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[rustc.git] / src / librustc / middle / mem_categorization.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! # Categorization
12 //!
13 //! The job of the categorization module is to analyze an expression to
14 //! determine what kind of memory is used in evaluating it (for example,
15 //! where dereferences occur and what kind of pointer is dereferenced;
16 //! whether the memory is mutable; etc)
17 //!
18 //! Categorization effectively transforms all of our expressions into
19 //! expressions of the following forms (the actual enum has many more
20 //! possibilities, naturally, but they are all variants of these base
21 //! forms):
22 //!
23 //! E = rvalue // some computed rvalue
24 //! | x // address of a local variable or argument
25 //! | *E // deref of a ptr
26 //! | E.comp // access to an interior component
27 //!
28 //! Imagine a routine ToAddr(Expr) that evaluates an expression and returns an
29 //! address where the result is to be found. If Expr is an lvalue, then this
30 //! is the address of the lvalue. If Expr is an rvalue, this is the address of
31 //! some temporary spot in memory where the result is stored.
32 //!
33 //! Now, cat_expr() classifies the expression Expr and the address A=ToAddr(Expr)
34 //! as follows:
35 //!
36 //! - cat: what kind of expression was this? This is a subset of the
37 //! full expression forms which only includes those that we care about
38 //! for the purpose of the analysis.
39 //! - mutbl: mutability of the address A
40 //! - ty: the type of data found at the address A
41 //!
42 //! The resulting categorization tree differs somewhat from the expressions
43 //! themselves. For example, auto-derefs are explicit. Also, an index a[b] is
44 //! decomposed into two operations: a dereference to reach the array data and
45 //! then an index to jump forward to the relevant item.
46 //!
47 //! ## By-reference upvars
48 //!
49 //! One part of the translation which may be non-obvious is that we translate
50 //! closure upvars into the dereference of a borrowed pointer; this more closely
51 //! resembles the runtime translation. So, for example, if we had:
52 //!
53 //! let mut x = 3;
54 //! let y = 5;
55 //! let inc = || x += y;
56 //!
57 //! Then when we categorize `x` (*within* the closure) we would yield a
58 //! result of `*x'`, effectively, where `x'` is a `cat_upvar` reference
59 //! tied to `x`. The type of `x'` will be a borrowed pointer.
61 #![allow(non_camel_case_types)]
63 pub use self::PointerKind::*;
64 pub use self::InteriorKind::*;
65 pub use self::FieldName::*;
66 pub use self::ElementKind::*;
67 pub use self::MutabilityCategory::*;
68 pub use self::InteriorSafety::*;
69 pub use self::AliasableReason::*;
70 pub use self::Note::*;
71 pub use self::deref_kind::*;
72 pub use self::categorization::*;
74 use self::Aliasability::*;
76 use middle::check_const;
77 use middle::def;
78 use middle::region;
79 use middle::ty::{self, Ty};
80 use util::nodemap::NodeMap;
81 use util::ppaux::{Repr, UserString};
83 use syntax::ast::{MutImmutable, MutMutable};
84 use syntax::ast;
85 use syntax::ast_map;
86 use syntax::codemap::Span;
87 use syntax::print::pprust;
88 use syntax::parse::token;
90 use std::cell::RefCell;
91 use std::rc::Rc;
93 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
94 pub enum categorization<'tcx> {
95 cat_rvalue(ty::Region), // temporary val, argument is its scope
96 cat_static_item,
97 cat_upvar(Upvar), // upvar referenced by closure env
98 cat_local(ast::NodeId), // local variable
99 cat_deref(cmt<'tcx>, usize, PointerKind), // deref of a ptr
100 cat_interior(cmt<'tcx>, InteriorKind), // something interior: field, tuple, etc
101 cat_downcast(cmt<'tcx>, ast::DefId), // selects a particular enum variant (*1)
103 // (*1) downcast is only required if the enum has more than one variant
104 }
106 // Represents any kind of upvar
107 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
108 pub struct Upvar {
109 pub id: ty::UpvarId,
110 pub kind: ty::ClosureKind
111 }
113 // different kinds of pointers:
114 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
115 pub enum PointerKind {
116 /// `Box<T>`
117 Unique,
119 /// `&T`
120 BorrowedPtr(ty::BorrowKind, ty::Region),
122 /// `*T`
123 UnsafePtr(ast::Mutability),
125 /// Implicit deref of the `&T` that results from an overloaded index `[]`.
126 Implicit(ty::BorrowKind, ty::Region),
127 }
129 // We use the term "interior" to mean "something reachable from the
130 // base without a pointer dereference", e.g. a field
131 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
132 pub enum InteriorKind {
133 InteriorField(FieldName),
134 InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind, ElementKind),
135 }
137 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
138 pub enum FieldName {
139 NamedField(ast::Name),
140 PositionalField(usize)
141 }
143 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
144 pub enum InteriorOffsetKind {
145 Index, // e.g. `array_expr[index_expr]`
146 Pattern, // e.g. `fn foo([_, a, _, _]: [A; 4]) { ... }`
147 }
149 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
150 pub enum ElementKind {
151 VecElement,
152 OtherElement,
153 }
155 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
156 pub enum MutabilityCategory {
157 McImmutable, // Immutable.
158 McDeclared, // Directly declared as mutable.
159 McInherited, // Inherited from the fact that owner is mutable.
160 }
162 // A note about the provenance of a `cmt`. This is used for
163 // special-case handling of upvars such as mutability inference.
164 // Upvar categorization can generate a variable number of nested
165 // derefs. The note allows detecting them without deep pattern
166 // matching on the categorization.
167 #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
168 pub enum Note {
169 NoteClosureEnv(ty::UpvarId), // Deref through closure env
170 NoteUpvarRef(ty::UpvarId), // Deref through by-ref upvar
171 NoteNone // Nothing special
172 }
174 // `cmt`: "Category, Mutability, and Type".
175 //
176 // a complete categorization of a value indicating where it originated
177 // and how it is located, as well as the mutability of the memory in
178 // which the value is stored.
179 //
180 // *WARNING* The field `cmt.type` is NOT necessarily the same as the
181 // result of `node_id_to_type(cmt.id)`. This is because the `id` is
182 // always the `id` of the node producing the type; in an expression
183 // like `*x`, the type of this deref node is the deref'd type (`T`),
184 // but in a pattern like `@x`, the `@x` pattern is again a
185 // dereference, but its type is the type *before* the dereference
186 // (`@T`). So use `cmt.ty` to find the type of the value in a consistent
187 // fashion. For more details, see the method `cat_pattern`
188 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
189 pub struct cmt_<'tcx> {
190 pub id: ast::NodeId, // id of expr/pat producing this value
191 pub span: Span, // span of same expr/pat
192 pub cat: categorization<'tcx>, // categorization of expr
193 pub mutbl: MutabilityCategory, // mutability of expr as lvalue
194 pub ty: Ty<'tcx>, // type of the expr (*see WARNING above*)
195 pub note: Note, // Note about the provenance of this cmt
196 }
198 pub type cmt<'tcx> = Rc<cmt_<'tcx>>;
200 // We pun on *T to mean both actual deref of a ptr as well
201 // as accessing of components:
202 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
203 pub enum deref_kind {
204 deref_ptr(PointerKind),
205 deref_interior(InteriorKind),
206 }
208 type DerefKindContext = Option<InteriorOffsetKind>;
210 // Categorizes a derefable type. Note that we include vectors and strings as
211 // derefable (we model an index as the combination of a deref and then a
212 // pointer adjustment).
