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1 ## Generic Data Types
3 Using generics where we usually place types, like in function signatures or
4 structs, lets us create definitions that we can use for many different concrete
5 data types. Let’s take a look at how to define functions, structs, enums, and
6 methods using generics, and at the end of this section we’ll discuss the
7 performance of code using generics.
9 ### Using Generic Data Types in Function Definitions
11 We can define functions that use generics in the signature of the function
12 where the data types of the parameters and return value go. In this way, the
13 code we write can be more flexible and provide more functionality to callers of
14 our function, while not introducing code duplication.
16 Continuing with our `largest` function, Listing 10-4 shows two functions
17 providing the same functionality to find the largest value in a slice. The
18 first function is the one we extracted in Listing 10-3 that finds the largest
19 `i32` in a slice. The second function finds the largest `char` in a slice:
21 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
23 ```rust
24 fn largest_i32(list: &[i32]) -> i32 {
25 let mut largest = list[0];
27 for &item in list.iter() {
28 if item > largest {
29 largest = item;
30 }
31 }
33 largest
34 }
36 fn largest_char(list: &[char]) -> char {
37 let mut largest = list[0];
39 for &item in list.iter() {
40 if item > largest {
41 largest = item;
42 }
43 }
45 largest
46 }
48 fn main() {
49 let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
51 let result = largest_i32(&number_list);
52 println!("The largest number is {}", result);
53 # assert_eq!(result, 100);
55 let char_list = vec!['y', 'm', 'a', 'q'];
57 let result = largest_char(&char_list);
58 println!("The largest char is {}", result);
59 # assert_eq!(result, 'y');
60 }
61 ```
63 <span class="caption">Listing 10-4: Two functions that differ only in their
64 names and the types in their signatures</span>
66 Here, the functions `largest_i32` and `largest_char` have the exact same body,
67 so it would be nice if we could turn these two functions into one and get rid
68 of the duplication. Luckily, we can do that by introducing a generic type
69 parameter!
71 To parameterize the types in the signature of the one function we’re going to
72 define, we need to create a name for the type parameter, just like how we give
73 names for the value parameters to a function. We’re going to choose the name
74 `T`. Any identifier can be used as a type parameter name, but we’re choosing
75 `T` because Rust’s type naming convention is CamelCase. Generic type parameter
76 names also tend to be short by convention, often just one letter. Short for
77 “type”, `T` is the default choice of most Rust programmers.
79 When we use a parameter in the body of the function, we have to declare the
80 parameter in the signature so that the compiler knows what that name in the
81 body means. Similarly, when we use a type parameter name in a function
82 signature, we have to declare the type parameter name before we use it. Type
83 name declarations go in angle brackets between the name of the function and the
84 parameter list.
86 The function signature of the generic `largest` function we’re going to define
87 will look like this:
89 ```rust,ignore
90 fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> T {
91 ```
93 We would read this as: the function `largest` is generic over some type `T`. It
94 has one parameter named `list`, and the type of `list` is a slice of values of
95 type `T`. The `largest` function will return a value of the same type `T`.
97 Listing 10-5 shows the unified `largest` function definition using the generic
98 data type in its signature, and shows how we’ll be able to call `largest` with
99 either a slice of `i32` values or `char` values. Note that this code won’t
100 compile yet!
