]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustc-guide/src/tests/intro.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-guide / src / tests / intro.md
1 # The compiler testing framework
3 The Rust project runs a wide variety of different tests, orchestrated
4 by the build system (`x.py test`). The main test harness for testing
5 the compiler itself is a tool called compiletest (sources in the
6 [`src/tools/compiletest`]). This section gives a brief overview of how
7 the testing framework is setup, and then gets into some of the details
8 on [how to run tests](./running.html) as well as
9 [how to add new tests](./adding.html).
11 [`src/tools/compiletest`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/compiletest
13 ## Compiletest test suites
15 The compiletest tests are located in the tree in the [`src/test`]
16 directory. Immediately within you will see a series of subdirectories
17 (e.g. `ui`, `run-make`, and so forth). Each of those directories is
18 called a **test suite** – they house a group of tests that are run in
19 a distinct mode.
21 [`src/test`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/test
23 Here is a brief summary of the test suites as of this writing and what
24 they mean. In some cases, the test suites are linked to parts of the manual
25 that give more details.
27 - [`ui`](./adding.html#ui) – tests that check the exact
28 stdout/stderr from compilation and/or running the test
29 - `run-pass-valgrind` – tests that ought to run with valgrind
30 - `run-fail` – tests that are expected to compile but then panic
31 during execution
32 - `compile-fail` – tests that are expected to fail compilation.
33 - `parse-fail` – tests that are expected to fail to parse
34 - `pretty` – tests targeting the Rust "pretty printer", which
35 generates valid Rust code from the AST
36 - `debuginfo` – tests that run in gdb or lldb and query the debug info
37 - `codegen` – tests that compile and then test the generated LLVM
38 code to make sure that the optimizations we want are taking effect.
39 - `assembly` – similar to `codegen` tests, but verifies assembly output
40 to make sure LLVM target backend can handle provided code.
41 - `mir-opt` – tests that check parts of the generated MIR to make
42 sure we are building things correctly or doing the optimizations we
43 expect.
44 - `incremental` – tests for incremental compilation, checking that
45 when certain modifications are performed, we are able to reuse the
46 results from previous compilations.
47 - `run-make` – tests that basically just execute a `Makefile`; the
48 ultimate in flexibility but quite annoying to write.
49 - `rustdoc` – tests for rustdoc, making sure that the generated files
50 contain the expected documentation.
51 - `*-fulldeps` – same as above, but indicates that the test depends
52 on things other than `libstd` (and hence those things must be built)
54 ## Other Tests
56 The Rust build system handles running tests for various other things,
57 including:
59 - **Tidy** – This is a custom tool used for validating source code
60 style and formatting conventions, such as rejecting long lines.
61 There is more information in the
62 [section on coding conventions](../conventions.html#formatting).
64 Example: `./x.py test src/tools/tidy`
66 - **Unit tests** – The Rust standard library and many of the Rust packages
67 include typical Rust `#[test]` unittests. Under the hood, `x.py` will run
68 `cargo test` on each package to run all the tests.
70 Example: `./x.py test src/libstd`
72 - **Doc tests** – Example code embedded within Rust documentation is executed
73 via `rustdoc --test`. Examples:
75 `./x.py test src/doc` – Runs `rustdoc --test` for all documentation in
76 `src/doc`.
78 `./x.py test --doc src/libstd` – Runs `rustdoc --test` on the standard
79 library.
81 - **Link checker** – A small tool for verifying `href` links within
82 documentation.
84 Example: `./x.py test src/tools/linkchecker`
86 - **Dist check** – This verifies that the source distribution tarball created
87 by the build system will unpack, build, and run all tests.
89 Example: `./x.py test distcheck`
91 - **Tool tests** – Packages that are included with Rust have all of their
92 tests run as well (typically by running `cargo test` within their
93 directory). This includes things such as cargo, clippy, rustfmt, rls, miri,
94 bootstrap (testing the Rust build system itself), etc.
96 - **Cargo test** – This is a small tool which runs `cargo test` on a few
97 significant projects (such as `servo`, `ripgrep`, `tokei`, etc.) just to
98 ensure there aren't any significant regressions.
100 Example: `./x.py test src/tools/cargotest`
102 ## Testing infrastructure
104 When a Pull Request is opened on Github, [Azure Pipelines] will automatically
105 launch a build that will run all tests on some configurations
106 (x86_64-gnu-llvm-6.0 linux. x86_64-gnu-tools linux, mingw-check linux). In
107 essence, it runs `./x.py test` after building for each of them.
109 The integration bot [bors] is used for coordinating merges to the master
110 branch. When a PR is approved, it goes into a [queue] where merges are tested
111 one at a time on a wide set of platforms using Azure Pipelines (currently over
112 50 different configurations). Most platforms only run the build steps, some run
113 a restricted set of tests, only a subset run the full suite of tests (see
114 Rust's [platform tiers]).
116 [Azure Pipelines]: https://dev.azure.com/rust-lang/rust/
117 [bors]: https://github.com/servo/homu
118 [queue]: https://buildbot2.rust-lang.org/homu/queue/rust
119 [platform tiers]: https://forge.rust-lang.org/platform-support.html
121 ## Testing with Docker images
123 The Rust tree includes [Docker] image definitions for the platforms used on
124 Azure Pipelines in [src/ci/docker]. The script [src/ci/docker/run.sh] is used to build
125 the Docker image, run it, build Rust within the image, and run the tests.
