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1 # The `ty` module: representing types
3 The `ty` module defines how the Rust compiler represents types internally. It also defines the
4 *typing context* (`tcx` or `TyCtxt`), which is the central data structure in the compiler.
6 ## `ty::Ty`
8 When we talk about how rustc represents types, we usually refer to a type called `Ty` . There are
9 quite a few modules and types for `Ty` in the compiler ([Ty documentation][ty]).
11 [ty]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/index.html
13 The specific `Ty` we are referring to is [`rustc::ty::Ty`][ty_ty] (and not
14 [`rustc_hir::Ty`][hir_ty]). The distinction is important, so we will discuss it first before going
15 into the details of `ty::Ty`.
17 [ty_ty]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/type.Ty.html
18 [hir_ty]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_hir/struct.Ty.html
20 ## `rustc_hir::Ty` vs `ty::Ty`
22 The HIR in rustc can be thought of as the high-level intermediate representation. It is more or less
23 the AST (see [this chapter](hir.md)) as it represents the
24 syntax that the user wrote, and is obtained after parsing and some *desugaring*. It has a
25 representation of types, but in reality it reflects more of what the user wrote, that is, what they
26 wrote so as to represent that type.
28 In contrast, `ty::Ty` represents the semantics of a type, that is, the *meaning* of what the user
29 wrote. For example, `rustc_hir::Ty` would record the fact that a user used the name `u32` twice
30 in their program, but the `ty::Ty` would record the fact that both usages refer to the same type.
32 **Example: `fn foo(x: u32) → u32 { }`** In this function we see that `u32` appears twice. We know
33 that that is the same type, i.e. the function takes an argument and returns an argument of the same
34 type, but from the point of view of the HIR there would be two distinct type instances because these
35 are occurring in two different places in the program. That is, they have two
36 different [`Span`s][span] (locations).
38 [span]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_span/struct.Span.html
40 **Example: `fn foo(x: &u32) -> &u32)`** In addition, HIR might have information left out. This type
41 `&u32` is incomplete, since in the full rust type there is actually a lifetime, but we didn’t need
42 to write those lifetimes. There are also some elision rules that insert information. The result may
43 look like `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'a u32)`.
45 In the HIR level, these things are not spelled out and you can say the picture is rather incomplete.
46 However, at the `ty::Ty` level, these details are added and it is complete. Moreover, we will have
47 exactly one `ty::Ty` for a given type, like `u32`, and that `ty::Ty` is used for all `u32`s in the
48 whole program, not a specific usage, unlike `rustc_hir::Ty`.
50 Here is a summary:
52 | [`rustc_hir::Ty`][hir_ty] | [`ty::Ty`][ty_ty] |
53 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
54 | Describe the *syntax* of a type: what the user wrote (with some desugaring). | Describe the *semantics* of a type: the meaning of what the user wrote. |
55 | Each `rustc_hir::Ty` has its own spans corresponding to the appropriate place in the program. | Doesn’t correspond to a single place in the user’s program. |
56 | `rustc_hir::Ty` has generics and lifetimes; however, some of those lifetimes are special markers like [`LifetimeName::Implicit`][implicit]. | `ty::Ty` has the full type, including generics and lifetimes, even if the user left them out |
57 | `fn foo(x: u32) → u32 { }` - Two `rustc_hir::Ty` representing each usage of `u32`. Each has its own `Span`s, etc.- `rustc_hir::Ty` doesn’t tell us that both are the same type | `fn foo(x: u32) → u32 { }` - One `ty::Ty` for all instances of `u32` throughout the program.- `ty::Ty` tells us that both usages of `u32` mean the same type. |
58 | `fn foo(x: &u32) -> &u32)`- Two `rustc_hir::Ty` again.- Lifetimes for the references show up in the `rustc_hir::Ty`s using a special marker, [`LifetimeName::Implicit`][implicit]. | `fn foo(x: &u32) -> &u32)`- A single `ty::Ty`.- The `ty::Ty` has the hidden lifetime param |
60 [implicit]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_hir/enum.LifetimeName.html#variant.Implicit
62 **Order** HIR is built directly from the AST, so it happens before any `ty::Ty` is produced. After
63 HIR is built, some basic type inference and type checking is done. During the type inference, we
64 figure out what the `ty::Ty` of everything is and we also check if the type of something is
65 ambiguous. The `ty::Ty` then, is used for type checking while making sure everything has the
66 expected type. The [`astconv` module][astconv], is where the code responsible for converting a
67 `rustc_hir::Ty` into a `ty::Ty` is located. This occurs during the type-checking phase,
68 but also in other parts of the compiler that want to ask questions like "what argument types does
69 this function expect"?.
