]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/lint/mod.rs
New upstream version 1.37.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / lint / mod.rs
1 //! Lints, aka compiler warnings.
2 //!
3 //! A 'lint' check is a kind of miscellaneous constraint that a user _might_
4 //! want to enforce, but might reasonably want to permit as well, on a
5 //! module-by-module basis. They contrast with static constraints enforced by
6 //! other phases of the compiler, which are generally required to hold in order
7 //! to compile the program at all.
8 //!
9 //! Most lints can be written as `LintPass` instances. These run after
10 //! all other analyses. The `LintPass`es built into rustc are defined
11 //! within `builtin.rs`, which has further comments on how to add such a lint.
12 //! rustc can also load user-defined lint plugins via the plugin mechanism.
13 //!
14 //! Some of rustc's lints are defined elsewhere in the compiler and work by
15 //! calling `add_lint()` on the overall `Session` object. This works when
16 //! it happens before the main lint pass, which emits the lints stored by
17 //! `add_lint()`. To emit lints after the main lint pass (from codegen, for
18 //! example) requires more effort. See `emit_lint` and `GatherNodeLevels`
19 //! in `context.rs`.
21 pub use self::Level::*;
22 pub use self::LintSource::*;
24 use rustc_data_structures::sync;
26 use crate::hir::def_id::{CrateNum, LOCAL_CRATE};
27 use crate::hir::intravisit;
28 use crate::hir;
29 use crate::lint::builtin::BuiltinLintDiagnostics;
30 use crate::lint::builtin::parser::ILL_FORMED_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT;
31 use crate::session::{Session, DiagnosticMessageId};
32 use crate::ty::TyCtxt;
33 use crate::ty::query::Providers;
34 use crate::util::nodemap::NodeMap;
35 use errors::{DiagnosticBuilder, DiagnosticId};
36 use std::{hash, ptr};
37 use syntax::ast;
38 use syntax::source_map::{MultiSpan, ExpnFormat, CompilerDesugaringKind};
39 use syntax::early_buffered_lints::BufferedEarlyLintId;
40 use syntax::edition::Edition;
41 use syntax::symbol::{Symbol, sym};
42 use syntax_pos::Span;
44 pub use crate::lint::context::{LateContext, EarlyContext, LintContext, LintStore,
45 check_crate, check_ast_crate, late_lint_mod, CheckLintNameResult,
46 FutureIncompatibleInfo, BufferedEarlyLint,};
48 /// Specification of a single lint.
49 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
50 pub struct Lint {
51 /// A string identifier for the lint.
52 ///
53 /// This identifies the lint in attributes and in command-line arguments.
54 /// In those contexts it is always lowercase, but this field is compared
55 /// in a way which is case-insensitive for ASCII characters. This allows
56 /// `declare_lint!()` invocations to follow the convention of upper-case
57 /// statics without repeating the name.
58 ///
59 /// The name is written with underscores, e.g., "unused_imports".
60 /// On the command line, underscores become dashes.
61 pub name: &'static str,
63 /// Default level for the lint.
64 pub default_level: Level,
66 /// Description of the lint or the issue it detects.
67 ///
68 /// e.g., "imports that are never used"
69 pub desc: &'static str,
71 /// Starting at the given edition, default to the given lint level. If this is `None`, then use
72 /// `default_level`.
73 pub edition_lint_opts: Option<(Edition, Level)>,
75 /// `true` if this lint is reported even inside expansions of external macros.
76 pub report_in_external_macro: bool,
77 }
79 impl Lint {
80 /// Returns the `rust::lint::Lint` for a `syntax::early_buffered_lints::BufferedEarlyLintId`.
81 pub fn from_parser_lint_id(lint_id: BufferedEarlyLintId) -> &'static Self {
82 match lint_id {
83 BufferedEarlyLintId::IllFormedAttributeInput => ILL_FORMED_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT,
84 }
85 }
87 /// Gets the lint's name, with ASCII letters converted to lowercase.
88 pub fn name_lower(&self) -> String {
89 self.name.to_ascii_lowercase()
90 }
92 pub fn default_level(&self, session: &Session) -> Level {
93 self.edition_lint_opts
94 .filter(|(e, _)| *e <= session.edition())
95 .map(|(_, l)| l)
96 .unwrap_or(self.default_level)
97 }
98 }
100 /// Declares a static item of type `&'static Lint`.
