]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/infer/type_variable.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.9.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / infer / type_variable.rs
1 // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 pub use self::RelationDir::*;
12 use self::TypeVariableValue::*;
13 use self::UndoEntry::*;
14 use hir::def_id::{DefId};
15 use ty::{self, Ty};
16 use syntax::codemap::Span;
18 use std::cmp::min;
19 use std::marker::PhantomData;
20 use std::mem;
21 use std::u32;
22 use rustc_data_structures::snapshot_vec as sv;
23 use rustc_data_structures::unify as ut;
25 pub struct TypeVariableTable<'tcx> {
26 values: sv::SnapshotVec<Delegate<'tcx>>,
27 eq_relations: ut::UnificationTable<ty::TyVid>,
28 }
30 struct TypeVariableData<'tcx> {
31 value: TypeVariableValue<'tcx>,
32 diverging: bool
33 }
35 enum TypeVariableValue<'tcx> {
36 Known(Ty<'tcx>),
37 Bounded {
38 relations: Vec<Relation>,
39 default: Option<Default<'tcx>>
40 }
41 }
43 // We will use this to store the required information to recapitulate what happened when
44 // an error occurs.
45 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
46 pub struct Default<'tcx> {
47 pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
48 /// The span where the default was incurred
49 pub origin_span: Span,
50 /// The definition that the default originates from
51 pub def_id: DefId
52 }
54 pub struct Snapshot {
55 snapshot: sv::Snapshot,
56 eq_snapshot: ut::Snapshot<ty::TyVid>,
57 }
59 enum UndoEntry<'tcx> {
60 // The type of the var was specified.
61 SpecifyVar(ty::TyVid, Vec<Relation>, Option<Default<'tcx>>),
62 Relate(ty::TyVid, ty::TyVid),
63 RelateRange(ty::TyVid, usize),
64 }
66 struct Delegate<'tcx>(PhantomData<&'tcx ()>);
68 type Relation = (RelationDir, ty::TyVid);
70 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
71 pub enum RelationDir {
72 SubtypeOf, SupertypeOf, EqTo, BiTo
73 }
75 impl RelationDir {
76 fn opposite(self) -> RelationDir {
77 match self {
78 SubtypeOf => SupertypeOf,
79 SupertypeOf => SubtypeOf,
80 EqTo => EqTo,
81 BiTo => BiTo,
82 }
83 }
84 }
86 impl<'tcx> TypeVariableTable<'tcx> {
87 pub fn new() -> TypeVariableTable<'tcx> {
88 TypeVariableTable {
89 values: sv::SnapshotVec::new(),
90 eq_relations: ut::UnificationTable::new(),
91 }
92 }
94 fn relations<'a>(&'a mut self, a: ty::TyVid) -> &'a mut Vec<Relation> {
95 relations(self.values.get_mut(a.index as usize))
96 }
98 pub fn default(&self, vid: ty::TyVid) -> Option<Default<'tcx>> {
99 match &self.values.get(vid.index as usize).value {
100 &Known(_) => None,
101 &Bounded { ref default, .. } => default.clone()
102 }
103 }
105 pub fn var_diverges<'a>(&'a self, vid: ty::TyVid) -> bool {
106 self.values.get(vid.index as usize).diverging
107 }
109 /// Records that `a <: b`, `a :> b`, or `a == b`, depending on `dir`.
110 ///
111 /// Precondition: neither `a` nor `b` are known.
112 pub fn relate_vars(&mut self, a: ty::TyVid, dir: RelationDir, b: ty::TyVid) {
113 let a = self.root_var(a);
114 let b = self.root_var(b);
115 if a != b {
116 if dir == EqTo {
117 // a and b must be equal which we mark in the unification table
118 let root = self.eq_relations.union(a, b);
119 // In addition to being equal, all relations from the variable which is no longer
120 // the root must be added to the root so they are not forgotten as the other
121 // variable should no longer be referenced (other than to get the root)
122 let other = if a == root { b } else { a };
123 let count = {
124 let (relations, root_relations) = if other.index < root.index {
125 let (pre, post) = self.values.split_at_mut(root.index as usize);
126 (relations(&mut pre[other.index as usize]), relations(&mut post[0]))
127 } else {
128 let (pre, post) = self.values.split_at_mut(other.index as usize);
129 (relations(&mut post[0]), relations(&mut pre[root.index as usize]))
130 };
131 root_relations.extend_from_slice(relations);
132 relations.len()
133 };
134 self.values.record(RelateRange(root, count));
135 } else {
136 self.relations(a).push((dir, b));
137 self.relations(b).push((dir.opposite(), a));
138 self.values.record(Relate(a, b));
139 }
140 }
141 }
143 /// Instantiates `vid` with the type `ty` and then pushes an entry onto `stack` for each of the
144 /// relations of `vid` to other variables. The relations will have the form `(ty, dir, vid1)`
145 /// where `vid1` is some other variable id.
