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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-guide / src / borrow_check / moves_and_initialization / move_paths.md
1 # Move paths
3 In reality, it's not enough to track initialization at the granularity
4 of local variables. Rust also allows us to do moves and initialization
5 at the field granularity:
7 ```rust,ignore
8 fn foo() {
9 let a: (Vec<u32>, Vec<u32>) = (vec![22], vec![44]);
11 // a.0 and a.1 are both initialized
13 let b = a.0; // moves a.0
15 // a.0 is not initialized, but a.1 still is
17 let c = a.0; // ERROR
18 let d = a.1; // OK
19 }
20 ```
22 To handle this, we track initialization at the granularity of a **move
23 path**. A [`MovePath`] represents some location that the user can
24 initialize, move, etc. So e.g. there is a move-path representing the
25 local variable `a`, and there is a move-path representing `a.0`. Move
26 paths roughly correspond to the concept of a [`Place`] from MIR, but
27 they are indexed in ways that enable us to do move analysis more
28 efficiently.
30 [`MovePath`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MovePath.html
31 [`Place`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc/mir/struct.Place.html
33 ## Move path indices
35 Although there is a [`MovePath`] data structure, they are never referenced
36 directly. Instead, all the code passes around *indices* of type
37 [`MovePathIndex`]. If you need to get information about a move path, you use
38 this index with the [`move_paths` field of the `MoveData`][move_paths]. For
39 example, to convert a [`MovePathIndex`] `mpi` into a MIR [`Place`], you might
40 access the [`MovePath::place`] field like so:
42 ```rust,ignore
43 move_data.move_paths[mpi].place
44 ```
46 [move_paths]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MoveData.html#structfield.move_paths
47 [`MovePath::place`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MovePath.html#structfield.place
48 [`MovePathIndex`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MovePathIndex.html
50 ## Building move paths
52 One of the first things we do in the MIR borrow check is to construct
53 the set of move paths. This is done as part of the
54 [`MoveData::gather_moves`] function. This function uses a MIR visitor
55 called [`Gatherer`] to walk the MIR and look at how each [`Place`]
56 within is accessed. For each such [`Place`], it constructs a
57 corresponding [`MovePathIndex`]. It also records when/where that
58 particular move path is moved/initialized, but we'll get to that in a
59 later section.
61 [`Gatherer`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/builder/struct.Gatherer.html
62 [`MoveData::gather_moves`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MoveData.html#method.gather_moves
64 ### Illegal move paths
66 We don't actually create a move-path for **every** [`Place`] that gets
67 used. In particular, if it is illegal to move from a [`Place`], then
68 there is no need for a [`MovePathIndex`]. Some examples:
70 - You cannot move from a static variable, so we do not create a [`MovePathIndex`]
71 for static variables.
72 - You cannot move an individual element of an array, so if we have e.g. `foo: [String; 3]`,
73 there would be no move-path for `foo[1]`.
74 - You cannot move from inside of a borrowed reference, so if we have e.g. `foo: &String`,
75 there would be no move-path for `*foo`.
77 These rules are enforced by the [`move_path_for`] function, which
78 converts a [`Place`] into a [`MovePathIndex`] -- in error cases like
79 those just discussed, the function returns an `Err`. This in turn
80 means we don't have to bother tracking whether those places are
81 initialized (which lowers overhead).
83 [`move_path_for`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/builder/struct.Gatherer.html#method.move_path_for
85 ## Looking up a move-path
87 If you have a [`Place`] and you would like to convert it to a [`MovePathIndex`], you
88 can do that using the [`MovePathLookup`] structure found in the [`rev_lookup`] field
89 of [`MoveData`]. There are two different methods:
91 [`MoveData`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MoveData.html
92 [`MovePathLookup`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MovePathLookup.html
93 [`rev_lookup`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MoveData.html#structfield.rev_lookup
95 - [`find_local`], which takes a [`mir::Local`] representing a local
96 variable. This is the easier method, because we **always** create a
97 [`MovePathIndex`] for every local variable.
98 - [`find`], which takes an arbitrary [`Place`]. This method is a bit
99 more annoying to use, precisely because we don't have a
100 [`MovePathIndex`] for **every** [`Place`] (as we just discussed in
101 the "illegal move paths" section). Therefore, [`find`] returns a
102 [`LookupResult`] indicating the closest path it was able to find
103 that exists (e.g., for `foo[1]`, it might return just the path for
104 `foo`).
106 [`find`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MovePathLookup.html#method.find
107 [`find_local`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/struct.MovePathLookup.html#method.find_local
108 [`mir::Local`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc/mir/struct.Local.html
109 [`LookupResult`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/enum.LookupResult.html
111 ## Cross-references
113 As we noted above, move-paths are stored in a big vector and
114 referenced via their [`MovePathIndex`]. However, within this vector,
115 they are also structured into a tree. So for example if you have the
116 [`MovePathIndex`] for `a.b.c`, you can go to its parent move-path
117 `a.b`. You can also iterate over all children paths: so, from `a.b`,
118 you might iterate to find the path `a.b.c` (here you are iterating
119 just over the paths that are **actually referenced** in the source,
120 not all **possible** paths that could have been referenced). These
121 references are used for example in the [`has_any_child_of`] function,
122 which checks whether the dataflow results contain a value for the
123 given move-path (e.g., `a.b`) or any child of that move-path (e.g.,
124 `a.b.c`).
126 [`Place`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc/mir/struct.Place.html
127 [`has_any_child_of`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_mir/dataflow/at_location/struct.FlowAtLocation.html#method.has_any_child_of