]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/cfg/construct.rs
New upstream version 1.14.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / cfg / construct.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use rustc_data_structures::graph;
12 use cfg::*;
13 use hir::def::Def;
14 use hir::pat_util;
15 use ty::{self, TyCtxt};
16 use syntax::ast;
17 use syntax::ptr::P;
19 use hir::{self, PatKind};
21 struct CFGBuilder<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
22 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
23 graph: CFGGraph,
24 fn_exit: CFGIndex,
25 loop_scopes: Vec<LoopScope>,
26 }
28 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
29 struct LoopScope {
30 loop_id: ast::NodeId, // id of loop/while node
31 continue_index: CFGIndex, // where to go on a `loop`
32 break_index: CFGIndex, // where to go on a `break
33 }
35 pub fn construct<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
36 blk: &hir::Block) -> CFG {
37 let mut graph = graph::Graph::new();
38 let entry = graph.add_node(CFGNodeData::Entry);
40 // `fn_exit` is target of return exprs, which lies somewhere
41 // outside input `blk`. (Distinguishing `fn_exit` and `block_exit`
42 // also resolves chicken-and-egg problem that arises if you try to
43 // have return exprs jump to `block_exit` during construction.)
44 let fn_exit = graph.add_node(CFGNodeData::Exit);
45 let block_exit;
47 let mut cfg_builder = CFGBuilder {
48 graph: graph,
49 fn_exit: fn_exit,
50 tcx: tcx,
51 loop_scopes: Vec::new()
52 };
53 block_exit = cfg_builder.block(blk, entry);
54 cfg_builder.add_contained_edge(block_exit, fn_exit);
55 let CFGBuilder {graph, ..} = cfg_builder;
56 CFG {graph: graph,
57 entry: entry,
58 exit: fn_exit}
59 }
61 impl<'a, 'tcx> CFGBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
62 fn block(&mut self, blk: &hir::Block, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
63 let mut stmts_exit = pred;
64 for stmt in &blk.stmts {
65 stmts_exit = self.stmt(stmt, stmts_exit);
66 }
68 let expr_exit = self.opt_expr(&blk.expr, stmts_exit);
70 self.add_ast_node(blk.id, &[expr_exit])
71 }
73 fn stmt(&mut self, stmt: &hir::Stmt, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
74 match stmt.node {
75 hir::StmtDecl(ref decl, id) => {
76 let exit = self.decl(&decl, pred);
77 self.add_ast_node(id, &[exit])
78 }
80 hir::StmtExpr(ref expr, id) | hir::StmtSemi(ref expr, id) => {
81 let exit = self.expr(&expr, pred);
82 self.add_ast_node(id, &[exit])
83 }
84 }
85 }
87 fn decl(&mut self, decl: &hir::Decl, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
88 match decl.node {
89 hir::DeclLocal(ref local) => {
90 let init_exit = self.opt_expr(&local.init, pred);
91 self.pat(&local.pat, init_exit)
92 }
94 hir::DeclItem(_) => {
95 pred
96 }
97 }
98 }
100 fn pat(&mut self, pat: &hir::Pat, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
101 match pat.node {
102 PatKind::Binding(.., None) |
103 PatKind::Path(..) |
104 PatKind::Lit(..) |
105 PatKind::Range(..) |
106 PatKind::Wild => {
107 self.add_ast_node(pat.id, &[pred])
108 }
110 PatKind::Box(ref subpat) |
111 PatKind::Ref(ref subpat, _) |
112 PatKind::Binding(.., Some(ref subpat)) => {
113 let subpat_exit = self.pat(&subpat, pred);
114 self.add_ast_node(pat.id, &[subpat_exit])
115 }
117 PatKind::TupleStruct(_, ref subpats, _) |
118 PatKind::Tuple(ref subpats, _) => {
119 let pats_exit = self.pats_all(subpats.iter(), pred);
120 self.add_ast_node(pat.id, &[pats_exit])
121 }
123 PatKind::Struct(_, ref subpats, _) => {
124 let pats_exit =
125 self.pats_all(subpats.iter().map(|f| &f.node.pat), pred);
126 self.add_ast_node(pat.id, &[pats_exit])
127 }
129 PatKind::Slice(ref pre, ref vec, ref post) => {
130 let pre_exit = self.pats_all(pre.iter(), pred);
131 let vec_exit = self.pats_all(vec.iter(), pre_exit);
132 let post_exit = self.pats_all(post.iter(), vec_exit);
133 self.add_ast_node(pat.id, &[post_exit])
134 }
135 }
136 }
138 fn pats_all<'b, I: Iterator<Item=&'b P<hir::Pat>>>(&mut self,
139 pats: I,
140 pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
141 //! Handles case where all of the patterns must match.