101 #[macro_export]
102 macro_rules! declare_lint {
103 ($vis: vis $NAME: ident, $Level: ident, $desc: expr) => (
104 declare_lint!{$vis $NAME, $Level, $desc, false}
105 );
106 ($vis: vis $NAME: ident, $Level: ident, $desc: expr, report_in_external_macro: $rep: expr) => (
107 declare_lint!{$vis $NAME, $Level, $desc, $rep}
108 );
109 ($vis: vis $NAME: ident, $Level: ident, $desc: expr, $external: expr) => (
110 $vis static $NAME: &$crate::lint::Lint = &$crate::lint::Lint {
111 name: stringify!($NAME),
112 default_level: $crate::lint::$Level,
113 desc: $desc,
114 edition_lint_opts: None,
115 report_in_external_macro: $external,
116 };
117 );
118 ($vis: vis $NAME: ident, $Level: ident, $desc: expr,
119 $lint_edition: expr => $edition_level: ident
120 ) => (
121 $vis static $NAME: &$crate::lint::Lint = &$crate::lint::Lint {
122 name: stringify!($NAME),
123 default_level: $crate::lint::$Level,
124 desc: $desc,
125 edition_lint_opts: Some(($lint_edition, $crate::lint::Level::$edition_level)),
126 report_in_external_macro: false,
127 };
128 );
129 }
131 #[macro_export]
132 macro_rules! declare_tool_lint {
133 (
134 $(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis $tool:ident ::$NAME:ident, $Level: ident, $desc: expr
135 ) => (
136 declare_tool_lint!{$(#[$attr])* $vis $tool::$NAME, $Level, $desc, false}
137 );
138 (
139 $(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis $tool:ident ::$NAME:ident, $Level:ident, $desc:expr,
140 report_in_external_macro: $rep:expr
141 ) => (
142 declare_tool_lint!{$(#[$attr])* $vis $tool::$NAME, $Level, $desc, $rep}
143 );
144 (
145 $(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis $tool:ident ::$NAME:ident, $Level:ident, $desc:expr,
146 $external:expr
147 ) => (
148 $(#[$attr])*
149 $vis static $NAME: &$crate::lint::Lint = &$crate::lint::Lint {
150 name: &concat!(stringify!($tool), "::", stringify!($NAME)),
151 default_level: $crate::lint::$Level,
152 desc: $desc,
153 edition_lint_opts: None,
154 report_in_external_macro: $external,
155 };
156 );
157 }
159 /// Declares a static `LintArray` and return it as an expression.
160 #[macro_export]
161 macro_rules! lint_array {
162 ($( $lint:expr ),* ,) => { lint_array!( $($lint),* ) };
163 ($( $lint:expr ),*) => {{
164 vec![$($lint),*]
165 }}
166 }
168 pub type LintArray = Vec<&'static Lint>;
170 pub trait LintPass {
171 fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
173 /// Gets descriptions of the lints this `LintPass` object can emit.
174 ///
175 /// N.B., there is no enforcement that the object only emits lints it registered.
176 /// And some `rustc` internal `LintPass`es register lints to be emitted by other
177 /// parts of the compiler. If you want enforced access restrictions for your
178 /// `Lint`, make it a private `static` item in its own module.
179 fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray;
180 }
182 /// Implements `LintPass for $name` with the given list of `Lint` statics.
183 #[macro_export]
184 macro_rules! impl_lint_pass {
185 ($name:ident => [$($lint:expr),* $(,)?]) => {
186 impl LintPass for $name {
187 fn name(&self) -> &'static str { stringify!($name) }
188 fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray { $crate::lint_array!($($lint),*) }
189 }
190 };
191 }
193 /// Declares a type named `$name` which implements `LintPass`.
194 /// To the right of `=>` a comma separated list of `Lint` statics is given.
