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1 # Using Git
3 <!-- toc -->
5 The Rust project uses [Git] to manage its source code. In order to
6 contribute, you'll need some familiarity with its features so that your changes
7 can be incorporated into the compiler.
9 [Git]: https://git-scm.com
11 The goal of this page is to cover some of the more common questions and
12 problems new contributors face. Although some Git basics will be covered here,
13 if you find that this is still a little too fast for you, it might make sense
14 to first read some introductions to Git, such as the Beginner and Getting
15 started sections of [this tutorial from Atlassian][atlassian-git]. GitHub also
16 provides [documentation] and [guides] for beginners, or you can consult the
17 more in depth [book from Git].
19 [book from Git]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/
20 [atlassian-git]: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/what-is-version-control
21 [documentation]: https://docs.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github/set-up-git
22 [guides]: https://guides.github.com/introduction/git-handbook/
24 ## Prerequisites
26 We'll assume that you've installed Git, forked [rust-lang/rust], and cloned the
27 forked repo to your PC. We'll use the command line interface to interact
28 with Git; there are also a number of GUIs and IDE integrations that can
29 generally do the same things.
31 [rust-lang/rust]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust
33 If you've cloned your fork, then you will be able to reference it with `origin`
34 in your local repo. It may be helpful to also set up a remote for the official
35 rust-lang/rust repo via
37 ```sh
38 git remote add upstream https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.git
39 ```
41 if you're using HTTPS, or
43 ```sh
44 git remote add upstream git@github.com:rust-lang/rust.git
45 ```
47 if you're using SSH.
49 **NOTE:** This page is dedicated to workflows for `rust-lang/rust`, but will likely be
50 useful when contributing to other repositories in the Rust project.
53 ## Standard Process
55 Below is the normal procedure that you're likely to use for most minor changes
56 and PRs:
58 1. Ensure that you're making your changes on top of master:
59 `git checkout master`.
60 2. Get the latest changes from the Rust repo: `git pull upstream master --ff-only`.
61 (see [No-Merge Policy](#keeping-things-up-to-date) for more info about this).
62 3. Make a new branch for your change: `git checkout -b issue-12345-fix`.
63 4. Make some changes to the repo and test them.
64 5. Stage your changes via `git add src/changed/file.rs src/another/change.rs`
65 and then commit them with `git commit`. Of course, making intermediate commits
66 may be a good idea as well. Avoid `git add .`, as it makes it too easy to
67 unintentionally commit changes that should not be committed, such as submodule
68 updates. You can use `git status` to check if there are any files you forgot
69 to stage.
70 6. Push your changes to your fork: `git push --set-upstream origin issue-12345-fix`
71 (After adding commits, you can use `git push` and after rebasing or
72 pulling-and-rebasing, you can use `git push --force-with-lease`).
73 7. [Open a PR][ghpullrequest] from your fork to `rust-lang/rust`'s master branch.
75 [ghpullrequest]: https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/#making-a-pull-request
77 If you end up needing to rebase and are hitting conflicts, see [Rebasing](#rebasing).
78 If you want to track upstream while working on long-running feature/issue, see
79 [Keeping things up to date](#keeping-things-up-to-date).
81 If your reviewer requests changes, the procedure for those changes looks much
82 the same, with some steps skipped:
84 1. Ensure that you're making changes to the most recent version of your code:
85 `git checkout issue-12345-fix`.
86 2. Make, stage, and commit your additional changes just like before.
87 3. Push those changes to your fork: `git push`.
89 ## Troubleshooting git issues
91 You don't need to clone `rust-lang/rust` from scratch if it's out of date!
92 Even if you think you've messed it up beyond repair, there are ways to fix
93 the git state that don't require downloading the whole repository again.
94 Here are some common issues you might run into:
96 ### I deleted my fork on GitHub!
98 This is not a problem from git's perspective. If you run `git remote -v`,
99 it will say something like this:
101 ```
102 $ git remote -v
103 origin https://github.com//rust-lang/rust (fetch)
104 origin https://github.com//rust-lang/rust (push)
105 personal https://github.com/jyn514/rust (fetch)
106 personal https://github.com/jyn514/rust (push)
107 ```
109 If you renamed your fork, you can change the URL like this:
111 ```console
112 git remote set-url personal <URL>
113 ```
115 where the `<URL>` is your new fork.
