]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/liballoc/raw_vec.rs
[rustc.git] / src / liballoc / raw_vec.rs
1 #![unstable(feature = "raw_vec_internals", reason = "implementation detail", issue = "0")]
2 #![doc(hidden)]
4 use core::cmp;
5 use core::mem;
6 use core::ops::Drop;
7 use core::ptr::{self, NonNull, Unique};
8 use core::slice;
10 use crate::alloc::{Alloc, Layout, Global, handle_alloc_error};
11 use crate::collections::CollectionAllocErr::{self, *};
12 use crate::boxed::Box;
14 /// A low-level utility for more ergonomically allocating, reallocating, and deallocating
15 /// a buffer of memory on the heap without having to worry about all the corner cases
16 /// involved. This type is excellent for building your own data structures like Vec and VecDeque.
17 /// In particular:
18 ///
19 /// * Produces Unique::empty() on zero-sized types
20 /// * Produces Unique::empty() on zero-length allocations
21 /// * Catches all overflows in capacity computations (promotes them to "capacity overflow" panics)
22 /// * Guards against 32-bit systems allocating more than isize::MAX bytes
23 /// * Guards against overflowing your length
24 /// * Aborts on OOM or calls handle_alloc_error as applicable
25 /// * Avoids freeing Unique::empty()
26 /// * Contains a ptr::Unique and thus endows the user with all related benefits
27 ///
28 /// This type does not in anyway inspect the memory that it manages. When dropped it *will*
29 /// free its memory, but it *won't* try to Drop its contents. It is up to the user of RawVec
30 /// to handle the actual things *stored* inside of a RawVec.
31 ///
32 /// Note that a RawVec always forces its capacity to be usize::MAX for zero-sized types.
33 /// This enables you to use capacity growing logic catch the overflows in your length
34 /// that might occur with zero-sized types.
35 ///
36 /// However this means that you need to be careful when round-tripping this type
37 /// with a `Box<[T]>`: `cap()` won't yield the len. However `with_capacity`,
38 /// `shrink_to_fit`, and `from_box` will actually set RawVec's private capacity
39 /// field. This allows zero-sized types to not be special-cased by consumers of
40 /// this type.
41 #[allow(missing_debug_implementations)]
42 pub struct RawVec<T, A: Alloc = Global> {
43 ptr: Unique<T>,
44 cap: usize,
45 a: A,
46 }
48 impl<T, A: Alloc> RawVec<T, A> {
49 /// Like `new` but parameterized over the choice of allocator for
50 /// the returned RawVec.
51 pub const fn new_in(a: A) -> Self {
52 // !0 is usize::MAX. This branch should be stripped at compile time.
53 // FIXME(mark-i-m): use this line when `if`s are allowed in `const`
54 //let cap = if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 { !0 } else { 0 };
56 // Unique::empty() doubles as "unallocated" and "zero-sized allocation"
57 RawVec {
58 ptr: Unique::empty(),
59 // FIXME(mark-i-m): use `cap` when ifs are allowed in const
60 cap: [0, !0][(mem::size_of::<T>() == 0) as usize],
61 a,
62 }
63 }
65 /// Like `with_capacity` but parameterized over the choice of
66 /// allocator for the returned RawVec.
67 #[inline]
68 pub fn with_capacity_in(cap: usize, a: A) -> Self {
69 RawVec::allocate_in(cap, false, a)
70 }
72 /// Like `with_capacity_zeroed` but parameterized over the choice
73 /// of allocator for the returned RawVec.