213 fn deref_kind(t: Ty, context: DerefKindContext) -> McResult<deref_kind> {
214 match t.sty {
215 ty::ty_uniq(_) => {
216 Ok(deref_ptr(Unique))
217 }
219 ty::ty_rptr(r, mt) => {
220 let kind = ty::BorrowKind::from_mutbl(mt.mutbl);
221 Ok(deref_ptr(BorrowedPtr(kind, *r)))
222 }
224 ty::ty_ptr(ref mt) => {
225 Ok(deref_ptr(UnsafePtr(mt.mutbl)))
226 }
228 ty::ty_enum(..) |
229 ty::ty_struct(..) => { // newtype
230 Ok(deref_interior(InteriorField(PositionalField(0))))
231 }
233 ty::ty_vec(_, _) | ty::ty_str => {
234 // no deref of indexed content without supplying InteriorOffsetKind
235 if let Some(context) = context {
236 Ok(deref_interior(InteriorElement(context, element_kind(t))))
237 } else {
238 Err(())
239 }
240 }
242 _ => Err(()),
243 }
244 }
246 pub trait ast_node {
247 fn id(&self) -> ast::NodeId;
248 fn span(&self) -> Span;
249 }
251 impl ast_node for ast::Expr {
252 fn id(&self) -> ast::NodeId { self.id }
253 fn span(&self) -> Span { self.span }
254 }
256 impl ast_node for ast::Pat {
257 fn id(&self) -> ast::NodeId { self.id }
258 fn span(&self) -> Span { self.span }
259 }
261 pub struct MemCategorizationContext<'t,TYPER:'t> {
262 typer: &'t TYPER
263 }
265 impl<'t,TYPER:'t> Copy for MemCategorizationContext<'t,TYPER> {}
266 impl<'t,TYPER:'t> Clone for MemCategorizationContext<'t,TYPER> {
267 fn clone(&self) -> MemCategorizationContext<'t,TYPER> { *self }
268 }
270 pub type McResult<T> = Result<T, ()>;
272 /// The `Typer` trait provides the interface for the mem-categorization
273 /// module to the results of the type check. It can be used to query
274 /// the type assigned to an expression node, to inquire after adjustments,
275 /// and so on.
276 ///
277 /// This interface is needed because mem-categorization is used from
278 /// two places: `regionck` and `borrowck`. `regionck` executes before
279 /// type inference is complete, and hence derives types and so on from
280 /// intermediate tables. This also implies that type errors can occur,
281 /// and hence `node_ty()` and friends return a `Result` type -- any
282 /// error will propagate back up through the mem-categorization
283 /// routines.
284 ///
285 /// In the borrow checker, in contrast, type checking is complete and we
286 /// know that no errors have occurred, so we simply consult the tcx and we
287 /// can be sure that only `Ok` results will occur.
288 pub trait Typer<'tcx> : ty::ClosureTyper<'tcx> {
289 fn node_ty(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>>;
290 fn expr_ty_adjusted(&self, expr: &ast::Expr) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>>;
291 fn type_moves_by_default(&self, span: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool;
292 fn node_method_ty(&self, method_call: ty::MethodCall) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>>;
293 fn node_method_origin(&self, method_call: ty::MethodCall)
294 -> Option<ty::MethodOrigin<'tcx>>;
295 fn adjustments<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<NodeMap<ty::AutoAdjustment<'tcx>>>;
296 fn is_method_call(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> bool;
297 fn temporary_scope(&self, rvalue_id: ast::NodeId) -> Option<region::CodeExtent>;
298 fn upvar_capture(&self, upvar_id: ty::UpvarId) -> Option<ty::UpvarCapture>;
299 }
301 impl MutabilityCategory {
302 pub fn from_mutbl(m: ast::Mutability) -> MutabilityCategory {
303 let ret = match m {
304 MutImmutable => McImmutable,
305 MutMutable => McDeclared
306 };
307 debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}({:?}) => {:?}",
308 "from_mutbl", m, ret);
309 ret
310 }
312 pub fn from_borrow_kind(borrow_kind: ty::BorrowKind) -> MutabilityCategory {
313 let ret = match borrow_kind {
314 ty::ImmBorrow => McImmutable,
315 ty::UniqueImmBorrow => McImmutable,
316 ty::MutBorrow => McDeclared,
317 };
318 debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}({:?}) => {:?}",
319 "from_borrow_kind", borrow_kind, ret);
320 ret
321 }
323 fn from_pointer_kind(base_mutbl: MutabilityCategory,
324 ptr: PointerKind) -> MutabilityCategory {
325 let ret = match ptr {
326 Unique => {
327 base_mutbl.inherit()
328 }
329 BorrowedPtr(borrow_kind, _) | Implicit(borrow_kind, _) => {
330 MutabilityCategory::from_borrow_kind(borrow_kind)
331 }
332 UnsafePtr(m) => {
333 MutabilityCategory::from_mutbl(m)
334 }
335 };
336 debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}({:?}, {:?}) => {:?}",
337 "from_pointer_kind", base_mutbl, ptr, ret);
338 ret
339 }
341 fn from_local(tcx: &ty::ctxt, id: ast::NodeId) -> MutabilityCategory {
342 let ret = match tcx.map.get(id) {
343 ast_map::NodeLocal(p) | ast_map::NodeArg(p) => match p.node {
344 ast::PatIdent(bind_mode, _, _) => {
345 if bind_mode == ast::BindByValue(ast::MutMutable) {
346 McDeclared
347 } else {
348 McImmutable
349 }
350 }
351 _ => tcx.sess.span_bug(p.span, "expected identifier pattern")
352 },
353 _ => tcx.sess.span_bug(tcx.map.span(id), "expected identifier pattern")
354 };
355 debug!("MutabilityCategory::{}(tcx, id={:?}) => {:?}",
356 "from_local", id, ret);
357 ret
358 }
360 pub fn inherit(&self) -> MutabilityCategory {
361 let ret = match *self {
362 McImmutable => McImmutable,
363 McDeclared => McInherited,
364 McInherited => McInherited,
365 };
366 debug!("{:?}.inherit() => {:?}", self, ret);
367 ret
368 }
370 pub fn is_mutable(&self) -> bool {
371 let ret = match *self {
372 McImmutable => false,
373 McInherited => true,
374 McDeclared => true,
375 };
376 debug!("{:?}.is_mutable() => {:?}", self, ret);
377 ret
378 }
380 pub fn is_immutable(&self) -> bool {
381 let ret = match *self {
382 McImmutable => true,
383 McDeclared | McInherited => false
384 };
385 debug!("{:?}.is_immutable() => {:?}", self, ret);
386 ret
387 }
389 pub fn to_user_str(&self) -> &'static str {
390 match *self {
391 McDeclared | McInherited => "mutable",
392 McImmutable => "immutable",
393 }
394 }
395 }
397 impl<'t,'tcx,TYPER:Typer<'tcx>> MemCategorizationContext<'t,TYPER> {
398 pub fn new(typer: &'t TYPER) -> MemCategorizationContext<'t,TYPER> {
399 MemCategorizationContext { typer: typer }
400 }
402 fn tcx(&self) -> &'t ty::ctxt<'tcx> {
403 self.typer.tcx()
404 }
406 fn expr_ty(&self, expr: &ast::Expr) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
407 self.typer.node_ty(expr.id)
408 }
410 fn expr_ty_adjusted(&self, expr: &ast::Expr) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
411 let unadjusted_ty = try!(self.expr_ty(expr));
412 Ok(ty::adjust_ty(self.tcx(), expr.span, expr.id, unadjusted_ty,
413 self.typer.adjustments().borrow().get(&expr.id),
414 |method_call| self.typer.node_method_ty(method_call)))
415 }
417 fn node_ty(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
418 self.typer.node_ty(id)
419 }
421 fn pat_ty(&self, pat: &ast::Pat) -> McResult<Ty<'tcx>> {
422 let tcx = self.typer.tcx();
423 let base_ty = try!(self.typer.node_ty(pat.id));
424 // FIXME (Issue #18207): This code detects whether we are
425 // looking at a `ref x`, and if so, figures out what the type
426 // *being borrowed* is. But ideally we would put in a more
427 // fundamental fix to this conflated use of the node id.
