]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/librustc/middle/ty_relate/mod.rs
Imported Upstream version 1.3.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc / middle / ty_relate / mod.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! Generalized type relating mechanism. A type relation R relates a
12 //! pair of values (A, B). A and B are usually types or regions but
13 //! can be other things. Examples of type relations are subtyping,
14 //! type equality, etc.
16 use middle::subst::{ErasedRegions, NonerasedRegions, ParamSpace, Substs};
17 use middle::ty::{self, Ty, TypeError};
18 use middle::ty_fold::TypeFoldable;
19 use std::rc::Rc;
20 use syntax::abi;
21 use syntax::ast;
23 pub type RelateResult<'tcx, T> = Result<T, ty::TypeError<'tcx>>;
25 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
26 pub enum Cause {
27 ExistentialRegionBound, // relating an existential region bound
28 }
30 pub trait TypeRelation<'a,'tcx> : Sized {
31 fn tcx(&self) -> &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>;
33 /// Returns a static string we can use for printouts.
34 fn tag(&self) -> &'static str;
36 /// Returns true if the value `a` is the "expected" type in the
37 /// relation. Just affects error messages.
38 fn a_is_expected(&self) -> bool;
40 fn with_cause<F,R>(&mut self, _cause: Cause, f: F) -> R
41 where F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R
42 {
43 f(self)
44 }
46 /// Generic relation routine suitable for most anything.
47 fn relate<T:Relate<'a,'tcx>>(&mut self, a: &T, b: &T) -> RelateResult<'tcx, T> {
48 Relate::relate(self, a, b)
49 }
51 /// Relete elements of two slices pairwise.
52 fn relate_zip<T:Relate<'a,'tcx>>(&mut self, a: &[T], b: &[T]) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Vec<T>> {
53 assert_eq!(a.len(), b.len());
54 a.iter().zip(b).map(|(a, b)| self.relate(a, b)).collect()
55 }
57 /// Switch variance for the purpose of relating `a` and `b`.
58 fn relate_with_variance<T:Relate<'a,'tcx>>(&mut self,
59 variance: ty::Variance,
60 a: &T,
61 b: &T)
62 -> RelateResult<'tcx, T>;
64 // Overrideable relations. You shouldn't typically call these
65 // directly, instead call `relate()`, which in turn calls
66 // these. This is both more uniform but also allows us to add
67 // additional hooks for other types in the future if needed
68 // without making older code, which called `relate`, obsolete.
70 fn tys(&mut self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>)
71 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>;
73 fn regions(&mut self, a: ty::Region, b: ty::Region)
74 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Region>;
76 fn binders<T>(&mut self, a: &ty::Binder<T>, b: &ty::Binder<T>)
77 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Binder<T>>
78 where T: Relate<'a,'tcx>;
79 }
81 pub trait Relate<'a,'tcx>: TypeFoldable<'tcx> {
82 fn relate<R:TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>>(relation: &mut R,
83 a: &Self,
84 b: &Self)
85 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Self>;
86 }
88 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
89 // Relate impls
91 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx> {
92 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
93 a: &ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>,
94 b: &ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>)
95 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>>
96 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
97 {
98 debug!("{}.mts({:?}, {:?})",
99 relation.tag(),
100 a,
101 b);
102 if a.mutbl != b.mutbl {
103 Err(TypeError::Mutability)
104 } else {
105 let mutbl = a.mutbl;
106 let variance = match mutbl {
107 ast::MutImmutable => ty::Covariant,
108 ast::MutMutable => ty::Invariant,
109 };
110 let ty = try!(relation.relate_with_variance(variance, &a.ty, &b.ty));
111 Ok(ty::TypeAndMut {ty: ty, mutbl: mutbl})
112 }
113 }
114 }
116 // substitutions are not themselves relatable without more context,
117 // but they is an important subroutine for things that ARE relatable,
118 // like traits etc.