74 #[inline]
75 pub fn with_capacity_zeroed_in(cap: usize, a: A) -> Self {
76 RawVec::allocate_in(cap, true, a)
77 }
79 fn allocate_in(cap: usize, zeroed: bool, mut a: A) -> Self {
80 unsafe {
81 let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
83 let alloc_size = cap.checked_mul(elem_size).unwrap_or_else(|| capacity_overflow());
84 alloc_guard(alloc_size).unwrap_or_else(|_| capacity_overflow());
86 // handles ZSTs and `cap = 0` alike
87 let ptr = if alloc_size == 0 {
88 NonNull::<T>::dangling()
89 } else {
90 let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
91 let layout = Layout::from_size_align(alloc_size, align).unwrap();
92 let result = if zeroed {
93 a.alloc_zeroed(layout)
94 } else {
95 a.alloc(layout)
96 };
97 match result {
98 Ok(ptr) => ptr.cast(),
99 Err(_) => handle_alloc_error(layout),
100 }
101 };
103 RawVec {
104 ptr: ptr.into(),
105 cap,
106 a,
107 }
108 }
109 }
110 }
112 impl<T> RawVec<T, Global> {
113 /// Creates the biggest possible RawVec (on the system heap)
114 /// without allocating. If T has positive size, then this makes a
115 /// RawVec with capacity 0. If T has 0 size, then it makes a
116 /// RawVec with capacity `usize::MAX`. Useful for implementing
117 /// delayed allocation.
118 pub const fn new() -> Self {
119 Self::new_in(Global)
120 }
122 /// Creates a RawVec (on the system heap) with exactly the
123 /// capacity and alignment requirements for a `[T; cap]`. This is
124 /// equivalent to calling RawVec::new when `cap` is 0 or T is
125 /// zero-sized. Note that if `T` is zero-sized this means you will
126 /// *not* get a RawVec with the requested capacity!
127 ///
128 /// # Panics
129 ///
130 /// * Panics if the requested capacity exceeds `usize::MAX` bytes.
131 /// * Panics on 32-bit platforms if the requested capacity exceeds
132 /// `isize::MAX` bytes.
133 ///
134 /// # Aborts
135 ///
136 /// Aborts on OOM
137 #[inline]
138 pub fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Self {
139 RawVec::allocate_in(cap, false, Global)
140 }
142 /// Like `with_capacity` but guarantees the buffer is zeroed.
143 #[inline]
144 pub fn with_capacity_zeroed(cap: usize) -> Self {
145 RawVec::allocate_in(cap, true, Global)
146 }
147 }
149 impl<T, A: Alloc> RawVec<T, A> {
150 /// Reconstitutes a RawVec from a pointer, capacity, and allocator.
151 ///
152 /// # Undefined Behavior
153 ///
154 /// The ptr must be allocated (via the given allocator `a`), and with the given capacity. The
155 /// capacity cannot exceed `isize::MAX` (only a concern on 32-bit systems).
156 /// If the ptr and capacity come from a RawVec created via `a`, then this is guaranteed.
157 pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts_in(ptr: *mut T, cap: usize, a: A) -> Self {
158 RawVec {
159 ptr: Unique::new_unchecked(ptr),
160 cap,
161 a,
162 }
163 }
164 }
166 impl<T> RawVec<T, Global> {
167 /// Reconstitutes a RawVec from a pointer, capacity.
168 ///
169 /// # Undefined Behavior
170 ///
171 /// The ptr must be allocated (on the system heap), and with the given capacity. The
172 /// capacity cannot exceed `isize::MAX` (only a concern on 32-bit systems).
173 /// If the ptr and capacity come from a RawVec, then this is guaranteed.
174 pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(ptr: *mut T, cap: usize) -> Self {
175 RawVec {
176 ptr: Unique::new_unchecked(ptr),
177 cap,
178 a: Global,
179 }
180 }
182 /// Converts a `Box<[T]>` into a `RawVec<T>`.
183 pub fn from_box(mut slice: Box<[T]>) -> Self {
184 unsafe {
185 let result = RawVec::from_raw_parts(slice.as_mut_ptr(), slice.len());
186 mem::forget(slice);
187 result
188 }
189 }
190 }
192 impl<T, A: Alloc> RawVec<T, A> {
193 /// Gets a raw pointer to the start of the allocation. Note that this is
194 /// Unique::empty() if `cap = 0` or T is zero-sized. In the former case, you must
195 /// be careful.