195 #[macro_export]
196 macro_rules! declare_lint_pass {
197 ($(#[$m:meta])* $name:ident => [$($lint:expr),* $(,)?]) => {
198 $(#[$m])* #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct $name;
199 $crate::impl_lint_pass!($name => [$($lint),*]);
200 };
201 }
203 #[macro_export]
204 macro_rules! late_lint_methods {
205 ($macro:path, $args:tt, [$hir:tt]) => (
206 $macro!($args, [$hir], [
207 fn check_body(a: &$hir hir::Body);
208 fn check_body_post(a: &$hir hir::Body);
209 fn check_name(a: Span, b: ast::Name);
210 fn check_crate(a: &$hir hir::Crate);
211 fn check_crate_post(a: &$hir hir::Crate);
212 fn check_mod(a: &$hir hir::Mod, b: Span, c: hir::HirId);
213 fn check_mod_post(a: &$hir hir::Mod, b: Span, c: hir::HirId);
214 fn check_foreign_item(a: &$hir hir::ForeignItem);
215 fn check_foreign_item_post(a: &$hir hir::ForeignItem);
216 fn check_item(a: &$hir hir::Item);
217 fn check_item_post(a: &$hir hir::Item);
218 fn check_local(a: &$hir hir::Local);
219 fn check_block(a: &$hir hir::Block);
220 fn check_block_post(a: &$hir hir::Block);
221 fn check_stmt(a: &$hir hir::Stmt);
222 fn check_arm(a: &$hir hir::Arm);
223 fn check_pat(a: &$hir hir::Pat);
224 fn check_expr(a: &$hir hir::Expr);
225 fn check_expr_post(a: &$hir hir::Expr);
226 fn check_ty(a: &$hir hir::Ty);
227 fn check_generic_param(a: &$hir hir::GenericParam);
228 fn check_generics(a: &$hir hir::Generics);
229 fn check_where_predicate(a: &$hir hir::WherePredicate);
230 fn check_poly_trait_ref(a: &$hir hir::PolyTraitRef, b: hir::TraitBoundModifier);
231 fn check_fn(
232 a: hir::intravisit::FnKind<$hir>,
233 b: &$hir hir::FnDecl,
234 c: &$hir hir::Body,
235 d: Span,
236 e: hir::HirId);
237 fn check_fn_post(
238 a: hir::intravisit::FnKind<$hir>,
239 b: &$hir hir::FnDecl,
240 c: &$hir hir::Body,
241 d: Span,
242 e: hir::HirId
243 );
244 fn check_trait_item(a: &$hir hir::TraitItem);
245 fn check_trait_item_post(a: &$hir hir::TraitItem);
246 fn check_impl_item(a: &$hir hir::ImplItem);
247 fn check_impl_item_post(a: &$hir hir::ImplItem);
248 fn check_struct_def(
249 a: &$hir hir::VariantData,
250 b: ast::Name,
251 c: &$hir hir::Generics,
252 d: hir::HirId
253 );
254 fn check_struct_def_post(
255 a: &$hir hir::VariantData,
256 b: ast::Name,
257 c: &$hir hir::Generics,
258 d: hir::HirId
259 );
260 fn check_struct_field(a: &$hir hir::StructField);
261 fn check_variant(a: &$hir hir::Variant, b: &$hir hir::Generics);
262 fn check_variant_post(a: &$hir hir::Variant, b: &$hir hir::Generics);
263 fn check_lifetime(a: &$hir hir::Lifetime);
264 fn check_path(a: &$hir hir::Path, b: hir::HirId);
265 fn check_attribute(a: &$hir ast::Attribute);
267 /// Called when entering a syntax node that can have lint attributes such
268 /// as `#[allow(...)]`. Called with *all* the attributes of that node.
269 fn enter_lint_attrs(a: &$hir [ast::Attribute]);
271 /// Counterpart to `enter_lint_attrs`.
272 fn exit_lint_attrs(a: &$hir [ast::Attribute]);
273 ]);
274 )
275 }
277 /// Trait for types providing lint checks.
278 ///
279 /// Each `check` method checks a single syntax node, and should not
280 /// invoke methods recursively (unlike `Visitor`). By default they
281 /// do nothing.
282 //
283 // FIXME: eliminate the duplication with `Visitor`. But this also
284 // contains a few lint-specific methods with no equivalent in `Visitor`.