142 pats.fold(pred, |pred, pat| self.pat(&pat, pred))
143 }
145 fn expr(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr, pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
146 match expr.node {
147 hir::ExprBlock(ref blk) => {
148 let blk_exit = self.block(&blk, pred);
149 self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[blk_exit])
150 }
152 hir::ExprIf(ref cond, ref then, None) => {
153 //
154 // [pred]
155 // |
156 // v 1
157 // [cond]
158 // |
159 // / \
160 // / \
161 // v 2 *
162 // [then] |
163 // | |
164 // v 3 v 4
165 // [..expr..]
166 //
167 let cond_exit = self.expr(&cond, pred); // 1
168 let then_exit = self.block(&then, cond_exit); // 2
169 self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[cond_exit, then_exit]) // 3,4
170 }
172 hir::ExprIf(ref cond, ref then, Some(ref otherwise)) => {
173 //
174 // [pred]
175 // |
176 // v 1
177 // [cond]
178 // |
179 // / \
180 // / \
181 // v 2 v 3
182 // [then][otherwise]
183 // | |
184 // v 4 v 5
185 // [..expr..]
186 //
187 let cond_exit = self.expr(&cond, pred); // 1
188 let then_exit = self.block(&then, cond_exit); // 2
189 let else_exit = self.expr(&otherwise, cond_exit); // 3
190 self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[then_exit, else_exit]) // 4, 5
191 }
193 hir::ExprWhile(ref cond, ref body, _) => {
194 //
195 // [pred]
196 // |
197 // v 1
198 // [loopback] <--+ 5
199 // | |
200 // v 2 |
201 // +-----[cond] |
202 // | | |
203 // | v 4 |
204 // | [body] -----+
205 // v 3
206 // [expr]
207 //
208 // Note that `break` and `continue` statements
209 // may cause additional edges.
211 // Is the condition considered part of the loop?
212 let loopback = self.add_dummy_node(&[pred]); // 1
213 let cond_exit = self.expr(&cond, loopback); // 2
214 let expr_exit = self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[cond_exit]); // 3
215 self.loop_scopes.push(LoopScope {
216 loop_id: expr.id,
217 continue_index: loopback,
218 break_index: expr_exit
219 });
220 let body_exit = self.block(&body, cond_exit); // 4
221 self.add_contained_edge(body_exit, loopback); // 5
222 self.loop_scopes.pop();
223 expr_exit
224 }
226 hir::ExprLoop(ref body, _) => {
227 //
228 // [pred]
229 // |
230 // v 1
231 // [loopback] <---+
232 // | 4 |
233 // v 3 |
234 // [body] ------+
235 //
236 // [expr] 2
237 //
238 // Note that `break` and `loop` statements
239 // may cause additional edges.
241 let loopback = self.add_dummy_node(&[pred]); // 1
242 let expr_exit = self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[]); // 2
243 self.loop_scopes.push(LoopScope {
244 loop_id: expr.id,
245 continue_index: loopback,
246 break_index: expr_exit,
247 });
248 let body_exit = self.block(&body, loopback); // 3
249 self.add_contained_edge(body_exit, loopback); // 4
250 self.loop_scopes.pop();
251 expr_exit
252 }
254 hir::ExprMatch(ref discr, ref arms, _) => {
255 self.match_(expr.id, &discr, &arms, pred)
256 }
258 hir::ExprBinary(op, ref l, ref r) if op.node.is_lazy() => {
259 //
260 // [pred]
261 // |
262 // v 1
263 // [l]
264 // |
265 // / \
266 // / \
267 // v 2 *
268 // [r] |
269 // | |
270 // v 3 v 4
271 // [..exit..]