428 let ret_ty = match pat.node {
429 ast::PatIdent(ast::BindByRef(_), _, _) => {
430 // a bind-by-ref means that the base_ty will be the type of the ident itself,
431 // but what we want here is the type of the underlying value being borrowed.
432 // So peel off one-level, turning the &T into T.
433 match ty::deref(base_ty, false) {
434 Some(t) => t.ty,
435 None => { return Err(()); }
436 }
437 }
438 _ => base_ty,
439 };
440 debug!("pat_ty(pat={}) base_ty={} ret_ty={}",
441 pat.repr(tcx), base_ty.repr(tcx), ret_ty.repr(tcx));
442 Ok(ret_ty)
443 }
445 pub fn cat_expr(&self, expr: &ast::Expr) -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
446 match self.typer.adjustments().borrow().get(&expr.id) {
447 None => {
448 // No adjustments.
449 self.cat_expr_unadjusted(expr)
450 }
452 Some(adjustment) => {
453 match *adjustment {
454 ty::AdjustDerefRef(
455 ty::AutoDerefRef {
456 autoref: None, unsize: None, autoderefs, ..}) => {
457 // Equivalent to *expr or something similar.
458 self.cat_expr_autoderefd(expr, autoderefs)
459 }
461 ty::AdjustReifyFnPointer |
462 ty::AdjustUnsafeFnPointer |
463 ty::AdjustDerefRef(_) => {
464 debug!("cat_expr({}): {}",
465 adjustment.repr(self.tcx()),
466 expr.repr(self.tcx()));
467 // Result is an rvalue.
468 let expr_ty = try!(self.expr_ty_adjusted(expr));
469 Ok(self.cat_rvalue_node(expr.id(), expr.span(), expr_ty))
470 }
471 }
472 }
473 }
474 }
476 pub fn cat_expr_autoderefd(&self,
477 expr: &ast::Expr,
478 autoderefs: usize)
479 -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
480 let mut cmt = try!(self.cat_expr_unadjusted(expr));
481 debug!("cat_expr_autoderefd: autoderefs={}, cmt={}",
482 autoderefs,
483 cmt.repr(self.tcx()));
484 for deref in 1..autoderefs + 1 {
485 cmt = try!(self.cat_deref(expr, cmt, deref, None));
486 }
487 return Ok(cmt);
488 }
490 pub fn cat_expr_unadjusted(&self, expr: &ast::Expr) -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
491 debug!("cat_expr: id={} expr={}", expr.id, expr.repr(self.tcx()));
493 let expr_ty = try!(self.expr_ty(expr));
494 match expr.node {
495 ast::ExprUnary(ast::UnDeref, ref e_base) => {
496 let base_cmt = try!(self.cat_expr(&**e_base));
497 self.cat_deref(expr, base_cmt, 0, None)
498 }
500 ast::ExprField(ref base, f_name) => {
501 let base_cmt = try!(self.cat_expr(&**base));
502 debug!("cat_expr(cat_field): id={} expr={} base={}",
503 expr.id,
504 expr.repr(self.tcx()),
505 base_cmt.repr(self.tcx()));
506 Ok(self.cat_field(expr, base_cmt, f_name.node.name, expr_ty))
507 }
509 ast::ExprTupField(ref base, idx) => {
510 let base_cmt = try!(self.cat_expr(&**base));
511 Ok(self.cat_tup_field(expr, base_cmt, idx.node, expr_ty))
512 }
514 ast::ExprIndex(ref base, _) => {
515 let method_call = ty::MethodCall::expr(expr.id());
516 let context = InteriorOffsetKind::Index;
517 match self.typer.node_method_ty(method_call) {
518 Some(method_ty) => {
519 // If this is an index implemented by a method call, then it
520 // will include an implicit deref of the result.
521 let ret_ty = self.overloaded_method_return_ty(method_ty);
523 // The index method always returns an `&T`, so
524 // dereference it to find the result type.
525 let elem_ty = match ret_ty.sty {
526 ty::ty_rptr(_, mt) => mt.ty,
527 _ => {
528 debug!("cat_expr_unadjusted: return type of overloaded index is {}?",
529 ret_ty.repr(self.tcx()));
530 return Err(());
531 }
532 };
534 // The call to index() returns a `&T` value, which
535 // is an rvalue. That is what we will be
536 // dereferencing.
537 let base_cmt = self.cat_rvalue_node(expr.id(), expr.span(), ret_ty);
538 self.cat_deref_common(expr, base_cmt, 1, elem_ty, Some(context), true)
539 }
540 None => {
541 self.cat_index(expr, try!(self.cat_expr(&**base)), context)
542 }
543 }
544 }
546 ast::ExprPath(..) => {
547 let def = self.tcx().def_map.borrow().get(&expr.id).unwrap().full_def();
548 self.cat_def(expr.id, expr.span, expr_ty, def)
549 }
551 ast::ExprParen(ref e) => {
552 self.cat_expr(&**e)
553 }
555 ast::ExprAddrOf(..) | ast::ExprCall(..) |
556 ast::ExprAssign(..) | ast::ExprAssignOp(..) |
557 ast::ExprClosure(..) | ast::ExprRet(..) |
558 ast::ExprUnary(..) | ast::ExprRange(..) |
559 ast::ExprMethodCall(..) | ast::ExprCast(..) |
560 ast::ExprVec(..) | ast::ExprTup(..) | ast::ExprIf(..) |
561 ast::ExprBinary(..) | ast::ExprWhile(..) |
562 ast::ExprBlock(..) | ast::ExprLoop(..) | ast::ExprMatch(..) |
563 ast::ExprLit(..) | ast::ExprBreak(..) | ast::ExprMac(..) |
564 ast::ExprAgain(..) | ast::ExprStruct(..) | ast::ExprRepeat(..) |
565 ast::ExprInlineAsm(..) | ast::ExprBox(..) => {
566 Ok(self.cat_rvalue_node(expr.id(), expr.span(), expr_ty))
567 }
569 ast::ExprIfLet(..) => {
570 self.tcx().sess.span_bug(expr.span, "non-desugared ExprIfLet");
571 }
572 ast::ExprWhileLet(..) => {
573 self.tcx().sess.span_bug(expr.span, "non-desugared ExprWhileLet");
574 }
575 ast::ExprForLoop(..) => {
576 self.tcx().sess.span_bug(expr.span, "non-desugared ExprForLoop");
577 }
578 }
579 }
581 pub fn cat_def(&self,
582 id: ast::NodeId,
583 span: Span,
584 expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
585 def: def::Def)
586 -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
587 debug!("cat_def: id={} expr={} def={:?}",
588 id, expr_ty.repr(self.tcx()), def);
590 match def {
591 def::DefStruct(..) | def::DefVariant(..) | def::DefConst(..) |
592 def::DefAssociatedConst(..) | def::DefFn(..) | def::DefMethod(..) => {
593 Ok(self.cat_rvalue_node(id, span, expr_ty))
594 }
595 def::DefMod(_) | def::DefForeignMod(_) | def::DefUse(_) |
596 def::DefTrait(_) | def::DefTy(..) | def::DefPrimTy(_) |
597 def::DefTyParam(..) | def::DefRegion(_) |
598 def::DefLabel(_) | def::DefSelfTy(..) |
599 def::DefAssociatedTy(..) => {
600 Ok(Rc::new(cmt_ {
601 id:id,
602 span:span,
603 cat:cat_static_item,
604 mutbl: McImmutable,
605 ty:expr_ty,
606 note: NoteNone
607 }))
608 }
610 def::DefStatic(_, mutbl) => {
611 Ok(Rc::new(cmt_ {
612 id:id,
613 span:span,
614 cat:cat_static_item,
615 mutbl: if mutbl { McDeclared } else { McImmutable},
616 ty:expr_ty,
617 note: NoteNone
618 }))
619 }
621 def::DefUpvar(var_id, fn_node_id) => {
622 let ty = try!(self.node_ty(fn_node_id));
623 match ty.sty {
624 ty::ty_closure(closure_id, _) => {
625 match self.typer.closure_kind(closure_id) {
626 Some(kind) => {
627 self.cat_upvar(id, span, var_id, fn_node_id, kind)
628 }
629 None => {
630 self.tcx().sess.span_bug(
631 span,
632 &*format!("No closure kind for {:?}", closure_id));
633 }
634 }
635 }
636 _ => {
637 self.tcx().sess.span_bug(
638 span,
639 &format!("Upvar of non-closure {} - {}",
640 fn_node_id,
641 ty.repr(self.tcx())));
642 }
643 }
644 }
646 def::DefLocal(vid) => {
647 Ok(Rc::new(cmt_ {
648 id: id,
649 span: span,
650 cat: cat_local(vid),
651 mutbl: MutabilityCategory::from_local(self.tcx(), vid),
652 ty: expr_ty,
653 note: NoteNone
654 }))
655 }
656 }
657 }
659 // Categorize an upvar, complete with invisible derefs of closure
660 // environment and upvar reference as appropriate.
