]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/diagnostics.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.6.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / diagnostics.rs
1 // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 #![allow(non_snake_case)]
13 // Error messages for EXXXX errors.
14 // Each message should start and end with a new line, and be wrapped to 80 characters.
15 // In vim you can `:set tw=80` and use `gq` to wrap paragraphs. Use `:set tw=0` to disable.
16 register_long_diagnostics! {
18 E0001: r##"
19 This error suggests that the expression arm corresponding to the noted pattern
20 will never be reached as for all possible values of the expression being
21 matched, one of the preceding patterns will match.
23 This means that perhaps some of the preceding patterns are too general, this one
24 is too specific or the ordering is incorrect.
26 For example, the following `match` block has too many arms:
28 ```
29 match foo {
30 Some(bar) => {/* ... */}
31 None => {/* ... */}
32 _ => {/* ... */} // All possible cases have already been handled
33 }
34 ```
36 `match` blocks have their patterns matched in order, so, for example, putting
37 a wildcard arm above a more specific arm will make the latter arm irrelevant.
39 Ensure the ordering of the match arm is correct and remove any superfluous
40 arms.
41 "##,
43 E0002: r##"
44 This error indicates that an empty match expression is invalid because the type
45 it is matching on is non-empty (there exist values of this type). In safe code
46 it is impossible to create an instance of an empty type, so empty match
47 expressions are almost never desired. This error is typically fixed by adding
48 one or more cases to the match expression.
50 An example of an empty type is `enum Empty { }`. So, the following will work:
52 ```
53 fn foo(x: Empty) {
54 match x {
55 // empty
56 }
57 }
58 ```
60 However, this won't:
62 ```
63 fn foo(x: Option<String>) {
64 match x {
65 // empty
66 }
67 }
68 ```
69 "##,
71 E0003: r##"
72 Not-a-Number (NaN) values cannot be compared for equality and hence can never
73 match the input to a match expression. So, the following will not compile:
75 ```
76 const NAN: f32 = 0.0 / 0.0;
78 match number {
79 NAN => { /* ... */ },
80 // ...
81 }
82 ```
84 To match against NaN values, you should instead use the `is_nan()` method in a
85 guard, like so:
87 ```
88 match number {
89 // ...
90 x if x.is_nan() => { /* ... */ }
91 // ...
92 }
93 ```
94 "##,
96 E0004: r##"
97 This error indicates that the compiler cannot guarantee a matching pattern for
98 one or more possible inputs to a match expression. Guaranteed matches are
99 required in order to assign values to match expressions, or alternatively,
100 determine the flow of execution.
102 If you encounter this error you must alter your patterns so that every possible
103 value of the input type is matched. For types with a small number of variants
104 (like enums) you should probably cover all cases explicitly. Alternatively, the
105 underscore `_` wildcard pattern can be added after all other patterns to match
106 "anything else".
107 "##,
109 E0005: r##"
110 Patterns used to bind names must be irrefutable, that is, they must guarantee
111 that a name will be extracted in all cases. If you encounter this error you
112 probably need to use a `match` or `if let` to deal with the possibility of
113 failure.
114 "##,
116 E0007: r##"
117 This error indicates that the bindings in a match arm would require a value to
118 be moved into more than one location, thus violating unique ownership. Code like
119 the following is invalid as it requires the entire `Option<String>` to be moved
120 into a variable called `op_string` while simultaneously requiring the inner
121 String to be moved into a variable called `s`.
123 ```
124 let x = Some("s".to_string());
125 match x {
126 op_string @ Some(s) => ...
127 None => ...
128 }
129 ```
131 See also Error 303.
132 "##,
134 E0008: r##"
135 Names bound in match arms retain their type in pattern guards. As such, if a
136 name is bound by move in a pattern, it should also be moved to wherever it is
137 referenced in the pattern guard code. Doing so however would prevent the name
138 from being available in the body of the match arm. Consider the following:
140 ```
141 match Some("hi".to_string()) {
142 Some(s) if s.len() == 0 => // use s.
143 ...
144 }
145 ```
147 The variable `s` has type `String`, and its use in the guard is as a variable of
148 type `String`. The guard code effectively executes in a separate scope to the
149 body of the arm, so the value would be moved into this anonymous scope and
150 therefore become unavailable in the body of the arm. Although this example seems
151 innocuous, the problem is most clear when considering functions that take their
152 argument by value.
154 ```
155 match Some("hi".to_string()) {
156 Some(s) if { drop(s); false } => (),
157 Some(s) => // use s.
158 ...
159 }
160 ```
162 The value would be dropped in the guard then become unavailable not only in the
163 body of that arm but also in all subsequent arms! The solution is to bind by
164 reference when using guards or refactor the entire expression, perhaps by
165 putting the condition inside the body of the arm.
166 "##,
168 E0009: r##"
169 In a pattern, all values that don't implement the `Copy` trait have to be bound
170 the same way. The goal here is to avoid binding simultaneously by-move and
171 by-ref.
173 This limitation may be removed in a future version of Rust.
175 Wrong example:
177 ```
178 struct X { x: (), }
180 let x = Some((X { x: () }, X { x: () }));
181 match x {
182 Some((y, ref z)) => {},
183 None => panic!()
184 }
185 ```
187 You have two solutions:
189 Solution #1: Bind the pattern's values the same way.
191 ```
192 struct X { x: (), }
194 let x = Some((X { x: () }, X { x: () }));
195 match x {
196 Some((ref y, ref z)) => {},
197 // or Some((y, z)) => {}
198 None => panic!()
199 }
200 ```
202 Solution #2: Implement the `Copy` trait for the `X` structure.
204 However, please keep in mind that the first solution should be preferred.
206 ```
207 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
208 struct X { x: (), }
210 let x = Some((X { x: () }, X { x: () }));
211 match x {
212 Some((y, ref z)) => {},
213 None => panic!()
214 }
215 ```
216 "##,
218 E0010: r##"
219 The value of statics and constants must be known at compile time, and they live
220 for the entire lifetime of a program. Creating a boxed value allocates memory on
221 the heap at runtime, and therefore cannot be done at compile time. Erroneous
222 code example:
224 ```
225 #![feature(box_syntax)]
227 const CON : Box<i32> = box 0;
228 ```
229 "##,
231 E0011: r##"
232 Initializers for constants and statics are evaluated at compile time.
233 User-defined operators rely on user-defined functions, which cannot be evaluated
234 at compile time.
236 Bad example:
238 ```
239 use std::ops::Index;
241 struct Foo { a: u8 }
243 impl Index<u8> for Foo {
244 type Output = u8;
246 fn index<'a>(&'a self, idx: u8) -> &'a u8 { &self.a }
247 }
249 const a: Foo = Foo { a: 0u8 };
250 const b: u8 = a[0]; // Index trait is defined by the user, bad!
251 ```
253 Only operators on builtin types are allowed.
255 Example:
257 ```
258 const a: &'static [i32] = &[1, 2, 3];
259 const b: i32 = a[0]; // Good!
260 ```
261 "##,
263 E0013: r##"
264 Static and const variables can refer to other const variables. But a const
265 variable cannot refer to a static variable. For example, `Y` cannot refer to `X`
266 here:
268 ```
269 static X: i32 = 42;
270 const Y: i32 = X;
271 ```
273 To fix this, the value can be extracted as a const and then used:
275 ```
276 const A: i32 = 42;
277 static X: i32 = A;
278 const Y: i32 = A;
279 ```
280 "##,
282 E0014: r##"
283 Constants can only be initialized by a constant value or, in a future
284 version of Rust, a call to a const function. This error indicates the use
285 of a path (like a::b, or x) denoting something other than one of these
286 allowed items. Example:
288 ```
289 const FOO: i32 = { let x = 0; x }; // 'x' isn't a constant nor a function!
290 ```
292 To avoid it, you have to replace the non-constant value:
294 ```
295 const FOO: i32 = { const X : i32 = 0; X };
296 // or even:
297 const FOO: i32 = { 0 }; // but brackets are useless here
298 ```
299 "##,
301 // FIXME(#24111) Change the language here when const fn stabilizes
302 E0015: r##"
303 The only functions that can be called in static or constant expressions are
304 `const` functions, and struct/enum constructors. `const` functions are only
305 available on a nightly compiler. Rust currently does not support more general
306 compile-time function execution.
