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[rustc.git] / src / doc / nomicon / src / vec / vec-alloc.md
1 # Allocating Memory
3 Using `NonNull` throws a wrench in an important feature of Vec (and indeed all of
4 the std collections): creating an empty Vec doesn't actually allocate at all. This
5 is not the same as allocating a zero-sized memory block, which is not allowed by
6 the global allocator (it results in undefined behavior!). So if we can't allocate,
7 but also can't put a null pointer in `ptr`, what do we do in `Vec::new`? Well, we
8 just put some other garbage in there!
10 This is perfectly fine because we already have `cap == 0` as our sentinel for no
11 allocation. We don't even need to handle it specially in almost any code because
12 we usually need to check if `cap > len` or `len > 0` anyway. The recommended
13 Rust value to put here is `mem::align_of::<T>()`. `NonNull` provides a convenience
14 for this: `NonNull::dangling()`. There are quite a few places where we'll
15 want to use `dangling` because there's no real allocation to talk about but
16 `null` would make the compiler do bad things.
18 So:
20 <!-- ignore: explanation code -->
21 ```rust,ignore
22 use std::mem;
24 impl<T> Vec<T> {
25 fn new() -> Self {
26 assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0, "We're not ready to handle ZSTs");
27 Vec {
28 ptr: NonNull::dangling(),
29 len: 0,
30 cap: 0,
31 _marker: PhantomData,
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 # fn main() {}
36 ```
38 I slipped in that assert there because zero-sized types will require some
39 special handling throughout our code, and I want to defer the issue for now.
40 Without this assert, some of our early drafts will do some Very Bad Things.
42 Next we need to figure out what to actually do when we *do* want space. For that,
43 we use the global allocation functions [`alloc`][alloc], [`realloc`][realloc],
44 and [`dealloc`][dealloc] which are available in stable Rust in
45 [`std::alloc`][std_alloc]. These functions are expected to become deprecated in
46 favor of the methods of [`std::alloc::Global`][Global] after this type is stabilized.
48 We'll also need a way to handle out-of-memory (OOM) conditions. The standard
49 library provides a function [`alloc::handle_alloc_error`][handle_alloc_error],
50 which will abort the program in a platform-specific manner.
51 The reason we abort and don't panic is because unwinding can cause allocations
52 to happen, and that seems like a bad thing to do when your allocator just came
53 back with "hey I don't have any more memory".
55 Of course, this is a bit silly since most platforms don't actually run out of
56 memory in a conventional way. Your operating system will probably kill the
57 application by another means if you legitimately start using up all the memory.
58 The most likely way we'll trigger OOM is by just asking for ludicrous quantities
59 of memory at once (e.g. half the theoretical address space). As such it's
60 *probably* fine to panic and nothing bad will happen. Still, we're trying to be
61 like the standard library as much as possible, so we'll just kill the whole
62 program.
64 Okay, now we can write growing. Roughly, we want to have this logic:
66 ```text
67 if cap == 0:
68 allocate()
69 cap = 1
70 else:
71 reallocate()
72 cap *= 2
73 ```
75 But Rust's only supported allocator API is so low level that we'll need to do a
76 fair bit of extra work. We also need to guard against some special
77 conditions that can occur with really large allocations or empty allocations.
79 In particular, `ptr::offset` will cause us a lot of trouble, because it has
80 the semantics of LLVM's GEP inbounds instruction. If you're fortunate enough to
81 not have dealt with this instruction, here's the basic story with GEP: alias
82 analysis, alias analysis, alias analysis. It's super important to an optimizing
83 compiler to be able to reason about data dependencies and aliasing.
85 As a simple example, consider the following fragment of code:
87 <!-- ignore: simplified code -->
88 ```rust,ignore
89 *x *= 7;
90 *y *= 3;
91 ```
93 If the compiler can prove that `x` and `y` point to different locations in
94 memory, the two operations can in theory be executed in parallel (by e.g.
95 loading them into different registers and working on them independently).
96 However the compiler can't do this in general because if x and y point to
97 the same location in memory, the operations need to be done to the same value,
98 and they can't just be merged afterwards.
100 When you use GEP inbounds, you are specifically telling LLVM that the offsets
101 you're about to do are within the bounds of a single "allocated" entity. The
102 ultimate payoff being that LLVM can assume that if two pointers are known to
103 point to two disjoint objects, all the offsets of those pointers are *also*
104 known to not alias (because you won't just end up in some random place in
105 memory). LLVM is heavily optimized to work with GEP offsets, and inbounds
106 offsets are the best of all, so it's important that we use them as much as
107 possible.