272 //
273 let l_exit = self.expr(&l, pred); // 1
274 let r_exit = self.expr(&r, l_exit); // 2
275 self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[l_exit, r_exit]) // 3,4
276 }
278 hir::ExprRet(ref v) => {
279 let v_exit = self.opt_expr(v, pred);
280 let b = self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[v_exit]);
281 self.add_returning_edge(expr, b);
282 self.add_unreachable_node()
283 }
285 hir::ExprBreak(label) => {
286 let loop_scope = self.find_scope(expr, label.map(|l| l.node));
287 let b = self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[pred]);
288 self.add_exiting_edge(expr, b,
289 loop_scope, loop_scope.break_index);
290 self.add_unreachable_node()
291 }
293 hir::ExprAgain(label) => {
294 let loop_scope = self.find_scope(expr, label.map(|l| l.node));
295 let a = self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[pred]);
296 self.add_exiting_edge(expr, a,
297 loop_scope, loop_scope.continue_index);
298 self.add_unreachable_node()
299 }
301 hir::ExprArray(ref elems) => {
302 self.straightline(expr, pred, elems.iter().map(|e| &**e))
303 }
305 hir::ExprCall(ref func, ref args) => {
306 self.call(expr, pred, &func, args.iter().map(|e| &**e))
307 }
309 hir::ExprMethodCall(.., ref args) => {
310 self.call(expr, pred, &args[0], args[1..].iter().map(|e| &**e))
311 }
313 hir::ExprIndex(ref l, ref r) |
314 hir::ExprBinary(_, ref l, ref r) if self.tcx.tables().is_method_call(expr.id) => {
315 self.call(expr, pred, &l, Some(&**r).into_iter())
316 }
318 hir::ExprUnary(_, ref e) if self.tcx.tables().is_method_call(expr.id) => {
319 self.call(expr, pred, &e, None::<hir::Expr>.iter())
320 }
322 hir::ExprTup(ref exprs) => {
323 self.straightline(expr, pred, exprs.iter().map(|e| &**e))
324 }
326 hir::ExprStruct(_, ref fields, ref base) => {
327 let field_cfg = self.straightline(expr, pred, fields.iter().map(|f| &*f.expr));
328 self.opt_expr(base, field_cfg)
329 }
331 hir::ExprRepeat(ref elem, ref count) => {
332 self.straightline(expr, pred, [elem, count].iter().map(|&e| &**e))
333 }
335 hir::ExprAssign(ref l, ref r) |
336 hir::ExprAssignOp(_, ref l, ref r) => {
337 self.straightline(expr, pred, [r, l].iter().map(|&e| &**e))
338 }
340 hir::ExprIndex(ref l, ref r) |
341 hir::ExprBinary(_, ref l, ref r) => { // NB: && and || handled earlier
342 self.straightline(expr, pred, [l, r].iter().map(|&e| &**e))
343 }
345 hir::ExprBox(ref e) |
346 hir::ExprAddrOf(_, ref e) |
347 hir::ExprCast(ref e, _) |
348 hir::ExprType(ref e, _) |
349 hir::ExprUnary(_, ref e) |
350 hir::ExprField(ref e, _) |
351 hir::ExprTupField(ref e, _) => {
352 self.straightline(expr, pred, Some(&**e).into_iter())
353 }
355 hir::ExprInlineAsm(_, ref outputs, ref inputs) => {
356 let post_outputs = self.exprs(outputs.iter().map(|e| &**e), pred);
357 let post_inputs = self.exprs(inputs.iter().map(|e| &**e), post_outputs);
358 self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[post_inputs])
359 }
361 hir::ExprClosure(..) |
362 hir::ExprLit(..) |
363 hir::ExprPath(..) => {
364 self.straightline(expr, pred, None::<hir::Expr>.iter())
365 }
366 }
367 }
369 fn call<'b, I: Iterator<Item=&'b hir::Expr>>(&mut self,
370 call_expr: &hir::Expr,
371 pred: CFGIndex,
372 func_or_rcvr: &hir::Expr,
373 args: I) -> CFGIndex {
374 let method_call = ty::MethodCall::expr(call_expr.id);
375 let fn_ty = match self.tcx.tables().method_map.get(&method_call) {
376 Some(method) => method.ty,
377 None => self.tcx.tables().expr_ty_adjusted(func_or_rcvr)
378 };
380 let func_or_rcvr_exit = self.expr(func_or_rcvr, pred);
381 let ret = self.straightline(call_expr, func_or_rcvr_exit, args);
382 // FIXME(canndrew): This is_never should probably be an is_uninhabited.