196 pub fn ptr(&self) -> *mut T {
197 self.ptr.as_ptr()
198 }
200 /// Gets the capacity of the allocation.
201 ///
202 /// This will always be `usize::MAX` if `T` is zero-sized.
203 #[inline(always)]
204 pub fn cap(&self) -> usize {
205 if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
206 !0
207 } else {
208 self.cap
209 }
210 }
212 /// Returns a shared reference to the allocator backing this RawVec.
213 pub fn alloc(&self) -> &A {
214 &self.a
215 }
217 /// Returns a mutable reference to the allocator backing this RawVec.
218 pub fn alloc_mut(&mut self) -> &mut A {
219 &mut self.a
220 }
222 fn current_layout(&self) -> Option<Layout> {
223 if self.cap == 0 {
224 None
225 } else {
226 // We have an allocated chunk of memory, so we can bypass runtime
227 // checks to get our current layout.
228 unsafe {
229 let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
230 let size = mem::size_of::<T>() * self.cap;
231 Some(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align))
232 }
233 }
234 }
236 /// Doubles the size of the type's backing allocation. This is common enough
237 /// to want to do that it's easiest to just have a dedicated method. Slightly
238 /// more efficient logic can be provided for this than the general case.
239 ///
240 /// This function is ideal for when pushing elements one-at-a-time because
241 /// you don't need to incur the costs of the more general computations
242 /// reserve needs to do to guard against overflow. You do however need to
243 /// manually check if your `len == cap`.
244 ///
245 /// # Panics
246 ///
247 /// * Panics if T is zero-sized on the assumption that you managed to exhaust
248 /// all `usize::MAX` slots in your imaginary buffer.
249 /// * Panics on 32-bit platforms if the requested capacity exceeds
250 /// `isize::MAX` bytes.
251 ///
252 /// # Aborts
253 ///
254 /// Aborts on OOM
255 ///
256 /// # Examples
257 ///
258 /// ```
259 /// # #![feature(alloc, raw_vec_internals)]
260 /// # extern crate alloc;
261 /// # use std::ptr;
262 /// # use alloc::raw_vec::RawVec;
263 /// struct MyVec<T> {
264 /// buf: RawVec<T>,
265 /// len: usize,
266 /// }
267 ///
268 /// impl<T> MyVec<T> {
269 /// pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
270 /// if self.len == self.buf.cap() { self.buf.double(); }
271 /// // double would have aborted or panicked if the len exceeded
272 /// // `isize::MAX` so this is safe to do unchecked now.
273 /// unsafe {
274 /// ptr::write(self.buf.ptr().add(self.len), elem);
275 /// }
276 /// self.len += 1;
277 /// }
278 /// }
279 /// # fn main() {
280 /// # let mut vec = MyVec { buf: RawVec::new(), len: 0 };
281 /// # vec.push(1);
282 /// # }
283 /// ```
284 #[inline(never)]
285 #[cold]
286 pub fn double(&mut self) {
287 unsafe {
288 let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
290 // since we set the capacity to usize::MAX when elem_size is
291 // 0, getting to here necessarily means the RawVec is overfull.
292 assert!(elem_size != 0, "capacity overflow");
294 let (new_cap, uniq) = match self.current_layout() {
295 Some(cur) => {
296 // Since we guarantee that we never allocate more than
297 // isize::MAX bytes, `elem_size * self.cap <= isize::MAX` as
298 // a precondition, so this can't overflow. Additionally the
299 // alignment will never be too large as to "not be
300 // satisfiable", so `Layout::from_size_align` will always
301 // return `Some`.
302 //
303 // tl;dr; we bypass runtime checks due to dynamic assertions
304 // in this module, allowing us to use
305 // `from_size_align_unchecked`.
