then run the `cargo login`
426 command with your API key, like this:
428 ```
429 $ cargo login abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345
430 ```
432 This command will inform Cargo of your API token and store it locally in
433 *~/.cargo/credentials*. Note that this token is a *secret*: do not share it
434 with anyone else. If you do share it with anyone for any reason, you should
435 revoke it and generate a new token on *https://crates.io/*.
437 ### Adding Metadata to a New Crate
439 Let’s say you have a crate you want to publish. Before publishing, you’ll need
440 to add some metadata in the `[package]` section of the crate’s *Cargo.toml*
441 file.
443 Your crate will need a unique name. While you’re working on a crate locally,
444 you can name a crate whatever you’d like. However, crate names on
445 *https://crates.io/* are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Once a
446 crate name is taken, no one else can publish a crate with that name. Before
447 attempting to publish a crate, search for the name you want to use. If the name
448 has been used, you will need to find another name and edit the `name` field in
449 the *Cargo.toml* file under the `[package]` section to use the new name for
450 publishing, like so:
452 Filename: Cargo.toml
454 ```
455 [package]
456 name = "guessing_game"
457 ```
459 Even if you’ve chosen a unique name, when you run `cargo publish` to publish
460 the crate at this point, you’ll get a warning and then an error:
462 ```
463 $ cargo publish
464 Updating crates.io index
465 warning: manifest has no description, license, license-file, documentation, homepage or repository.
466 See https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#package-metadata for more info.
467 --snip--
468 error: failed to publish to registry at https://crates.io
470 Caused by:
471 the remote server responded with an error: missing or empty metadata fields: description, license. Please see https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html for how to upload metadata
472 ```
474 This errors because you’re missing some crucial information: a description and
475 license are required so people will know what your crate does and under what
476 terms they can use it. In *Cargo.toml*, add a description that's just a
477 sentence or two, because it will appear with your crate in search results. For
478 the `license` field, you need to give a *license identifier value*. The Linux
479 Foundation’s Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) at
480 *http://spdx.org/licenses/* lists the identifiers you can use for this value.
481 For example, to specify that you’ve licensed your crate using the MIT License,
482 add the `MIT` identifier:
484 Filename: Cargo.toml
486 ```
487 [package]
488 name = "guessing_game"
489 license = "MIT"
490 ```
492 If you want to use a license that doesn’t appear in the SPDX, you need to place
493 the text of that license in a file, include the file in your project, and then
494 use `license-file` to specify the name of that file instead of using the
495 `license` key.
497 Guidance on which license is appropriate for your project is beyond the scope
498 of this book. Many people in the Rust community license their projects in the
499 same way as Rust by using a dual license of `MIT OR Apache-2.0`. This practice
500 demonstrates that you can also specify multiple license identifiers separated
501 by `OR` to have multiple licenses for your project.
503 With a unique name, the version, your description, and a license added, the
504 *Cargo.toml* file for a project that is ready to publish might look like this:
506 Filename: Cargo.toml
508 ```
509 [package]
510 name = "guessing_game"
511 version = "0.1.0"
512 edition = "2021"
513 description = "A fun game where you guess what number the computer has chosen."
514 license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
516 [dependencies]
517 ```
519 Cargo’s documentation at *https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/* describes other
520 metadata you can specify to ensure others can discover and use your crate more
521 easily.
523 ### Publishing to Crates.io
525 Now that you’ve created an account, saved your API token, chosen a name for
526 your crate, and specified the required metadata, you’re ready to publish!
527 Publishing a crate uploads a specific version to *https://crates.io/* for
528 others to use.
530 Be careful, because a publish is *permanent*. The version can never be
531 overwritten, and the code cannot be deleted. One major goal of crates.io is to
532 act as a permanent archive of code so that builds of all projects that depend
533 on crates from *https://crates.io/* will continue to work. Allowing version
534 deletions would make fulfilling that goal impossible. However, there is no
535 limit to the number of crate versions you can publish.
537 Run the `cargo publish` command again. It should succeed now:
539 ```
540 $ cargo publish
541 Updating crates.io index
542 Packaging guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
543 Verifying guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
544 Compiling guessing_game v0.1.0
545 (file:///projects/guessing_game/target/package/guessing_game-0.1.0)
546 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.19s
547 Uploading guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
548 ```
550 Congratulations! You’ve now shared your code with the Rust community, and
551 anyone can easily add your crate as a dependency of their project.
553 ### Publishing a New Version of an Existing Crate
555 When you’ve made changes to your crate and are ready to release a new version,
556 you change the `version` value specified in your *Cargo.toml* file and
557 republish. Use the Semantic Versioning rules at *http://semver.org/* to decide
558 what an appropriate next version number is based on the kinds of changes you’ve
559 made. Then run `cargo publish` to upload the new version.