119 fn relate_item_substs<'a,'tcx:'a,R>(relation: &mut R,
120 item_def_id: ast::DefId,
121 a_subst: &Substs<'tcx>,
122 b_subst: &Substs<'tcx>)
123 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Substs<'tcx>>
124 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
125 {
126 debug!("substs: item_def_id={:?} a_subst={:?} b_subst={:?}",
127 item_def_id,
128 a_subst,
129 b_subst);
131 let variances;
132 let opt_variances = if relation.tcx().variance_computed.get() {
133 variances = relation.tcx().item_variances(item_def_id);
134 Some(&*variances)
135 } else {
136 None
137 };
138 relate_substs(relation, opt_variances, a_subst, b_subst)
139 }
141 fn relate_substs<'a,'tcx:'a,R>(relation: &mut R,
142 variances: Option<&ty::ItemVariances>,
143 a_subst: &Substs<'tcx>,
144 b_subst: &Substs<'tcx>)
145 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Substs<'tcx>>
146 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
147 {
148 let mut substs = Substs::empty();
150 for &space in &ParamSpace::all() {
151 let a_tps = a_subst.types.get_slice(space);
152 let b_tps = b_subst.types.get_slice(space);
153 let t_variances = variances.map(|v| v.types.get_slice(space));
154 let tps = try!(relate_type_params(relation, t_variances, a_tps, b_tps));
155 substs.types.replace(space, tps);
156 }
158 match (&a_subst.regions, &b_subst.regions) {
159 (&ErasedRegions, _) | (_, &ErasedRegions) => {
160 substs.regions = ErasedRegions;
161 }
163 (&NonerasedRegions(ref a), &NonerasedRegions(ref b)) => {
164 for &space in &ParamSpace::all() {
165 let a_regions = a.get_slice(space);
166 let b_regions = b.get_slice(space);
167 let r_variances = variances.map(|v| v.regions.get_slice(space));
168 let regions = try!(relate_region_params(relation,
169 r_variances,
170 a_regions,
171 b_regions));
172 substs.mut_regions().replace(space, regions);
173 }
174 }
175 }
177 Ok(substs)
178 }
180 fn relate_type_params<'a,'tcx:'a,R>(relation: &mut R,
181 variances: Option<&[ty::Variance]>,
182 a_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>],
183 b_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>])
184 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>
185 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
186 {
187 if a_tys.len() != b_tys.len() {
188 return Err(TypeError::TyParamSize(expected_found(relation,
189 &a_tys.len(),
190 &b_tys.len())));
191 }
193 (0 .. a_tys.len())
194 .map(|i| {
195 let a_ty = a_tys[i];
196 let b_ty = b_tys[i];
197 let v = variances.map_or(ty::Invariant, |v| v[i]);
198 relation.relate_with_variance(v, &a_ty, &b_ty)
199 })
200 .collect()
201 }
203 fn relate_region_params<'a,'tcx:'a,R>(relation: &mut R,
204 variances: Option<&[ty::Variance]>,
205 a_rs: &[ty::Region],
206 b_rs: &[ty::Region])
207 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Vec<ty::Region>>
208 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
209 {
210 let num_region_params = a_rs.len();
212 debug!("relate_region_params(a_rs={:?}, \
213 b_rs={:?}, variances={:?})",
214 a_rs,
215 b_rs,
216 variances);
218 assert_eq!(num_region_params,
219 variances.map_or(num_region_params,
220 |v| v.len()));
222 assert_eq!(num_region_params, b_rs.len());
224 (0..a_rs.len())
225 .map(|i| {
226 let a_r = a_rs[i];
227 let b_r = b_rs[i];
228 let variance = variances.map_or(ty::Invariant, |v| v[i]);
229 relation.relate_with_variance(variance, &a_r, &b_r)
230 })
231 .collect()
232 }
234 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::BareFnTy<'tcx> {
235 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
236 a: &ty::BareFnTy<'tcx>,
237 b: &ty::BareFnTy<'tcx>)
238 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::BareFnTy<'tcx>>
239 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
240 {
241 let unsafety = try!(relation.relate(&a.unsafety, &b.unsafety));
242 let abi = try!(relation.relate(&a.abi, &b.abi));
243 let sig = try!(relation.relate(&a.sig, &b.sig));
244 Ok(ty::BareFnTy {unsafety: unsafety,
245 abi: abi,
246 sig: sig})
247 }
248 }
250 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::FnSig<'tcx> {
251 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
252 a: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
253 b: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>)
254 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::FnSig<'tcx>>
255 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
256 {
257 if a.variadic != b.variadic {
258 return Err(TypeError::VariadicMismatch(
259 expected_found(relation, &a.variadic, &b.variadic)));
260 }
262 let inputs = try!(relate_arg_vecs(relation,
263 &a.inputs,
264 &b.inputs));
266 let output = try!(match (a.output, b.output) {
267 (ty::FnConverging(a_ty), ty::FnConverging(b_ty)) =>
268 Ok(ty::FnConverging(try!(relation.relate(&a_ty, &b_ty)))),
269 (ty::FnDiverging, ty::FnDiverging) =>
270 Ok(ty::FnDiverging),
271 (a, b) =>
272 Err(TypeError::ConvergenceMismatch(
