]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustdoc/src/how-to-write-documentation.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustdoc / src / how-to-write-documentation.md
1 # How to write documentation
3 Good documentation is not natural. There are opposing goals that make writing
4 good documentation difficult. It requires expertise in the subject but also
5 writing to a novice perspective. Documentation therefore often glazes over
6 implementation detail, or leaves readers with unanswered questions.
8 There are a few tenets to Rust documentation that can help guide anyone through
9 the process of documenting libraries so that everyone has an ample opportunity
10 to use the code.
12 This chapter covers not only how to write documentation but specifically
13 how to write **good** documentation. It is important to be as clear
14 as you can, and as complete as possible. As a rule of thumb: the more
15 documentation you write for your crate the better. If an item is public
16 then it should be documented.
18 ## Getting Started
20 Documenting a crate should begin with front-page documentation. As an
21 example, the [`hashbrown`] crate level documentation summarizes the role of
22 the crate, provides links to explain technical details, and explains why you
23 would want to use the crate.
25 After introducing the crate, it is important that the front-page gives
26 an example of how to use the crate in a real world setting. Stick to the
27 library's role in the example, but do so without shortcuts to benefit users who
28 may copy and paste the example to get started.
30 [`futures`] uses inline comments to explain line by line
31 the complexities of using a [`Future`], because a person's first exposure to
32 rust's [`Future`] may be this example.
34 The [`backtrace`] documentation walks through the whole process, explaining
35 changes made to the `Cargo.toml` file, passing command line arguments to the
36 compiler, and shows a quick example of backtrace in the wild.
38 Finally, the front-page can eventually become a comprehensive reference
39 how to use a crate, like [`regex`]. In this front page, all
40 requirements are outlined, the edge cases shown, and practical examples
41 provided. The front page goes on to show how to use regular expressions
42 then concludes with crate features.
44 Don't worry about comparing your crate, which is just beginning, to other more
45 developed crates. To get the documentation to something more polished, start
46 incrementally and put in an introduction, example, and features. Rome was not
47 built in a day!
49 The first lines within the `lib.rs` will compose the front-page, and they
50 use a different convention than the rest of the rustdocs. Lines should
51 start with `//!` which indicate module-level or crate-level documentation.
52 Here's a quick example of the difference:
54 ```rust,no_run
55 //! Fast and easy queue abstraction.
56 //!
57 //! Provides an abstraction over a queue. When the abstraction is used
58 //! there are these advantages:
59 //! - Fast
60 //! - [`Easy`]
61 //!
62 //! [`Easy`]: http://thatwaseasy.example.com
64 /// This module makes it easy.
65 pub mod easy {
67 /// Use the abstraction function to do this specific thing.
68 pub fn abstraction() {}
70 }
71 ```
73 Ideally, this first line of documentation is a sentence without highly
74 technical details, but with a good description of where this crate fits
75 within the rust ecosystem. Users should know whether this crate meets their use
76 case after reading this line.
78 ## Documenting components
80 Whether it is modules, structs, functions, or macros: the public
81 API of all code should have documentation. Rarely does anyone
82 complain about too much documentation!
84 It is recommended that each item's documentation follows this basic structure:
86 ```text
87 [short sentence explaining what it is]
89 [more detailed explanation]
91 [at least one code example that users can copy/paste to try it]
93 [even more advanced explanations if necessary]
94 ```
96 This basic structure should be straightforward to follow when writing your
97 documentation; while you might think that a code example is trivial,
98 the examples are really important because they can help users understand
99 what an item is, how it is used, and for what purpose it exists.
101 Let's see an example coming from the [standard library] by taking a look at the
102 [`std::env::args()`][env::args] function:
104 ``````markdown
105 Returns the arguments which this program was started with (normally passed
106 via the command line).
108 The first element is traditionally the path of the executable, but it can be
109 set to arbitrary text, and may not even exist. This means this property should
110 not be relied upon for security purposes.
112 On Unix systems shell usually expands unquoted arguments with glob patterns
113 (such as `*` and `?`). On Windows this is not done, and such arguments are
114 passed as-is.
116 # Panics
118 The returned iterator will panic during iteration if any argument to the
119 process is not valid unicode. If this is not desired,
120 use the [`args_os`] function instead.
122 # Examples
124 ```
125 use std::env;
127 // Prints each argument on a separate line
128 for argument in env::args() {
129 println!("{argument}");
130 }
131 ```
133 [`args_os`]: ./fn.args_os.html
134 ``````
136 Everything before the first empty line will be reused to describe the component
137 in searches and module overviews. For example, the function `std::env::args()`
138 above will be shown on the [`std::env`] module documentation. It is good
139 practice to keep the summary to one line: concise writing is a goal of good
140 documentation.