71 [astconv]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_typeck/astconv/index.html
73 **How semantics drive the two instances of `Ty`** You can think of HIR as the perspective
74 of the type information that assumes the least. We assume two things are distinct until they are
75 proven to be the same thing. In other words, we know less about them, so we should assume less about
76 them.
78 They are syntactically two strings: `"u32"` at line N column 20 and `"u32"` at line N column 35. We
79 don’t know that they are the same yet. So, in the HIR we treat them as if they are different. Later,
80 we determine that they semantically are the same type and that’s the `ty::Ty` we use.
82 Consider another example: `fn foo<T>(x: T) -> u32` and suppose that someone invokes `foo::<u32>(0)`.
83 This means that `T` and `u32` (in this invocation) actually turns out to be the same type, so we
84 would eventually end up with the same `ty::Ty` in the end, but we have distinct `rustc_hir::Ty`.
85 (This is a bit over-simplified, though, since during type checking, we would check the function
86 generically and would still have a `T` distinct from `u32`. Later, when doing code generation,
87 we would always be handling "monomorphized" (fully substituted) versions of each function,
88 and hence we would know what `T` represents (and specifically that it is `u32`).
90 Here is one more example:
92 ```rust
93 mod a {
94 type X = u32;
95 pub fn foo(x: X) -> i32 { 22 }
96 }
97 mod b {
98 type X = i32;
99 pub fn foo(x: X) -> i32 { x }
100 }
101 ```
103 Here the type `X` will vary depending on context, clearly. If you look at the `rustc_hir::Ty`,
104 you will get back that `X` is an alias in both cases (though it will be mapped via name resolution
105 to distinct aliases). But if you look at the `ty::Ty` signature, it will be either `fn(u32) -> u32`
106 or `fn(i32) -> i32` (with type aliases fully expanded).
108 ## `ty::Ty` implementation
110 [`rustc::ty::Ty`][ty_ty] is actually a type alias to [`&TyS`][tys] (more about that later). `TyS`
111 (Type Structure) is where the main functionality is located. You can ignore `TyS` struct in general;
112 you will basically never access it explicitly. We always pass it by reference using the `Ty` alias.
113 The only exception is to define inherent methods on types. In particular, `TyS` has a [`kind`][kind]
114 field of type [`TyKind`][tykind], which represents the key type information. `TyKind` is a big enum
115 which represents different kinds of types (e.g. primitives, references, abstract data types,
116 generics, lifetimes, etc). `TyS` also has 2 more fields, `flags` and `outer_exclusive_binder`. They
117 are convenient hacks for efficiency and summarize information about the type that we may want to
118 know, but they don’t come into the picture as much here. Finally, `ty::TyS`s
119 are [interned](./memory.md), so that the `ty::Ty` can be a thin pointer-like
120 type. This allows us to do cheap comparisons for equality, along with the other
121 benefits of interning.
123 [tys]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/struct.TyS.html
124 [kind]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/struct.TyS.html#structfield.kind
125 [tykind]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html
127 ## Allocating and working with types
129 To allocate a new type, you can use the various `mk_` methods defined on the `tcx`. These have names
130 that correspond mostly to the various kinds of types. For example:
132 ```rust,ignore
133 let array_ty = tcx.mk_array(elem_ty, len * 2);
134 ```
136 These methods all return a `Ty<'tcx>` – note that the lifetime you get back is the lifetime of the
137 arena that this `tcx` has access to. Types are always canonicalized and interned (so we never
138 allocate exactly the same type twice).
