]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/reference/src/items/functions.md
New upstream version 1.34.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / doc / reference / src / items / functions.md
1 # Functions
3 > **<sup>Syntax</sup>**\
4 > _Function_ :\
5 > &nbsp;&nbsp; _FunctionQualifiers_ `fn` [IDENTIFIER]&nbsp;[_Generics_]<sup>?</sup>\
6 > &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; `(` _FunctionParameters_<sup>?</sup> `)`\
7 > &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; _FunctionReturnType_<sup>?</sup> [_WhereClause_]<sup>?</sup>\
8 > &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; [_BlockExpression_]
9 >
10 > _FunctionQualifiers_ :\
11 > &nbsp;&nbsp; `const`<sup>?</sup> `unsafe`<sup>?</sup> (`extern` _Abi_<sup>?</sup>)<sup>?</sup>
12 >
13 > _Abi_ :\
15 >
16 > _FunctionParameters_ :\
17 > &nbsp;&nbsp; _FunctionParam_ (`,` _FunctionParam_)<sup>\*</sup> `,`<sup>?</sup>
18 >
19 > _FunctionParam_ :\
20 > &nbsp;&nbsp; [_Pattern_] `:` [_Type_]
21 >
22 > _FunctionReturnType_ :\
23 > &nbsp;&nbsp; `->` [_Type_]
25 A _function_ consists of a [block], along with a name and a set of parameters.
26 Other than a name, all these are optional. Functions are declared with the
27 keyword `fn`. Functions may declare a set of *input* [*variables*][variables]
28 as parameters, through which the caller passes arguments into the function, and
29 the *output* [*type*][type] of the value the function will return to its caller
30 on completion.
32 When referred to, a _function_ yields a first-class *value* of the
33 corresponding zero-sized [*function item type*], which
34 when called evaluates to a direct call to the function.
36 For example, this is a simple function:
37 ```rust
38 fn answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything() -> i32 {
39 return 42;
40 }
41 ```
43 As with `let` bindings, function arguments are irrefutable [patterns], so any
44 pattern that is valid in a let binding is also valid as an argument:
46 ```rust
47 fn first((value, _): (i32, i32)) -> i32 { value }
48 ```
50 The block of a function is conceptually wrapped in a block that binds the
51 argument patterns and then `return`s the value of the function's block. This
52 means that the tail expression of the block, if evaluated, ends up being
53 returned to the caller. As usual, an explicit return expression within
54 the body of the function will short-cut that implicit return, if reached.
56 For example, the function above behaves as if it was written as:
58 ```rust,ignore
59 // argument_0 is the actual first argument passed from the caller
60 let (value, _) = argument_0;
61 return {
62 value
63 };
64 ```
66 ## Generic functions
68 A _generic function_ allows one or more _parameterized types_ to appear in its
69 signature. Each type parameter must be explicitly declared in an
70 angle-bracket-enclosed and comma-separated list, following the function name.
72 ```rust
73 // foo is generic over A and B
75 fn foo<A, B>(x: A, y: B) {
76 # }
77 ```
79 Inside the function signature and body, the name of the type parameter can be
80 used as a type name. [Trait] bounds can be specified for type
81 parameters to allow methods with that trait to be called on values of that
82 type. This is specified using the `where` syntax:
84 ```rust
85 # use std::fmt::Debug;
86 fn foo<T>(x: T) where T: Debug {
87 # }
88 ```
90 When a generic function is referenced, its type is instantiated based on the
91 context of the reference. For example, calling the `foo` function here:
93 ```rust
94 use std::fmt::Debug;
96 fn foo<T>(x: &[T]) where T: Debug {
97 // details elided
98 }
100 foo(&[1, 2]);
101 ```
103 will instantiate type parameter `T` with `i32`.
105 The type parameters can also be explicitly supplied in a trailing [path]
106 component after the function name. This might be necessary if there is not
107 sufficient context to determine the type parameters. For example,
108 `mem::size_of::<u32>() == 4`.
110 ## Extern functions
112 Extern functions are part of Rust's foreign function interface, providing the
113 opposite functionality to [external blocks]. Whereas external
114 blocks allow Rust code to call foreign code, extern functions with bodies
115 defined in Rust code _can be called by foreign code_. They are defined in the
116 same way as any other Rust function, except that they have the `extern`
117 qualifier.
119 ```rust
120 // Declares an extern fn, the ABI defaults to "C"
121 extern fn new_i32() -> i32 { 0 }
123 // Declares an extern fn with "stdcall" ABI
124 # #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
125 extern "stdcall" fn new_i32_stdcall() -> i32 { 0 }
126 ```
128 Unlike normal functions, extern fns have type `extern "ABI" fn()`. This is the
129 same type as the functions declared in an extern block.