286 macro_rules! expand_lint_pass_methods {
287 ($context:ty, [$($(#[$attr:meta])* fn $name:ident($($param:ident: $arg:ty),*);)*]) => (
288 $(#[inline(always)] fn $name(&mut self, _: $context, $(_: $arg),*) {})*
289 )
290 }
292 macro_rules! declare_late_lint_pass {
293 ([], [$hir:tt], [$($methods:tt)*]) => (
294 pub trait LateLintPass<'a, $hir>: LintPass {
295 fn fresh_late_pass(&self) -> LateLintPassObject {
296 panic!()
297 }
298 expand_lint_pass_methods!(&LateContext<'a, $hir>, [$($methods)*]);
299 }
300 )
301 }
303 late_lint_methods!(declare_late_lint_pass, [], ['tcx]);
305 #[macro_export]
306 macro_rules! expand_combined_late_lint_pass_method {
307 ([$($passes:ident),*], $self: ident, $name: ident, $params:tt) => ({
308 $($self.$passes.$name $params;)*
309 })
310 }
312 #[macro_export]
313 macro_rules! expand_combined_late_lint_pass_methods {
314 ($passes:tt, [$($(#[$attr:meta])* fn $name:ident($($param:ident: $arg:ty),*);)*]) => (
315 $(fn $name(&mut self, context: &LateContext<'a, 'tcx>, $($param: $arg),*) {
316 expand_combined_late_lint_pass_method!($passes, self, $name, (context, $($param),*));
317 })*
318 )
319 }
321 #[macro_export]
322 macro_rules! declare_combined_late_lint_pass {
323 ([$v:vis $name:ident, [$($passes:ident: $constructor:expr,)*]], [$hir:tt], $methods:tt) => (
324 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
325 $v struct $name {
326 $($passes: $passes,)*
327 }
329 impl $name {
330 $v fn new() -> Self {
331 Self {
332 $($passes: $constructor,)*
333 }
334 }
335 }
337 impl<'a, 'tcx> LateLintPass<'a, 'tcx> for $name {
338 expand_combined_late_lint_pass_methods!([$($passes),*], $methods);
339 }
341 impl LintPass for $name {
342 fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
343 panic!()
344 }
346 fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
347 let mut lints = Vec::new();
348 $(lints.extend_from_slice(&self.$passes.get_lints());)*
349 lints
350 }
351 }
352 )
353 }
355 #[macro_export]
356 macro_rules! early_lint_methods {
357 ($macro:path, $args:tt) => (
358 $macro!($args, [
359 fn check_ident(a: ast::Ident);
360 fn check_crate(a: &ast::Crate);
361 fn check_crate_post(a: &ast::Crate);
362 fn check_mod(a: &ast::Mod, b: Span, c: ast::NodeId);
363 fn check_mod_post(a: &ast::Mod, b: Span, c: ast::NodeId);
364 fn check_foreign_item(a: &ast::ForeignItem);
365 fn check_foreign_item_post(a: &ast::ForeignItem);
366 fn check_item(a: &ast::Item);
367 fn check_item_post(a: &ast::Item);
368 fn check_local(a: &ast::Local);
369 fn check_block(a: &ast::Block);
370 fn check_block_post(a: &ast::Block);
371 fn check_stmt(a: &ast::Stmt);
372 fn check_arm(a: &ast::Arm);
373 fn check_pat(a: &ast::Pat);
374 fn check_pat_post(a: &ast::Pat);
375 fn check_expr(a: &ast::Expr);
376 fn check_expr_post(a: &ast::Expr);
377 fn check_ty(a: &ast::Ty);
378 fn check_generic_param(a: &ast::GenericParam);
379 fn check_generics(a: &ast::Generics);
380 fn check_where_predicate(a: &ast::WherePredicate);
381 fn check_poly_trait_ref(a: &ast::PolyTraitRef,
382 b: &ast::TraitBoundModifier);
383 fn check_fn(a: syntax::visit::FnKind<'_>, b: &ast::FnDecl, c: Span, d_: ast::NodeId);
384 fn check_fn_post(
385 a: syntax::visit::FnKind<'_>,
386 b: &ast::FnDecl,
387 c: Span,
388 d: ast::NodeId
389 );
390 fn check_trait_item(a: &ast::TraitItem);
391 fn check_trait_item_post(a: &ast::TraitItem);
392 fn check_impl_item(a: &ast::ImplItem);
393 fn check_impl_item_post(a: &ast::ImplItem);
394 fn check_struct_def(
395 a: &ast::VariantData,
396 b: ast::Ident,
397 c: &ast::Generics,
398 d: ast::NodeId
399 );
400 fn check_struct_def_post(
401 a: &ast::VariantData,
402 b: ast::Ident,
403 c: &ast::Generics,
404 d: ast::NodeId
405 );
406 fn check_struct_field(a: &ast::StructField);
407 fn check_variant(a: &ast::Variant, b: &ast::Generics);
408 fn check_variant_post(a: &ast::Variant, b: &ast::Generics);
409 fn check_lifetime(a: &ast::Lifetime);
410 fn check_path(a: &ast::Path, b: ast::NodeId);
411 fn check_attribute(a: &ast::Attribute);
412 fn check_mac_def(a: &ast::MacroDef, b: ast::NodeId);
413 fn check_mac(a: &ast::Mac);
415 /// Called when entering a syntax node that can have lint attributes such
416 /// as `#[allow(...)]`. Called with *all* the attributes of that node.