306 let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
307 let new_size = new_cap * elem_size;
308 alloc_guard(new_size).unwrap_or_else(|_| capacity_overflow());
309 let ptr_res = self.a.realloc(NonNull::from(self.ptr).cast(),
310 cur,
311 new_size);
312 match ptr_res {
313 Ok(ptr) => (new_cap, ptr.cast().into()),
314 Err(_) => handle_alloc_error(
315 Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(new_size, cur.align())
316 ),
317 }
318 }
319 None => {
320 // skip to 4 because tiny Vec's are dumb; but not if that
321 // would cause overflow
322 let new_cap = if elem_size > (!0) / 8 { 1 } else { 4 };
323 match self.a.alloc_array::<T>(new_cap) {
324 Ok(ptr) => (new_cap, ptr.into()),
325 Err(_) => handle_alloc_error(Layout::array::<T>(new_cap).unwrap()),
326 }
327 }
328 };
329 self.ptr = uniq;
330 self.cap = new_cap;
331 }
332 }
334 /// Attempts to double the size of the type's backing allocation in place. This is common
335 /// enough to want to do that it's easiest to just have a dedicated method. Slightly
336 /// more efficient logic can be provided for this than the general case.
337 ///
338 /// Returns `true` if the reallocation attempt has succeeded.
339 ///
340 /// # Panics
341 ///
342 /// * Panics if T is zero-sized on the assumption that you managed to exhaust
343 /// all `usize::MAX` slots in your imaginary buffer.
344 /// * Panics on 32-bit platforms if the requested capacity exceeds
345 /// `isize::MAX` bytes.
346 #[inline(never)]
347 #[cold]
348 pub fn double_in_place(&mut self) -> bool {
349 unsafe {
350 let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
351 let old_layout = match self.current_layout() {
352 Some(layout) => layout,
353 None => return false, // nothing to double
354 };
356 // since we set the capacity to usize::MAX when elem_size is
357 // 0, getting to here necessarily means the RawVec is overfull.
358 assert!(elem_size != 0, "capacity overflow");
360 // Since we guarantee that we never allocate more than isize::MAX
361 // bytes, `elem_size * self.cap <= isize::MAX` as a precondition, so
362 // this can't overflow.
363 //
364 // Similarly like with `double` above we can go straight to
365 // `Layout::from_size_align_unchecked` as we know this won't
366 // overflow and the alignment is sufficiently small.
367 let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
368 let new_size = new_cap * elem_size;
369 alloc_guard(new_size).unwrap_or_else(|_| capacity_overflow());
370 match self.a.grow_in_place(NonNull::from(self.ptr).cast(), old_layout, new_size) {
371 Ok(_) => {
372 // We can't directly divide `size`.
373 self.cap = new_cap;
374 true
375 }
376 Err(_) => {
377 false
378 }
379 }
380 }
381 }
383 /// The same as `reserve_exact`, but returns on errors instead of panicking or aborting.
384 pub fn try_reserve_exact(&mut self, used_cap: usize, needed_extra_cap: usize)
385 -> Result<(), CollectionAllocErr> {
387 self.reserve_internal(used_cap, needed_extra_cap, Fallible, Exact)
388 }
390 /// Ensures that the buffer contains at least enough space to hold
391 /// `used_cap + needed_extra_cap` elements. If it doesn't already,
392 /// will reallocate the minimum possible amount of memory necessary.
393 /// Generally this will be exactly the amount of memory necessary,
394 /// but in principle the allocator is free to give back more than
395 /// we asked for.
396 ///
397 /// If `used_cap` exceeds `self.cap()`, this may fail to actually allocate
398 /// the requested space. This is not really unsafe, but the unsafe
399 /// code *you* write that relies on the behavior of this function may break.
400 ///
401 /// # Panics
402 ///
403 /// * Panics if the requested capacity exceeds `usize::MAX` bytes.
404 /// * Panics on 32-bit platforms if the requested capacity exceeds
405 /// `isize::MAX` bytes.
