]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustc-dev-guide/src/appendix/background.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-dev-guide / src / appendix / background.md
1 # Background topics
3 This section covers a numbers of common compiler terms that arise in
4 this guide. We try to give the general definition while providing some
5 Rust-specific context.
7 <a name="cfg"></a>
9 ## What is a control-flow graph?
11 A control-flow graph (CFG) is a common term from compilers. If you've ever
12 used a flow-chart, then the concept of a control-flow graph will be
13 pretty familiar to you. It's a representation of your program that
14 clearly exposes the underlying control flow.
16 A control-flow graph is structured as a set of **basic blocks**
17 connected by edges. The key idea of a basic block is that it is a set
18 of statements that execute "together" – that is, whenever you branch
19 to a basic block, you start at the first statement and then execute
20 all the remainder. Only at the end of the block is there the
21 possibility of branching to more than one place (in MIR, we call that
22 final statement the **terminator**):
24 ```mir
25 bb0: {
26 statement0;
27 statement1;
28 statement2;
29 ...
30 terminator;
31 }
32 ```
34 Many expressions that you are used to in Rust compile down to multiple
35 basic blocks. For example, consider an if statement:
37 ```rust,ignore
38 a = 1;
39 if some_variable {
40 b = 1;
41 } else {
42 c = 1;
43 }
44 d = 1;
45 ```
47 This would compile into four basic blocks in MIR. In textual form, it looks like
48 this:
50 ```mir
51 BB0: {
52 a = 1;
53 if some_variable {
54 goto BB1;
55 } else {
56 goto BB2;
57 }
58 }
60 BB1: {
61 b = 1;
62 goto BB3;
63 }
65 BB2: {
66 c = 1;
67 goto BB3;
68 }
70 BB3: {
71 d = 1;
72 ...
73 }
74 ```
76 In graphical form, it looks like this:
78 ```
79 BB0
80 +--------------------+
81 | a = 1; |
82 +--------------------+
83 / \
84 if some_variable else
85 / \
86 BB1 / \ BB2
87 +-----------+ +-----------+
88 | b = 1; | | c = 1; |
89 +-----------+ +-----------+
90 \ /
91 \ /
92 \ BB3 /
93 +----------+
94 | d = 1; |
95 | ... |
96 +----------+
97 ```
99 When using a control-flow graph, a loop simply appears as a cycle in
100 the graph, and the `break` keyword translates into a path out of that
101 cycle.
103 <a name="dataflow"></a>
105 ## What is a dataflow analysis?
107 [*Static Program Analysis*](https://cs.au.dk/~amoeller/spa/) by Anders Møller
108 and Michael I. Schwartzbach is an incredible resource!
110 _Dataflow analysis_ is a type of static analysis that is common in many
111 compilers. It describes a general technique, rather than a particular analysis.
113 The basic idea is that we can walk over a [control-flow graph (CFG)](#cfg) and
114 keep track of what some value could be. At the end of the walk, we might have
115 shown that some claim is true or not necessarily true (e.g. "this variable must
116 be initialized"). `rustc` tends to do dataflow analyses over the MIR, since MIR
117 is already a CFG.
119 For example, suppose we want to check that `x` is initialized before it is used
120 in this snippet:
122 ```rust,ignore
123 fn foo() {
124 let mut x;
126 if some_cond {
127 x = 1;
128 }
130 dbg!(x);
131 }
132 ```
134 A CFG for this code might look like this:
136 ```txt
137 +------+
138 | Init | (A)
139 +------+
140 | \
141 | if some_cond
142 else \ +-------+
143 | \| x = 1 | (B)
144 | +-------+
145 | /
146 +---------+
147 | dbg!(x) | (C)
148 +---------+
149 ```
151 We can do the dataflow analysis as follows: we will start off with a flag `init`
152 which indicates if we know `x` is initialized. As we walk the CFG, we will
153 update the flag. At the end, we can check its value.
