]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/examples/kitchensink/app/controller/Main.js
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / examples / kitchensink / app / controller / Main.js
1 /**
2 * @class Kitchensink.controller.Main
3 * @extends Ext.app.Controller
4 *
5 * This is an abstract base class that is extended by both the phone and tablet versions. This controller is
6 * never directly instantiated, it just provides a set of common functionality that the phone and tablet
7 * subclasses both extend.
8 */
9 Ext.define('Kitchensink.controller.Main', {
10 extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
12 config: {
13 /**
14 * @private
15 */
16 viewCache: [],
18 refs: {
19 nav: '#mainNestedList',
20 main: 'mainview',
21 toolbar: '#mainNavigationBar',
22 sourceButton: 'button[action=viewSource]',
23 themeToggleButton: 'button[action=toggleTheme]',
26 sourceOverlay: {
27 selector: 'sourceoverlay',
28 xtype: 'sourceoverlay',
29 autoCreate: true
30 }
31 },
33 control: {
34 sourceButton: {
35 tap: 'onSourceTap'
36 },
37 themeToggleButton: {
38 tap: 'onThemeToggleTap'
39 },
40 nav: {
41 itemtap: 'onNavTap'
42 }
43 },
45 routes: {
46 'demo/:id': 'showViewById',
47 'menu/:id': 'showMenuById',
48 '': 'showMenuById'
49 },
51 /**
52 * @cfg {Ext.data.Model} currentDemo The Demo that is currently loaded. This is set whenever showViewById
53 * is called and used by functions like onSourceTap to fetch the source code for the current demo.
54 */
55 currentDemo: undefined
56 },
58 /**
59 * Finds a given view by ID and shows it. End-point of the "demo/:id" route
60 */
61 showViewById: function (id) {
62 var nav = this.getNav(),
63 view = nav.getStore().getNodeById(id);
65 this.showView(view);
66 this.setCurrentDemo(view);
67 this.hideSheets();
68 },
70 /**
71 * Shows the source code for the {@link #currentDemo} in an overlay
72 */
73 onSourceTap: function () {
74 var overlay = this.getSourceOverlay(),
75 demo = this.getCurrentDemo();
77 if (!overlay.getParent()) {
78 Ext.Viewport.add(overlay);
79 }
81 overlay.show();
83 overlay.setMasked({
84 xtype: 'loadmask',
85 message: 'Loading Source'
86 });
88 if (demo) {
89 Ext.Ajax.request({
90 url: '../../examples/kitchensink/app/view/' + (demo.get('view') || demo.get('text')) + '.js',
92 callback: function (request, success, response) {
93 setTimeout(function() {
94 overlay.unmask();
95 overlay.setHtml(response.responseText);
96 }, 500);
97 }
98 });
99 }
100 },
102 onThemeToggleTap: function() {
103 switch(Ext.theme.name) {
104 case "Tizen": {
105 if (!Kitchensink.app.getThemeVariationTransitionCls()) {
106 Kitchensink.app.setThemeVariationTransitionCls("tizenThemeTransition");
107 }
109 if (Kitchensink.app.getThemeVariation() === "light") {
110 Kitchensink.app.setThemeVariation("dark");
111 } else {
112 Kitchensink.app.setThemeVariation("light");
113 }
114 }
115 }
117 },
119 /**
120 * @private
121 * In the kitchen sink we have a large number of dynamic views. If we were to keep all of them rendered
122 * we'd risk causing the browser to run out of memory, especially on older devices. If we destroy them as
123 * soon as we're done with them, the app can appear sluggish. Instead, we keep a small number of rendered
124 * views in a viewCache so that we can easily reuse recently used views while destroying those we haven't
125 * used in a while.
126 * @param {String} name The full class name of the view to create (e.g. "Kitchensink.view.Forms")
127 * @return {Ext.Component} The component, which may be from the cache
128 */
129 createView: function (item) {
130 var name = this.getViewName(item),
131 cache = this.getViewCache(),
132 ln = cache.length,
133 limit = item.get('limit') || 20,
134 view, i = 0, j, oldView;
136 for (; i < ln; i++) {
137 if (cache[i].viewName === name) {
138 return cache[i];
139 }
140 }
142 if (ln >= limit) {
143 for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ln; i++) {
144 oldView = cache[i];
145 if (!oldView.isPainted()) {
146 oldView.destroy();
147 } else {
148 cache[j++] = oldView;
149 }
150 }
151 cache.length = j;
152 }
154 view = Ext.create(name);
155 view.viewName = name;
156 cache.push(view);
157 this.setViewCache(cache);
159 return view;
160 },
162 /**
163 * @private
164 * Returns the full class name of the view to construct for a given Demo
165 * @param {Kitchensink.model.Demo} item The demo
166 * @return {String} The full class name of the view
167 */
168 getViewName: function (item) {
169 var name = item.get('view') || item.get('text'),
170 ns = 'Kitchensink.view.';
172 if (name == 'TouchEvents') {
173 if (this.getApplication().getCurrentProfile().getName() === 'Tablet') {
174 return ns + 'tablet.' + name;
175 } else {
176 return ns + 'phone.' + name;
177 }
178 } else {
179 return ns + name;
180 }
181 },
183 /**
184 * we iterate over all of the floating sheet components and make sure they're hidden when we
185 * navigate to a new view. This stops things like Picker overlays staying visible when you hit
186 * the browser's back button
187 */
188 hideSheets: function () {
189 Ext.each(Ext.ComponentQuery.query('sheet, #editorPanel'), function (sheet) {
190 if(sheet instanceof Ext.Menu) {
191 Ext.Viewport.hideMenu(sheet);
192 }else {
193 sheet.setHidden(true);
194 }
195 });
196 }
197 });