308 ```
309 const FOO: Option<u8> = Some(1); // enum constructor
310 struct Bar {x: u8}
311 const BAR: Bar = Bar {x: 1}; // struct constructor
312 ```
314 See [RFC 911] for more details on the design of `const fn`s.
316 [RFC 911]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0911-const-fn.md
317 "##,
319 E0016: r##"
320 Blocks in constants may only contain items (such as constant, function
321 definition, etc...) and a tail expression. Example:
323 ```
324 const FOO: i32 = { let x = 0; x }; // 'x' isn't an item!
325 ```
327 To avoid it, you have to replace the non-item object:
329 ```
330 const FOO: i32 = { const X : i32 = 0; X };
331 ```
332 "##,
334 E0017: r##"
335 References in statics and constants may only refer to immutable values. Example:
337 ```
338 static X: i32 = 1;
339 const C: i32 = 2;
341 // these three are not allowed:
342 const CR: &'static mut i32 = &mut C;
343 static STATIC_REF: &'static mut i32 = &mut X;
344 static CONST_REF: &'static mut i32 = &mut C;
345 ```
347 Statics are shared everywhere, and if they refer to mutable data one might
348 violate memory safety since holding multiple mutable references to shared data
349 is not allowed.
351 If you really want global mutable state, try using `static mut` or a global
352 `UnsafeCell`.
353 "##,
355 E0018: r##"
356 The value of static and const variables must be known at compile time. You
357 can't cast a pointer as an integer because we can't know what value the
358 address will take.
360 However, pointers to other constants' addresses are allowed in constants,
361 example:
363 ```
364 const X: u32 = 50;
365 const Y: *const u32 = &X;
366 ```
368 Therefore, casting one of these non-constant pointers to an integer results
369 in a non-constant integer which lead to this error. Example:
371 ```
372 const X: u32 = 1;
373 const Y: usize = &X as *const u32 as usize;
374 println!("{}", Y);
375 ```
376 "##,
378 E0019: r##"
379 A function call isn't allowed in the const's initialization expression
380 because the expression's value must be known at compile-time. Example of
381 erroneous code:
383 ```
384 enum Test {
385 V1
386 }
388 impl Test {
389 fn test(&self) -> i32 {
390 12
391 }
392 }
394 fn main() {
395 const FOO: Test = Test::V1;
397 const A: i32 = FOO.test(); // You can't call Test::func() here !
398 }
399 ```
401 Remember: you can't use a function call inside a const's initialization
402 expression! However, you can totally use it anywhere else:
404 ```
405 fn main() {
406 const FOO: Test = Test::V1;
408 FOO.func(); // here is good
409 let x = FOO.func(); // or even here!
410 }
411 ```
412 "##,
414 E0020: r##"
415 This error indicates that an attempt was made to divide by zero (or take the
416 remainder of a zero divisor) in a static or constant expression. Erroneous
417 code example:
419 ```
420 const X: i32 = 42 / 0;
421 // error: attempted to divide by zero in a constant expression
422 ```
423 "##,
425 E0022: r##"
426 Constant functions are not allowed to mutate anything. Thus, binding to an
427 argument with a mutable pattern is not allowed. For example,
429 ```
430 const fn foo(mut x: u8) {
431 // do stuff
432 }
433 ```
435 is bad because the function body may not mutate `x`.
437 Remove any mutable bindings from the argument list to fix this error. In case
438 you need to mutate the argument, try lazily initializing a global variable
439 instead of using a `const fn`, or refactoring the code to a functional style to
440 avoid mutation if possible.
441 "##,
443 E0030: r##"
444 When matching against a range, the compiler verifies that the range is
445 non-empty. Range patterns include both end-points, so this is equivalent to
446 requiring the start of the range to be less than or equal to the end of the
447 range.
449 For example:
451 ```
452 match 5u32 {
453 // This range is ok, albeit pointless.
454 1 ... 1 => ...
455 // This range is empty, and the compiler can tell.
456 1000 ... 5 => ...
457 }
458 ```
459 "##,
461 E0038: r####"
462 Trait objects like `Box<Trait>` can only be constructed when certain
463 requirements are satisfied by the trait in question.
465 Trait objects are a form of dynamic dispatch and use a dynamically sized type
466 for the inner type. So, for a given trait `Trait`, when `Trait` is treated as a
467 type, as in `Box<Trait>`, the inner type is 'unsized'. In such cases the boxed
468 pointer is a 'fat pointer' that contains an extra pointer to a table of methods
469 (among other things) for dynamic dispatch. This design mandates some
470 restrictions on the types of traits that are allowed to be used in trait
471 objects, which are collectively termed as 'object safety' rules.
473 Attempting to create a trait object for a non object-safe trait will trigger
474 this error.
476 There are various rules:
478 ### The trait cannot require `Self: Sized`
480 When `Trait` is treated as a type, the type does not implement the special
481 `Sized` trait, because the type does not have a known size at compile time and
482 can only be accessed behind a pointer. Thus, if we have a trait like the
483 following:
485 ```
486 trait Foo where Self: Sized {
488 }
489 ```
491 we cannot create an object of type `Box<Foo>` or `&Foo` since in this case
492 `Self` would not be `Sized`.
494 Generally, `Self : Sized` is used to indicate that the trait should not be used
495 as a trait object. If the trait comes from your own crate, consider removing
496 this restriction.
498 ### Method references the `Self` type in its arguments or return type
500 This happens when a trait has a method like the following:
502 ```
503 trait Trait {
504 fn foo(&self) -> Self;
505 }
507 impl Trait for String {
508 fn foo(&self) -> Self {
509 "hi".to_owned()
510 }
511 }
513 impl Trait for u8 {
514 fn foo(&self) -> Self {
515 1
516 }
517 }
518 ```
520 (Note that `&self` and `&mut self` are okay, it's additional `Self` types which
521 cause this problem)
523 In such a case, the compiler cannot predict the return type of `foo()` in a
524 situation like the following:
526 ```
527 fn call_foo(x: Box<Trait>) {
528 let y = x.foo(); // What type is y?
529 // ...
530 }
531 ```
533 If only some methods aren't object-safe, you can add a `where Self: Sized` bound
534 on them to mark them as explicitly unavailable to trait objects. The
535 functionality will still be available to all other implementers, including
536 `Box<Trait>` which is itself sized (assuming you `impl Trait for Box<Trait>`).
538 ```
539 trait Trait {
540 fn foo(&self) -> Self where Self: Sized;
541 // more functions
542 }
543 ```
545 Now, `foo()` can no longer be called on a trait object, but you will now be
546 allowed to make a trait object, and that will be able to call any object-safe
547 methods". With such a bound, one can still call `foo()` on types implementing
548 that trait that aren't behind trait objects.
550 ### Method has generic type parameters
552 As mentioned before, trait objects contain pointers to method tables. So, if we
553 have:
555 ```
556 trait Trait {
557 fn foo(&self);
558 }
559 impl Trait for String {
560 fn foo(&self) {
561 // implementation 1
562 }
563 }
564 impl Trait for u8 {
565 fn foo(&self) {
566 // implementation 2
567 }
568 }
569 // ...
570 ```
572 At compile time each implementation of `Trait` will produce a table containing
573 the various methods (and other items) related to the implementation.
575 This works fine, but when the method gains generic parameters, we can have a
576 problem.
578 Usually, generic parameters get _monomorphized_. For example, if I have
580 ```
581 fn foo<T>(x: T) {
582 // ...
583 }
584 ```
586 the machine code for `foo::<u8>()`, `foo::<bool>()`, `foo::<String>()`, or any
587 other type substitution is different. Hence the compiler generates the
588 implementation on-demand. If you call `foo()` with a `bool` parameter, the
589 compiler will only generate code for `foo::<bool>()`. When we have additional
590 type parameters, the number of monomorphized implementations the compiler
591 generates does not grow drastically, since the compiler will only generate an
592 implementation if the function is called with unparametrized substitutions
593 (i.e., substitutions where none of the substituted types are themselves
594 parametrized).
596 However, with trait objects we have to make a table containing _every_ object
597 that implements the trait. Now, if it has type parameters, we need to add
598 implementations for every type that implements the trait, and there could
599 theoretically be an infinite number of types.