140 > NB. Because types are interned, it is possible to compare them for equality efficiently using `==`
141 > – however, this is almost never what you want to do unless you happen to be hashing and looking
142 > for duplicates. This is because often in Rust there are multiple ways to represent the same type,
143 > particularly once inference is involved. If you are going to be testing for type equality, you
144 > probably need to start looking into the inference code to do it right.
146 You can also find various common types in the `tcx` itself by accessing `tcx.types.bool`,
147 `tcx.types.char`, etc (see [`CommonTypes`] for more).
149 [`CommonTypes`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/context/struct.CommonTypes.html
151 ## `ty::TyKind` Variants
153 Note: `TyKind` is **NOT** the functional programming concept of *Kind*.
155 Whenever working with a `Ty` in the compiler, it is common to match on the kind of type:
157 ```rust,ignore
158 fn foo(x: Ty<'tcx>) {
159 match x.kind {
160 ...
161 }
162 }
163 ```
165 The `kind` field is of type `TyKind<'tcx>`, which is an enum defining all of the different kinds of
166 types in the compiler.
168 > N.B. inspecting the `kind` field on types during type inference can be risky, as there may be
169 > inference variables and other things to consider, or sometimes types are not yet known and will
170 > become known later.
172 There are a lot of related types, and we’ll cover them in time (e.g regions/lifetimes,
173 “substitutions”, etc).
175 There are a bunch of variants on the `TyKind` enum, which you can see by looking at the rustdocs.
176 Here is a sampling:
178 [**Algebraic Data Types (ADTs)**]() An [*algebraic Data Type*][wikiadt] is a `struct`, `enum` or
179 `union`. Under the hood, `struct`, `enum` and `union` are actually implemented the same way: they
180 are all [`ty::TyKind::Adt`][kindadt]. It’s basically a user defined type. We will talk more about
181 these later.
183 [**Foreign**][kindforeign] Corresponds to `extern type T`.
185 [**Str**][kindstr] Is the type str. When the user writes `&str`, `Str` is the how we represent the
186 `str` part of that type.
188 [**Slice**][kindslice] Corresponds to `[T]`.
190 [**Array**][kindarray] Corresponds to `[T; n]`.
192 [**RawPtr**][kindrawptr] Corresponds to `*mut T` or `*const T`
194 [**Ref**][kindref] `Ref` stands for safe references, `&'a mut T` or `&'a T`. `Ref` has some
195 associated parts, like `Ty<'tcx>` which is the type that the reference references, `Region<'tcx>` is
196 the lifetime or region of the reference and `Mutability` if the reference is mutable or not.
198 [**Param**][kindparam] Represents a type parameter (e.g. the `T` in `Vec<T>`).
200 [**Error**][kinderr] Represents a type error somewhere so that we can print better diagnostics. We
201 will discuss this more later.
203 [**And Many More**...][kindvars]
205 [wikiadt]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_data_type
206 [kindadt]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Adt
207 [kindforeign]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Foreign
208 [kindstr]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Str
209 [kindslice]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Slice
210 [kindarray]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Array
211 [kindrawptr]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.RawPtr
212 [kindref]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Ref
213 [kindparam]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Param
214 [kinderr]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variant.Error
215 [kindvars]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/enum.TyKind.html#variants
217 ## Import conventions
219 Although there is no hard and fast rule, the `ty` module tends to be used like so:
221 ```rust,ignore
222 use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
223 ```
225 In particular, since they are so common, the `Ty` and `TyCtxt` types are imported directly. Other
226 types are often referenced with an explicit `ty::` prefix (e.g. `ty::TraitRef<'tcx>`). But some
227 modules choose to import a larger or smaller set of names explicitly.
229 ## ADTs Representation
231 Let's consider the example of a type like `MyStruct<u32>`, where `MyStruct` is defined like so:
233 ```rust,ignore
234 struct MyStruct<T> { x: u32, y: T }
235 ```
237 The type `MyStruct<u32>` would be an instance of `TyKind::Adt`:
239 ```rust,ignore
240 Adt(&'tcx AdtDef, SubstsRef<'tcx>)
241 // ------------ ---------------
242 // (1) (2)
243 //
244 // (1) represents the `MyStruct` part
245 // (2) represents the `<u32>`, or "substitutions" / generic arguments
246 ```
248 There are two parts:
250 - The [`AdtDef`][adtdef] references the struct/enum/union but without the values for its type
251 parameters. In our example, this is the `MyStruct` part *without* the argument `u32`.
