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1 # The On-Demand SLG solver
3 Given a set of program clauses (provided by our [lowering rules][lowering])
4 and a query, we need to return the result of the query and the value of any
5 type variables we can determine. This is the job of the solver.
7 For example, `exists<T> { Vec<T>: FromIterator<u32> }` has one solution, so
8 its result is `Unique; substitution [?T := u32]`. A solution also comes with
9 a set of region constraints, which we'll ignore in this introduction.
11 [lowering]: ./lowering-rules.html
13 ## Goals of the Solver
15 ### On demand
17 There are often many, or even infinitely many, solutions to a query. For
18 example, say we want to prove that `exists<T> { Vec<T>: Debug }` for _some_
19 type `?T`. Our solver should be capable of yielding one answer at a time, say
20 `?T = u32`, then `?T = i32`, and so on, rather than iterating over every type
21 in the type system. If we need more answers, we can request more until we are
22 done. This is similar to how Prolog works.
24 *See also: [The traditional, interactive Prolog query][pq]*
26 [pq]: ./canonical-queries.html#the-traditional-interactive-prolog-query
28 ### Breadth-first
30 `Vec<?T>: Debug` is true if `?T: Debug`. This leads to a cycle: `[Vec<u32>,
31 Vec<Vec<u32>>, Vec<Vec<Vec<u32>>>]`, and so on all implement `Debug`. Our
32 solver ought to be breadth first and consider answers like `[Vec<u32>: Debug,
33 Vec<i32>: Debug, ...]` before it recurses, or we may never find the answer
34 we're looking for.
36 ### Cachable
38 To speed up compilation, we need to cache results, including partial results
39 left over from past solver queries.
41 ## Description of how it works
43 The basis of the solver is the [`Forest`] type. A *forest* stores a
44 collection of *tables* as well as a *stack*. Each *table* represents
45 the stored results of a particular query that is being performed, as
46 well as the various *strands*, which are basically suspended
47 computations that may be used to find more answers. Tables are
48 interdependent: solving one query may require solving others.
50 [`Forest`]: https://rust-lang.github.io/chalk/chalk_engine/forest/struct.Forest.html
52 ### Walkthrough
54 Perhaps the easiest way to explain how the solver works is to walk
55 through an example. Let's imagine that we have the following program:
57 ```rust,ignore
58 trait Debug { }
60 struct u32 { }
61 impl Debug for u32 { }
63 struct Rc<T> { }
64 impl<T: Debug> Debug for Rc<T> { }
66 struct Vec<T> { }
67 impl<T: Debug> Debug for Vec<T> { }
68 ```
70 Now imagine that we want to find answers for the query `exists<T> { Rc<T>:
71 Debug }`. The first step would be to u-canonicalize this query; this is the
72 act of giving canonical names to all the unbound inference variables based on
73 the order of their left-most appearance, as well as canonicalizing the
74 universes of any universally bound names (e.g., the `T` in `forall<T> { ...
75 }`). In this case, there are no universally bound names, but the canonical
76 form Q of the query might look something like:
78 ```text
79 Rc<?0>: Debug
80 ```
82 where `?0` is a variable in the root universe U0. We would then go and
83 look for a table with this canonical query as the key: since the forest is
84 empty, this lookup will fail, and we will create a new table T0,
85 corresponding to the u-canonical goal Q.
87 **Ignoring negative reasoning and regions.** To start, we'll ignore
88 the possibility of negative goals like `not { Foo }`. We'll phase them
89 in later, as they bring several complications.
91 **Creating a table.** When we first create a table, we also initialize
92 it with a set of *initial strands*. A "strand" is kind of like a
93 "thread" for the solver: it contains a particular way to produce an
94 answer. The initial set of strands for a goal like `Rc<?0>: Debug`
95 (i.e., a "domain goal") is determined by looking for *clauses* in the
96 environment. In Rust, these clauses derive from impls, but also from
97 where-clauses that are in scope. In the case of our example, there
98 would be three clauses, each coming from the program. Using a
99 Prolog-like notation, these look like:
101 ```text
102 (u32: Debug).