383 if fn_ty.fn_ret().0.is_never() {
384 self.add_unreachable_node()
385 } else {
386 ret
387 }
388 }
390 fn exprs<'b, I: Iterator<Item=&'b hir::Expr>>(&mut self,
391 exprs: I,
392 pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
393 //! Constructs graph for `exprs` evaluated in order
394 exprs.fold(pred, |p, e| self.expr(e, p))
395 }
397 fn opt_expr(&mut self,
398 opt_expr: &Option<P<hir::Expr>>,
399 pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
400 //! Constructs graph for `opt_expr` evaluated, if Some
401 opt_expr.iter().fold(pred, |p, e| self.expr(&e, p))
402 }
404 fn straightline<'b, I: Iterator<Item=&'b hir::Expr>>(&mut self,
405 expr: &hir::Expr,
406 pred: CFGIndex,
407 subexprs: I) -> CFGIndex {
408 //! Handles case of an expression that evaluates `subexprs` in order
410 let subexprs_exit = self.exprs(subexprs, pred);
411 self.add_ast_node(expr.id, &[subexprs_exit])
412 }
414 fn match_(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId, discr: &hir::Expr,
415 arms: &[hir::Arm], pred: CFGIndex) -> CFGIndex {
416 // The CFG for match expression is quite complex, so no ASCII
417 // art for it (yet).
418 //
419 // The CFG generated below matches roughly what trans puts
420 // out. Each pattern and guard is visited in parallel, with
421 // arms containing multiple patterns generating multiple nodes
422 // for the same guard expression. The guard expressions chain
423 // into each other from top to bottom, with a specific
424 // exception to allow some additional valid programs
425 // (explained below). Trans differs slightly in that the
426 // pattern matching may continue after a guard but the visible
427 // behaviour should be the same.
428 //
429 // What is going on is explained in further comments.
431 // Visit the discriminant expression
432 let discr_exit = self.expr(discr, pred);
434 // Add a node for the exit of the match expression as a whole.
435 let expr_exit = self.add_ast_node(id, &[]);
437 // Keep track of the previous guard expressions
438 let mut prev_guards = Vec::new();
439 // Track if the previous pattern contained bindings or wildcards
440 let mut prev_has_bindings = false;
442 for arm in arms {
443 // Add an exit node for when we've visited all the
444 // patterns and the guard (if there is one) in the arm.
445 let arm_exit = self.add_dummy_node(&[]);
447 for pat in &arm.pats {
448 // Visit the pattern, coming from the discriminant exit
449 let mut pat_exit = self.pat(&pat, discr_exit);
451 // If there is a guard expression, handle it here
452 if let Some(ref guard) = arm.guard {
453 // Add a dummy node for the previous guard
454 // expression to target
455 let guard_start = self.add_dummy_node(&[pat_exit]);
456 // Visit the guard expression
457 let guard_exit = self.expr(&guard, guard_start);
459 let this_has_bindings = pat_util::pat_contains_bindings_or_wild(&pat);
461 // If both this pattern and the previous pattern
462 // were free of bindings, they must consist only
463 // of "constant" patterns. Note we cannot match an
464 // all-constant pattern, fail the guard, and then
465 // match *another* all-constant pattern. This is
466 // because if the previous pattern matches, then
467 // we *cannot* match this one, unless all the
468 // constants are the same (which is rejected by
469 // `check_match`).
