]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/reference/src/procedural-macros.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / reference / src / procedural-macros.md
1 ## Procedural Macros
3 *Procedural macros* allow creating syntax extensions as execution of a function.
4 Procedural macros come in one of three flavors:
6 * [Function-like macros] - `custom!(...)`
7 * [Derive mode macros] - `#[derive(CustomMode)]`
8 * [Attribute macros] - `#[CustomAttribute]`
10 Procedural macros allow you to run code at compile time that operates over Rust
11 syntax, both consuming and producing Rust syntax. You can sort of think of
12 procedural macros as functions from an AST to another AST.
14 Procedural macros must be defined in a crate with the [crate type] of
15 `proc-macro`.
17 > **Note**: When using Cargo, Procedural macro crates are defined with the
18 > `proc-macro` key in your manifest:
19 >
20 > ```toml
21 > [lib]
22 > proc-macro = true
23 > ```
25 As functions, they must either return syntax, panic, or loop endlessly. Returned
26 syntax either replaces or adds the syntax depending on the kind of procedural
27 macro. Panics are caught by the compiler and are turned into a compiler error.
28 Endless loops are not caught by the compiler which hangs the compiler.
30 Procedural macros run during compilation, and thus have the same resources that
31 the compiler has. For example, standard input, error, and output are the same
32 that the compiler has access to. Similarly, file access is the same. Because
33 of this, procedural macros have the same security concerns that [Cargo's
34 build scripts] have.
36 Procedural macros have two ways of reporting errors. The first is to panic. The
37 second is to emit a [`compile_error`] macro invocation.
39 ### The `proc_macro` crate
41 Procedural macro crates almost always will link to the compiler-provided
42 [`proc_macro` crate]. The `proc_macro` crate provides types required for
43 writing procedural macros and facilities to make it easier.
45 This crate primarily contains a [`TokenStream`] type. Procedural macros operate
46 over *token streams* instead of AST nodes, which is a far more stable interface
47 over time for both the compiler and for procedural macros to target. A
48 *token stream* is roughly equivalent to `Vec<TokenTree>` where a `TokenTree`
49 can roughly be thought of as lexical token. For example `foo` is an `Ident`
50 token, `.` is a `Punct` token, and `1.2` is a `Literal` token. The `TokenStream`
51 type, unlike `Vec<TokenTree>`, is cheap to clone.
53 All tokens have an associated `Span`. A `Span` is an opaque value that cannot
54 be modified but can be manufactured. `Span`s represent an extent of source
55 code within a program and are primarily used for error reporting. You can modify
56 the `Span` of any token.
58 ### Procedural macro hygiene
60 Procedural macros are *unhygienic*. This means they behave as if the output
61 token stream was simply written inline to the code it's next to. This means that
62 it's affected by external items and also affects external imports.
64 Macro authors need to be careful to ensure their macros work in as many contexts
65 as possible given this limitation. This often includes using absolute paths to
66 items in libraries (for example, `::std::option::Option` instead of `Option`) or
67 by ensuring that generated functions have names that are unlikely to clash with
68 other functions (like `__internal_foo` instead of `foo`).
70 ### Function-like procedural macros
72 *Function-like procedural macros* are procedural macros that are invoked using
73 the macro invocation operator (`!`).
75 These macros are defined by a [public]&#32;[function] with the `proc_macro`
76 [attribute] and a signature of `(TokenStream) -> TokenStream`. The input
77 [`TokenStream`] is what is inside the delimiters of the macro invocation and the
78 output [`TokenStream`] replaces the entire macro invocation. It may contain an
79 arbitrary number of [items]. These macros cannot expand to syntax that defines
80 new `macro_rule` style macros.
82 For example, the following macro definition ignores its input and outputs a
83 function `answer` into its scope.
85 ```rust,ignore
86 extern crate proc_macro;
87 use proc_macro::TokenStream;
89 #[proc_macro]
90 pub fn make_answer(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
91 "fn answer() -> u32 { 42 }".parse().unwrap()
92 }
93 ```
95 And then we use it a binary crate to print "42" to standard output.
97 ```rust,ignore
98 extern crate proc_macro_examples;
99 use proc_macro_examples::make_answer;
101 make_answer!();
103 fn main() {
104 println!("{}", answer());
105 }
106 ```
108 These macros are only invokable in [modules]. They cannot even be invoked to
109 create [item declaration statements]. Furthermore, they must either be invoked
110 with curly braces and no semicolon or a different delimiter followed by a
111 semicolon. For example, `make_answer` from the previous example can be invoked
112 as `make_answer!{}`, `make_answer!();` or `make_answer![];`.
114 ### Derive mode macros
116 *Derive mode macros* define new modes for the `derive` [attribute]. These macros
117 define new [items] given the token stream of a [struct], [enum], or [union].
118 They also define [derive mode helper attributes].
120 Custom deriver modes are defined by a [public]&#32;[function] with the
121 `proc_macro_derive` attribute and a signature of `(TokenStream) -> TokenStream`.
123 The input [`TokenStream`] is the token stream of the item that has the `derive`
124 attribute on it. The output [`TokenStream`] must be a set of items that are
125 then appended to the [module] or [block] that the item from the input
126 [`TokenStream`] is in.
128 The following is an example of a derive mode macro. Instead of doing anything
129 useful with its input, it just appends a function `answer`.
