]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/examples/list/.sencha/app/slice-impl.xml
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / examples / list / .sencha / app / slice-impl.xml
1 <project name="slice-impl">
2 <!--
3 Uses the compiler to generate a special theme-only scss file containing
4 rules for all framework / package / app components. This is then used
5 by the slicer example page to capture theme sprites
6 -->
7 <target name="-compile-slicer-sass" depends="-init-compiler">
8 <x-normalize-path
9 path="${build.dir}/resources"
10 property="image.search.path"/>
12 <x-compile refid="${compiler.ref.id}">
13 <![CDATA[
14 restore
15 page
16 and
17 include
18 -all
19 and
20 sass
21 +class-name-vars
22 +etc
23 +vars
24 +rules
25 -variable=$image-search-path:'${image.search.path}'
26 -variable=$theme-name: '${app.theme}' !default
27 -output=${app.example.scss}
28 and
29 restore
30 page
31 and
32 sass
33 +ruby
34 -output=${app.example.out.ruby}
35 ]]>
36 </x-compile>
38 <x-get-relative-path from="${app.example.dir}"
39 to="${app.example.css}"
40 property="app.example.css.path"/>
42 <!--update the app's example to point to the build output-->
43 <echo file="${app.example.css.file}">
44 <![CDATA[
45 /*
46 * This file is generated by Sencha Cmd and should NOT be edited. It redirects
47 * to the most recently built CSS file for the application to allow theme.html
48 * to load properly for image slicing (required to support non-CSS3 browsers
49 * such as IE9 and below).
50 */
51 @import '${app.example.css.path}';
52 ]]>
53 </echo>
54 </target>
56 <!--
57 Compiles the scss file for the theme slicer page
58 -->
59 <target name="-compass-compile-slicer-css" depends="-compile-slicer-sass">
60 <x-compass-compile
61 dir="${app.example.build.dir}"
62 trace="${compass.compile.trace}"
63 boring="${compass.compile.boring}"
64 force="${compass.compile.force}"
65 sassdir="${app.example.build.dir}"
66 cssdir="${app.example.build.dir}"
67 config="${app.example.compass.config}"/>
68 </target>
70 <!--
71 Generates theme images for Ext JS 4.2+ apps using theme packages
72 '-detect-app-build-properties' is defined in js-impl.xml
73 -->
74 <target name="-slice-app-theme" depends="-detect-app-build-properties">
75 <x-ant-call target="-compass-compile-slicer-css"/>
76 <x-run-bootstrap file="${bootstrap.example.js}"
77 basedir="${bootstrap.base.path}"/>
79 <echo>Capture theme image to ${build.capture.png}</echo>
80 <x-sencha-command>
81 <![CDATA[
82 theme
83 capture
84 -page=${app.example.theme.html}
85 -image=${build.capture.png}
86 -manifest=${build.capture.json}
87 ]]>
88 </x-sencha-command>
90 <echo>Slicing theme images to ${build.resources.dir}</echo>
91 <x-sencha-command>
92 <![CDATA[
93 fs
94 slice
95 ${build.slice.options}
96 -image=${build.capture.png}
97 -manifest=${build.capture.json}
98 -out=${build.resources.dir}
99 ]]>
100 </x-sencha-command>
101 </target>
103 <macrodef name="x-build-theme">
104 <attribute name="theme" description="the path of the theme folder"/>
105 <attribute name="buildsass" default="false"/>
106 <attribute name="basetheme" default="default"/>
107 <sequential>
108 <local name="theme.name"/>
110 <local name="framework.theme.dir"/>
111 <local name="tmp.theme.dir"/>
112 <local name="tmp.img.dir"/>
114 <basename property="theme.name" file="@{theme}"/>
115 <local name="theme.base.name"/>
116 <property name="theme.base.name" value="${theme.name}"/>
117 <property name="theme.images.dir" location="@{theme}/images"/>
118 <property name="theme.page.dir" location="@{theme}/${theme.page.name}"/>
120 <property name="tmp.res.dir" value="${app.resources.dir}"/>
