]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/libcore/num/flt2dec/strategy/grisu.rs
[rustc.git] / src / libcore / num / flt2dec / strategy / grisu.rs
1 // Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 /*!
12 Rust adaptation of Grisu3 algorithm described in [1]. It uses about
13 1KB of precomputed table, and in turn, it's very quick for most inputs.
15 [1] Florian Loitsch. 2010. Printing floating-point numbers quickly and
16 accurately with integers. SIGPLAN Not. 45, 6 (June 2010), 233-243.
17 */
19 use prelude::*;
20 use num::Float;
22 use num::flt2dec::{Decoded, MAX_SIG_DIGITS, round_up};
24 /// A custom 64-bit floating point type, representing `f * 2^e`.
25 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
26 #[doc(hidden)]
27 pub struct Fp {
28 /// The integer mantissa.
29 pub f: u64,
30 /// The exponent in base 2.
31 pub e: i16,
32 }
34 impl Fp {
35 /// Returns a correctly rounded product of itself and `other`.
36 fn mul(&self, other: &Fp) -> Fp {
37 const MASK: u64 = 0xffffffff;
38 let a = self.f >> 32;
39 let b = self.f & MASK;
40 let c = other.f >> 32;
41 let d = other.f & MASK;
42 let ac = a * c;
43 let bc = b * c;
44 let ad = a * d;
45 let bd = b * d;
46 let tmp = (bd >> 32) + (ad & MASK) + (bc & MASK) + (1 << 31) /* round */;
47 let f = ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32);
48 let e = self.e + other.e + 64;
49 Fp { f: f, e: e }
50 }
52 /// Normalizes itself so that the resulting mantissa is at least `2^63`.
53 fn normalize(&self) -> Fp {
54 let mut f = self.f;
55 let mut e = self.e;
56 if f >> (64 - 32) == 0 { f <<= 32; e -= 32; }
57 if f >> (64 - 16) == 0 { f <<= 16; e -= 16; }
58 if f >> (64 - 8) == 0 { f <<= 8; e -= 8; }
59 if f >> (64 - 4) == 0 { f <<= 4; e -= 4; }
60 if f >> (64 - 2) == 0 { f <<= 2; e -= 2; }
61 if f >> (64 - 1) == 0 { f <<= 1; e -= 1; }
62 debug_assert!(f >= (1 >> 63));
63 Fp { f: f, e: e }
64 }
66 /// Normalizes itself to have the shared exponent.
67 /// It can only decrease the exponent (and thus increase the mantissa).
68 fn normalize_to(&self, e: i16) -> Fp {
69 let edelta = self.e - e;
70 assert!(edelta >= 0);
71 let edelta = edelta as usize;
72 assert_eq!(self.f << edelta >> edelta, self.f);
73 Fp { f: self.f << edelta, e: e }
74 }
75 }
77 // see the comments in `format_shortest_opt` for the rationale.
78 #[doc(hidden)] pub const ALPHA: i16 = -60;
79 #[doc(hidden)] pub const GAMMA: i16 = -32;
81 /*
82 # the following Python code generates this table:
83 for i in xrange(-308, 333, 8):
84 if i >= 0: f = 10**i; e = 0
85 else: f = 2**(80-4*i) // 10**-i; e = 4 * i - 80
86 l = f.bit_length()
87 f = ((f << 64 >> (l-1)) + 1) >> 1; e += l - 64
88 print ' (%#018x, %5d, %4d),' % (f, e, i)
89 */
90 // FIXME(#22540) const ref to static array seems to ICE
91 #[doc(hidden)]
92 pub static CACHED_POW10: [(u64, i16, i16); 81] = [ // (f, e, k)
93 (0xe61acf033d1a45df, -1087, -308),
94 (0xab70fe17c79ac6ca, -1060, -300),
95 (0xff77b1fcbebcdc4f, -1034, -292),
96 (0xbe5691ef416bd60c, -1007, -284),
97 (0x8dd01fad907ffc3c, -980, -276),
98 (0xd3515c2831559a83, -954, -268),
99 (0x9d71ac8fada6c9b5, -927, -260),
100 (0xea9c227723ee8bcb, -901, -252),
101 (0xaecc49914078536d, -874, -244),
102 (0x823c12795db6ce57, -847, -236),