406 ///
407 /// # Aborts
408 ///
409 /// Aborts on OOM
410 pub fn reserve_exact(&mut self, used_cap: usize, needed_extra_cap: usize) {
411 match self.reserve_internal(used_cap, needed_extra_cap, Infallible, Exact) {
412 Err(CapacityOverflow) => capacity_overflow(),
413 Err(AllocErr) => unreachable!(),
414 Ok(()) => { /* yay */ }
415 }
416 }
418 /// Calculates the buffer's new size given that it'll hold `used_cap +
419 /// needed_extra_cap` elements. This logic is used in amortized reserve methods.
420 /// Returns `(new_capacity, new_alloc_size)`.
421 fn amortized_new_size(&self, used_cap: usize, needed_extra_cap: usize)
422 -> Result<usize, CollectionAllocErr> {
424 // Nothing we can really do about these checks :(
425 let required_cap = used_cap.checked_add(needed_extra_cap).ok_or(CapacityOverflow)?;
426 // Cannot overflow, because `cap <= isize::MAX`, and type of `cap` is `usize`.
427 let double_cap = self.cap * 2;
428 // `double_cap` guarantees exponential growth.
429 Ok(cmp::max(double_cap, required_cap))
430 }
432 /// The same as `reserve`, but returns on errors instead of panicking or aborting.
433 pub fn try_reserve(&mut self, used_cap: usize, needed_extra_cap: usize)
434 -> Result<(), CollectionAllocErr> {
435 self.reserve_internal(used_cap, needed_extra_cap, Fallible, Amortized)
436 }
438 /// Ensures that the buffer contains at least enough space to hold
439 /// `used_cap + needed_extra_cap` elements. If it doesn't already have
440 /// enough capacity, will reallocate enough space plus comfortable slack
441 /// space to get amortized `O(1)` behavior. Will limit this behavior
442 /// if it would needlessly cause itself to panic.
443 ///
444 /// If `used_cap` exceeds `self.cap()`, this may fail to actually allocate
445 /// the requested space. This is not really unsafe, but the unsafe
446 /// code *you* write that relies on the behavior of this function may break.
447 ///
448 /// This is ideal for implementing a bulk-push operation like `extend`.
449 ///
450 /// # Panics
451 ///
452 /// * Panics if the requested capacity exceeds `usize::MAX` bytes.
453 /// * Panics on 32-bit platforms if the requested capacity exceeds
454 /// `isize::MAX` bytes.
455 ///
456 /// # Aborts
457 ///
458 /// Aborts on OOM
459 ///
460 /// # Examples
461 ///
462 /// ```
463 /// # #![feature(alloc, raw_vec_internals)]
464 /// # extern crate alloc;
465 /// # use std::ptr;
466 /// # use alloc::raw_vec::RawVec;
467 /// struct MyVec<T> {
468 /// buf: RawVec<T>,
469 /// len: usize,
470 /// }
471 ///
472 /// impl<T: Clone> MyVec<T> {
473 /// pub fn push_all(&mut self, elems: &[T]) {
474 /// self.buf.reserve(self.len, elems.len());
475 /// // reserve would have aborted or panicked if the len exceeded
476 /// // `isize::MAX` so this is safe to do unchecked now.
477 /// for x in elems {
478 /// unsafe {
479 /// ptr::write(self.buf.ptr().add(self.len), x.clone());
480 /// }
481 /// self.len += 1;
482 /// }
483 /// }
484 /// }
485 /// # fn main() {
486 /// # let mut vector = MyVec { buf: RawVec::new(), len: 0 };
487 /// # vector.push_all(&[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);
488 /// # }
489 /// ```
490 pub fn reserve(&mut self, used_cap: usize, needed_extra_cap: usize) {
491 match self.reserve_internal(used_cap, needed_extra_cap, Infallible, Amortized) {
492 Err(CapacityOverflow) => capacity_overflow(),
493 Err(AllocErr) => unreachable!(),
494 Ok(()) => { /* yay */ }
495 }
496 }
497 /// Attempts to ensure that the buffer contains at least enough space to hold
498 /// `used_cap + needed_extra_cap` elements. If it doesn't already have
499 /// enough capacity, will reallocate in place enough space plus comfortable slack
500 /// space to get amortized `O(1)` behavior. Will limit this behaviour
501 /// if it would needlessly cause itself to panic.