117 ### I see 'Untracked Files: src/stdarch'?
119 This is left over from the move to the `library/` directory.
120 Unfortunately, `git rebase` does not follow renames for submodules, so you
121 have to delete the directory yourself:
123 ```console
124 rm -r src/stdarch
125 ```
127 ### I see `<<< HEAD`?
129 You were probably in the middle of a rebase or merge conflict. See
130 [Conflicts](#conflicts) for how to fix the conflict. If you don't care about the changes
131 and just want to get a clean copy of the repository back, you can use `git reset`:
133 ```console
134 # WARNING: this throws out any local changes you've made! Consider resolving the conflicts instead.
135 git reset --hard master
136 ```
138 ### Quick note about submodules
140 When updating your local repository with `git pull`, you may notice that sometimes
141 Git says you have modified some files that you have never edited. For example,
142 running `git status` gives you something like (note the `new commits` mention):
144 ```
145 On branch master
146 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
148 Changes not staged for commit:
149 (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
150 (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
151 modified: src/tools/cargo (new commits)
152 modified: src/tools/rls (new commits)
154 no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
155 ```
157 These changes are not changes to files: they are changes to submodules (more on
158 this [later](#git-submodules)). To get rid of those, run `git submodule update`
159 (or run any `x.py` command, which will automatically update the submodules).
160 Note that there is (as of <!-- date: 2021-07 --> July 2021) a [bug][#77620] if you use
161 worktrees, submodules, and x.py in a commit hook. If you run into an error
162 like:
164 ```
165 error: failed to read `/home/joshua/rustc-worktree/src/tools/miri/cargo-miri/Cargo.toml`
167 Caused by:
168 No such file or directory (os error 2)
169 ```
170 it's not anything you did wrong. There is a workaround in [the issue][#77620-workaround].
172 [#77620]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/77620
173 [#77620-workaround]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/77620#issuecomment-705228229
175 ## Rebasing and Conflicts
177 When you edit your code locally, you are making changes to the version of
178 rust-lang/rust that existed when you created your feature branch. As such, when
179 you submit your PR it is possible that some of the changes that have been made
180 to rust-lang/rust since then are in conflict with the changes you've made.
182 When this happens, you need to resolve the conflicts before your changes can be
183 merged. First, get a local copy of the conflicting changes: Checkout your local
184 master branch with `git checkout master`, then `git pull upstream master` to
185 update it with the most recent changes.
187 ### Rebasing
189 You're now ready to start the rebasing process. Checkout the branch with your
190 changes and execute `git rebase master`.
192 When you rebase a branch on master, all the changes on your branch are
193 reapplied to the most recent version of master. In other words, Git tries to
194 pretend that the changes you made to the old version of master were instead
195 made to the new version of master. During this process, you should expect to
196 encounter at least one "rebase conflict." This happens when Git's attempt to
197 reapply the changes fails because your changes conflicted with other changes
198 that have been made. You can tell that this happened because you'll see
199 lines in the output that look like
201 ```
202 CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file.rs
203 ```
205 When you open these files, you'll see sections of the form
207 ```
208 <<<<<<< HEAD
209 Original code
210 =======
211 Your code
212 >>>>>>> 8fbf656... Commit fixes 12345
213 ```
215 This represents the lines in the file that Git could not figure out how to
216 rebase. The section between `<<<<<<< HEAD` and `=======` has the code from
217 master, while the other side has your version of the code. You'll need to
218 decide how to deal with the conflict. You may want to keep your changes,
219 keep the changes on master, or combine the two.
221 Generally, resolving the conflict consists of two steps: First, fix the
222 particular conflict. Edit the file to make the changes you want and remove the
223 `<<<<<<<`, `=======` and `>>>>>>>` lines in the process. Second, check the
224 surrounding code. If there was a conflict, its likely there are some logical
225 errors lying around too! It's a good idea to run `x.py check` here to make sure
226 there are no glaring errors.