102 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
104 ```rust,ignore
105 fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> T {
106 let mut largest = list[0];
108 for &item in list.iter() {
109 if item > largest {
110 largest = item;
111 }
112 }
114 largest
115 }
117 fn main() {
118 let number_list = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
120 let result = largest(&number_list);
121 println!("The largest number is {}", result);
123 let char_list = vec!['y', 'm', 'a', 'q'];
125 let result = largest(&char_list);
126 println!("The largest char is {}", result);
127 }
128 ```
130 <span class="caption">Listing 10-5: A definition of the `largest` function that
131 uses generic type parameters but doesn’t compile yet</span>
133 If we try to compile this code right now, we’ll get this error:
135 ```text
136 error[E0369]: binary operation `>` cannot be applied to type `T`
137 |
138 5 | if item > largest {
139 | ^^^^
140 |
141 note: an implementation of `std::cmp::PartialOrd` might be missing for `T`
142 ```
144 The note mentions `std::cmp::PartialOrd`, which is a *trait*. We’re going to
145 talk about traits in the next section, but briefly, what this error is saying
146 is that the body of `largest` won’t work for all possible types that `T` could
147 be; since we want to compare values of type `T` in the body, we can only use
148 types that know how to be ordered. The standard library has defined the trait
149 `std::cmp::PartialOrd` that types can implement to enable comparisons. We’ll
150 come back to traits and how to specify that a generic type has a particular
151 trait in the next section, but let’s set this example aside for a moment and
152 explore other places we can use generic type parameters first.
154 <!-- Liz: this is the reason we had the topics in the order we did in the first
155 draft of this chapter; it's hard to do anything interesting with generic types
156 in functions unless you also know about traits and trait bounds. I think this
157 ordering could work out okay, though, and keep a stronger thread with the
158 `longest` function going through the whole chapter, but we do pause with a
159 not-yet-compiling example here, which I know isn't ideal either. Let us know
160 what you think. /Carol -->
162 ### Using Generic Data Types in Struct Definitions
164 We can define structs to use a generic type parameter in one or more of the
165 struct’s fields with the `<>` syntax too. Listing 10-6 shows the definition and
166 use of a `Point` struct that can hold `x` and `y` coordinate values of any type:
168 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
170 ```rust
171 struct Point<T> {
172 x: T,
173 y: T,
174 }
176 fn main() {
177 let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
178 let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
179 }
180 ```
182 <span class="caption">Listing 10-6: A `Point` struct that holds `x` and `y`
183 values of type `T`</span>
185 The syntax is similar to using generics in function definitions. First, we have
186 to declare the name of the type parameter within angle brackets just after the
187 name of the struct. Then we can use the generic type in the struct definition
188 where we would specify concrete data types.
190 Note that because we’ve only used one generic type in the definition of
191 `Point`, what we’re saying is that the `Point` struct is generic over some type
192 `T`, and the fields `x` and `y` are *both* that same type, whatever it ends up
193 being. If we try to create an instance of a `Point` that has values of
194 different types, as in Listing 10-7, our code won’t compile:
196 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
198 ```rust,ignore
199 struct Point<T> {
200 x: T,
201 y: T,
202 }
204 fn main() {
205 let wont_work = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };
206 }
207 ```
209 <span class="caption">Listing 10-7: The fields `x` and `y` must be the same
210 type because both have the same generic data type `T`</span>
212 If we try to compile this, we’ll get the following error:
214 ```text
215 error[E0308]: mismatched types
216 -->
217 |
218 7 | let wont_work = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };
219 | ^^^ expected integral variable, found
220 floating-point variable
221 |
222 = note: expected type `{integer}`
223 = note: found type `{float}`
224 ```
226 When we assigned the integer value 5 to `x`, the compiler then knows for this
227 instance of `Point` that the generic type `T` will be an integer. Then when we
228 specified 4.0 for `y`, which is defined to have the same type as `x`, we get a
229 type mismatch error.
231 If we wanted to define a `Point` struct where `x` and `y` could have different
232 types but still have those types be generic, we can use multiple generic type
233 parameters. In listing 10-8, we’ve changed the definition of `Point` to be
234 generic over types `T` and `U`. The field `x` is of type `T`, and the field `y`
235 is of type `U`:
237 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
239 ```rust
240 struct Point<T, U> {
241 x: T,
242 y: U,
243 }
245 fn main() {
246 let both_integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
247 let both_float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
248 let integer_and_float = Point { x: 5, y: 4.0 };
249 }
250 ```
252 <span class="caption">Listing 10-8: A `Point` generic over two types so that
253 `x` and `y` may be values of different types</span>
255 Now all of these instances of `Point` are allowed! You can use as many generic
256 type parameters in a definition as you want, but using more than a few gets
257 hard to read and understand. If you get to a point of needing lots of generic
258 types, it’s probably a sign that your code could use some restructuring to be
259 separated into smaller pieces.
