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[rustc.git] / src / librustc / middle / infer / region_inference / README.md
1 Region inference
3 # Terminology
5 Note that we use the terms region and lifetime interchangeably,
6 though the term `lifetime` is preferred.
8 # Introduction
10 Region inference uses a somewhat more involved algorithm than type
11 inference. It is not the most efficient thing ever written though it
12 seems to work well enough in practice (famous last words). The reason
13 that we use a different algorithm is because, unlike with types, it is
14 impractical to hand-annotate with regions (in some cases, there aren't
15 even the requisite syntactic forms). So we have to get it right, and
16 it's worth spending more time on a more involved analysis. Moreover,
17 regions are a simpler case than types: they don't have aggregate
18 structure, for example.
20 Unlike normal type inference, which is similar in spirit to H-M and thus
21 works progressively, the region type inference works by accumulating
22 constraints over the course of a function. Finally, at the end of
23 processing a function, we process and solve the constraints all at
24 once.
26 The constraints are always of one of three possible forms:
28 - ConstrainVarSubVar(R_i, R_j) states that region variable R_i
29 must be a subregion of R_j
30 - ConstrainRegSubVar(R, R_i) states that the concrete region R
31 (which must not be a variable) must be a subregion of the variable R_i
32 - ConstrainVarSubReg(R_i, R) is the inverse
34 # Building up the constraints
36 Variables and constraints are created using the following methods:
38 - `new_region_var()` creates a new, unconstrained region variable;
39 - `make_subregion(R_i, R_j)` states that R_i is a subregion of R_j
40 - `lub_regions(R_i, R_j) -> R_k` returns a region R_k which is
41 the smallest region that is greater than both R_i and R_j
42 - `glb_regions(R_i, R_j) -> R_k` returns a region R_k which is
43 the greatest region that is smaller than both R_i and R_j
45 The actual region resolution algorithm is not entirely
46 obvious, though it is also not overly complex.
48 ## Snapshotting
50 It is also permitted to try (and rollback) changes to the graph. This
51 is done by invoking `start_snapshot()`, which returns a value. Then
52 later you can call `rollback_to()` which undoes the work.
53 Alternatively, you can call `commit()` which ends all snapshots.
54 Snapshots can be recursive---so you can start a snapshot when another
55 is in progress, but only the root snapshot can "commit".
57 # Resolving constraints
59 The constraint resolution algorithm is not super complex but also not
60 entirely obvious. Here I describe the problem somewhat abstractly,
61 then describe how the current code works. There may be other, smarter
62 ways of doing this with which I am unfamiliar and can't be bothered to
63 research at the moment. - NDM
65 ## The problem
67 Basically our input is a directed graph where nodes can be divided
68 into two categories: region variables and concrete regions. Each edge
69 `R -> S` in the graph represents a constraint that the region `R` is a
70 subregion of the region `S`.
72 Region variable nodes can have arbitrary degree. There is one region
73 variable node per region variable.
75 Each concrete region node is associated with some, well, concrete
76 region: e.g., a free lifetime, or the region for a particular scope.
77 Note that there may be more than one concrete region node for a
78 particular region value. Moreover, because of how the graph is built,
79 we know that all concrete region nodes have either in-degree 1 or
80 out-degree 1.
82 Before resolution begins, we build up the constraints in a hashmap
83 that maps `Constraint` keys to spans. During resolution, we construct
84 the actual `Graph` structure that we describe here.
86 ## Our current algorithm
88 We divide region variables into two groups: Expanding and Contracting.
89 Expanding region variables are those that have a concrete region
90 predecessor (direct or indirect). Contracting region variables are
91 all others.
93 We first resolve the values of Expanding region variables and then
94 process Contracting ones. We currently use an iterative, fixed-point
95 procedure (but read on, I believe this could be replaced with a linear
96 walk). Basically we iterate over the edges in the graph, ensuring
97 that, if the source of the edge has a value, then this value is a
98 subregion of the target value. If the target does not yet have a
99 value, it takes the value from the source. If the target already had
100 a value, then the resulting value is Least Upper Bound of the old and
101 new values. When we are done, each Expanding node will have the
102 smallest region that it could possibly have and still satisfy the
103 constraints.
105 We next process the Contracting nodes. Here we again iterate over the
106 edges, only this time we move values from target to source (if the
107 source is a Contracting node). For each contracting node, we compute
108 its value as the GLB of all its successors. Basically contracting
109 nodes ensure that there is overlap between their successors; we will
110 ultimately infer the largest overlap possible.
112 # The Region Hierarchy
114 ## Without closures
116 Let's first consider the region hierarchy without thinking about
117 closures, because they add a lot of complications. The region
118 hierarchy *basically* mirrors the lexical structure of the code.
