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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-dev-guide / src / traits / associated-types.md
1 # Equality and associated types
3 This section covers how the trait system handles equality between
4 associated types. The full system consists of several moving parts,
5 which we will introduce one by one:
7 - Projection and the `Normalize` predicate
8 - Placeholder associated type projections
9 - The `ProjectionEq` predicate
10 - Integration with unification
12 ## Associated type projection and normalization
14 When a trait defines an associated type (e.g.,
15 [the `Item` type in the `IntoIterator` trait][intoiter-item]), that
16 type can be referenced by the user using an **associated type
17 projection** like `<Option<u32> as IntoIterator>::Item`.
19 > Often, people will use the shorthand syntax `T::Item`. Presently, that
20 > syntax is expanded during ["type collection"](../type-checking.html) into the
21 > explicit form, though that is something we may want to change in the future.
23 [intoiter-item]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/core/iter/trait.IntoIterator.html#associatedtype.Item
25 <a name="normalize"></a>
27 In some cases, associated type projections can be **normalized** –
28 that is, simplified – based on the types given in an impl. So, to
29 continue with our example, the impl of `IntoIterator` for `Option<T>`
30 declares (among other things) that `Item = T`:
32 ```rust,ignore
33 impl<T> IntoIterator for Option<T> {
34 type Item = T;
35 ...
36 }
37 ```
39 This means we can normalize the projection `<Option<u32> as
40 IntoIterator>::Item` to just `u32`.
42 In this case, the projection was a "monomorphic" one – that is, it
43 did not have any type parameters. Monomorphic projections are special
44 because they can **always** be fully normalized.
46 Often, we can normalize other associated type projections as well. For
47 example, `<Option<?T> as IntoIterator>::Item`, where `?T` is an inference
48 variable, can be normalized to just `?T`.
50 In our logic, normalization is defined by a predicate
51 `Normalize`. The `Normalize` clauses arise only from
52 impls. For example, the `impl` of `IntoIterator` for `Option<T>` that
53 we saw above would be lowered to a program clause like so:
55 ```text
56 forall<T> {
57 Normalize(<Option<T> as IntoIterator>::Item -> T) :-
58 Implemented(Option<T>: IntoIterator)
59 }
60 ```
62 where in this case, the one `Implemented` condition is always true.
64 > Since we do not permit quantification over traits, this is really more like
65 > a family of program clauses, one for each associated type.
67 We could apply that rule to normalize either of the examples that
68 we've seen so far.
70 ## Placeholder associated types
72 Sometimes however we want to work with associated types that cannot be
73 normalized. For example, consider this function:
75 ```rust,ignore
76 fn foo<T: IntoIterator>(...) { ... }
77 ```
79 In this context, how would we normalize the type `T::Item`?
81 Without knowing what `T` is, we can't really do so. To represent this case,
82 we introduce a type called a **placeholder associated type projection**. This
83 is written like so: `(IntoIterator::Item)<T>`.
85 You may note that it looks a lot like a regular type (e.g., `Option<T>`),
86 except that the "name" of the type is `(IntoIterator::Item)`. This is not an
87 accident: placeholder associated type projections work just like ordinary
88 types like `Vec<T>` when it comes to unification. That is, they are only
89 considered equal if (a) they are both references to the same associated type,
90 like `IntoIterator::Item` and (b) their type arguments are equal.
92 Placeholder associated types are never written directly by the user.
93 They are used internally by the trait system only, as we will see
94 shortly.
96 In rustc, they correspond to the `TyKind::UnnormalizedProjectionTy` enum
97 variant, declared in [`librustc/ty/sty.rs`][sty]. In chalk, we use an
98 `ApplicationTy` with a name living in a special namespace dedicated to
99 placeholder associated types (see the `TypeName` enum declared in
100 [`chalk-ir/src/lib.rs`][chalk_type_name]).
102 [sty]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/librustc/ty/sty.rs
103 [chalk_type_name]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/chalk/blob/master/chalk-ir/src/lib.rs
105 ## Projection equality
107 So far we have seen two ways to answer the question of "When can we
108 consider an associated type projection equal to another type?":
110 - the `Normalize` predicate could be used to transform projections when we
111 knew which impl applied;
112 - **placeholder** associated types can be used when we don't. This is also
113 known as **lazy normalization**.
115 We now introduce the `ProjectionEq` predicate to bring those two cases
116 together. The `ProjectionEq` predicate looks like so:
118 ```text
119 ProjectionEq(<T as IntoIterator>::Item = U)
120 ```
122 and we will see that it can be proven *either* via normalization or
123 via the placeholder type. As part of lowering an associated type declaration from
124 some trait, we create two program clauses for `ProjectionEq`:
126 ```text
127 forall<T, U> {
128 ProjectionEq(<T as IntoIterator>::Item = U) :-
129 Normalize(<T as IntoIterator>::Item -> U)
130 }
132 forall<T> {
133 ProjectionEq(<T as IntoIterator>::Item = (IntoIterator::Item)<T>)
134 }
135 ```
137 These are the only two `ProjectionEq` program clauses we ever make for
138 any given associated item.
140 ## Integration with unification
142 Now we are ready to discuss how associated type equality integrates
143 with unification. As described in the
144 [type inference](../type-inference.html) section, unification is
145 basically a procedure with a signature like this:
147 ```text
148 Unify(A, B) = Result<(Subgoals, RegionConstraints), NoSolution>
149 ```
151 In other words, we try to unify two things A and B. That procedure
152 might just fail, in which case we get back `Err(NoSolution)`. This
153 would happen, for example, if we tried to unify `u32` and `i32`.
155 The key point is that, on success, unification can also give back to
156 us a set of subgoals that still remain to be proven. (It can also give
157 back region constraints, but those are not relevant here).
159 Whenever unification encounters a non-placeholder associated type
160 projection P being equated with some other type T, it always succeeds,
161 but it produces a subgoal `ProjectionEq(P = T)` that is propagated
162 back up. Thus it falls to the ordinary workings of the trait system
163 to process that constraint.
165 > If we unify two projections P1 and P2, then unification produces a
166 > variable X and asks us to prove that `ProjectionEq(P1 = X)` and
167 > `ProjectionEq(P2 = X)`. (That used to be needed in an older system to
168 > prevent cycles; I rather doubt it still is. -nmatsakis)