273 expected_found(relation, &(a != ty::FnDiverging), &(b != ty::FnDiverging)))),
274 });
276 return Ok(ty::FnSig {inputs: inputs,
277 output: output,
278 variadic: a.variadic});
279 }
280 }
282 fn relate_arg_vecs<'a,'tcx:'a,R>(relation: &mut R,
283 a_args: &[Ty<'tcx>],
284 b_args: &[Ty<'tcx>])
285 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>
286 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
287 {
288 if a_args.len() != b_args.len() {
289 return Err(TypeError::ArgCount);
290 }
292 a_args.iter().zip(b_args)
293 .map(|(a, b)| relation.relate_with_variance(ty::Contravariant, a, b))
294 .collect()
295 }
297 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ast::Unsafety {
298 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
299 a: &ast::Unsafety,
300 b: &ast::Unsafety)
301 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ast::Unsafety>
302 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
303 {
304 if a != b {
305 Err(TypeError::UnsafetyMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b)))
306 } else {
307 Ok(*a)
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for abi::Abi {
313 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
314 a: &abi::Abi,
315 b: &abi::Abi)
316 -> RelateResult<'tcx, abi::Abi>
317 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
318 {
319 if a == b {
320 Ok(*a)
321 } else {
322 Err(TypeError::AbiMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b)))
323 }
324 }
325 }
327 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx> {
328 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
329 a: &ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx>,
330 b: &ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx>)
331 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx>>
332 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
333 {
334 if a.item_name != b.item_name {
335 Err(TypeError::ProjectionNameMismatched(
336 expected_found(relation, &a.item_name, &b.item_name)))
337 } else {
338 let trait_ref = try!(relation.relate(&a.trait_ref, &b.trait_ref));
339 Ok(ty::ProjectionTy { trait_ref: trait_ref, item_name: a.item_name })
340 }
341 }
342 }
344 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx> {
345 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
346 a: &ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>,
347 b: &ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>)
348 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>>
349 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
350 {
351 let projection_ty = try!(relation.relate(&a.projection_ty, &b.projection_ty));
352 let ty = try!(relation.relate(&a.ty, &b.ty));
353 Ok(ty::ProjectionPredicate { projection_ty: projection_ty, ty: ty })
354 }
355 }
357 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for Vec<ty::PolyProjectionPredicate<'tcx>> {
358 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
359 a: &Vec<ty::PolyProjectionPredicate<'tcx>>,
360 b: &Vec<ty::PolyProjectionPredicate<'tcx>>)
361 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Vec<ty::PolyProjectionPredicate<'tcx>>>
362 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
363 {
364 // To be compatible, `a` and `b` must be for precisely the
365 // same set of traits and item names. We always require that
366 // projection bounds lists are sorted by trait-def-id and item-name,
367 // so we can just iterate through the lists pairwise, so long as they are the
368 // same length.
369 if a.len() != b.len() {
370 Err(TypeError::ProjectionBoundsLength(expected_found(relation, &a.len(), &b.len())))
371 } else {
372 a.iter().zip(b)
373 .map(|(a, b)| relation.relate(a, b))
374 .collect()
375 }
376 }
377 }
379 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::ExistentialBounds<'tcx> {
380 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
381 a: &ty::ExistentialBounds<'tcx>,
382 b: &ty::ExistentialBounds<'tcx>)
383 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ExistentialBounds<'tcx>>
384 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
385 {
386 let r =
387 try!(relation.with_cause(
388 Cause::ExistentialRegionBound,
389 |relation| relation.relate_with_variance(ty::Contravariant,
390 &a.region_bound,
391 &b.region_bound)));
392 let nb = try!(relation.relate(&a.builtin_bounds, &b.builtin_bounds));
393 let pb = try!(relation.relate(&a.projection_bounds, &b.projection_bounds));
394 Ok(ty::ExistentialBounds { region_bound: r,
395 builtin_bounds: nb,
396 projection_bounds: pb })
397 }
398 }
400 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::BuiltinBounds {
401 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
402 a: &ty::BuiltinBounds,
403 b: &ty::BuiltinBounds)
404 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::BuiltinBounds>
405 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
406 {
407 // Two sets of builtin bounds are only relatable if they are
408 // precisely the same (but see the coercion code).