146 ///
147 /// Precondition: `vid` must be a root in the unification table
148 pub fn instantiate_and_push(
149 &mut self,
150 vid: ty::TyVid,
151 ty: Ty<'tcx>,
152 stack: &mut Vec<(Ty<'tcx>, RelationDir, ty::TyVid)>)
153 {
154 debug_assert!(self.root_var(vid) == vid);
155 let old_value = {
156 let value_ptr = &mut self.values.get_mut(vid.index as usize).value;
157 mem::replace(value_ptr, Known(ty))
158 };
160 let (relations, default) = match old_value {
161 Bounded { relations, default } => (relations, default),
162 Known(_) => bug!("Asked to instantiate variable that is \
163 already instantiated")
164 };
166 for &(dir, vid) in &relations {
167 stack.push((ty, dir, vid));
168 }
170 self.values.record(SpecifyVar(vid, relations, default));
171 }
173 pub fn new_var(&mut self,
174 diverging: bool,
175 default: Option<Default<'tcx>>) -> ty::TyVid {
176 self.eq_relations.new_key(());
177 let index = self.values.push(TypeVariableData {
178 value: Bounded { relations: vec![], default: default },
179 diverging: diverging
180 });
181 ty::TyVid { index: index as u32 }
182 }
184 pub fn root_var(&mut self, vid: ty::TyVid) -> ty::TyVid {
185 self.eq_relations.find(vid)
186 }
188 pub fn probe(&mut self, vid: ty::TyVid) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
189 let vid = self.root_var(vid);
190 self.probe_root(vid)
191 }
193 /// Retrieves the type of `vid` given that it is currently a root in the unification table
194 pub fn probe_root(&mut self, vid: ty::TyVid) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
195 debug_assert!(self.root_var(vid) == vid);
196 match self.values.get(vid.index as usize).value {
197 Bounded { .. } => None,
198 Known(t) => Some(t)
199 }
200 }
202 pub fn replace_if_possible(&mut self, t: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
203 match t.sty {
204 ty::TyInfer(ty::TyVar(v)) => {
205 match self.probe(v) {
206 None => t,
207 Some(u) => u
208 }
209 }
210 _ => t,
211 }
212 }
214 pub fn snapshot(&mut self) -> Snapshot {
215 Snapshot {
216 snapshot: self.values.start_snapshot(),
217 eq_snapshot: self.eq_relations.snapshot(),
218 }
219 }
221 pub fn rollback_to(&mut self, s: Snapshot) {
222 self.values.rollback_to(s.snapshot);
223 self.eq_relations.rollback_to(s.eq_snapshot);
224 }
226 pub fn commit(&mut self, s: Snapshot) {
227 self.values.commit(s.snapshot);
228 self.eq_relations.commit(s.eq_snapshot);
229 }
231 pub fn types_escaping_snapshot(&mut self, s: &Snapshot) -> Vec<Ty<'tcx>> {
232 /*!
233 * Find the set of type variables that existed *before* `s`
234 * but which have only been unified since `s` started, and
235 * return the types with which they were unified. So if we had
236 * a type variable `V0`, then we started the snapshot, then we
237 * created a type variable `V1`, unifed `V0` with `T0`, and
238 * unified `V1` with `T1`, this function would return `{T0}`.
239 */
241 let mut new_elem_threshold = u32::MAX;
242 let mut escaping_types = Vec::new();
243 let actions_since_snapshot = self.values.actions_since_snapshot(&s.snapshot);
244 debug!("actions_since_snapshot.len() = {}", actions_since_snapshot.len());
245 for action in actions_since_snapshot {
246 match *action {
247 sv::UndoLog::NewElem(index) => {
248 // if any new variables were created during the
249 // snapshot, remember the lower index (which will
250 // always be the first one we see). Note that this
251 // action must precede those variables being
252 // specified.
253 new_elem_threshold = min(new_elem_threshold, index as u32);
254 debug!("NewElem({}) new_elem_threshold={}", index, new_elem_threshold);
255 }
257 sv::UndoLog::Other(SpecifyVar(vid, _, _)) => {
258 if vid.index < new_elem_threshold {
259 // quick check to see if this variable was
260 // created since the snapshot started or not.
261 let escaping_type = match self.values.get(vid.index as usize).value {
262 Bounded { .. } => bug!(),
263 Known(ty) => ty,
264 };
265 escaping_types.push(escaping_type);
266 }
267 debug!("SpecifyVar({:?}) new_elem_threshold={}", vid, new_elem_threshold);
268 }
270 _ => { }
271 }
272 }
274 escaping_types
275 }
277 pub fn unsolved_variables(&mut self) -> Vec<ty::TyVid> {
278 (0..self.values.len())
279 .filter_map(|i| {
280 let vid = ty::TyVid { index: i as u32 };
281 if self.probe(vid).is_some() {
282 None
283 } else {
284 Some(vid)
285 }
286 })
287 .collect()
288 }
289 }
291 impl<'tcx> sv::SnapshotVecDelegate for Delegate<'tcx> {
292 type Value = TypeVariableData<'tcx>;
293 type Undo = UndoEntry<'tcx>;
295 fn reverse(values: &mut Vec<TypeVariableData<'tcx>>, action: UndoEntry<'tcx>) {
296 match action {
297 SpecifyVar(vid, relations, default) => {
298 values[vid.index as usize].value = Bounded {
299 relations: relations,
300 default: default
301 };
302 }
304 Relate(a, b) => {
305 relations(&mut (*values)[a.index as usize]).pop();
306 relations(&mut (*values)[b.index as usize]).pop();
307 }
309 RelateRange(i, n) => {
310 let relations = relations(&mut (*values)[i.index as usize]);
311 for _ in 0..n {
312 relations.pop();
313 }
314 }
315 }
316 }
317 }
319 fn relations<'a>(v: &'a mut TypeVariableData) -> &'a mut Vec<Relation> {
320 match v.value {
321 Known(_) => bug!("var_sub_var: variable is known"),
322 Bounded { ref mut relations, .. } => relations
323 }
324 }