]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustc/src/codegen-options/index.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc / src / codegen-options / index.md
1 # Codegen options
3 All of these options are passed to `rustc` via the `-C` flag, short for "codegen." You can see
4 a version of this list for your exact compiler by running `rustc -C help`.
6 ## ar
8 This option is deprecated and does nothing.
10 ## code-model
12 This option lets you choose which code model to use. \
13 Code models put constraints on address ranges that the program and its symbols may use. \
14 With smaller address ranges machine instructions
15 may be able to use more compact addressing modes.
17 The specific ranges depend on target architectures and addressing modes available to them. \
18 For x86 more detailed description of its code models can be found in
19 [System V Application Binary Interface](https://github.com/hjl-tools/x86-psABI/wiki/x86-64-psABI-1.0.pdf)
20 specification.
22 Supported values for this option are:
24 - `tiny` - Tiny code model.
25 - `small` - Small code model. This is the default model for majority of supported targets.
26 - `kernel` - Kernel code model.
27 - `medium` - Medium code model.
28 - `large` - Large code model.
30 Supported values can also be discovered by running `rustc --print code-models`.
32 ## codegen-units
34 This flag controls how many code generation units the crate is split into. It
35 takes an integer greater than 0.
37 When a crate is split into multiple codegen units, LLVM is able to process
38 them in parallel. Increasing parallelism may speed up compile times, but may
39 also produce slower code. Setting this to 1 may improve the performance of
40 generated code, but may be slower to compile.
42 The default value, if not specified, is 16 for non-incremental builds. For
43 incremental builds the default is 256 which allows caching to be more granular.
45 ## control-flow-guard
47 This flag controls whether LLVM enables the Windows [Control Flow
48 Guard](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/secbp/control-flow-guard)
49 platform security feature. This flag is currently ignored for non-Windows targets.
50 It takes one of the following values:
52 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, `checks`, or no value: enable Control Flow Guard.
53 * `nochecks`: emit Control Flow Guard metadata without runtime enforcement checks (this
54 should only be used for testing purposes as it does not provide security enforcement).
55 * `n`, `no`, `off`: do not enable Control Flow Guard (the default).
57 ## debug-assertions
59 This flag lets you turn `cfg(debug_assertions)` [conditional
60 compilation](../../reference/conditional-compilation.md#debug_assertions) on
61 or off. It takes one of the following values:
63 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: enable debug-assertions.
64 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: disable debug-assertions.
66 If not specified, debug assertions are automatically enabled only if the
67 [opt-level](#opt-level) is 0.
69 ## debuginfo
71 This flag controls the generation of debug information. It takes one of the
72 following values:
74 * `0`: no debug info at all (the default).
75 * `1`: line tables only.
76 * `2`: full debug info.
78 Note: The [`-g` flag][option-g-debug] is an alias for `-C debuginfo=2`.
80 ## default-linker-libraries
82 This flag controls whether or not the linker includes its default libraries.
83 It takes one of the following values:
85 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: include default libraries (the default).
86 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: exclude default libraries.
88 For example, for gcc flavor linkers, this issues the `-nodefaultlibs` flag to
89 the linker.
91 ## embed-bitcode
93 This flag controls whether or not the compiler embeds LLVM bitcode into object
94 files. It takes one of the following values:
96 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: put bitcode in rlibs (the default).
97 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: omit bitcode from rlibs.
99 LLVM bitcode is required when rustc is performing link-time optimization (LTO).
100 It is also required on some targets like iOS ones where vendors look for LLVM
101 bitcode. Embedded bitcode will appear in rustc-generated object files inside of
102 a section whose name is defined by the target platform. Most of the time this is
103 `.llvmbc`.
105 The use of `-C embed-bitcode=no` can significantly improve compile times and
106 reduce generated file sizes if your compilation does not actually need bitcode
107 (e.g. if you're not compiling for iOS or you're not performing LTO). For these
108 reasons, Cargo uses `-C embed-bitcode=no` whenever possible. Likewise, if you
109 are building directly with `rustc` we recommend using `-C embed-bitcode=no`
110 whenever you are not using LTO.
112 If combined with `-C lto`, `-C embed-bitcode=no` will cause `rustc` to abort
113 at start-up, because the combination is invalid.
115 > **Note**: if you're building Rust code with LTO then you probably don't even
116 > need the `embed-bitcode` option turned on. You'll likely want to use
117 > `-Clinker-plugin-lto` instead which skips generating object files entirely and
118 > simply replaces object files with LLVM bitcode. The only purpose for
119 > `-Cembed-bitcode` is when you're generating an rlib that is both being used
120 > with and without LTO. For example Rust's standard library ships with embedded
121 > bitcode since users link to it both with and without LTO.