103 (0xc21094364dfb5637, -821, -228),
104 (0x9096ea6f3848984f, -794, -220),
105 (0xd77485cb25823ac7, -768, -212),
106 (0xa086cfcd97bf97f4, -741, -204),
107 (0xef340a98172aace5, -715, -196),
108 (0xb23867fb2a35b28e, -688, -188),
109 (0x84c8d4dfd2c63f3b, -661, -180),
110 (0xc5dd44271ad3cdba, -635, -172),
111 (0x936b9fcebb25c996, -608, -164),
112 (0xdbac6c247d62a584, -582, -156),
113 (0xa3ab66580d5fdaf6, -555, -148),
114 (0xf3e2f893dec3f126, -529, -140),
115 (0xb5b5ada8aaff80b8, -502, -132),
116 (0x87625f056c7c4a8b, -475, -124),
117 (0xc9bcff6034c13053, -449, -116),
118 (0x964e858c91ba2655, -422, -108),
119 (0xdff9772470297ebd, -396, -100),
120 (0xa6dfbd9fb8e5b88f, -369, -92),
121 (0xf8a95fcf88747d94, -343, -84),
122 (0xb94470938fa89bcf, -316, -76),
123 (0x8a08f0f8bf0f156b, -289, -68),
124 (0xcdb02555653131b6, -263, -60),
125 (0x993fe2c6d07b7fac, -236, -52),
126 (0xe45c10c42a2b3b06, -210, -44),
127 (0xaa242499697392d3, -183, -36),
128 (0xfd87b5f28300ca0e, -157, -28),
129 (0xbce5086492111aeb, -130, -20),
130 (0x8cbccc096f5088cc, -103, -12),
131 (0xd1b71758e219652c, -77, -4),
132 (0x9c40000000000000, -50, 4),
133 (0xe8d4a51000000000, -24, 12),
134 (0xad78ebc5ac620000, 3, 20),
135 (0x813f3978f8940984, 30, 28),
136 (0xc097ce7bc90715b3, 56, 36),
137 (0x8f7e32ce7bea5c70, 83, 44),
138 (0xd5d238a4abe98068, 109, 52),
139 (0x9f4f2726179a2245, 136, 60),
140 (0xed63a231d4c4fb27, 162, 68),
141 (0xb0de65388cc8ada8, 189, 76),
142 (0x83c7088e1aab65db, 216, 84),
143 (0xc45d1df942711d9a, 242, 92),
144 (0x924d692ca61be758, 269, 100),
145 (0xda01ee641a708dea, 295, 108),
146 (0xa26da3999aef774a, 322, 116),
147 (0xf209787bb47d6b85, 348, 124),
148 (0xb454e4a179dd1877, 375, 132),
149 (0x865b86925b9bc5c2, 402, 140),
150 (0xc83553c5c8965d3d, 428, 148),
151 (0x952ab45cfa97a0b3, 455, 156),
152 (0xde469fbd99a05fe3, 481, 164),
153 (0xa59bc234db398c25, 508, 172),
154 (0xf6c69a72a3989f5c, 534, 180),
155 (0xb7dcbf5354e9bece, 561, 188),
156 (0x88fcf317f22241e2, 588, 196),
157 (0xcc20ce9bd35c78a5, 614, 204),
158 (0x98165af37b2153df, 641, 212),
159 (0xe2a0b5dc971f303a, 667, 220),
160 (0xa8d9d1535ce3b396, 694, 228),
161 (0xfb9b7cd9a4a7443c, 720, 236),
162 (0xbb764c4ca7a44410, 747, 244),
163 (0x8bab8eefb6409c1a, 774, 252),
164 (0xd01fef10a657842c, 800, 260),
165 (0x9b10a4e5e9913129, 827, 268),
166 (0xe7109bfba19c0c9d, 853, 276),
167 (0xac2820d9623bf429, 880, 284),
168 (0x80444b5e7aa7cf85, 907, 292),
169 (0xbf21e44003acdd2d, 933, 300),
170 (0x8e679c2f5e44ff8f, 960, 308),
171 (0xd433179d9c8cb841, 986, 316),
172 (0x9e19db92b4e31ba9, 1013, 324),
173 (0xeb96bf6ebadf77d9, 1039, 332),
174 ];
176 #[doc(hidden)] pub const CACHED_POW10_FIRST_E: i16 = -1087;
177 #[doc(hidden)] pub const CACHED_POW10_LAST_E: i16 = 1039;
179 #[doc(hidden)]
180 pub fn cached_power(alpha: i16, gamma: i16) -> (i16, Fp) {
181 let offset = CACHED_POW10_FIRST_E as i32;
182 let range = (CACHED_POW10.len() as i32) - 1;
183 let domain = (CACHED_POW10_LAST_E - CACHED_POW10_FIRST_E) as i32;
184 let idx = ((gamma as i32) - offset) * range / domain;
185 let (f, e, k) = CACHED_POW10[idx as usize];
186 debug_assert!(alpha <= e && e <= gamma);
187 (k, Fp { f: f, e: e })
188 }
190 /// Given `x > 0`, returns `(k, 10^k)` such that `10^k <= x < 10^(k+1)`.