601 For example, with:
603 ```
604 trait Trait {
605 fn foo<T>(&self, on: T);
606 // more methods
607 }
608 impl Trait for String {
609 fn foo<T>(&self, on: T) {
610 // implementation 1
611 }
612 }
613 impl Trait for u8 {
614 fn foo<T>(&self, on: T) {
615 // implementation 2
616 }
617 }
618 // 8 more implementations
619 ```
621 Now, if we have the following code:
623 ```
624 fn call_foo(thing: Box<Trait>) {
625 thing.foo(true); // this could be any one of the 8 types above
626 thing.foo(1);
627 thing.foo("hello");
628 }
629 ```
631 we don't just need to create a table of all implementations of all methods of
632 `Trait`, we need to create such a table, for each different type fed to
633 `foo()`. In this case this turns out to be (10 types implementing `Trait`)*(3
634 types being fed to `foo()`) = 30 implementations!
636 With real world traits these numbers can grow drastically.
638 To fix this, it is suggested to use a `where Self: Sized` bound similar to the
639 fix for the sub-error above if you do not intend to call the method with type
640 parameters:
642 ```
643 trait Trait {
644 fn foo<T>(&self, on: T) where Self: Sized;
645 // more methods
646 }
647 ```
649 If this is not an option, consider replacing the type parameter with another
650 trait object (e.g. if `T: OtherTrait`, use `on: Box<OtherTrait>`). If the number
651 of types you intend to feed to this method is limited, consider manually listing
652 out the methods of different types.
654 ### Method has no receiver
656 Methods that do not take a `self` parameter can't be called since there won't be
657 a way to get a pointer to the method table for them
659 ```
660 trait Foo {
661 fn foo() -> u8;
662 }
663 ```
665 This could be called as `<Foo as Foo>::foo()`, which would not be able to pick
666 an implementation.
668 Adding a `Self: Sized` bound to these methods will generally make this compile.
670 ```
671 trait Foo {
672 fn foo() -> u8 where Self: Sized;
673 }
674 ```
676 ### The trait cannot use `Self` as a type parameter in the supertrait listing
678 This is similar to the second sub-error, but subtler. It happens in situations
679 like the following:
681 ```
682 trait Super<A> {}
684 trait Trait: Super<Self> {
685 }
687 struct Foo;
689 impl Super<Foo> for Foo{}
691 impl Trait for Foo {}
692 ```
694 Here, the supertrait might have methods as follows:
696 ```
697 trait Super<A> {
698 fn get_a(&self) -> A; // note that this is object safe!
699 }
700 ```
702 If the trait `Foo` was deriving from something like `Super<String>` or
703 `Super<T>` (where `Foo` itself is `Foo<T>`), this is okay, because given a type
704 `get_a()` will definitely return an object of that type.
706 However, if it derives from `Super<Self>`, even though `Super` is object safe,
707 the method `get_a()` would return an object of unknown type when called on the
708 function. `Self` type parameters let us make object safe traits no longer safe,
709 so they are forbidden when specifying supertraits.
711 There's no easy fix for this, generally code will need to be refactored so that
712 you no longer need to derive from `Super<Self>`.
713 "####,
715 E0109: r##"
716 You tried to give a type parameter to a type which doesn't need it. Erroneous
717 code example:
719 ```
720 type X = u32<i32>; // error: type parameters are not allowed on this type
721 ```
723 Please check that you used the correct type and recheck its definition. Perhaps
724 it doesn't need the type parameter.
726 Example:
728 ```
729 type X = u32; // this compiles
730 ```
732 Note that type parameters for enum-variant constructors go after the variant,
733 not after the enum (Option::None::<u32>, not Option::<u32>::None).
734 "##,
736 E0110: r##"
737 You tried to give a lifetime parameter to a type which doesn't need it.
738 Erroneous code example:
740 ```
741 type X = u32<'static>; // error: lifetime parameters are not allowed on
742 // this type
743 ```
745 Please check that the correct type was used and recheck its definition; perhaps
746 it doesn't need the lifetime parameter. Example:
748 ```
749 type X = u32; // ok!
750 ```
751 "##,
753 E0133: r##"
754 Using unsafe functionality, is potentially dangerous and disallowed
755 by safety checks. Examples:
757 - Dereferencing raw pointers
758 - Calling functions via FFI
759 - Calling functions marked unsafe
761 These safety checks can be relaxed for a section of the code
762 by wrapping the unsafe instructions with an `unsafe` block. For instance:
764 ```
765 unsafe fn f() { return; }
767 fn main() {
768 unsafe { f(); }
769 }
770 ```
772 See also https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/unsafe.html
773 "##,
775 // This shouldn't really ever trigger since the repeated value error comes first
776 E0136: r##"
777 A binary can only have one entry point, and by default that entry point is the
778 function `main()`. If there are multiple such functions, please rename one.
779 "##,
781 E0137: r##"
782 This error indicates that the compiler found multiple functions with the
783 `#[main]` attribute. This is an error because there must be a unique entry
784 point into a Rust program.
785 "##,
787 E0138: r##"
788 This error indicates that the compiler found multiple functions with the
789 `#[start]` attribute. This is an error because there must be a unique entry
790 point into a Rust program.
791 "##,
793 // FIXME link this to the relevant turpl chapters for instilling fear of the
794 // transmute gods in the user
795 E0139: r##"
796 There are various restrictions on transmuting between types in Rust; for example
797 types being transmuted must have the same size. To apply all these restrictions,
798 the compiler must know the exact types that may be transmuted. When type
799 parameters are involved, this cannot always be done.
801 So, for example, the following is not allowed:
803 ```
804 struct Foo<T>(Vec<T>)
806 fn foo<T>(x: Vec<T>) {
807 // we are transmuting between Vec<T> and Foo<T> here
808 let y: Foo<T> = unsafe { transmute(x) };
809 // do something with y
810 }
811 ```
813 In this specific case there's a good chance that the transmute is harmless (but
814 this is not guaranteed by Rust). However, when alignment and enum optimizations
815 come into the picture, it's quite likely that the sizes may or may not match
816 with different type parameter substitutions. It's not possible to check this for
817 _all_ possible types, so `transmute()` simply only accepts types without any
818 unsubstituted type parameters.
820 If you need this, there's a good chance you're doing something wrong. Keep in
821 mind that Rust doesn't guarantee much about the layout of different structs
822 (even two structs with identical declarations may have different layouts). If
823 there is a solution that avoids the transmute entirely, try it instead.
825 If it's possible, hand-monomorphize the code by writing the function for each
826 possible type substitution. It's possible to use traits to do this cleanly,
827 for example:
829 ```
830 trait MyTransmutableType {
831 fn transmute(Vec<Self>) -> Foo<Self>
832 }
834 impl MyTransmutableType for u8 {
835 fn transmute(x: Foo<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
836 transmute(x)
837 }
838 }
839 impl MyTransmutableType for String {
840 fn transmute(x: Foo<String>) -> Vec<String> {
841 transmute(x)
842 }
843 }
844 // ... more impls for the types you intend to transmute
846 fn foo<T: MyTransmutableType>(x: Vec<T>) {
847 let y: Foo<T> = <T as MyTransmutableType>::transmute(x);
848 // do something with y
849 }
850 ```
852 Each impl will be checked for a size match in the transmute as usual, and since
853 there are no unbound type parameters involved, this should compile unless there
854 is a size mismatch in one of the impls.
856 It is also possible to manually transmute:
858 ```
859 ptr::read(&v as *const _ as *const SomeType) // `v` transmuted to `SomeType`
860 ```
862 Note that this does not move `v` (unlike `transmute`), and may need a
863 call to `mem::forget(v)` in case you want to avoid destructors being called.
864 "##,
866 E0152: r##"
867 Lang items are already implemented in the standard library. Unless you are
868 writing a free-standing application (e.g. a kernel), you do not need to provide
869 them yourself.
871 You can build a free-standing crate by adding `#![no_std]` to the crate
872 attributes:
874 ```
875 #![no_std]
876 ```
878 See also https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/no-stdlib.html
879 "##,
881 E0158: r##"
882 `const` and `static` mean different things. A `const` is a compile-time
883 constant, an alias for a literal value. This property means you can match it
884 directly within a pattern.
886 The `static` keyword, on the other hand, guarantees a fixed location in memory.
887 This does not always mean that the value is constant. For example, a global
888 mutex can be declared `static` as well.