561 ### Deprecating Versions from Crates.io with `cargo yank`
563 Although you can’t remove previous versions of a crate, you can prevent any
564 future projects from adding them as a new dependency. This is useful when a
565 crate version is broken for one reason or another. In such situations, Cargo
566 supports *yanking* a crate version.
568 Yanking a version prevents new projects from depending on that version while
569 allowing all existing projects that depend on it to continue. Essentially, a
570 yank means that all projects with a *Cargo.lock* will not break, and any future
571 *Cargo.lock* files generated will not use the yanked version.
573 To yank a version of a crate, in the directory of the crate that you’ve
574 previously published, run `cargo yank` and specify which version you want to
575 yank:
577 ```
578 $ cargo yank --vers 1.0.1
579 ```
581 <!-- so we run this on a crate, then load that crate onto crates.io? Or does
582 this go in a file that's part of the new crate version? /LC -->
583 <!-- No, this is a command to run in the directory of a crate that has already
584 been published to crates.io. Do you have suggestions on how to make this
585 clearer? I've tried a bit above /Carol -->
587 By adding `--undo` to the command, you can also undo a yank and allow projects
588 to start depending on a version again:
590 ```
591 $ cargo yank --vers 1.0.1 --undo
592 ```
594 A yank *does not* delete any code. It cannot, for example, delete accidentally
595 uploaded secrets. If that happens, you must reset those secrets immediately.
597 ## Cargo Workspaces
599 In Chapter 12, we built a package that included a binary crate and a library
600 crate. As your project develops, you might find that the library crate
601 continues to get bigger and you want to split your package further into
602 multiple library crates. Cargo offers a feature called *workspaces* that can
603 help manage multiple related packages that are developed in tandem.
605 ### Creating a Workspace
607 A *workspace* is a set of packages that share the same *Cargo.lock* and output
608 directory. Let’s make a project using a workspace—we’ll use trivial code so we
609 can concentrate on the structure of the workspace. There are multiple ways to
610 structure a workspace, so we'll just show one common way. We’ll have a
611 workspace containing a binary and two libraries. The binary, which will provide
612 the main functionality, will depend on the two libraries. One library will
613 provide an `add_one` function, and a second library an `add_two` function.
614 These three crates will be part of the same workspace. We’ll start by creating
615 a new directory for the workspace:
617 ```
618 $ mkdir add
619 $ cd add
620 ```
622 Next, in the *add* directory, we create the *Cargo.toml* file that will
623 configure the entire workspace. This file won’t have a `[package]` section or
624 the metadata we’ve seen in other *Cargo.toml* files. Instead, it will start
625 with a `[workspace]` section that will allow us to add members to the workspace
626 by specifying the path to the package with our binary crate; in this case,
627 that path is *adder*:
629 Filename: Cargo.toml
631 ```
632 [workspace]
634 members = [
635 "adder",
636 ]
637 ```
639 Next, we’ll create the `adder` binary crate by running `cargo new` within the
640 *add* directory:
642 ```
643 $ cargo new adder
644 Created binary (application) `adder` package
645 ```
647 At this point, we can build the workspace by running `cargo build`. The files
648 in your *add* directory should look like this:
650 ```
651 ├── Cargo.lock
652 ├── Cargo.toml
653 ├── adder
654 │ ├── Cargo.toml
655 │ └── src
656 │ └── main.rs
657 └── target
658 ```
660 The workspace has one *target* directory at the top level that the compiled
661 artifacts will be placed into; the `adder` package doesn’t have its own
662 *target* directory. Even if we were to run `cargo build` from inside the
663 *adder* directory, the compiled artifacts would still end up in *add/target*
664 rather than *add/adder/target*. Cargo structures the *target* directory in a
665 workspace like this because the crates in a workspace are meant to depend on
666 each other. If each crate had its own *target* directory, each crate would have
667 to recompile each of the other crates in the workspace to place the artifacts
668 in its own *target* directory. By sharing one *target* directory, the crates
669 can avoid unnecessary rebuilding.
671 ### Creating the Second Package in the Workspace
673 Next, let’s create another member package in the workspace and call it
674 `add_one`. Change the top-level *Cargo.toml* to specify the *add_one* path in
675 the `members` list:
677 Filename: Cargo.toml
679 ```
680 [workspace]
682 members = [
683 "adder",
684 "add_one",
685 ]
686 ```
688 Then generate a new library crate named `add_one`:
690 ```
691 $ cargo new add_one --lib
692 Created library `add_one` package
693 ```
695 Your *add* directory should now have these directories and files:
697 ```
698 ├── Cargo.lock
699 ├── Cargo.toml
700 ├── add_one
701 │ ├── Cargo.toml
702 │ └── src
703 │ └── lib.rs
704 ├── adder
705 │ ├── Cargo.toml
706 │ └── src
707 │ └── main.rs
708 └── target
709 ```
711 In the *add_one/src/lib.rs* file, let’s add an `add_one` function:
713 Filename: add_one/src/lib.rs
715 ```
716 pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
717 x + 1
718 }
719 ```
721 Now we can have the `adder` package with our binary depend on the `add_one`
722 package that has our library. First, we’ll need to add a path dependency on
723 `add_one` to *adder/Cargo.toml*.
