]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-lxc-syscalld.git/blob - src/fork.rs
working on receiving data for the syscalls
[pve-lxc-syscalld.git] / src / fork.rs
1 //! Fork helper.
2 //!
3 //! Note that forking in rust can be dangerous. A fork must consider all mutexes to be in a broken
4 //! state, and cannot rely on any of its reference life times, so we be careful what kind of data
5 //! we continue to work with.
7 use std::io;
8 use std::os::raw::c_int;
9 use std::os::unix::io::{FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
10 use std::panic::UnwindSafe;
11 use std::pin::Pin;
12 use std::task::{Context, Poll};
14 use futures::future::poll_fn;
15 use futures::io::AsyncRead;
17 use crate::syscall::SyscallStatus;
18 use crate::tools::Fd;
19 use crate::{libc_try, libc_wrap};
21 pub async fn forking_syscall<F>(func: F) -> io::Result<SyscallStatus>
22 where
23 F: FnOnce() -> io::Result<SyscallStatus> + UnwindSafe,
24 {
25 let mut fork = Fork::new(func)?;
26 let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
28 use futures::io::AsyncReadExt;
29 fork.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
30 fork.wait()?;
32 Ok(SyscallStatus::Err(libc::ENOENT))
33 }
35 pub struct Fork {
36 pid: Option<libc::pid_t>,
37 // FIXME: abuse! tokio-fs is not updated to futures@0.3 yet, but a TcpStream does the same
38 // thing as a file when it's already open anyway...
39 out: crate::tools::GenericStream,
40 }
42 impl Drop for Fork {
43 fn drop(&mut self) {
44 if self.pid.is_some() {
45 let _ = self.wait();
46 }
47 }
48 }
50 impl Fork {
51 pub fn new<F>(func: F) -> io::Result<Self>
52 where
53 F: FnOnce() -> io::Result<SyscallStatus> + UnwindSafe,
54 {
55 let mut pipe: [c_int; 2] = [0, 0];
56 libc_try!(unsafe { libc::pipe2(pipe.as_mut_ptr(), libc::O_CLOEXEC | libc::O_NONBLOCK) });
57 let (pipe_r, pipe_w) = (Fd(pipe[0]), Fd(pipe[1]));
59 let pipe_r = match crate::tools::GenericStream::from_fd(pipe_r) {
60 Ok(o) => o,
61 Err(err) => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err.to_string())),
62 };
64 let pid = libc_try!(unsafe { libc::fork() });
65 if pid == 0 {
66 std::mem::drop(pipe_r);
67 let mut pipe_w = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(pipe_w.into_raw_fd()) };
69 let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(move || {
70 let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
72 match func() {
73 Ok(SyscallStatus::Ok(value)) => unsafe {
74 std::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr().add(1) as *mut i64, value);
75 },
76 Ok(SyscallStatus::Err(value)) => {
77 buf[0] = 1;
78 unsafe {
79 std::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr().add(1) as *mut i32, value);
80 }
81 }
82 Err(err) => match err.raw_os_error() {
83 Some(err) => {
84 buf[0] = 2;
85 unsafe {
86 std::ptr::write(buf.as_mut_ptr().add(1) as *mut i32, err);
87 }
88 }
89 None => {
90 buf[0] = 3;
91 }
92 },
93 }
95 use std::io::Write;
96 match pipe_w.write_all(&buf) {
97 Ok(()) => unsafe { libc::_exit(0) },
98 Err(_) => unsafe { libc::_exit(1) },
99 }
100 });
101 unsafe {
102 libc::_exit(-1);
103 }
104 }
106 Ok(Self {
107 pid: Some(pid),
108 out: pipe_r,
109 })
110 }
112 pub fn wait(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
113 let my_pid = self.pid.take().unwrap();
115 loop {
116 let mut status: c_int = -1;
117 match libc_wrap!(unsafe { libc::waitpid(my_pid, &mut status, 0) }) {
118 Ok(pid) if pid == my_pid => break,
119 Ok(_other) => continue,
120 Err(ref err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
121 Err(other) => return Err(other),
122 }
123 }
125 Ok(())
126 }
128 pub async fn async_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
129 poll_fn(|cx| Pin::new(&mut *self).poll_read(cx, buf)).await
130 }
131 }
133 // default impl will work
134 impl AsyncRead for Fork {
135 fn poll_read(
136 self: Pin<&mut Self>,
137 cx: &mut Context,
138 buf: &mut [u8],
139 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
140 unsafe { self.map_unchecked_mut(|this| &mut this.out) }.poll_read(cx, buf)
141 }
143 unsafe fn initializer(&self) -> futures::io::Initializer {
144 self.out.initializer()
145 }
147 fn poll_read_vectored(
148 self: Pin<&mut Self>,
149 cx: &mut Context,
150 bufs: &mut [futures::io::IoSliceMut],
151 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
152 unsafe { self.map_unchecked_mut(|this| &mut this.out) }.poll_read_vectored(cx, bufs)
153 }
154 }