155 So first, in block (A), the variable `x` is declared but not initialized, so
156 `init = false`. In block (B), we initialize the value, so we know that `x` is
157 initialized. So at the end of (B), `init = true`.
159 Block (C) is where things get interesting. Notice that there are two incoming
160 edges, one from (A) and one from (B), corresponding to whether `some_cond` is true or not.
161 But we cannot know that! It could be the case the `some_cond` is always true,
162 so that `x` is actually always initialized. It could also be the case that
163 `some_cond` depends on something random (e.g. the time), so `x` may not be
164 initialized. In general, we cannot know statically (due to [Rice's
165 Theorem][rice]). So what should the value of `init` be in block (C)?
167 [rice]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice%27s_theorem
169 Generally, in dataflow analyses, if a block has multiple parents (like (C) in
170 our example), its dataflow value will be some function of all its parents (and
171 of course, what happens in (C)). Which function we use depends on the analysis
172 we are doing.
174 In this case, we want to be able to prove definitively that `x` must be
175 initialized before use. This forces us to be conservative and assume that
176 `some_cond` might be false sometimes. So our "merging function" is "and". That
177 is, `init = true` in (C) if `init = true` in (A) _and_ in (B) (or if `x` is
178 initialized in (C)). But this is not the case; in particular, `init = false` in
179 (A), and `x` is not initialized in (C). Thus, `init = false` in (C); we can
180 report an error that "`x` may not be initialized before use".
182 There is definitely a lot more that can be said about dataflow analyses. There is an
183 extensive body of research literature on the topic, including a lot of theory.
184 We only discussed a forwards analysis, but backwards dataflow analysis is also
185 useful. For example, rather than starting from block (A) and moving forwards,
186 we might have started with the usage of `x` and moved backwards to try to find
187 its initialization.
189 <a name="quantified"></a>
191 ## What is "universally quantified"? What about "existentially quantified"?
193 In math, a predicate may be _universally quantified_ or _existentially
194 quantified_:
196 - _Universal_ quantification:
197 - the predicate holds if it is true for all possible inputs.
198 - Traditional notation: ∀x: P(x). Read as "for all x, P(x) holds".
199 - _Existential_ quantification:
200 - the predicate holds if there is any input where it is true, i.e., there
201 only has to be a single input.
202 - Traditional notation: ∃x: P(x). Read as "there exists x such that P(x) holds".
204 In Rust, they come up in type checking and trait solving. For example,
206 ```rust,ignore
207 fn foo<T>()
208 ```
209 This function claims that the function is well-typed for all types `T`: `∀ T: well_typed(foo)`.
211 Another example:
213 ```rust,ignore
214 fn foo<'a>(_: &'a usize)
215 ```
216 This function claims that for any lifetime `'a` (determined by the
217 caller), it is well-typed: `∀ 'a: well_typed(foo)`.
219 Another example:
221 ```rust,ignore
222 fn foo<F>()
223 where for<'a> F: Fn(&'a u8)
224 ```
225 This function claims that it is well-typed for all types `F` such that for all
226 lifetimes `'a`, `F: Fn(&'a u8)`: `∀ F: ∀ 'a: (F: Fn(&'a u8)) => well_typed(foo)`.
228 One more example:
230 ```rust,ignore
231 fn foo(_: dyn Debug)
232 ```
233 This function claims that there exists some type `T` that implements `Debug`
234 such that the function is well-typed: `∃ T: (T: Debug) and well_typed(foo)`.
236 <a name="variance"></a>
238 ## What is a de Bruijn Index?
240 [De Bruijn indices][wikideb] are a way of representing, using only integers,
241 which variables are bound in which binders. They were originally invented for
242 use in lambda calculus evaluation (see [this Wikipedia article][wikideb] for
243 more). In `rustc`, we use de Bruijn indices to [represent generic types][sub].