725 Filename: adder/Cargo.toml
727 ```
728 [dependencies]
729 add_one = { path = "../add_one" }
730 ```
732 Cargo doesn’t assume that crates in a workspace will depend on each other, so
733 we need to be explicit about the dependency relationships.
735 Next, let’s use the `add_one` function (from the `add_one` crate) in the
736 `adder` crate. Open the *adder/src/main.rs* file and add a `use` line at the
737 top to bring the new `add_one` library crate into scope. Then change the `main`
738 function to call the `add_one` function, as in Listing 14-7.
740 Filename: adder/src/main.rs
742 ```
743 use add_one;
745 fn main() {
746 let num = 10;
747 println!(
748 "Hello, world! {} plus one is {}!",
749 num,
750 add_one::add_one(num)
751 );
752 }
753 ```
755 Listing 14-7: Using the `add_one` library crate from the `adder` crate
757 Let’s build the workspace by running `cargo build` in the top-level *add*
758 directory!
760 ```
761 $ cargo build
762 Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
763 Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
764 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.68s
765 ```
767 To run the binary crate from the *add* directory, we can specify which
768 package in the workspace we want to run by using the `-p` argument and the
769 package name with `cargo run`:
771 ```
772 $ cargo run -p adder
773 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0s
774 Running `target/debug/adder`
775 Hello, world! 10 plus one is 11!
776 ```
778 This runs the code in *adder/src/main.rs*, which depends on the `add_one` crate.
780 #### Depending on an External Package in a Workspace
782 Notice that the workspace has only one *Cargo.lock* file at the top level,
783 rather than having a *Cargo.lock* in each crate’s directory. This ensures that
784 all crates are using the same version of all dependencies. If we add the `rand`
785 package to the *adder/Cargo.toml* and *add_one/Cargo.toml* files, Cargo will
786 resolve both of those to one version of `rand` and record that in the one
787 *Cargo.lock*. Making all crates in the workspace use the same dependencies
788 means the crates will always be compatible with each other. Let’s add the
789 `rand` crate to the `[dependencies]` section in the *add_one/Cargo.toml* file
790 so we can use the `rand` crate in the `add_one` crate:
792 Filename: add_one/Cargo.toml
794 ```
795 [dependencies]
796 rand = "0.8.3"
797 ```
799 We can now add `use rand;` to the *add_one/src/lib.rs* file, and building the
800 whole workspace by running `cargo build` in the *add* directory will bring in
801 and compile the `rand` crate. We will get one warning because we aren’t
802 referring to the `rand` we brought into scope:
804 ```
805 $ cargo build
806 Updating crates.io index
807 Downloaded rand v0.8.3
808 --snip--
809 Compiling rand v0.8.3
810 Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
811 warning: unused import: `rand`
812 --> add_one/src/lib.rs:1:5
813 |
814 1 | use rand;
815 | ^^^^
816 |
817 = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
819 warning: 1 warning emitted
821 Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
822 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 10.18s
823 ```
825 The top-level *Cargo.lock* now contains information about the dependency of
826 `add_one` on `rand`. However, even though `rand` is used somewhere in the
827 workspace, we can’t use it in other crates in the workspace unless we add
828 `rand` to their *Cargo.toml* files as well. For example, if we add `use rand;`
829 to the *adder/src/main.rs* file for the `adder` package, we’ll get an error:
831 ```
832 $ cargo build
833 --snip--
834 Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
835 error[E0432]: unresolved import `rand`
836 --> adder/src/main.rs:2:5
837 |
838 2 | use rand;
839 | ^^^^ no external crate `rand`
840 ```
842 To fix this, edit the *Cargo.toml* file for the `adder` package and indicate
843 that `rand` is a dependency for it as well. Building the `adder` package will
844 add `rand` to the list of dependencies for `adder` in *Cargo.lock*, but no
845 additional copies of `rand` will be downloaded. Cargo has ensured that every
846 crate in every package in the workspace using the `rand` package will be using
847 the same version, saving us space and ensuring that the crates in the workspace
848 will be compatible with each other.
