]> git.proxmox.com Git - sencha-touch.git/blob - src/examples/touchflickr/app/controller/Search.js
import Sencha Touch 2.4.2 source
[sencha-touch.git] / src / examples / touchflickr / app / controller / Search.js
1 /*
2 * This controller is the main, and only controller for this application. It handles all the views and functionality
3 * of this application.
4 */
5 Ext.define('Flickr.controller.Search', {
6 extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
7 requires: ["Ext.Img"],
8 config: {
9 refs: {
10 main: {
11 selector : 'mainview',
12 xtype : 'mainview',
13 autoCreate: true
14 },
15 searchBar: 'searchbar',
16 searchList: 'searchlist',
17 flickrList: 'flickrlist',
18 searchField: 'searchbar > searchfield'
19 },
21 control: {
22 searchField: {
23 keyup: 'onSearch'
24 },
26 flickrList: {
27 itemtap: 'onFlickrTap'
28 },
30 searchList: {
31 select: 'onSearchSelect',
32 itemswipe: 'onSearchSwipe'
33 },
35 'searchlist searchlistitem button': {
36 tap: 'onSearchDelete'
37 }
38 }
39 },
41 launch: function() {
42 Ext.getStore('Searches').load({
43 callback: this.onSearchesStoreLoad,
44 scope: this
45 });
46 },
48 /**
49 * Called when the searchesStore has been loaded from localStorage. If it is NOT a phone, it will select one of the searches
50 * from the list, now that it is loaded.
51 * We don't want to select a search when it is loaded on a phone, as it would trigger the flickrList view to display.
52 */
53 onSearchesStoreLoad: function() {
54 var search = Ext.getStore('Searches').getAt(0);
56 if (!search) {
57 this.doSearch("senchacon");
58 }
59 },
61 /**
62 * Called when a search is selected from the searchList. It sets the store of the flickrList to the flickrimages() store of the selected
63 * search instance.
64 */
65 onSearchSelect: function(list, search) {
66 var store = search.flickrimages();
68 this.getFlickrList().setStore(store);
69 store.load();
70 },
72 /**
73 * Called when an item in the searchList is swiped. It will show the delete button in the swiped item.
74 */
75 onSearchSwipe: function(dataview, index, target) {
76 if (Ext.getStore('Searches').getCount() < 2) {
77 return;
78 }
80 //set the currentDeleteButton so we know what is it to hide it in the listener below
81 this.currentDeleteButton = target.getDeleteButton();
82 this.currentDeleteButton.show();
84 //add a listener to the body, so we can hide the button if the user taps anywhere but the button.
85 Ext.getBody().on('tap', this.onBodyTap, this);
86 },
88 /**
89 * Called when the user taps on the body. Hides the delete button and removes the listener from the body.
90 */
91 onBodyTap: function(e) {
92 if (this.currentDeleteButton) {
93 this.currentDeleteButton.hide();
94 }
96 //remove the listener
97 Ext.getBody().un('tap', this.onBodyTap, this);
98 },
100 /**
101 * Called when a user taps on an item in the flickrList.
102 */
103 onFlickrTap: function(list, index, target, record, e) {
104 var me= this,
105 img;
106 if(!me.popUp) {
107 me.popUp = Ext.create("Ext.Panel", {
108 width:"75%",
109 height:"75%",
110 layout:"fit",
111 centered:true,
112 cls: "flickr-image",
113 modal:true,
114 hideOnMaskTap: true,
115 items: {
116 xtype: "image",
117 src: record.get("image_url")
118 }
119 });
121 img = me.popUp.down("image");
123 me.popUp.on("hide", function(){
124 img.setSrc(null);
125 });
127 img.on("load", function() {
128 me.popUp.setMasked(false);
129 })
130 }else {
131 img = me.popUp.down("image");
132 img.setSrc(null);
133 img.setSrc(record.get("image_url"));
134 }
136 me.popUp.setMasked({xtype:'loadmask'});
137 me.popUp.show();
138 },
140 /**
141 * Called when a use taps the delete button on a searchList item
142 */
143 onSearchDelete: function(button, e) {
144 var item = button.getParent(),
145 search = item.getRecord();
147 this.fireAction('destroy', [search, button], 'doDestroy');
148 },
150 /**
151 * Removes a specified search record from the searches store. The tablet controller subclass has some additional
152 * logic to select the nearest saved search
153 */
154 doDestroy: function(search, button) {
155 var store = Ext.getStore('Searches');
157 store.remove(search);
158 store.sync();
159 button.hide();
160 },
162 /**
163 * Called on the keyup event of the search field. If the enter/return key was pressed, it will fire the search action.
164 */
165 onSearch: function(field, e) {
166 var keyCode = e.event.keyCode,
167 searchField = this.getSearchField();
169 //the return keyCode is 13.
170 if (keyCode == 13) {
171 //fire the search action with the current value of the searchField
172 this.fireAction('search', [searchField.getValue()], 'doSearch');
173 }
174 },
176 /**
177 * Called with the search action above. Searches twitter for a specified search term or record
178 */
179 doSearch: function(search) {
180 var model = Flickr.model.Search,
181 flickrList = this.getFlickrList(),
182 searchList = this.getSearchList(),
183 searchesStore = Ext.getStore('Searches'),
184 searchField = this.getSearchField(),
185 query, index;
187 // ensure there is a search...
188 if (!search) {
189 return;
190 }
192 //ensure the flickrlist is visible
193 flickrList.show();
195 //check if ths search already exists in the searchesStore
196 index = searchesStore.find('query', search);
197 if (index != -1) {
198 //it exists, so lets just select it
199 search = searchesStore.getAt(index);
201 searchList.select(search);
203 //empty the field and blur it so it looses focus
204 searchField.setValue('');
205 searchField.blur();
207 return;
208 }
210 //if the passed argument is not an instance of a Search mode, create a new instance
211 if (!(search instanceof Flickr.model.Search)) {
212 query = search.replace("%20", " ");
213 search = new model({
214 query: query
215 });
216 }
218 //add the new search instance to the searchsStore
219 searchesStore.add(search);
220 searchesStore.sync();
222 // select the new record in the list
223 searchList.select(search);
225 //empty the field and remove focus from it
226 searchField.setValue('');
227 searchField.blur();
228 }
229 });