122 >
123 > This also may make you wonder why the default is `yes` for this option. The
124 > reason for that is that it's how it was for rustc 1.44 and prior. In 1.45 this
125 > option was added to turn off what had always been the default.
127 ## extra-filename
129 This option allows you to put extra data in each output filename. It takes a
130 string to add as a suffix to the filename. See the [`--emit`
131 flag][option-emit] for more information.
133 ## force-frame-pointers
135 This flag forces the use of frame pointers. It takes one of the following
136 values:
138 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: force-enable frame pointers.
139 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: do not force-enable frame pointers. This does
140 not necessarily mean frame pointers will be removed.
142 The default behaviour, if frame pointers are not force-enabled, depends on the
143 target.
145 ## force-unwind-tables
147 This flag forces the generation of unwind tables. It takes one of the following
148 values:
150 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: Unwind tables are forced to be generated.
151 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: Unwind tables are not forced to be generated. If unwind
152 tables are required by the target an error will be emitted.
154 The default if not specified depends on the target.
156 ## incremental
158 This flag allows you to enable incremental compilation, which allows `rustc`
159 to save information after compiling a crate to be reused when recompiling the
160 crate, improving re-compile times. This takes a path to a directory where
161 incremental files will be stored.
163 ## inline-threshold
165 This option lets you set the default threshold for inlining a function. It
166 takes an unsigned integer as a value. Inlining is based on a cost model, where
167 a higher threshold will allow more inlining.
169 The default depends on the [opt-level](#opt-level):
171 | opt-level | Threshold |
172 |-----------|-----------|
173 | 0 | N/A, only inlines always-inline functions |
174 | 1 | N/A, only inlines always-inline functions and LLVM lifetime intrinsics |
175 | 2 | 225 |
176 | 3 | 275 |
177 | s | 75 |
178 | z | 25 |
180 ## link-arg
182 This flag lets you append a single extra argument to the linker invocation.
184 "Append" is significant; you can pass this flag multiple times to add multiple arguments.
186 ## link-args
188 This flag lets you append multiple extra arguments to the linker invocation. The
189 options should be separated by spaces.
191 ## link-dead-code
193 This flag controls whether the linker will keep dead code. It takes one of
194 the following values:
196 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: keep dead code.
197 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: remove dead code (the default).
199 An example of when this flag might be useful is when trying to construct code coverage
200 metrics.
202 ## link-self-contained
204 On targets that support it this flag controls whether the linker will use libraries and objects
205 shipped with Rust instead or those in the system.
206 It takes one of the following values:
208 * no value: rustc will use heuristic to disable self-contained mode if system has necessary tools.
209 * `y`, `yes`, `on`: use only libraries/objects shipped with Rust.
210 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: rely on the user or the linker to provide non-Rust libraries/objects.
212 This allows overriding cases when detection fails or user wants to use shipped libraries.
214 ## linker
216 This flag controls which linker `rustc` invokes to link your code. It takes a
217 path to the linker executable. If this flag is not specified, the linker will
218 be inferred based on the target. See also the [linker-flavor](#linker-flavor)
219 flag for another way to specify the linker.
221 ## linker-flavor
223 This flag controls the linker flavor used by `rustc`. If a linker is given with
224 the [`-C linker` flag](#linker), then the linker flavor is inferred from the
225 value provided. If no linker is given then the linker flavor is used to
226 determine the linker to use. Every `rustc` target defaults to some linker
227 flavor. Valid options are:
229 * `em`: use [Emscripten `emcc`](https://emscripten.org/docs/tools_reference/emcc.html).
230 * `gcc`: use the `cc` executable, which is typically gcc or clang on many systems.
231 * `ld`: use the `ld` executable.
232 * `msvc`: use the `link.exe` executable from Microsoft Visual Studio MSVC.
233 * `ptx-linker`: use
234 [`rust-ptx-linker`](https://github.com/denzp/rust-ptx-linker) for Nvidia
235 NVPTX GPGPU support.
236 * `bpf-linker`: use
237 [`bpf-linker`](https://github.com/alessandrod/bpf-linker) for eBPF support.
238 * `wasm-ld`: use the [`wasm-ld`](https://lld.llvm.org/WebAssembly.html)
239 executable, a port of LLVM `lld` for WebAssembly.
240 * `ld64.lld`: use the LLVM `lld` executable with the [`-flavor darwin`
241 flag][lld-flavor] for Apple's `ld`.