191 #[doc(hidden)]
192 pub fn max_pow10_no_more_than(x: u32) -> (u8, u32) {
193 debug_assert!(x > 0);
195 const X9: u32 = 10_0000_0000;
196 const X8: u32 = 1_0000_0000;
197 const X7: u32 = 1000_0000;
198 const X6: u32 = 100_0000;
199 const X5: u32 = 10_0000;
200 const X4: u32 = 1_0000;
201 const X3: u32 = 1000;
202 const X2: u32 = 100;
203 const X1: u32 = 10;
205 if x < X4 {
206 if x < X2 { if x < X1 {(0, 1)} else {(1, X1)} }
207 else { if x < X3 {(2, X2)} else {(3, X3)} }
208 } else {
209 if x < X6 { if x < X5 {(4, X4)} else {(5, X5)} }
210 else if x < X8 { if x < X7 {(6, X6)} else {(7, X7)} }
211 else { if x < X9 {(8, X8)} else {(9, X9)} }
212 }
213 }
215 /// The shortest mode implementation for Grisu.
216 ///
217 /// It returns `None` when it would return an inexact representation otherwise.
218 pub fn format_shortest_opt(d: &Decoded,
219 buf: &mut [u8]) -> Option<(/*#digits*/ usize, /*exp*/ i16)> {
220 assert!(d.mant > 0);
221 assert!(d.minus > 0);
222 assert!(d.plus > 0);
223 assert!(d.mant.checked_add(d.plus).is_some());
224 assert!(d.mant.checked_sub(d.minus).is_some());
225 assert!(buf.len() >= MAX_SIG_DIGITS);
226 assert!(d.mant + d.plus < (1 << 61)); // we need at least three bits of additional precision
228 // start with the normalized values with the shared exponent
229 let plus = Fp { f: d.mant + d.plus, e: d.exp }.normalize();
230 let minus = Fp { f: d.mant - d.minus, e: d.exp }.normalize_to(plus.e);
231 let v = Fp { f: d.mant, e: d.exp }.normalize_to(plus.e);
233 // find any `cached = 10^minusk` such that `ALPHA <= minusk + plus.e + 64 <= GAMMA`.
234 // since `plus` is normalized, this means `2^(62 + ALPHA) <= plus * cached < 2^(64 + GAMMA)`;
235 // given our choices of `ALPHA` and `GAMMA`, this puts `plus * cached` into `[4, 2^32)`.
236 //
237 // it is obviously desirable to maximize `GAMMA - ALPHA`,
238 // so that we don't need many cached powers of 10, but there are some considerations:
239 //
240 // 1. we want to keep `floor(plus * cached)` within `u32` since it needs a costly division.
241 // (this is not really avoidable, remainder is required for accuracy estimation.)
242 // 2. the remainder of `floor(plus * cached)` repeatedly gets multiplied by 10,
243 // and it should not overflow.
244 //
245 // the first gives `64 + GAMMA <= 32`, while the second gives `10 * 2^-ALPHA <= 2^64`;
246 // -60 and -32 is the maximal range with this constraint, and V8 also uses them.
247 let (minusk, cached) = cached_power(ALPHA - plus.e - 64, GAMMA - plus.e - 64);
249 // scale fps. this gives the maximal error of 1 ulp (proved from Theorem 5.1).
250 let plus = plus.mul(&cached);
251 let minus = minus.mul(&cached);
252 let v = v.mul(&cached);
253 debug_assert_eq!(plus.e, minus.e);
254 debug_assert_eq!(plus.e, v.e);
256 // +- actual range of minus
257 // | <---|---------------------- unsafe region --------------------------> |
258 // | | |
259 // | |<--->| | <--------------- safe region ---------------> | |
260 // | | | | | |
261 // |1 ulp|1 ulp| |1 ulp|1 ulp| |1 ulp|1 ulp|
262 // |<--->|<--->| |<--->|<--->| |<--->|<--->|
263 // |-----|-----|-------...-------|-----|-----|-------...-------|-----|-----|
264 // | minus | | v | | plus |
265 // minus1 minus0 v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp plus0 plus1
266 //
267 // above `minus`, `v` and `plus` are *quantized* approximations (error < 1 ulp).
268 // as we don't know the error is positive or negative, we use two approximations spaced equally
269 // and have the maximal error of 2 ulps.
270 //
271 // the "unsafe region" is a liberal interval which we initially generate.
272 // the "safe region" is a conservative interval which we only accept.
273 // we start with the correct repr within the unsafe region, and try to find the closest repr
274 // to `v` which is also within the safe region. if we can't, we give up.