417 fn enter_lint_attrs(a: &[ast::Attribute]);
419 /// Counterpart to `enter_lint_attrs`.
420 fn exit_lint_attrs(a: &[ast::Attribute]);
421 ]);
422 )
423 }
425 macro_rules! expand_early_lint_pass_methods {
426 ($context:ty, [$($(#[$attr:meta])* fn $name:ident($($param:ident: $arg:ty),*);)*]) => (
427 $(#[inline(always)] fn $name(&mut self, _: $context, $(_: $arg),*) {})*
428 )
429 }
431 macro_rules! declare_early_lint_pass {
432 ([], [$($methods:tt)*]) => (
433 pub trait EarlyLintPass: LintPass {
434 expand_early_lint_pass_methods!(&EarlyContext<'_>, [$($methods)*]);
435 }
436 )
437 }
439 early_lint_methods!(declare_early_lint_pass, []);
441 #[macro_export]
442 macro_rules! expand_combined_early_lint_pass_method {
443 ([$($passes:ident),*], $self: ident, $name: ident, $params:tt) => ({
444 $($self.$passes.$name $params;)*
445 })
446 }
448 #[macro_export]
449 macro_rules! expand_combined_early_lint_pass_methods {
450 ($passes:tt, [$($(#[$attr:meta])* fn $name:ident($($param:ident: $arg:ty),*);)*]) => (
451 $(fn $name(&mut self, context: &EarlyContext<'_>, $($param: $arg),*) {
452 expand_combined_early_lint_pass_method!($passes, self, $name, (context, $($param),*));
453 })*
454 )
455 }
457 #[macro_export]
458 macro_rules! declare_combined_early_lint_pass {
459 ([$v:vis $name:ident, [$($passes:ident: $constructor:expr,)*]], $methods:tt) => (
460 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
461 $v struct $name {
462 $($passes: $passes,)*
463 }
465 impl $name {
466 $v fn new() -> Self {
467 Self {
468 $($passes: $constructor,)*
469 }
470 }
471 }
473 impl EarlyLintPass for $name {
474 expand_combined_early_lint_pass_methods!([$($passes),*], $methods);
475 }
477 impl LintPass for $name {
478 fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
479 panic!()
480 }
482 fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
483 let mut lints = Vec::new();
484 $(lints.extend_from_slice(&self.$passes.get_lints());)*
485 lints
486 }
487 }
488 )
489 }
491 /// A lint pass boxed up as a trait object.
492 pub type EarlyLintPassObject = Box<dyn EarlyLintPass + sync::Send + sync::Sync + 'static>;
493 pub type LateLintPassObject = Box<dyn for<'a, 'tcx> LateLintPass<'a, 'tcx> + sync::Send
494 + sync::Sync + 'static>;
498 /// Identifies a lint known to the compiler.
499 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
500 pub struct LintId {
501 // Identity is based on pointer equality of this field.
502 lint: &'static Lint,
503 }
505 impl PartialEq for LintId {
506 fn eq(&self, other: &LintId) -> bool {
507 ptr::eq(self.lint, other.lint)
508 }
509 }
511 impl Eq for LintId { }
513 impl hash::Hash for LintId {
514 fn hash<H: hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
515 let ptr = self.lint as *const Lint;
516 ptr.hash(state);
517 }
518 }
520 impl LintId {
521 /// Gets the `LintId` for a `Lint`.
522 pub fn of(lint: &'static Lint) -> LintId {
523 LintId {
524 lint,
525 }
526 }
528 pub fn lint_name_raw(&self) -> &'static str {
529 self.lint.name
530 }
532 /// Gets the name of the lint.
533 pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
534 self.lint.name_lower()
535 }
536 }
538 /// Setting for how to handle a lint.
