]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustc-dev-guide/src/rustdoc.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-dev-guide / src / rustdoc.md
1 # Rustdoc overview
3 `rustdoc` uses `rustc` internals (and, of course, the standard library), so you
4 will have to build the compiler and `std` once before you can build `rustdoc`.
6 `rustdoc` lives in-tree with the
7 compiler and standard library. This chapter is about how it works.
8 For information about Rustdoc's features and how to use them, see
9 the [Rustdoc book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rustdoc/).
10 For more details about how rustdoc works, see the
11 ["Rustdoc internals" chapter][Rustdoc internals].
13 [Rustdoc internals]: ./rustdoc-internals.md
15 Rustdoc is implemented entirely within the crate [`librustdoc`][rd]. It runs
16 the compiler up to the point where we have an internal representation of a
17 crate (HIR) and the ability to run some queries about the types of items. [HIR]
18 and [queries] are discussed in the linked chapters.
20 [HIR]: ./hir.md
21 [queries]: ./query.md
22 [rd]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/librustdoc
24 `librustdoc` performs two major steps after that to render a set of
25 documentation:
27 * "Clean" the AST into a form that's more suited to creating documentation (and
28 slightly more resistant to churn in the compiler).
29 * Use this cleaned AST to render a crate's documentation, one page at a time.
31 Naturally, there's more than just this, and those descriptions simplify out
32 lots of details, but that's the high-level overview.
34 (Side note: `librustdoc` is a library crate! The `rustdoc` binary is created
35 using the project in [`src/tools/rustdoc`][bin]. Note that literally all that
36 does is call the `main()` that's in this crate's `lib.rs`, though.)
38 [bin]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/rustdoc
40 ## Cheat sheet
42 * Run `./x.py setup tools` before getting started. This will configure `x.py`
43 with nice settings for developing rustdoc and other tools, including
44 downloading a copy of rustc rather than building it.
45 * Use `./x.py check src/tools/rustdoc` to quickly check for compile errors.
46 * Use `./x.py build` to make a usable
47 rustdoc you can run on other projects.
48 * Add `library/test` to be able to use `rustdoc --test`.
49 * Run `rustup toolchain link stage2 build/$TARGET/stage2` to add a
50 custom toolchain called `stage2` to your rustup environment. After
51 running that, `cargo +stage2 doc` in any directory will build with
52 your locally-compiled rustdoc.
53 * Use `./x.py doc library` to use this rustdoc to generate the
54 standard library docs.
55 * The completed docs will be available in `build/$TARGET/doc` (under `core`, `alloc`, and `std`).
56 * If you want to copy those docs to a webserver, copy all of
57 `build/$TARGET/doc`, since that's where the CSS, JS, fonts, and landing
58 page are.
59 * Use `./x.py test src/test/rustdoc*` to run the tests using a stage1
60 rustdoc.
61 * See [Rustdoc internals] for more information about tests.
63 ## Code structure
65 * All paths in this section are relative to `src/librustdoc` in the rust-lang/rust repository.
66 * Most of the HTML printing code is in `html/format.rs` and `html/render/mod.rs`.
67 It's in a bunch of `fmt::Display` implementations and supplementary
68 functions.
69 * The types that got `Display` impls above are defined in `clean/mod.rs`, right
70 next to the custom `Clean` trait used to process them out of the rustc HIR.
71 * The bits specific to using rustdoc as a test harness are in
72 `doctest.rs`.
73 * The Markdown renderer is loaded up in `html/markdown.rs`, including functions
74 for extracting doctests from a given block of Markdown.
75 * The tests on the structure of rustdoc HTML output are located in `src/test/rustdoc`, where
76 they're handled by the test runner of rustbuild and the supplementary script
77 `src/etc/htmldocck.py`.
79 ## Tests
81 * All paths in this section are relative to `src/test` in the rust-lang/rust repository.
82 * Tests on search index generation are located in `rustdoc-js`, as a
83 series of JavaScript files that encode queries on the standard library search
84 index and expected results.