275 let plus1 = plus.f + 1;
276 // let plus0 = plus.f - 1; // only for explanation
277 // let minus0 = minus.f + 1; // only for explanation
278 let minus1 = minus.f - 1;
279 let e = -plus.e as usize; // shared exponent
281 // divide `plus1` into integral and fractional parts.
282 // integral parts are guaranteed to fit in u32, since cached power guarantees `plus < 2^32`
283 // and normalized `plus.f` is always less than `2^64 - 2^4` due to the precision requirement.
284 let plus1int = (plus1 >> e) as u32;
285 let plus1frac = plus1 & ((1 << e) - 1);
287 // calculate the largest `10^max_kappa` no more than `plus1` (thus `plus1 < 10^(max_kappa+1)`).
288 // this is an upper bound of `kappa` below.
289 let (max_kappa, max_ten_kappa) = max_pow10_no_more_than(plus1int);
291 let mut i = 0;
292 let exp = max_kappa as i16 - minusk + 1;
294 // Theorem 6.2: if `k` is the greatest integer s.t. `0 <= y mod 10^k <= y - x`,
295 // then `V = floor(y / 10^k) * 10^k` is in `[x, y]` and one of the shortest
296 // representations (with the minimal number of significant digits) in that range.
297 //
298 // find the digit length `kappa` between `(minus1, plus1)` as per Theorem 6.2.
299 // Theorem 6.2 can be adopted to exclude `x` by requiring `y mod 10^k < y - x` instead.
300 // (e.g. `x` = 32000, `y` = 32777; `kappa` = 2 since `y mod 10^3 = 777 < y - x = 777`.)
301 // the algorithm relies on the later verification phase to exclude `y`.
302 let delta1 = plus1 - minus1;
303 // let delta1int = (delta1 >> e) as usize; // only for explanation
304 let delta1frac = delta1 & ((1 << e) - 1);
306 // render integral parts, while checking for the accuracy at each step.
307 let mut kappa = max_kappa as i16;
308 let mut ten_kappa = max_ten_kappa; // 10^kappa
309 let mut remainder = plus1int; // digits yet to be rendered
310 loop { // we always have at least one digit to render, as `plus1 >= 10^kappa`
311 // invariants:
312 // - `delta1int <= remainder < 10^(kappa+1)`
313 // - `plus1int = d[0..n-1] * 10^(kappa+1) + remainder`
314 // (it follows that `remainder = plus1int % 10^(kappa+1)`)
316 // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`. both are scaled by `2^-e`.
317 let q = remainder / ten_kappa;
318 let r = remainder % ten_kappa;
319 debug_assert!(q < 10);
320 buf[i] = b'0' + q as u8;
321 i += 1;
323 let plus1rem = ((r as u64) << e) + plus1frac; // == (plus1 % 10^kappa) * 2^e
324 if plus1rem < delta1 {
325 // `plus1 % 10^kappa < delta1 = plus1 - minus1`; we've found the correct `kappa`.
326 let ten_kappa = (ten_kappa as u64) << e; // scale 10^kappa back to the shared exponent
327 return round_and_weed(&mut buf[..i], exp, plus1rem, delta1, plus1 - v.f, ten_kappa, 1);
328 }
330 // break the loop when we have rendered all integral digits.
331 // the exact number of digits is `max_kappa + 1` as `plus1 < 10^(max_kappa+1)`.
332 if i > max_kappa as usize {
333 debug_assert_eq!(ten_kappa, 1);
334 debug_assert_eq!(kappa, 0);
335 break;
336 }
338 // restore invariants
339 kappa -= 1;
340 ten_kappa /= 10;
341 remainder = r;
342 }
344 // render fractional parts, while checking for the accuracy at each step.
345 // this time we rely on repeated multiplications, as division will lose the precision.
346 let mut remainder = plus1frac;
347 let mut threshold = delta1frac;
348 let mut ulp = 1;
349 loop { // the next digit should be significant as we've tested that before breaking out
350 // invariants, where `m = max_kappa + 1` (# of digits in the integral part):
351 // - `remainder < 2^e`
352 // - `plus1frac * 10^(n-m) = d[m..n-1] * 2^e + remainder`
354 remainder *= 10; // won't overflow, `2^e * 10 < 2^64`
355 threshold *= 10;
356 ulp *= 10;
358 // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`.
359 // both are scaled by `2^e / 10^kappa`, so the latter is implicit here.