661 fn cat_upvar(&self,
662 id: ast::NodeId,
663 span: Span,
664 var_id: ast::NodeId,
665 fn_node_id: ast::NodeId,
666 kind: ty::ClosureKind)
667 -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>>
668 {
669 // An upvar can have up to 3 components. We translate first to a
670 // `cat_upvar`, which is itself a fiction -- it represents the reference to the
671 // field from the environment.
672 //
673 // `cat_upvar`. Next, we add a deref through the implicit
674 // environment pointer with an anonymous free region 'env and
675 // appropriate borrow kind for closure kinds that take self by
676 // reference. Finally, if the upvar was captured
677 // by-reference, we add a deref through that reference. The
678 // region of this reference is an inference variable 'up that
679 // was previously generated and recorded in the upvar borrow
680 // map. The borrow kind bk is inferred by based on how the
681 // upvar is used.
682 //
683 // This results in the following table for concrete closure
684 // types:
685 //
686 // | move | ref
687 // ---------------+----------------------+-------------------------------
688 // Fn | copied -> &'env | upvar -> &'env -> &'up bk
689 // FnMut | copied -> &'env mut | upvar -> &'env mut -> &'up bk
690 // FnOnce | copied | upvar -> &'up bk
692 let upvar_id = ty::UpvarId { var_id: var_id,
693 closure_expr_id: fn_node_id };
694 let var_ty = try!(self.node_ty(var_id));
696 // Mutability of original variable itself
697 let var_mutbl = MutabilityCategory::from_local(self.tcx(), var_id);
699 // Construct the upvar. This represents access to the field
700 // from the environment (perhaps we should eventually desugar
701 // this field further, but it will do for now).
702 let cmt_result = cmt_ {
703 id: id,
704 span: span,
705 cat: cat_upvar(Upvar {id: upvar_id, kind: kind}),
706 mutbl: var_mutbl,
707 ty: var_ty,
708 note: NoteNone
709 };
711 // If this is a `FnMut` or `Fn` closure, then the above is
712 // conceptually a `&mut` or `&` reference, so we have to add a
713 // deref.
714 let cmt_result = match kind {
715 ty::FnOnceClosureKind => {
716 cmt_result
717 }
718 ty::FnMutClosureKind => {
719 self.env_deref(id, span, upvar_id, var_mutbl, ty::MutBorrow, cmt_result)
720 }
721 ty::FnClosureKind => {
722 self.env_deref(id, span, upvar_id, var_mutbl, ty::ImmBorrow, cmt_result)
723 }
724 };
726 // If this is a by-ref capture, then the upvar we loaded is
727 // actually a reference, so we have to add an implicit deref
728 // for that.
729 let upvar_id = ty::UpvarId { var_id: var_id,
730 closure_expr_id: fn_node_id };
731 let upvar_capture = self.typer.upvar_capture(upvar_id).unwrap();
732 let cmt_result = match upvar_capture {
733 ty::UpvarCapture::ByValue => {
734 cmt_result
735 }
736 ty::UpvarCapture::ByRef(upvar_borrow) => {
737 let ptr = BorrowedPtr(upvar_borrow.kind, upvar_borrow.region);
738 cmt_ {
739 id: id,
740 span: span,
741 cat: cat_deref(Rc::new(cmt_result), 0, ptr),
742 mutbl: MutabilityCategory::from_borrow_kind(upvar_borrow.kind),
743 ty: var_ty,
744 note: NoteUpvarRef(upvar_id)
745 }
746 }
747 };
749 let ret = Rc::new(cmt_result);
750 debug!("cat_upvar ret={}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
751 Ok(ret)
752 }
754 fn env_deref(&self,
755 id: ast::NodeId,
756 span: Span,
757 upvar_id: ty::UpvarId,
758 upvar_mutbl: MutabilityCategory,
759 env_borrow_kind: ty::BorrowKind,
760 cmt_result: cmt_<'tcx>)
761 -> cmt_<'tcx>
762 {
763 // Look up the node ID of the closure body so we can construct
764 // a free region within it
765 let fn_body_id = {
766 let fn_expr = match self.tcx().map.find(upvar_id.closure_expr_id) {
767 Some(ast_map::NodeExpr(e)) => e,
768 _ => unreachable!()
769 };
771 match fn_expr.node {
772 ast::ExprClosure(_, _, ref body) => body.id,
773 _ => unreachable!()
774 }
775 };
777 // Region of environment pointer
778 let env_region = ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion {
779 // The environment of a closure is guaranteed to
780 // outlive any bindings introduced in the body of the
781 // closure itself.
782 scope: region::DestructionScopeData::new(fn_body_id),
783 bound_region: ty::BrEnv
784 });
786 let env_ptr = BorrowedPtr(env_borrow_kind, env_region);
788 let var_ty = cmt_result.ty;
790 // We need to add the env deref. This means
791 // that the above is actually immutable and
792 // has a ref type. However, nothing should
793 // actually look at the type, so we can get
794 // away with stuffing a `ty_err` in there
795 // instead of bothering to construct a proper
796 // one.
797 let cmt_result = cmt_ {
798 mutbl: McImmutable,
799 ty: self.tcx().types.err,
800 ..cmt_result
801 };
803 let mut deref_mutbl = MutabilityCategory::from_borrow_kind(env_borrow_kind);
805 // Issue #18335. If variable is declared as immutable, override the
806 // mutability from the environment and substitute an `&T` anyway.
807 match upvar_mutbl {
808 McImmutable => { deref_mutbl = McImmutable; }
809 McDeclared | McInherited => { }
810 }
812 let ret = cmt_ {
813 id: id,
814 span: span,
815 cat: cat_deref(Rc::new(cmt_result), 0, env_ptr),
816 mutbl: deref_mutbl,
817 ty: var_ty,
818 note: NoteClosureEnv(upvar_id)
819 };
821 debug!("env_deref ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
823 ret
824 }
826 /// Returns the lifetime of a temporary created by expr with id `id`.
827 /// This could be `'static` if `id` is part of a constant expression.
828 pub fn temporary_scope(&self, id: ast::NodeId) -> ty::Region {
829 match self.typer.temporary_scope(id) {
830 Some(scope) => ty::ReScope(scope),
831 None => ty::ReStatic
832 }
833 }
835 pub fn cat_rvalue_node(&self,
836 id: ast::NodeId,
837 span: Span,
838 expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
839 -> cmt<'tcx> {
840 let qualif = self.tcx().const_qualif_map.borrow().get(&id).cloned()
841 .unwrap_or(check_const::ConstQualif::NOT_CONST);
843 // Only promote `[T; 0]` before an RFC for rvalue promotions
844 // is accepted.