252 - Note that in the HIR, structs, enums and unions are represented differently, but in `ty::Ty`,
253 they are all represented using `TyKind::Adt`.
254 - The [`SubstsRef`][substsref] is an interned list of values that are to be substituted for the
255 generic parameters. In our example of `MyStruct<u32>`, we would end up with a list like `[u32]`.
256 We’ll dig more into generics and substitutions in a little bit.
258 [adtdef]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/struct.AdtDef.html
259 [substsref]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/subst/type.SubstsRef.html
261 **`AdtDef` and `DefId`**
263 For every type defined in the source code, there is a unique `DefId` (see [this
264 chapter](hir.md#identifiers-in-the-hir)). This includes ADTs and generics. In the `MyStruct<T>`
265 definition we gave above, there are two `DefId`s: one for `MyStruct` and one for `T`. Notice that
266 the code above does not generate a new `DefId` for `u32` because it is not defined in that code (it
267 is only referenced).
269 `AdtDef` is more or less a wrapper around `DefId` with lots of useful helper methods. There is
270 essentially a one-to-one relationship between `AdtDef` and `DefId`. You can get the `AdtDef` for a
271 `DefId` with the [`tcx.adt_def(def_id)` query][adtdefq]. The `AdtDef`s are all interned (as you can
272 see `'tcx` lifetime on it).
274 [adtdefq]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty/struct.TyCtxt.html#method.adt_def
277 ## Type errors
279 There is a `TyKind::Error` that is produced when the user makes a type error. The idea is that
280 we would propagate this type and suppress other errors that come up due to it so as not to overwhelm
281 the user with cascading compiler error messages.
283 There is an **important invariant** for `TyKind::Error`. You should **never** return the 'error
284 type' unless you **know** that an error has already been reported to the user. This is usually
285 because (a) you just reported it right there or (b) you are propagating an existing Error type (in
286 which case the error should've been reported when that error type was produced).
288 It's important to maintain this invariant because the whole point of the `Error` type is to suppress
289 other errors -- i.e., we don't report them. If we were to produce an `Error` type without actually
290 emitting an error to the user, then this could cause later errors to be suppressed, and the
291 compilation might inadvertently succeed!
293 Sometimes there is a third case. You believe that an error has been reported, but you believe it
294 would've been reported earlier in the compilation, not locally. In that case, you can invoke
295 [`delay_span_bug`] This will make a note that you expect compilation to yield an error -- if however
296 compilation should succeed, then it will trigger a compiler bug report.
298 [`delay_span_bug`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_session/struct.Session.html#method.delay_span_bug
300 ## Question: Why not substitute “inside” the `AdtDef`?
302 Recall that we represent a generic struct with `(AdtDef, substs)`. So why bother with this scheme?
304 Well, the alternate way we could have choosen to represent types would be to always create a new,
305 fully-substituted form of the `AdtDef` where all the types are already substituted. This seems like
306 less of a hassle. However, the `(AdtDef, substs)` scheme has some advantages over this.
308 First, `(AdtDef, substs)` scheme has an efficiency win:
310 ```rust,ignore
311 struct MyStruct<T> {
312 ... 100s of fields ...
313 }
315 // Want to do: MyStruct<A> ==> MyStruct<B>
316 ```
318 in an example like this, we can subst from `MyStruct<A>` to `MyStruct<B>` (and so on) very cheaply,
319 by just replacing the one reference to `A` with `B`. But if we eagerly substituted all the fields,
320 that could be a lot more work because we might have to go through all of the fields in the `AdtDef`
321 and update all of their types.
323 A bit more deeply, this corresponds to structs in Rust being [*nominal* types][nominal] — which
324 means that they are defined by their *name* (and that their contents are then indexed from the
325 definition of that name, and not carried along “within” the type itself).
327 [nominal]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominal_type_system