502 ///
503 /// If `used_cap` exceeds `self.cap()`, this may fail to actually allocate
504 /// the requested space. This is not really unsafe, but the unsafe
505 /// code *you* write that relies on the behavior of this function may break.
506 ///
507 /// Returns `true` if the reallocation attempt has succeeded.
508 ///
509 /// # Panics
510 ///
511 /// * Panics if the requested capacity exceeds `usize::MAX` bytes.
512 /// * Panics on 32-bit platforms if the requested capacity exceeds
513 /// `isize::MAX` bytes.
514 pub fn reserve_in_place(&mut self, used_cap: usize, needed_extra_cap: usize) -> bool {
515 unsafe {
516 // NOTE: we don't early branch on ZSTs here because we want this
517 // to actually catch "asking for more than usize::MAX" in that case.
518 // If we make it past the first branch then we are guaranteed to
519 // panic.
521 // Don't actually need any more capacity. If the current `cap` is 0, we can't
522 // reallocate in place.
523 // Wrapping in case they give a bad `used_cap`
524 let old_layout = match self.current_layout() {
525 Some(layout) => layout,
526 None => return false,
527 };
528 if self.cap().wrapping_sub(used_cap) >= needed_extra_cap {
529 return false;
530 }
532 let new_cap = self.amortized_new_size(used_cap, needed_extra_cap)
533 .unwrap_or_else(|_| capacity_overflow());
535 // Here, `cap < used_cap + needed_extra_cap <= new_cap`
536 // (regardless of whether `self.cap - used_cap` wrapped).
537 // Therefore we can safely call grow_in_place.
539 let new_layout = Layout::new::<T>().repeat(new_cap).unwrap().0;
540 // FIXME: may crash and burn on over-reserve
541 alloc_guard(new_layout.size()).unwrap_or_else(|_| capacity_overflow());
542 match self.a.grow_in_place(
543 NonNull::from(self.ptr).cast(), old_layout, new_layout.size(),
544 ) {
545 Ok(_) => {
546 self.cap = new_cap;
547 true
548 }
549 Err(_) => {
550 false
551 }
552 }
553 }
554 }
556 /// Shrinks the allocation down to the specified amount. If the given amount
557 /// is 0, actually completely deallocates.
558 ///
559 /// # Panics
560 ///
561 /// Panics if the given amount is *larger* than the current capacity.
562 ///
563 /// # Aborts
564 ///
565 /// Aborts on OOM.
566 pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self, amount: usize) {
567 let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
569 // Set the `cap` because they might be about to promote to a `Box<[T]>`
570 if elem_size == 0 {
571 self.cap = amount;
572 return;
573 }
575 // This check is my waterloo; it's the only thing Vec wouldn't have to do.
576 assert!(self.cap >= amount, "Tried to shrink to a larger capacity");
578 if amount == 0 {
579 // We want to create a new zero-length vector within the
580 // same allocator. We use ptr::write to avoid an
581 // erroneous attempt to drop the contents, and we use
582 // ptr::read to sidestep condition against destructuring
583 // types that implement Drop.