360 let q = remainder >> e;
361 let r = remainder & ((1 << e) - 1);
362 debug_assert!(q < 10);
363 buf[i] = b'0' + q as u8;
364 i += 1;
366 if r < threshold {
367 let ten_kappa = 1 << e; // implicit divisor
368 return round_and_weed(&mut buf[..i], exp, r, threshold,
369 (plus1 - v.f) * ulp, ten_kappa, ulp);
370 }
372 // restore invariants
373 kappa -= 1;
374 remainder = r;
375 }
377 // we've generated all significant digits of `plus1`, but not sure if it's the optimal one.
378 // for example, if `minus1` is 3.14153... and `plus1` is 3.14158..., there are 5 different
379 // shortest representation from 3.14154 to 3.14158 but we only have the greatest one.
380 // we have to successively decrease the last digit and check if this is the optimal repr.
381 // there are at most 9 candidates (..1 to ..9), so this is fairly quick. ("rounding" phase)
382 //
383 // the function checks if this "optimal" repr is actually within the ulp ranges,
384 // and also, it is possible that the "second-to-optimal" repr can actually be optimal
385 // due to the rounding error. in either cases this returns `None`. ("weeding" phase)
386 //
387 // all arguments here are scaled by the common (but implicit) value `k`, so that:
388 // - `remainder = (plus1 % 10^kappa) * k`
389 // - `threshold = (plus1 - minus1) * k` (and also, `remainder < threshold`)
390 // - `plus1v = (plus1 - v) * k` (and also, `threshold > plus1v` from prior invariants)
391 // - `ten_kappa = 10^kappa * k`
392 // - `ulp = 2^-e * k`
393 fn round_and_weed(buf: &mut [u8], exp: i16, remainder: u64, threshold: u64, plus1v: u64,
394 ten_kappa: u64, ulp: u64) -> Option<(usize, i16)> {
395 assert!(!buf.is_empty());
397 // produce two approximations to `v` (actually `plus1 - v`) within 1.5 ulps.
398 // the resulting representation should be the closest representation to both.
399 //
400 // here `plus1 - v` is used since calculations are done with respect to `plus1`
401 // in order to avoid overflow/underflow (hence the seemingly swapped names).
402 let plus1v_down = plus1v + ulp; // plus1 - (v - 1 ulp)
403 let plus1v_up = plus1v - ulp; // plus1 - (v + 1 ulp)
405 // decrease the last digit and stop at the closest representation to `v + 1 ulp`.
406 let mut plus1w = remainder; // plus1w(n) = plus1 - w(n)
407 {
408 let last = buf.last_mut().unwrap();
410 // we work with the approximated digits `w(n)`, which is initially equal to `plus1 -
411 // plus1 % 10^kappa`. after running the loop body `n` times, `w(n) = plus1 -
412 // plus1 % 10^kappa - n * 10^kappa`. we set `plus1w(n) = plus1 - w(n) =
413 // plus1 % 10^kappa + n * 10^kappa` (thus `remainder = plus1w(0)`) to simplify checks.
414 // note that `plus1w(n)` is always increasing.
415 //
416 // we have three conditions to terminate. any of them will make the loop unable to
417 // proceed, but we then have at least one valid representation known to be closest to
418 // `v + 1 ulp` anyway. we will denote them as TC1 through TC3 for brevity.
419 //
420 // TC1: `w(n) <= v + 1 ulp`, i.e. this is the last repr that can be the closest one.
421 // this is equivalent to `plus1 - w(n) = plus1w(n) >= plus1 - (v + 1 ulp) = plus1v_up`.
422 // combined with TC2 (which checks if `w(n+1)` is valid), this prevents the possible
423 // overflow on the calculation of `plus1w(n)`.
424 //
425 // TC2: `w(n+1) < minus1`, i.e. the next repr definitely does not round to `v`.
426 // this is equivalent to `plus1 - w(n) + 10^kappa = plus1w(n) + 10^kappa >
427 // plus1 - minus1 = threshold`. the left hand side can overflow, but we know
428 // `threshold > plus1v`, so if TC1 is false, `threshold - plus1w(n) >
429 // threshold - (plus1v - 1 ulp) > 1 ulp` and we can safely test if
430 // `threshold - plus1w(n) < 10^kappa` instead.
431 //
432 // TC3: `abs(w(n) - (v + 1 ulp)) <= abs(w(n+1) - (v + 1 ulp))`, i.e. the next repr is
433 // no closer to `v + 1 ulp` than the current repr. given `z(n) = plus1v_up - plus1w(n)`,
434 // this becomes `abs(z(n)) <= abs(z(n+1))`. again assuming that TC1 is false, we have
435 // `z(n) > 0`. we have two cases to consider:
436 //
437 // - when `z(n+1) >= 0`: TC3 becomes `z(n) <= z(n+1)`. as `plus1w(n)` is increasing,
438 // `z(n)` should be decreasing and this is clearly false.