890 If you want to match against a `static`, consider using a guard instead:
892 ```
893 static FORTY_TWO: i32 = 42;
894 match Some(42) {
895 Some(x) if x == FORTY_TWO => ...
896 ...
897 }
898 ```
899 "##,
901 E0161: r##"
902 In Rust, you can only move a value when its size is known at compile time.
904 To work around this restriction, consider "hiding" the value behind a reference:
905 either `&x` or `&mut x`. Since a reference has a fixed size, this lets you move
906 it around as usual.
907 "##,
909 E0162: r##"
910 An if-let pattern attempts to match the pattern, and enters the body if the
911 match was successful. If the match is irrefutable (when it cannot fail to
912 match), use a regular `let`-binding instead. For instance:
914 ```
915 struct Irrefutable(i32);
916 let irr = Irrefutable(0);
918 // This fails to compile because the match is irrefutable.
919 if let Irrefutable(x) = irr {
920 // This body will always be executed.
921 foo(x);
922 }
924 // Try this instead:
925 let Irrefutable(x) = irr;
926 foo(x);
927 ```
928 "##,
930 E0165: r##"
931 A while-let pattern attempts to match the pattern, and enters the body if the
932 match was successful. If the match is irrefutable (when it cannot fail to
933 match), use a regular `let`-binding inside a `loop` instead. For instance:
935 ```
936 struct Irrefutable(i32);
937 let irr = Irrefutable(0);
939 // This fails to compile because the match is irrefutable.
940 while let Irrefutable(x) = irr {
941 ...
942 }
944 // Try this instead:
945 loop {
946 let Irrefutable(x) = irr;
947 ...
948 }
949 ```
950 "##,
952 E0170: r##"
953 Enum variants are qualified by default. For example, given this type:
955 ```
956 enum Method {
957 GET,
958 POST
959 }
960 ```
962 you would match it using:
964 ```
965 match m {
966 Method::GET => ...
967 Method::POST => ...
968 }
969 ```
971 If you don't qualify the names, the code will bind new variables named "GET" and
972 "POST" instead. This behavior is likely not what you want, so `rustc` warns when
973 that happens.
975 Qualified names are good practice, and most code works well with them. But if
976 you prefer them unqualified, you can import the variants into scope:
978 ```
979 use Method::*;
980 enum Method { GET, POST }
981 ```
983 If you want others to be able to import variants from your module directly, use
984 `pub use`:
986 ```
987 pub use Method::*;
988 enum Method { GET, POST }
989 ```
990 "##,
992 E0261: r##"
993 When using a lifetime like `'a` in a type, it must be declared before being
994 used.
996 These two examples illustrate the problem:
998 ```
999 // error, use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
1000 fn foo(x: &'a str) { }
1002 struct Foo {
1003 // error, use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
1004 x: &'a str,
1005 }
1006 ```
1008 These can be fixed by declaring lifetime parameters:
1010 ```
1011 fn foo<'a>(x: &'a str) { }
1013 struct Foo<'a> {
1014 x: &'a str,
1015 }
1016 ```
1017 "##,
1019 E0262: r##"
1020 Declaring certain lifetime names in parameters is disallowed. For example,
1021 because the `'static` lifetime is a special built-in lifetime name denoting
1022 the lifetime of the entire program, this is an error:
1024 ```
1025 // error, invalid lifetime parameter name `'static`
1026 fn foo<'static>(x: &'static str) { }
1027 ```
1028 "##,
1030 E0263: r##"
1031 A lifetime name cannot be declared more than once in the same scope. For
1032 example:
1034 ```
1035 // error, lifetime name `'a` declared twice in the same scope
1036 fn foo<'a, 'b, 'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'b str) { }
1037 ```
1038 "##,
1040 E0264: r##"
1041 An unknown external lang item was used. Erroneous code example:
1043 ```
1044 #![feature(lang_items)]
1046 extern "C" {
1047 #[lang = "cake"] // error: unknown external lang item: `cake`
1048 fn cake();
1049 }
1050 ```
1052 A list of available external lang items is available in
1053 `src/librustc/middle/weak_lang_items.rs`. Example:
1055 ```
1056 #![feature(lang_items)]
1058 extern "C" {
1059 #[lang = "panic_fmt"] // ok!
1060 fn cake();
1061 }
1062 ```
1063 "##,
1065 E0265: r##"
1066 This error indicates that a static or constant references itself.
1067 All statics and constants need to resolve to a value in an acyclic manner.
1069 For example, neither of the following can be sensibly compiled:
1071 ```
1072 const X: u32 = X;
1073 ```
1075 ```
1076 const X: u32 = Y;
1077 const Y: u32 = X;
1078 ```
1079 "##,
1081 E0267: r##"
1082 This error indicates the use of a loop keyword (`break` or `continue`) inside a
1083 closure but outside of any loop. Erroneous code example:
1085 ```
1086 let w = || { break; }; // error: `break` inside of a closure
1087 ```
1089 `break` and `continue` keywords can be used as normal inside closures as long as
1090 they are also contained within a loop. To halt the execution of a closure you
1091 should instead use a return statement. Example:
1093 ```
1094 let w = || {
1095 for _ in 0..10 {
1096 break;
1097 }
1098 };
1100 w();
1101 ```
1102 "##,
1104 E0268: r##"
1105 This error indicates the use of a loop keyword (`break` or `continue`) outside
1106 of a loop. Without a loop to break out of or continue in, no sensible action can
1107 be taken. Erroneous code example:
1109 ```
1110 fn some_func() {
1111 break; // error: `break` outside of loop
1112 }
1113 ```
1115 Please verify that you are using `break` and `continue` only in loops. Example:
1117 ```
1118 fn some_func() {
1119 for _ in 0..10 {
1120 break; // ok!
1121 }
1122 }
1123 ```
1124 "##,
1126 E0269: r##"
1127 Functions must eventually return a value of their return type. For example, in
1128 the following function
1130 ```
1131 fn foo(x: u8) -> u8 {
1132 if x > 0 {
1133 x // alternatively, `return x`
1134 }
1135 // nothing here
1136 }
1137 ```
1139 if the condition is true, the value `x` is returned, but if the condition is
1140 false, control exits the `if` block and reaches a place where nothing is being
1141 returned. All possible control paths must eventually return a `u8`, which is not
1142 happening here.
1144 An easy fix for this in a complicated function is to specify a default return
1145 value, if possible:
1147 ```
1148 fn foo(x: u8) -> u8 {
1149 if x > 0 {
1150 x // alternatively, `return x`
1151 }
1152 // lots of other if branches
1153 0 // return 0 if all else fails
1154 }
1155 ```
1157 It is advisable to find out what the unhandled cases are and check for them,
1158 returning an appropriate value or panicking if necessary.
1159 "##,
1161 E0270: r##"
1162 Rust lets you define functions which are known to never return, i.e. are
1163 'diverging', by marking its return type as `!`.
1165 For example, the following functions never return:
1167 ```
1168 fn foo() -> ! {
1169 loop {}
1170 }
1172 fn bar() -> ! {
1173 foo() // foo() is diverging, so this will diverge too
1174 }
1176 fn baz() -> ! {
1177 panic!(); // this macro internally expands to a call to a diverging function
1178 }
1180 ```
1182 Such functions can be used in a place where a value is expected without
1183 returning a value of that type, for instance:
1185 ```
1186 let y = match x {
1187 1 => 1,
1188 2 => 4,
1189 _ => foo() // diverging function called here
1190 };
1191 println!("{}", y)
1192 ```
1194 If the third arm of the match block is reached, since `foo()` doesn't ever
1195 return control to the match block, it is fine to use it in a place where an
1196 integer was expected. The `match` block will never finish executing, and any
1197 point where `y` (like the print statement) is needed will not be reached.
1199 However, if we had a diverging function that actually does finish execution
1201 ```
1202 fn foo() -> {
1203 loop {break;}
1204 }
1205 ```
1207 then we would have an unknown value for `y` in the following code:
1209 ```
1210 let y = match x {
1211 1 => 1,
1212 2 => 4,
1213 _ => foo()
1214 };
1215 println!("{}", y);
1216 ```
1218 In the previous example, the print statement was never reached when the wildcard
1219 match arm was hit, so we were okay with `foo()` not returning an integer that we
1220 could set to `y`. But in this example, `foo()` actually does return control, so
1221 the print statement will be executed with an uninitialized value.
