]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/reference/src/names/preludes.md
New upstream version 1.51.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / doc / reference / src / names / preludes.md
1 # Preludes
3 A *prelude* is a collection of names that are automatically brought into scope
4 of every module in a crate.
6 These prelude names are not part of the module itself, they are implicitly
7 queried during [name resolution]. For example, even though something like
8 [`Box`] is in scope in every module, you cannot refer to it as `self::Box`
9 because it is not a member of the current module.
11 There are several different preludes:
13 - [Standard library prelude]
14 - [Extern prelude]
15 - [Language prelude]
16 - [`macro_use` prelude]
17 - [Tool prelude]
19 ## Standard library prelude
21 The standard library prelude includes names from the [`std::prelude::v1`]
22 module. If the [`no_std` attribute] is used, then it instead uses the names
23 from the [`core::prelude::v1`] module.
25 ## Extern prelude
27 External crates imported with [`extern crate`] in the root module or provided
28 to the compiler (as with the `--extern` flag with `rustc`) are added to the
29 *extern prelude*. If imported with an alias such as `extern crate orig_name as
30 new_name`, then the symbol `new_name` is instead added to the prelude.
32 The [`core`] crate is always added to the extern prelude. The [`std`] crate is
33 added as long as the [`no_std` attribute] is not specified in the crate root.
35 > **Edition Differences**: In the 2015 edition, crates in the extern prelude
36 > cannot be referenced via [use declarations], so it is generally standard
37 > practice to include `extern crate` declarations to bring them into scope.
38 >
39 > Beginning in the 2018 edition, [use declarations] can reference crates in
40 > the extern prelude, so it is considered unidiomatic to use `extern crate`.
42 > **Note**: Additional crates that ship with `rustc`, such as [`alloc`], and
43 > [`test`], are not automatically included with the `--extern` flag when using
44 > Cargo. They must be brought into scope with an `extern crate` declaration,
45 > even in the 2018 edition.
46 >
47 > ```rust
48 > extern crate alloc;
49 > use alloc::rc::Rc;
50 > ```
51 >
52 > Cargo does bring in `proc_macro` to the extern prelude for proc-macro crates
53 > only.
55 <!--
56 See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/57288 for more about the
57 alloc/test limitation.
58 -->
60 ### The `no_std` attribute
62 By default, the standard library is automatically included in the crate root
63 module. The [`std`] crate is added to the root, along with an implicit
64 [`macro_use` attribute] pulling in all macros exported from `std` into the
65 [`macro_use` prelude]. Both [`core`] and [`std`] are added to the [extern
66 prelude]. The [standard library prelude] includes everything from the
67 [`std::prelude::v1`] module.
69 The *`no_std` [attribute]* may be applied at the crate level to prevent the
70 [`std`] crate from being automatically added into scope. It does three things:
72 * Prevents `std` from being added to the [extern prelude](#extern-prelude).
73 * Uses [`core::prelude::v1`] in the [standard library prelude] instead of
74 [`std::prelude::v1`].
75 * Injects the [`core`] crate into the crate root instead of [`std`], and pulls
76 in all macros exported from `core` in the [`macro_use` prelude].
78 > **Note**: Using the core prelude over the standard prelude is useful when
79 > either the crate is targeting a platform that does not support the standard
80 > library or is purposefully not using the capabilities of the standard
81 > library. Those capabilities are mainly dynamic memory allocation (e.g. `Box`
82 > and `Vec`) and file and network capabilities (e.g. `std::fs` and `std::io`).
84 <div class="warning">
86 Warning: Using `no_std` does not prevent the standard library from being
87 linked in. It is still valid to put `extern crate std;` into the crate and
88 dependencies can also link it in.
90 </div>
92 ## Language prelude
94 The language prelude includes names of types and attributes that are built-in
95 to the language. The language prelude is always in scope. It includes the following:
97 * [Type namespace]
98 * [Boolean type] — `bool`
99 * [Textual types] — `char` and `str`
100 * [Integer types] — `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `i128`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`
101 * [Machine-dependent integer types] — `usize` and `isize`
102 * [floating-point types] — `f32` and `f64`
103 * [Macro namespace]
104 * [Built-in attributes]
106 ## `macro_use` prelude
108 The `macro_use` prelude includes macros from external crates that were
109 imported by the [`macro_use` attribute] applied to an [`extern crate`].
111 ## Tool prelude
113 The tool prelude includes tool names for external tools in the [type
114 namespace]. See the [tool attributes] section for more details.
116 ## The `no_implicit_prelude` attribute
118 The *`no_implicit_prelude` [attribute]* may be applied at the crate level or
119 on a module to indicate that it should not automatically bring the [standard
120 library prelude], [extern prelude], or [tool prelude] into scope for that
121 module or any of its descendants.
123 This attribute does not affect the [language prelude].
125 > **Edition Differences**: In the 2015 edition, the `no_implicit_prelude`
126 > attribute does not affect the [`macro_use` prelude], and all macros exported
127 > from the standard library are still included in the `macro_use` prelude.
128 > Starting in the 2018 edition, it will remove the `macro_use` prelude.
130 [`alloc`]: ../../alloc/index.html
131 [`Box`]: ../../std/boxed/struct.Box.html
132 [`core::prelude::v1`]: ../../core/prelude/index.html
133 [`core`]: ../../core/index.html
134 [`extern crate`]: ../items/extern-crates.md
135 [`macro_use` attribute]: ../macros-by-example.md#the-macro_use-attribute
136 [`macro_use` prelude]: #macro_use-prelude
137 [`no_std` attribute]: #the-no_std-attribute
138 [`no_std` attribute]: #the-no_std-attribute
139 [`std::prelude::v1`]: ../../std/prelude/index.html
140 [`std`]: ../../std/index.html
141 [`test`]: ../../test/index.html
142 [attribute]: ../attributes.md
143 [Boolean type]: ../types/boolean.md
144 [Built-in attributes]: ../attributes.md#built-in-attributes-index
145 [extern prelude]: #extern-prelude
146 [floating-point types]: ../types/numeric.md#floating-point-types
147 [Integer types]: ../types/numeric.md#integer-types
148 [Language prelude]: #language-prelude
149 [Machine-dependent integer types]: ../types/numeric.md#machine-dependent-integer-types
150 [Macro namespace]: namespaces.md
151 [name resolution]: name-resolution.md
152 [Standard library prelude]: #standard-library-prelude
153 [Textual types]: ../types/textual.md
154 [tool attributes]: ../attributes.md#tool-attributes
155 [Tool prelude]: #tool-prelude
156 [Type namespace]: namespaces.md
157 [use declarations]: ../items/use-declarations.md