439 // - when `z(n+1) < 0`:
440 // - TC3a: the precondition is `plus1v_up < plus1w(n) + 10^kappa`. assuming TC2 is
441 // false, `threshold >= plus1w(n) + 10^kappa` so it cannot overflow.
442 // - TC3b: TC3 becomes `z(n) <= -z(n+1)`, i.e. `plus1v_up - plus1w(n) >=
443 // plus1w(n+1) - plus1v_up = plus1w(n) + 10^kappa - plus1v_up`. the negated TC1
444 // gives `plus1v_up > plus1w(n)`, so it cannot overflow or underflow when
445 // combined with TC3a.
446 //
447 // consequently, we should stop when `TC1 || TC2 || (TC3a && TC3b)`. the following is
448 // equal to its inverse, `!TC1 && !TC2 && (!TC3a || !TC3b)`.
449 while plus1w < plus1v_up &&
450 threshold - plus1w >= ten_kappa &&
451 (plus1w + ten_kappa < plus1v_up ||
452 plus1v_up - plus1w >= plus1w + ten_kappa - plus1v_up) {
453 *last -= 1;
454 debug_assert!(*last > b'0'); // the shortest repr cannot end with `0`
455 plus1w += ten_kappa;
456 }
457 }
459 // check if this representation is also the closest representation to `v - 1 ulp`.
460 //
461 // this is simply same to the terminating conditions for `v + 1 ulp`, with all `plus1v_up`
462 // replaced by `plus1v_down` instead. overflow analysis equally holds.
463 if plus1w < plus1v_down &&
464 threshold - plus1w >= ten_kappa &&
465 (plus1w + ten_kappa < plus1v_down ||
466 plus1v_down - plus1w >= plus1w + ten_kappa - plus1v_down) {
467 return None;
468 }
470 // now we have the closest representation to `v` between `plus1` and `minus1`.
471 // this is too liberal, though, so we reject any `w(n)` not between `plus0` and `minus0`,
472 // i.e. `plus1 - plus1w(n) <= minus0` or `plus1 - plus1w(n) >= plus0`. we utilize the facts
473 // that `threshold = plus1 - minus1` and `plus1 - plus0 = minus0 - minus1 = 2 ulp`.
474 if 2 * ulp <= plus1w && plus1w <= threshold - 4 * ulp {
475 Some((buf.len(), exp))
476 } else {
477 None
478 }
479 }
480 }
482 /// The shortest mode implementation for Grisu with Dragon fallback.
483 ///
484 /// This should be used for most cases.
485 pub fn format_shortest(d: &Decoded, buf: &mut [u8]) -> (/*#digits*/ usize, /*exp*/ i16) {
486 use num::flt2dec::strategy::dragon::format_shortest as fallback;
487 match format_shortest_opt(d, buf) {
488 Some(ret) => ret,
489 None => fallback(d, buf),
490 }
491 }
493 /// The exact and fixed mode implementation for Grisu.
494 ///
495 /// It returns `None` when it would return an inexact representation otherwise.
496 pub fn format_exact_opt(d: &Decoded, buf: &mut [u8], limit: i16)
497 -> Option<(/*#digits*/ usize, /*exp*/ i16)> {
498 assert!(d.mant > 0);
499 assert!(d.mant < (1 << 61)); // we need at least three bits of additional precision
500 assert!(!buf.is_empty());
502 // normalize and scale `v`.
503 let v = Fp { f: d.mant, e: d.exp }.normalize();
504 let (minusk, cached) = cached_power(ALPHA - v.e - 64, GAMMA - v.e - 64);
505 let v = v.mul(&cached);
507 // divide `v` into integral and fractional parts.
508 let e = -v.e as usize;
509 let vint = (v.f >> e) as u32;
510 let vfrac = v.f & ((1 << e) - 1);
512 // both old `v` and new `v` (scaled by `10^-k`) has an error of < 1 ulp (Theorem 5.1).
513 // as we don't know the error is positive or negative, we use two approximations
514 // spaced equally and have the maximal error of 2 ulps (same to the shortest case).
515 //
516 // the goal is to find the exactly rounded series of digits that are common to
517 // both `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`, so that we are maximally confident.
518 // if this is not possible, we don't know which one is the correct output for `v`,
519 // so we give up and fall back.
520 //
521 // `err` is defined as `1 ulp * 2^e` here (same to the ulp in `vfrac`),
522 // and we will scale it whenever `v` gets scaled.
523 let mut err = 1;
525 // calculate the largest `10^max_kappa` no more than `v` (thus `v < 10^(max_kappa+1)`).
526 // this is an upper bound of `kappa` below.