1223 Obviously we cannot have functions which are allowed to be used in such
1224 positions and yet can return control. So, if you are defining a function that
1225 returns `!`, make sure that there is no way for it to actually finish executing.
1226 "##,
1228 E0271: r##"
1229 This is because of a type mismatch between the associated type of some
1230 trait (e.g. `T::Bar`, where `T` implements `trait Quux { type Bar; }`)
1231 and another type `U` that is required to be equal to `T::Bar`, but is not.
1232 Examples follow.
1234 Here is a basic example:
1236 ```
1237 trait Trait { type AssociatedType; }
1238 fn foo<T>(t: T) where T: Trait<AssociatedType=u32> {
1239 println!("in foo");
1240 }
1241 impl Trait for i8 { type AssociatedType = &'static str; }
1242 foo(3_i8);
1243 ```
1245 Here is that same example again, with some explanatory comments:
1247 ```
1248 trait Trait { type AssociatedType; }
1250 fn foo<T>(t: T) where T: Trait<AssociatedType=u32> {
1251 // ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1252 // | |
1253 // This says `foo` can |
1254 // only be used with |
1255 // some type that |
1256 // implements `Trait`. |
1257 // |
1258 // This says not only must
1259 // `T` be an impl of `Trait`
1260 // but also that the impl
1261 // must assign the type `u32`
1262 // to the associated type.
1263 println!("in foo");
1264 }
1266 impl Trait for i8 { type AssociatedType = &'static str; }
1267 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1268 // | |
1269 // `i8` does have |
1270 // implementation |
1271 // of `Trait`... |
1272 // ... but it is an implementation
1273 // that assigns `&'static str` to
1274 // the associated type.
1276 foo(3_i8);
1277 // Here, we invoke `foo` with an `i8`, which does not satisfy
1278 // the constraint `<i8 as Trait>::AssociatedType=u32`, and
1279 // therefore the type-checker complains with this error code.
1280 ```
1282 Here is a more subtle instance of the same problem, that can
1283 arise with for-loops in Rust:
1285 ```
1286 let vs: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
1287 for v in &vs {
1288 match v {
1289 1 => {}
1290 _ => {}
1291 }
1292 }
1293 ```
1295 The above fails because of an analogous type mismatch,
1296 though may be harder to see. Again, here are some
1297 explanatory comments for the same example:
1299 ```
1300 {
1301 let vs = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
1303 // `for`-loops use a protocol based on the `Iterator`
1304 // trait. Each item yielded in a `for` loop has the
1305 // type `Iterator::Item` -- that is,I `Item` is the
1306 // associated type of the concrete iterator impl.
1307 for v in &vs {
1308 // ~ ~~~
1309 // | |
1310 // | We borrow `vs`, iterating over a sequence of
1311 // | *references* of type `&Elem` (where `Elem` is
1312 // | vector's element type). Thus, the associated
1313 // | type `Item` must be a reference `&`-type ...
1314 // |
1315 // ... and `v` has the type `Iterator::Item`, as dictated by
1316 // the `for`-loop protocol ...
1318 match v {
1319 1 => {}
1320 // ~
1321 // |
1322 // ... but *here*, `v` is forced to have some integral type;
1323 // only types like `u8`,`i8`,`u16`,`i16`, et cetera can
1324 // match the pattern `1` ...
1326 _ => {}
1327 }
1329 // ... therefore, the compiler complains, because it sees
1330 // an attempt to solve the equations
1331 // `some integral-type` = type-of-`v`
1332 // = `Iterator::Item`
1333 // = `&Elem` (i.e. `some reference type`)
1334 //
1335 // which cannot possibly all be true.
1337 }
1338 }
1339 ```
1341 To avoid those issues, you have to make the types match correctly.
1342 So we can fix the previous examples like this:
1344 ```
1345 // Basic Example:
1346 trait Trait { type AssociatedType; }
1347 fn foo<T>(t: T) where T: Trait<AssociatedType = &'static str> {
1348 println!("in foo");
1349 }
1350 impl Trait for i8 { type AssociatedType = &'static str; }
1351 foo(3_i8);
1353 // For-Loop Example:
1354 let vs = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
1355 for v in &vs {
1356 match v {
1357 &1 => {}
1358 _ => {}
1359 }
1360 }
1361 ```
1362 "##,
1364 E0272: r##"
1365 The `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` attribute lets you specify a custom error
1366 message for when a particular trait isn't implemented on a type placed in a
1367 position that needs that trait. For example, when the following code is
1368 compiled:
1370 ```
1371 fn foo<T: Index<u8>>(x: T){}
1373 #[rustc_on_unimplemented = "the type `{Self}` cannot be indexed by `{Idx}`"]
1374 trait Index<Idx> { ... }
1376 foo(true); // `bool` does not implement `Index<u8>`
1377 ```
1379 there will be an error about `bool` not implementing `Index<u8>`, followed by a
1380 note saying "the type `bool` cannot be indexed by `u8`".
1382 As you can see, you can specify type parameters in curly braces for substitution
1383 with the actual types (using the regular format string syntax) in a given
1384 situation. Furthermore, `{Self}` will substitute to the type (in this case,
1385 `bool`) that we tried to use.
1387 This error appears when the curly braces contain an identifier which doesn't
1388 match with any of the type parameters or the string `Self`. This might happen if
1389 you misspelled a type parameter, or if you intended to use literal curly braces.
1390 If it is the latter, escape the curly braces with a second curly brace of the
1391 same type; e.g. a literal `{` is `{{`
1392 "##,
1394 E0273: r##"
1395 The `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` attribute lets you specify a custom error
1396 message for when a particular trait isn't implemented on a type placed in a
1397 position that needs that trait. For example, when the following code is
1398 compiled:
1400 ```
1401 fn foo<T: Index<u8>>(x: T){}
1403 #[rustc_on_unimplemented = "the type `{Self}` cannot be indexed by `{Idx}`"]
1404 trait Index<Idx> { ... }
1406 foo(true); // `bool` does not implement `Index<u8>`
1407 ```
1409 there will be an error about `bool` not implementing `Index<u8>`, followed by a
1410 note saying "the type `bool` cannot be indexed by `u8`".
1412 As you can see, you can specify type parameters in curly braces for substitution
1413 with the actual types (using the regular format string syntax) in a given
1414 situation. Furthermore, `{Self}` will substitute to the type (in this case,
1415 `bool`) that we tried to use.
1417 This error appears when the curly braces do not contain an identifier. Please
1418 add one of the same name as a type parameter. If you intended to use literal
1419 braces, use `{{` and `}}` to escape them.
1420 "##,
1422 E0274: r##"
1423 The `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` attribute lets you specify a custom error
1424 message for when a particular trait isn't implemented on a type placed in a
1425 position that needs that trait. For example, when the following code is
1426 compiled:
1428 ```
1429 fn foo<T: Index<u8>>(x: T){}
1431 #[rustc_on_unimplemented = "the type `{Self}` cannot be indexed by `{Idx}`"]
1432 trait Index<Idx> { ... }
1434 foo(true); // `bool` does not implement `Index<u8>`
1435 ```
1437 there will be an error about `bool` not implementing `Index<u8>`, followed by a
1438 note saying "the type `bool` cannot be indexed by `u8`".
1440 For this to work, some note must be specified. An empty attribute will not do
1441 anything, please remove the attribute or add some helpful note for users of the
1442 trait.
1443 "##,
1445 E0275: r##"
1446 This error occurs when there was a recursive trait requirement that overflowed
1447 before it could be evaluated. Often this means that there is unbounded recursion
1448 in resolving some type bounds.
1450 For example, in the following code
1452 ```
1453 trait Foo {}
1455 struct Bar<T>(T);
1457 impl<T> Foo for T where Bar<T>: Foo {}
1458 ```
1460 to determine if a `T` is `Foo`, we need to check if `Bar<T>` is `Foo`. However,
1461 to do this check, we need to determine that `Bar<Bar<T>>` is `Foo`. To determine
1462 this, we check if `Bar<Bar<Bar<T>>>` is `Foo`, and so on. This is clearly a
1463 recursive requirement that can't be resolved directly.
