]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/examples/list/app.js
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / examples / list / app.js
1 //<debug>
2 Ext.Loader.setPath({
3 'Ext': '../../src'
4 });
5 //</debug>
7 /**
8 * This simple example shows the ability of the Ext.List component.
9 *
10 * In this example, it uses a grouped store to show group headers in the list. It also
11 * includes an indicator so you can quickly swipe through each of the groups. On top of that
12 * it has a disclosure button so you can disclose more information for a list item.
13 */
15 //define the application
16 Ext.application({
17 //define the startupscreens for tablet and phone, as well as the icon
18 startupImage: {
19 '320x460': 'resources/startup/Default.jpg', // Non-retina iPhone, iPod touch, and all Android devices
20 '640x920': 'resources/startup/640x920.png', // Retina iPhone and iPod touch
21 '640x1096': 'resources/startup/640x1096.png', // iPhone 5 and iPod touch (fifth generation)
22 '768x1004': 'resources/startup/768x1004.png', // Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in portrait orientation
23 '748x1024': 'resources/startup/748x1024.png', // Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in landscape orientation
24 '1536x2008': 'resources/startup/1536x2008.png', // : Retina iPad (third generation) in portrait orientation
25 '1496x2048': 'resources/startup/1496x2048.png' // : Retina iPad (third generation) in landscape orientation
26 },
28 isIconPrecomposed: false,
29 icon: {
30 57: 'resources/icons/icon.png',
31 72: 'resources/icons/icon@72.png',
32 114: 'resources/icons/icon@2x.png',
33 144: 'resources/icons/icon@144.png'
34 },
36 //require any components/classes what we will use in our example
37 requires: [
38 'Ext.MessageBox',
39 'Ext.data.Store',
40 'Ext.List',
41 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh'
42 ],
44 /**
45 * The launch method is called when the browser is ready, and the application can launch.
46 *
47 * Inside our launch method we create the list and show in in the viewport. We get the lists configuration
48 * using the getListConfiguration method which we defined below.
49 *
50 * If the user is not on a phone, we wrap the list inside a panel which is centered on the page.
51 */
52 launch: function() {
53 //get the configuration for the list
54 var listConfiguration = this.getListConfiguration();
56 //if the device is not a phone, we want to create a centered panel and put the list
57 //into that
58 if (!Ext.os.is.Phone) {
59 //use Ext.Viewport.add to add a new component into the viewport
60 Ext.Viewport.add({
61 //give it an xtype of panel
62 xtype: 'panel',
64 //give it a fixed witdh and height
65 width: 350,
66 height: 370,
68 //make it centered
69 centered: true,
71 //make the component modal so there is a mask around the panel
72 modal: true,
74 //set hideOnMaskTap to false so the panel does not hide when you tap on the mask
75 hideOnMaskTap: false,
77 //give it a layout of fit so the list stretches to the size of this panel
78 layout: 'fit',
80 //insert the listConfiguration as an item into this panel
81 items: [listConfiguration]
82 });
83 } else {
84 //if we are a phone, simply add the list as an item to the viewport
85 Ext.Viewport.add(listConfiguration);
86 }
87 },
89 /**
90 * Returns a configuration object to be used when adding the list to the viewport.
91 */
92 getListConfiguration: function() {
93 //create a store instance
94 var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
95 //give the store some fields
96 fields: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
98 //filter the data using the firstName field
99 sorters: 'firstName',
101 //autoload the data from the server
102 autoLoad: true,
104 //setup the grouping functionality to group by the first letter of the firstName field
105 grouper: {
106 groupFn: function(record) {
107 return record.get('firstName')[0];
108 }
109 },
111 //setup the proxy for the store to use an ajax proxy and give it a url to load
112 //the local contacts.json file
113 proxy: {
114 type: 'ajax',
115 url: 'contacts.json'
116 }
117 });
119 return {
120 //give it an xtype of list for the list component
121 xtype: 'list',
123 id: 'list',
125 // scrollable: {
126 // indicators: false
127 // },
129 //set the itemtpl to show the fields for the store
130 itemTpl: '{firstName} {lastName}',
132 //enable disclosure icons
133 //disclosure: true,
135 //group the list
136 grouped: true,
138 //enable the indexBar
139 indexBar: true,
141 infinite: true,
143 useSimpleItems: true,
145 variableHeights: true,
147 striped: true,
149 ui: 'round',
151 //set the function when a user taps on a disclsoure icon
152 // onItemDisclosure: function(record, item, index, e) {
153 // //show a messagebox alert which shows the persons firstName
154 // e.stopEvent();
155 // Ext.Msg.alert('Disclose', 'Disclose more info for ' + record.get('firstName'));
156 // },
158 //bind the store to this list
159 store: store
160 };
161 }
162 });