527 let (max_kappa, max_ten_kappa) = max_pow10_no_more_than(vint);
529 let mut i = 0;
530 let exp = max_kappa as i16 - minusk + 1;
532 // if we are working with the last-digit limitation, we need to shorten the buffer
533 // before the actual rendering in order to avoid double rounding.
534 // note that we have to enlarge the buffer again when rounding up happens!
535 let len = if exp <= limit {
536 // oops, we cannot even produce *one* digit.
537 // this is possible when, say, we've got something like 9.5 and it's being rounded to 10.
538 //
539 // in principle we can immediately call `possibly_round` with an empty buffer,
540 // but scaling `max_ten_kappa << e` by 10 can result in overflow.
541 // thus we are being sloppy here and widen the error range by a factor of 10.
542 // this will increase the false negative rate, but only very, *very* slightly;
543 // it can only matter noticably when the mantissa is bigger than 60 bits.
544 return possibly_round(buf, 0, exp, limit, v.f / 10, (max_ten_kappa as u64) << e, err << e);
545 } else if ((exp as i32 - limit as i32) as usize) < buf.len() {
546 (exp - limit) as usize
547 } else {
548 buf.len()
549 };
550 debug_assert!(len > 0);
552 // render integral parts.
553 // the error is entirely fractional, so we don't need to check it in this part.
554 let mut kappa = max_kappa as i16;
555 let mut ten_kappa = max_ten_kappa; // 10^kappa
556 let mut remainder = vint; // digits yet to be rendered
557 loop { // we always have at least one digit to render
558 // invariants:
559 // - `remainder < 10^(kappa+1)`
560 // - `vint = d[0..n-1] * 10^(kappa+1) + remainder`
561 // (it follows that `remainder = vint % 10^(kappa+1)`)
563 // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`. both are scaled by `2^-e`.
564 let q = remainder / ten_kappa;
565 let r = remainder % ten_kappa;
566 debug_assert!(q < 10);
567 buf[i] = b'0' + q as u8;
568 i += 1;
570 // is the buffer full? run the rounding pass with the remainder.
571 if i == len {
572 let vrem = ((r as u64) << e) + vfrac; // == (v % 10^kappa) * 2^e
573 return possibly_round(buf, len, exp, limit, vrem, (ten_kappa as u64) << e, err << e);
574 }
576 // break the loop when we have rendered all integral digits.
577 // the exact number of digits is `max_kappa + 1` as `plus1 < 10^(max_kappa+1)`.
578 if i > max_kappa as usize {
579 debug_assert_eq!(ten_kappa, 1);
580 debug_assert_eq!(kappa, 0);
581 break;
582 }
584 // restore invariants
585 kappa -= 1;
586 ten_kappa /= 10;
587 remainder = r;
588 }
590 // render fractional parts.
591 //
592 // in principle we can continue to the last available digit and check for the accuracy.
593 // unfortunately we are working with the finite-sized integers, so we need some criterion
594 // to detect the overflow. V8 uses `remainder > err`, which becomes false when
595 // the first `i` significant digits of `v - 1 ulp` and `v` differ. however this rejects
596 // too many otherwise valid input.
597 //
598 // since the later phase has a correct overflow detection, we instead use tighter criterion:
599 // we continue til `err` exceeds `10^kappa / 2`, so that the range between `v - 1 ulp` and
600 // `v + 1 ulp` definitely contains two or more rounded representations. this is same to
601 // the first two comparisons from `possibly_round`, for the reference.
602 let mut remainder = vfrac;
603 let maxerr = 1 << (e - 1);
604 while err < maxerr {
605 // invariants, where `m = max_kappa + 1` (# of digits in the integral part):
606 // - `remainder < 2^e`
607 // - `vfrac * 10^(n-m) = d[m..n-1] * 2^e + remainder`
608 // - `err = 10^(n-m)`
610 remainder *= 10; // won't overflow, `2^e * 10 < 2^64`
611 err *= 10; // won't overflow, `err * 10 < 2^e * 5 < 2^64`
613 // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`.
614 // both are scaled by `2^e / 10^kappa`, so the latter is implicit here.
615 let q = remainder >> e;
616 let r = remainder & ((1 << e) - 1);
617 debug_assert!(q < 10);
618 buf[i] = b'0' + q as u8;
619 i += 1;
621 // is the buffer full? run the rounding pass with the remainder.
622 if i == len {
623 return possibly_round(buf, len, exp, limit, r, 1 << e, err);
624 }
626 // restore invariants
627 remainder = r;
628 }
630 // further calculation is useless (`possibly_round` definitely fails), so we give up.
631 return None;
633 // we've generated all requested digits of `v`, which should be also same to corresponding
634 // digits of `v - 1 ulp`. now we check if there is a unique representation shared by
635 // both `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`; this can be either same to generated digits, or
636 // to the rounded-up version of those digits. if the range contains multiple representations
637 // of the same length, we cannot be sure and should return `None` instead.