845 let qualif = match expr_ty.sty {
846 ty::ty_vec(_, Some(0)) => qualif,
847 _ => check_const::ConstQualif::NOT_CONST
848 };
850 // Compute maximum lifetime of this rvalue. This is 'static if
851 // we can promote to a constant, otherwise equal to enclosing temp
852 // lifetime.
853 let re = if qualif.intersects(check_const::ConstQualif::NON_STATIC_BORROWS) {
854 self.temporary_scope(id)
855 } else {
856 ty::ReStatic
857 };
858 let ret = self.cat_rvalue(id, span, re, expr_ty);
859 debug!("cat_rvalue_node ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
860 ret
861 }
863 pub fn cat_rvalue(&self,
864 cmt_id: ast::NodeId,
865 span: Span,
866 temp_scope: ty::Region,
867 expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> cmt<'tcx> {
868 let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
869 id:cmt_id,
870 span:span,
871 cat:cat_rvalue(temp_scope),
872 mutbl:McDeclared,
873 ty:expr_ty,
874 note: NoteNone
875 });
876 debug!("cat_rvalue ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
877 ret
878 }
880 pub fn cat_field<N:ast_node>(&self,
881 node: &N,
882 base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
883 f_name: ast::Name,
884 f_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
885 -> cmt<'tcx> {
886 let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
887 id: node.id(),
888 span: node.span(),
889 mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
890 cat: cat_interior(base_cmt, InteriorField(NamedField(f_name))),
891 ty: f_ty,
892 note: NoteNone
893 });
894 debug!("cat_field ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
895 ret
896 }
898 pub fn cat_tup_field<N:ast_node>(&self,
899 node: &N,
900 base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
901 f_idx: usize,
902 f_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
903 -> cmt<'tcx> {
904 let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
905 id: node.id(),
906 span: node.span(),
907 mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
908 cat: cat_interior(base_cmt, InteriorField(PositionalField(f_idx))),
909 ty: f_ty,
910 note: NoteNone
911 });
912 debug!("cat_tup_field ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
913 ret
914 }
916 fn cat_deref<N:ast_node>(&self,
917 node: &N,
918 base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
919 deref_cnt: usize,
920 deref_context: DerefKindContext)
921 -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
922 let method_call = ty::MethodCall {
923 expr_id: node.id(),
924 autoderef: deref_cnt as u32
925 };
926 let method_ty = self.typer.node_method_ty(method_call);
928 debug!("cat_deref: method_call={:?} method_ty={:?}",
929 method_call, method_ty.map(|ty| ty.repr(self.tcx())));
931 let base_cmt = match method_ty {
932 Some(method_ty) => {
933 let ref_ty =
934 ty::no_late_bound_regions(
935 self.tcx(), &ty::ty_fn_ret(method_ty)).unwrap().unwrap();
936 self.cat_rvalue_node(node.id(), node.span(), ref_ty)
937 }
938 None => base_cmt
939 };
940 let base_cmt_ty = base_cmt.ty;
941 match ty::deref(base_cmt_ty, true) {
942 Some(mt) => {
943 let ret = self.cat_deref_common(node, base_cmt, deref_cnt,
944 mt.ty,
945 deref_context,
946 /* implicit: */ false);
947 debug!("cat_deref ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
948 ret
949 }
950 None => {
951 debug!("Explicit deref of non-derefable type: {}",
952 base_cmt_ty.repr(self.tcx()));
953 return Err(());
954 }
955 }
956 }
958 fn cat_deref_common<N:ast_node>(&self,
959 node: &N,
960 base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
961 deref_cnt: usize,
962 deref_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
963 deref_context: DerefKindContext,
964 implicit: bool)
965 -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>>
966 {
967 let (m, cat) = match try!(deref_kind(base_cmt.ty, deref_context)) {
968 deref_ptr(ptr) => {
969 let ptr = if implicit {
970 match ptr {
971 BorrowedPtr(bk, r) => Implicit(bk, r),
972 _ => self.tcx().sess.span_bug(node.span(),
973 "Implicit deref of non-borrowed pointer")
974 }
975 } else {
976 ptr
977 };
978 // for unique ptrs, we inherit mutability from the
979 // owning reference.
980 (MutabilityCategory::from_pointer_kind(base_cmt.mutbl, ptr),
981 cat_deref(base_cmt, deref_cnt, ptr))
982 }
983 deref_interior(interior) => {
984 (base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(), cat_interior(base_cmt, interior))
985 }
986 };
987 let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
988 id: node.id(),
989 span: node.span(),
990 cat: cat,
991 mutbl: m,
992 ty: deref_ty,
993 note: NoteNone
994 });
995 debug!("cat_deref_common ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
996 Ok(ret)
997 }
999 pub fn cat_index<N:ast_node>(&self,
1000 elt: &N,
1001 mut base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
1002 context: InteriorOffsetKind)
1003 -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>> {
1004 //! Creates a cmt for an indexing operation (`[]`).
1005 //!
1006 //! One subtle aspect of indexing that may not be
1007 //! immediately obvious: for anything other than a fixed-length
1008 //! vector, an operation like `x[y]` actually consists of two
1009 //! disjoint (from the point of view of borrowck) operations.
1010 //! The first is a deref of `x` to create a pointer `p` that points
1011 //! at the first element in the array. The second operation is
1012 //! an index which adds `y*sizeof(T)` to `p` to obtain the
1013 //! pointer to `x[y]`. `cat_index` will produce a resulting
1014 //! cmt containing both this deref and the indexing,
1015 //! presuming that `base_cmt` is not of fixed-length type.
1016 //!
1017 //! # Parameters
1018 //! - `elt`: the AST node being indexed
1019 //! - `base_cmt`: the cmt of `elt`
1021 let method_call = ty::MethodCall::expr(elt.id());
1022 let method_ty = self.typer.node_method_ty(method_call);
1024 let element_ty = match method_ty {
1025 Some(method_ty) => {
1026 let ref_ty = self.overloaded_method_return_ty(method_ty);
1027 base_cmt = self.cat_rvalue_node(elt.id(), elt.span(), ref_ty);
1029 // FIXME(#20649) -- why are we using the `self_ty` as the element type...?
1030 let self_ty = ty::ty_fn_sig(method_ty).input(0);
1031 ty::no_late_bound_regions(self.tcx(), &self_ty).unwrap()
1032 }
1033 None => {
1034 match ty::array_element_ty(self.tcx(), base_cmt.ty) {
1035 Some(ty) => ty,
1036 None => {
1037 return Err(());
1038 }
1039 }
1040 }
1041 };
1043 let m = base_cmt.mutbl.inherit();
1044 let ret = interior(elt, base_cmt.clone(), base_cmt.ty,
1045 m, context, element_ty);
1046 debug!("cat_index ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
1047 return Ok(ret);
1049 fn interior<'tcx, N: ast_node>(elt: &N,
1050 of_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
1051 vec_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
1052 mutbl: MutabilityCategory,
1053 context: InteriorOffsetKind,
1054 element_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> cmt<'tcx>
1055 {
1056 let interior_elem = InteriorElement(context, element_kind(vec_ty));
1057 Rc::new(cmt_ {
1058 id:elt.id(),
1059 span:elt.span(),
1060 cat:cat_interior(of_cmt, interior_elem),
1061 mutbl:mutbl,
1062 ty:element_ty,
1063 note: NoteNone
1064 })
1065 }
1066 }
1068 // Takes either a vec or a reference to a vec and returns the cmt for the
1069 // underlying vec.
1070 fn deref_vec<N:ast_node>(&self,
1071 elt: &N,
1072 base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
1073 context: InteriorOffsetKind)
1074 -> McResult<cmt<'tcx>>
1075 {
1076 let ret = match try!(deref_kind(base_cmt.ty, Some(context))) {
1077 deref_ptr(ptr) => {
1078 // for unique ptrs, we inherit mutability from the
1079 // owning reference.