119 There is a region for every piece of 'evaluation' that occurs, meaning
120 every expression, block, and pattern (patterns are considered to
121 "execute" by testing the value they are applied to and creating any
122 relevant bindings). So, for example:
124 fn foo(x: int, y: int) { // -+
125 // +------------+ // |
126 // | +-----+ // |
127 // | +-+ +-+ +-+ // |
128 // | | | | | | | // |
129 // v v v v v v v // |
130 let z = x + y; // |
131 ... // |
132 } // -+
134 fn bar() { ... }
136 In this example, there is a region for the fn body block as a whole,
137 and then a subregion for the declaration of the local variable.
138 Within that, there are sublifetimes for the assignment pattern and
139 also the expression `x + y`. The expression itself has sublifetimes
140 for evaluating `x` and `y`.
142 ## Function calls
144 Function calls are a bit tricky. I will describe how we handle them
145 *now* and then a bit about how we can improve them (Issue #6268).
147 Consider a function call like `func(expr1, expr2)`, where `func`,
148 `arg1`, and `arg2` are all arbitrary expressions. Currently,
149 we construct a region hierarchy like:
151 +----------------+
152 | |
153 +--+ +---+ +---+|
154 v v v v v vv
155 func(expr1, expr2)
157 Here you can see that the call as a whole has a region and the
158 function plus arguments are subregions of that. As a side-effect of
159 this, we get a lot of spurious errors around nested calls, in
160 particular when combined with `&mut` functions. For example, a call
161 like this one
163 self.foo(self.bar())
165 where both `foo` and `bar` are `&mut self` functions will always yield
166 an error.
168 Here is a more involved example (which is safe) so we can see what's
169 going on:
171 struct Foo { f: uint, g: uint }
172 ...
173 fn add(p: &mut uint, v: uint) {
174 *p += v;
175 }
176 ...
177 fn inc(p: &mut uint) -> uint {
178 *p += 1; *p
179 }
180 fn weird() {
181 let mut x: Box<Foo> = box Foo { ... };
182 'a: add(&mut (*x).f,
183 'b: inc(&mut (*x).f)) // (..)
184 }
186 The important part is the line marked `(..)` which contains a call to
187 `add()`. The first argument is a mutable borrow of the field `f`. The
188 second argument also borrows the field `f`. Now, in the current borrow
189 checker, the first borrow is given the lifetime of the call to
190 `add()`, `'a`. The second borrow is given the lifetime of `'b` of the
191 call to `inc()`. Because `'b` is considered to be a sublifetime of
192 `'a`, an error is reported since there are two co-existing mutable
193 borrows of the same data.
195 However, if we were to examine the lifetimes a bit more carefully, we
196 can see that this error is unnecessary. Let's examine the lifetimes
197 involved with `'a` in detail. We'll break apart all the steps involved
198 in a call expression:
200 'a: {
201 'a_arg1: let a_temp1: ... = add;
202 'a_arg2: let a_temp2: &'a mut uint = &'a mut (*x).f;
203 'a_arg3: let a_temp3: uint = {
204 let b_temp1: ... = inc;
205 let b_temp2: &'b = &'b mut (*x).f;
206 'b_call: b_temp1(b_temp2)
207 };
208 'a_call: a_temp1(a_temp2, a_temp3) // (**)
209 }
211 Here we see that the lifetime `'a` includes a number of substatements.
212 In particular, there is this lifetime I've called `'a_call` that
213 corresponds to the *actual execution of the function `add()`*, after
214 all arguments have been evaluated. There is a corresponding lifetime
215 `'b_call` for the execution of `inc()`. If we wanted to be precise
216 about it, the lifetime of the two borrows should be `'a_call` and
217 `'b_call` respectively, since the references that were created
218 will not be dereferenced except during the execution itself.
220 However, this model by itself is not sound. The reason is that
221 while the two references that are created will never be used
222 simultaneously, it is still true that the first reference is
223 *created* before the second argument is evaluated, and so even though
224 it will not be *dereferenced* during the evaluation of the second
225 argument, it can still be *invalidated* by that evaluation. Consider
226 this similar but unsound example:
228 struct Foo { f: uint, g: uint }
229 ...
230 fn add(p: &mut uint, v: uint) {
231 *p += v;
232 }
233 ...
234 fn consume(x: Box<Foo>) -> uint {
235 x.f + x.g
236 }
237 fn weird() {
238 let mut x: Box<Foo> = box Foo { ... };
239 'a: add(&mut (*x).f, consume(x)) // (..)
240 }
242 In this case, the second argument to `add` actually consumes `x`, thus
243 invalidating the first argument.