1465 Consider changing your trait bounds so that they're less self-referential.
1466 "##,
1468 E0276: r##"
1469 This error occurs when a bound in an implementation of a trait does not match
1470 the bounds specified in the original trait. For example:
1472 ```
1473 trait Foo {
1474 fn foo<T>(x: T);
1475 }
1477 impl Foo for bool {
1478 fn foo<T>(x: T) where T: Copy {}
1479 }
1480 ```
1482 Here, all types implementing `Foo` must have a method `foo<T>(x: T)` which can
1483 take any type `T`. However, in the `impl` for `bool`, we have added an extra
1484 bound that `T` is `Copy`, which isn't compatible with the original trait.
1486 Consider removing the bound from the method or adding the bound to the original
1487 method definition in the trait.
1488 "##,
1490 E0277: r##"
1491 You tried to use a type which doesn't implement some trait in a place which
1492 expected that trait. Erroneous code example:
1494 ```
1495 // here we declare the Foo trait with a bar method
1496 trait Foo {
1497 fn bar(&self);
1498 }
1500 // we now declare a function which takes an object implementing the Foo trait
1501 fn some_func<T: Foo>(foo: T) {
1502 foo.bar();
1503 }
1505 fn main() {
1506 // we now call the method with the i32 type, which doesn't implement
1507 // the Foo trait
1508 some_func(5i32); // error: the trait `Foo` is not implemented for the
1509 // type `i32`
1510 }
1511 ```
1513 In order to fix this error, verify that the type you're using does implement
1514 the trait. Example:
1516 ```
1517 trait Foo {
1518 fn bar(&self);
1519 }
1521 fn some_func<T: Foo>(foo: T) {
1522 foo.bar(); // we can now use this method since i32 implements the
1523 // Foo trait
1524 }
1526 // we implement the trait on the i32 type
1527 impl Foo for i32 {
1528 fn bar(&self) {}
1529 }
1531 fn main() {
1532 some_func(5i32); // ok!
1533 }
1534 ```
1535 "##,
1537 E0281: r##"
1538 You tried to supply a type which doesn't implement some trait in a location
1539 which expected that trait. This error typically occurs when working with
1540 `Fn`-based types. Erroneous code example:
1542 ```
1543 fn foo<F: Fn()>(x: F) { }
1545 fn main() {
1546 // type mismatch: the type ... implements the trait `core::ops::Fn<(_,)>`,
1547 // but the trait `core::ops::Fn<()>` is required (expected (), found tuple
1548 // [E0281]
1549 foo(|y| { });
1550 }
1551 ```
1553 The issue in this case is that `foo` is defined as accepting a `Fn` with no
1554 arguments, but the closure we attempted to pass to it requires one argument.
1555 "##,
1557 E0282: r##"
1558 This error indicates that type inference did not result in one unique possible
1559 type, and extra information is required. In most cases this can be provided
1560 by adding a type annotation. Sometimes you need to specify a generic type
1561 parameter manually.
1563 A common example is the `collect` method on `Iterator`. It has a generic type
1564 parameter with a `FromIterator` bound, which for a `char` iterator is
1565 implemented by `Vec` and `String` among others. Consider the following snippet
1566 that reverses the characters of a string:
1568 ```
1569 let x = "hello".chars().rev().collect();
1570 ```
1572 In this case, the compiler cannot infer what the type of `x` should be:
1573 `Vec<char>` and `String` are both suitable candidates. To specify which type to
1574 use, you can use a type annotation on `x`:
1576 ```
1577 let x: Vec<char> = "hello".chars().rev().collect();
1578 ```
1580 It is not necessary to annotate the full type. Once the ambiguity is resolved,
1581 the compiler can infer the rest:
1583 ```
1584 let x: Vec<_> = "hello".chars().rev().collect();
1585 ```
1587 Another way to provide the compiler with enough information, is to specify the
1588 generic type parameter:
1590 ```
1591 let x = "hello".chars().rev().collect::<Vec<char>>();
1592 ```
1594 Again, you need not specify the full type if the compiler can infer it:
1596 ```
1597 let x = "hello".chars().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>();
1598 ```
1600 Apart from a method or function with a generic type parameter, this error can
1601 occur when a type parameter of a struct or trait cannot be inferred. In that
1602 case it is not always possible to use a type annotation, because all candidates
1603 have the same return type. For instance:
1605 ```
1606 struct Foo<T> {
1607 // Some fields omitted.
1608 }
1610 impl<T> Foo<T> {
1611 fn bar() -> i32 {
1612 0
1613 }
1615 fn baz() {
1616 let number = Foo::bar();
1617 }
1618 }
1619 ```
1621 This will fail because the compiler does not know which instance of `Foo` to
1622 call `bar` on. Change `Foo::bar()` to `Foo::<T>::bar()` to resolve the error.
1623 "##,
1625 E0296: r##"
1626 This error indicates that the given recursion limit could not be parsed. Ensure
1627 that the value provided is a positive integer between quotes, like so:
1629 ```
1630 #![recursion_limit="1000"]
1631 ```
1632 "##,
1634 E0297: r##"
1635 Patterns used to bind names must be irrefutable. That is, they must guarantee
1636 that a name will be extracted in all cases. Instead of pattern matching the
1637 loop variable, consider using a `match` or `if let` inside the loop body. For
1638 instance:
1640 ```
1641 // This fails because `None` is not covered.
1642 for Some(x) in xs {
1643 ...
1644 }
1646 // Match inside the loop instead:
1647 for item in xs {
1648 match item {
1649 Some(x) => ...
1650 None => ...
1651 }
1652 }
1654 // Or use `if let`:
1655 for item in xs {
1656 if let Some(x) = item {
1657 ...
1658 }
1659 }
1660 ```
1661 "##,
1663 E0301: r##"
1664 Mutable borrows are not allowed in pattern guards, because matching cannot have
1665 side effects. Side effects could alter the matched object or the environment
1666 on which the match depends in such a way, that the match would not be
1667 exhaustive. For instance, the following would not match any arm if mutable
1668 borrows were allowed:
1670 ```
1671 match Some(()) {
1672 None => { },
1673 option if option.take().is_none() => { /* impossible, option is `Some` */ },
1674 Some(_) => { } // When the previous match failed, the option became `None`.
1675 }
1676 ```
1677 "##,
1679 E0302: r##"
1680 Assignments are not allowed in pattern guards, because matching cannot have
1681 side effects. Side effects could alter the matched object or the environment
1682 on which the match depends in such a way, that the match would not be
1683 exhaustive. For instance, the following would not match any arm if assignments
1684 were allowed:
1686 ```
1687 match Some(()) {
1688 None => { },
1689 option if { option = None; false } { },
1690 Some(_) => { } // When the previous match failed, the option became `None`.
1691 }
1692 ```
1693 "##,
1695 E0303: r##"
1696 In certain cases it is possible for sub-bindings to violate memory safety.
1697 Updates to the borrow checker in a future version of Rust may remove this
1698 restriction, but for now patterns must be rewritten without sub-bindings.
1700 ```
1701 // Before.
1702 match Some("hi".to_string()) {
1703 ref op_string_ref @ Some(ref s) => ...
1704 None => ...
1705 }
1707 // After.
1708 match Some("hi".to_string()) {
1709 Some(ref s) => {
1710 let op_string_ref = &Some(s);
1711 ...
1712 }
1713 None => ...
1714 }
1715 ```
1717 The `op_string_ref` binding has type `&Option<&String>` in both cases.
1719 See also https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/14587
1720 "##,
1722 E0306: r##"
1723 In an array literal `[x; N]`, `N` is the number of elements in the array. This
1724 number cannot be negative.
1725 "##,
1727 E0307: r##"
1728 The length of an array is part of its type. For this reason, this length must be
1729 a compile-time constant.
1730 "##,
1732 E0308: r##"
1733 This error occurs when the compiler was unable to infer the concrete type of a
1734 variable. It can occur for several cases, the most common of which is a
1735 mismatch in the expected type that the compiler inferred for a variable's
1736 initializing expression, and the actual type explicitly assigned to the
1737 variable.
1739 For example:
1741 ```
1742 let x: i32 = "I am not a number!";
1743 // ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1744 // | |
1745 // | initializing expression;
1746 // | compiler infers type `&str`
1747 // |
1748 // type `i32` assigned to variable `x`
1749 ```
1750 "##,
1752 E0309: r##"
1753 Types in type definitions have lifetimes associated with them that represent
1754 how long the data stored within them is guaranteed to be live. This lifetime
1755 must be as long as the data needs to be alive, and missing the constraint that
1756 denotes this will cause this error.