585 unsafe {
586 let a = ptr::read(&self.a as *const A);
587 self.dealloc_buffer();
588 ptr::write(self, RawVec::new_in(a));
589 }
590 } else if self.cap != amount {
591 unsafe {
592 // We know here that our `amount` is greater than zero. This
593 // implies, via the assert above, that capacity is also greater
594 // than zero, which means that we've got a current layout that
595 // "fits"
596 //
597 // We also know that `self.cap` is greater than `amount`, and
598 // consequently we don't need runtime checks for creating either
599 // layout
600 let old_size = elem_size * self.cap;
601 let new_size = elem_size * amount;
602 let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
603 let old_layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(old_size, align);
604 match self.a.realloc(NonNull::from(self.ptr).cast(),
605 old_layout,
606 new_size) {
607 Ok(p) => self.ptr = p.cast().into(),
608 Err(_) => handle_alloc_error(
609 Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(new_size, align)
610 ),
611 }
612 }
613 self.cap = amount;
614 }
615 }
616 }
618 enum Fallibility {
619 Fallible,
620 Infallible,
621 }
623 use Fallibility::*;
625 enum ReserveStrategy {
626 Exact,
627 Amortized,
628 }
630 use ReserveStrategy::*;
632 impl<T, A: Alloc> RawVec<T, A> {
633 fn reserve_internal(
634 &mut self,
635 used_cap: usize,
636 needed_extra_cap: usize,
637 fallibility: Fallibility,
638 strategy: ReserveStrategy,
639 ) -> Result<(), CollectionAllocErr> {
640 unsafe {
641 use crate::alloc::AllocErr;
643 // NOTE: we don't early branch on ZSTs here because we want this
644 // to actually catch "asking for more than usize::MAX" in that case.
645 // If we make it past the first branch then we are guaranteed to
646 // panic.
648 // Don't actually need any more capacity.
649 // Wrapping in case they gave a bad `used_cap`.
650 if self.cap().wrapping_sub(used_cap) >= needed_extra_cap {
651 return Ok(());
652 }
654 // Nothing we can really do about these checks :(
655 let new_cap = match strategy {
656 Exact => used_cap.checked_add(needed_extra_cap).ok_or(CapacityOverflow)?,
657 Amortized => self.amortized_new_size(used_cap, needed_extra_cap)?,
658 };
659 let new_layout = Layout::array::<T>(new_cap).map_err(|_| CapacityOverflow)?;
661 alloc_guard(new_layout.size())?;
663 let res = match self.current_layout() {
664 Some(layout) => {
665 debug_assert!(new_layout.align() == layout.align());
666 self.a.realloc(NonNull::from(self.ptr).cast(), layout, new_layout.size())
667 }
668 None => self.a.alloc(new_layout),
669 };
671 match (&res, fallibility) {
672 (Err(AllocErr), Infallible) => handle_alloc_error(new_layout),
673 _ => {}
674 }
676 self.ptr = res?.cast().into();
677 self.cap = new_cap;
679 Ok(())
680 }
681 }
683 }
685 impl<T> RawVec<T, Global> {
686 /// Converts the entire buffer into `Box<[T]>`.
687 ///
688 /// While it is not *strictly* Undefined Behavior to call
689 /// this procedure while some of the RawVec is uninitialized,
690 /// it certainly makes it trivial to trigger it.
691 ///
692 /// Note that this will correctly reconstitute any `cap` changes
693 /// that may have been performed. (see description of type for details)
694 pub unsafe fn into_box(self) -> Box<[T]> {
695 // NOTE: not calling `cap()` here, actually using the real `cap` field!
696 let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.ptr(), self.cap);
697 let output: Box<[T]> = Box::from_raw(slice);
698 mem::forget(self);
699 output
700 }
701 }
703 impl<T, A: Alloc> RawVec<T, A> {
704 /// Frees the memory owned by the RawVec *without* trying to Drop its contents.
705 pub unsafe fn dealloc_buffer(&mut self) {
706 let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();
707 if elem_size != 0 {
708 if let Some(layout) = self.current_layout() {
709 self.a.dealloc(NonNull::from(self.ptr).cast(), layout);
710 }
711 }
712 }
713 }
715 unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T, A: Alloc> Drop for RawVec<T, A> {
716 /// Frees the memory owned by the RawVec *without* trying to Drop its contents.