245 So, for now, we exclude the `call` lifetimes from our model.
246 Eventually I would like to include them, but we will have to make the
247 borrow checker handle this situation correctly. In particular, if
248 there is a reference created whose lifetime does not enclose
249 the borrow expression, we must issue sufficient restrictions to ensure
250 that the pointee remains valid.
252 ## Adding closures
254 The other significant complication to the region hierarchy is
255 closures. I will describe here how closures should work, though some
256 of the work to implement this model is ongoing at the time of this
257 writing.
259 The body of closures are type-checked along with the function that
260 creates them. However, unlike other expressions that appear within the
261 function body, it is not entirely obvious when a closure body executes
262 with respect to the other expressions. This is because the closure
263 body will execute whenever the closure is called; however, we can
264 never know precisely when the closure will be called, especially
265 without some sort of alias analysis.
267 However, we can place some sort of limits on when the closure
268 executes. In particular, the type of every closure `fn:'r K` includes
269 a region bound `'r`. This bound indicates the maximum lifetime of that
270 closure; once we exit that region, the closure cannot be called
271 anymore. Therefore, we say that the lifetime of the closure body is a
272 sublifetime of the closure bound, but the closure body itself is unordered
273 with respect to other parts of the code.
275 For example, consider the following fragment of code:
277 'a: {
278 let closure: fn:'a() = || 'b: {
279 'c: ...
280 };
281 'd: ...
282 }
284 Here we have four lifetimes, `'a`, `'b`, `'c`, and `'d`. The closure
285 `closure` is bounded by the lifetime `'a`. The lifetime `'b` is the
286 lifetime of the closure body, and `'c` is some statement within the
287 closure body. Finally, `'d` is a statement within the outer block that
288 created the closure.
290 We can say that the closure body `'b` is a sublifetime of `'a` due to
291 the closure bound. By the usual lexical scoping conventions, the
292 statement `'c` is clearly a sublifetime of `'b`, and `'d` is a
293 sublifetime of `'d`. However, there is no ordering between `'c` and
294 `'d` per se (this kind of ordering between statements is actually only
295 an issue for dataflow; passes like the borrow checker must assume that
296 closures could execute at any time from the moment they are created
297 until they go out of scope).
299 ### Complications due to closure bound inference
301 There is only one problem with the above model: in general, we do not
302 actually *know* the closure bounds during region inference! In fact,
303 closure bounds are almost always region variables! This is very tricky
304 because the inference system implicitly assumes that we can do things
305 like compute the LUB of two scoped lifetimes without needing to know
306 the values of any variables.
308 Here is an example to illustrate the problem:
310 fn identify<T>(x: T) -> T { x }
312 fn foo() { // 'foo is the function body
313 'a: {
314 let closure = identity(|| 'b: {
315 'c: ...
316 });
317 'd: closure();
318 }
319 'e: ...;
320 }
322 In this example, the closure bound is not explicit. At compile time,
323 we will create a region variable (let's call it `V0`) to represent the
324 closure bound.
326 The primary difficulty arises during the constraint propagation phase.
327 Imagine there is some variable with incoming edges from `'c` and `'d`.
328 This means that the value of the variable must be `LUB('c,
329 'd)`. However, without knowing what the closure bound `V0` is, we
330 can't compute the LUB of `'c` and `'d`! Any we don't know the closure
331 bound until inference is done.
333 The solution is to rely on the fixed point nature of inference.
334 Basically, when we must compute `LUB('c, 'd)`, we just use the current
335 value for `V0` as the closure's bound. If `V0`'s binding should
336 change, then we will do another round of inference, and the result of
337 `LUB('c, 'd)` will change.
339 One minor implication of this is that the graph does not in fact track
340 the full set of dependencies between edges. We cannot easily know
341 whether the result of a LUB computation will change, since there may
342 be indirect dependencies on other variables that are not reflected on
343 the graph. Therefore, we must *always* iterate over all edges when
344 doing the fixed point calculation, not just those adjacent to nodes
345 whose values have changed.
347 Were it not for this requirement, we could in fact avoid fixed-point
348 iteration altogether. In that universe, we could instead first
349 identify and remove strongly connected components (SCC) in the graph.
350 Note that such components must consist solely of region variables; all
351 of these variables can effectively be unified into a single variable.
352 Once SCCs are removed, we are left with a DAG. At this point, we
353 could walk the DAG in topological order once to compute the expanding
354 nodes, and again in reverse topological order to compute the
355 contracting nodes. However, as I said, this does not work given the
356 current treatment of closure bounds, but perhaps in the future we can
357 address this problem somehow and make region inference somewhat more
358 efficient. Note that this is solely a matter of performance, not
359 expressiveness.
361 ### Skolemization
363 For a discussion on skolemization and higher-ranked subtyping, please
364 see the module `middle::infer::higher_ranked::doc`.