228 Once you're all done fixing the conflicts, you need to stage the files that had
229 conflicts in them via `git add`. Afterwards, run `git rebase --continue` to let
230 Git know that you've resolved the conflicts and it should finish the rebase.
232 Once the rebase has succeeded, you'll want to update the associated branch on
233 your fork with `git push --force-with-lease`.
235 Note that `git push` will not work properly and say something like this:
237 ```
238 ! [rejected] issue-xxxxx -> issue-xxxxx (non-fast-forward)
239 error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/username/rust.git'
240 hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
241 hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
242 hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
243 hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
244 ```
246 The advice this gives is incorrect! Because of Rust's
247 ["no-merge" policy](#no-merge-policy) the merge commit created by `git pull`
248 will not be allowed in the final PR, in addition to defeating the point of the
249 rebase! Use `git push --force-with-lease` instead.
251 ### Keeping things up to date
253 The above section on [Rebasing](#rebasing) is a specific
254 guide on rebasing work and dealing with merge conflicts.
255 Here is some general advice about how to keep your local repo
256 up-to-date with upstream changes:
258 Using `git pull upstream master` while on your local master branch regularly
259 will keep it up-to-date. You will also want to rebase your feature branches
260 up-to-date as well. After pulling, you can checkout the feature branches
261 and rebase them:
263 ```
264 git checkout master
265 git pull upstream master --ff-only # to make certain there are no merge commits
266 git checkout feature_branch
267 git rebase master
268 git push --force-with-lease (set origin to be the same as local)
269 ```
271 To avoid merges as per the [No-Merge Policy](#no-merge-policy), you may want to use
272 `git config pull.ff only` (this will apply the config only to the local repo)
273 to ensure that Git doesn't create merge commits when `git pull`ing, without
274 needing to pass `--ff-only` or `--rebase` every time.
276 You can also `git push --force-with-lease` from master to keep your origin's master in sync with
277 upstream.
279 ## Advanced Rebasing
281 If your branch contains multiple consecutive rewrites of the same code, or if
282 the rebase conflicts are extremely severe, you can use
283 `git rebase --interactive master` to gain more control over the process. This
284 allows you to choose to skip commits, edit the commits that you do not skip,
285 change the order in which they are applied, or "squash" them into each other.
287 Alternatively, you can sacrifice the commit history like this:
289 ```
290 # squash all the changes into one commit so you only have to worry about conflicts once
291 git rebase -i $(git merge-base master HEAD) # and squash all changes along the way
292 git rebase master
293 # fix all merge conflicts
294 git rebase --continue
295 ```
297 "Squashing" commits into each other causes them to be merged into a single
298 commit. Both the upside and downside of this is that it simplifies the history.
299 On the one hand, you lose track of the steps in which changes were made, but
300 the history becomes easier to work with.
302 You also may want to squash just the last few commits together, possibly
303 because they only represent "fixups" and not real changes. For example,
304 `git rebase --interactive HEAD~2` will allow you to edit the two commits only.
306 ### `git range-diff`
308 After completing a rebase, and before pushing up your changes, you may want to
309 review the changes between your old branch and your new one. You can do that
310 with `git range-diff master @{upstream} HEAD`.
312 The first argument to `range-diff`, `master` in this case, is the base revision
313 that you're comparing your old and new branch against. The second argument is
314 the old version of your branch; in this case, `@upstream` means the version that
315 you've pushed to GitHub, which is the same as what people will see in your pull
316 request. Finally, the third argument to `range-diff` is the *new* version of
317 your branch; in this case, it is `HEAD`, which is the commit that is currently
318 checked-out in your local repo.
320 Note that you can also use the equivalent, abbreviated form `git range-diff
321 master @{u} HEAD`.
323 Unlike in regular Git diffs, you'll see a `-` or `+` next to another `-` or `+`
324 in the range-diff output. The marker on the left indicates a change between the
325 old branch and the new branch, and the marker on the right indicates a change
326 you've committed. So, you can think of a range-diff as a "diff of diffs" since
327 it shows you the differences between your old diff and your new diff.
329 Here's an example of `git range-diff` output (taken from [Git's
330 docs][range-diff-example-docs]):
332 ```
333 -: ------- > 1: 0ddba11 Prepare for the inevitable!