109 So that's what GEP's about, how can it cause us trouble?
111 The first problem is that we index into arrays with unsigned integers, but
112 GEP (and as a consequence `ptr::offset`) takes a signed integer. This means
113 that half of the seemingly valid indices into an array will overflow GEP and
114 actually go in the wrong direction! As such we must limit all allocations to
115 `isize::MAX` elements. This actually means we only need to worry about
116 byte-sized objects, because e.g. `> isize::MAX` `u16`s will truly exhaust all of
117 the system's memory. However in order to avoid subtle corner cases where someone
118 reinterprets some array of `< isize::MAX` objects as bytes, std limits all
119 allocations to `isize::MAX` bytes.
121 On all 64-bit targets that Rust currently supports we're artificially limited
122 to significantly less than all 64 bits of the address space (modern x64
123 platforms only expose 48-bit addressing), so we can rely on just running out of
124 memory first. However on 32-bit targets, particularly those with extensions to
125 use more of the address space (PAE x86 or x32), it's theoretically possible to
126 successfully allocate more than `isize::MAX` bytes of memory.
128 However since this is a tutorial, we're not going to be particularly optimal
129 here, and just unconditionally check, rather than use clever platform-specific
130 `cfg`s.
132 The other corner-case we need to worry about is empty allocations. There will
133 be two kinds of empty allocations we need to worry about: `cap = 0` for all T,
134 and `cap > 0` for zero-sized types.
136 These cases are tricky because they come
137 down to what LLVM means by "allocated". LLVM's notion of an
138 allocation is significantly more abstract than how we usually use it. Because
139 LLVM needs to work with different languages' semantics and custom allocators,
140 it can't really intimately understand allocation. Instead, the main idea behind
141 allocation is "doesn't overlap with other stuff". That is, heap allocations,
142 stack allocations, and globals don't randomly overlap. Yep, it's about alias
143 analysis. As such, Rust can technically play a bit fast and loose with the notion of
144 an allocation as long as it's *consistent*.
146 Getting back to the empty allocation case, there are a couple of places where
147 we want to offset by 0 as a consequence of generic code. The question is then:
148 is it consistent to do so? For zero-sized types, we have concluded that it is
149 indeed consistent to do a GEP inbounds offset by an arbitrary number of
150 elements. This is a runtime no-op because every element takes up no space,
151 and it's fine to pretend that there's infinite zero-sized types allocated
152 at `0x01`. No allocator will ever allocate that address, because they won't
153 allocate `0x00` and they generally allocate to some minimal alignment higher
154 than a byte. Also generally the whole first page of memory is
155 protected from being allocated anyway (a whole 4k, on many platforms).
157 However what about for positive-sized types? That one's a bit trickier. In
158 principle, you can argue that offsetting by 0 gives LLVM no information: either
159 there's an element before the address or after it, but it can't know which.
160 However we've chosen to conservatively assume that it may do bad things. As
161 such we will guard against this case explicitly.
163 *Phew*
165 Ok with all the nonsense out of the way, let's actually allocate some memory:
167 <!-- ignore: simplified code -->
168 ```rust,ignore
169 use std::alloc::{self, Layout};
171 impl<T> Vec<T> {
172 fn grow(&mut self) {
173 let (new_cap, new_layout) = if self.cap == 0 {
174 (1, Layout::array::<T>(1).unwrap())
175 } else {
176 // This can't overflow since self.cap <= isize::MAX.
177 let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
179 // `Layout::array` checks that the number of bytes is <= usize::MAX,
180 // but this is redundant since old_layout.size() <= isize::MAX,
181 // so the `unwrap` should never fail.
182 let new_layout = Layout::array::<T>(new_cap).unwrap();
183 (new_cap, new_layout)
184 };
186 // Ensure that the new allocation doesn't exceed `isize::MAX` bytes.
187 assert!(new_layout.size() <= isize::MAX as usize, "Allocation too large");
189 let new_ptr = if self.cap == 0 {
190 unsafe { alloc::alloc(new_layout) }
191 } else {
192 let old_layout = Layout::array::<T>(self.cap).unwrap();
193 let old_ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut u8;
194 unsafe { alloc::realloc(old_ptr, old_layout, new_layout.size()) }
195 };
197 // If allocation fails, `new_ptr` will be null, in which case we abort.
198 self.ptr = match NonNull::new(new_ptr as *mut T) {
199 Some(p) => p,
200 None => alloc::handle_alloc_error(new_layout),
201 };
202 self.cap = new_cap;
203 }
204 }
205 # fn main() {}
206 ```
208 [Global]: ../../std/alloc/struct.Global.html
209 [handle_alloc_error]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.handle_alloc_error.html
210 [alloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.alloc.html
211 [realloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.realloc.html
212 [dealloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/fn.dealloc.html
213 [std_alloc]: ../../alloc/alloc/index.html