1758 ```
1759 // This won't compile because T is not constrained, meaning the data
1760 // stored in it is not guaranteed to last as long as the reference
1761 struct Foo<'a, T> {
1762 foo: &'a T
1763 }
1765 // This will compile, because it has the constraint on the type parameter
1766 struct Foo<'a, T: 'a> {
1767 foo: &'a T
1768 }
1769 ```
1770 "##,
1772 E0310: r##"
1773 Types in type definitions have lifetimes associated with them that represent
1774 how long the data stored within them is guaranteed to be live. This lifetime
1775 must be as long as the data needs to be alive, and missing the constraint that
1776 denotes this will cause this error.
1778 ```
1779 // This won't compile because T is not constrained to the static lifetime
1780 // the reference needs
1781 struct Foo<T> {
1782 foo: &'static T
1783 }
1785 // This will compile, because it has the constraint on the type parameter
1786 struct Foo<T: 'static> {
1787 foo: &'static T
1788 }
1789 ```
1790 "##,
1792 E0378: r##"
1793 Method calls that aren't calls to inherent `const` methods are disallowed
1794 in statics, constants, and constant functions.
1796 For example:
1798 ```
1799 const BAZ: i32 = Foo(25).bar(); // error, `bar` isn't `const`
1801 struct Foo(i32);
1803 impl Foo {
1804 const fn foo(&self) -> i32 {
1805 self.bar() // error, `bar` isn't `const`
1806 }
1808 fn bar(&self) -> i32 { self.0 }
1809 }
1810 ```
1812 For more information about `const fn`'s, see [RFC 911].
1814 [RFC 911]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0911-const-fn.md
1815 "##,
1817 E0394: r##"
1818 From [RFC 246]:
1820 > It is invalid for a static to reference another static by value. It is
1821 > required that all references be borrowed.
1823 [RFC 246]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/246
1824 "##,
1826 E0395: r##"
1827 The value assigned to a constant expression must be known at compile time,
1828 which is not the case when comparing raw pointers. Erroneous code example:
1830 ```
1831 static foo: i32 = 42;
1832 static bar: i32 = 43;
1834 static baz: bool = { (&foo as *const i32) == (&bar as *const i32) };
1835 // error: raw pointers cannot be compared in statics!
1836 ```
1838 Please check that the result of the comparison can be determined at compile time
1839 or isn't assigned to a constant expression. Example:
1841 ```
1842 static foo: i32 = 42;
1843 static bar: i32 = 43;
1845 let baz: bool = { (&foo as *const i32) == (&bar as *const i32) };
1846 // baz isn't a constant expression so it's ok
1847 ```
1848 "##,
1850 E0396: r##"
1851 The value assigned to a constant expression must be known at compile time,
1852 which is not the case when dereferencing raw pointers. Erroneous code
1853 example:
1855 ```
1856 const foo: i32 = 42;
1857 const baz: *const i32 = (&foo as *const i32);
1859 const deref: i32 = *baz;
1860 // error: raw pointers cannot be dereferenced in constants
1861 ```
1863 To fix this error, please do not assign this value to a constant expression.
1864 Example:
1866 ```
1867 const foo: i32 = 42;
1868 const baz: *const i32 = (&foo as *const i32);
1870 unsafe { let deref: i32 = *baz; }
1871 // baz isn't a constant expression so it's ok
1872 ```
1874 You'll also note that this assignment must be done in an unsafe block!
1875 "##,
1877 E0397: r##"
1878 It is not allowed for a mutable static to allocate or have destructors. For
1879 example:
1881 ```
1882 // error: mutable statics are not allowed to have boxes
1883 static mut FOO: Option<Box<usize>> = None;
1885 // error: mutable statics are not allowed to have destructors
1886 static mut BAR: Option<Vec<i32>> = None;
1887 ```
1888 "##,
1890 E0398: r##"
1891 In Rust 1.3, the default object lifetime bounds are expected to
1892 change, as described in RFC #1156 [1]. You are getting a warning
1893 because the compiler thinks it is possible that this change will cause
1894 a compilation error in your code. It is possible, though unlikely,
1895 that this is a false alarm.
1897 The heart of the change is that where `&'a Box<SomeTrait>` used to
1898 default to `&'a Box<SomeTrait+'a>`, it now defaults to `&'a
1899 Box<SomeTrait+'static>` (here, `SomeTrait` is the name of some trait
1900 type). Note that the only types which are affected are references to
1901 boxes, like `&Box<SomeTrait>` or `&[Box<SomeTrait>]`. More common
1902 types like `&SomeTrait` or `Box<SomeTrait>` are unaffected.
1904 To silence this warning, edit your code to use an explicit bound.
1905 Most of the time, this means that you will want to change the
1906 signature of a function that you are calling. For example, if
1907 the error is reported on a call like `foo(x)`, and `foo` is
1908 defined as follows:
1910 ```
1911 fn foo(arg: &Box<SomeTrait>) { ... }
1912 ```
1914 you might change it to:
1916 ```
1917 fn foo<'a>(arg: &Box<SomeTrait+'a>) { ... }
1918 ```
1920 This explicitly states that you expect the trait object `SomeTrait` to
1921 contain references (with a maximum lifetime of `'a`).
1923 [1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/1156
1924 "##,
1926 E0400: r##"
1927 A user-defined dereference was attempted in an invalid context. Erroneous
1928 code example:
1930 ```
1931 use std::ops::Deref;
1933 struct A;
1935 impl Deref for A {
1936 type Target = str;
1938 fn deref(&self)-> &str { "foo" }
1939 }
1941 const S: &'static str = &A;
1942 // error: user-defined dereference operators are not allowed in constants
1944 fn main() {
1945 let foo = S;
1946 }
1947 ```
1949 You cannot directly use a dereference operation whilst initializing a constant
1950 or a static. To fix this error, restructure your code to avoid this dereference,
1951 perhaps moving it inline:
1953 ```
1954 use std::ops::Deref;
1956 struct A;
1958 impl Deref for A {
1959 type Target = str;
1961 fn deref(&self)-> &str { "foo" }
1962 }
1964 fn main() {
1965 let foo : &str = &A;
1966 }
1967 ```
1968 "##,
1970 E0452: r##"
1971 An invalid lint attribute has been given. Erroneous code example:
1973 ```
1974 #![allow(foo = "")] // error: malformed lint attribute
1975 ```
1977 Lint attributes only accept a list of identifiers (where each identifier is a
1978 lint name). Ensure the attribute is of this form:
1980 ```
1981 #![allow(foo)] // ok!
1982 // or:
1983 #![allow(foo, foo2)] // ok!
1984 ```
1985 "##,
1987 E0492: r##"
1988 A borrow of a constant containing interior mutability was attempted. Erroneous
1989 code example:
1991 ```
1992 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT};
1994 const A: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
1995 static B: &'static AtomicUsize = &A;
1996 // error: cannot borrow a constant which contains interior mutability, create a
1997 // static instead
1998 ```
2000 A `const` represents a constant value that should never change. If one takes
2001 a `&` reference to the constant, then one is taking a pointer to some memory
2002 location containing the value. Normally this is perfectly fine: most values
2003 can't be changed via a shared `&` pointer, but interior mutability would allow
2004 it. That is, a constant value could be mutated. On the other hand, a `static` is
2005 explicitly a single memory location, which can be mutated at will.
2007 So, in order to solve this error, either use statics which are `Sync`:
2009 ```
2010 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT};
2012 static A: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
2013 static B: &'static AtomicUsize = &A; // ok!