850 #### Adding a Test to a Workspace
852 For another enhancement, let’s add a test of the `add_one::add_one` function
853 within the `add_one` crate:
855 Filename: add_one/src/lib.rs
857 ```
858 pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
859 x + 1
860 }
862 #[cfg(test)]
863 mod tests {
864 use super::*;
866 #[test]
867 fn it_works() {
868 assert_eq!(3, add_one(2));
869 }
870 }
871 ```
873 Now run `cargo test` in the top-level *add* directory. Running `cargo test` in
874 a workspace structured like this one will run the tests for all the crates in
875 the workspace:
877 ```
878 $ cargo test
879 Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
880 Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
881 Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
882 Running target/debug/deps/add_one-f0253159197f7841
884 running 1 test
885 test tests::it_works ... ok
887 test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
889 Running target/debug/deps/adder-49979ff40686fa8e
891 running 0 tests
893 test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
895 Doc-tests add_one
897 running 0 tests
899 test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
900 ```
902 The first section of the output shows that the `it_works` test in the `add_one`
903 crate passed. The next section shows that zero tests were found in the `adder`
904 crate, and then the last section shows zero documentation tests were found in
905 the `add_one` crate.
907 We can also run tests for one particular crate in a workspace from the
908 top-level directory by using the `-p` flag and specifying the name of the crate
909 we want to test:
911 ```
912 $ cargo test -p add_one
913 Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
914 Running target/debug/deps/add_one-b3235fea9a156f74
916 running 1 test
917 test tests::it_works ... ok
919 test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
921 Doc-tests add_one
923 running 0 tests
925 test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
926 ```
928 This output shows `cargo test` only ran the tests for the `add_one` crate and
929 didn’t run the `adder` crate tests.
931 If you publish the crates in the workspace to *https://crates.io/*, each crate
932 in the workspace will need to be published separately. Like `cargo test`, we
933 can publish a particular crate in our workspace by using the `-p` flag and
934 specifying the name of the crate we want to publish.
936 For additional practice, add an `add_two` crate to this workspace in a similar
937 way as the `add_one` crate!
939 As your project grows, consider using a workspace: it’s easier to understand
940 smaller, individual components than one big blob of code. Furthermore, keeping
941 the crates in a workspace can make coordination between crates easier if they
942 are often changed at the same time.
944 ## Installing Binaries with `cargo install`
946 The `cargo install` command allows you to install and use binary crates
947 locally. This isn’t intended to replace system packages; it’s meant to be a
948 convenient way for Rust developers to install tools that others have shared on
949 *https://crates.io/*. Note that you can only install packages that have binary
950 targets. A *binary target* is the runnable program that is created if the crate
951 has a *src/main.rs* file or another file specified as a binary, as opposed to a
952 library target that isn’t runnable on its own but is suitable for including
953 within other programs. Usually, crates have information in the *README* file
954 about whether a crate is a library, has a binary target, or both.
956 All binaries installed with `cargo install` are stored in the installation
957 root’s *bin* folder. If you installed Rust using *rustup.rs* and don’t have any
958 custom configurations, this directory will be *$HOME/.cargo/bin*. Ensure that
959 directory is in your `$PATH` to be able to run programs you’ve installed with
960 `cargo install`.
962 For example, in Chapter 12 we mentioned that there’s a Rust implementation of
963 the `grep` tool called `ripgrep` for searching files. To install `ripgrep`, we
964 can run the following:
966 ```
967 $ cargo install ripgrep
968 Updating crates.io index
969 Downloaded ripgrep v11.0.2
970 Downloaded 1 crate (243.3 KB) in 0.88s
971 Installing ripgrep v11.0.2
972 --snip--
973 Compiling ripgrep v11.0.2
974 Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3m 10s
975 Installing ~/.cargo/bin/rg
976 Installed package `ripgrep v11.0.2` (executable `rg`)
977 ```
979 The second-to-last line of the output shows the location and the name of the
980 installed binary, which in the case of `ripgrep` is `rg`. As long as the
981 installation directory is in your `$PATH`, as mentioned previously, you can
982 then run `rg --help` and start using a faster, rustier tool for searching files!
984 ## Extending Cargo with Custom Commands
986 Cargo is designed so you can extend it with new subcommands without having to
987 modify Cargo. If a binary in your `$PATH` is named `cargo-something`, you can
988 run it as if it was a Cargo subcommand by running `cargo something`. Custom
989 commands like this are also listed when you run `cargo --list`. Being able to
990 use `cargo install` to install extensions and then run them just like the
991 built-in Cargo tools is a super convenient benefit of Cargo’s design!
993 ## Summary
995 Sharing code with Cargo and *https://crates.io/* is part of what makes the Rust
996 ecosystem useful for many different tasks. Rust’s standard library is small and
997 stable, but crates are easy to share, use, and improve on a timeline different
998 from that of the language. Don’t be shy about sharing code that’s useful to you
999 on *https://crates.io/*; it’s likely that it will be useful to someone else as
1000 well!