127 > TODO: What is a typical workflow for testing/debugging on a platform that
128 > you don't have easy access to? Do people build Docker images and enter them
129 > to test things out?
131 [Docker]: https://www.docker.com/
132 [src/ci/docker]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/ci/docker
133 [src/ci/docker/run.sh]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/ci/docker/run.sh
135 ## Testing on emulators
137 Some platforms are tested via an emulator for architectures that aren't
138 readily available. There is a set of tools for orchestrating running the
139 tests within the emulator. Platforms such as `arm-android` and
140 `arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` are set up to automatically run the tests under
141 emulation on Travis. The following will take a look at how a target's tests
142 are run under emulation.
144 The Docker image for [armhf-gnu] includes [QEMU] to emulate the ARM CPU
145 architecture. Included in the Rust tree are the tools [remote-test-client]
146 and [remote-test-server] which are programs for sending test programs and
147 libraries to the emulator, and running the tests within the emulator, and
148 reading the results. The Docker image is set up to launch
149 `remote-test-server` and the build tools use `remote-test-client` to
150 communicate with the server to coordinate running tests (see
151 [src/bootstrap/test.rs]).
153 > TODO: What are the steps for manually running tests within an emulator?
154 > `./src/ci/docker/run.sh armhf-gnu` will do everything, but takes hours to
155 > run and doesn't offer much help with interacting within the emulator.
156 >
157 > Is there any support for emulating other (non-Android) platforms, such as
158 > running on an iOS emulator?
159 >
160 > Is there anything else interesting that can be said here about running tests
161 > remotely on real hardware?
162 >
163 > It's also unclear to me how the wasm or asm.js tests are run.
165 [armhf-gnu]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/ci/docker/armhf-gnu
166 [QEMU]: https://www.qemu.org/
167 [remote-test-client]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/remote-test-client
168 [remote-test-server]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/remote-test-server
169 [src/bootstrap/test.rs]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/bootstrap/test.rs
171 ## Crater
173 [Crater](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/crater) is a tool for compiling
174 and running tests for _every_ crate on [crates.io](https://crates.io) (and a
175 few on GitHub). It is mainly used for checking for extent of breakage when
176 implementing potentially breaking changes and ensuring lack of breakage by
177 running beta vs stable compiler versions.
179 ### When to run Crater
181 You should request a crater run if your PR makes large changes to the compiler
182 or could cause breakage. If you are unsure, feel free to ask your PR's reviewer.
184 ### Requesting Crater Runs
186 The rust team maintains a few machines that can be used for running crater runs
187 on the changes introduced by a PR. If your PR needs a crater run, leave a
188 comment for the triage team in the PR thread. Please inform the team whether
189 you require a "check-only" crater run, a "build only" crater run, or a
190 "build-and-test" crater run. The difference is primarily in time; the
191 conservative (if you're not sure) option is to go for the build-and-test run.
192 If making changes that will only have an effect at compile-time (e.g.,
193 implementing a new trait) then you only need a check run.
195 Your PR will be enqueued by the triage team and the results will be posted when
196 they are ready. Check runs will take around ~3-4 days, with the other two
197 taking 5-6 days on average.
199 While crater is really useful, it is also important to be aware of a few
200 caveats:
202 - Not all code is on crates.io! There is a lot of code in repos on GitHub and
203 elsewhere. Also, companies may not wish to publish their code. Thus, a
204 successful crater run is not a magically green light that there will be no
205 breakage; you still need to be careful.
207 - Crater only runs Linux builds on x86_64. Thus, other architectures and
208 platforms are not tested. Critically, this includes Windows.
210 - Many crates are not tested. This could be for a lot of reasons, including
211 that the crate doesn't compile any more (e.g. used old nightly features),
212 has broken or flaky tests, requires network access, or other reasons.
214 - Before crater can be run, `@bors try` needs to succeed in building artifacts.
215 This means that if your code doesn't compile, you cannot run crater.
217 ## Perf runs
219 A lot of work is put into improving the performance of the compiler and
220 preventing performance regressions. A "perf run" is used to compare the
221 performance of the compiler in different configurations for a large collection
222 of popular crates. Different configurations include "fresh builds", builds
223 with incremental compilation, etc.
225 The result of a perf run is a comparison between two versions of the
226 compiler (by their commit hashes).
228 You should request a perf run if your PR may affect performance, especially
229 if it can affect performance adversely.
231 ## Further reading
233 The following blog posts may also be of interest:
235 - brson's classic ["How Rust is tested"][howtest]
237 [howtest]: https://brson.github.io/2017/07/10/how-rust-is-tested