103 (Rc<T>: Debug) :- (T: Debug).
104 (Vec<T>: Debug) :- (T: Debug).
105 ```
107 To create our initial strands, then, we will try to apply each of
108 these clauses to our goal of `Rc<?0>: Debug`. The first and third
109 clauses are inapplicable because `u32` and `Vec<?0>` cannot be unified
110 with `Rc<?0>`. The second clause, however, will work.
112 **What is a strand?** Let's talk a bit more about what a strand *is*. In the code, a strand
113 is the combination of an inference table, an _X-clause_, and (possibly)
114 a selected subgoal from that X-clause. But what is an X-clause
115 ([`ExClause`], in the code)? An X-clause pulls together a few things:
117 - The current state of the goal we are trying to prove;
118 - A set of subgoals that have yet to be proven;
119 - There are also a few things we're ignoring for now:
120 - delayed literals, region constraints
122 The general form of an X-clause is written much like a Prolog clause,
123 but with somewhat different semantics. Since we're ignoring delayed
124 literals and region constraints, an X-clause just looks like this:
126 ```text
127 G :- L
128 ```
130 where G is a goal and L is a set of subgoals that must be proven.
131 (The L stands for *literal* -- when we address negative reasoning, a
132 literal will be either a positive or negative subgoal.) The idea is
133 that if we are able to prove L then the goal G can be considered true.
135 In the case of our example, we would wind up creating one strand, with
136 an X-clause like so:
138 ```text
139 (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- (?T: Debug)
140 ```
142 Here, the `?T` refers to one of the inference variables created in the
143 inference table that accompanies the strand. (I'll use named variables
144 to refer to inference variables, and numbered variables like `?0` to
145 refer to variables in a canonicalized goal; in the code, however, they
146 are both represented with an index.)
148 For each strand, we also optionally store a *selected subgoal*. This
149 is the subgoal after the turnstile (`:-`) that we are currently trying
150 to prove in this strand. Initially, when a strand is first created,
151 there is no selected subgoal.
153 [`ExClause`]: https://rust-lang.github.io/chalk/chalk_engine/struct.ExClause.html
155 **Activating a strand.** Now that we have created the table T0 and
156 initialized it with strands, we have to actually try and produce an answer.
157 We do this by invoking the [`ensure_root_answer`] operation on the table:
158 specifically, we say `ensure_root_answer(T0, A0)`, meaning "ensure that there
159 is a 0th answer A0 to query T0".
161 Remember that tables store not only strands, but also a vector of cached
162 answers. The first thing that [`ensure_root_answer`] does is to check whether
163 answer A0 is in this vector. If so, we can just return immediately. In this
164 case, the vector will be empty, and hence that does not apply (this becomes
165 important for cyclic checks later on).
167 When there is no cached answer, [`ensure_root_answer`] will try to produce one.
168 It does this by selecting a strand from the set of active strands -- the
169 strands are stored in a `VecDeque` and hence processed in a round-robin
170 fashion. Right now, we have only one strand, storing the following X-clause
171 with no selected subgoal:
173 ```text
174 (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- (?T: Debug)
175 ```
177 When we activate the strand, we see that we have no selected subgoal,
178 and so we first pick one of the subgoals to process. Here, there is only
179 one (`?T: Debug`), so that becomes the selected subgoal, changing
180 the state of the strand to:
182 ```text
183 (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A0)
184 ```
186 Here, we write `selected(L, An)` to indicate that (a) the literal `L`
187 is the selected subgoal and (b) which answer `An` we are looking for. We
188 start out looking for `A0`.
190 [`ensure_root_answer`]: https://rust-lang.github.io/chalk/chalk_engine/forest/struct.Forest.html#method.ensure_root_answer
192 **Processing the selected subgoal.** Next, we have to try and find an
193 answer to this selected goal. To do that, we will u-canonicalize it
194 and try to find an associated table. In this case, the u-canonical
195 form of the subgoal is `?0: Debug`: we don't have a table yet for
196 that, so we can create a new one, T1. As before, we'll initialize T1
197 with strands. In this case, there will be three strands, because all
198 the program clauses are potentially applicable. Those three strands
199 will be:
201 - `(u32: Debug) :-`, derived from the program clause `(u32: Debug).`.