261 ### Using Generic Data Types in Enum Definitions
263 Similarly to structs, enums can be defined to hold generic data types in their
264 variants. We used the `Option<T>` enum provided by the standard library in
265 Chapter 6, and now its definition should make more sense. Let’s take another
266 look:
268 ```rust
269 enum Option<T> {
270 Some(T),
271 None,
272 }
273 ```
275 In other words, `Option<T>` is an enum generic in type `T`. It has two
276 variants: `Some`, which holds one value of type `T`, and a `None` variant that
277 doesn’t hold any value. The standard library only has to have this one
278 definition to support the creation of values of this enum that have any
279 concrete type. The idea of “an optional value” is a more abstract concept than
280 one specific type, and Rust lets us express this abstract concept without lots
281 of duplication.
283 Enums can use multiple generic types as well. The definition of the `Result`
284 enum that we used in Chapter 9 is one example:
286 ```rust
287 enum Result<T, E> {
288 Ok(T),
289 Err(E),
290 }
291 ```
293 The `Result` enum is generic over two types, `T` and `E`. `Result` has two
294 variants: `Ok`, which holds a value of type `T`, and `Err`, which holds a value
295 of type `E`. This definition makes it convenient to use the `Result` enum
296 anywhere we have an operation that might succeed (and return a value of some
297 type `T`) or fail (and return an error of some type `E`). Recall Listing 9-2
298 when we opened a file: in that case, `T` was filled in with the type
299 `std::fs::File` when the file was opened successfully and `E` was filled in
300 with the type `std::io::Error` when there were problems opening the file.
302 When you recognize situations in your code with multiple struct or enum
303 definitions that differ only in the types of the values they hold, you can
304 remove the duplication by using the same process we used with the function
305 definitions to introduce generic types instead.
307 ### Using Generic Data Types in Method Definitions
309 Like we did in Chapter 5, we can implement methods on structs and enums that
310 have generic types in their definitions. Listing 10-9 shows the `Point<T>`
311 struct we defined in Listing 10-6. We’ve then defined a method named `x` on
312 `Point<T>` that returns a reference to the data in the field `x`:
314 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
316 ```rust
317 struct Point<T> {
318 x: T,
319 y: T,
320 }
322 impl<T> Point<T> {
323 fn x(&self) -> &T {
324 &self.x
325 }
326 }
328 fn main() {
329 let p = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
331 println!("p.x = {}", p.x());
332 }
333 ```
335 <span class="caption">Listing 10-9: Implementing a method named `x` on the
336 `Point<T>` struct that will return a reference to the `x` field, which is of
337 type `T`.</span>
339 Note that we have to declare `T` just after `impl` in order to use `T` in the
340 type `Point<T>`. Declaring `T` as a generic type after the `impl` is how Rust
341 knows the type in the angle brackets in `Point` is a generic type rather than a
342 concrete type. For example, we could choose to implement methods on
343 `Point<f32>` instances rather than `Point` instances with any generic type.
344 Listing 10-10 shows that we don’t declare anything after the `impl` in this
345 case, since we’re using a concrete type, `f32`:
347 ```rust
348 # struct Point<T> {
349 # x: T,
350 # y: T,
351 # }
352 #
353 impl Point<f32> {
354 fn distance_from_origin(&self) -> f32 {
355 (self.x.powi(2) + self.y.powi(2)).sqrt()
356 }
357 }
358 ```
360 <span class="caption">Listing 10-10: Building an `impl` block which only
361 applies to a struct with a specific type is used for the generic type parameter
362 `T`</span>
364 This code means the type `Point<f32>` will have a method named
365 `distance_from_origin`, and other instances of `Point<T>` where `T` is not of
366 type `f32` will not have this method defined. This method measures how far our
367 point is from the point of coordinates (0.0, 0.0) and uses mathematical
368 operations which are only available for floating-point types.