131 ```rust,ignore
132 extern crate proc_macro;
133 use proc_macro::TokenStream;
135 #[proc_macro_derive(AnswerFn)]
136 pub fn derive_answer_fn(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
137 "fn answer() -> u32 { 42 }".parse().unwrap()
138 }
139 ```
141 And then using said derive mode:
143 ```rust,ignore
144 extern crate proc_macro_examples;
145 use proc_macro_examples::AnswerFn;
147 #[derive(AnswerFn)]
148 struct Struct;
150 fn main() {
151 assert_eq!(42, answer());
152 }
153 ```
155 #### Derive mode helper attributes
157 Derive mode macros can add additional [attributes] into the scope of the [item]
158 they are on. Said attributes are called *derive mode helper attributes*. These
159 attributes are [inert], and their only purpose is to be fed into the derive
160 mode macro that defined them. That said, they can be seen by all macros.
162 The way to define helper attributes is to put an `attributes` key in the
163 `proc_macro_derive` macro with a comma separated list of identifiers that are
164 the names of the helper attributes.
166 For example, the following derive mode macro defines a helper attribute
167 `helper`, but ultimately doesn't do anything with it.
169 ```rust,ignore
170 # #[crate_type="proc-macro"]
171 # extern crate proc_macro;
172 # use proc_macro::TokenStream;
174 #[proc_macro_derive(HelperAttr, attributes(helper))]
175 pub fn derive_helper_attr(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
176 TokenStream::new();
177 }
178 ```
180 And then usage on the derive mode on a struct:
182 ```rust,ignore
183 # #![crate_type="proc-macro"]
184 # extern crate proc_macro_examples;
185 # use proc_macro_examples::HelperAttr;
187 #[derive(HelperAttr)]
188 struct Struct {
189 #[helper] field: ()
190 }
191 ```
193 ### Attribute macros
195 *Attribute macros* define new [attributes] which can be attached to [items].
197 Attribute macros are defined by a [public]&#32;[function] with the
198 `proc_macro_attribute` [attribute] that a signature of
199 `(TokenStream, TokenStream) -> TokenStream`. The first [`TokenStream`] is the
200 attribute's metaitems, not including the delimiters. If the attribute is written
201 without a metaitem, the attribute [`TokenStream`] is empty. The second
202 [`TokenStream`] is of the rest of the [item] including other [attributes] on the
203 [item]. The returned [`TokenStream`] replaces the [item] with an arbitrary
204 number of [items]. These macros cannot expand to syntax that defines new
205 `macro_rule` style macros.
207 For example, this attribute macro takes the input stream and returns it as is,
208 effectively being the no-op of attributes.
210 ```rust,ignore
211 # #![crate_type = "proc-macro"]
212 # extern crate proc_macro;
213 # use proc_macro::TokenStream;
215 #[proc_macro_attribute]
216 pub fn return_as_is(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
217 item
218 }
219 ```
221 This following example shows the stringified [`TokenStream`s] that the attribute
222 macros see. The output will show in the output of the compiler. The output is
223 shown in the comments after the function prefixed with "out:".
225 ```rust,ignore
226 // my-macro/src/lib.rs
227 # extern crate proc_macro;
228 # use proc_macro::TokenStream;
230 #[proc_macro_attribute]
231 pub fn show_streams(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
232 println!("attr: \"{}\"", attr.to_string());
233 println!("item: \"{}\"', input.to_string());
234 item
235 }
236 ```
238 ```rust,ignore
239 // src/lib.rs
240 extern crate my_macro;
242 use my_macro::show_streams;
244 // Example: Basic function
245 #[show_streams]
246 fn invoke1() {}
247 // out: attr: ""
248 // out: item: "fn invoke1() { }"
250 // Example: Attribute has a metaitem
251 #[show_streams(bar)]
252 fn invoke2() {}
253 // out: attr: "bar"
254 // out: item: "fn invoke2() {}"
256 // Example: Multiple words in metaitem
257 #[show_streams(multiple words)]
258 fn invoke3() {}
259 // out: attr: "multiple words"
260 // out: item: "fn invoke3() {}"
262 // Example:
263 #[show_streams { delimiters }]
264 fn invoke4() {}
265 // out: "delimiters"
266 // out: "fn invoke4() {}"
267 ```
269 [`TokenStream`]: ../proc_macro/struct.TokenStream.html
270 [`TokenStream`s]: ../proc_macro/struct.TokenStream.html
271 [`compile_error`]: ../std/macro.compile_error.html
272 [`derive`]: attributes.html#derive
273 [`proc_macro` crate]: ../proc_macro/index.html
274 [Cargo's build scripts]: ../cargo/reference/build-scripts.html
275 [Derive mode macros]: #derive-mode-macros
276 [Attribute macros]: #attribute-macros
277 [Function-like macros]: #function-like-procedural-macros
278 [attribute]: attributes.html
279 [attributes]: attributes.html
280 [custom attributes]: attributes.html
281 [crate type]: linkage.html
282 [derive mode helper attributes]: #derive-mode-helper-attributes
283 [enum]: items/enumerations.html
284 [inert]: attributes.html#active-and-inert-attributes
285 [item]: items.html
286 [item declaration statements]: statements.html#item-declarations
287 [items]: items.html
288 [function]: items/functions.html
289 [macro]: macros.html
290 [module]: items/modules.html
291 [modules]: items/modules.html
292 [procedural macro tutorial]: ../book/2018-edition/appendix-04-macros.html#procedural-macros-for-custom-derive
293 [public]: visibility-and-privacy.html
294 [struct]: items/structs.html
295 [unions]: items/unions.html