539 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Debug, Hash)]
540 pub enum Level {
541 Allow, Warn, Deny, Forbid,
542 }
544 impl_stable_hash_for!(enum self::Level {
545 Allow,
546 Warn,
547 Deny,
548 Forbid
549 });
551 impl Level {
552 /// Converts a level to a lower-case string.
553 pub fn as_str(self) -> &'static str {
554 match self {
555 Allow => "allow",
556 Warn => "warn",
557 Deny => "deny",
558 Forbid => "forbid",
559 }
560 }
562 /// Converts a lower-case string to a level.
563 pub fn from_str(x: &str) -> Option<Level> {
564 match x {
565 "allow" => Some(Allow),
566 "warn" => Some(Warn),
567 "deny" => Some(Deny),
568 "forbid" => Some(Forbid),
569 _ => None,
570 }
571 }
573 /// Converts a symbol to a level.
574 pub fn from_symbol(x: Symbol) -> Option<Level> {
575 match x {
576 sym::allow => Some(Allow),
577 sym::warn => Some(Warn),
578 sym::deny => Some(Deny),
579 sym::forbid => Some(Forbid),
580 _ => None,
581 }
582 }
583 }
585 /// How a lint level was set.
586 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
587 pub enum LintSource {
588 /// Lint is at the default level as declared
589 /// in rustc or a plugin.
590 Default,
592 /// Lint level was set by an attribute.
593 Node(ast::Name, Span, Option<Symbol> /* RFC 2383 reason */),
595 /// Lint level was set by a command-line flag.
596 CommandLine(Symbol),
597 }
599 impl_stable_hash_for!(enum self::LintSource {
600 Default,
601 Node(name, span, reason),
602 CommandLine(text)
603 });
605 pub type LevelSource = (Level, LintSource);
607 pub mod builtin;
608 pub mod internal;
609 mod context;
610 mod levels;
612 pub use self::levels::{LintLevelSets, LintLevelMap};
614 #[derive(Default)]
615 pub struct LintBuffer {
616 map: NodeMap<Vec<BufferedEarlyLint>>,
617 }
619 impl LintBuffer {
620 pub fn add_lint(&mut self,
621 lint: &'static Lint,
622 id: ast::NodeId,
623 sp: MultiSpan,
624 msg: &str,
625 diagnostic: BuiltinLintDiagnostics) {
626 let early_lint = BufferedEarlyLint {
627 lint_id: LintId::of(lint),
628 ast_id: id,
629 span: sp,
630 msg: msg.to_string(),
631 diagnostic
632 };
633 let arr = self.map.entry(id).or_default();
634 if !arr.contains(&early_lint) {
635 arr.push(early_lint);
636 }
637 }
639 pub fn take(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId) -> Vec<BufferedEarlyLint> {
640 self.map.remove(&id).unwrap_or_default()
641 }
643 pub fn get_any(&self) -> Option<&[BufferedEarlyLint]> {
644 let key = self.map.keys().next().map(|k| *k);
645 key.map(|k| &self.map[&k][..])
646 }
647 }
649 pub fn struct_lint_level<'a>(sess: &'a Session,
650 lint: &'static Lint,
651 level: Level,
652 src: LintSource,
653 span: Option<MultiSpan>,
654 msg: &str)
655 -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a>
656 {
657 let mut err = match (level, span) {
658 (Level::Allow, _) => return sess.diagnostic().struct_dummy(),
659 (Level::Warn, Some(span)) => sess.struct_span_warn(span, msg),
660 (Level::Warn, None) => sess.struct_warn(msg),
661 (Level::Deny, Some(span)) |
662 (Level::Forbid, Some(span)) => sess.struct_span_err(span, msg),
663 (Level::Deny, None) |
664 (Level::Forbid, None) => sess.struct_err(msg),
665 };
667 let name = lint.name_lower();
668 match src {
669 LintSource::Default => {
670 sess.diag_note_once(
671 &mut err,
672 DiagnosticMessageId::from(lint),
673 &format!("#[{}({})] on by default", level.as_str(), name));
674 }
675 LintSource::CommandLine(lint_flag_val) => {
676 let flag = match level {
677 Level::Warn => "-W",
678 Level::Deny => "-D",
679 Level::Forbid => "-F",
680 Level::Allow => panic!(),
681 };
682 let hyphen_case_lint_name = name.replace("_", "-");
683 if lint_flag_val.as_str() == name {
684 sess.diag_note_once(
685 &mut err,
686 DiagnosticMessageId::from(lint),
687 &format!("requested on the command line with `{} {}`",
688 flag, hyphen_case_lint_name));
689 } else {
690 let hyphen_case_flag_val = lint_flag_val.as_str().replace("_", "-");
691 sess.diag_note_once(
692 &mut err,
693 DiagnosticMessageId::from(lint),
694 &format!("`{} {}` implied by `{} {}`",
695 flag, hyphen_case_lint_name, flag,
696 hyphen_case_flag_val));
697 }
698 }
699 LintSource::Node(lint_attr_name, src, reason) => {
700 if let Some(rationale) = reason {
701 err.note(&rationale.as_str());
702 }
703 sess.diag_span_note_once(&mut err, DiagnosticMessageId::from(lint),
704 src, "lint level defined here");
705 if lint_attr_name.as_str() != name {
706 let level_str = level.as_str();
707 sess.diag_note_once(&mut err, DiagnosticMessageId::from(lint),
708 &format!("#[{}({})] implied by #[{}({})]",
709 level_str, name, level_str, lint_attr_name));
710 }
711 }
712 }
714 err.code(DiagnosticId::Lint(name));
716 // Check for future incompatibility lints and issue a stronger warning.