85 * Tests on the "UI" of rustdoc (the terminal output it produces when run) are in
86 `rustdoc-ui`
87 * Tests on the "GUI" of rustdoc (the HTML, JS, and CSS as rendered in a browser)
88 are in `rustdoc-gui`. These use a [NodeJS tool called
89 browser-UI-test](https://github.com/GuillaumeGomez/browser-UI-test/) that uses
90 puppeteer to run tests in a headless browser and check rendering and
91 interactivity.
93 ## Constraints
95 We try to make rustdoc work reasonably well with JavaScript disabled, and when
96 browsing local files. We support
97 [these browsers](https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/1985-tiered-browser-support.html#supported-browsers).
99 Supporting local files (`file:///` URLs) brings some surprising restrictions.
100 Certain browser features that require secure origins, like `localStorage` and
101 Service Workers, don't work reliably. We can still use such features but we
102 should make sure pages are still usable without them.
104 ## Multiple runs, same output directory
106 Rustdoc can be run multiple times for varying inputs, with its output set to the
107 same directory. That's how cargo produces documentation for dependencies of the
108 current crate. It can also be done manually if a user wants a big
109 documentation bundle with all of the docs they care about.
111 HTML is generated independently for each crate, but there is some cross-crate
112 information that we update as we add crates to the output directory:
114 - `crates<SUFFIX>.js` holds a list of all crates in the output directory.
115 - `search-index<SUFFIX>.js` holds a list of all searchable items.
116 - For each trait, there is a file under `implementors/.../trait.TraitName.js`
117 containing a list of implementors of that trait. The implementors may be in
118 different crates than the trait, and the JS file is updated as we discover
119 new ones.
121 ## Use cases
123 There are a few major use cases for rustdoc that you should keep in mind when
124 working on it:
126 ### Standard library docs
128 These are published at <https://doc.rust-lang.org/std> as part of the Rust release
129 process. Stable releases are also uploaded to specific versioned URLs like
130 <https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.57.0/std/>. Beta and nightly docs are published to
131 <https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/std/> and <https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/>.
132 The docs are uploaded with the [promote-release
133 tool](https://github.com/rust-lang/promote-release) and served from S3 with
134 CloudFront.
136 The standard library docs contain five crates: alloc, core, proc_macro, std, and
137 test.
139 ### docs.rs
141 When crates are published to crates.io, docs.rs automatically builds
142 and publishes their documentation, for instance at
143 <https://docs.rs/serde/latest/serde/>. It always builds with the current nightly
144 rustdoc, so any changes you land in rustdoc are "insta-stable" in that they will
145 have an immediate public effect on docs.rs. Old documentation is not rebuilt, so
146 you will see some variation in UI when browsing old releases in docs.rs. Crate
147 authors can request rebuilds, which will be run with the latest rustdoc.
149 Docs.rs performs some transformations on rustdoc's output in order to save
150 storage and display a navigation bar at the top. In particular, certain static
151 files (like main.js and rustdoc.css may be shared across multiple invocations
152 of the same version of rustdoc. Others, like crates.js and sidebar-items.js, are
153 different for different invocations. Still others, like fonts, will never
154 change. These categories are distinguished using the `SharedResource` enum in
155 `src/librustdoc/html/render/write_shared.rs`
157 Documentation on docs.rs is always generated for a single crate at a time, so
158 the search and sidebar functionality don't include dependencies of the current
159 crate.
161 ### Locally generated docs
163 Crate authors can run `cargo doc --open` in crates they have checked
164 out locally to see the docs. This is useful to check that the docs they
165 are writing are useful and display correctly. It can also be useful for
166 people to view documentation on crates they aren't authors of, but want to
167 use. In both cases, people may use `--document-private-items` Cargo flag to
168 see private methods, fields, and so on, which are normally not displayed.
170 By default `cargo doc` will generate documentation for a crate and all of its
171 dependencies. That can result in a very large documentation bundle, with a large
172 (and slow) search corpus. The Cargo flag `--no-deps` inhibits that behavior and
173 generates docs for just the crate.
175 ### Self-hosted project docs
177 Some projects like to host their own documentation. For example:
178 <https://docs.serde.rs/>. This is easy to do by locally generating docs, and
179 simply copying them to a web server. Rustdoc's HTML output can be extensively
180 customized by flags. Users can add a theme, set the default theme, and inject
181 arbitrary HTML. See `rustdoc --help` for details.