]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/trpl/benchmark-tests.md
Imported Upstream version 1.2.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / doc / trpl / benchmark-tests.md
1 % Benchmark tests
3 Rust supports benchmark tests, which can test the performance of your
4 code. Let's make our `src/lib.rs` look like this (comments elided):
6 ```rust,ignore
7 #![feature(test)]
9 extern crate test;
11 pub fn add_two(a: i32) -> i32 {
12 a + 2
13 }
15 #[cfg(test)]
16 mod tests {
17 use super::*;
18 use test::Bencher;
20 #[test]
21 fn it_works() {
22 assert_eq!(4, add_two(2));
23 }
25 #[bench]
26 fn bench_add_two(b: &mut Bencher) {
27 b.iter(|| add_two(2));
28 }
29 }
30 ```
32 Note the `test` feature gate, which enables this unstable feature.
34 We've imported the `test` crate, which contains our benchmarking support.
35 We have a new function as well, with the `bench` attribute. Unlike regular
36 tests, which take no arguments, benchmark tests take a `&mut Bencher`. This
37 `Bencher` provides an `iter` method, which takes a closure. This closure
38 contains the code we'd like to benchmark.
40 We can run benchmark tests with `cargo bench`:
42 ```bash
43 $ cargo bench
44 Compiling adder v0.0.1 (file:///home/steve/tmp/adder)
45 Running target/release/adder-91b3e234d4ed382a
47 running 2 tests
48 test tests::it_works ... ignored
49 test tests::bench_add_two ... bench: 1 ns/iter (+/- 0)
51 test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 1 ignored; 1 measured
52 ```
54 Our non-benchmark test was ignored. You may have noticed that `cargo bench`
55 takes a bit longer than `cargo test`. This is because Rust runs our benchmark
56 a number of times, and then takes the average. Because we're doing so little
57 work in this example, we have a `1 ns/iter (+/- 0)`, but this would show
58 the variance if there was one.
60 Advice on writing benchmarks:
63 * Move setup code outside the `iter` loop; only put the part you want to measure inside
64 * Make the code do "the same thing" on each iteration; do not accumulate or change state
65 * Make the outer function idempotent too; the benchmark runner is likely to run
66 it many times
67 * Make the inner `iter` loop short and fast so benchmark runs are fast and the
68 calibrator can adjust the run-length at fine resolution
69 * Make the code in the `iter` loop do something simple, to assist in pinpointing
70 performance improvements (or regressions)
72 ## Gotcha: optimizations
74 There's another tricky part to writing benchmarks: benchmarks compiled with
75 optimizations activated can be dramatically changed by the optimizer so that
76 the benchmark is no longer benchmarking what one expects. For example, the
77 compiler might recognize that some calculation has no external effects and
78 remove it entirely.
80 ```rust,ignore
81 #![feature(test)]
83 extern crate test;
84 use test::Bencher;
86 #[bench]
87 fn bench_xor_1000_ints(b: &mut Bencher) {
88 b.iter(|| {
89 (0..1000).fold(0, |old, new| old ^ new);
90 });
91 }
92 ```
94 gives the following results
96 ```text
97 running 1 test
98 test bench_xor_1000_ints ... bench: 0 ns/iter (+/- 0)
100 test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 1 measured
101 ```
103 The benchmarking runner offers two ways to avoid this. Either, the closure that
104 the `iter` method receives can return an arbitrary value which forces the
105 optimizer to consider the result used and ensures it cannot remove the
106 computation entirely. This could be done for the example above by adjusting the
107 `b.iter` call to
109 ```rust
110 # struct X;
111 # impl X { fn iter<T, F>(&self, _: F) where F: FnMut() -> T {} } let b = X;
112 b.iter(|| {
113 // note lack of `;` (could also use an explicit `return`).
114 (0..1000).fold(0, |old, new| old ^ new)
115 });
116 ```
118 Or, the other option is to call the generic `test::black_box` function, which
119 is an opaque "black box" to the optimizer and so forces it to consider any
120 argument as used.
122 ```rust
123 #![feature(test)]
125 extern crate test;
127 # fn main() {
128 # struct X;
129 # impl X { fn iter<T, F>(&self, _: F) where F: FnMut() -> T {} } let b = X;
130 b.iter(|| {
131 let n = test::black_box(1000);
133 (0..n).fold(0, |a, b| a ^ b)
134 })
135 # }
136 ```
138 Neither of these read or modify the value, and are very cheap for small values.
139 Larger values can be passed indirectly to reduce overhead (e.g.
140 `black_box(&huge_struct)`).
142 Performing either of the above changes gives the following benchmarking results
144 ```text
145 running 1 test
146 test bench_xor_1000_ints ... bench: 131 ns/iter (+/- 3)
148 test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 1 measured
149 ```
151 However, the optimizer can still modify a testcase in an undesirable manner
152 even when using either of the above.