717 let lints = sess.lint_store.borrow();
718 let lint_id = LintId::of(lint);
719 let future_incompatible = lints.future_incompatible(lint_id);
720 if let Some(future_incompatible) = future_incompatible {
721 const STANDARD_MESSAGE: &str =
722 "this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; \
723 it will become a hard error";
725 let explanation = if lint_id == LintId::of(builtin::UNSTABLE_NAME_COLLISIONS) {
726 "once this method is added to the standard library, \
727 the ambiguity may cause an error or change in behavior!"
728 .to_owned()
729 } else if lint_id == LintId::of(builtin::MUTABLE_BORROW_RESERVATION_CONFLICT) {
730 "this borrowing pattern was not meant to be accepted, \
731 and may become a hard error in the future"
732 .to_owned()
733 } else if let Some(edition) = future_incompatible.edition {
734 format!("{} in the {} edition!", STANDARD_MESSAGE, edition)
735 } else {
736 format!("{} in a future release!", STANDARD_MESSAGE)
737 };
738 let citation = format!("for more information, see {}",
739 future_incompatible.reference);
740 err.warn(&explanation);
741 err.note(&citation);
742 }
744 // If this code originates in a foreign macro, aka something that this crate
745 // did not itself author, then it's likely that there's nothing this crate
746 // can do about it. We probably want to skip the lint entirely.
747 if err.span.primary_spans().iter().any(|s| in_external_macro(sess, *s)) {
748 // Any suggestions made here are likely to be incorrect, so anything we
749 // emit shouldn't be automatically fixed by rustfix.
750 err.allow_suggestions(false);
752 // If this is a future incompatible lint it'll become a hard error, so
753 // we have to emit *something*. Also allow lints to whitelist themselves
754 // on a case-by-case basis for emission in a foreign macro.
755 if future_incompatible.is_none() && !lint.report_in_external_macro {
756 err.cancel()
757 }
758 }
760 return err
761 }
763 pub fn maybe_lint_level_root(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, id: hir::HirId) -> bool {
764 let attrs = tcx.hir().attrs(id);
765 attrs.iter().any(|attr| Level::from_symbol(attr.name_or_empty()).is_some())
766 }
768 fn lint_levels<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, cnum: CrateNum) -> &'tcx LintLevelMap {
769 assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
770 let mut builder = LintLevelMapBuilder {
771 levels: LintLevelSets::builder(tcx.sess),
772 tcx: tcx,
773 };
774 let krate = tcx.hir().krate();
776 let push = builder.levels.push(&krate.attrs);
777 builder.levels.register_id(hir::CRATE_HIR_ID);
778 for macro_def in &krate.exported_macros {
779 builder.levels.register_id(macro_def.hir_id);
780 }
781 intravisit::walk_crate(&mut builder, krate);
782 builder.levels.pop(push);
784 tcx.arena.alloc(builder.levels.build_map())
785 }
787 struct LintLevelMapBuilder<'tcx> {
788 levels: levels::LintLevelsBuilder<'tcx>,
789 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
790 }
792 impl LintLevelMapBuilder<'tcx> {
793 fn with_lint_attrs<F>(&mut self,
794 id: hir::HirId,
795 attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
796 f: F)
797 where F: FnOnce(&mut Self)
798 {
799 let push = self.levels.push(attrs);
800 if push.changed {
801 self.levels.register_id(id);
802 }
803 f(self);
804 self.levels.pop(push);
805 }
806 }
808 impl intravisit::Visitor<'tcx> for LintLevelMapBuilder<'tcx> {
809 fn nested_visit_map<'this>(&'this mut self) -> intravisit::NestedVisitorMap<'this, 'tcx> {
