]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/examples/touchflickr/.sencha/app/refresh-impl.xml
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / examples / touchflickr / .sencha / app / refresh-impl.xml
1 <project name="refresh-impl">
2 <!--
3 This macrodef regenerates the bootstrap.js class system metadata, which includes
4 relative file paths, class names, alternate class names, and class alias data
5 -->
6 <macrodef name="x-run-bootstrap">
7 <attribute name="file"/>
8 <attribute name="basedir"/>
9 <attribute name="appendMicroloader" default="false"/>
10 <sequential>
12 <local name="tag.filter"/>
13 <local name="ux.include"/>
14 <local name="load.script.tpl"/>
16 <condition property="tag.filter" value="package-sencha-core,core">
17 <x-is-true value="${enable.sencha-core.filter}"/>
18 </condition>
19 <property name="tag.filter" value="core"/>
21 <if>
22 <equals arg1="${framework.name}" arg2="ext"/>
23 <then>
24 <property name="ux.include">
25 include
26 -namespace=Ext.ux
27 and
28 </property>
29 <property name="load.script.tpl" value="Ext.Loader.loadScript(&quot;{0}&quot;);"/>
30 </then>
31 <else>
32 <property name="ux.include" value=""/>
33 <property name="load.script.tpl" value="Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile(&quot;{0}&quot;, Ext.emptyFn);"/>
34 </else>
35 </if>
37 <echo file="@{file}">
38 /**
39 * This file is generated by Sencha Cmd and should NOT be edited. It is
40 * provided to support globbing requires, custom xtypes, and other
41 * metadata-driven class system features
42 */
43 </echo>
44 <x-compile refid="${compiler.ref.id}">
45 <![CDATA[
46 union
47 -not
48 -tag=${tag.filter}
49 and
50 metadata
51 +append
52 -base-path=@{basedir}
53 +loader-paths
54 -jsonp=Ext.Loader.addClassPathMappings
55 -out=@{file}
56 and
57 exclude
58 -tag=${tag.filter}
59 and
60 ${ux.include}
61 metadata
62 +append
63 -base-path=@{basedir}
64 +alternates
65 -out=@{file}
66 and
67 metadata
68 +append
69 -base-path=@{basedir}
70 +alias
71 -out=@{file}
72 and
73 meta
74 +append
75 +packages
76 -out=@{file}
77 and
78 union
79 -tag=overrides
80 and
81 metadata
82 -base-path=@{basedir}
83 +append
84 +filenames
85 -tpl=${load.script.tpl};
86 -out=@{file}
87 ]]>
88 </x-compile>
89 </sequential>
90 </macrodef>
92 <!--
93 Refreshes the application's bootstrap javascript and microloader manifest
94 '-detect-app-build-properties' is defined in js-impl.xml
95 -->
96 <target name="-refresh-app" depends="-detect-app-build-properties">
98 <!--regenerate class system metadata-->
99 <x-run-bootstrap file="${app.bootstrap.js}"
100 basedir="${app.bootstrap.base.path}"/>
102 <!--regenerate json manifest bootstrap data-->
103 <if>
104 <equals arg1="${app.page.mode}" arg2="xcompile"/>
105 <then>
106 <!--
107 append the microloader and manifest to the end
108 of bootstrap.js
109 -->
110 <x-compile refid="${compiler.ref.id}">
111 <![CDATA[
112 microload
113 -operation=microloader
114 -microloaderPath=${app.microloader.bootstrap}
115 -append
116 -out=${app.bootstrap.js}
117 ]]>
118 </x-compile>
119 </then>
120 </if>
122 <!--
123 create / overwrite bootstrap.json, which will be used
124 by the default development.js microloader
125 -->
127 <echo file="${build.json.bootstrap.path}">
128 /**
129 * This file is generated by Sencha Cmd and should NOT be edited. It is a
130 * combination of content from app.json, and all required package's package.json
131 * files. Customizations should be placed in app.json.
132 */
133 </echo>
134 <x-compile refid="${compiler.ref.id}">
135 <![CDATA[
136 microload
137 -operation=json
138 -bootstrap
139 -append
140 -tpl={0}
141 -out=${build.json.bootstrap.path}
142 ]]>
143 </x-compile>
144 </target>
146 <!--
147 Refresh app
148 -->
149 <target name="-before-refresh"/>
150 <target name="-refresh" depends="-refresh-app"/>
151 <target name="-after-refresh"/>
152 </project>