717 fn drop(&mut self) {
718 unsafe { self.dealloc_buffer(); }
719 }
720 }
724 // We need to guarantee the following:
725 // * We don't ever allocate `> isize::MAX` byte-size objects
726 // * We don't overflow `usize::MAX` and actually allocate too little
727 //
728 // On 64-bit we just need to check for overflow since trying to allocate
729 // `> isize::MAX` bytes will surely fail. On 32-bit and 16-bit we need to add
730 // an extra guard for this in case we're running on a platform which can use
731 // all 4GB in user-space. e.g., PAE or x32
733 #[inline]
734 fn alloc_guard(alloc_size: usize) -> Result<(), CollectionAllocErr> {
735 if mem::size_of::<usize>() < 8 && alloc_size > core::isize::MAX as usize {
736 Err(CapacityOverflow)
737 } else {
738 Ok(())
739 }
740 }
742 // One central function responsible for reporting capacity overflows. This'll
743 // ensure that the code generation related to these panics is minimal as there's
744 // only one location which panics rather than a bunch throughout the module.
745 fn capacity_overflow() -> ! {
746 panic!("capacity overflow")
747 }
749 #[cfg(test)]
750 mod tests {
751 use super::*;
753 #[test]
754 fn allocator_param() {
755 use crate::alloc::AllocErr;
757 // Writing a test of integration between third-party
758 // allocators and RawVec is a little tricky because the RawVec
759 // API does not expose fallible allocation methods, so we
760 // cannot check what happens when allocator is exhausted
761 // (beyond detecting a panic).
762 //
763 // Instead, this just checks that the RawVec methods do at
764 // least go through the Allocator API when it reserves
765 // storage.
767 // A dumb allocator that consumes a fixed amount of fuel
768 // before allocation attempts start failing.
769 struct BoundedAlloc { fuel: usize }
770 unsafe impl Alloc for BoundedAlloc {
771 unsafe fn alloc(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<u8>, AllocErr> {
772 let size = layout.size();
773 if size > self.fuel {
774 return Err(AllocErr);
775 }
776 match Global.alloc(layout) {
777 ok @ Ok(_) => { self.fuel -= size; ok }
778 err @ Err(_) => err,
779 }
780 }
781 unsafe fn dealloc(&mut self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
782 Global.dealloc(ptr, layout)
783 }
784 }
786 let a = BoundedAlloc { fuel: 500 };
787 let mut v: RawVec<u8, _> = RawVec::with_capacity_in(50, a);
788 assert_eq!(v.a.fuel, 450);
789 v.reserve(50, 150); // (causes a realloc, thus using 50 + 150 = 200 units of fuel)
790 assert_eq!(v.a.fuel, 250);
791 }
793 #[test]
794 fn reserve_does_not_overallocate() {
795 {
796 let mut v: RawVec<u32> = RawVec::new();
797 // First `reserve` allocates like `reserve_exact`
798 v.reserve(0, 9);
799 assert_eq!(9, v.cap());
800 }
802 {
803 let mut v: RawVec<u32> = RawVec::new();
804 v.reserve(0, 7);
805 assert_eq!(7, v.cap());
806 // 97 if more than double of 7, so `reserve` should work
807 // like `reserve_exact`.
808 v.reserve(7, 90);
809 assert_eq!(97, v.cap());
810 }
812 {
813 let mut v: RawVec<u32> = RawVec::new();
814 v.reserve(0, 12);
815 assert_eq!(12, v.cap());
816 v.reserve(12, 3);
817 // 3 is less than half of 12, so `reserve` must grow
818 // exponentially. At the time of writing this test grow
819 // factor is 2, so new capacity is 24, however, grow factor
820 // of 1.5 is OK too. Hence `>= 18` in assert.
821 assert!(v.cap() >= 12 + 12 / 2);
822 }
823 }
826 }