1080 let m = MutabilityCategory::from_pointer_kind(base_cmt.mutbl, ptr);
1082 // the deref is explicit in the resulting cmt
1083 Rc::new(cmt_ {
1084 id:elt.id(),
1085 span:elt.span(),
1086 cat:cat_deref(base_cmt.clone(), 0, ptr),
1087 mutbl:m,
1088 ty: match ty::deref(base_cmt.ty, false) {
1089 Some(mt) => mt.ty,
1090 None => self.tcx().sess.bug("Found non-derefable type")
1091 },
1092 note: NoteNone
1093 })
1094 }
1096 deref_interior(_) => {
1097 base_cmt
1098 }
1099 };
1100 debug!("deref_vec ret {}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
1101 Ok(ret)
1102 }
1104 /// Given a pattern P like: `[_, ..Q, _]`, where `vec_cmt` is the cmt for `P`, `slice_pat` is
1105 /// the pattern `Q`, returns:
1106 ///
1107 /// * a cmt for `Q`
1108 /// * the mutability and region of the slice `Q`
1109 ///
1110 /// These last two bits of info happen to be things that borrowck needs.
1111 pub fn cat_slice_pattern(&self,
1112 vec_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
1113 slice_pat: &ast::Pat)
1114 -> McResult<(cmt<'tcx>, ast::Mutability, ty::Region)> {
1115 let slice_ty = try!(self.node_ty(slice_pat.id));
1116 let (slice_mutbl, slice_r) = vec_slice_info(self.tcx(),
1117 slice_pat,
1118 slice_ty);
1119 let context = InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern;
1120 let cmt_vec = try!(self.deref_vec(slice_pat, vec_cmt, context));
1121 let cmt_slice = try!(self.cat_index(slice_pat, cmt_vec, context));
1122 return Ok((cmt_slice, slice_mutbl, slice_r));
1124 /// In a pattern like [a, b, ..c], normally `c` has slice type, but if you have [a, b,
1125 /// ..ref c], then the type of `ref c` will be `&&[]`, so to extract the slice details we
1126 /// have to recurse through rptrs.
1127 fn vec_slice_info(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
1128 pat: &ast::Pat,
1129 slice_ty: Ty)
1130 -> (ast::Mutability, ty::Region) {
1131 match slice_ty.sty {
1132 ty::ty_rptr(r, ref mt) => match mt.ty.sty {
1133 ty::ty_vec(_, None) => (mt.mutbl, *r),
1134 _ => vec_slice_info(tcx, pat, mt.ty),
1135 },
1137 _ => {
1138 tcx.sess.span_bug(pat.span,
1139 "type of slice pattern is not a slice");
1140 }
1141 }
1142 }
1143 }
1145 pub fn cat_imm_interior<N:ast_node>(&self,
1146 node: &N,
1147 base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
1148 interior_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
1149 interior: InteriorKind)
1150 -> cmt<'tcx> {
1151 let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
1152 id: node.id(),
1153 span: node.span(),
1154 mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
1155 cat: cat_interior(base_cmt, interior),
1156 ty: interior_ty,
1157 note: NoteNone
1158 });
1159 debug!("cat_imm_interior ret={}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
1160 ret
1161 }
1163 pub fn cat_downcast<N:ast_node>(&self,
1164 node: &N,
1165 base_cmt: cmt<'tcx>,
1166 downcast_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
1167 variant_did: ast::DefId)
1168 -> cmt<'tcx> {
1169 let ret = Rc::new(cmt_ {
1170 id: node.id(),
1171 span: node.span(),
1172 mutbl: base_cmt.mutbl.inherit(),
1173 cat: cat_downcast(base_cmt, variant_did),
1174 ty: downcast_ty,
1175 note: NoteNone
1176 });
1177 debug!("cat_downcast ret={}", ret.repr(self.tcx()));
1178 ret
1179 }
1181 pub fn cat_pattern<F>(&self, cmt: cmt<'tcx>, pat: &ast::Pat, mut op: F) -> McResult<()>
1182 where F: FnMut(&MemCategorizationContext<'t, TYPER>, cmt<'tcx>, &ast::Pat),
1183 {
1184 self.cat_pattern_(cmt, pat, &mut op)
1185 }
1187 // FIXME(#19596) This is a workaround, but there should be a better way to do this
1188 fn cat_pattern_<F>(&self, cmt: cmt<'tcx>, pat: &ast::Pat, op: &mut F)
1189 -> McResult<()>
1190 where F : FnMut(&MemCategorizationContext<'t, TYPER>, cmt<'tcx>, &ast::Pat),
1191 {
1192 // Here, `cmt` is the categorization for the value being
1193 // matched and pat is the pattern it is being matched against.
1194 //
1195 // In general, the way that this works is that we walk down
1196 // the pattern, constructing a cmt that represents the path
1197 // that will be taken to reach the value being matched.
1198 //
1199 // When we encounter named bindings, we take the cmt that has
1200 // been built up and pass it off to guarantee_valid() so that
1201 // we can be sure that the binding will remain valid for the
1202 // duration of the arm.
1203 //
1204 // (*2) There is subtlety concerning the correspondence between
1205 // pattern ids and types as compared to *expression* ids and
1206 // types. This is explained briefly. on the definition of the
1207 // type `cmt`, so go off and read what it says there, then
1208 // come back and I'll dive into a bit more detail here. :) OK,
1209 // back?
1210 //
1211 // In general, the id of the cmt should be the node that
1212 // "produces" the value---patterns aren't executable code
1213 // exactly, but I consider them to "execute" when they match a
1214 // value, and I consider them to produce the value that was
1215 // matched. So if you have something like:
1216 //
1217 // let x = @@3;
1218 // match x {
1219 // @@y { ... }
1220 // }
1221 //
1222 // In this case, the cmt and the relevant ids would be:
1223 //
1224 // CMT Id Type of Id Type of cmt
1225 //
1226 // local(x)->@->@
1227 // ^~~~~~~^ `x` from discr @@int @@int
1228 // ^~~~~~~~~~^ `@@y` pattern node @@int @int
1229 // ^~~~~~~~~~~~~^ `@y` pattern node @int int
1230 //
1231 // You can see that the types of the id and the cmt are in
1232 // sync in the first line, because that id is actually the id
1233 // of an expression. But once we get to pattern ids, the types
1234 // step out of sync again. So you'll see below that we always
1235 // get the type of the *subpattern* and use that.
1237 debug!("cat_pattern: id={} pat={} cmt={}",
1238 pat.id, pprust::pat_to_string(pat),
1239 cmt.repr(self.tcx()));
1241 (*op)(self, cmt.clone(), pat);
1243 let opt_def = self.tcx().def_map.borrow().get(&pat.id).map(|d| d.full_def());
1245 // Note: This goes up here (rather than within the PatEnum arm
1246 // alone) because struct patterns can refer to struct types or
1247 // to struct variants within enums.
1248 let cmt = match opt_def {
1249 Some(def::DefVariant(enum_did, variant_did, _))
1250 // univariant enums do not need downcasts
1251 if !ty::enum_is_univariant(self.tcx(), enum_did) => {
1252 self.cat_downcast(pat, cmt.clone(), cmt.ty, variant_did)
1253 }
1254 _ => cmt
1255 };
1257 match pat.node {
1258 ast::PatWild(_) => {
1259 // _
1260 }
1262 ast::PatEnum(_, None) => {
1263 // variant(..)