334 1: c0debee = 2: cab005e Add a helpful message at the start
335 2: f00dbal ! 3: decafe1 Describe a bug
336 @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
337 Author: A U Thor <author@example.com>
339 -TODO: Describe a bug
340 +Describe a bug
341 @@ -324,5 +324,6
342 This is expected.
344 -+What is unexpected is that it will also crash.
345 ++Unexpectedly, it also crashes. This is a bug, and the jury is
346 ++still out there how to fix it best. See ticket #314 for details.
348 Contact
349 3: bedead < -: ------- TO-UNDO
350 ```
352 (Note that `git range-diff` output in your terminal will probably be easier to
353 read than in this example because it will have colors.)
355 Another feature of `git range-diff` is that, unlike `git diff`, it will also
356 diff commit messages. This feature can be useful when amending several commit
357 messages so you can make sure you changed the right parts.
359 `git range-diff` is a very useful command, but note that it can take some time
360 to get used to its output format. You may also find Git's documentation on the
361 command useful, especially their ["Examples" section][range-diff-example-docs].
363 [range-diff-example-docs]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-range-diff#_examples
365 ## No-Merge Policy
367 The rust-lang/rust repo uses what is known as a "rebase workflow." This means
368 that merge commits in PRs are not accepted. As a result, if you are running
369 `git merge` locally, chances are good that you should be rebasing instead. Of
370 course, this is not always true; if your merge will just be a fast-forward,
371 like the merges that `git pull` usually performs, then no merge commit is
372 created and you have nothing to worry about. Running `git config merge.ff only`
373 (this will apply the config to the local repo).
374 once will ensure that all the merges you perform are of this type, so that you
375 cannot make a mistake.
377 There are a number of reasons for this decision and like all others, it is a
378 tradeoff. The main advantage is the generally linear commit history. This
379 greatly simplifies bisecting and makes the history and commit log much easier
380 to follow and understand.
382 ## Git submodules
384 **NOTE**: submodules are a nice thing to know about, but it *isn't* an absolute
385 prerequisite to contribute to `rustc`. If you are using Git for the first time,
386 you might want to get used to the main concepts of Git before reading this section.
388 The `rust-lang/rust` repository uses [Git submodules] as a way to use other
389 Rust projects from within the `rust` repo. Examples include Rust's fork of
390 `llvm-project` and many devtools such as `cargo`, `rust-analyzer` and `rls`.
392 Those projects are developed and maintained in an separate Git (and GitHub)
393 repository, and they have their own Git history/commits, issue tracker and PRs.
394 Submodules allow us to create some sort of embedded sub-repository inside the
395 `rust` repository and use them like they were directories in the `rust` repository.
397 Take `miri` for example. `miri` is maintained in the [`rust-lang/miri`] repository,
398 but it is used in `rust-lang/rust` by the compiler for const evaluation. We bring it
399 in `rust` as a submodule, in the `src/tools/miri` folder.
401 The contents of submodules are ignored by Git: submodules are in some sense isolated
402 from the rest of the repository. However, if you try to `cd src/tools/miri` and then
403 run `git status`:
405 ```
406 HEAD detached at 3fafb835
407 nothing to commit, working tree clean
408 ```
410 As far as git is concerned, you are no longer in the `rust` repo, but in the `miri` repo.
411 You will notice that we are in "detatched HEAD" state, i.e. not on a branch but on a
412 particular commit.
414 This is because, like any dependency, we want to be able to control which version to use.
415 Submodules allow us to do just that: every submodule is "pinned" to a certain
416 commit, which doesn't change unless modified manually. If you use `git checkout <commit>`
417 in the `miri` directory and go back to the `rust` directory, you can stage this
418 change like any other. This is usually done by the maintainers of the
419 project, and looks like [this][miri-update].
421 Git submodules take some time to get used to, so don't worry if it isn't perfectly
422 clear yet. You will rarely have to use them directly and, again, you don't need
423 to know everything about submodules to contribute to Rust. Just know that they
424 exist and that they correspond to some sort of embedded subrepository dependency
425 that Git can nicely and fairly conveniently handle for us.
427 [Git submodules]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
428 [`rust-toolstate`]: https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-toolstate/
429 [`rust-lang/miri`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/miri
430 [miri-update]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/77500/files