]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustc-guide/src/stability.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-guide / src / stability.md
1 # Stability attributes
3 This section is about the stability attributes and schemes that allow stable APIs to use unstable
4 APIs internally in the rustc standard library.
6 For instructions on stabilizing a language feature see
7 [Stabilizing Features](./stabilization_guide.md).
9 ## unstable
11 The `#[unstable(feature = "foo", issue = "1234", reason = "lorem ipsum")]` attribute explicitly
12 marks an item as unstable. Items that are marked as "unstable" cannot be used
13 without a corresponding `#![feature]` attribute on the crate, even on a
14 nightly compiler. This restriction only applies across crate boundaries, unstable
15 items may be used within the crate they are defined.
17 The `unstable` attribute infects all sub-items, where the attribute doesn't have to be
18 reapplied. So if you apply this to a module, all items in the module will be unstable.
20 You can make specific sub-items stable by using the `#[stable]` attribute on them.
21 The stability scheme works similarly to how `pub` works. You can have public functions of
22 nonpublic modules and you can have stable functions in unstable modules or vice versa.
24 Note, however, that due to a [rustc bug], stable items inside unstable modules
25 *are* available to stable code in that location! So, for example, stable code
26 can import `core::intrinsics::transmute` even though `intrinsics` is an unstable
27 module. Thus, this kind of nesting should be avoided when possible.
29 The `unstable` attribute may also have the `soft` value, which makes it a
30 future-incompatible deny-by-default lint instead of a hard error. This is used
31 by the `bench` attribute which was accidentally accepted in the past. This
32 prevents breaking dependencies by leveraging Cargo's lint capping.
34 [rustc bug]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/15702
36 ## stable
38 The `#[stable(feature = "foo", "since = "1.420.69")]` attribute explicitly marks an item as
39 stabilized. To do this, follow the instructions in
40 [Stabilizing Features](./stabilization_guide.md).
42 Note that stable functions may use unstable things in their body.
44 ## allow_internal_unstable
46 Macros, compiler desugarings and `const fn`s expose their bodies to the call site. To
47 work around not being able to use unstable things in the standard library's macros, there's the
48 `#[allow_internal_unstable(feature1, feature2)]` attribute that whitelists the given features for
49 usage in stable macros or `const fn`s.
51 Note that `const fn`s are even more special in this regard. You can't just whitelist any feature,
52 the features need an implementation in `qualify_min_const_fn.rs`. For example the `const_fn_union`
53 feature gate allows accessing fields of unions inside stable `const fn`s. The rules for when it's
54 ok to use such a feature gate are that behavior matches the runtime behavior of the same code
55 (see also [this blog post][blog]). This means that you may not create a
56 `const fn` that e.g. transmutes a memory address to an integer, because the addresses of things
57 are nondeterministic and often unknown at compile-time.
59 Always ping @oli-obk, @RalfJung, and @Centril if you are adding more `allow_internal_unstable`
60 attributes to any `const fn`
62 ## staged_api
64 Any crate that uses the `stable`, `unstable`, or `rustc_deprecated` attributes
65 must include the `#![feature(staged_api)]` attribute on the crate.
67 ## rustc_deprecated
69 The deprecation system shares the same infrastructure as the stable/unstable
70 attributes. The `rustc_deprecated` attribute is similar to the [`deprecated`
71 attribute]. It was previously called `deprecated`, but was split off when
72 `deprecated` was stabilized. The `deprecated` attribute cannot be used in a
73 `staged_api` crate, `rustc_deprecated` must be used instead. The deprecated
74 item must also have a `stable` or `unstable` attribute.
76 `rustc_deprecated` has the following form:
78 ```rust,ignore
79 #[rustc_deprecated(
80 since = "1.38.0",
81 reason = "explanation for deprecation",
82 suggestion = "other_function"
83 )]
84 ```
86 The `suggestion` field is optional. If given, it should be a string that can
87 be used as a machine-applicable suggestion to correct the warning. This is
88 typically used when the identifier is renamed, but no other significant
89 changes are necessary.
91 Another difference from the `deprecated` attribute is that the `since` field
92 is actually checked against the current version of `rustc`. If `since` is in a
93 future version, then the `deprecated_in_future` lint is triggered which is
94 default `allow`, but most of the standard library raises it to a warning with
95 `#![warn(deprecated_in_future)]`.
97 [`deprecated` attribute]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/attributes/diagnostics.html#the-deprecated-attribute
99 ## -Zforce-unstable-if-unmarked
101 The `-Zforce-unstable-if-unmarked` flag has a variety of purposes to help
102 enforce that the correct crates are marked as unstable. It was introduced
103 primarily to allow rustc and the standard library to link to arbitrary crates
104 on crates.io which do not themselves use `staged_api`. `rustc` also relies on
105 this flag to mark all of its crates as unstable with the `rustc_private`
106 feature so that each crate does not need to be carefully marked with
107 `unstable`.
109 This flag is automatically applied to all of `rustc` and the standard library
110 by the bootstrap scripts. This is needed because the compiler and all of its
111 dependencies are shipped in the sysroot to all users.
113 This flag has the following effects:
115 - Marks the crate as "unstable" with the `rustc_private` feature if it is not
116 itself marked as stable or unstable.
117 - Allows these crates to access other forced-unstable crates without any need
118 for attributes. Normally a crate would need a `#![feature(rustc_private)]`
119 attribute to use other unstable crates. However, that would make it
120 impossible for a crate from crates.io to access its own dependencies since
121 that crate won't have a `feature(rustc_private)` attribute, but *everything*
122 is compiled with `-Zforce-unstable-if-unmarked`.
124 Code which does not use `-Zforce-unstable-if-unmarked` should include the
125 `#![feature(rustc_private)]` crate attribute to access these force-unstable
126 crates. This is needed for things that link `rustc`, such as `miri`, `rls`, or
127 `clippy`.
129 [blog]: https://www.ralfj.de/blog/2018/07/19/const.html