638 //
639 // all arguments here are scaled by the common (but implicit) value `k`, so that:
640 // - `remainder = (v % 10^kappa) * k`
641 // - `ten_kappa = 10^kappa * k`
642 // - `ulp = 2^-e * k`
643 fn possibly_round(buf: &mut [u8], mut len: usize, mut exp: i16, limit: i16,
644 remainder: u64, ten_kappa: u64, ulp: u64) -> Option<(usize, i16)> {
645 debug_assert!(remainder < ten_kappa);
647 // 10^kappa
648 // : : :<->: :
649 // : : : : :
650 // :|1 ulp|1 ulp| :
651 // :|<--->|<--->| :
652 // ----|-----|-----|----
653 // | v |
654 // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
655 //
656 // (for the reference, the dotted line indicates the exact value for
657 // possible representations in given number of digits.)
658 //
659 // error is too large that there are at least three possible representations
660 // between `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`. we cannot determine which one is correct.
661 if ulp >= ten_kappa { return None; }
663 // 10^kappa
664 // :<------->:
665 // : :
666 // : |1 ulp|1 ulp|
667 // : |<--->|<--->|
668 // ----|-----|-----|----
669 // | v |
670 // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
671 //
672 // in fact, 1/2 ulp is enough to introduce two possible representations.
673 // (remember that we need a unique representation for both `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`.)
674 // this won't overflow, as `ulp < ten_kappa` from the first check.
675 if ten_kappa - ulp <= ulp { return None; }
677 // remainder
678 // :<->| :
679 // : | :
680 // :<--------- 10^kappa ---------->:
681 // | : | :
682 // |1 ulp|1 ulp| :
683 // |<--->|<--->| :
684 // ----|-----|-----|------------------------
685 // | v |
686 // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
687 //
688 // if `v + 1 ulp` is closer to the rounded-down representation (which is already in `buf`),
689 // then we can safely return. note that `v - 1 ulp` *can* be less than the current
690 // representation, but as `1 ulp < 10^kappa / 2`, this condition is enough:
691 // the distance between `v - 1 ulp` and the current representation
692 // cannot exceed `10^kappa / 2`.
693 //
694 // the condition equals to `remainder + ulp < 10^kappa / 2`.
695 // since this can easily overflow, first check if `remainder < 10^kappa / 2`.
696 // we've already verified that `ulp < 10^kappa / 2`, so as long as
697 // `10^kappa` did not overflow after all, the second check is fine.
698 if ten_kappa - remainder > remainder && ten_kappa - 2 * remainder >= 2 * ulp {
699 return Some((len, exp));
700 }
702 // :<------- remainder ------>| :
703 // : | :
704 // :<--------- 10^kappa --------->:
705 // : | | : |
706 // : |1 ulp|1 ulp|
707 // : |<--->|<--->|
708 // -----------------------|-----|-----|-----
709 // | v |
710 // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
711 //
712 // on the other hands, if `v - 1 ulp` is closer to the rounded-up representation,
713 // we should round up and return. for the same reason we don't need to check `v + 1 ulp`.
714 //
715 // the condition equals to `remainder - ulp >= 10^kappa / 2`.
716 // again we first check if `remainder > ulp` (note that this is not `remainder >= ulp`,
717 // as `10^kappa` is never zero). also note that `remainder - ulp <= 10^kappa`,
718 // so the second check does not overflow.
719 if remainder > ulp && ten_kappa - (remainder - ulp) <= remainder - ulp {
720 if let Some(c) = round_up(buf, len) {
721 // only add an additional digit when we've been requested the fixed precision.
722 // we also need to check that, if the original buffer was empty,
723 // the additional digit can only be added when `exp == limit` (edge case).
724 exp += 1;
725 if exp > limit && len < buf.len() {
726 buf[len] = c;
727 len += 1;
728 }
729 }
730 return Some((len, exp));
731 }
733 // otherwise we are doomed (i.e. some values between `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp` are
734 // rounding down and others are rounding up) and give up.
735 None
736 }
737 }
739 /// The exact and fixed mode implementation for Grisu with Dragon fallback.
740 ///
741 /// This should be used for most cases.
742 pub fn format_exact(d: &Decoded, buf: &mut [u8], limit: i16) -> (/*#digits*/ usize, /*exp*/ i16) {
743 use num::flt2dec::strategy::dragon::format_exact as fallback;
744 match format_exact_opt(d, buf, limit) {
745 Some(ret) => ret,
746 None => fallback(d, buf, limit),
747 }
748 }