810 intravisit::NestedVisitorMap::All(&self.tcx.hir())
811 }
813 fn visit_item(&mut self, it: &'tcx hir::Item) {
814 self.with_lint_attrs(it.hir_id, &it.attrs, |builder| {
815 intravisit::walk_item(builder, it);
816 });
817 }
819 fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, it: &'tcx hir::ForeignItem) {
820 self.with_lint_attrs(it.hir_id, &it.attrs, |builder| {
821 intravisit::walk_foreign_item(builder, it);
822 })
823 }
825 fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'tcx hir::Expr) {
826 self.with_lint_attrs(e.hir_id, &e.attrs, |builder| {
827 intravisit::walk_expr(builder, e);
828 })
829 }
831 fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, s: &'tcx hir::StructField) {
832 self.with_lint_attrs(s.hir_id, &s.attrs, |builder| {
833 intravisit::walk_struct_field(builder, s);
834 })
835 }
837 fn visit_variant(&mut self,
838 v: &'tcx hir::Variant,
839 g: &'tcx hir::Generics,
840 item_id: hir::HirId) {
841 self.with_lint_attrs(v.node.id, &v.node.attrs, |builder| {
842 intravisit::walk_variant(builder, v, g, item_id);
843 })
844 }
846 fn visit_local(&mut self, l: &'tcx hir::Local) {
847 self.with_lint_attrs(l.hir_id, &l.attrs, |builder| {
848 intravisit::walk_local(builder, l);
849 })
850 }
852 fn visit_arm(&mut self, a: &'tcx hir::Arm) {
853 self.with_lint_attrs(a.hir_id, &a.attrs, |builder| {
854 intravisit::walk_arm(builder, a);
855 })
856 }
858 fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, trait_item: &'tcx hir::TraitItem) {
859 self.with_lint_attrs(trait_item.hir_id, &trait_item.attrs, |builder| {
860 intravisit::walk_trait_item(builder, trait_item);
861 });
862 }
864 fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, impl_item: &'tcx hir::ImplItem) {
865 self.with_lint_attrs(impl_item.hir_id, &impl_item.attrs, |builder| {
866 intravisit::walk_impl_item(builder, impl_item);
867 });
868 }
869 }
871 pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers<'_>) {
872 providers.lint_levels = lint_levels;
873 }
875 /// Returns whether `span` originates in a foreign crate's external macro.
876 ///
877 /// This is used to test whether a lint should not even begin to figure out whether it should
878 /// be reported on the current node.
879 pub fn in_external_macro(sess: &Session, span: Span) -> bool {
880 let info = match span.ctxt().outer_expn_info() {
881 Some(info) => info,
882 // no ExpnInfo means this span doesn't come from a macro
883 None => return false,
884 };
886 match info.format {
887 ExpnFormat::MacroAttribute(..) => true, // definitely a plugin
888 ExpnFormat::CompilerDesugaring(CompilerDesugaringKind::ForLoop) => false,
889 ExpnFormat::CompilerDesugaring(_) => true, // well, it's "external"
890 ExpnFormat::MacroBang(..) => {
891 let def_site = match info.def_site {
892 Some(span) => span,
893 // no span for the def_site means it's an external macro
894 None => return true,
895 };
897 match sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(def_site) {
898 Ok(code) => !code.starts_with("macro_rules"),
899 // no snippet = external macro or compiler-builtin expansion
900 Err(_) => true,
901 }
902 }
903 }
904 }
906 /// Returns whether `span` originates in a derive macro's expansion
907 pub fn in_derive_expansion(span: Span) -> bool {
908 let info = match span.ctxt().outer_expn_info() {
909 Some(info) => info,
910 // no ExpnInfo means this span doesn't come from a macro
911 None => return false,
912 };
914 match info.format {
915 ExpnFormat::MacroAttribute(symbol) => symbol.as_str().starts_with("derive("),
916 _ => false,
917 }
918 }