131 ```rust
132 # extern fn new_i32() -> i32 { 0 }
133 let fptr: extern "C" fn() -> i32 = new_i32;
134 ```
136 As non-Rust calling conventions do not support unwinding, unwinding past the end
137 of an extern function will cause the process to abort. In LLVM, this is
138 implemented by executing an illegal instruction.
140 ## Const functions
142 Functions qualified with the `const` keyword are const functions. _Const
143 functions_ can be called from within [const context]s. When called from a const
144 context, the function is interpreted by the compiler at compile time. The
145 interpretation happens in the environment of the compilation target and not the
146 host. So `usize` is `32` bits if you are compiling against a `32` bit system,
147 irrelevant of whether you are building on a `64` bit or a `32` bit system.
149 If a const function is called outside a [const context], it is indistinguishable
150 from any other function. You can freely do anything with a const function that
151 you can do with a regular function.
153 Const functions have various restrictions to make sure that they can be
154 evaluated at compile-time. It is, for example, not possible to write a random
155 number generator as a const function. Calling a const function at compile-time
156 will always yield the same result as calling it at runtime, even when called
157 multiple times. There's one exception to this rule: if you are doing complex
158 floating point operations in extreme situations, then you might get (very
159 slightly) different results. It is advisable to not make array lengths and enum
160 discriminants depend on floating point computations.
162 Exhaustive list of permitted structures in const functions:
164 > **Note**: this list is more restrictive than what you can write in
165 > regular constants
167 * Type parameters where the parameters only have any [trait bounds]
168 of the following kind:
169 * lifetimes
170 * `Sized` or [`?Sized`]
172 This means that `<T: 'a + ?Sized>`, `<T: 'b + Sized>` and `<T>`
173 are all permitted.
175 This rule also applies to type parameters of impl blocks that
176 contain const methods
178 * Arithmetic and comparison operators on integers
179 * All boolean operators except for `&&` and `||` which are banned since
180 they are short-circuiting.
181 * Any kind of aggregate constructor (array, `struct`, `enum`, tuple, ...)
182 * Calls to other *safe* const functions (whether by function call or method call)
183 * Index expressions on arrays and slices
184 * Field accesses on structs and tuples
185 * Reading from constants (but not statics, not even taking a reference to a static)
186 * `&` and `*` (only dereferencing of references, not raw pointers)
187 * Casts except for raw pointer to integer casts
188 * `unsafe` blocks and `const unsafe fn` are allowed, but the body/block may only do
189 the following unsafe operations:
190 * calls to const unsafe functions
192 ## Attributes on functions
194 [Outer attributes][attributes] are allowed on functions. [Inner
195 attributes][attributes] are allowed directly after the `{` inside its [block].
197 This example shows an inner attribute on a function. The function will only be
198 available while running tests.
200 ```
201 fn test_only() {
202 #![test]
203 }
204 ```
206 > Note: Except for lints, it is idiomatic to only use outer attributes on
207 > function items.
209 The attributes that have meaning on a function are [`cfg`], [`deprecated`],
210 [`doc`], `export_name`, `link_section`, `no_mangle`, [the lint check
211 attributes], [`must_use`], [the procedural macro attributes], [the testing
212 attributes], and [the optimization hint attributes]. Functions also accept
213 attributes macros.
215 [IDENTIFIER]: identifiers.html
216 [RAW_STRING_LITERAL]: tokens.html#raw-string-literals
217 [STRING_LITERAL]: tokens.html#string-literals
218 [_BlockExpression_]: expressions/block-expr.html
219 [_Generics_]: items/generics.html
220 [_InnerAttribute_]: attributes.html
221 [_Pattern_]: patterns.html
222 [_Statement_]: statements.html
223 [_Type_]: types.html#type-expressions
224 [_WhereClause_]: items/generics.html#where-clauses
225 [const context]: const_eval.html#const-context
226 [external blocks]: items/external-blocks.html
227 [path]: paths.html
228 [block]: expressions/block-expr.html
229 [variables]: variables.html
230 [type]: types.html#type-expressions
231 [*function item type*]: types/function-item.html
232 [Trait]: items/traits.html
233 [attributes]: attributes.html
234 [`cfg`]: conditional-compilation.html
235 [the lint check attributes]: attributes.html#lint-check-attributes
236 [the procedural macro attributes]: procedural-macros.html
237 [the testing attributes]: attributes.html#testing
238 [the optimization hint attributes]: attributes.html#optimization-hints
239 [`deprecated`]: attributes.html#deprecation
240 [`doc`]: attributes.html#documentation
241 [`must_use`]: attributes.html#must_use
242 [patterns]: patterns.html
243 [`?Sized`]: trait-bounds.html#sized
244 [trait bounds]: trait-bounds.html