]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/examples/direct/direct.js
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / examples / direct / direct.js
1 Ext.require([
2 'Ext.direct.*'
3 ]);
5 Ext.application({
6 name: 'Direct',
7 launch: function() {
8 function doEcho(field) {
9 TestAction.doEcho(field.getValue(), function(result, event) {
10 var transaction = event.getTransaction(),
11 content = Ext.String.format('<b>Successful call to {0}.{1} with response:</b><pre>{2}</pre>',
12 transaction.getAction(), transaction.getMethod(), Ext.encode(result));
14 updateMain(content);
15 field.reset();
16 });
17 }
19 function doMultiply(field){
20 TestAction.multiply(field.getValue(), function(result, event) {
21 var transaction = event.getTransaction(),
22 content;
24 if (event.getStatus()) {
25 content = Ext.String.format('<b>Successful call to {0}.{1} with response:</b><pre>{2}</pre>',
26 transaction.getAction(), transaction.getMethod(), Ext.encode(result));
27 } else {
28 content = Ext.String.format('<b>Call to {0}.{1} failed with message:</b><pre>{2}</pre>',
29 transaction.getAction(), transaction.getMethod(), event.getMessage());
30 }
31 updateMain(content);
32 field.reset();
33 });
34 }
36 function updateMain(content){
37 main.setData({
38 data: content
39 });
40 }
42 Ext.direct.Manager.addProvider(Ext.app.REMOTING_API, {
43 type:'polling',
44 url: 'php/poll.php',
45 listeners: {
46 data: function(provider, event) {
47 updateMain('<i>' + event.getData() + '</i>');
48 }
49 }
50 });
52 var main = Ext.create('Ext.Container', {
53 fullscreen: true,
54 id: 'logger',
55 tpl: '<p>{data}</p>',
56 tplWriteMode: 'append',
57 styleHtmlContent: true,
58 scrollable: true,
59 items: [{
60 docked: 'top',
61 xtype: 'toolbar',
62 title: 'Remote Call Log'
63 }, {
64 docked: 'bottom',
65 xtype: 'toolbar',
66 items: [{
67 itemId: 'echoText',
68 xtype: 'textfield',
69 width: 300,
70 emptyText: 'Echo input'
71 }, {
72 itemId: 'echo',
73 text: 'Echo',
74 handler: function(){
75 doEcho(main.down('#echoText'));
76 }
77 }, {xtype: 'spacer'}, {
78 itemId: 'multiplyText',
79 xtype: 'textfield',
80 width: 80,
81 emptyText: 'Multiply x 8'
82 }, {
83 itemId: 'multiply',
84 text: 'Multiply',
85 handler: function() {
86 doMultiply(main.down('#multiplyText'));
87 }
88 }]
89 }]
90 });
91 }
92 });