1264 }
1265 ast::PatEnum(_, Some(ref subpats)) => {
1266 match opt_def {
1267 Some(def::DefVariant(..)) => {
1268 // variant(x, y, z)
1269 for (i, subpat) in subpats.iter().enumerate() {
1270 let subpat_ty = try!(self.pat_ty(&**subpat)); // see (*2)
1272 let subcmt =
1273 self.cat_imm_interior(
1274 pat, cmt.clone(), subpat_ty,
1275 InteriorField(PositionalField(i)));
1277 try!(self.cat_pattern_(subcmt, &**subpat, op));
1278 }
1279 }
1280 Some(def::DefStruct(..)) => {
1281 for (i, subpat) in subpats.iter().enumerate() {
1282 let subpat_ty = try!(self.pat_ty(&**subpat)); // see (*2)
1283 let cmt_field =
1284 self.cat_imm_interior(
1285 pat, cmt.clone(), subpat_ty,
1286 InteriorField(PositionalField(i)));
1287 try!(self.cat_pattern_(cmt_field, &**subpat, op));
1288 }
1289 }
1290 Some(def::DefConst(..)) | Some(def::DefAssociatedConst(..)) => {
1291 for subpat in subpats {
1292 try!(self.cat_pattern_(cmt.clone(), &**subpat, op));
1293 }
1294 }
1295 _ => {
1296 self.tcx().sess.span_bug(
1297 pat.span,
1298 "enum pattern didn't resolve to enum or struct");
1299 }
1300 }
1301 }
1303 ast::PatQPath(..) => {
1304 // Lone constant: ignore
1305 }
1307 ast::PatIdent(_, _, Some(ref subpat)) => {
1308 try!(self.cat_pattern_(cmt, &**subpat, op));
1309 }
1311 ast::PatIdent(_, _, None) => {
1312 // nullary variant or identifier: ignore
1313 }
1315 ast::PatStruct(_, ref field_pats, _) => {
1316 // {f1: p1, ..., fN: pN}
1317 for fp in field_pats {
1318 let field_ty = try!(self.pat_ty(&*fp.node.pat)); // see (*2)
1319 let cmt_field = self.cat_field(pat, cmt.clone(), fp.node.ident.name, field_ty);
1320 try!(self.cat_pattern_(cmt_field, &*fp.node.pat, op));
1321 }
1322 }
1324 ast::PatTup(ref subpats) => {
1325 // (p1, ..., pN)
1326 for (i, subpat) in subpats.iter().enumerate() {
1327 let subpat_ty = try!(self.pat_ty(&**subpat)); // see (*2)
1328 let subcmt =
1329 self.cat_imm_interior(
1330 pat, cmt.clone(), subpat_ty,
1331 InteriorField(PositionalField(i)));
1332 try!(self.cat_pattern_(subcmt, &**subpat, op));
1333 }
1334 }
1336 ast::PatBox(ref subpat) | ast::PatRegion(ref subpat, _) => {
1337 // box p1, &p1, &mut p1. we can ignore the mutability of
1338 // PatRegion since that information is already contained
1339 // in the type.
1340 let subcmt = try!(self.cat_deref(pat, cmt, 0, None));
1341 try!(self.cat_pattern_(subcmt, &**subpat, op));
1342 }
1344 ast::PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
1345 let context = InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern;
1346 let vec_cmt = try!(self.deref_vec(pat, cmt, context));
1347 let elt_cmt = try!(self.cat_index(pat, vec_cmt, context));
1348 for before_pat in before {
1349 try!(self.cat_pattern_(elt_cmt.clone(), &**before_pat, op));
1350 }
1351 if let Some(ref slice_pat) = *slice {
1352 let slice_ty = try!(self.pat_ty(&**slice_pat));
1353 let slice_cmt = self.cat_rvalue_node(pat.id(), pat.span(), slice_ty);
1354 try!(self.cat_pattern_(slice_cmt, &**slice_pat, op));
1355 }
1356 for after_pat in after {
1357 try!(self.cat_pattern_(elt_cmt.clone(), &**after_pat, op));
1358 }
1359 }
1361 ast::PatLit(_) | ast::PatRange(_, _) => {
1362 /*always ok*/
1363 }
1365 ast::PatMac(_) => {
1366 self.tcx().sess.span_bug(pat.span, "unexpanded macro");
1367 }
1368 }
1370 Ok(())
1371 }
1373 fn overloaded_method_return_ty(&self,
1374 method_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
1375 -> Ty<'tcx>
1376 {
1377 // When we process an overloaded `*` or `[]` etc, we often
1378 // need to extract the return type of the method. These method
1379 // types are generated by method resolution and always have
1380 // all late-bound regions fully instantiated, so we just want
1381 // to skip past the binder.
1382 ty::no_late_bound_regions(self.tcx(), &ty::ty_fn_ret(method_ty))
1383 .unwrap()
1384 .unwrap() // overloaded ops do not diverge, either
1385 }
1386 }
1388 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1389 pub enum InteriorSafety {
1390 InteriorUnsafe,
1391 InteriorSafe
1392 }
1394 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
1395 pub enum Aliasability {
1396 FreelyAliasable(AliasableReason),
1397 NonAliasable,
1398 ImmutableUnique(Box<Aliasability>),
1399 }
1401 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
1402 pub enum AliasableReason {
1403 AliasableBorrowed,
1404 AliasableClosure(ast::NodeId), // Aliasable due to capture Fn closure env
1405 AliasableOther,
1406 UnaliasableImmutable, // Created as needed upon seeing ImmutableUnique
1407 AliasableStatic(InteriorSafety),
1408 AliasableStaticMut(InteriorSafety),
1409 }
1411 impl<'tcx> cmt_<'tcx> {
1412 pub fn guarantor(&self) -> cmt<'tcx> {
1413 //! Returns `self` after stripping away any owned pointer derefs or
1414 //! interior content. The return value is basically the `cmt` which
1415 //! determines how long the value in `self` remains live.
1417 match self.cat {
1418 cat_rvalue(..) |
1419 cat_static_item |
1420 cat_local(..) |
1421 cat_deref(_, _, UnsafePtr(..)) |
1422 cat_deref(_, _, BorrowedPtr(..)) |
1423 cat_deref(_, _, Implicit(..)) |
1424 cat_upvar(..) => {
1425 Rc::new((*self).clone())
1426 }
1427 cat_downcast(ref b, _) |
1428 cat_interior(ref b, _) |
1429 cat_deref(ref b, _, Unique) => {
1430 b.guarantor()
1431 }
1432 }
1433 }
1435 /// Returns `FreelyAliasable(_)` if this lvalue represents a freely aliasable pointer type.
1436 pub fn freely_aliasable(&self, ctxt: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>)
1437 -> Aliasability {
1438 // Maybe non-obvious: copied upvars can only be considered
1439 // non-aliasable in once closures, since any other kind can be
1440 // aliased and eventually recused.
1442 match self.cat {
1443 cat_deref(ref b, _, BorrowedPtr(ty::MutBorrow, _)) |
1444 cat_deref(ref b, _, Implicit(ty::MutBorrow, _)) |
1445 cat_deref(ref b, _, BorrowedPtr(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _)) |
1446 cat_deref(ref b, _, Implicit(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _)) |
1447 cat_downcast(ref b, _) |
1448 cat_interior(ref b, _) => {
1449 // Aliasability depends on base cmt
1450 b.freely_aliasable(ctxt)
1451 }
1453 cat_deref(ref b, _, Unique) => {
1454 let sub = b.freely_aliasable(ctxt);
1455 if b.mutbl.is_mutable() {
1456 // Aliasability depends on base cmt alone
1457 sub
1458 } else {
1459 // Do not allow mutation through an immutable box.
1460 ImmutableUnique(Box::new(sub))
1461 }
1462 }
1464 cat_rvalue(..) |
1465 cat_local(..) |
1466 cat_upvar(..) |
1467 cat_deref(_, _, UnsafePtr(..)) => { // yes, it's aliasable, but...
