]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/examples/ajax/app.js
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[sencha-touch.git] / src / examples / ajax / app.js
1 //<debug>
2 Ext.Loader.setPath({
3 'Ext': '../../src'
4 });
5 //</debug>
7 /**
8 * This application demonstrates the simple AJAX abilities of Sencha Touch.
9 *
10 * We setup a simple container which has a 2 buttons which will trigger a function to either make
11 * a AJAX request using Ext.Ajax.request or a JSONP request using Ext.data.JsonP.
12 */
14 //the first thing we do is define out application
15 Ext.application({
16 startupImage: {
17 '320x460': 'resources/startup/Default.jpg', // Non-retina iPhone, iPod touch, and all Android devices
18 '640x920': 'resources/startup/640x920.png', // Retina iPhone and iPod touch
19 '640x1096': 'resources/startup/640x1096.png', // iPhone 5 and iPod touch (fifth generation)
20 '768x1004': 'resources/startup/768x1004.png', // Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in portrait orientation
21 '748x1024': 'resources/startup/748x1024.png', // Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in landscape orientation
22 '1536x2008': 'resources/startup/1536x2008.png', // : Retina iPad (third generation) in portrait orientation
23 '1496x2048': 'resources/startup/1496x2048.png' // : Retina iPad (third generation) in landscape orientation
24 },
26 isIconPrecomposed: false,
27 icon: {
28 57: 'resources/icons/icon.png',
29 72: 'resources/icons/icon@72.png',
30 114: 'resources/icons/icon@2x.png',
31 144: 'resources/icons/icon@144.png'
32 },
34 //requires defines the Components/Classes that our application requires.
35 requires: [
36 'Ext.Container',
37 'Ext.Button',
38 'Ext.Toolbar',
39 'Ext.TitleBar',
40 'Ext.data.JsonP',
41 'Ext.Ajax',
42 'Ext.MessageBox',
43 'Ext.XTemplate'
44 ],
46 /**
47 * The launch method is called when the browser is ready, and the application can launch.
48 *
49 * Within this function we create two a new container which will show the content which
50 * is returned when we make an AJAX request. We also have a toolbar docked to the top which
51 * has buttons to trigger the AJAX requests. And finally we have a toolbar docked to the bottom
52 * which shows the status of the current request.
53 */
54 launch: function() {
55 Ext.Viewport.add({
56 //define each of the items inside this container
57 layout: 'fit',
58 items: [
59 {
60 //we give it an id so we can refrence it below
61 id: 'contentView',
63 //the content can be scrolled, so set the scrollable config to true
64 scrollable: true,
66 //we give it a cls so we can custom style it using CSS
67 cls: 'x-content',
69 //we set the default html to something we the user knows what is happening
70 html: 'This example can use either JSONP or AJAX to retrieve data.'
72 },
73 //this is the top toolbar which will show the two buttons to make a request
74 {
75 //we give it an xtype of titlebar. titlebar allows you to use 'align' in
76 //it's children so we can align them to the left/right. see directly below
77 xtype: 'titlebar',
79 //we want the bar to be docked at the top
80 docked: 'top',
82 //and now we define the items we want inside the toolbar
83 items: [
84 {
85 //the text displayed on the button
86 text: 'JSONP',
88 //next we give this button it's handler, which is a link to the function
89 //we want to call when this button is tapped. we also give it a scope so
90 //it knows to call this function within the scope of our application
91 handler: this.makeJSONPRequest,
92 scope: this,
94 //align the button to the left
95 align: 'left'
96 },
97 {
98 //the text of the button
99 text: 'XMLHTTP',
101 //once again we give it a link to the function we want to call when we tap
102 //the button. this time it calls the Ajax method
103 handler: this.makeAjaxRequest,
104 scope: this,
106 //and then align to the right
107 align: 'right'
108 }
109 ]
110 },
112 //now we define the bottom toolbar.
113 {
114 //this time we just use toolbar, as we dont need to align buttons within it
115 xtype: 'toolbar',
117 //give it an id so we can reference it later
118 id: 'statusView',
120 //do it to the bottom
121 docked: 'bottom',
123 //give it it's default title
124 title: 'Tap a button above.',
126 //and we give it a ui of 'light' (the default is dark) so it looks a little difference
127 ui: 'light'
128 }
129 ]
130 });
132 //we set application variables so we don't have to keep finding a reference to both the contentView
133 //and statusView each time we need to update them (below).
134 //we use Ext.getCmp which allows us to find a component from an id (which we specified above)
135 this.contentView = Ext.getCmp('contentView');
136 this.statusView = Ext.getCmp('statusView');
137 },
139 /**
140 * This makes an AJAX request using Ext.Ajax.request. When it completes, it updates the contentView's
141 * html configuration with the responseText (data from the loaded file).