409 if a != b {
410 Err(TypeError::BuiltinBoundsMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b)))
411 } else {
412 Ok(*a)
413 }
414 }
415 }
417 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::TraitRef<'tcx> {
418 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
419 a: &ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
420 b: &ty::TraitRef<'tcx>)
421 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>
422 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
423 {
424 // Different traits cannot be related
425 if a.def_id != b.def_id {
426 Err(TypeError::Traits(expected_found(relation, &a.def_id, &b.def_id)))
427 } else {
428 let substs = try!(relate_item_substs(relation, a.def_id, a.substs, b.substs));
429 Ok(ty::TraitRef { def_id: a.def_id, substs: relation.tcx().mk_substs(substs) })
430 }
431 }
432 }
434 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for Ty<'tcx> {
435 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
436 a: &Ty<'tcx>,
437 b: &Ty<'tcx>)
438 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
439 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
440 {
441 relation.tys(a, b)
442 }
443 }
445 /// The main "type relation" routine. Note that this does not handle
446 /// inference artifacts, so you should filter those out before calling
447 /// it.
448 pub fn super_relate_tys<'a,'tcx:'a,R>(relation: &mut R,
449 a: Ty<'tcx>,
450 b: Ty<'tcx>)
451 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
452 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
453 {
454 let tcx = relation.tcx();
455 let a_sty = &a.sty;
456 let b_sty = &b.sty;
457 debug!("super_tys: a_sty={:?} b_sty={:?}", a_sty, b_sty);
458 match (a_sty, b_sty) {
459 (&ty::TyInfer(_), _) |
460 (_, &ty::TyInfer(_)) =>
461 {
462 // The caller should handle these cases!
463 tcx.sess.bug("var types encountered in super_relate_tys")
464 }
466 (&ty::TyError, _) | (_, &ty::TyError) =>
467 {
468 Ok(tcx.types.err)
469 }
471 (&ty::TyChar, _) |
472 (&ty::TyBool, _) |
473 (&ty::TyInt(_), _) |
474 (&ty::TyUint(_), _) |
475 (&ty::TyFloat(_), _) |
476 (&ty::TyStr, _)
477 if a == b =>
478 {
479 Ok(a)
480 }
482 (&ty::TyParam(ref a_p), &ty::TyParam(ref b_p))
483 if a_p.idx == b_p.idx && a_p.space == b_p.space =>
484 {
485 Ok(a)
486 }
488 (&ty::TyEnum(a_id, a_substs), &ty::TyEnum(b_id, b_substs))
489 if a_id == b_id =>
490 {
491 let substs = try!(relate_item_substs(relation, a_id, a_substs, b_substs));
492 Ok(tcx.mk_enum(a_id, tcx.mk_substs(substs)))
493 }
495 (&ty::TyTrait(ref a_), &ty::TyTrait(ref b_)) =>
496 {
497 let principal = try!(relation.relate(&a_.principal, &b_.principal));
498 let bounds = try!(relation.relate(&a_.bounds, &b_.bounds));
499 Ok(tcx.mk_trait(principal, bounds))
500 }
502 (&ty::TyStruct(a_id, a_substs), &ty::TyStruct(b_id, b_substs))
503 if a_id == b_id =>
504 {
505 let substs = try!(relate_item_substs(relation, a_id, a_substs, b_substs));
506 Ok(tcx.mk_struct(a_id, tcx.mk_substs(substs)))
507 }
509 (&ty::TyClosure(a_id, ref a_substs),
510 &ty::TyClosure(b_id, ref b_substs))
511 if a_id == b_id =>
512 {
513 // All TyClosure types with the same id represent
514 // the (anonymous) type of the same closure expression. So
515 // all of their regions should be equated.