370 Generic type parameters in a struct definition aren’t always the same generic
371 type parameters you want to use in that struct’s method signatures. Listing
372 10-11 defines a method `mixup` on the `Point<T, U>` struct from Listing 10-8.
373 The method takes another `Point` as a parameter, which might have different
374 types than the `self` `Point` that we’re calling `mixup` on. The method creates
375 a new `Point` instance that has the `x` value from the `self` `Point` (which is
376 of type `T`) and the `y` value from the passed-in `Point` (which is of type
377 `W`):
379 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
381 ```rust
382 struct Point<T, U> {
383 x: T,
384 y: U,
385 }
387 impl<T, U> Point<T, U> {
388 fn mixup<V, W>(self, other: Point<V, W>) -> Point<T, W> {
389 Point {
390 x: self.x,
391 y: other.y,
392 }
393 }
394 }
396 fn main() {
397 let p1 = Point { x: 5, y: 10.4 };
398 let p2 = Point { x: "Hello", y: 'c'};
400 let p3 = p1.mixup(p2);
402 println!("p3.x = {}, p3.y = {}", p3.x, p3.y);
403 }
404 ```
406 <span class="caption">Listing 10-11: Methods that use different generic types
407 than their struct’s definition</span>
409 In `main`, we’ve defined a `Point` that has an `i32` for `x` (with value `5`)
410 and an `f64` for `y` (with value `10.4`). `p2` is a `Point` that has a string
411 slice for `x` (with value `"Hello"`) and a `char` for `y` (with value `c`).
412 Calling `mixup` on `p1` with the argument `p2` gives us `p3`, which will have
413 an `i32` for `x`, since `x` came from `p1`. `p3` will have a `char` for `y`,
414 since `y` came from `p2`. The `println!` will print `p3.x = 5, p3.y = c`.
416 Note that the generic parameters `T` and `U` are declared after `impl`, since
417 they go with the struct definition. The generic parameters `V` and `W` are
418 declared after `fn mixup`, since they are only relevant to the method.
420 ### Performance of Code Using Generics
422 You may have been reading this section and wondering if there’s a run-time cost
423 to using generic type parameters. Good news: the way that Rust has implemented
424 generics means that your code will not run any slower than if you had specified
425 concrete types instead of generic type parameters!
427 Rust accomplishes this by performing *monomorphization* of code using generics
428 at compile time. Monomorphization is the process of turning generic code into
429 specific code with the concrete types that are actually used filled in.
431 What the compiler does is the opposite of the steps that we performed to create
432 the generic function in Listing 10-5. The compiler looks at all the places that
433 generic code is called and generates code for the concrete types that the
434 generic code is called with.
436 Let’s work through an example that uses the standard library’s `Option` enum:
438 ```rust
439 let integer = Some(5);
440 let float = Some(5.0);
441 ```
443 When Rust compiles this code, it will perform monomorphization. The compiler
444 will read the values that have been passed to `Option` and see that we have two
445 kinds of `Option<T>`: one is `i32`, and one is `f64`. As such, it will expand
446 the generic definition of `Option<T>` into `Option_i32` and `Option_f64`,
447 thereby replacing the generic definition with the specific ones.
449 The monomorphized version of our code that the compiler generates looks like
450 this, with the uses of the generic `Option` replaced with the specific
451 definitions created by the compiler:
453 <span class="filename">Filename: src/main.rs</span>
455 ```rust
456 enum Option_i32 {
457 Some(i32),
458 None,
459 }
461 enum Option_f64 {
462 Some(f64),
463 None,
464 }
466 fn main() {
467 let integer = Option_i32::Some(5);
468 let float = Option_f64::Some(5.0);
469 }
470 ```
472 We can write the non-duplicated code using generics, and Rust will compile that
473 into code that specifies the type in each instance. That means we pay no
474 runtime cost for using generics; when the code runs, it performs just like it
475 would if we had duplicated each particular definition by hand. The process of
476 monomorphization is what makes Rust’s generics extremely efficient at runtime.