242 * `ld.lld`: use the LLVM `lld` executable with the [`-flavor gnu`
243 flag][lld-flavor] for GNU binutils' `ld`.
244 * `lld-link`: use the LLVM `lld` executable with the [`-flavor link`
245 flag][lld-flavor] for Microsoft's `link.exe`.
247 [lld-flavor]: https://lld.llvm.org/Driver.html
249 ## linker-plugin-lto
251 This flag defers LTO optimizations to the linker. See
252 [linker-plugin-LTO](../linker-plugin-lto.md) for more details. It takes one of
253 the following values:
255 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: enable linker plugin LTO.
256 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: disable linker plugin LTO (the default).
257 * A path to the linker plugin.
259 More specifically this flag will cause the compiler to replace its typical
260 object file output with LLVM bitcode files. For example an rlib produced with
261 `-Clinker-plugin-lto` will still have `*.o` files in it, but they'll all be LLVM
262 bitcode instead of actual machine code. It is expected that the native platform
263 linker is capable of loading these LLVM bitcode files and generating code at
264 link time (typically after performing optimizations).
266 Note that rustc can also read its own object files produced with
267 `-Clinker-plugin-lto`. If an rlib is only ever going to get used later with a
268 `-Clto` compilation then you can pass `-Clinker-plugin-lto` to speed up
269 compilation and avoid generating object files that aren't used.
271 ## llvm-args
273 This flag can be used to pass a list of arguments directly to LLVM.
275 The list must be separated by spaces.
277 Pass `--help` to see a list of options.
279 ## lto
281 This flag controls whether LLVM uses [link time
282 optimizations](https://llvm.org/docs/LinkTimeOptimization.html) to produce
283 better optimized code, using whole-program analysis, at the cost of longer
284 linking time. It takes one of the following values:
286 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, `fat`, or no value: perform "fat" LTO which attempts to
287 perform optimizations across all crates within the dependency graph.
288 * `n`, `no`, `off`: disables LTO.
289 * `thin`: perform ["thin"
290 LTO](http://blog.llvm.org/2016/06/thinlto-scalable-and-incremental-lto.html).
291 This is similar to "fat", but takes substantially less time to run while
292 still achieving performance gains similar to "fat".
294 If `-C lto` is not specified, then the compiler will attempt to perform "thin
295 local LTO" which performs "thin" LTO on the local crate only across its
296 [codegen units](#codegen-units). When `-C lto` is not specified, LTO is
297 disabled if codegen units is 1 or optimizations are disabled ([`-C
298 opt-level=0`](#opt-level)). That is:
300 * When `-C lto` is not specified:
301 * `codegen-units=1`: disable LTO.
302 * `opt-level=0`: disable LTO.
303 * When `-C lto` is specified:
304 * `lto`: 16 codegen units, perform fat LTO across crates.
305 * `codegen-units=1` + `lto`: 1 codegen unit, fat LTO across crates.
307 See also [linker-plugin-lto](#linker-plugin-lto) for cross-language LTO.
309 ## metadata
311 This option allows you to control the metadata used for symbol mangling. This
312 takes a space-separated list of strings. Mangled symbols will incorporate a
313 hash of the metadata. This may be used, for example, to differentiate symbols
314 between two different versions of the same crate being linked.
316 ## no-prepopulate-passes
318 This flag tells the pass manager to use an empty list of passes, instead of the
319 usual pre-populated list of passes.
321 ## no-redzone
323 This flag allows you to disable [the
324 red zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_zone_\(computing\)). It takes one
325 of the following values:
327 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: disable the red zone.
328 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: enable the red zone.
330 The default behaviour, if the flag is not specified, depends on the target.
332 ## no-stack-check
334 This option is deprecated and does nothing.
336 ## no-vectorize-loops
338 This flag disables [loop
339 vectorization](https://llvm.org/docs/Vectorizers.html#the-loop-vectorizer).
341 ## no-vectorize-slp
343 This flag disables vectorization using
344 [superword-level
345 parallelism](https://llvm.org/docs/Vectorizers.html#the-slp-vectorizer).
347 ## opt-level
349 This flag controls the optimization level.
351 * `0`: no optimizations, also turns on
352 [`cfg(debug_assertions)`](#debug-assertions) (the default).
353 * `1`: basic optimizations.
354 * `2`: some optimizations.
355 * `3`: all optimizations.
356 * `s`: optimize for binary size.
357 * `z`: optimize for binary size, but also turn off loop vectorization.