245 [wikideb]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bruijn_index
246 [sub]: ../generics.md
248 Here is a basic example of how de Bruijn indices might be used for closures (we
249 don't actually do this in `rustc` though!):
251 ```rust,ignore
252 |x| {
253 f(x) // de Bruijn index of `x` is 1 because `x` is bound 1 level up
255 |y| {
256 g(x, y) // index of `x` is 2 because it is bound 2 levels up
257 // index of `y` is 1 because it is bound 1 level up
258 }
259 }
260 ```
262 ## What are co- and contra-variance?
264 Check out the subtyping chapter from the
265 [Rust Nomicon](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/subtyping.html).
267 See the [variance](../variance.html) chapter of this guide for more info on how
268 the type checker handles variance.
270 <a name="free-vs-bound"></a>
272 ## What is a "free region" or a "free variable"? What about "bound region"?
274 Let's describe the concepts of free vs bound in terms of program
275 variables, since that's the thing we're most familiar with.
277 - Consider this expression, which creates a closure: `|a, b| a + b`.
278 Here, the `a` and `b` in `a + b` refer to the arguments that the closure will
279 be given when it is called. We say that the `a` and `b` there are **bound** to
280 the closure, and that the closure signature `|a, b|` is a **binder** for the
281 names `a` and `b` (because any references to `a` or `b` within refer to the
282 variables that it introduces).
283 - Consider this expression: `a + b`. In this expression, `a` and `b` refer to
284 local variables that are defined *outside* of the expression. We say that
285 those variables **appear free** in the expression (i.e., they are **free**,
286 not **bound** (tied up)).
288 So there you have it: a variable "appears free" in some
289 expression/statement/whatever if it refers to something defined
290 outside of that expressions/statement/whatever. Equivalently, we can
291 then refer to the "free variables" of an expression – which is just
292 the set of variables that "appear free".
294 So what does this have to do with regions? Well, we can apply the
295 analogous concept to type and regions. For example, in the type `&'a
296 u32`, `'a` appears free. But in the type `for<'a> fn(&'a u32)`, it
297 does not.
299 # Further Reading About Compilers
301 > Thanks to `mem`, `scottmcm`, and `Levi` on the official Discord for the
302 > recommendations, and to `tinaun` for posting a link to a [twitter thread from
303 > Graydon Hoare](https://twitter.com/graydon_pub/status/1039615569132118016)
304 > which had some more recommendations!
305 >
306 > Other sources: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/ListOfCompilerBooks
307 >
308 > If you have other suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or PR.
310 ## Books
311 - [Types and Programming Languages](https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/tapl/)
312 - [Programming Language Pragmatics](https://www.cs.rochester.edu/~scott/pragmatics/)
313 - [Practical Foundations for Programming Languages](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/pfpl/2nded.pdf)
314 - [Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2nd Edition](https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Aho-Compilers-Principles-Techniques-and-Tools-2nd-Edition/PGM167067.html)
315 - [Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management](https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/rej/gcbook/)
316 - [Linkers and Loaders](https://www.amazon.com/Linkers-Kaufmann-Software-Engineering-Programming/dp/1558604960) (There are also free versions of this, but the version we had linked seems to be offline at the moment.)
317 - [Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/887908.Advanced_Compiler_Design_and_Implementation)
318 - [Building an Optimizing Compiler](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2063103.Building_an_Optimizing_Compiler)
319 - [Crafting Interpreters](http://www.craftinginterpreters.com/)
321 ## Courses
322 - [University of Oregon Programming Languages Summer School archive](https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/archives.html)
324 ## Wikis
325 - [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programming_languages_by_type)
326 - [Esoteric Programming Languages](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page)
327 - [Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy](https://plato.stanford.edu/index.html)
328 - [nLab](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/HomePage)
330 ## Misc Papers and Blog Posts
331 - [Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
332 - [Polymorphism, Subtyping, and Type Inference in MLsub](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3093333.3009882)