2014 ```
2016 You can also have this error while using a cell type:
2018 ```
2019 #![feature(const_fn)]
2021 use std::cell::Cell;
2023 const A: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(1);
2024 const B: &'static Cell<usize> = &A;
2025 // error: cannot borrow a constant which contains interior mutability, create
2026 // a static instead
2028 // or:
2029 struct C { a: Cell<usize> }
2031 const D: C = C { a: Cell::new(1) };
2032 const E: &'static Cell<usize> = &D.a; // error
2034 // or:
2035 const F: &'static C = &D; // error
2036 ```
2038 This is because cell types do operations that are not thread-safe. Due to this,
2039 they don't implement Sync and thus can't be placed in statics. In this
2040 case, `StaticMutex` would work just fine, but it isn't stable yet:
2041 https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/sync/struct.StaticMutex.html
2043 However, if you still wish to use these types, you can achieve this by an unsafe
2044 wrapper:
2046 ```
2047 #![feature(const_fn)]
2049 use std::cell::Cell;
2050 use std::marker::Sync;
2052 struct NotThreadSafe<T> {
2053 value: Cell<T>,
2054 }
2056 unsafe impl<T> Sync for NotThreadSafe<T> {}
2058 static A: NotThreadSafe<usize> = NotThreadSafe { value : Cell::new(1) };
2059 static B: &'static NotThreadSafe<usize> = &A; // ok!
2060 ```
2062 Remember this solution is unsafe! You will have to ensure that accesses to the
2063 cell are synchronized.
2064 "##,
2066 E0493: r##"
2067 A type with a destructor was assigned to an invalid type of variable. Erroneous
2068 code example:
2070 ```
2071 struct Foo {
2072 a: u32
2073 }
2075 impl Drop for Foo {
2076 fn drop(&mut self) {}
2077 }
2079 const F : Foo = Foo { a : 0 };
2080 // error: constants are not allowed to have destructors
2081 static S : Foo = Foo { a : 0 };
2082 // error: statics are not allowed to have destructors
2083 ```
2085 To solve this issue, please use a type which does allow the usage of type with
2086 destructors.
2087 "##,
2089 E0494: r##"
2090 A reference of an interior static was assigned to another const/static.
2091 Erroneous code example:
2093 ```
2094 struct Foo {
2095 a: u32
2096 }
2098 static S : Foo = Foo { a : 0 };
2099 static A : &'static u32 = &S.a;
2100 // error: cannot refer to the interior of another static, use a
2101 // constant instead
2102 ```
2104 The "base" variable has to be a const if you want another static/const variable
2105 to refer to one of its fields. Example:
2107 ```
2108 struct Foo {
2109 a: u32
2110 }
2112 const S : Foo = Foo { a : 0 };
2113 static A : &'static u32 = &S.a; // ok!
2114 ```
2115 "##,
2117 E0496: r##"
2118 A lifetime name is shadowing another lifetime name. Erroneous code example:
2120 ```
2121 struct Foo<'a> {
2122 a: &'a i32,
2123 }
2125 impl<'a> Foo<'a> {
2126 fn f<'a>(x: &'a i32) { // error: lifetime name `'a` shadows a lifetime
2127 // name that is already in scope
2128 }
2129 }
2130 ```
2132 Please change the name of one of the lifetimes to remove this error. Example:
2134 ```
2135 struct Foo<'a> {
2136 a: &'a i32,
2137 }
2139 impl<'a> Foo<'a> {
2140 fn f<'b>(x: &'b i32) { // ok!
2141 }
2142 }
2144 fn main() {
2145 }
2146 ```
2147 "##,
2149 E0497: r##"
2150 A stability attribute was used outside of the standard library. Erroneous code
2151 example:
2153 ```
2154 #[stable] // error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the
2155 // standard library
2156 fn foo() {}
2157 ```
2159 It is not possible to use stability attributes outside of the standard library.
2160 Also, for now, it is not possible to write deprecation messages either.
2161 "##,
2163 E0517: r##"
2164 This error indicates that a `#[repr(..)]` attribute was placed on an unsupported
2165 item.
2167 Examples of erroneous code:
2169 ```
2170 #[repr(C)]
2171 type Foo = u8;
2173 #[repr(packed)]
2174 enum Foo {Bar, Baz}
2176 #[repr(u8)]
2177 struct Foo {bar: bool, baz: bool}
2179 #[repr(C)]
2180 impl Foo {
2181 ...
2182 }
2183 ```
2185 - The `#[repr(C)]` attribute can only be placed on structs and enums
2186 - The `#[repr(packed)]` and `#[repr(simd)]` attributes only work on structs
2187 - The `#[repr(u8)]`, `#[repr(i16)]`, etc attributes only work on enums
2189 These attributes do not work on typedefs, since typedefs are just aliases.
2191 Representations like `#[repr(u8)]`, `#[repr(i64)]` are for selecting the
2192 discriminant size for C-like enums (when there is no associated data, e.g. `enum
2193 Color {Red, Blue, Green}`), effectively setting the size of the enum to the size
2194 of the provided type. Such an enum can be cast to a value of the same type as
2195 well. In short, `#[repr(u8)]` makes the enum behave like an integer with a
2196 constrained set of allowed values.
2198 Only C-like enums can be cast to numerical primitives, so this attribute will
2199 not apply to structs.
2201 `#[repr(packed)]` reduces padding to make the struct size smaller. The
2202 representation of enums isn't strictly defined in Rust, and this attribute won't
2203 work on enums.
2205 `#[repr(simd)]` will give a struct consisting of a homogenous series of machine
2206 types (i.e. `u8`, `i32`, etc) a representation that permits vectorization via
2207 SIMD. This doesn't make much sense for enums since they don't consist of a
2208 single list of data.
2209 "##,
2211 E0518: r##"
2212 This error indicates that an `#[inline(..)]` attribute was incorrectly placed on
2213 something other than a function or method.
2215 Examples of erroneous code:
2217 ```
2218 #[inline(always)]
2219 struct Foo;
2221 #[inline(never)]
2222 impl Foo {
2223 ...
2224 }
2225 ```
2227 `#[inline]` hints the compiler whether or not to attempt to inline a method or
2228 function. By default, the compiler does a pretty good job of figuring this out
2229 itself, but if you feel the need for annotations, `#[inline(always)]` and
2230 `#[inline(never)]` can override or force the compiler's decision.
2232 If you wish to apply this attribute to all methods in an impl, manually annotate
2233 each method; it is not possible to annotate the entire impl with an `#[inline]`
2234 attribute.
2235 "##,
2237 }
2240 register_diagnostics! {
2241 // E0006 // merged with E0005
2242 // E0134,
2243 // E0135,
2244 E0229, // associated type bindings are not allowed here
2245 E0278, // requirement is not satisfied
2246 E0279, // requirement is not satisfied
2247 E0280, // requirement is not satisfied
2248 E0283, // cannot resolve type
2249 E0284, // cannot resolve type
2250 E0285, // overflow evaluation builtin bounds
2251 E0298, // mismatched types between arms
2252 E0299, // mismatched types between arms
2253 E0300, // unexpanded macro
2254 E0304, // expected signed integer constant
2255 E0305, // expected constant
2256 E0311, // thing may not live long enough
2257 E0312, // lifetime of reference outlives lifetime of borrowed content
2258 E0313, // lifetime of borrowed pointer outlives lifetime of captured variable
2259 E0314, // closure outlives stack frame
2260 E0315, // cannot invoke closure outside of its lifetime
2261 E0316, // nested quantification of lifetimes
2262 E0453, // overruled by outer forbid
2263 E0471, // constant evaluation error: ..
2264 E0472, // asm! is unsupported on this target
2265 E0473, // dereference of reference outside its lifetime
2266 E0474, // captured variable `..` does not outlive the enclosing closure
2267 E0475, // index of slice outside its lifetime
2268 E0476, // lifetime of the source pointer does not outlive lifetime bound...
2269 E0477, // the type `..` does not fulfill the required lifetime...
2270 E0478, // lifetime bound not satisfied
2271 E0479, // the type `..` (provided as the value of a type parameter) is...
2272 E0480, // lifetime of method receiver does not outlive the method call
2273 E0481, // lifetime of function argument does not outlive the function call
2274 E0482, // lifetime of return value does not outlive the function call
2275 E0483, // lifetime of operand does not outlive the operation
2276 E0484, // reference is not valid at the time of borrow
2277 E0485, // automatically reference is not valid at the time of borrow
2278 E0486, // type of expression contains references that are not valid during...
2279 E0487, // unsafe use of destructor: destructor might be called while...
2280 E0488, // lifetime of variable does not enclose its declaration
2281 E0489, // type/lifetime parameter not in scope here
2282 E0490, // a value of type `..` is borrowed for too long
2283 E0491, // in type `..`, reference has a longer lifetime than the data it...
2284 E0495, // cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements
2285 }