359 Note: The [`-O` flag][option-o-optimize] is an alias for `-C opt-level=2`.
361 The default is `0`.
363 ## overflow-checks
365 This flag allows you to control the behavior of [runtime integer
366 overflow](../../reference/expressions/operator-expr.md#overflow). When
367 overflow-checks are enabled, a panic will occur on overflow. This flag takes
368 one of the following values:
370 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: enable overflow checks.
371 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: disable overflow checks.
373 If not specified, overflow checks are enabled if
374 [debug-assertions](#debug-assertions) are enabled, disabled otherwise.
376 ## panic
378 This option lets you control what happens when the code panics.
380 * `abort`: terminate the process upon panic
381 * `unwind`: unwind the stack upon panic
383 If not specified, the default depends on the target.
385 ## passes
387 This flag can be used to add extra [LLVM
388 passes](http://llvm.org/docs/Passes.html) to the compilation.
390 The list must be separated by spaces.
392 See also the [`no-prepopulate-passes`](#no-prepopulate-passes) flag.
394 ## prefer-dynamic
396 By default, `rustc` prefers to statically link dependencies. This option will
397 indicate that dynamic linking should be used if possible if both a static and
398 dynamic versions of a library are available. There is an internal algorithm
399 for determining whether or not it is possible to statically or dynamically
400 link with a dependency. For example, `cdylib` crate types may only use static
401 linkage. This flag takes one of the following values:
403 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: use dynamic linking.
404 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: use static linking (the default).
406 ## profile-generate
408 This flag allows for creating instrumented binaries that will collect
409 profiling data for use with profile-guided optimization (PGO). The flag takes
410 an optional argument which is the path to a directory into which the
411 instrumented binary will emit the collected data. See the chapter on
412 [profile-guided optimization] for more information.
414 ## profile-use
416 This flag specifies the profiling data file to be used for profile-guided
417 optimization (PGO). The flag takes a mandatory argument which is the path
418 to a valid `.profdata` file. See the chapter on
419 [profile-guided optimization] for more information.
421 ## relocation-model
423 This option controls generation of
424 [position-independent code (PIC)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-independent_code).
426 Supported values for this option are:
428 #### Primary relocation models
430 - `static` - non-relocatable code, machine instructions may use absolute addressing modes.
432 - `pic` - fully relocatable position independent code,
433 machine instructions need to use relative addressing modes. \
434 Equivalent to the "uppercase" `-fPIC` or `-fPIE` options in other compilers,
435 depending on the produced crate types. \
436 This is the default model for majority of supported targets.
438 - `pie` - position independent executable, relocatable code but without support for symbol
439 interpositioning (replacing symbols by name using `LD_PRELOAD` and similar). Equivalent to the "uppercase" `-fPIE` option in other compilers. `pie`
440 code cannot be linked into shared libraries (you'll get a linking error on attempt to do this).
442 #### Special relocation models
444 - `dynamic-no-pic` - relocatable external references, non-relocatable code. \
445 Only makes sense on Darwin and is rarely used. \
446 If StackOverflow tells you to use this as an opt-out of PIC or PIE, don't believe it,
447 use `-C relocation-model=static` instead.
448 - `ropi`, `rwpi` and `ropi-rwpi` - relocatable code and read-only data, relocatable read-write data,
449 and combination of both, respectively. \
450 Only makes sense for certain embedded ARM targets.
451 - `default` - relocation model default to the current target. \
452 Only makes sense as an override for some other explicitly specified relocation model
453 previously set on the command line.
455 Supported values can also be discovered by running `rustc --print relocation-models`.
457 #### Linking effects
459 In addition to codegen effects, `relocation-model` has effects during linking.
461 If the relocation model is `pic` and the current target supports position-independent executables
462 (PIE), the linker will be instructed (`-pie`) to produce one. \
463 If the target doesn't support both position-independent and statically linked executables,
464 then `-C target-feature=+crt-static` "wins" over `-C relocation-model=pic`,
465 and the linker is instructed (`-static`) to produce a statically linked
466 but not position-independent executable.
468 ## remark
470 This flag lets you print remarks for optimization passes.
472 The list of passes should be separated by spaces.
474 `all` will remark on every pass.
476 ## rpath
478 This flag controls whether [`rpath`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rpath) is
479 enabled. It takes one of the following values:
481 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: enable rpath.
482 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: disable rpath (the default).
484 ## save-temps
486 This flag controls whether temporary files generated during compilation are
487 deleted once compilation finishes. It takes one of the following values:
489 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: save temporary files.