470 //
471 // We can use this to be smarter about the flow
472 // along guards. If the previous pattern matched,
473 // then we know we will not visit the guard in
474 // this one (whether or not the guard succeeded),
475 // if the previous pattern failed, then we know
476 // the guard for that pattern will not have been
477 // visited. Thus, it is not possible to visit both
478 // the previous guard and the current one when
479 // both patterns consist only of constant
480 // sub-patterns.
481 //
482 // However, if the above does not hold, then all
483 // previous guards need to be wired to visit the
484 // current guard pattern.
485 if prev_has_bindings || this_has_bindings {
486 while let Some(prev) = prev_guards.pop() {
487 self.add_contained_edge(prev, guard_start);
488 }
489 }
491 prev_has_bindings = this_has_bindings;
493 // Push the guard onto the list of previous guards
494 prev_guards.push(guard_exit);
496 // Update the exit node for the pattern
497 pat_exit = guard_exit;
498 }
500 // Add an edge from the exit of this pattern to the
501 // exit of the arm
502 self.add_contained_edge(pat_exit, arm_exit);
503 }
505 // Visit the body of this arm
506 let body_exit = self.expr(&arm.body, arm_exit);
508 // Link the body to the exit of the expression
509 self.add_contained_edge(body_exit, expr_exit);
510 }
512 expr_exit
513 }
515 fn add_dummy_node(&mut self, preds: &[CFGIndex]) -> CFGIndex {
516 self.add_node(CFGNodeData::Dummy, preds)
517 }
519 fn add_ast_node(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId, preds: &[CFGIndex]) -> CFGIndex {
520 assert!(id != ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID);
521 self.add_node(CFGNodeData::AST(id), preds)
522 }
524 fn add_unreachable_node(&mut self) -> CFGIndex {
525 self.add_node(CFGNodeData::Unreachable, &[])
526 }
528 fn add_node(&mut self, data: CFGNodeData, preds: &[CFGIndex]) -> CFGIndex {
529 let node = self.graph.add_node(data);
530 for &pred in preds {
531 self.add_contained_edge(pred, node);
532 }
533 node
534 }
536 fn add_contained_edge(&mut self,
537 source: CFGIndex,
538 target: CFGIndex) {
539 let data = CFGEdgeData {exiting_scopes: vec![] };
540 self.graph.add_edge(source, target, data);
541 }
543 fn add_exiting_edge(&mut self,
544 from_expr: &hir::Expr,
545 from_index: CFGIndex,
546 to_loop: LoopScope,
547 to_index: CFGIndex) {
548 let mut data = CFGEdgeData {exiting_scopes: vec![] };
549 let mut scope = self.tcx.region_maps.node_extent(from_expr.id);
550 let target_scope = self.tcx.region_maps.node_extent(to_loop.loop_id);
551 while scope != target_scope {
552 data.exiting_scopes.push(scope.node_id(&self.tcx.region_maps));
553 scope = self.tcx.region_maps.encl_scope(scope);
554 }
555 self.graph.add_edge(from_index, to_index, data);
556 }
558 fn add_returning_edge(&mut self,
559 _from_expr: &hir::Expr,
560 from_index: CFGIndex) {
561 let mut data = CFGEdgeData {
562 exiting_scopes: vec![],
563 };
564 for &LoopScope { loop_id: id, .. } in self.loop_scopes.iter().rev() {
565 data.exiting_scopes.push(id);
566 }
567 self.graph.add_edge(from_index, self.fn_exit, data);
568 }
570 fn find_scope(&self,
571 expr: &hir::Expr,
572 label: Option<ast::Name>) -> LoopScope {
573 if label.is_none() {
574 return *self.loop_scopes.last().unwrap();
575 }
577 match self.tcx.expect_def(expr.id) {
578 Def::Label(loop_id) => {
579 for l in &self.loop_scopes {
580 if l.loop_id == loop_id {
581 return *l;
582 }
583 }
584 span_bug!(expr.span, "no loop scope for id {}", loop_id);
585 }
587 r => {
588 span_bug!(expr.span, "bad entry `{:?}` in def_map for label", r);
589 }
590 }
591 }
592 }