142 Because the type system does a good job of defining what types a function
143 passes and returns, there is no benefit of explicitly writing it
144 into the documentation, especially since `rustdoc` adds hyper links to all types in the function signature.
146 In the example above, a 'Panics' section explains when the code might abruptly exit,
147 which can help the reader prevent reaching a panic. A panic section is recommended
148 every time edge cases in your code can be reached if known.
150 As you can see, it follows the structure detailed above: it starts with a short
151 sentence explaining what the functions does, then it provides more information
152 and finally provides a code example.
154 ## Markdown
156 `rustdoc` uses the [CommonMark Markdown specification]. You might be
157 interested in taking a look at their website to see what's possible:
159 - [CommonMark quick reference]
160 - [current spec]
162 In addition to the standard CommonMark syntax, `rustdoc` supports several
163 extensions:
165 ### Strikethrough
167 Text may be rendered with a horizontal line through the center by wrapping the
168 text with one or two tilde characters on each side:
170 ```text
171 An example of ~~strikethrough text~~. You can also use ~single tildes~.
172 ```
174 This example will render as:
176 > An example of ~~strikethrough text~~. You can also use ~single tildes~.
178 This follows the [GitHub Strikethrough extension][strikethrough].
180 ### Footnotes
182 A footnote generates a small numbered link in the text which when clicked
183 takes the reader to the footnote text at the bottom of the item. The footnote
184 label is written similarly to a link reference with a caret at the front. The
185 footnote text is written like a link reference definition, with the text
186 following the label. Example:
188 ```text
189 This is an example of a footnote[^note].
191 [^note]: This text is the contents of the footnote, which will be rendered
192 towards the bottom.
193 ```
195 This example will render as:
197 > This is an example of a footnote[^note].
198 >
199 > [^note]: This text is the contents of the footnote, which will be rendered
200 > towards the bottom.
202 The footnotes are automatically numbered based on the order the footnotes are
203 written.
205 ### Tables
207 Tables can be written using pipes and dashes to draw the rows and columns of
208 the table. These will be translated to HTML table matching the shape. Example:
210 ```text
211 | Header1 | Header2 |
212 |---------|---------|
213 | abc | def |
214 ```
216 This example will render similarly to this:
218 > | Header1 | Header2 |
219 > |---------|---------|
220 > | abc | def |
222 See the specification for the [GitHub Tables extension][tables] for more
223 details on the exact syntax supported.
225 ### Task lists
227 Task lists can be used as a checklist of items that have been completed.
228 Example:
230 ```md
231 - [x] Complete task
232 - [ ] Incomplete task
233 ```
235 This will render as:
237 > - [x] Complete task
238 > - [ ] Incomplete task
240 See the specification for the [task list extension] for more details.
242 ### Smart punctuation
244 Some ASCII punctuation sequences will be automatically turned into fancy Unicode
245 characters:
247 | ASCII sequence | Unicode |
248 |----------------|---------|
249 | `--` | – |
250 | `---` | — |
251 | `...` | … |
252 | `"` | “ or ”, depending on context |
253 | `'` | ‘ or ’, depending on context |
255 So, no need to manually enter those Unicode characters!
257 ### Adding a warning block
259 If you want to make a warning or similar note stand out in the documentation,
260 you can wrap it like this:
262 ```md
263 /// documentation
264 ///
265 /// <div class="warning">A big warning!</div>
266 ///
267 /// more documentation
268 ```
270 [`backtrace`]: https://docs.rs/backtrace/0.3.50/backtrace/
271 [commonmark markdown specification]: https://commonmark.org/
272 [commonmark quick reference]: https://commonmark.org/help/
273 [env::args]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/env/fn.args.html
274 [`Future`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/future/trait.Future.html
275 [`futures`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.3.5/futures/
276 [`hashbrown`]: https://docs.rs/hashbrown/0.8.2/hashbrown/
277 [`regex`]: https://docs.rs/regex/1.3.9/regex/
278 [standard library]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/index.html
279 [current spec]: https://spec.commonmark.org/current/
280 [`std::env`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/env/index.html#functions
281 [strikethrough]: https://github.github.com/gfm/#strikethrough-extension-
282 [tables]: https://github.github.com/gfm/#tables-extension-
283 [task list extension]: https://github.github.com/gfm/#task-list-items-extension-