121 <property name="tmp.theme.dir" value="${tmp.res.dir}/${theme.base.name}"/>
122 <property name="tmp.img.dir" value="${tmp.theme.dir}/images"/>
124 <property name="app.res.dir" location="${app.dir}/packages"/>
125 <property name="app.img.dir" location="${app.res.dir}/images"/>
127 <property name="framework.res.dir" location="${framework.dir}/resources"/>
128 <property name="framework.img.dir" location="${framework.res.dir}/themes/images"/>
129 <property name="framework.theme.dir" location="${framework.img.dir}/@{basetheme}"/>
131 <echo>Copying base framework images from ${framework.theme.dir} to ${tmp.img.dir}</echo>
132 <copy todir="${tmp.img.dir}">
133 <fileset dir="${framework.theme.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
134 </copy>
136 <if>
137 <equals arg1="@{buildsass}" arg2="true"/>
138 <then>
139 <echo>Building sass for theme ${theme.name}</echo>
140 <!--x-build-sass is defined in sass-impl.xml-->
141 <x-build-sass theme="@{theme}"/>
142 </then>
143 </if>
145 <echo>Slicing images for theme ${theme.name} to ${tmp.img.dir}</echo>
146 <x-sencha-command>
147 <![CDATA[
148 theme
149 build
150 -data-file=${build.capture.json}
151 -image-file=${build.capture.png}
152 -page=${theme.page.dir}
153 -out=${tmp.img.dir}
154 ]]>
155 </x-sencha-command>
157 <if>
158 <available file="${theme.images.dir}"/>
159 <then>
160 <echo>Copying user defined images from @{theme}/images to ${tmp.img.dir}</echo>
161 <copy todir="${tmp.img.dir}">
162 <fileset dir="${theme.images.dir}" includes="**/*"/>
163 </copy>
164 </then>
165 </if>
167 </sequential>
168 </macrodef>
170 <!--
171 This is a legacy macrodef for copying resources in theme-directory based themes.
172 It is provided to support building Ext JS 4.1 app themes
173 -->
174 <macrodef name="x-copy-resources">
175 <sequential>
176 <copy todir="${build.resources.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="false">
177 <fileset dir="${app.resources.dir}"
178 includes="**/*"/>
179 </copy>
181 <x-get-relative-path from="${app.dir}"
182 to="${framework.dir}"
183 property="framework.rel.path"/>
185 <copy toDir="${build.dir}/${framework.rel.path}">
186 <fileset dir="${framework.dir}"
187 includes="src/ux/**/css/**/*"/>
188 </copy>
189 </sequential>
190 </macrodef>
192 <!--
193 Generates theme images for Ext JS 4.1 apps that use directory based
194 themes. These have been deprecated in favor of ExtJS 4.2 theme packages
195 -->
196 <target name="-slice-theme-directories">
197 <echo>Processing theme directories from ${app.theme.dir}</echo>
198 <for param="theme">
199 <dirset dir="${app.theme.dir}" includes="*"/>
200 <sequential>
201 <x-build-theme theme="@{theme}"/>
202 </sequential>
203 </for>
204 <x-copy-resources/>
205 </target>
207 <target name="-slice-images">
208 <x-run-if-true value="${enable.ext42.themes}">
209 <x-ant-call target="-slice-app-theme"/>
210 </x-run-if-true>
211 <x-run-if-true value="${enable.ext41.themes}">
212 <x-ant-call target="-slice-theme-directories"/>
213 </x-run-if-true>
214 </target>
216 <target name="-before-slice"/>
217 <target name="-slice" depends="-slice-images"/>
218 <target name="-after-slice"/>
220 <!--
221 Refresh Individual Theme
222 -->
223 <target name="-before-refresh-theme"/>
224 <target name="-refresh-theme">
225 <if>
226 <x-is-true value="${enable.ext41.themes}"/>
227 <then>
228 <local name="theme.dir"/>
229 <property name="theme.dir" location="${app.theme.dir}/${args.themeName}"/>
230 <x-build-theme theme="${theme.dir}" buildsass="true"/>
231 <x-copy-resources/>
232 </then>
233 </if>
234 </target>
235 <target name="-after-refresh-theme"/>
236 </project>