490 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: delete temporary files (the default).
492 ## soft-float
494 This option controls whether `rustc` generates code that emulates floating
495 point instructions in software. It takes one of the following values:
497 * `y`, `yes`, `on`, or no value: use soft floats.
498 * `n`, `no`, or `off`: use hardware floats (the default).
500 ## split-debuginfo
502 This option controls the emission of "split debuginfo" for debug information
503 that `rustc` generates. The default behavior of this option is
504 platform-specific, and not all possible values for this option work on all
505 platforms. Possible values are:
507 * `off` - This is the default for platforms with ELF binaries and windows-gnu
508 (not Windows MSVC and not macOS). This typically means that DWARF debug
509 information can be found in the final artifact in sections of the executable.
510 This option is not supported on Windows MSVC. On macOS this options prevents
511 the final execution of `dsymutil` to generate debuginfo.
513 * `packed` - This is the default for Windows MSVC and macOS. The term
514 "packed" here means that all the debug information is packed into a separate
515 file from the main executable. On Windows MSVC this is a `*.pdb` file, on
516 macOS this is a `*.dSYM` folder, and on other platforms this is a `*.dwp`
517 file.
519 * `unpacked` - This means that debug information will be found in separate
520 files for each compilation unit (object file). This is not supported on
521 Windows MSVC. On macOS this means the original object files will contain
522 debug information. On other Unix platforms this means that `*.dwo` files will
523 contain debug information.
525 Note that `packed` and `unpacked` are gated behind `-Z unstable-options` on
526 non-macOS platforms at this time.
528 ## strip
530 The option `-C strip=val` controls stripping of debuginfo and similar auxiliary
531 data from binaries during linking.
533 Supported values for this option are:
535 - `none` - debuginfo and symbols (if they exist) are copied to the produced
536 binary or separate files depending on the target (e.g. `.pdb` files in case
537 of MSVC).
538 - `debuginfo` - debuginfo sections and debuginfo symbols from the symbol table
539 section are stripped at link time and are not copied to the produced binary
540 or separate files.
541 - `symbols` - same as `debuginfo`, but the rest of the symbol table section is
542 stripped as well if the linker supports it.
544 ## target-cpu
546 This instructs `rustc` to generate code specifically for a particular processor.
548 You can run `rustc --print target-cpus` to see the valid options to pass
549 here. Each target has a default base CPU. Special values include:
551 * `native` can be passed to use the processor of the host machine.
552 * `generic` refers to an LLVM target with minimal features but modern tuning.
554 ## target-feature
556 Individual targets will support different features; this flag lets you control
557 enabling or disabling a feature. Each feature should be prefixed with a `+` to
558 enable it or `-` to disable it.
560 Features from multiple `-C target-feature` options are combined. \
561 Multiple features can be specified in a single option by separating them
562 with commas - `-C target-feature=+x,-y`. \
563 If some feature is specified more than once with both `+` and `-`,
564 then values passed later override values passed earlier. \
565 For example, `-C target-feature=+x,-y,+z -Ctarget-feature=-x,+y`
566 is equivalent to `-C target-feature=-x,+y,+z`.
568 To see the valid options and an example of use, run `rustc --print
569 target-features`.
571 Using this flag is unsafe and might result in [undefined runtime
572 behavior](../targets/known-issues.md).
574 See also the [`target_feature`
575 attribute](../../reference/attributes/codegen.md#the-target_feature-attribute)
576 for controlling features per-function.
578 This also supports the feature `+crt-static` and `-crt-static` to control
579 [static C runtime linkage](../../reference/linkage.html#static-and-dynamic-c-runtimes).
581 Each target and [`target-cpu`](#target-cpu) has a default set of enabled
582 features.
584 ## tune-cpu
586 This instructs `rustc` to schedule code specifically for a particular
587 processor. This does not affect the compatibility (instruction sets or ABI),
588 but should make your code slightly more efficient on the selected CPU.
590 The valid options are the same as those for [`target-cpu`](#target-cpu).
591 The default is `None`, which LLVM translates as the `target-cpu`.
593 This is an unstable option. Use `-Z tune-cpu=machine` to specify a value.
595 Due to limitations in LLVM (12.0.0-git9218f92), this option is currently
596 effective only for x86 targets.
598 [option-emit]: ../command-line-arguments.md#option-emit
599 [option-o-optimize]: ../command-line-arguments.md#option-o-optimize
600 [profile-guided optimization]: ../profile-guided-optimization.md
601 [option-g-debug]: ../command-line-arguments.md#option-g-debug