1468 NonAliasable
1469 }
1471 cat_static_item(..) => {
1472 let int_safe = if ty::type_interior_is_unsafe(ctxt, self.ty) {
1473 InteriorUnsafe
1474 } else {
1475 InteriorSafe
1476 };
1478 if self.mutbl.is_mutable() {
1479 FreelyAliasable(AliasableStaticMut(int_safe))
1480 } else {
1481 FreelyAliasable(AliasableStatic(int_safe))
1482 }
1483 }
1485 cat_deref(ref base, _, BorrowedPtr(ty::ImmBorrow, _)) |
1486 cat_deref(ref base, _, Implicit(ty::ImmBorrow, _)) => {
1487 match base.cat {
1488 cat_upvar(Upvar{ id, .. }) =>
1489 FreelyAliasable(AliasableClosure(id.closure_expr_id)),
1490 _ => FreelyAliasable(AliasableBorrowed)
1491 }
1492 }
1493 }
1494 }
1496 // Digs down through one or two layers of deref and grabs the cmt
1497 // for the upvar if a note indicates there is one.
1498 pub fn upvar(&self) -> Option<cmt<'tcx>> {
1499 match self.note {
1500 NoteClosureEnv(..) | NoteUpvarRef(..) => {
1501 Some(match self.cat {
1502 cat_deref(ref inner, _, _) => {
1503 match inner.cat {
1504 cat_deref(ref inner, _, _) => inner.clone(),
1505 cat_upvar(..) => inner.clone(),
1506 _ => unreachable!()
1507 }
1508 }
1509 _ => unreachable!()
1510 })
1511 }
1512 NoteNone => None
1513 }
1514 }
1517 pub fn descriptive_string(&self, tcx: &ty::ctxt) -> String {
1518 match self.cat {
1519 cat_static_item => {
1520 "static item".to_string()
1521 }
1522 cat_rvalue(..) => {
1523 "non-lvalue".to_string()
1524 }
1525 cat_local(vid) => {
1526 match tcx.map.find(vid) {
1527 Some(ast_map::NodeArg(_)) => {
1528 "argument".to_string()
1529 }
1530 _ => "local variable".to_string()
1531 }
1532 }
1533 cat_deref(_, _, pk) => {
1534 let upvar = self.upvar();
1535 match upvar.as_ref().map(|i| &i.cat) {
1536 Some(&cat_upvar(ref var)) => {
1537 var.user_string(tcx)
1538 }
1539 Some(_) => unreachable!(),
1540 None => {
1541 match pk {
1542 Implicit(..) => {
1543 format!("indexed content")
1544 }
1545 Unique => {
1546 format!("`Box` content")
1547 }
1548 UnsafePtr(..) => {
1549 format!("dereference of unsafe pointer")
1550 }
1551 BorrowedPtr(..) => {
1552 format!("borrowed content")
1553 }
1554 }
1555 }
1556 }
1557 }
1558 cat_interior(_, InteriorField(NamedField(_))) => {
1559 "field".to_string()
1560 }
1561 cat_interior(_, InteriorField(PositionalField(_))) => {
1562 "anonymous field".to_string()
1563 }
1564 cat_interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Index,
1565 VecElement)) |
1566 cat_interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Index,
1567 OtherElement)) => {
1568 "indexed content".to_string()
1569 }
1570 cat_interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern,
1571 VecElement)) |
1572 cat_interior(_, InteriorElement(InteriorOffsetKind::Pattern,
1573 OtherElement)) => {
1574 "pattern-bound indexed content".to_string()
1575 }
1576 cat_upvar(ref var) => {
1577 var.user_string(tcx)
1578 }
1579 cat_downcast(ref cmt, _) => {
1580 cmt.descriptive_string(tcx)
1581 }
1582 }
1583 }
1584 }
1586 impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for cmt_<'tcx> {
1587 fn repr(&self, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>) -> String {
1588 format!("{{{} id:{} m:{:?} ty:{}}}",
1589 self.cat.repr(tcx),
1590 self.id,
1591 self.mutbl,
1592 self.ty.repr(tcx))
1593 }
1594 }
1596 impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for categorization<'tcx> {
1597 fn repr(&self, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>) -> String {
1598 match *self {
1599 cat_static_item |
1600 cat_rvalue(..) |
1601 cat_local(..) |
1602 cat_upvar(..) => {
1603 format!("{:?}", *self)
1604 }
1605 cat_deref(ref cmt, derefs, ptr) => {
1606 format!("{}-{}{}->", cmt.cat.repr(tcx), ptr.repr(tcx), derefs)
1607 }
1608 cat_interior(ref cmt, interior) => {
1609 format!("{}.{}", cmt.cat.repr(tcx), interior.repr(tcx))
1610 }
1611 cat_downcast(ref cmt, _) => {
1612 format!("{}->(enum)", cmt.cat.repr(tcx))
1613 }
1614 }
1615 }
1616 }
1618 pub fn ptr_sigil(ptr: PointerKind) -> &'static str {
1619 match ptr {
1620 Unique => "Box",
1621 BorrowedPtr(ty::ImmBorrow, _) |
1622 Implicit(ty::ImmBorrow, _) => "&",
1623 BorrowedPtr(ty::MutBorrow, _) |
1624 Implicit(ty::MutBorrow, _) => "&mut",
1625 BorrowedPtr(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _) |
1626 Implicit(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, _) => "&unique",
1627 UnsafePtr(_) => "*",
1628 }
1629 }
1631 impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for PointerKind {
1632 fn repr(&self, tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>) -> String {
1633 match *self {
1634 Unique => {
1635 format!("Box")
1636 }
1637 BorrowedPtr(ty::ImmBorrow, ref r) |
1638 Implicit(ty::ImmBorrow, ref r) => {
1639 format!("&{}", r.repr(tcx))
1640 }
1641 BorrowedPtr(ty::MutBorrow, ref r) |
1642 Implicit(ty::MutBorrow, ref r) => {
1643 format!("&{} mut", r.repr(tcx))
1644 }
1645 BorrowedPtr(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, ref r) |
1646 Implicit(ty::UniqueImmBorrow, ref r) => {
1647 format!("&{} uniq", r.repr(tcx))
1648 }
1649 UnsafePtr(_) => {
1650 format!("*")
1651 }
1652 }
1653 }
1654 }
1656 impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for InteriorKind {
1657 fn repr(&self, _tcx: &ty::ctxt) -> String {
1658 match *self {
1659 InteriorField(NamedField(fld)) => {
1660 token::get_name(fld).to_string()
1661 }
1662 InteriorField(PositionalField(i)) => format!("#{}", i),
1663 InteriorElement(..) => "[]".to_string(),
1664 }
1665 }
1666 }
1668 fn element_kind(t: Ty) -> ElementKind {
1669 match t.sty {
1670 ty::ty_rptr(_, ty::mt{ty, ..}) |
1671 ty::ty_uniq(ty) => match ty.sty {
1672 ty::ty_vec(_, None) => VecElement,
1673 _ => OtherElement
1674 },
1675 ty::ty_vec(..) => VecElement,
1676 _ => OtherElement
1677 }
1678 }
1680 impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for ty::ClosureKind {
1681 fn repr(&self, _: &ty::ctxt) -> String {
1682 format!("Upvar({:?})", self)
1683 }
1684 }
1686 impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for Upvar {
1687 fn repr(&self, tcx: &ty::ctxt) -> String {
1688 format!("Upvar({})", self.kind.repr(tcx))
1689 }
1690 }
1692 impl<'tcx> UserString<'tcx> for Upvar {
1693 fn user_string(&self, _: &ty::ctxt) -> String {
1694 let kind = match self.kind {
1695 ty::FnClosureKind => "Fn",
1696 ty::FnMutClosureKind => "FnMut",
1697 ty::FnOnceClosureKind => "FnOnce",
1698 };
1699 format!("captured outer variable in an `{}` closure", kind)
1700 }
1701 }