202 - Note: This strand has no subgoals.
203 - `(Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)`, derived from the `Vec` impl.
204 - `(Rc<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)`, derived from the `Rc` impl.
206 We can thus summarize the state of the whole forest at this point as
207 follows:
209 ```text
210 Table T0 [Rc<?0>: Debug]
211 Strands:
212 (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A0)
214 Table T1 [?0: Debug]
215 Strands:
216 (u32: Debug) :-
217 (Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)
218 (Rc<?V>: Debug) :- (?V: Debug)
219 ```
221 **Delegation between tables.** Now that the active strand from T0 has
222 created the table T1, it can try to extract an answer. It does this
223 via that same `ensure_answer` operation we saw before. In this case,
224 the strand would invoke `ensure_answer(T1, A0)`, since we will start
225 with the first answer. This will cause T1 to activate its first
226 strand, `u32: Debug :-`.
228 This strand is somewhat special: it has no subgoals at all. This means
229 that the goal is proven. We can therefore add `u32: Debug` to the set
230 of *answers* for our table, calling it answer A0 (it is the first
231 answer). The strand is then removed from the list of strands.
233 The state of table T1 is therefore:
235 ```text
236 Table T1 [?0: Debug]
237 Answers:
238 A0 = [?0 = u32]
239 Strand:
240 (Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)
241 (Rc<?V>: Debug) :- (?V: Debug)
242 ```
244 Note that I am writing out the answer A0 as a substitution that can be
245 applied to the table goal; actually, in the code, the goals for each
246 X-clause are also represented as substitutions, but in this exposition
247 I've chosen to write them as full goals, following [NFTD].
249 [NFTD]: ./bibliography.html#slg
251 Since we now have an answer, `ensure_answer(T1, A0)` will return `Ok`
252 to the table T0, indicating that answer A0 is available. T0 now has
253 the job of incorporating that result into its active strand. It does
254 this in two ways. First, it creates a new strand that is looking for
255 the next possible answer of T1. Next, it incorpoates the answer from
256 A0 and removes the subgoal. The resulting state of table T0 is:
258 ```text
259 Table T0 [Rc<?0>: Debug]
260 Strands:
261 (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A1)
262 (Rc<u32>: Debug) :-
263 ```
265 We then immediately activate the strand that incorporated the answer
266 (the `Rc<u32>: Debug` one). In this case, that strand has no further
267 subgoals, so it becomes an answer to the table T0. This answer can
268 then be returned up to our caller, and the whole forest goes quiescent
269 at this point (remember, we only do enough work to generate *one*
270 answer). The ending state of the forest at this point will be:
272 ```text
273 Table T0 [Rc<?0>: Debug]
274 Answer:
275 A0 = [?0 = u32]
276 Strands:
277 (Rc<?T>: Debug) :- selected(?T: Debug, A1)
279 Table T1 [?0: Debug]
280 Answers:
281 A0 = [?0 = u32]
282 Strand:
283 (Vec<?U>: Debug) :- (?U: Debug)
284 (Rc<?V>: Debug) :- (?V: Debug)
285 ```
287 Here you can see how the forest captures both the answers we have
288 created thus far *and* the strands that will let us try to produce
289 more answers later on.
291 ## See also
293 - [chalk_solve README][readme], which contains links to papers used and
294 acronyms referenced in the code
295 - This section is a lightly adapted version of the blog post [An on-demand
296 SLG solver for chalk][slg-blog]
297 - [Negative Reasoning in Chalk][negative-reasoning-blog] explains the need
298 for negative reasoning, but not how the SLG solver does it
300 [readme]: https://github.com/rust-lang/chalk/blob/239e4ae4e69b2785b5f99e0f2b41fc16b0b4e65e/chalk-engine/src/README.md
301 [slg-blog]: http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2018/01/31/an-on-demand-slg-solver-for-chalk/
302 [negative-reasoning-blog]: https://aturon.github.io/blog/2017/04/24/negative-chalk/