142 */
143 makeAjaxRequest: function() {
144 //firstly we set local variables of the contentView and statusView. we generallt do this
145 //only if we are going to use it more than once in our function
146 var contentView = this.contentView,
147 statusView = this.statusView;
149 //next we call the setter of the masked configuration in our contentview. we give it an option
150 //which tells it to use a Ext.LoadMask which display a loading indicator, and will also display
151 //the provided message
152 contentView.setMasked({
153 xtype: 'loadmask',
154 message: 'Loading...'
155 });
157 //now we create the Ajax request
158 Ext.Ajax.request({
159 //first we give it the URL of the request. take not that this can only be local to the web server
160 //you are on
161 url: 'test.json',
163 //then we define a success method, which is called once the ajax request is successful
164 success: function(response) {
165 //the first argument returned is the reponse object, and that object has a property called
166 //responseText which is the text of the file we just loaded. so we call setHtml which
167 //will update the contentView with the text of the response
168 contentView.setHtml(response.responseText);
170 //now we set the title of the statusView component to say we loaded the json file
171 statusView.setTitle('Static test.json file loaded');
173 //and finally we unmask the contentView so the content is viewable
174 contentView.unmask();
175 },
176 failure: function() {
177 contentView.unmask();
178 }
179 });
180 },
182 /**
183 * This method makes a JSONP request using Ext.data.JsonP. JSONP is used when you need to make cross-domain
184 * requests. otherwise you can use AJAX (above).
185 *
186 * When the request completes, it will display weather information for the specified location in the
187 * contentView.
188 */
189 makeJSONPRequest: function() {
190 //once again we set local variables of the contentView and statusView because we need to reference them
191 //more than once. we also get the XTemplate instance which we will used to display weather information.
192 var tpl = this.getWeatherTemplate(),
193 contentView = this.contentView,
194 statusView = this.statusView;
196 //first we set the mask of the contentView to show a loading message
197 contentView.setMasked({
198 xtype: 'loadmask',
199 message: 'Loading...'
200 });
202 //next we use Ext.data.JsonP to make a request
203 Ext.data.JsonP.request({
204 //we give it the url to the free worldweatheronline.com api
205 url: 'http://api.worldweatheronline.com/free/v1/weather.ashx',
207 //the callbackKey is used for JSONP requests
208 callbackKey: 'callback',
210 //now we define the params to be sent to the server
211 params: {
212 //first it is the API key so we can use the site
213 key: 'qfj4gk3t4u5u3bqc8atf69fn',
215 //nexgt is the `q` param which is a valid US zipcode (palo alto in this case)
216 q: '94301',
218 //next we define the format, json
219 format: 'json',
221 //and finally the number of days we want
222 num_of_days: 5
223 },
225 //now we define a callback method which is called when the JSONP response is successful.
226 success: function(result) {
227 //the result is a json object which is returned by the API we just requested.
228 //in this case all we want is the data.weather property, which is an array
229 var weather = result.data.weather;
231 //now we check if the weather is actually defined
232 if (weather) {
233 //if it is defined, we use the setHtml method on contentView to update the html
234 //using the tpl.apply method.
235 //Ext.XTemplate.apply will bind the data you pass into the xtemplate provided
236 //and return a string
237 contentView.setHtml(tpl.apply(weather));
239 //now we set the title of the status bar
240 statusView.setTitle('Weather: Palo Alto, CA');
241 } else {
242 //if it wasn't defined, we throw an error using Ext.Msg.alert()
243 Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'There was an error retrieving the weather.');
244 }
246 //and finally unmask the content view
247 contentView.unmask();
248 },
249 failure: function() {
250 Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'There was an error retrieving the weather.');
251 contentView.unmask();
252 }
253 });
254 },
256 /**
257 * Returns a Ext.XTemplate instance which will be used to display each weather result when makeJSONPRequest
258 * is called.
259 * @return {Ext.XTemplate} The returned template
260 */
261 getWeatherTemplate: function() {
262 return new Ext.XTemplate([
263 '<tpl for=".">',
264 '<div class="day">',
265 '<div class="date">{date:date("M d, Y")}</div>',
266 '<div class="icon">',
267 '<tpl for="weatherIconUrl">',
268 '<img src="{value}" />',
269 '</tpl>',
270 '</div>',
271 '<div class="temp">{tempMaxF}&deg;<span class="temp_low">{tempMinF}&deg;</span></div>',
272 '</div>',
273 '</tpl>'
274 ].join(''));
275 }
276 });