516 let substs = try!(relation.relate(a_substs, b_substs));
517 Ok(tcx.mk_closure_from_closure_substs(a_id, substs))
518 }
520 (&ty::TyBox(a_inner), &ty::TyBox(b_inner)) =>
521 {
522 let typ = try!(relation.relate(&a_inner, &b_inner));
523 Ok(tcx.mk_box(typ))
524 }
526 (&ty::TyRawPtr(ref a_mt), &ty::TyRawPtr(ref b_mt)) =>
527 {
528 let mt = try!(relation.relate(a_mt, b_mt));
529 Ok(tcx.mk_ptr(mt))
530 }
532 (&ty::TyRef(a_r, ref a_mt), &ty::TyRef(b_r, ref b_mt)) =>
533 {
534 let r = try!(relation.relate_with_variance(ty::Contravariant, a_r, b_r));
535 let mt = try!(relation.relate(a_mt, b_mt));
536 Ok(tcx.mk_ref(tcx.mk_region(r), mt))
537 }
539 (&ty::TyArray(a_t, sz_a), &ty::TyArray(b_t, sz_b)) =>
540 {
541 let t = try!(relation.relate(&a_t, &b_t));
542 if sz_a == sz_b {
543 Ok(tcx.mk_array(t, sz_a))
544 } else {
545 Err(TypeError::FixedArraySize(expected_found(relation, &sz_a, &sz_b)))
546 }
547 }
549 (&ty::TySlice(a_t), &ty::TySlice(b_t)) =>
550 {
551 let t = try!(relation.relate(&a_t, &b_t));
552 Ok(tcx.mk_slice(t))
553 }
555 (&ty::TyTuple(ref as_), &ty::TyTuple(ref bs)) =>
556 {
557 if as_.len() == bs.len() {
558 let ts = try!(as_.iter().zip(bs)
559 .map(|(a, b)| relation.relate(a, b))
560 .collect::<Result<_, _>>());
561 Ok(tcx.mk_tup(ts))
562 } else if !(as_.is_empty() || bs.is_empty()) {
563 Err(TypeError::TupleSize(
564 expected_found(relation, &as_.len(), &bs.len())))
565 } else {
566 Err(TypeError::Sorts(expected_found(relation, &a, &b)))
567 }
568 }
570 (&ty::TyBareFn(a_opt_def_id, a_fty), &ty::TyBareFn(b_opt_def_id, b_fty))
571 if a_opt_def_id == b_opt_def_id =>
572 {
573 let fty = try!(relation.relate(a_fty, b_fty));
574 Ok(tcx.mk_fn(a_opt_def_id, tcx.mk_bare_fn(fty)))
575 }
577 (&ty::TyProjection(ref a_data), &ty::TyProjection(ref b_data)) =>
578 {
579 let projection_ty = try!(relation.relate(a_data, b_data));
580 Ok(tcx.mk_projection(projection_ty.trait_ref, projection_ty.item_name))
581 }
583 _ =>
584 {
585 Err(TypeError::Sorts(expected_found(relation, &a, &b)))
586 }
587 }
588 }
590 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx> {
591 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
592 a: &ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>,
593 b: &ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>)
594 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>>
595 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
596 {
597 let func_substs = try!(relate_substs(relation, None, a.func_substs, b.func_substs));
598 let upvar_tys = try!(relation.relate_zip(&a.upvar_tys, &b.upvar_tys));
599 Ok(ty::ClosureSubsts { func_substs: relation.tcx().mk_substs(func_substs),
600 upvar_tys: upvar_tys })
601 }
602 }
604 impl<'a,'tcx:'a> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::Region {
605 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
606 a: &ty::Region,
607 b: &ty::Region)
608 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Region>
609 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
610 {
611 relation.regions(*a, *b)
612 }
613 }
615 impl<'a,'tcx:'a,T> Relate<'a,'tcx> for ty::Binder<T>
616 where T: Relate<'a,'tcx>
617 {
618 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
619 a: &ty::Binder<T>,
620 b: &ty::Binder<T>)
621 -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Binder<T>>
622 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
623 {
624 relation.binders(a, b)
625 }
626 }
628 impl<'a,'tcx:'a,T> Relate<'a,'tcx> for Rc<T>
629 where T: Relate<'a,'tcx>
630 {
631 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
632 a: &Rc<T>,
633 b: &Rc<T>)
634 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Rc<T>>
635 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
636 {
637 let a: &T = a;
638 let b: &T = b;
639 Ok(Rc::new(try!(relation.relate(a, b))))
640 }
641 }
643 impl<'a,'tcx:'a,T> Relate<'a,'tcx> for Box<T>
644 where T: Relate<'a,'tcx>
645 {
646 fn relate<R>(relation: &mut R,
647 a: &Box<T>,
648 b: &Box<T>)
649 -> RelateResult<'tcx, Box<T>>
650 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>
651 {
652 let a: &T = a;
653 let b: &T = b;
654 Ok(Box::new(try!(relation.relate(a, b))))
655 }
656 }
658 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
659 // Error handling
661 pub fn expected_found<'a,'tcx:'a,R,T>(relation: &mut R,
662 a: &T,
663 b: &T)
664 -> ty::ExpectedFound<T>
665 where R: TypeRelation<'a,'tcx>, T: Clone
666 {
667 expected_found_bool(relation.a_is_expected(), a, b)
668 }
670 pub fn expected_found_bool<T>(a_is_expected: bool,
671 a: &T,
672 b: &T)
673 -> ty::ExpectedFound<T>
674 where T: Clone
675 {
676 let a = a.clone();
677 let b = b.clone();
678 if a_is_expected {
679 ty::ExpectedFound {expected: a, found: b}
680 } else {
681 ty::ExpectedFound {expected: b, found: a}
682 }
683 }